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05x02 - The Phalanx Covenant: Part 2

Posted: 08/28/22 10:25
by bunniefuu
Xavier, you must help me!

What's happening?

A being of immense power
has att*cked

my base of operations.

The creature consumes matter!
It can take on any form!

Professor, behind you!

-Get out of here, Hank!

You gotta... Get...


Do not resist, mutant.
You will be assimilated.

But not this night.

Do not be alarmed.
Self is friend.

I am heir apparent
of the Phalanx.

-What it cannot assimilate,
it destroys.
-Good heavens!

This thing could be far more
dangerous than we realized!

I believe all life
on Earth may be at risk.

Can we meet somewhere safe?

Sid's Grill on Oakhurst.
One hour.

BEAST: Though Mr. Sinister
may seem an odd ally.

Go! Go!

It appears that if this
Phalanx organism

proceeds unchecked,

76% of the world's population

will be assimilated
within four days.

It is Self's fault.

Now your world is doomed!



This is a priority one SOS.
Do you read?

Nothing. I cannot tell

whether the Phalanx is causing
some sort of interference,
or if...

Or if the whole world
has been assimilated?

Don't give up hope yet,
Dr. McCoy.

Warlock and I have compiled
a great deal of data

on the assimilation rates
of different substances.

You're right about the rate
being related
to conductivity.

Metals are more quickly
absorbed than non-metals.

And while most living tissue

is assimilated
very rapidly,

mutants seem to be immune.

Perhaps that's why
my lab was att*cked.
It is...

Was the largest storehouse
of data on mutant genetics

in the world.

Add Xavier's records...

And the Phalanx may be learning
how to assimilate mutants.

The combined powers
of every mutant on Earth...

I shudder to think of such
a possibility.

This obsession
with mutant power

may be the key
to stopping the Phalanx.

We must have time, and a lab,

to study Warlock's reaction
to various mutant genes.

Muir Island! It is isolated,

and its mutant
research facilities

are among the finest
in the world!


Let me out of here!

Temper, temper, Mr. Logan.

I don't believe we've met.
I'm Cameron Hodge,

former liaison to
the Genoshan government.

You sure picked lousy friends.

Your mutant friends cost me
an arm and a leg!

Thanks to the Phalanx,
I've made a complete recovery.

In return, I am a kind of guide
for their operation on Earth.

But enough about me.
Let's talk about you.

Your healing factor poses
quite a problem for us.

You resist assimilation
even more than other mutants.

But your entire skeleton
is bonded with adamantium,

a very good conductor.

By assimilating your bones,
the Phalanx will examine you

from the inside out.

For all we know,
we could be the only ones left.

Precisely why we must
work quickly.

Blast it!
This isn't working either!

Sorry, we have been on the run
since last night,

and I fear it
is taking its toll.

Hank, have some coffee.

Hm? Oh, thank you. Amelia?

I know.
Bad penny turning up again.

I thought I'd pick up
the career
I dropped for Charles.

a first-year resident here.

Mom always wanted a doctor
in the family.

Listen, we can catch up later.

I heard the situation.
How can I help?

I need a gas chromatograph
of each of these samples.

You got it.
How long do you think
we've got?


Is this a computer virus,
or a common cold virus?

Both, actually. The Phalanx,
like Warlock,

is part biological,
part mechanical.

Our virus combines organic
and cybernetic

attacking the Phalanx's
basic programming
and structure.

Like confusing and smashing
a computer simultaneously.

This magnetically shielded

should isolate the sample
Warlock assimilated.

-You did it!
-It worked!

Hold on! Don't celebrate yet.
We have to trick the Phalanx

into assimilating
the virus quickly,

before it knows what it is.

One of us will have
to act as bait.


If the virus is successful,

what will happen
to Self's Lifemate?

We're really not sure,

Perhaps with
a bit more research.

No, it is Self's fault
that your world is in danger.

But if Self's Lifemate must be
destroyed to save your planet,

then Self will act as bait
and be destroyed with her.

-Phalanx! Phalanx is here!

-I see nothing!
-BEAST: Look there!

My jet!
Someone will pay for this!

We've got to get the patients
out of here! Amelia, come on!

What are you waiting for?
Use the virus!

We only have six ampoules.

We don't know
what it will take
to destroy the core.

I won't use them
unless there is no other way.


Moira! We've got
to get out of here!

-Do you have a plane?
-But my patients!

If we don't make it out
of here with this virus,
the entire world is doomed.

-Now where's the plane?
-All right, it's this way.

Resistance is futile!
You will join with the Phalanx.

Start the engines!
I'll hold this thing off!


Sean! Run!


No! Sean! Sean!

-Moira! You cannot help him!
-Drop her, McCoy!

No, I can't!

You want her
to infect the whole plane?

AMELIA: I know an old friend
who can help!

Sinister, set a course
for the Arctic Circle!


No entrance!
How do you propose
we get inside?

-Stand aside!
-Hold it, hotshot!

Is he always like this?

What do you want?

-We need your help.
-To do what?

The Earth is in danger
from an alien infestation.

It has swallowed
entire nations whole.

Thousands of mutants,
including Charles,
have disappeared.

You enter my sanctum unbidden,
bringing with you
that vile creature,

and you ask my help?

You arrogant fool!
You don't...

Magnus, you must believe us.

This alien is a threat
to all life on Earth,
including your own!

It is only a matter
of time before...

Then let it come.

Losing Asteroid M
has made me weary
of this life, Dr. McCoy,

weary of this endless struggle.

Leave me in peace!

The Phalanx has also captured
Quicksilver, your son.

Pietro? My son...

It is not too late.
We believe we can
save him and all the others.

But we cannot do it without
your help!

This is where your magnetic
gift shall prove invaluable.

Where do we begin?


We have reached goal

Self-friend Hank's
plan is working.

Self's body was sufficient
to shield your organic tissue

-from detection by the Phalanx.
-Very well.

Let us collect our sample
before we are discovered.

Self believes it is time
to retreat!

You have a gift
for stating the obvious.


It is pointless to flee!

There is no refuge
from the Phalanx!

You will be assimilated!


It appears to be
attempting to

re-establish its link
to the group mind.

Mr. Sinister, prepare
to administer the virus.

With pleasure.

Just a minute,
it's quieting.

BEAST: Cameron Hodge?

Just a reasonable facsimile,
Dr. McCoy.

Warning! Self-friend Hank,
this is the human
that abducted my Lifemate!

Warlock is correct.
But as you can see,
I am no longer human.

Apparently not.
What precisely, then,
may I ask, are you?

Earth guide to the stars!

Through me,
the great unity of the Phalanx

will soon absorb all
living things of value,
and we will prosper.

After Genosha, I joined
the government's
UFO Task Force,

analyzing artifacts recovered
from crash sites.

The Phalanx found me,
but it was I who let it know

the urgency
of absorbing mutants,
to increase its own power!

But the Phalanx
cannot assimilate
mutant tissue!

It is only a matter of time.
Don't you see, Dr. McCoy,

this is the final solution
to the scourge
of genetic mutation!

The assimilation
of the entire human race?

No, the assimilation
of all organic life,

everywhere in the universe!

My word...

Organic reproduction
is imprecise
at best,

often resulting
in inferior mutant strains.

But the Phalanx creates
exact copies of itself,
a digital system.

Precisely. Random errors
are eliminated.

With Phalanx-perfected
the universe will be cleansed.

And forever free of
individual thought and emotion.

Love, hate, curiosity, wonder.

All the things that make
life life!

A small price to pay
for perfection.

I've heard enough.

What's this? An appetizer?


Congratulations, gentlemen.
It worked.

Then there is hope
that the assimilated
humans will be restored,

like this stone.

Yes, now we must administer

the virus
to the Phalanx core.

And where might that be?

Logically, at the focal point
of Phalanx activity.

The Empire State Building.




Wolverine gets a gold star!
Thanks to your help,

the Phalanx
can now assimilate mutants!

The X-factor is ours!

The only thing
I'll help you do

is carve your tombstone.

of the remaining mutants
will begin immediately.

HODGE: Absorbing their powers
is much more complex than
the other life forms.

They must be processed one
at a time.

Begin with mutant designate,
Charles Xavier.

His telepathic powers

will exponentially increase

our ability to communicate.

Hodge! Stop this!

Stop? We've only just begun!

Did you lose your humanity

when you were assimilated
by the Phalanx?

Or did you have any
to begin with?

I believe the Phalanx nucleus
is here,
in this central chamber.

There is a lower chamber here,

where we've detected
multiple life signs,

probably unassimilated

That's where we'll begin
our as*ault.

Amelia, can you get us
to the lower chamber?

I'll give it a shot.


FORGE: The power cell
will only last a few minutes.


We've got to find Jean
and Lorna before
the force field gives out.

Amelia? Where am I?

In big trouble, Ms. Grey.
We need your powers
to back up the force field.

Keep it up, Jean!
I'll get the others!

Now we need offensive power!


Summers, you fool!

Sinister! I should have known
you were responsible!

Cut it out, Scott!
He's on our side!

Amelia! Start teleporting
them to safety. We'll try
to free the others.


Oh, the beauty
of digital reproduction.

Is it alive, or is it Phalanx?

The Phalanx appears
to be preoccupied.

Are you sure you want
to do this?

It is Self's responsibility.
Thank you, Self-friend Hank.

We are at your disposal.

Perimeter alert!
Core integrity compromised!

Mutants designate, Magneto,
McCoy, Phalanx entity, Warlock!

You will be assimilated!

Magneto, the beard's
a new look for you!

Somehow you pull it off.


Some people
just can't take a compliment.

Let's see just how much power

your little force bubble
can absorb,

before it pops!

This is it! Make it look good.
I must reinforce the field!


You will fulfill your destiny

by merging forever
with the core of the Phalanx!

Self's destiny
is far from fulfilled!

Danger! Virulent agent!
Purge core!

You fools! What have you done?

It's working!



What? Flesh!

Flesh! No!

Warlock, you're all right.

That is debatable,
Self-friend Hank.

Lifemate! Was she restored?

I'm afraid there
is no sign of her.

It was necessary, was it not,
Self-friend Hank?

Lifemate? Lifemate!


Lifemate! Query.
Can you monitor Self?

Warlock? Query: where is Self?

Self cannot recall anything
of the last 39 cycles!

Another controlled you.
But now you are safe
and we are together!

This is all that matters!

It appears that everything
and everyone has been
fully restored.

It is ironic that a virus
would prove so curative.

Thank you, all.

I never thought I'd see the day
when we would all be
working together.

I sense
no new mutant solidarity,

With the fate of
the planet hanging
in the balance,

many acted
to save their own skin.

Including Sinister!
Where is he?

Slunk back into the shadows
where he belongs.

Let it go, Scott.
I just want to go home.

Self also wishes
to return home.

Self-friends Hank, Forge,

you have done much
for Self and Lifemate already.

But will you help Self
to return
to the home world?

I'm sure we can construct
a new ship.

But why do you wish to return?

To fulfill Self's destiny!
And free the home world
from the nexus forever.

Self has run from Self's
problems long enough.

Even if you have given up hope
for yourself, Magnus,

there are reasons to work
for a better future.

Here comes one now.

Pietro, thank God you're safe.

Sentiments shared
by every parent on Earth.