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07x09 - Now You Lift Your Eyes to the Sun

Posted: 11/22/09 21:06
by bunniefuu
Previously on "One Tree Hill"...

Dan : You were at that party that night, and you got pregnant. But you didn't have sex with Nathan Scott, did you?

Rennee : No.

Nathan : He says she's dropping everything.

Dan : Maybe we need a vacation.

Rachel : Hmm. The Bahamas?

Dan : Tree hill.

Quinn : It's almost morning. I should go.

Clay : Or, uh... You could stay.

Alex : Administrative work is for fatties, Millicent, and you are not a fatty. You... Are a plus-size model.

Brooke : Honey, I’m home. Let's do this.

Alex : I told you it was realistic.

Julian : Hey, honey. Alex and I worked everything out.

Alex : Isn't that great?


Brooke : Hey.

Julian : Uh-oh -- the look, followed by the pout.

Brooke : I just missed you next to me last night...again.

Julian : I know, baby. Alex and I didn't finish until 4:00 a.m.

Brooke : I know. I watched her leave on my sneaky-slut cam. I'm sorry. I'm really trying to be super-evolved girlfriend, but it's hard for me when my boyfriend spends all of his nights writing an epic love story with naked-actress girl.

Julian : She's not naked.

Brooke : She's always naked in my mind. P.S. -- not a good time to insert obvious girl-on-girl humor.

Julian : Hey. I love you. And I know me working with Alex has been really hard.

Brooke : Excruciating.

Julian : And I appreciate how understanding you've been. But here's some good news. I think we're finally gonna finish the script today.

Brooke : "Finish" as in "done"? As in "no more late nights with Alex"?

Julian : And lots of late nights with the most beautiful girl I know.


Clay : They're offering two years. I say no deal.

Nathan : It's not bad.

Clay : It's B.S. Look at your numbers last season, man. I mean, all the team is trying to do Is take advantage of the bad press around Renee.

Nathan : Okay, so, right now, Her life is making my name less valuable.

Clay : But not your game. That's why we're countering. I'm gonna ask for four years. We'll take three.

Nathan : They offered two, and we ask for four?

Clay : It's how the game is played, Nate.

Nathan : You're sure they won't stop playing?

Clay : Buddy, trust me. They won't. Just let me do my job.

Nathan : All right.


Millicent : It's my job to look good, bitch.

Alex : Mils, you've been raping my closet for two weeks. You should be wearing C.O.B., not...M-E.

Millicent : I've been seen in all my C.O.B. clothes.

Alex : What about the new stuff? That dress ball and chain Brooke was working on would be the shiz on you.

Millicent : I know, but Brooke isn't done with it yet, not to mention super-assistant calliope is guarding it like a virgin's Vajayjay. And since all my old clothes are so Millie 1.0, your closet is my only high-end alternative.

Alex : Oh, my god. I'm so sleepy, and you're so talky.

Millicent : Sorry. Still wired. Late night, major party -- you totally missed it.

Alex : Doubt it. The party scene is so lame-traded. It's the same people, same paparazzi, same porn.

Millicent : Porn?

Alex : In the V.I.P.'s, V.I.P. It's way overrated. You know, I'm starting to like just hanging with Julian and working on stuff people take seriously Other than my tight ass. O.M. Gucci! Score me some of what you've been taking, you kinny bitch. You totally look better than me in that.

Millicent : Really?

Alex : Take it off.

Millicent : Wow. That’s good?


Mouth : Hmm. Good god. Millie!

* reach the city steps tonight * * following the power lines *


Miranda : Haley James Scott, tonight at 8:00... And I can't even utter the last part.

Haley : Free. The concert is free.

Miranda : One more time, and I will wash your Mouth out with soap. Please explain how this impromptu concert is getting your album completed on schedule.

Haley : Only if you explain to me the deal with "schedule." Come on, Miranda, I just wanted to get out of the studio and, you know, get some feedback on my new songs.

Miranda : You'll get feedback in 2 1/2 months, When the record is done and the downloads are making the label money. And then you'll be "free" to perform at any label-authorized concert. In the meantime, this one... Is off.

Haley : Okay, but you're gonna have to tell them. Go on. I'll hold the door open.

Miranda : Well, Americans will line up for anything that's free.


Clay : Look, we're not talking about a rookie getting his feet wet. This is Nathan Scott. Just look at his numbers, and I think you'll understand why we feel that he's earned a four-year deal. Yeah. Or we might consider a three-year if the price is right, But a two is not gonna get us anywhere. I hope so. Mmm. Thanks. Best part of my day.

Quinn : Me or the coffee?

Clay : Maybe a little bit of both.

Quinn : So, any good news?

Clay : Uh, we'll see. Now I just have to wait. Mm.

Quinn : How would you feel about waiting with me? Come on. I have somewhere I want to take you. Grab your office.


Dan : It's good to be home.


Clay : So, this is your dirty little secret?

Quinn : Yeah -- I've been helping out here Every Saturday for a couple of hours. Hales and i used to do it in high school, you know -- Hippie parents, raised to give back.

Girl : Hi, miss Quinn!

Quinn : Hi. I guess I kind of missed it. Hey, you let me in. I just wanted to let you in.

Boy : Hey, miss Quinn.

Quinn : Hi.

Clay : Wow. Great spiral, great listener, and now this hot mother Teresa thing?

Quinn : You know, in girl world, you just called me hot, right?

Clay : In an old-nun sort of way.

Quinn : Oh, okay, yeah.

Clay : So, what exactly do you do here, sister Quinn?

Quinn : Well...we make these homemade cameras, And then we take pictures with them. You know, the first time I looked through my lens, I realized that I could find magic in unexpected places. And I want the kids to feel that. Pretty dorky, huh?

Clay : Completely dorky, yeah.


Haley : I love it.

Brooke : Mm. it's just a sample. It's top-secret C.O.B. for next march. I just finished it today. Here is your super-sassy rock-star comeback outfit. I want you to look so amazing up there.

Haley : I mean, you could just let me wear this one to my show tonight.

Brooke : I could, but then I'd have to k*ll you. And if you're dead, we can't talk. And... I really need a huge Haley heart-to-heart right now.

Haley : All right. Spell.

Brooke : I think I’m pregnant. I'm late, and I am never late and I'm freaking out.

Haley : Why are you freaking out? You've wanted a baby since you were 22.

Brooke : Because I don't know how Julian's gonna take it. The last time we talked about our future, He basically said "what's the rush?" I am fluent in boy, and I am pretty sure that "what's the rush?" doesn't mean "let's have a baby now."

Haley : Maybe not, but things happen all the time -- Unexpected things that turn out to be amazing things. I named mine Jamie.

Brooke : Yeah, but with all the Alex drama, I just wouldn't want him to think that I was expecting it.

Haley : Oh, Brooke, Julian’s not gonna think you got pregnant on purpose.

Brooke : Come on, Hales, you have to admit The timing looks a bit suspect.

Haley : No. you know what? Julian loves you. Stop worrying. Go to the doctor. It's your turn to be the girl who gets the baby and the boy.


Alex : So, the girl doesn't get the boy.

Julian : No. That's what makes the ending work. She doesn't need the boy anymore.

Alex : Says the boy. Not that you're the boy -- just a boy who doesn't get that some sad girl with bad hair doesn't want to spend money on a movie where the girl doesn't get the boy. It's not American.

Julian : The ending is perfect as is. Trust me. Now, a little drum roll, please. And we're done. That’s it. Fade out. Hit "print."

Alex : What about all your annoyingly good notes?

Julian : You did them all. You've been so focused these past few weeks. Now it's just time to kick the script out of the nest, see if it can fly. My dad used to say that.

Alex : So, what's next, then, Mr. producer?

Julian : Well, I’ll just put out some feelers, make a few calls, See if anyone responds to the material.

Alex : Which is, like, a no-brainer. This script is the b*mb.

Julian : I'll be sure to lead with that.

Alex : Good. And I’ll work on scoring production offices with expensive water and a snobby temp. We'll be so legit.

Julian : Whoa. We got to still sell the script. That could take months.

Alex : So we won't be seeing each other every day anymore?

Julian : No, ma'am. You are officially off duty.

Alex : Oh. Sweet.


Cell phone : You have no new messages.

Clay : Nice shot. You got another one of those? You're good. You got an agent?

Boy : Don't need your charity today, all right? So, you starting, or you playing?

Clay : Playing.

* I am young * * but I don't belong *


Dan : Hello, Nathan.

Jamie : It's grandpa Dan. I saw it on the security cam.

Nathan : Jamie --

Jamie : Grandpa Dan!

Dan : Hey, there, buddy. Oh, warm welcome. Nathan, you remember my wife, Rachel.

Nathan : Yes. Of course. Well, when you and Deb are tired of my high-school class, I'm sure I could rummage through some of my old middle-school friends for you.

Rachel : It's good to see you, too, Nathan. It's funny -- I used to want you to be my daddy. And now I'm your mommy.

Jamie : Nice to meet you, grandma Rachel.

Rachel : Aww. I remember when you were a rumor in third period.

Jamie : Dad, can I show grandpa Dan my new room?

Nathan : Yes. yes, of course you can, son.

* When all we do is wonder * * 'cause the future's insecure * * just when I thought *


Boy : I haven't seen you around here before.

Clay : First time -- helping out a friend.

Boy : Yeah, I saw you with the camera lady. She’s your girl?

Clay : No.

Boy : Why not? She's pretty.

Clay : You got a lot of questions. My turn. You got a name?

Boy : Nope.

* It makes me wonder why I try *

Boy : I know what you're doing -- You're letting the poor kid win. That’s what you all do -- Show up, volunteer for a few hours, Make yourselves feel good about whatever. So, what's your thing? You’re a bad dad or something?

Clay : I lost my wife a few years back.

Boy : What was her name?

Clay : Sara.

* Everything still looks the same * * yet somehow I sense a change *

Boy : My mom died, too.

* But even after all these days *

Clay : Do you want to talk about it?

Boy : What's that gonna do?

Clay : I used to think the same thing. I had a bunch of memories of her, my own secrets. And I thought that if I talked about her with anyone else that those memories would go away. I wouldn't have our secrets anymore, and maybe I'd start to forget.

Boy : And did you? Forget?

Clay : Not one thing.

* And nobody can be sure * * when the world is going crazy *

Boy : Sometimes I feel like she's still here with me.

Clay : She is. She always will be. Moms are special that way.

* Just when I thought I uncovered * * just when I thought I discovered * * who we were * * we change again *


Nurse: Brooke Davis. You ready?

Brooke : I've been ready.


Paul : Paul Norris.

Julian : Hey, dad. It’s me.

Paul : Julian. It's good to hear from you, son. How are you? How's Brooke?

Julian : She's good. We’re good.

Paul : I'm happy to hear that.

Julian : So, I’ve been working. And I found a script that I really like. I'm thinking about sending it out.

Paul : Ah. Kick it out of the nest.

Julian : See if it can fly. I think you said to me about a thousand times when I was a kid. So, dad, listen, I, um... I wanted to see if you'd want to produce it with me. I mean, it's nothing huge. It’s an indie. But... it's about second chances. And... I don't know -- it made me think of us.

Paul : I'd like that, son. Very much.


Dan : This is some collection.

Jamie : Look at this one -- jerry rice.

Dan : Whoa!

Jamie : I got it for my birthday. I'm 7 now.

Dan : I know. I'm sorry I missed that. I'm sorry I missed a lot of things over this past year.

Jamie : I forgive you.

Dan : I always hoped you were watching.

Jamie : I never missed it. I pretended like you never left. I like that big clock thing that hangs behind you, 'cause it means you're okay, even if you're still sick. I'm glad you're home again.

Dan : Me too, buddy.

* You’re growing old with someone * * as beautiful as you * * just ask me to *


Rachel : Surprise!

Mouth : Rachel. Uh, what are you doing here?

Rachel : Waiting for a hello hug from my favorite boy!

* I’m surrounded by everything I own *


Doctor : Miss Davis. I'm...sorry, but the test came back negative.

Brooke : E-excuse me?

Doctor : You're not pregnant.

* I’m listening * * ooh *


Jamie : So, you and mom went to high school with grandma Rachel? Were you friends?

Nathan : Um, I’m not really sure grandma Rachel was friends with anyone.

Jamie : Like grandpa Dan? I'm glad they have each other.

Nathan : Yeah. They're a perfect match.

Jamie : Dad...I have a secret. Sometimes I watch Grandpa Dan on TV. I know I’m not supposed to. I’m sorry.

Nathan : No, Jamie, it's okay. I knew you were watching. And it's okay for you to miss him. He loves you.

Jamie : He loves you, too. he watched all the bobcats games. And --

Nathan : Jamie.

Jamie : Dad, he's different now. He helps people, like he helped us with that lady who was trying to hurt you and mom.

Nathan : Yeah. Well, there are things between us you can't understand, Jamie.

Jamie : I'm not a little kid anymore. I understand a lot of things.

Nathan : I know you do. I wish you didn't have to.

Jamie : Dad, it's only three words -- "I forgive you."

Nathan : sh**t it. Aw!


Mouth : So, um... How's life in L.A.?

Rachel : It's great. You can be anybody you want there.

Mouth : And who are you?

Rachel : Rachel Scott -- Dan's ex-screw-up of a wife who has changed her life With the positive words of Dan Scott. It's genius.

Mouth : So, I guess Dan helped you step into the light And get yourself right.

Rachel : Mm. Dan helped me step into the light And get myself a personal trainer, A driver, and a black card.

Mouth : Same Rachel, different city. So, are we gonna talk about Brooke? I mean, have you seen her?

Rachel : No. And I don't want to. I know I messed up last time, But she and Victoria blackballed me in the industry. Even after I got sober, I couldn't get a gig. Then I got un-sober and ended up shaking my ass on a pole.

Mouth : I'm sorry that happened to you, But none of it was Brooke's fault.

Rachel : So, what -- you're on her side?

Mouth : You were her friend. She went out on a limb for you, and you repaid her by stealing money. So, yeah, I’m kind of on her side. Go see her. You owe her that.


Brooke : I guess I was late because of stress. Julian, Alex, the new line...

Haley : It's okay. It'll happen. When you guys are ready, it'll happen. Brooke. Hey. You were so meant to be a mom. You are gonna have a houseful of very fashionably dressed little Brooke Davis Running around. You wait and see.

Brooke : Yeah.

* Maybe it was from the start * * the story of a broken heart *


Clay : So, this is your cave?

Quinn : Yeah, we can't all have pimped-out beach houses To hide in.

Clay : Says the woman whose cave is in an NBA player's mansion.

Quinn : Touché. But I’m thinking about getting back To my artist roots, you know? Crampy, old apartments with character and creaky floors -- They make the best caves.

Clay : So you're staying in tree hill?

Quinn : For a while. You know, it's home. I like it here. Plus, you know, the company isn't horrible.

Clay : Beautiful.

Quinn : It is. This is what I love -- You know, standing in the pitch black, waiting for the smallest moment To reveal itself right before your eyes.

Clay : I have to take this. I...hope it's what I want to hear.

Quinn : Oh, you're super agent. It will be.

Clay : Hey. Today? Are we sure? Yeah, that's great. Just keep me posted.

Quinn : Good news?

Clay : Just a rumor, but, uh, yeah, I think so. So, I should get going.

Quinn : Yeah.

Clay : But I’ll see you tonight at Haley's concert?

Quinn : Yeah, I’ll see you tonight.

Clay : Okay.

Quinn : Oh.


Julian : We're not working tonight, Alex.

Alex : I know, but I just reread the script, And it totally sucks ducks. I mean, the main character is total white noise. She needs, like, a-a crack habit or a-a brother with cancer -- Something Oscar-worthy.

Julian : The script is awesome. Trust yourself. We did good work.

Alex : But I -- I just --

Julian : good night, Alex. I have plans with Brooke.

Alex : But... I'm just... Never really good at being alone.

Julian : Come on. stop it. go live your life. You're Alex Dupré.

* The story of a broken heart * * and destiny will see you through *


Miranda : Well, well. this is quite the crowd, isn't it?

Haley : Yeah, I can't believe all these people showed up After so many years.

Miranda : I know. There is a lot of people out there...just waiting. Wow. So... nervous? 'cause I heard you get a bit of stage fright.

Miranda : Oh, no. actually, I’m not nervous at all. I'm just looking forward to getting back out there. Really? Because I’d be nervous. I mean, after all, if the music's no good, it’ll be all over YouTube by tomorrow. And then you'll have to explain to the label what you were thinking When you put together this premature little free concert that could ruin any good buzz we have about your up-and-coming album. Ohhh. See? Now I’m nervous. Break a leg.

Haley : That's funny -- "leg" wasn't my first option for you.

* Here I am for you *

Alex : Live your life, Alex.

* here I am for you *

Brooke : Mm. Can I get another?

Julian : Hey, baby.

Brooke : Hi.

Julian : I hope that's champagne you just ordered, 'cause we're celebrating tonight, remember?

Brooke : Right -- we're celebrating.

* got something to say * * come right this way and have a nice day *

Julian : I'll be right back.

* a fantasy or reality? * * who do you think you are? * * an alien or a superstar? *

Julian : I told you I’m with Brooke tonight. No games, Alex.

Alex : This isn't a game. I swear. I found some coke in my suitcase.

Julian : What have you done?

Alex : Nothing...yet. But I’m thinking about it. I don't want to mess up.

Julian : Okay, look, calm down.

Alex : Please come. Please.

Julian : Okay, just don't do anything. I'm on my way, okay?

* come right this way and have a nice day * * hey, got something to say * * come right this way and have a nice day *

Julian : Okay.

* hey, hey, hey *

Clay : What's up, bud?

Nathan : Hey. I hope that grin means you had a good day at the office.

Clay : I'm hearing good things.

Nathan : That's awesome. I don't think I could take any more bad news today.

Clay : What's up? You okay?

Nathan : Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just -- it's family stuff.

Clay : All right. Chase, my man, I’m in a good mood. So I’m gonna have one of those tasty blue brain blasters.

Chase : You could have told me they sucked.

Nathan : Come on. Who said that?

Chase : They sucked, and you know it. And that's why, from now on, I’m officially just bar manager.

Clay : But who's gonna bring me my sh*ts and beers?

Chase : All right. Hey, Grubbs. Guys, this is Grubbs, my new bartender. Clay here wants a drink. What do you think?

Grubbs : Shot of tequila, chilled, and a beer, imported. No -- hip domestic.

Nathan : Nice.

Clay : Wow. That’s pretty impressive.

Chase : Yeah, I know. That guy sucks.

Grubbs : Here.

Clay : Thanks, Grubbs.

Nathan : you. Thanks for all the hard work. And here's to next season not being a contract year.

Clay : Congrats, man. Cheers.

Quinn : Hey, Nate.

Nathan : Hey.

Quinn : Clay.

Clay : Hey, Quinn. Oh, hey, check this out. Grubbs, this is Quinn.

Quinn : Hey.

Clay : She needs a drink.

Grubbs : White wine's gonna make you both happy.

Quinn : Wow. He's better than Zelda.

Haley : Hey! Oh, my Gosh! I've been gone a long time. But, uh, I’m back. It feels good. Anyway, I want to show you guys some of my new songs. And, uh... thanks for showing up. I hope you like it.

* maybe I was wrong * * maybe I was looking in all the wrong places * * maybe I was wrong * * maybe I was searching in all the wrong places * * if I knew that you were coming for me * * I would have stayed in one place * * if I knew that you were coming for me * * I would have made my peace * * maybe I was wrong * * maybe I was dreamless and full of suffering * * maybe I was wrong * * every time you said you loved me * * I went running on my own * * but I see now *

Brooke : What do you mean you're on your way to Alex's hotel room?

Julian : Brooke, I’m sorry. She's in trouble.

Brooke : And of course she called you.

Julian : Well, I didn't really have a choice. She said she found some cocaine and she thinks she may relapse. I -- I can't just leave her alone. She sounded really bad.

Brooke : She's an actress, Julian!

Julian : I'll hurry back. I promise.

* Maybe I was looking at all the wrong faces * * Maybe I was wrong * * Maybe I was searching in all the wrong places * * if I knew that you were coming for me * * I would have stayed in one place *

Millicent : Boo!

Mouth : Hey. Where have you been? I called, but you didn't answer.

Millicent : I know. Sorry. I had to drop by work for a sec. You like?

Mouth : You look great. But you always look great.

Millicent : You always say that, Mouth.

Mouth : You called me "Mouth." You never call me "Mouth."

* I’m coming home * * I can see you now * * I’m coming home *

Brooke : What the hell are you wearing?

Millicent : It’s great, Brooke. I love it.

Brooke : You know that dress is not supposed to be released until next summer, so unless I magically went to sleep for a year, you need to explain to me why you're wearing it tonight.

Millicent : I thought it would be fine. I mean, I’m the face of C.O.B.

Brooke : Millicent Huxtable. That dress needs to leave this bar right now, on or off you. Your choice or your job.

Millicent : Someone needs to chill out. It's just a dress. And there's no one important in here, anyway.

Mouth : "No one important"? What’s that supposed to mean?

Millicent : I mean, it's Tric, not the music awards.

Mouth : Is that why you're taking pills -- So you can go look fab at someplace important, like the music awards?

Millicent : You were going through my stuff?

Mouth : Your stuff was all over the room. And that's not what's important here. I'm worried about you.

Millicent : Worried about what?

Mouth : You're different -- Blowing Brooke off, messing up at work, Partying all the time, and now these pills.

Millicent : So I took a few diet pills to drop a few pounds. So what?

Mouth : Brooke hired you for who you are. You don't have to change that.

Millicent : I don't just have to please Brooke. There's an entire industry. It's a lot of pressure to fit in. and for once, I want to fit in. God, Marvin, you told me you supported me.

Mouth : I wanted you to be a model Because it made you feel special.

Millicent : And that's sweet and noble And one of the reasons why I love you. But it's not that simple. I wish it were, but it's not.


Alex : I'm sorry.

Julian : Stop saying you're sorry.

Alex : You're just the only one I could call who wouldn't want to do it with me or report it to the tabloids.

Julian : What about your sponsor from rehab?

Alex : Rehab was for publicity. My sponsor isn't good for anything besides scoring the best blow. The only time I stopped doing it was when I started working with you. I'm not trying to pressure you. It's just the truth.

Julian : Well, I’ll take it and go.

Alex : But I could just go out and get more.

Julian : Would you?

Alex : I don't know. Right now, I want it so bad. Tonight was hard. I didn't have anywhere to go. It was so quiet in here. And I hate myself when it's quiet.

Julian : Hey. Alex. Hey. You are so much more than you see. The girl I’ve been working with is bright and funny and independent and strong all by herself. She doesn't need that stuff.

Alex : I wish I could see her.

Julian : Let's just get you through tonight... and hopefully you will.


Miranda : The playback sounds great.

Haley : Playback?

Miranda : I recorded a little bit. You know, I thought we could "Accidentally" leak a song, Get the fans excited for more. This little concert was genius. I'm so glad I thought of it.

Haley : Yeah, me too.

Miranda : Studio tomorrow, bright and early.

Haley : Where are you headed?

Miranda : Have you met Grubbs, the bartender? He's kind of hot, in a... Dirty, "I’m gonna hate myself in the morning" sort of way. Ciao.

Nathan : Hey you.

Haley : Hi. Oh, thank you.

Nathan : You know, I could get used to being the one watching from the stands.

Haley : No, it's my job. I’m not giving it up.

Nathan : Oh. You were amazing, Hales.

Haley : Thank you. When I was up there, I couldn't stop thinking about how lucky we are and how we just got everything we dreamed of -- Jamie and how far we've come, and it just feels like nothing can get in the way of that anymore.

Nathan : Why do we say things like that?

Haley : What?

Nathan : Well, I didn't want to tell you this before the show, but...

Haley : He is the healthiest-looking dying man I have ever seen.

Nathan : I guess evil does a body good.

Rachel : It's everything I took from you -- plus interest.

Brooke : Well. Not that I have anything to say to your thieving ass, but you took a lot more than money, Rachel.

Rachel : And I’m trying to take responsibility for that, Brooke. You should, too.

Brooke : I'm sorry. Is that hair color seeping into your brain? What in your twisted, little head am I responsible for?

Rachel : You left an envelope full of money with a junkie.

Brooke : Says the junkie.

Rachel : True forgiveness is about accepting our own fault in things. You'd know that if you watched the show. Now, I have given you an apology and a check, and you've given me nothing. But that's okay. I forgive --

Brooke : Stay away from me, bitch.

Dan : Whiskey -- straight up.

Grubbs : Hmm. I'd have guessed blood.

Nathan : Interesting choice for the poster boy of redemption and clean living.

Dan : I know I surprised you today. I'm sorry about that.

Nathan : You're always sorry, Dan. So, why are you back? What do you want?

Dan : A chance.

Nathan : It's not gonna happen, Dan. And I’m kind of thinking you should cancel your plane ride to ask Lucas, too.

Dan : You know, I’d hoped fixing things between you and Renee would help thaw the ice a bit.

Nathan : So you did that for yourself.

Dan : No. I did it for you.

Nathan : Well, I already said "Thank you." You know... There's never gonna be a golden ticket back into my life. I'll tolerate you for Jamie. But you're dead to me. The moment Keith died, you died.

* Just close your eyes * * and we'll take off *

Quinn : It's like watching an antelope at the watering hole in the Serengeti.

Clay : This antelope hasn't hooked up at the watering hole in weeks. There's a nun that's been hogging all my time.

Quinn : Oh, excuse me. I guess I’ve been messing up your game.

Clay : Eh, it's okay. The game was getting old. I thank you for today. I'm glad that you got me out of the house. Those kids were good for me.

Quinn : Yeah. I know, right? It's all about finding magic in unexpected places.

Clay : Yeah.

Quinn : So, did you get that call you were waiting on?

Clay : Not yet. But, you know, I’ve done a lot of deals like this. Silence is just one of their tools. It'll work out.

Quinn : I hope so.

Clay : Yeah.

Quinn : Well, I should get going. I have to be up early and bring coffee to this friend of mine. He kind of depends on me. I'll see you tomorrow.

Clay : Quinn. Who says tonight's over?


Brooke : I just thought you'd be home by now.

Julian : Look, me too, but she's all alone.

Brooke : So am I.

Julian : Brooke, you know I love you. I just don't think I should leave her yet. She's... I'm worried about her.

Brooke : well, I'm worried about us. But you do what you've got to do.


Dan : I was stupid to think he'd let me back in.

Rachel : Baby, let's go back to L.A. Let's leave these small people and this small town.

Dan : This small town's the closest thing we have to home. And I’m not running from it anymore. Neither should you.

Rachel : Who says I’m running?

Dan : You are. We both are. And I’m not leaving until I get what I came for.

Rachel : What's that, Dan?

Dan : Redemption.


Quinn : Come on. You totally can't see it? Look closer. I swear that there's a face on the moon.

Clay : Oh, yeah. Look at that. It -- wow. It’s entirely made of cheese, too.

Quinn : Oh, yeah, and you totally suck.

Clay : And you totally crack me up. And I -- I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. You want to go for a swim?

Quinn : Says the man that knows I’m afraid of the water.

Clay : What if I’m afraid, too?

Quinn : Okay, I’ll play. What are you afraid of?

Clay : To move on and to feel something for someone now. But I’m tired of being afraid. I...

* Head is spinning *

Clay : There are so many reasons that I shouldn't have done that. But I’ve wanted to for so long.

Quinn : Mm-hmm. Me too.

* I’m still smiling *


Julian : You can do it, Alex.

Alex : I know. Wait. I don't understand.

Julian : I do. You've been lying all night. Nice performance, Alex.

Alex : No, I wasn't lying. I swear. Julian, please. It was full.

* The sun breaks the darkness * * and I wake to all of this * *Why can't you be the girl*


Brooke : Why can't you be the girl who gets the boy and the baby Brooke Davis?


Haley : Hey.

Nathan : You know that this thing with Dan --

Haley : It's gonna be okay, right? He can't hurt us anymore.

Nathan : Yeah, I know.

Haley : Good. So, how about a little special encore performance for my sexy-ass husband?

Nathan : Yeah?

Reporter : big news in the NBA -- the charlotte bobcats have opened up their checkbook and capped themselves out, acquiring Derek McDaniel in a hush-hush deal late today. That's bad news for local star Nathan Scott, who is going to have to find a spot elsewhere, if at all.