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07x06 - Deep Ocean Vast Sea

Posted: 11/02/09 02:53
by bunniefuu
Previously on "One Tree Hill"...

Clay : Where to?

Quinn : Your place.

Nathan : Clay, Quinn is Haley's sister. She has a lot going on right now. Stay away from her.

Brooke : You were a huge hit last night. They think you're amazing.

Millicent : You don't think I look like "a frumpy whore on bingo night?"

Brooke : No! If I did, would I ask you to model full time?

Brooke : Honey, I'm home. Let's do this.

Alex : I told you it was realistic.

Julian : Hey, honey. Alex and I worked everything out.

Alex : Isn't that great?

Dan : "Nathan Scott: a basketball star's love child."

Rachel : Like father, like son, huh?

Haley : She's just so certain. You don't remember meeting her at all or...?

Nathan : You're actually starting to believe her, aren't you?

Dan : I heard about your problem. I was wondering if I could...

Nathan : You could what, help? You save your help for people who don't know you and stay away from me and my family.

Renee cell phone : You've reached Renee. Leave a message.

Dan : I trust you had a nice flight. I have a proposition for you.

One Tree Hill – Season 7 Episode 6


Director : Okay, folks. That's a wrap!

Nathan : Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Um, we, uh... we haven't even shot anything yet.

Director : You might want to call your agent, son.

Nathan : You're serious? Hey! Whoa.

Kylie : What a pity. I just found my motivation.

Nathan : Okay.


Brooke : Hey.

Julian : Mm.

Brooke : This hot body of yours has just inspired me to do something that I've never done before.

Julian : Oh, yeah?

Brooke : Yeah. And it's gonna take a lot of hard work, and it's gonna take a long, long time. And I'm gonna need you to start by taking your pants off.

Julian : Oh, that sounds amazing. But Alex is coming over to work.

Brooke : Ugh! You two were up half the night.

Julian : It's all business, Brooke. I don't know. She seems to have really come around. I

Brooke : don't buy it. Once a ho bag, always a ho bag.

Julian : Now, as I recall, you...

Brooke : You might want to consider what you are about to say very carefully. Now come kiss me till ho bag shows up.


Quinn : Hey.

Clay : Hey.

Quinn : You're up early.

Clay : My shot at peace and quiet... the west coast wakes up in three hours, and my phone starts ringing.

Quinn : Nice.

Clay : Did you come down for a swim?

Quinn : Yeah, I tried but, uh, couldn't. I've been afraid of the ocean since I was a little girl.

Clay : Mm. Sharks.

Quinn : Immensity. You know, I thought if I just threw myself in and... Well... it didn't quite work out.

Clay : You should start smaller, like a toe. Work up to an ankle, maybe even a shin. Who knows?

Quinn : Yeah, I'm more of a "yank the band-aid" kind of girl.

Clay : Wait.

Quinn : Go. It's fine.

Clay : Hey, man. Oh, just relax, all right? I... Okay, I'll get into it. Yeah, fine. I'll meet you at your place. Oh...

Quinn : Time to find a phone booth and change into that super-agent costume.

Clay : Yeah, if only it were that easy. Um, I hate to run, but...

Quinn : Go. Save the day.

Clay : Okay. See ya.


Millicent : Oh, no. Oh... no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. I never called Marvin!

Alex : Keep it down, Giselle. I'm trying to write. Besides, I thought you were mad at him.

Millicent : I was "ignore him for a couple of hours" mad, not "disappear for the second night in a row" mad.

Alex : Well, you can thank me later, but you were way drunk, so I texted him from your phone and let him know you were safe.

Millicent : "Melvin... got my drink on with Alex. If you're done being a tool, you should come rock out with your co..." Oh, my God.

Alex : Nope, just little old me. But I do work in mysterious ways.


Renee : So you want me to go on your show and tell the world my story?

Dan : That's right.

Renee : And you're gonna be on my side? Why would you do that? Nathan's your son. It could ruin him.

Dan : But you're the one telling the truth.


Haley : You're not telling the truth.

Nathan : About what?

Haley : Renee. You said you didn't know her and you didn't remember her.

Nathan : I don't. Haley, we've been through this. Why can't you just believe me?

Haley : Her number is all over your old cell phone bill. Nathan! Excuse me... why aren't you explaining yourself?

Nathan : Because I shouldn't have to. But if you insist... I'm a professional basketball player. Girls get a hold of my e-mail, my telephone number. They try to contact me. And when they do, I reply to them and tell them to stop because I'm happily married to a woman who loves and trusts me. So I guess I did lie, Haley... but only when I told them that my wife trusts me.


Millicent : Marvin.

Mouth : Don't you mean "Melvin"?

Millicent : Please don't be mad even though you have every right to be. Alex called me after she left Julian's, and I was kind of already drinking because I thought you didn't think I was pretty enough to be a model.

Mouth : When did I say you weren't pretty enough? Of course you're pretty enough.

Millicent : Then maybe we could skip the whole fight and you could just be really excited for me, because... it's official... you're looking at the newest face of Clothes Over Bros! Oh, well, not this face. But once it's cleaned up with a little makeup...

Mouth : Congratulations, Millie. I just wish I was the one you wanted to celebrate with. Anyway, you'll understand if I can't stay and rock out with my...

Millicent : Marvin! That was Alex.

Mouth : Of course it was. Well, at least she texted me. I got to go.


Clay : This situation's like a w*r, Nate. We're gonna lose a few battles.

Nathan : Just stop with the metaphors and tell me what the hell happened this morning.

Haley : Simile. What? Similes use "like" or "as"... "like a w*r."

Clay : Guys. We lost the rainstorm body spray campaign, And it looks like the shoe deal's going away.

Nathan : What?

Clay : Temporarily.

Nathan : This is unbelievable.

Clay : I know it feels like the sky is falling, but when something like this goes down, marketing executives distance themselves to protect their brands. All right, almost always, they come back as soon as the air clears.

Nathan : "Almost always"?

Clay : Look, we knew there was a risk when we decided not to deal with Renee, but it has become a bit of an issue with the Bobcats.

Nathan : They don't want me back?

Clay : No, you are far too talented for that, but they're using it to their advantage, and negotiations have slowed. Again, like I said, we expected this. More importantly, Nate, the whole agency's on this, all right? Everybody respects your decision to fight this, and we've got your back. You just got to have some faith in us... and in each other.

Haley : Clay. He's gonna have a career when this is over, right?

Clay : Haley, I'm not gonna let anything happen to him.

Haley : Because you didn't see how dark he got the first time.

Clay : Look, this is a staring contest. Our best chance at having her blink first is if the press gets tired of this and nobody makes this story any bigger than it already is.


Dan : I'm gonna make this story huge. But you don't trust me. I'd have to hate my son to tell your story, right? You're smart. I like that. That means my grandchild will be smart. Well, I was in Nathan's situation once. I refused to recognize a child that I'd fathered, and it was the second-worst mistake I ever made, but I made it in part because nobody forced me to look at the consequences of my actions. By coming out in support of you and allowing you to tell your story, I'll be forcing Nathan to take responsibility... if not emotionally, then at least financially.

Renee : He'll never forgive you.

Dan : Hmm. I've made my peace with that.


Millicent : There she is. I know... I'm late again, and we still haven't finished...

Calliope : The inventory. I also found that shipment that went missing in New Mexico, balanced the register from yesterday, and took the liberty of ordering some Bellissimo fabrics from Milan. You're gonna love them.

Brooke : I can't wait. Isn't she amazing?

Millicent : Um, I guess, but that's my job.

Brooke : Not anymore, miss thing. The fashion blogs are still buzzing about you. You are officially a model. Your only job now is to worry about being pretty. You... you might want to worry just a smidge more.

Millicent : I know. I was out late. And, Brooke, I am excellent at multitasking, and I'd be happy to keep my administrative responsibilities.

Brooke : Nonsense. I am not gonna have the new face of my company doing dirty work. Now off you go. Do whatever models do in their spare time. Just be back this afternoon for a swimsuit fitting.

Millicent : Swimsuits?

Brooke : Mm.

Millicent : Wow. Okay. I mean... great!

Brooke : Oh... Welcome to Clothes Over Bros.


Mouth : Hey, man, how you doing?

Man : I'm doing better than Nathan Scott. I mean, that dude can't catch a break.

Mouth : What do you mean?

Man : You haven't checked the board. Oh, God, Mouth... He's losing his endorsements. Sports is breaking the story tonight at 6:00.

Mouth : If Charlie asks for me, tell him I'm... I'll be back later.


Quinn : Clay! Hey.

Clay : Hey.

Quinn : What, did you run into some kryptonite? You need a friend?

Clay : You have no idea.

Quinn : Come on.


Alex : Seriously, you've been reading forever. Look, some of it's supposed to be funny. You're not laughing. You're not even smiling.

Julian : Maybe I'm laughing on the inside.

Alex : Are you? You're not. You're like, "wow, does she suck," on the inside. You're like, "she..."

Julian : This is good.

Alex : Like "I hate it, But there's a story in there somewhere" good?

Julian : No. These scenes are genuinely good... sweet, subtle, funny. Where did this come from?

Alex : Well, I woke up, and I was watching Millicent sleep. And she was, like, totally busted. So I asked myself what it would be like if I was that tragic, with, like, no self-confidence. And then I just added a boy.

Julian : Who are you?

Alex : Stick around. Maybe you'll find out.

Julian : Unfortunately, I can't stick around, because you are three hours late, and I have to meet Brooke for lunch.

Alex : Oh! Come on. Tell her we're on a roll.

Julian : Um, no. She's already a little jealous of our working relationship, but maybe we can meet back up tonight.

Alex : It's a date.

Julian : No.

Alex : Date-ish?

Julian : Work.

Alex : Work... date.


Haley : We can still pay her.

Nathan : For what? The story's already out there.

Haley : For a retraction. The money she wants is a drop in the bucket compared to the rest of your career.

Nathan : It's too late for that.

Haley : Nathan, you're being stubborn, and I know I was against it at first, but if she were to get out there and say that this whole thing has been a lie...

Nathan : We're not paying her, Haley! We're not giving this woman a dime of our money.


Quinn : You're really worried about this.

Clay : There's just so much riding on it. Quinn, I'm not in Tree Hill for a vacation. A while back, I went off the rails a bit... emotionally, and... luckily I had earned enough capital with the agency that they didn't fire me. They just scaled back my client roster and suggested I spend the summer here... pull myself together.

Quinn : And then Nathan's scandal happened. So the calm, cool exterior...

Clay : ... is kind of a lie.

Quinn : Just when I was beginning to wonder if we had anything in common.

Clay : Quinn, I shouldn't be here. Nathan doesn't want us hanging out, and I, uh, I have to respect that.

Quinn : No, look, Clay...

Clay : I'm sorry. Uh, thank you for this. I mean that. You're really great.

Quinn : Stick around.


Brooke : Chase... What brings you in?

Chase : Hey. Uh, just doing a little shopping for Mia.

Brooke : Ohh. You guys have been together a long time.

Chase : Mm-hmm. What about you? I heard Julian moved here. That must be... awesome.

Brooke : Uh-huh.

Chase : Or not so awesome?

Brooke : No. It's amazing. I'm just a little annoyed because at first I had him all to myself, and lately he has been working with one of my models.

Chase : Mm. Well, I wouldn't worry. I'm sure it's harmless. I mean, guys, you know, don't even really... like... models.

Brooke : What are you doing today?

Chase : That depends on why you're looking at me like a piece of steak.


Mouth : I would have offered to spot you, but I max out at like 180... ish.

Nathan : You know, I don't believe in k*lling the messenger, Mouth, but every time I've seen you lately, it's been bad news.

Mouth : They're running a story at 6:00 that says you're losing your endorsements. Is it true?

Nathan : Yeah.

Mouth : I'm sorry, Nate.

Nathan : Yeah, me too. I heard about your demotion. How long are they gonna keep you locked up in the basement?

Mouth : The truth? Till I do a story on you.

Nathan : Then do the story, Mouth.

Mouth : Nate...

Nathan : I'm serious, Mouth. You've already done far more than I could ever ask. Take care of your career.


Alex : And then he finally looks up, and he's like, "after reading this, I think we should be in a relationship."

Millicent : He said that... "relationship"?

Alex : Well, I mean, he put "working" in front of it, but a relationship is a relationship.

Millicent : Except in a working relationship, you never, under any circumstances, no matter how tempted you are, have sex with the other person. You're aware of that, right?

Alex : I think that's sort of a gray area.

Millicent : It's actually black-and-white, crystal-clear, written in stone.

Alex : Fine, crabby. Whatever!

Millicent : Sorry. It's just Brooke's my friend, even if she did give my job to Calliope.

Alex : Tell me you are not regretting your decision. This modelling stuff is awesome. I mean, it's hard work, but it's "pretty people" work.

Millicent : I don't know. I was good at my job.

Alex : Administrative work is for fatties, Millicent, and you are not a fatty. You... are a plus-size model.


Renee : I take it you looked at Nathan's phone bill.

Haley : If I pay you, what do I get?

Renee : I go away.

Haley : No, I'm sorry. That's not good enough. I want a retraction. I want a public letter that says this whole thing has been a lie.

Renee : Fine, if that's what will help you sleep at night, but it won't be the truth. And the price has gone up... $250,000.

Haley : That's crazy.

Renee : Actually, that's the estimated price of raising your husband's child until the age of 18. Do we have a deal? I'll tell you what. You can have until 8:00 tonight to decide. After that, I have other options.


Julian : Brooke! Hello!

Brooke : One sec. Got it.

Julian : Can I borrow you?

Brooke : Mmm.

Julian : Want to tell me why you were mounting your ex-boyfriend in the back room?

Brooke : Because you weren't available.

Julian : Very funny.

Brooke : I'm serious. This morning I looked over at this big, sexy body, and I thought to myself, "why aren't you making men's clothes, Brooke Davis?"

Julian : Mm-hmm. Clothes for Bros?

Brooke : Ka-ching! But in order to make men's clothes, you need a fit model for measurements. You were my first choice, but, alas...

Julian : I was busy with Alex. I get it. Well, I'm here now, and I'm all about taking my clothes off for you in the back room, so you can send your little boy toy packing.

Brooke : You're very sweet, but I think I'm gonna stick with Chase. I'm already halfway through his measurements. But don't worry, baby. We're all business. Hey, Chase, break's over! Drop your pants.


Mouth : I want back on the air. I obviously have an opinion, but at the end of the day, I work for you.

CEO : You are aware of what's on the board for tonight?

Mouth : Yeah, Nathan Scott's losing his endorsements. I took the liberty of getting a quote from him.

CEO : Nice work. Glad to hear you've come around.


Nathan : Don't. It's the press. They've been calling all day.

Quinn : Beat it, nerds.

Nathan : Thanks.

Quinn : You're welcome. And as a favor, it would be great if you wouldn't give Clay such a hard time about hanging out with me. I'm not a child anymore, Nathan.

Nathan : Are you sure about that?

Quinn : What's that supposed to mean?

Nathan : I don't know. Running away from your problems just doesn't seem very adult.

Quinn : Says the guy who's afraid to answer the telephone.

Nathan : Look... if you want to sleep around, I'm sure there's plenty of guys in Tree Hill who aren't responsible for my career that could probably help you out with that.

Quinn : You ever hear the one about people who live in glass houses?

Nathan : Yeah, I have. And if you don't like living in mine, you'll welcome to move back in with your husband.

Quinn : Nice, Nathan. You know, speaking of running away from your problems, maybe you should try answering one of those, coward.


Alex : I know you love to say zero is not a size, but technically zero is my size, and those are granny panties.

Brooke : These are a zero.

Alex : Really? My diet pills must be working.

Millicent : Your vitamins?

Brooke : What?

Alex : Oh, right. Vitamins.

Brooke : Okay. Whatever. I'll... see if I can take these in.

Alex : Great. Oh, and speaking of my perfect ass, I understand from Julian you might be a little concerned about our relationship.

Millicent : Working relationship.

Alex : You have nothing to worry about... Seriously. I mean, I stripped naked, and that boy didn't even flinch. He is clearly so in love with you.


Mia : Well, you're not Chase.

Julian : If only

Mia : I asked the waitress if there was a tall, dark, and handsome boy waiting for his date. She pointed me here.

Julian : Sorry to disappoint, but your "tall, dark, and handsome" is getting naked with my "short, hot, and bossy."

Mia : Huh?

Julian : He's doing some fit modeling for Brooke at Clothes Over Bros. It's harmless. I hope. Hey, can I ask you something?

Mia : Lose the shirt.

Julian : I'll go get a tape measure. No, actually, it's about being a songwriter. Do you ever meet people on tour that surprise you with their talent? I mean, uh... You know, somebody who seems simple or goofy or even ditzy, and then... bam... All of a sudden, they write this amazing song?

Mia : Hi. I'm Mia.

Julian : No, you're not like that at all.

Mia : Maybe not, but I used to be really shy. And I think sometimes all somebody needs is someone to look a little deeper... unlock their potential, like Haley did with me.

Julian : Hmm.

Mia : Was that answer worth lunch? 'Cause I'm kind of starving.

Julian : On me.


Rachel : Baby, you are a genius. The interest in the interview with Renee is off the charts.

Dan : You're not having second thoughts, are you?

Rachel : Dan, Nathan had a chance to take responsibility for this child, and he chose not to. Giving this girl a voice is the right thing to do.

Dan : Well, we don't have a show unless Renee agrees, and I haven't heard from her since this morning.

Rachel : Mm. You just leave that up to me.

Dan : It doesn't matter where I go, you always seem to find me.

Rachel : I just follow all the other girls. They lead me right to you.

Dan : It hasn't been easy lately.

Rachel : Then I guess it's a good thing I'm here.

Dan : How'd you like to stay the night tonight? Like old times.

Rachel : Well... that's up to you, isn't it?


Haley : I called Renee.

Nathan : What?

Haley : She said for $250,000, she would sign a retraction.

Nathan : Amazing... The economy's crumbling, and the truth keeps getting more expensive.

Haley : Well, she's willing to say this whole thing was a lie, so...

Nathan : You willing to believe it?

Haley : I didn't come out here to ask for your permission, Nathan. I came here to tell you that I'm paying her.


Chase : Are you okay?

Brooke : No, I'm not okay! Ho bag got naked in front of Julian!

Chase : "Ho bag"?

Brooke : Alex "my butt is the size of a kumquat" Dupre.

Chase : She is so manipulative and materialistic and self-serving and naked and... Brooke-ish?

Brooke : What did you say?

Chase : Nothing.

Brooke : Funny, I could have sworn that I heard you speak.

Chase : I meant she just seems a little bit like you were in high school.

Brooke : Huh.

Chase : She always wanted high-school Brooke. Can I put my pants back on now? I'll take that as a yes.


Girl : You blame yourself for Nathan's troubles.

Clay : I wasn't a great influence... the girls, the parties.

Girl : Do you think he did it?

Clay : No.

Girl : Then stop blaming yourself and fix it.

Clay : Stay the night. I miss this.

Girl : Is that what you want?

Clay : That's what I need.


Mouth : Nathan Scott is Tree Hill local who overcame injury and adversity to achieve a dream he had since childhood... a dream to play professional basketball. But lately Nathan's career has taken a backseat to allegations of an affair that led to the pregnancy of a fan. In my opinion, continuing to report on these allegations without any further evidence of their validity is a reckless attempt on the part of this network to boost ratings. Now, I'm not saying athletes are above the law. I'm saying it's up to science to determine the validity of these claims, not the evening news. To date, there has been no new evidence to suggest that Nathan Scott is guilty of these allegations, and yet he looks guiltier

the more that we report on him.


Millicent : Sorry. I think I left my camera in your bathroom. For my part,

Mouth : I got into sports news because I think reporting on athletes inspires people to be exceptional. And while I've never been an exceptional athlete, I can strive to be exceptional in my own way... by refusing to bow to pressure, by refusing to stoop to a level that's beneath me, just like Nathan Scott has refused to.

Millicent : Found it!

Mouth : I believe in Nathan Scott. But I also believe in my viewers. I believe you don't want any part in dragging him through the mud. So if you want Sports news and not gossip, turn the channel. Let my boss know that news isn't just about ratings. It's about people and integrity, but mostly it's about truth, and that still means something. I am Marvin McFadden, and this is Sports. Or at least... it used to be.


Nathan : Her retraction at this point won't change anyone's opinion.

Haley : It might.

Nathan : They'll all just assume we paid her off, and we will have, which will just make us look even more guilty. But you know this, Haley, which... makes me think the only reason you have left to pay her off is that you're starting to believe she might be telling the truth. Haley, if I'm guilty of this... not only am I the kind of guy that would cheat on you, I'm the kind of guy that would father a child and then turn his back. I'm Dan Scott. If you think I'm capable of that, you do what you have to do, but I guarantee you, if you've lost faith in me, all the money in the world isn't gonna fix it.

Quinn : Yeah?

Nathan : You’re all right?

Quinn : No. But it's okay. If I was, I'd be a pretty lousy person.

Nathan : I'm sorry about earlier. It's just been...

Quinn : I know. I'm sorry that woman's lying about you. I know you'd never hurt Haley like that. And you're not a coward. If anyone's a coward, it's me. I'm not running away from my problems, Nathan. I'm walking away from something that's broken. And that doesn't mean that I'm not scared. I just don't know how to let him go.

Nathan : I guess you do it a little bit at a time. You're welcome to stay here under our roof for as long as it takes, though.

Quinn : Thank you.


Chase : Wow. A candle it pool-table-top picnic dinner. What's the occasion?

Mia : I figured my man was gonna be hungry after spending the day modeling for his ex-girlfriend. She get all your measurements?

Chase : All but one.

Mia : Oh, yeah? What'd she miss?

Chase : How much I love my girlfriend.

Mia : She forgot the most important measurement of all?

Chase : She didn't forget. She just didn't have a tape measure big enough.

Mia : Always with the best answers.

Chase : Always with the best lips.


Mouth : If you ask it who's the fairest of them all, I'm out. Whoa, hey. That was a joke. Millie, I'm not mad anymore, okay? Last night was my fault. I shouldn't have been so...

Millicent : I think I made a mistake, Marvin. I don't know if I want this.

Mouth : Then why'd you say yes?

Millicent : Because it made me feel special. I mean, I felt competent at my old job. I felt smart and capable and reliable, but I never felt special.

Mouth : I think... you're the most special girl I've ever met.

Millicent : Thank you, Marvin. But that night, it was like the whole world believed I was special. But who am I kidding? I'm not a model. I'm just Millicent.

Mouth : Come here.

Millicent : What are you doing?

Mouth : Funny... you are definitely the same girl who rocked the fashion industry' world the other night, and she was a model. Have you been through any drastic changes in the last 48 hours?

Millicent : No.

Mouth : Hmm. Then, uh... unless I'm mistaken, you're still a model. And if modeling makes you feel special, then you should do it, 'cause you deserve to feel that way. You deserve to feel special every second of every day.


Julian : All right, I'll explain this in a minute.

Alex : Take your time. I am happy to watch. You work. I am happy to watch you work. It's very interesting and work-ish. I'm gonna get that. Brooke. Come in.

Brooke : Thanks. This'll just take a second. You're fired.

Alex : I have a contract.

Brooke : I'll pay you out. It's worth the loss.

Alex : This is so unnecessary. Julian and I have a working relationship. That means no "doing it."

Brooke : Maybe. But it's recently been brought to my attention that the way you behave is a lot like high-school me used to, and I would be insane to let high-school me anywhere near the man I love. The man I love, who shouldn't even think about sleeping anywhere but the couch tonight.

Julian : I'm sorry. What did I do?

Brooke : What you didn't do is tell me that ho bag got naked for you.

Julian : Oh, that.

Brooke : Yeah, that. You... couch. You... fired. Ciao, b*tches.

Alex : You can sleep here if you want.


Rachel : Thanks for meeting me. Have a seat. I know it must be hard to believe That Dan's gonna put you on the air and let you speak freely about how awful his son has been to you.

Renee : You could say that.

Rachel : There's something I think you should know. When Dan heard about you, he reached out to Nathan, and Nathan shut him down, just like he always does.

Renee : So?

Rachel : So Dan isn't doing this to help Nathan see the light. He's doing this to bury Nathan. And the deeper Nathan is buried, the more money he'll have to pay you to dig himself out. So... will you do the show?

Renee : Okay. I'm in.


Haley : I didn't do it. I couldn't.

Nathan : That's what sets you apart from her. It's one of a thousand reasons why I could never, under any circumstances, cheat on you.

Haley : I don't want to see you lose your... your dream.

Nathan : Lose her? She's right here. And I'm never letting go of her.