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05x08 - Storm Front: Part 2

Posted: 08/28/22 10:36
by bunniefuu
[Narrator] Previously onX-Men.

Who are you?

My name is Arkon,
ruler of Polemachus.

My planet is dying.

You, mistress of the elements,
can save us.

When you cast your eyes
on my troubled world,

you will begin to understand.

These storms have weakened
the Ring of Verdon,

which protects our planet
the way the ozone layer
protects your Earth.

I sense a terrible wound.
What is that device?

It is the central energy

Polemachus depends on it
for a great deal,
including our security.

But, Arkon, it is causing...

Surely your powers
are strong enough
to accommodate its presence.

[Arkon] It's over, my darling.
We are saved!

Storm, will you rule
by my side, as empress?

Yes, I will!

I present to you,
our queen, Storm!

Oh, my!

[opening theme song playing]

[Arkon] People of Polemachus,
in honor of Storm,

as both the savior
of our planets
and as my betrothed,

I hereby proclaim
the observance
of the Festival of Storm!

Every year this honor
shall be bestowed,

to show our new queen

how citizens of Polemachus
their love and gratitude!

Polemachus will again
be a kingdom
of riches and contentment!

Rebuilding our world
is a hard task.

[man yelling]

We must not close our hearts
to the joys of life!

Let the celebrations begin!

Something ain't right
about this dump.
I can smell it.

I don't want
to lose her either, Logan.

But if this is what Storm
wants, who are we
to stand in her way?

-We're her friends, that's who.
-[Beast] Wolverine is correct.

Storm's acceptance
of this marriage proposal
seems unnaturally sudden.

And she's planning to stay
with him
on this mud ball forever.

Storm's not acting
like herself!

Perhaps that is because,
for the first time in my life,

I am truly happy.
I understand your concern.

Cyclops, as our leader,
you worry for my safety,

yet you are generous enough
to want for me
only what is good.

Hank, you have analyzed
my decision and found
my logic wanting.

My dear friend, my decision
comes not from my mind,

but from my heart.

And Logan, you more than anyone
know the pain that comes

when one is not at peace.

I have been dedicated
to the X-Men
since I was a teenager,

never allowing myself a life
beyond my work.

For years
I have fought our lonely fight

and yet, our world
is still no home for mutants.

It's the only home we got.

Not for me.

I have a chance
to make a difference here!

To heal a wounded planet
and to be happy
with a man that I love.

-A great man!
-Who you just met.

Please. You are my family.

Why can you not help me
through this and share my joy?

Of course we will.

[Jubilee] I wouldn't miss
this wedding for the world!

Hey! Get one of those
golf balls from Arkon,

and we'll get
the Professor here
to give you away!

Thank you all so much.

You will see,
Arkon is a truly wonderful man!

The fleet is ready,
Your Majesty. They await
only the order to strike.

Excellent! The great
is now under control.

But it has cost Polemachus
dearly in production
and wealth!

Your Majesty,
the Science Council
has determined

that the great chaos was due
to the central power grid.

It could have been solved

by simply turning off
the main transmitter.

And then what, you fool?

It would be like before,
no power for the guards,

no obedience rings
to control the workers!

Chaos, rebellion!

I agree! Turning off the grid
is out of the question.

There are more laborers
than Polemachuns in the city!

Our world is in ruin.

We desperately need help
to rebuild it.

And we will get that help from
our nearest neighbor, Belgania!

It is my duty to remind,
Your Majesty, of our
peace treaty with Belgania.

Our people need workers!

Without them, we return
to the barren lives
of our ancestors.

Polemachus' destiny
will not be stopped

by a scrap of paper!

We attack tonight!
Fill the worker ships
until they burst.

Show no mercy!

[Jubilee] Wow! This is totally
awesome! It's real gold!

I could get used
to being a queen!


[woman yells]

[Jubilee] Uh-oh.

[Storm laughing]

[both laughing]

I'm sorry, mistress.
Please do not report me!

It shall not happen again.
Forgive me.

-Hey! It was my fault.
-I beg you. Do not report me.

Storm, that was weird.
She was like...

She was terrified!

A most magnificent homage,
is it not?

Oh, yeah.
Maybe a little too magnificent.

You know about Storm's tribe
worshiping her
when she was a kid.

-[Beast] Yeah.
-All that goddess stuff
messed up her head.

But Xavier worked her
through all that.

But take a good look around.

I ain't so sure this place
is as great for her
as she thinks.

[Wolverine] Hey, pal.
We're buddies
of your new queen.

Know where a guy can get
a burger and fries around here?



I am sorry, but I must return
to my work at once!

He seemed very concerned
about that robot guard.

He wasn't concerned, Hank.
He was shaking in his boots.

Get your nose ready, Logan.

We may have some local slime
to sniff out before
our visit is over.

[Wolverine] They don't look
like they're going out
for pizza.

Hold on, Logan. We don't know
anything about this.

-Those ships could be...
-Family cruise ships.

Come on, Cyke.

You've spent enough time
in space to know w*r birds
when you see 'em.

We need to check this out.

-Let's follow the tough boys.
-Let's not get in too deep.

[Jubilee] Boy!
They're in one heck of a hurry.

I wonder where they're going?

[Arkon] They are traveling
to Belgania,

our nearest neighbor in space.

They will bring back
supplies, workers,

and the dignitaries
for tonight's royal dinner.

Most important of all, my love,

they will bring back
wedding treasures
to tempt and delight you.

Arkon, please.

You should not go
to so much trouble just for me.

In pleasing you,
there is no trouble,
only happiness.

That was an awful lot of ships.

The recent crises
have ravaged Polemachus.

Our farmlands, factories,
villages, and our people
have suffered terribly.

Those ships will bring help
in restoring them.

The task is enormous.

And we shall face it together.

What is this? How dare you
not kneel in my presence!


Arkon, you are hurting her!
Stop this, please!

As you wish, beloved.


Forgive me, Your Majesty.
It will not happen again.

[Arkon] You may go.

The poor girl was terrified
at the sight of you.

Fear is so thick around here,
you could Rollerblade on it.

Please, you are new
to Polemachus.

Our enemies
are clever and ruthless.

Friends have been lost through
a moment's carelessness.

I must be firm.

Caution is possible
without cruelty!

Do not judge me harshly

until you know more
of the difficult ways
of our world.

I cannot live this way, Arkon!
We must discuss this!

Of course, Storm.

Your love means more to me
than the beating
of my own heart.

Won't you give me
your trust as well?

You shall not regret it,
I promise you.

[man grunts] No!

[speaking indistinctly]

You gonna try and tell me
these guys are volunteers?

You've made your point, Logan.

I'm gonna turn those
iron bully-boys
into scrap metal!

I wouldn't advise that,
my eager friend! All of you,
come with me, now!

Buddy, you just pointed that
pop g*n at the wrong man!

-Wolverine, wait!
-An excellent idea.

He just took out
one of those robot guards!

There are more coming!
You've triggered the alarms.

[Mentor] We must leave, now!

Looks like he's got a point.

I guess this means
we're not invited
to the bachelor party.

You fight well.
You must do this often.

I am Mentor, leader
of the Belganian resistance.

Perhaps you will help me
to free my people.

Beast! Wolverine! Get those
prisoners out of there!

[Wolverine yelling]

Now you're talking!

Everyone, into the hills, now!

The new workers! Section Five!
Code Omega!

Wolverine! Any more guards?

About those guards,
here comes the B team.

OK! We've got
to get out of here!

-We're cut off!

-I was saving this
for an emergency.
-I believe this qualifies.

Hurry, it's beginning to close!


-Hank. How bad is it?
-A bit worse
than I might have liked.


Summon the healers at once!

You have always lived
on Polemachus.
Which one would you suggest?

Mistress, it is not my place!

If my choice were wrong...
Please do not ask me!

You have nothing to fear,
I have spoken to Arkon.

No! Please!

something's really wrong here.

I will change it!
Whatever it is,
I can make it better.

Arkon admits that some
of their ways
may seem harsh to us.

But Polemachus is fighting
to survive. Oh, Jubilee,
I am needed here.

Arkon is a kind and decent man!
I love him!
He asked me for my trust.

-Can't you understand?

[Jubilee] But I'm not the one
you're trying to convince.

How are you feeling, Beast?

[Beast] Thankful for life,

yet ambivalent about
the true function
of the pain receptors

of the human nervous system.

Scott, I have grave misgivings
about this wedding.

Arkon is a ruthless tyrant!

Thousands of my people
have been enslaved.

Thousands more have perished
at the hands
of his robot guards.

Maybe I should have
a little talk with the groom.

I wish it were that easy,
Logan. But Storm loves him.

She's got to see
Arkon's tyranny for herself.

We have learned
the access codes
to Arkon's transport ships.

We could use them to escape,
but for this.

That tower feeds energy
to the robots,
and the control rings.

The entire structure
of their police state
depends upon it.

Arkon is building an even more
powerful transmitter,

one that will detect us
even in these caverns.

I'm afraid it's time
to break the news to Storm.

nd break her heart.

The resistance and your guests
rescued most of the slaves

before we could apprehend them.

This is intolerable!

These Earth criminals
must be stopped!

But, Your Majesty,
they're your fiancee's friends!

-What if they resist?
-Eliminate them.

The mood of my fiancee
need not concern you.

Don't worry, Storm.
They'll show up.

You are not eating your dinner,
my dear.

-Does it not please you?
-It must be
all of the excitement.

Ah, but it has only just begun!

My loyal subjects,
by the spirit
of my ancestors, a toast!

To Storm, savior of our planet,
conqueror of my heart.

Storm, will you stand
and acknowledge
the love of our people?



-Hope I didn't miss chow.
-Seize them!

No! Stop this madness!

Cyclops! Logan!
What are you doing?

Ask your boyfriend.

Ask him how he recruits
the palace help.

-It ain't the want ads, baby.
-They are not servants,
are they?

-They are slaves!
-What of it?

When Belgania was
the stronger planet,
they raided us.

Now it is our turn!
What is wrong with that?

It is the way
of all great people!

It is not the way
of a just people!

How could you
lie to me, you butcher!

How could you make me love you?

I did not give you
permission to leave!

She doesn't need
anyone's permission.
Let her go!

Enough of this childishness!

Throw them in the sl*ve pits!

[all shouting]

[Arkon] I shall dispose
of you myself!

You like scaring people, pal?

Why don't you let me show you
how it feels?


[Beast grunts]

-It's Storm!
-[Arkon] The rings!

If she damages them further,
she'll undo all she healed!

Polemachus will be devastated!

Storm, stop! Please!

Storm, listen to me!
What you're doing is wrong!

If you want this dirt pile
to still be here
in the morning, friend,

I'd get us some of those
glowing golf balls right now!

You'll hurt innocent people!

Arkon's making you act against
everything you believe in!

Please, Storm,
he's not worth it!

You are right. Forgive me.

Come on, let's get out of here.

[Arkon] Storm! Please!

Storm, I can get anything,
riches beyond your imagining,

our world will worship you!

We are going home.

You will be nothing on Earth,
cast out and despised,

feared and reviled
for your gifts!

What of the slaves, Arkon?

The slaves?
What are they to our happiness?

Everything, Arkon.

I am offering you a world!
Don't be a fool!
The slaves are nothing.

No living being has the right
to enslave another.

One day you may understand.


-What have you done?
-A royal wedding gift,
from the heart.

To the ships! To the ships!

[Arkon] Storm!

[Jubilee] Wolverine,
she seems so sad.

I got to go talk to her.

Give it a while, kid.
Storm knows you care.

You helped her back there
when it counted.

The rest...

well, she's gonna have
to work through for herself.

[closing music playing]