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05x11 - Old Soldiers

Posted: 08/28/22 10:38
by bunniefuu
[opening title music]

We'll never forget
what you did for us, Duke.

We're standing here
because of you, buddy.

[sighs] Sleep well, soldier.

Your brothers-in-arms
salute you.

Now, come on guys.

I know a little bistro
near here.

First round's on--


Nah, it can't be.

Well, I'll be...
It is you.

-How are you, you old w*r--
-Something I can do for you,

Sorry, pal.

Thought you were somebody
I knew there for a second,

A guy I served with
back in the big one.

We're doing our 50th.

There's no way
you could be old enough.

He sure could have been
your father or something.

Yeah, or something.

Well, sorry to have
bothered you, pal.

You take care now, hear?

Yeah, Ernie. You, too.

I'd love to join you
at that bistro,

but I don't think
you'd quite understand.

Guys like him were worth
1,000 of you, old man.

Real red-blooded heroes.

How dare you kick it before
I could get my hands on you?

You cheated me, old man!

Cheated me of vengeance!

Cheated me of justice!

It ain't fair.

You stole the joy of Paris
from me forever.

[air-raid siren blaring]

And in 1944 in Paris,

there wasn't all that much joy
to be had.

I was working
for the Intelligence boys
at OSS back then,

doing whatever kind of black
bag work needed doing.

That night I was taking
a quiet little stroll
through Montmartre.

Uncle Adolf's
goose-stepping g*ons
had the place sealed tight.




Achtung.You on the roof.
Surrender immediately.

Come down now or we open fire.

[Wolverine] Not a real
auspicious beginning.

You have five seconds.

Come down now.

[pigeon cooing]

[n*zi counting in German]

Look! Ein Vogel.

[both laughing]

Maybe it's an Amerikanerspy.




[air-raid siren blaring]

The night has eyes.

But the eyes of liberty
never sleep.

Enter quickly, Monsieur.

Welcome, Monsieur.
I am Justine.

Freedom has need of you.

When hasn't it?
And the name is Logan.

[Justine] Time is precious.

Careful, kid.


We ain't alone here.

[Sawyer] Your senses
are as good

as they claim, short stuff.

Happy Sawyer. Am I right?

Captain Sawyer to you, mister.

Only my men
get to call me Happy.

Yeah, I can see why.

Here, take a look at these.

This place is called
the Chateau du Mort.

Andre Cocteau, a scientist
essential to our side

is being held here
by the enemy.

The chateau
is on a remote mountain top,

almost inaccessible
by normal means.

Your assignment is to get
Cocteau out of there,

or if you can't,
to silence him.

No problem.

Your backup will meet you
en route.

Backup? I work solo, pal.

Trust me, Logan.

This guy you'll like.

Fine. If that's all,
I got me a mountain to tame.


Moment, s'il vous plait?

There is one thing more

you should know
about Andre Cocteau.

Yeah, what's that?

He is my father.

Oh, great.

Bonne chance, mon ami.

Please be careful.

my middle name.

[Wolverine] Sure, I didn't feel
any better about the job
than she did

but a lot of getting through
a w*r is pretending.


[speaking French]

You should have thought of that
before you broke curfew.

-[both grunting]


Filthy Schwein.

-We will...

You and what army?

Okay, stupid question.


[all grunting]

Hey, what's wrong, punks?

-Run out of kids to rough up?
-[g*n clicks]

-[g*nshots fired]



Need a little help, friend?

[speaking German]

Put him down
like the dog he is.

Better men than you have tried

and all of them have failed.


[Nazis groaning]

Guess we made our point.

But our job isn't done.

Here, son.
I believe this is yours.

[speaking French]

If I have anything to say
about it.

That'll bring reinforcements.

-Better make ourselves scarce.

By the way, if you're Logan,
I'm your backup.

I'm Captain America.

I never would have guessed.

I couldn't believe it.

Mister USA,
rubber suit and all.

Sawyer was right.
This partner I liked.

Intelligence was accurate.

The place is sealed tight.

We'll need a can opener
to get inside.

No can opener,
but these might do.

Handy little gimmick.

Still, this climb
won't be easy.

Hey, if it was easy,
anyone could do it.

-[Captain] I like your style.

Wish I could say the same.

Where'd you get that
star-spangled monkey suit?

Fatigues would be
a lot less obvious.

But I'm more than
just a soldier, Logan.

This costume makes me a living
symbol of everything
we're fighting for.

A symbol of pride, of hope.

You wouldn't catch me
in something like that.

It's gotta itch.

[grunting] We're up.
Next step is in.

Looks like it's going to be
clear-- Hey!





You were saying?

You know, these things
ain't half bad.


Try this one. Smells like fear.


-[both] Argh!

[speaking French]

[stutters] Who are you?

We're friends, Professor.
We've come to take you
out of here.

Better hustle, before any more
of your buddies wander in.

No, I cannot.

Please, leave me alone.

Come on, Professor.
Your daughter is waiting
to see you again.

There's no need
to be frightened.

It's our job to keep you safe.

No, you do not understand.

You must leave me here


We got no time to argue.

What did you do to him?

Just something I learned
before the w*r.

Don't worry. He'll be fine.


Wha--What happened?

Sorry, but it was
for your own good.

We're getting you
out of here before--

[n*zi speaking German]

[Wolverine] Not again.

-[Nazis groaning]



[Alarm blaring]

Please, just go.

Not without you.

We've only got seconds
before this whole place
is crawling with...

-[g*ns click]

Guess again.

You g*ons want the Prof back,

you got to come through us.

[footsteps approaching]

Forget it, Logan.
We can't risk them
harming the Professor.

I'd just like to get my hands

on whoever set off
that lousy alarm.

[Skull] But you've already
had your chance, little man.

Who the...

[Captain] Red Skull,
you butcher.

My dear Kapitan.
You flatter me.

Thank you for setting off
that alarm, Professor.

You are truly a credit
to our cause.

I don't know
why you ratted on us, Cocteau,

but I sure wanted
five minutes alone with you

to show you what I thought
about it.

Fascinating toy, this.

I've always wanted to see

if it truly is as
indestructible as they say.

Perhaps later
we shall find out.

Red Skull, wait.
What about Cocteau?

Forget him, Kapitan.

He is one of us now.

And you have
more immediate concerns.


[Captain] [grunts] We don't
much time to get out of here.

Any bright ideas how?

If only I had my shield.

Oh, is that all?

No sweat.


I've had a harder time

opening cans of tuna, pal.

Better get ready, glory boy.
Here goes nothing.




Guess that makes us even.

-You know what I liked
about this setup?
-Do tell.

The odds are about 100 to one
against us.

They don't have a chance.

How are you progressing,

The prototype sleeper robot
will be ready for testing

in a matter of hours,

Convincing you
to join our cause

is perhaps my greatest triumph.

And to think
I once doubted your loyalty.

Seems we underestimated
the good doctor.

You again!

You two do this often?

Yeah, but this will be
the last time.

[snaps fingers]

[g*ns click]

-Get rid of them.

-Bad idea, goose-steppers.

[both grunting]

[all grunting]



Logan, I think you actually
enjoy this.


I will tolerate no more.

Who gave you a choice?

-[Skull] Argh!

You handle the rest.

Red Skull is mine.

[speaking German]

This day has been too long
in coming.




[Nazis groaning]

HerrProfessor, the control,



Must I do everything myself?

You were curious about
Dr. Cocteau's work, Kapitan.

[powering up]

The Sleeper has awakened.

The Sleeper, eh?

Looks more like a nightmare.

[Captain] Move!

[b*ll*ts firing]



[b*ll*ts firing]


[all yelling]



Now it's my turn.

[b*ll*ts firing]

[grunting and yelling]

[grunting continuously]

[blades screeching]


Yo, Cap!



[short circuit]



[shield clunking]

The bigger they come...

[speaking German]

[both grunting]

Come, HerrProfessor.

It is time to take our leave.

No! You won't get away again,

No! [shouting]

-[both grunting]

Tit for tat, glory boy.

Thanks, but we're not done yet.



[grunts] Any sign of him?


Come on.

No! [shouting]

Argh! [shouting]

Farewell, Herr Kapitan.
Until we meet again.

[both grunting]


I promise you, Skull.

There will be a next time.

Hey, Cap,
you and the Canuck okay?

Good as can be expected, Sarge.

Thanks for the timely assist.

You couldn't have picked
a better time
to hit the chateau.

Well, that's one base
Uncle Adolf's brain trust

won't be using again.

What are you two
so happy about?

From where I stand,
our mission failed.

We were supposed to
get Cocteau.

Instead, we lose the little rat
and the Skull.

Logan, their robot project
has been shut down.

A major lab is destroyed.

We take what we can get
in this w*r.

Yeah, well, my w*r ain't over

until I find Cocteau
and make him pay

for betraying us.

I never saw you again.

And now I never will.

How could they bury
a back-stabber like you

on this hallowed ground?

Because sadly, mon ami,

you do not know
the whole story.


Oui, mon ami.

Oh, the years have been kind
to you.

And to you, petite.

It is good to see you again,

I don't know why.

It's been over 50 years,

and all I can think about
is getting back
at your father.

I understand. So did he.

Sadly it was his duty
to betray you.


My father was no traitor,

but a carefully placed
double agent

working for the allies.

But if he was on our side,

why were we sent to rescue him?

To risk our lives?

To make his defection appear

more convincing, mon ami.

Thanks to your failed rescue,

my father worked
behind enemy lines

for the rest of the w*r,
sabotaging their research.

He delayed completion
of their V2 rockets.

He helped stop
their atomic b*mb.

In his own way,
he helped us win the w*r.

Oh, I don't know what to say.

They were terrible times,
mon ami.

We all played different roles.

Thank you
for playing your part.

Now, come,

I know of a little bistro
near here.

We can dine
and remember old times.

Sounds great, petite.
Just give me a moment.

Something I got to do first.

Come on, I think it's time
we drank us a toast

to your old man's memory.

[closing title music]