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05x13 - Hidden Agenda

Posted: 08/28/22 10:39
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

Take her slow, there, Rick.

Could be gas behind that wall.


Cave in!


[both grunting]

Get my boy out of here.

I ain't leaving you, Pa!

The gas, Sam!

When it hits that wiring,

the whole tunnel will go up!

You got to blast yourself
out of here!

[both grunting]

Hang on!


[workers shouting]

[man 1]
Did you see that?

Way to go, Sam!

You're a darn fool, Sam Guthrie.

And you don't mind your pa!

But you're one heck
of a good son.

And then, there was

this huge expl*si*n,

and Pa and Mr. Ireland and Sam

came sh**ting right out
of the middle of it.

Paige, you weren't even there.

Sarah's brother told her
and she told me.

He said you were so close
to the flames,

your boots melted.

Come on, Paige.
You know nothing can touch me

when I'm blasting!

Well, you may be Superman

when you're flying,
but you're just like

the rest of us when you're not.

Oh, I just can't take
the both of you

working in those mines.

You got to start thinking
about the future, Sam.

Oh, Ma!

Your mama is right, Sam.

You got better things
ahead of you

than working your life away

in a hole in the ground.

That's what I keep telling
the boy, Ed.

If we both keep saying it,
maybe he'll listen
to one of us.

Mr. Kirkland! Come on in!

-Maybe you can talk some sense
into the boy!
-[door opens]

Well, Sam,

I hear you're the town hero.

No, just a lot of fuss
about nothing.

That's not what I heard.

Listen, Sam, I want you
to reconsider our offer.

You'd have your pick
of colleges and be doing

a great service
to your country.

I... I just don't feel

like I'm ready yet, sir.

It's a mighty big step
leaving home and all.

Nobody's ever ready
to leave home, Sam.

But everybody has to make
their own way in the world.

That's what being a man
is all about.

I know, sir. It's just...

Uh, can I have a little more
time to think about it?

Sure, Sam.
I'll drop by in a week or so

and we'll talk, all right?

Ed, Ellen, good seeing you.

And don't you worry,

we'll bring Sam around yet.

The kid's not cooperating.

He's going to need
more convincing.

It's time
for a less subtle approach.


Too bad,,chere.

Look like Gambit gonna win
the match!

What Gambit get if he win?

Gambit gonna get a fat lip
if he don't watch out!

Just sh**t, swamp boy!

All right, we negotiate later.

Eight ball in the side...

Mail call!

Bad timing, McCoy.

So what's in the mailbag, Hank?

Well, in addition
to the superfluous

catalog enticements,

there's a news report

which piqued my interest.

A Samuel Guthrie, age 16,

of Cumberland, Kentucky,

appears to have used
his mutant abilities

to avert a mining disaster

despite the ongoing animosity
of a suspicious town.

Must be tough
being the only mutant in town.

Maybe I ought to go down
and say "hey."

No 16-year-old boy
could mind a visit

from a good old Southern gal.

And I could use a vacation.

-Wait a minute.
-An excellent idea, Rogue.

There's my
Philologist's Quarterly!

Why you think
this kid need our help?

It's a small town, Remy.

Folks can get nasty
over a kid being different.

Or don't you remember?

You know,
the open road get awful lonely.

You need some company, chere?

Ha! You kidding?

You're the one I need
a vacation from!

Darndest thing.
Lost two mares to it already

and three more are ailing.

Doctor's never seen
anything like it.

Any mutants around your farm?

Anybody with weird powers?

Just the Guthrie boy,
but he lives

a good two miles down the road.

Why'd you ask?

Fellow over at Pardee

lost 20 cows in a week.

Come to find out
his help was a mutant.

County agent said
he was giving off

some kind of radiation.

Radiation! sh**t!

I don't care
what kind of big shot hero
he's supposed to be,

I never did like them Guthries.

You can't be too careful
when radiation's concerned.

-Well, good luck.
-Them blasted mutants!

[rock music playing]

-Hey, you Kenny Jenkins?
-Who's asking?

I'm Chad Prince,
Sarah's cousin,
from over in Pardee?

-How you doing?

you still going with Shelly?

She's private stock, man.

I know!
That's why it tripped me out

to see her with Sam Guthrie!

What are you talking about?

She was with that flying freak
over in Slemp
last Wednesday night.

Looked pretty serious.

She told me she went
to visit her aunt!

That's cold, man,

two-timing you
with that mutie geek.

Thanks, man.

I'll get it!

Can I help you?


Who is it, Paige?

Is somebody from...

-You must be Sam.

I'm, uh, Ms. LeBeau.

Folks at my school work
with special kids like you.

It's just that when I fly,

nothing can hurt me.

It comes in real handy,
but it sure scares folks.

Do you like working
in the mines?

You know, I never really
thought about it.

Most everybody around here
works in the mine.

Always have.

I reckon your folks just want

something better for you.

And maybe they worry
about you being different.

It can be hard sometimes.

Some people
get real upset about it.

And Mr. Kirkland says
that it's not all that rare.

Who's Mr. Kirkland?

He works for the government.

He has some research project

he wants me to join up with.

He says it's sort of like
a Peace Corps

for the people
with special powers.

Really? Sounds interesting.

He says
it's just getting started.

I like helping people
and I reckon

God gave me
these powers for a reason.

-Only what, Sam?

I don't know.

This here's my home,
Ms. LeBeau.

This is where I belong.

I don't really want to go
anywhere else.

I can't say
as I blame you, Sam.

He's a good kid, Hank.

I think he just like
to stay here in Kentucky

with his family.

Sam does say

a guy's been hanging around,

offering him some sort of

government scholarship.

He says it's a kind of
Peace Corps for mutants.

Odd. I have never heard

of anything remotely like that.

We shall have to investigate.

And I think I'll take
an extra day of vacation

just in case.

We were unable
to link the name LeBeau

with anyone in the files, sir.

But a facial geometry scan
turned up some leads.

Operations is 90% certain
that's our girl.

Who is she
and what's she doing here?

We only have
a code name, sir. Rogue.

She's been seen at several
flashpoint situations.

She turned up
in the Wideawake data

as part of the mutant team
called the X-Men.

Has she left the area yet?

Surveillance says no.

See that she does.

One way or the other.

Blast! Another dead end.

Gambit has filled me in
on this supposed

mutant Peace Corps.

Have you found anything?

The phone number
Kirkland gave Sam

led me through
several relay stations,

until I finally wound up
with an office building
in Richmond.

Except that no one owns
the building.

And there are no records
that it has been occupied
this decade.

Yet the power usage
for that grid sector

is three times
the local average.

It has the trappings
of a renegade operation.

Perhaps a more
direct investigation

is in order.

Sounds like your area, Gambit.

Where is the challenge

to this still proud
master thief?


Pop go the weasel.

This way too easy.

Either Gambit
in the wrong place...

or Gambit been set up.


Who's there?

If Gambit being arrested,

don't he get one phone call?

You have jeopardized

a very sensitive operation.

And I know you won't tell us
how you learned of it.

What will we do with you?

Maybe you let me go
with a warning.


I think our best option

is to make you part
of the team.

I'm not really
the joining type.

How fortunate.

Then you will provide
a serious test
of our new technique.

This mutant is not much
of a physical specimen.

However, cybernetic implants
in his central nervous system

have placed his powers entirely
under our control.

Hey! Watch it!

You watch it, Guthrie!

I heard you was
making time with Shelly!

What are you talking about?

What makes you think

a piece of freak trash like you

can even look at my girlfriend?

You're making a mistake.

Kenny, lay off! That's Sam!

He saved your daddy
in the mine!

Get lost, Toby!

This is between me
and the freak-boy here!

You heard me!
You're nothing but trash,

a stinking mutie!

They ought to stick your kind
in a zoo,

before you poison
the rest of us!

Okay, you wanna settle this?
Come on!

-Careful, Kenny,

I've seen what he can do.

I ain't touching no mutie!

Might get infected!

[all laughing]

Just stay away
from Shelly, freak!

You and your
whole freak family!

I hate your kind!

Sam, no!

[boy laughing delightedly]

Did you see the look
on that freak's face?


Fool, mutie!

[tires screeching]

Kenny, do something!

I can't do nothing!

Cut it out, Guthrie, I'm sorry!

You hear me, Sam? I'm sorry!

She's okay, Sam.

I swear.

Come on, Paige.

Let's go home.

Just a little off the top,

Gambit getting an upgrade?


Beast, Professor?

Who sang the lullaby?

I used my psychic abilities

to suppress activity

thus creating
a cataleptic response.

You want to explain that
one more time?

He put them to sleep

faster than
an economics lecture.

Normally, I find such invasions

of the mind distasteful.

But in your case,

I made an exception.

Gambit happy about that.

We've seen this before, boys.

-The supports were weakened
at the molecular level.

Do you have any mutants
working around here?

What'd I tell you?

It's that Guthrie boy!


What the heck's going on?



You've made
the right choice, Sam.

We'll be right over.

We got him.
Warm up the chopper.

Remy! You're all right,

you old swamp rat!

If Gambit get
this kind of welcome,

he get captured more often.

Where is Sam Guthrie?

I reckon he went home.

We must find him
before Kirkland does.

They want him for some sort of
living weapons program

to control his mind

and use his powers.

-[Man 1] Mutie!
-[Man 2] Get out of here!

[all yelling angrily]

Come on out, Guthrie!

[Man 3]
Where's the boy?

He's gone!

Scared off by folks

he thought was his friends.

Look at you.

We've known each other
since we was young'uns.

I worked beside you
in the mines

and shopped in your stores.

Y'all known Sam
since the day he was born.

I'm sorry, Ed.

It ain't you or Ellen.

But that boy's brought
nothing but trouble.

We don't want him in our town.

He k*lled my mares!

[all shouting]

You want to see
the cause of your troubles?

You want to see a mutant?

There's your mutants!

[man 1]
Get out of town!

We don't want you in our town!

Looks like we're too late,

Let's teach these muties
a lesson!

Everything will be
all right, Sam. Don't worry.

I wish I was that sure.

Leaving my family like that.

Don't trouble yourself
about them, Sam.

We'll make sure they're safe.

You've got to be tough
with criminals.

But that's Charles Xavier.

I've seen him on TV
with the President!

And Hank McCoy.

They ain't t*rrorists.

Yes they are, son.

And you are going
to help us put a stop to them!

What are you doing?
I don't understand!


Scramble the shock troops.
Bring him back!

[man 1]
Get out of town.

[man 2]
We don't want you
in our town.

Let's see if we can
scare them off!

-[man 1] Get out...
-[man 2] What's going on?

[man 3]
What's he doing here?

They're coming!

Who's coming, Sam?
Are you okay?

They're after me! And you!

You all got to get out of here!

What's going on over here?

What's this all about, Sam?

It's all a trick!

They're trying to kidnap me!

You best have proof
before you start...


[Rogue grunts]

[people screaming]

Keep them away
from the civilians!

No time for analysis...


Leave us alone!


Send in Unit One.

He's not ready yet, sir.

That wasn't a suggestion.



We can't win this.

Recall them.

He's alive. I'll get my kit.

Sam, where you going?

I got me a train to catch!

[both shouting]

Evac in six minutes, sir.

Hodge was right
about the X-Men.

Their elimination just became

our top priority.

I'm sorry you all
have to pack up and move.

It ain't fair, is it?

Come on, y'all.

You don't have to go.

Sam, I can talk to them others.

It'll get better, I swear!

Thanks, Toby.
But I'm afraid this town

will never be the same.

Shame, too.

My family's lived here
in Cumberland

for six generations.

Sam, I would like you to know

that you will always have
a home at our school.

I appreciate that, sir,

especially, after the trouble

I put you all through.

But, for now,

I need to stay with my family

and help build us a new home.

Somewhere where none of this

I owe you
a special apology, ma'am.

I know now how much
you were looking out for me.

Thanks, Rogue.
I mean, Ms. LeBeau.

Uh... You're welcome, Sam.

You take care now.

When's the honeymoon,
Ms. LeBeau?

Not one word, swamp rat!

Not one word!