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05x07 - Storm Front: Part 1

Posted: 08/28/22 10:35
by bunniefuu

Today, in what could be
the worst storm

in the history
of our nation's capital!

Hail the size of softballs!
Gale force winds!

Monsoon-like rains!

So far, the National Weather
Service has no explanation

for the sudden
and bizarre nature
of this storm.

It's those freaky mutants, man!
They're doing this!

It never changes.

Whoa! No offense, Cyke,
but I'm about to lose my lunch!

Who do I have to pay
to get off this ride?


Something is very wrong!

The sky, the air, the wind!

Crying. Not of the Earth!

Take it easy, Storm!
It's just a bumpy ride.

The irregular weather patterns
validate Storm's
intuitive distress.

They defy nature,
in that they do not coincide

with the meteorological
pressure systems that
cause them.



Storm, it's okay! Let me help!
Cyke, please take us down!

Stay back! All of you!


Storm! No!

She's got to do this, kid!

What's she doing out there?

-Stay with her, Cyke!
-Hold on, everyone!

Find an appropriate
landing area, Cyclops.

The wind shear factor
just tripled!

Forget appropriate!

I just hope we can
get this thing down
in one piece!

Controls won't respond!


Tell me when the scary part
is over!

Beast! Bypass
auto-landing gear release

and activate reverse thrusters

I command the Sahara winds,

transform this ice to steam!


As you requested, Jubilee.
The scary part is over.


Radical landing.

Yeah, almost looked like
old bug eye knew
what he was doing.

Come in, Storm! Where are you?
Get back here immediately!

This cannot be!

[GROANING] What are you?
I will not allow it!



Let me go. I must fight it.

The danger has passed.
You are safe now.

Who are you? What are you?

I have traveled across
of space to find you.

My name is Arkon,
ruler of Polemachus.

My planet is dying.

You, mistress of the elements,
can save us.

You created this chaos.

It is but a hint of the misery
that afflicts my planet.

With every second,
Polemachus comes closer
to extinction.

How could you endanger
all of these people just
to get to me?

That is barbarous!

My people depend on me.

I must be prepared
to do anything to save them.

Can you and those
of your planet forgive me?

The skies are clear!

Are you hurt? Talk to us!

Where are you?

Oh, no! Cyclops,
do you read me?

[GROANS] Of all the times.

-You must come with me now.
-But I cannot!

Do not make me beg! I need you!


Sorry, we have sort
of an emergency!


Who's "we"?

The Cub Scouts, bub.

-Now move over!
-DRIVER: Uh, sure.

We appreciate your cooperation

and assure you
that you shall be fully

Anything you say.

Don't worry.
They're not as bad
as they look.

BEAST: Professor,
the meteorological
disturbance is over.

and atmospheric conditions
have stabilized.


That is excellent news.

But I see that Storm
is not with you.

As you may have deduced,
she left us
to battle the raging elements.

Our attempts to reach her
have failed thus far.

But we've determined
the location of her

to be near
the Washington Monument,
and are en route.

-Keep me informed.
-Certainly, Professor.

Because if Cerebro cannot
find her,

it means she is thousands
of miles away, unconscious,
or worse.

I found Storm's communicator!

-Any sign of Storm?
-This is most unusual.

Either somebody likes
to play the back nine
at midnight,

or this has something to do
with what happened to Storm.

-XAVIER: Any luck, Beast?
-It is most perplexing,

A simple beam of light
can easily pass through it,

yet it completely occludes
the radioactive energy
of an x-ray.

Its matter contains
no recognizable elements.

And, alas, every attempt

to identify its primary energy
source has proved futile.

How much longer
are we gonna play
with that golf ball?

Try to be patient, Jubilee.
Beast is doing the best he can.

I'm afraid we may never
find her.

It's just the last time
we saw Storm,
she was, well, freaking out!

-Something's real wrong.
-The kid's right.

Playing chemistry set
ain't getting us anywhere.

What'd I do?

XAVIER: Your impatience
may have opened a door.

But, to where?

To Storm.
That's why she left it for us.

We cannot be sure she left it.

Send me a postcard when
you're sure. In the meantime,
I'm gonna find out!

Come on!

Logic is on Logan's side.
Shall we?

Let's go!

Into the unknown.

Why did you deny me the chance
to speak to my friends?

If your need is just,
why drag me here like
a prisoner?

Forgive me, Storm.

Your friends may have tried
to dissuade you.

Please understand,
it was the action
of a desperate man.

So many lives depend on me.
Every solution
I have tried has failed.

You have saved so many
with your powers and

When you cast your eyes
on my troubled world,

you will begin to understand.

My people huddle,
sheltered the best they can.

I do not know
how long we can hold out.

These storms have weakened
the Ring of Verdon,

which protects our planet
the way the ozone layer
protects your Earth.

I sense a terrible wound,
even a dying of the planet.

Not only
is our planet suffering,
but so are her inhabitants.

The fluctuating atmosphere
has made my people ill.


Can you forgive me now, Storm?

Now that you understand
my responsibilities.

Will you, weather goddess,
help my people?



-We're back
in hurricane central!

The base
of a hurricane circulates

in the opposite direction
from its apex.

Is that like worse
than regular hurricanes?

-MAN 1: Intruders!

MAN 2: You will pay for
bringing the plagues and storms

that are destroying our planet!


Perhaps these visitors
can help us.

How dare you speak out!
Get back to work.

We have nothing to do
with your misfortunes.

We just arrived,
in search of a missing friend.

you welcome wagon ladies seen

a white-haired woman
flying around?

-Get them!

Sorry, but can't we, like,
talk this thing out?

It would behoove you
to turn around, Jubilee.

Are you guys sure
we're not still on Earth?

MAN: Let's get out of here!


Why is nothing happening?

STORM: Please be patient.

Getting in tune with an entire
planet takes time and I...

What? What is it?

I am sensing strong

It is coming from over there.
What is that device?

That is what's keeping this
planet functioning

during this time of crisis.

It is the central energy

Polemachus depends on it
for a great deal,
including our security.

But, Arkon, it is causing...

Surely your powers
are strong enough
to accommodate its presence.

The truth is,
I cannot be sure

that I can help your planet
at all.

Dear Storm,
if your powers have

half the strength
of your compassion,

you can save galaxies.

Take my hand.
I know that together
we will triumph.

Something tells me,
these guys don't want to talk.






Thanks. I think.

Watch it, boys.
I'm an old hand at this.



This is not how I would have
wished to learn about
this new culture.


The tin cans on this planet
take dancing lessons.

Their center of gravity,
however, is problematic.

I'm so glad we had
this little heart-to-heart.

Scouring sands,
surrender to your deserts.

Tortured skies,
breathe gentle and clear!

Hurricane winds,
punish no more!


Floods of destruction,
calm your surging struggle!

Forces of life,
heal your wounds!

Shine! Shine,
with strength reborn!

I hope they weren't
from the Chamber of Commerce.

If we perform
an analysis based on
our coordinates of entry,

we may be able
to determine Storm's.

I say,

if a guy was enough
of a big shot
to kidnap Storm,

I bet he lives up there.

Not particularly scientific,
but persuasive nonetheless.

I thought so!

Take cover!


Jail! I can't believe this!
It's worse than Earth!

I would exercise
extreme caution, Jubilee.

We have to find a way
to distract our jailers.

Just like in the movies.

This hurts me more than
it's gonna hurt you, pal.


It's working! Storm!

Must concentrate.

It is over, my darling.
We are saved!


Nice dump, for a kidnapper.


Keep away!

Fat chance!



You do not understand!



Storm! Are you all right?

No! Don't! No!


We don't like our friends
to be yanked off the planet,

Chasing around the galaxy
ruins my mood!

Stop! Stop! I am here to help.

And unless I am allowed to,
the entire planet will die.

-Let him go!

Accept our apologies, Storm.

You must realize that
when we lost contact with you,

we feared your life was
in jeopardy.

Is there still time, Storm?

I shall try.
But there cannot be
anymore interruptions!

You will prevail.
I know you will.

Well, guess they don't
need us at all.


We are saved!


ARKON: Storm, with
and incredible will,

you have saved Polemachus!

Now, her people
would like to thank you.

ALL: Storm! Storm! Storm!

Wow! Do you hear that?

Indeed. Storm is most deserving
of their praise.

-Right, but...
-But what?

How long are we gonna have to
hang out here
on the party planet?

JUBILEE: Party pooper.

Wolverine's right.
We have no mission here.

We must at least get word
to the Professor.


Ah, but look,
I think that Arkon guy
really likes Storm!

I don't know how Earth

celebrates your
incredible deeds.

But I tell you, Polemachus
will love and worship you
now and forever.

And so will I.

No one has ever done for me
what you have.

Arkon, please.
You must not speak this way.

Your courage and love
have given my people
back to me.

-Your beauty has stolen
my heart.
-Arkon, I...

Storm, will you rule by my side
as empress?

Will you bond with me
as you have bonded
with the planet?

Arkon, it is too sudden!

You cannot expect me
to know so soon!

I have known since
the instant we met.

I... Yes! Yes, I will!


Oh, my!

I present to you,
our queen, Storm!