03x13 - Barstow Bound

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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03x13 - Barstow Bound

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on l.a. Law...

Dave! What are you doing here?

Just an impulsive gesture.

I thought you might
like to grab a little sup.

Look, dave, uh,

I kinda have company right now.

Are you alright?

Uh, in point of
fact, no, I'm not.

It seems that my wife
and I have separated.

I don't know what's
happening to me.

I'm desperate.

I can't sleep at night.

I cry... I cry all the time.

Help me!

Look, I'm going to put you
in touch with jane rubens.

She's a first grade therapist.

Fine, anything.

Would dave go?

Dave will do anything
I tell him to do.

You want the truth? Okay.

Here's the truth.

I will no longer feel
ashamed of who I am.

I will no longer apologize
for being a rich schmuck

With a postage meter and
an up-to-date mailing list.

Either you accept dave
meyer for who he is,

And you agree to be mrs.- "Underline mrs."
- Dave meyer

Or we can end this
marriage right now,

And you'll never have to
be embarrassed by me again.

No, I don't have an appointment.

You want me to wait for him?
How long you want me to wait?

You want me to wait
a day? I'll wait a day.

You want me to wait a
week? I'll wait a week.

I don't care. I have
no place to go.

- I have nothing to do.
- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey...

Calm down. What's going on here?

Well, well.

It's really him.

Mr. L.a.

I bet all you ladies just wanna

Rip the clothes
off of this guy, huh?

And I'm sure you've
all been to bed with him

At least a couple
of times, right?

Security is already
on its way up.

I just want five minutes
of your precious time.

- Why?
- Here's why.

- Your wife is divorcing you?
- Yeah.

And she made the papers
out all by her lonesome.

Isn't that somethin' huh?

She changed the locks.

She kicked me out.

Everything, just like you said.

What're you talking about?

Ain't that you, the
guy in the video?

Oh, wait no, wait
a second, this...

The guy who's always
grinning at her,

Talking to her like you've
known her all her life.

I mean why should she
stick with old duane.

She wants arnold becker

With his purple ties
and his really nice tan.

Do you wanna calm
down and talk about this?

We'll go into my office,
we'll talk about it.

Or you can rant and rave,

And you'll be taken out
of here in handcuffs.

Now, what's it gonna be?

- I wanna talk.
- Good.

Sixty seconds, that's it.

- What are all these?
- Store displays for my video.

I don't usually keep
them in the office.

They're just here
for me to sign.

Oh... I guess a picture
of you is all it takes, huh?

Have you and your wife been
to a marriage counselor?

- No.
- Alright, I'm gonna
give you a few names.

She's not interested, okay?

Well, then you might
just have to let her go.

Well, I don't wanna let her go.

Everything between
us was just fine,

And then she's over
at a girlfriend's house,

And she sees this stupid video

And suddenly
everything ain't fine.

I'm asking you to tell her
that she's making a mistake.

It's not my place to do that.

- I'll pay you.
- That's not the point.

I can't save your marriage.

Arnie, your other
meeting's about to start.

Down here, everybody
gets divorced, don't they?

To you, it's no big deal.

That's not true.

All I know is, until a month
ago, my wife loved me.

It was the one thing that I
had that I could hold on to,

The one thing that
made me feel lucky.

And then "arnold becker's
video guide to divorce"

Took it all away.
And now I got nothing!

What was that all about?

Uh, tell me something, leland,

Eh, are you contemplating
retirement any time soon?

Arthur, I have never
contemplated retirement at all.

Well, that being the case,

I'd like to throw something out.


There's a vacancy
on the federal court.

I want you to fill it.

Batteries in these
things get a little...

I didn't quite hear you.

You heard me fine.

Why me?

I've known you for
a long time, leland.

In my opinion, you're
the best qualified.

Now the president's leaving
it up to a certain congressman,

Who'd rather I didn't
mention his name right now.

That congressman
is leaving it up to me.

Won't people want
to know my position

On various issues?

No. No litmus test.

You'll use your judgment,
however, you see fit.

This is pretty
heady stuff, arthur.

It only gets more so.

You know, at my age,
you get to thinking

That all the earth-shattering
stuff is behind you.

I'm ready to set the
wheels in motion, leland.

You just have to
tell me if you want it.

- God, yes, I want it!
- Good.

Where's little kelsey?

We're finally trying
out a new nanny.

And you haven't called home
more than six or seven times

So far today, have you, ann?


Just won't be the same
without that piercing cry...

And a few fettered diapers

In the wastepaper
basket, will it?

Fitzpatrick vs. Steinmitz.

Charlie fitzpatrick was k*lled

When a concrete floor
under construction collapsed.

Now we've already established

That the concrete was defective.

The trick here is proving that
roy steinmitz knew about it,

And greased whoever he had to

To keep the
building on schedule.

Knock 'em dead, victor.

Menders vs. Menders.

- This one of yours too?
- No, mine.

Uh, it's a custody dispute.

The father is a
venezuelan citizen.

We should be going to trial
the beginning of next month.

Okay, good evening.

Zaplin et al vs. Recreational
food stuffs limited.

An uprising of franchisees.

Six independent operators
of art's egg heaven drive-ins

Are suing the franchiser
for removing the animal fat

From their corn dog batter.

They say the dogs
just ain't the same.

Uh, I'd like to meet
with the partners

Sometime this
afternoon, if possible.

Uhh, I've got a deposition
scheduled in pasadena.

I don't think I'll
be done until 4.

Uh, I'm out till late
this afternoon too.

How about 5:30?

5:30 It is, and we're adjourned.

Mr. Klosson,

Would you describe for the court

What happened on
september 10, 1985?

Well, it was just after lunch

And we were taking down
forms on the seventh floor

When they set a load of
steel down on the eighth.

Uh, first I heard a creaking,

Then the rebar snapped

Then there was this,
this thunderclap.

Concrete gave way and
the steel beam fell down.

Caught charlie
fitzpatrick square.

Now, did you observe anything

When they put in this eighth
floor that concerned you?

Objection, your honor.

This man is not an
expert on concrete.

His concern is irrelevant.

He's been a construction
worker for 23 years

And he was working
directly underneath.

I think that qualifies as
relevance, your honor.

The witness may answer.

The concrete had
been sittin' too long.

It should have been dumped.

Uh, they didn't wanna lose
time, so they watered it.

Look, it looked alright
when they poured it,

But had no strength
when it dried.

That's why the floor collapsed.

I ask the last remark
be stricken, your honor.

So stricken.

What happened after
the accident, mr. Klosson?

As soon as the ambulance
took charlie's body away,

They wanted us
to go back to work.

Superintendent said they
had 11 cement trucks lined up

And the word from top
was just to keep on goin'.

I picked up a steel bar
and suggested that

Out of respect for the dead,

We oughtta shut
down for the day.

Um, he thought about
it, and agreed with me.

I have nothing
further, your honor.

Mr. Dowe?

Mr. Klosson, you,
eh, testified earlier

That this accident
happened right after lunch.

Could you tell us, sir,
where you went for lunch?

Ah, I really don't remember.

Well, uh, could it have been
a bar called, "the boynton"?


Did you have a chance to down

A few that day, mr. Klosson?

Your honor... The
concrete didn't collapse

Because someone
had a beer after lunch.

I hope mr. Sifuentes
isn't maintaining

That alcohol can't
contribute to workers

Making mistake on a job,

Mistake that might have
caused this accident.

You ever been on a
construction site?

Mr. Klosson.

Has that rat-bastard
sitting over there beside you

Ever been on a
construction site?

I've been on plenty.

Yeah, they put a
hard hat on your head

And take your picture

And then you get
in the limo and leave!

Mr. Klosson.

The men who worked there
know what happened, roy,

Because we know you.

Put 'em up fast,
put 'em up cheap,

And whoever dies, dies!

Hell, that's what
you hire a lawyer for!

I wasn't expecting this.

- Believe me.
- So, did you hesitate?

Not for a second.

I'm thrilled for you, leland.

You know, I think this
is something that I've...

Well, that I've always wanted.

So, what's your
timetable looking like?

Well, they want to expedite it,

So, I'll probably be sworn in

Before the start
of the fall term.

- How about ties to the firm?
- Very limited.

I'll be giving up this office

And pretty much staying
out of firm business.

Naturally, I'll also
disqualify myself

Anytime the firm has an
interest in the case and...

That's alright, leland.

We'll just, uh, bask in
your reflected glow.

Ah, you wish...

You're looking
uncharacteristically quiet, douglas?

I guess I'm just thinking
about the void that'll be left.

Voids get filled, douglas.
It's a law of nature.

I'm not so sure about this one.

On the other hand,

I don't know anyone
who'd make a better judge

Or who'd love being one more.

Congratulations, your honor.

Aww, come on, come on!

Excuse me, excuse me... Coming.

Could you make it to diandra?


- Oh, it's for my daughter.
- Uh-huh.

Every day, I ask myself,

"Why couldn't she have
found someone like you

Instead of that
bastard she married?"

My son-in-law, the writer.

People just wanna be near him.

It is an intangible
quality, murray.

If I could duplicate it, I
would rule the world.

Can I tell you your
clothes are fabulous?

Thank you.

My husband and I are
still together by the way.

Every time he starts in with me,

I play the tape, I tell him,

"Lenny, that's who I'll get."

This is what I'd
like you to write.

Word for word.

Mr. Olshan,

Would you examine this
document and tell the court

If that's your signature there
at the bottom of the page?

It is.

Would you identify the document?

It's a certificate of
inspection for the eighth floor

Concrete slab on the
federal office building.

I ask that it be
admitted into evidence

As defense exhibit number 1.

So ordered.

Now mr. Olshan,

Isn't the case that that
certificate indicates

That the concrete was
inspected and tested

And found to conform to
the approved specifications

- In the drawings?
- Uh, yes.

And if mr. Roy steinmitz was
relying on that certificate,

He had every reason to believe

That the concrete on the
eighth floor in his building

- Was fine, right?
- I guess so.

Thank you. No further
questions, your honor.

Mr. Olshan, where did you
take this sample of concrete

That you tested from, sir?

I took it from the truck.

Hmm... So if the concrete
was being watered

On the eighth floor,

Testing in that truck
wouldn't reveal that, would it?

Well, it didn't occur to me

That they'd be watering
it on the eighth floor.

Uh-huh, I guess it also
didn't occur to you

To check the reinforcing steel.

If it had, you would have known

That it was set every 12 inches

Instead of every 9 as
indicated in the drawings.

Well, look, things
get a little hectic.

I took somebody's word
for it. I shouldn't have.

I don't know.

Didn't seem to upset
your supervisor too much.

You didn't get fired, did you?

No, I didn't get fired.

You weren't even suspended!

Tell us, were there any
consequences at all, sir?

My supervisor didn't feel, uh,

Disciplinary action
was warranted.

What can I say?
Everybody makes mistakes!

Yeah, is everyone
paid to make them?


Alright, come on, let's tell
the truth here, mr. Olshan.

Roy steinmitz greased you,
he greased your supervisor,

He greased whoever he had to,

That's why you signed
off on those certificates

And that's why
you weren't fired.

Mr. Sifuentes, there's
been an objection.

That objection is sustained.

Counsel's last
remarks are stricken.

Mr. Olshan,

Did you happen to
see charlie fitzpatrick

After that floor
collapsed on him?

- Yeah, I saw him.
- Mm-hmm.

Did you feel responsible, sir?

For the concrete collapsing? No.

- How about m*rder?
- m*rder?

How about making
this woman a widow?

I didn't do that.

How about robbing her
children of their father?

I didn't put that floor
in, somebody else did.

It was their mistakes
that k*lled him.

But you covered
up their mistakes!

No one would've
been under that floor

If you hadn't said it was safe!

Well, I thought it was safe!

Oh, you didn't give a
darn one way or another.

You knew how expensive
it was to shut down a job,

To take out a... A
defective concrete slab,

You wanted to save
roy steinmitz's money.

Hey, lawyer, are you gonna
say somethin' here or what?

- Mr. Olshan.
- Well, your honor,

How come he's not
objecting to something?

I'm not the one on trial here!

Well, maybe you should be!

You know, you've been a
building inspector for 19 years.

How many other deaths
are you responsible for?

No, no, no, no... Now
just... Just wait a minute.

How many other wives
lost their husbands?

How many other children
lost their fathers?

The pension isn't worth it.

You know that the
pension isn't worth it.

Isn't worth what?

I've got 11 months
left to retire,

And I'm not gonna make it.

Sure, I looked the
other way on that job.

- I did what I was told to do.
- Objection, your honor.

Your honor, let
me finish, please!

Go ahead.

Well, it was understood
that steinmitz had a friend.

- Objection.
- What does "understood" mean?

It means everyone knew it.

Everyone knew that his friend
wanted the job done "on time."

Everyone knew not to make waves.

Who was that friend, mr. Olshan?

- Congressman, andrew barnett.
- That's a lie.

Sit down, mr. Steinmitz.

You were supposed to
build it just a little cheaper,

Just a little flimsier. No
one was supposed to die.

Your honor, I
want this stricken.

- Mr. Olshan.
- I got no excuse, mrs.

I did a real bad thing.

But it wasn't just me,

And I got the
records to prove it.

Your honor...

At this time, I would like
to make an application

For a continuance,

So that I may conduct
additional discovery.

Based on what?

Even if these
allegations are true,

And I most strongly
deny that they are,

There's no punitive damages

In a wrongful death
suit, it's irrelevant!

I'm gonna take it
under advisement.

We'll convene tomorrow at 10.

Pretty soon you'll
be thinking of us

As just the little people.

- Speak for yourself.
- No, he's right, ann!

Sure. I will come and visit you,

I'll see you in
your little offices

Working at your little desks.

His tux, it's truly ascended.

Well, I've had this
tux for 10 years now.

It doesn't matter I can
tell by the way you wear it.

- You're already a judge.
- Shhhh!

See you all in the morning.

We should probably talk
about this at some point.

Yeah... This is gonna be
official before we know it.

Leland will be sworn in.

And douglas brackman

Will be the senior
partner of our firm.

I think we should
talk about it now.


For one such as yourself
who's assiduously managed

To avoid the "mash
potato circuit."

Tonight there is sure to
be something of a shock.

Well, truth to tell,

I go to so few
political parties,

I'm actually looking
forward to it.

What's victor sifuentes
all about, leland?

Victor? He is a
top-flight trial lawyer.


He's gunning for andy barnett.

I don't know anything about it.

Well, this afternoon,

Some building inspector
made up a story

To take the heat off himself

And... Suddenly sifuentes is
going after a congressman.

For what reason?

Barnett is the odds on
favorite to run for senate

Next time around.

Sifuentes has a chance
to make his bones.

- That's not victor.
- No?

This well-spoken,
good-looking latino

Couldn't be harboring any
political ambition of his own?

Whether he is or not,

That wouldn't be
how he'd further it.

We have a real
problem here, leland.

Andy barnett's the congressman

Who's sponsoring
you for the bench.

That's a little bit of
a coincidence, isn't it?

Yes, it is a coincidence.

Andy barnett has a
bright future ahead of him,

Beyond his district,
beyond the state as well.

People will try all kinds
of things to derail him.

Now, you're the senior partner.

I think you should
talk to your associate.

Douglas is douglas, arnie,
and certain things about him

Will never change, which
is exactly what worries me.

Don't forget leland
has always been here

To hold him in check.

According to the
partnership agreement,

Douglas assumes
all of leland's power.

Yeah, unfortunately
that's all he'll assume.

The only thing that'll matter
around here will be money,

And you can forget
about pro bono work, huh!

He'll look to shut
that down altogether.

Look, since he thinks
we're all against him anyway,

A siege mentality will set in.

He'll get one of those
electric door closers

For his office and
communicate only in writing.

I-i shudder to think what
he's gonna try to impose

On the associates
and secretaries.

You think victor sifuentes
is going to put with it?

Mckenzie leaves, he's gone.

Well, I'll tell you somethin'.

I sure as hell
can't show douglas

The deference I
showed the old man.

He hasn't earned
it. I don't feel it.

And if he insists
on it, I'm gone too.

The truth is that
we're all gone, it...

Might take six months,
might take a year.

It's pretty depressing to think

That mckenzie-brackman
without mckenzie

Will just break apart
and vanish into thin air.

There'll be some yelling,
and a lawsuit, or two,

But in the end,

The moving men will come
and move out the boxes.


You've been here all night?

Oh! Huh.

Yeah, walter all of a
sudden presented me

With four transfer
cases worth of documents.

I was up until 4 a.m.,
Going through 'em.

I figure that if the judge
doesn't grant me the continuance,

At least I'll be able to
argue with him about that.

What is it you think
you're gonna find victor?

Evidence that steinmitz
was deliberately ignoring

The building code, that he
was using congressman barnett

To intervene on his behalf.

Intervening with whom?

The city. Building department.

This will help your client?

Yeah, I think that the
jury will come back

With a significantly
bigger award

If they think that
steinmitz was dirty.

What if you're
wrong about barnett?

I drop back 10 yards and I punt.

What does he do?

And people remember accusations,

Whether they get proven, or not.

I wouldn't be
doing this, leland,

If I didn't think I
could prove it.

And I think you know me
well enough to know that.

You're right. Well,
I'll leave it up to you.

Thanks. I, uh... Gotta
get ready for court.

I know.

Right here.

Excuse me, victor... Victor.

You think we can grab a room,

Sit down and talk
for a few minutes?

Sure, barney.

Benny, would you mind
waiting over here by this bench

Until I get back, huh? Thanks.

Victor, let's be
realistic for a minute.

I'm being realistic.

Your client has a funny
habit of declaring bankruptcy.

If he didn't have to wait
seven years between filings,

- He would have done it here.
- I can't pay

What I don't have.

Sir I'm not willing
to take your word

For what it is you do have.

You've got a real
tiger here, mary.

He's gonna make a
big name for himself

Goin' after a united
states congressman.

Barney, you wanna keep this
thing between me and you here?

I'm the one who signs the check.

She's the one who gets it.

Or what you leave her anyway.

Mary, charlie would
know I was being fair.

You never called him
"charlie" while he was alive.

Why you callin'
him "charlie" now?

Victor, it is a good offer.

Don't waste your breath on him.

He's got stars in
his eyes, don't you?

Come on, mary.

Tell your client
his offer is rejected.

Is it rejected, mary?

This is my lawyer,
mr. Steinmetz.

You can ask him.

Boy, getting' between a lawyer

And some free publicity is
like getin' between a doberman

And his food, ain't it?

You're not gonna
do any better, mary.

If you win, I'll
appeal this as death.

- Mr. Sifuentes?
- Yeah.

Representative, andrew barnett.

- Mrs. Fitzpatrick?
- Yes.

How do you do, ma'am?

Roy, how're you? Congressman.

Does this trip come under the heading
of damage control, congressman?

Hm... This trip comes under
the heading of pure outrage,

I think to... Say that
I've used my good offices

To endanger public
safety, it's... It offends me.

It offends my family.

Before I get on a plane
back to washington,

You'll see these
charges disappear.

I only hope that you...
Forward the truth

With the same coverage
that you do these lies?

Thank you, congressman.

Can I get by you
please? Stay here.

we have a report...

And so congressman,

Had roy steinmetz gone to you

And said that he
was having a problem

Complying with
the building code,

What would your
response have been?

I would have said, "roy,
get down to the job site

And kick some butt.

If the people you have can't get
the job done, get people who can."

I see, in other
words, you would not,

You did not use your influence
to permit roy steinmetz

To violate the
building code, right?

I think what you're
really asking is

Whether I will willfully
endanger people's lives?

The answer is "no."

Thank you congressman, barnett.

No further questions.

Your honor,

At this time, I respectfully
request once again

That the court
grant a continuance,

So that I can adequately prepare

To cross-examine this witness.

Application denied,
mr. Sifuentes.

The witness is a sitting
united states congressman.

He is present and available now.

I think you can proceed.

This federal
office building, sir...

Is it fair to say that
you had something to do

With it being built
in your district?

I think it's fair to say that...

I do my level best to look
after my constituents.

- Is that a yes?
- Yes.

And, did the steinmitz
construction company

Contribute to your
last campaign, sir?

Yes, they did.

I would ask that the
congressman produce records...

Of all campaign contributions

Made by the steinmitz
construction company,

By roy steinmitz personally,

And any corporate pacts

That roy steinmitz has
a personal interest in.

Objection, your honor.
This is a fishing expedition.

He is entitled to it, mr. Dowe.

Said records are to be produced.

Now I understand, sir, that...

You had a house
built for yourself

In la jolla last
year, is that right?

Objection, your honor.

What possible relevance
does that have to this case?


Yes, mr. Sifuentes,

I had a house built in la jolla.

- Who built it, sir?
- Roy steinmitz built it.

Believe me, it's all up to code.

I have no doubt that a house that
he would build for you would be.

Objection to the implication.

Objection to the innuendo.

Sustained, strike it.

I would ask that
the witness produce

Any and all cancelled checks

Payable to the steinmitz
construction company

For work done on his house.

Your honor,
plaintiff's counsel is...

Attempting to obscure
the real issues in this case

With wholly
unsubstantiated charges.

With all due respect, I
need more than 24 hours

To be able to substantiate them.

I need to be able to subpoena
other building inspectors,

City officials, supervisors.

I need time to go through all these
documents that I've been given here.

- I'll give you two weeks.
- Thank you.

Your honor... Sorry, mr. Dowe.

I'm changing my ruling.

These are serious allegations

That go directly to the
conduct of the defendant.

Your honor, I would
also like to say,

Someone else once
pointed to documents

He claimed to have
in his possession.

Someone else
once used his 'canar'

To stain the character
of innocent people.

That someone was
joseph mccarthy,

And I think what
we're seeing here

Is his modern day equivalent.

Your honor, I want that
stricken from the record.

So stricken. We'll reconvene
two weeks from today.

- Excuse me, mrs. Fitzpatrick.
- Yes?

Could i, uh, talk
to you for a minute?

You don't mind if I come along,

- Do you congressman?
- Not at all counselor.

Uh, give us a few
minutes, will you gents?

I'll... I'll catch up with you.

I wanna see if maybe we
can put our heads together

And come up with
a solution to this.

Are you authorized to
speak for roy steinmitz?

I think you and I got off
on the wrong foot, victor.

You are a fighter,
which is fine,

But I think mary
needs a protector.

I think she needs someone
who's gonna make sure

The mortgage is paid, the
health insurance kept up.

Someone who's gonna guarantee

That when charlie jr. And
kevin are ready for college,

They'll be able to go.

You even know them by name!

Why are we here congressman?

Roy steinmetz is
offering a million dollars

On a 10-year payout.

That is a hundred
thousand dollars a year!

Now, properly invested,

That will give you
some real security.

And what happens when roy
steinmitz goes bankrupt next year?

That won't make the
least bit of difference.

That debt will be paid
because I say it will be paid.

Who's ever known
a politician to lie?

Oh, victor...

You may not be as smart
as I thought you were.

What are you lookin'
up? Find fault here?

Or to secure a future
for mary and her boys?

Congressman, I already
know who's at fault.

Well then, let's move on.

Your late husband
wanted to make sure

That you were taken care of

And you have my
word that you will be.

Can we have your signature
on a personal guarantee?

Absolutely not.

That would be
highly inappropriate

For an elected official.

Mary, I have to
ask for your trust.

What do you think?

Mary, I think the
congressman would say

Anything he had to,
to shut this trial down.

That's exactly why I think
that we can trust him.

He doesn't want you goin'
through those papers, victor.

He does not want
me to have any reason

To go back into court.

I can understand
you being cynical,

But you have my friendship
if you choose to accept it.

Alright, congressman.

You'll never regret it.

I don't think it's as
important to find a villain

As it is to make sure
that your needs are met

And those sons of
yours have a future.

I know what you're going to say.

Mary, you are letting
this barnett guy

Just walk outta here.

Who knows what
else this guy has done?

How many other buildings
were built this way?

I can't be the one
to find that out.

I am a middle-aged woman

With no husband and
two sons to raise.

Now I can either fight these men

And their lawyers for years

Or I can just take
what they offer me

And have someone
that'll protect me.

What choice do I have, victor?

Come in, arthur.

I thought I made my
feelings about andy barnett

Pretty clear the other night?

I satisfied myself that
sifuentes was acting...

Strictly on behalf
of our client.

Now wait a minute. That's
strictly beside the point.

I asked you for a small favor!

What favor was that?

I asked you to lay off barnett.

I asked you to call off
your dog. You didn't do it!

This is the way
you treat me now,

How're you gonna treat me
with a lifetime appointment

In your pocket?

That would depend on
what you're asking me for.

No sir. If I see fit to ask,
you see fit to deliver.

Where I come from, you dance
with the one who brung you.


You would've made a
hell of a judge, leland.


It's too bad you were
looking for a whore.

Don't be so quick to
congratulate yourself.

For the right price,
everyone's a whore.

In your world, that
might very well be true.

Didn't you ever stop
and think, arthur?

That for all your prestige,
you're only a bagman?

Your whole life is
spent doling out payoffs

To whatever flunkies
you're able to enlist.

Enjoy your purity, leland.

It's always comforting
to feel morally superior

To those with more
power than yourself.

All that power.

And you're just another hog,

Feeding from the trough,

Trying to figure out
who to suck up to next!

Go on, get outta here, arthur!

I can't breathe from the stink!

- Guys about done?
- Just about.

Thanks for all your
help here, benny.

Do you need me
for anything else?

No, I can handle it from here.

Are you per chance ever
available to do trade shows?

What are they?

Well, this year we've got
a bisque statuary booth

At the novelty and
gift show in san diego

And a cocktail in a can booth

At the wines and
spirits show in pasadena.

Maybe you could, uh,

Pick up a little extra
dough for the weekends.

Uh, sure!

Say, arn...

This might be a good time
to clear the air, so to speak.

What about?

About this whole kind
of tripartite substratum

That exists among
the three of us.

Roxanne's attraction to
you, me and rox, you and me?

Maybe another time, dave.

I've... I've gotta
get to a meeting.

Dave, did you talk
to him about that?

Of course.

Isn't one purpose of
our counseling sessions

To talk about our emotions?

To each other, david.

To each other, not
to the world at large.

Alright, I stand corrected.

Nothing's private.

It-it's all grist for the
mill with you, isn't it?

Everything's broadcast on
your own personal hit parade.

Excuse me, roxanne!

But as I recall, it was
you who were intent

On exposing our private
life to a therapist.

So she can help us.

Not so I can hear myself talk.


I shouldn't have talked about
it in the context that I did.

I need to exercise
more discretion.

Another corner turned.

So, basically that's the story.

Leland won't be leaving
for the federal bench.

You don't know why?

He didn't say, just
that it was definite.

Boy... So it's, uh...
Business as usual?

For now... But there's
something I wanna say.

One day leland will
leave. He'll retire.

He'll get another
judgeship. He'll die.

- And?
- And...

I have reason to believe
this firm would dissolve.

I would be the
ranking senior partner

And... I guess the
people in this room

Don't trust my leadership.

Some, maybe all, might leave.

I wonder if it's ever
occurred to anyone

That if I'm hard-headed,

And constantly focused
on the bottom line,

It's because the
role I play in this firm

Requires me to be.

When my father was here,

Leland mckenzie was
the office manager.

As one who listened
to descriptions of him

At the dinner table growing up,

Let me assure you,

He was every bit the
villain I suppose I am.

He was capable of changing.

I think I am too.

Of course, if we don't
trust one another,

If we need to meet
behind each other's backs,

Then... None of that matters.

We might just as
well close up shop

And go our separate ways.

I hope that doesn't happen.

This firm means a
great deal to me.

You people mean
a great deal to me.

Just so you know, uh,
put a hole in my office wall

About the size of a football
when I got back from court.

I... I wanna keep it there,

Just to remind me
what cesspools,

The hallowed halls of
government really are.

It probably works to
your client's advantage

In this case.

She may have made a
pact with the devil, but

The devil keeps his word.


Oh! By the way, congratulations
on the judgeship.

Uh, beat the news out
of kuzak this morning.

Oh, no, no...

No, there's not
gonna be a judgeship.

- I thought it was a lock.
- No...

Cesspools are tricky places.

You don't always know.

Does this have anything
to do with barnett, leland?

Let's just say that I wasn't
who they wanted me to be.

'Cause you didn't
pull me off him?

No, I didn't.

And I'm sure

In my place, you wouldn't
have done it either.

I don't know...

It's easier to say
you'd refuse something

When it hasn't been
offered to you.

It's also easier to indulge
yourself in thinking

That the standards
of personal integrity

Are somewhat lower in a
downtown anglo law firm

Than in this pd's office
of some storefront

Legal clinic in east la.

You pretty much lost
that one up for me.

It may not make
you a judge, leland,

But I think it makes
you a great man.

Victor, I have no idea
what makes a man great.

At this particular
moment though,

I'll just say thank you

And... I'll let you
think what you want.

- Get in!
- What're you doing?

I'm bringing my wife a present.

Now get in!

Look, wait, let-let's
talk about this.

- We'll talk on the way.
- On the way where?

Barstow. You ever
been to barstow?

I'm not driving to
barstow, duane.

Mr. Becker... I really
think that you should do

What I am asking you to do.

This isn't gonna
save your marriage.

Put it in drive and let's go.

Shut up!

I once was home, sweet home.

I have nothing here, 'cept you!

- Duane!
- I've got somethin'.

Oh, god...

- Oh! My god!
- You wanted him, you got him.

Prince freakin' charming.

Duane! Have you lost your mind?

I hope he's a lover 'cause
he sure ain't no fighter

Are ya hot shot?

Now look! Now, put
down the stupid g*n!

I just wanted you to
see what he looked like

When he was scared.

- Are you scared now, arnie?
- Yes, I am very scared.

Well, what does that
make you? Some kinda hero?

You are gonna go to jail!

I don't care. Isn't
that somethin'.

I really don't care.

I'm not trying to come
between the two of you.

Oh, but you did.

Look! She even stole
that stupid picture of you

From some shopping mall.

Duane! Are you
so hard up for pity

That you humiliate me this way!

I just wanna hold on
to you, hallie, okay?

- And I don't know how?
- Oh, god...

I-i just wanna
show you somethin'.

- Can I say something?
- I wish you would.

I think you both had better take
a long hard look at yourselves,

And duane, if you think that
your wife wants a divorce

Because of this videotape...

Then I don't think you
take her very seriously.

- That's right.
- What?

You don't think what I'm doin' here
tonight is taking you seriously?

No, I don't, I call it
"acting like an idiot!"

What you want
me to do? k*ll him?

No problem!

- This isn't about me.
- Well the hell it ain't!

She looks at you in that
video over and over again!

She talks to her friends
about you on the phone!

What should I do?
Pretend that I'm happy?

Act like livin' with
you in a trailer

In barstow is all I ever want?

Well, lemme tell you,
I can't act that good.


Are you saying that you
could never be happy with me?

Yeah. That is what I'm sayin'.

Duane, you're not
driving anywhere, are you?

Oh, what the hell do you
care what I do anyway?

Well, I don't want
you killin' yourself

And I don't think you'll
be needing that g*n.

Are you gonna have him arrested?

No, to tell you the truth, um,

I-i think all I really
wanna do is call a cab

And have this whole
thing come to an end.

Right, um.

Well, right this way.

The number's h-here,
right here on the calendar.

You look like you could
use somethin' to drink.

Here we go, cocktail in a can.

- Yeah, I need a cab.
- Hold on. Where are we?

Oh, I'll... I'll tell them.

We're at main line
trailer park, uh,

Row 9, third hookup.

Uh, well, I believe
he's going to la, right.

- Can I make you
somethin' to eat?
- No, thank you.

Well... Let's go on
in the living room.

I like to call it the
livin' room anyway.


W-what all did d-duane
tell you about me?

Uh, just that you
were unhappy, uh.

- You wanted out.
- And he don't know why.

You know, duane is a
nice guy, believe it or not.

There's just not a
whole lot I can tell him.

Breaking up is always
the worst part,

But in time, your life
will get back to normal.

You have no idea what
normal is around here.

What do you mean?


You know, every week you
go down to the pick and save

And you load up your
basket and buy a new tv guide,

You count yourself lucky that
you-you got food on the table

And a husband
that don't hit you.

Deep down inside,
you can't help...

Feeling that you're
put here by mistake.

I mean, it's like god
forgot about you

And your... Life's running out.

Women have options now.

You don't wanna live in barstow.

Move, make a new
life for yourself.

There's no such
thing as a new life.

I'm stuck with this one.

I-i'm not like the
women you know.

I can't sing, or
act, or nothin'.

I ain't smart.

The only way I'll ever
get outta here is a man.

The ones I know
don't wanna leave.

That is, 'till you came along.

You don't know the
first thing about me.

I want to though.

I wanna walk across
a big green lawn,

Holdin' hands with you.

I wanna, I wanna sit at
one of them double sinks,

You know, doin' my makeup...

Have you kiss me as you walk by.

I-i-i don't know what to say...

'Cause that's not gonna happen.


I mean... Why is
it that it can't?

Because our lives have
nothing to do with each other,

Because I'm not looking
for the same things

You're looking for,
because, because, because...

There are a million reasons.

I am only standing here now

Because someone
put a g*n to my head.

Could I just ask you to hold me

Before that cab comes
and takes you away?

Hey, hey, hey! Time-out.

Don't tell me you've
never slept with a woman

On the spur of the moment?

Please, don't put
your hands on me!

Don't try to turn me on,
this isn't going to happen,

I-i'm not interested in you.

I'm sorry. I don't know
how else to put it.

You can't say that I
don't have a good body.

I am not the guy who is
going to change your life,

Do you understand that?

- I am not that guy.
- I don't care!

I want to pretend that you are!

There's your cab, mr. Becker.
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