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05x06 - Bloodlines

Posted: 08/28/22 10:35
by bunniefuu
[opening theme music playing]

Good evening.
The sudden resurgence

in anti-mutant activity
continued today.

Across the state,
police were again brought in

to escort mutant
students to class.

Any show of sympathy
for the mutants is risky,

as this amateur video shows.

Meanwhile, anti-mutant
spokesman, Graydon Creed,

was brought from seclusion
to testify before Congress.

While I deny any involvement
in these actions,

patriotic human beings
support vigilant efforts

to remove the mutant blight!

-No more mutants!
-No more mutants!

Mr. Creed, if these outbursts
continue, I will hold you
in contempt!

The feeling, madam, is mutual.

This meeting of the Friends
of Humanity High Command

is called to order.

First, let us warmly welcome
back our founder,
Graydon Creed.

Thank you. Now that I am back,

I'm ready to resume my position
as your commander.

You? Who've been drooling
in your tin cup for a year?

Who nearly destroyed us?

-The council rules here now!
-This is treason!

The Friends of Humanity
is my creation!

You lied about your mutant

You brought the stain
of Sabretooth into our lives!

That name! Every night
in the hospital,
I'd lie in bed,

I'd see that face
in the darkness, that awful...

Isn't my shame punishment

What do I need to do
to show you that I am still one
of you?

Our research shows

that the corruption of your
blood does not end with

Read it.

No! No! It isn't true!

Oh, but it is. Your family tree
bears much poisonous mutant

Wait! If I prove my loyalty...

What if I deliver these freaks,
these mutant abominations
to you?

-We could eliminate them all!
-Go on.


-Trick or treat!
-Trick or treat!

OK, I choose trick!

Oh, nice. Beast won't
appreciate you using his face
to give them nightmares.

Isn't that what
Halloween's all about?

No, it's about getting people
to give you lots of candy,

and then trying to eat it all
in one night.

What's bugging you?

Every year, it's the same.

Bunch of brats run around
dressed like monsters
and mutants.

Everybody says, "How cute."

Then next day,
they get to go back to normal.

Where do we go?

Hey, lighten up, grump.

No wonder everybody else got
smart and took the night off.

Uh, what do you say I answer
this time?

Midget monsters. Dime store
demons.You ask me,
the whole thing's sick.

Happy Hallow...

Come on, how scary
can a bunch of kids be?


Wolverine! Please,
I need your help.

I received
a letter at the monastery.

It says that if I do not come,
they will hurt my mother.

Who would do such a thing?

-Who's "they?"
-I have no idea.
It is not signed.

Have you called your mother
at the circus?

No. No, not that mother.

The Wagners who own the circus,
my adoptive parents, are fine.

The letter is from my birth

I thought your mum ditched you
when you were a baby.

How do you know this is legit?

The handwriting in the letter
matches the one
she left for me long ago.

"Come alone
or the consequences
could be fatal."

Do you know of anybody
who'd want to hurt her?

Of course not.
I didn't even know
she was still alive.

She may not be.

I don't know what to do.
I am overwhelmed.

You X-Men are experienced
with such things.

Well, you've come
to the right place, honey.

Yeah, we've tangled
with just about
every jerk around.

Somebody's gone
to a lot of trouble
to track you down.

And use your mum to get to you.

Who'd have his pants in a twist
over a blue-faced monk?

I do not know.

But if my mother is in danger,
I must help her.

Either way, pal,
we're tagging along.

But the letter said
I must go alone.

Oh, you'll look alone,
but you won't be alone.

Now let's get going.

I just realized.
Kurt looks a lot like Beast.

I wonder if they're related?

Girl, that's about as likely
as Nightcrawler and me being

-Can I talk to you a second?
-Of course, Fraulein .

Rogue says the things
to Wolverine
meant a lot to him.

Our time together
meant a great deal to both of

There's something I need to ask

I don't know who my parents are

I was never really adopted like

One family would have me for a
then they'd get tired of me

and I'd get put somewhere else.

You know, I used to feel
like I didn't belong anywhere.

We all feel like that
sometimes. Friends can help.

But in our times of loneliness,

we forget that we are all part
of a greater family,

a family of God.

All other comfort is fleeting.
Only God endures.

That all sounds so nice.

But what if this is your mom?
What'll you say?

I mean, she dumped you
when you were a baby!

-Aren't you mad?
-I suppose I am.

But every day, I pray for the
lord to forgive my sins

and to forgive the sins of

Even those who have done harm
to me.

I... I don't think I could do

That is why I look to God
for help because we cannot do
it by ourselves.

He can give you the strength to

[sighs] This religion stuff
is intense.

This is looking way too easy.

-I smell a rat.
-I shouldn't have brought you.

If they see you,
they might hurt my mother.

-I must go in alone.
-Now look, preacher.

You risked your hide to save me
and Logan back at your

We can't just sit around
and watch you
walk into trouble.

Just have a little faith, pal.
I hear it can work wonders.

-Very well.
-All right.

Now that we've worked all that
out, let's go visiting!

Trick or treat!

We have no candy here! Go away!

Then I guess it's trick!

Guten tag!

Friends of Humanity!
I thought we'd gotten rid of
this filth!

Who are these friends?

The worst of the worst.
They live to get rid
of mutants.

Man, I hope they don't have
your mom.

How did we miss this place?
It's as big as their main

Jubilee, you and me
are on diversion detail.

Rogue, go with Nightcrawler.
Find his mum
and get her out of here!

My friend, if something
should happen to me,

I wish to thank you
for what you and the others are

Don't worry about it, Kurt.
I owe you

and besides,
I'd take on these lowlifes for

Whoa! Look at all this stuff!

These guys must have
got a new credit card!

It looks like
they're about to try something

Rogue! Any luck?

Quiet as a church on Saturday
Sorry, Nightcrawler.

Then just find your mother
and get moving!

Shouldn't we help them?

They can take care of
themselves. You and me got
to help your mama.

Help me. Someone please!

Mother! I am... I am here!
I'll help you!

Kurt! Hurry, son!

Hold on! I know that voice!

Wait! Don't go in!



I don't know
what tricks you're playing,

but nobody's touching

What are you doing here?
You'll ruin everything!

They just want your brother!


-We're leaving!
-Rogue, please, I must know!

Have you told us the truth
about being our mother?

-There's no time for this!
-I must know!

Dear little Kurt,
I always wondered how you'd
turn out.

If you must know, I adopted
when she was a young child.

But before that, I bore two
One of them was you.

And the other,
I am sickened to admit, was me!

Graydon Creed?

Yes! It was bad enough
to find out that
Sabretooth is my father.

But then to learn that these
are what's left of my family,

it was enough to drive me mad!

-You are my brother?
-Don't ever call me brother!

Once I am rid of you all,
I will truly be cleansed!

Free of your curse!

If you are indeed my brother,
then I will pray to God

that you find the wisdom
to work through your hatreds,

to find strength in his love.

Pretty words, for a demon!

Mama, how could you hand over
your own son to a bunch
of mutant-haters?

I did it for you, darling.
You know
you were always my favorite.

Creed said
if I helped him get

the Friends of Humanity
wouldn't harm either of us.

Don't soft-soap the girl!

You were saving your own skin,
and nobody else's!

This gas is perfect
for treating tap water,

or eliminating unwanted

God forgive me and give me

Stop this! She is our mother!
She gave you life!

She is a mutant!
She gave me misery and shame!

She has to suffer!
All mutants must suffer!

Jubilee! Knock out those jets!

Consider them toast!

I do not wish to fight you,
Please let us talk.

Then stand still, you

What kind of madman are you?

All of these soldiers,
all of these weapons!

We've started a little w*r,
my kind versus yours.

What's Mystique doing here?

She's Nightcrawler's mother!
And Creed's mother, too!

Boy, talk about your soap

-Where's Nightcrawler?
-Up there, with Creed!

If I were you,
I'd stay away from family

-Time we got out of here!
-Not without Mystique!

She's gone!

Ah. Nothing more touching
than a mother's love.

Which way did they go?

Come on! They went this way!

Rather dim, for saviors of

Pinheads got us
trapped in here.

Rogue! Get with the program!

I hear you! One exit coming up!

If there's one thing I hate,
it's walking away from a good

-Let her go, preacher!

I have waited too long for this

Not again!

Doesn't look like
they're gonna let us just walk

[shouting] I didn't mean you
any harm! Don't hurt me!

What do you want from me?

The truth! I have lived
25 years and traveled
4,000 miles,

wishing only to know the truth.

All right then, the truth.

I have been many women in my
some rich, some poor.

Rich, I find is preferable.

Your father was an Austrian

Not handsome,
but his money made up for that.

We led a life of luxury.

That is, until I gave birth
to a mutant son!

The neighbors were not pleased.

And that is when you abandoned

My shameful secret had been

The would-be countess
was a mutant!
I had to start over.

You were inconvenient.

I suppose you hate me for that.

No, but I am sad for you.

Sad? You want to talk about
sad? I am a shape-shifter.

An outcast, even among mutants,
trusted by no one.

I don't have a life of my own.

I just steal little bits
from other people's lives.

But that's how I survive!
So there's your truth, son!

I didn't want you!

Still sad for me?

I will beg God
to bestow his grace on me,

so that I may learn to forgive

Then I will ask him
to bestow his grace on you,

so that you might forgive

See if you all can get their

That's it, boys!
Keep your eye on the birdie!

Cease fire, you fools! Cease

Nice sh**ting, deadeye!

Very clever, sis,
but you can't be in two places
at once!

I almost got you k*lled
to save my own skin.

Why should you, or your God,
care about me?

As for God, he cares
for all of us, and wants us
to be healed.

As for me, you are my mother.

I cannot change
the pain you have caused me,

so I will pray for you.

I don't deserve your...



You're next, demon!

God help you, brother.


Mother! Where are you?

I shall... I shall save you!

This ain't no time
to play Good Samaritan.

You ain't saving nobody
tonight, preacher.
We're getting you home.

Now they arrest those guys.

Not for attacking mutants,
but for blowing up a dam.

What about Mystique?
You find anything?

Nope. Nothing left
but a bunch of questions.

Why did she sacrifice herself
for me?

I don't know.

You shouldn't be
so hard on yourself, preacher.

This faith of yours
has an effect on folks.

Maybe you got through to her.

Ah. God only knows.

-What happened to Creed?
-What didn't?

Mr. Creed,
back among the living?

Listen to me. I admit, I wasn't
completely successful, but...

Your plan failed miserably!

Full of sloppy mistakes
and a curious omission,

which we shall now remedy.

-But we are not without mercy.

We shall let you sort it out,

starting with the part
you weren't willing
to clean up!


Not that!

-Well, well...

If it ain't my son,
the famous slayer of mutants!

You don't understand! No!

-What do you say, boy?

-Come to papa!

[closing theme song playing]