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07x03 - Hold My Hand As I'm Lowered

Posted: 10/11/09 20:26
by bunniefuu
Previously on One Tree Hill

Brooke : Millie was right. Alex Dupre is the perfect choice to be the face of the new campaign.

Millicent : Alex, Millicent Huxtable, Clothes Over Bros. Welcome to Tree Hill.

Alex : Thank you.

Brooke : I want you to move your stuff in, okay? This is our house now, not just mine.

Haley : Quinn, what actually happened between you and David?

Quinn : He used to see the world exactly the way I saw it. He just doesn't anymore.

Dan : Ladies and gentlemen, my wife and the love of my life.

Clay : That night after your big game against Memphis, we had that party. We were pretty wasted that night.

Nathan : Yeah. So?

Clay : Well, that was three months ago. She's three months pregnant, Nate.

Nathan : What do you want from me? Huh?

Renée : Hi, Nathan.

Nathan : You need to stop this now, Okay? Do you hear me? Why are you doing this to me?

One Tree Hill – Season 7 Episode 03


Julian : Brooke, I'm shaving.

Brooke : Got to go. I'm late. I have a big day. I love you. Bye.


Skills : I'm gonna k*ll you, Mouth.


Millicent : Alex? Oh, well, at least she's awake. Alex, come on! We got to go!

Alex : Oh, my God. Keep it down. I'm so tired.

Millicent : You've been out all night?

Alex : I have to sleep.

Millicent : But the shower.

Alex : I leave it on. I like the sound of the rain. Now I have to sleep. Go away.

Millicent : No, no. Alex, you have a photo sh**t in, like, now. You have to get up.

Alex : I can't hear you. I'm asleep. Oh, there's a sheep. Hello, counting sheep. You're funny.

Millicent : Well, there goes your counting sheep with your half million dollars. Bye.

Alex : Can I just say that I hate you?

Millicent : Mmhmm.

Alex : Oh, it's cold!

Millicent : You shouldn't have left it on, you jerk.


Skills : Man, that guy's such a jerk. You don't do that to no brother. No. Nah, you want to strip down and parade your little flaccid business around the apartment, That's cool. Go ahead with your naked ass. But this time, you done went too far. It's cheap, it's mean, and it's crossing the line. Okay, time to man up. Emergency situation. Life or death. What do you do? What do you do? Who do you call? Mmhmm. Hey, yo, Jamie Scott. I need your help.


CEO : McFadden. You're friends with Nathan Scott, aren't you?

Mouth : Yeah, old friends. Why?

CEO : Anything going on with him?

Mouth : He's in a contract year.

CEO : Right. Whatever. A friend of mine was having lunch yesterday. He said he had some sort of a misunderstanding with a woman in a restaurant.

Mouth : Okay.

CEO : It might be newsworthy.

Mouth : You're kidding, right? Well, I had a disagreement yesterday at lunch with Jerry over who got the last slice of key lime pie. It's not exactly news.

CEO : And you're not exactly newsworthy. He is. Check it out. Mouth, if there's nothing there, there's nothing there. But I fired you'd want to be the one to find out.


Nathan : You know I didn't do anything, right? I did not sleep with her or do anything else.

Haley : You have your arm around her.

Nathan : I get asked to take a lot of pictures.

Haley : You have your arm around her at a party with a beer and a smile.

Nathan : Haley...

Haley : I get it, Nathan. You got married in high school, and you had a son at graduation, and you didn't have time to go out and party with your friends and... drunken sluts with perfect teeth.

Nathan : I just took a picture with her. That's all.

Haley : But it looks bad, Nathan. And she's smart enough to know that. You should be, too.


Dan : What they see is who you'll be. Entertainment is news. Gossip is news. Rumor is news. And the truth... Well... that's negotiable. Or is it? You see, I say the truth is absolute. I say the truth is not afraid. And the truth is...

Man : You're a m*rder*r! A m*rder*r... that's what you are! Go ahead! Tell them the truth, Dan! Tell them what you are! You're a m*rder*r, is what you are! How do you sleep at night?! How do you look at yourself in the mirror?! m*rder*r! m*rder*r! m*rder*r!

Director : Should we cut? Mrs. Scott? Rachel, should we cut?

Rachel : No. Keep rolling.

Director : But the guy called him a m*rder*r.

Rachel : So? He is one.


Brooke : Hey, I'm so happy we could make this work. Haley's been showing me a ton of your work, and I am such a fan.

Quinn : Thank you, Brooke. You know, I wear your designs quite a bit, and I really feel like I can capture the energy that you're after with all the new designs. Plus, I am so excited to sh**t Alex Dupre. I mean, what is she like?

Brooke : Wow. She's like... That. Alex, what happened to you?

Alex : Jet lag.

Brooke : Jet lag, my foot. You flew in from New York. Are you hung over?

Alex : I... I just need my pills.

Brooke : Excuse me? You just got out of rehab. What is that? What did you just take?!

Alex : Vitamins?

Brooke : No. No. Give it.

Millicent : Ew.

Alex : They're just vitamins, you hags.

Brooke : Hags? Half a million dollars. Sit. You might want to start with a little lyingslut remover.

Millicent : This is our rejuvenation cream. It does wonders for jet lag, but it smells a little bad. Whatever. You know you farted. I did not fart.

Alex : That's too bad, 'cause I just did.


Jamie : Tell me again what this thing look like.

Skills : What's that magical thing called? I think they call him Puff.

Jamie : The magic dragon?

Skills :Yeah, that's exactly what it looked like... a dragon. But it was like Puff's evil twin. Oh, man.

Jamie : Cool.

Skills :See, Mouth knows I'm scared of creatures, right?

Jamie : Mmhmm.

Skills :That's why I know he did this on purpose. You think you can catch it?

Jamie : We can catch it.

Skills :You can catch it.


Julian : The new Cameron Crowe film, right? Perfect. Yeah. Okay, thanks for letting me know.

Brooke : Hi. Are you gonna work on a Cameron Crowe movie?

Julian : No, that was the video store. I'm just renting one.

Brooke : Oh.

Julian : I got coffees. Mocha double latte, extra foam.

Brooke : Thank you.

Julian : Mocha double latte, no foam.

Millicent : Thank you.

Julian : And coffee, black, two sugars. I called Haley.

Quinn : Oh, thanks.

Julian : Julian.

Quinn : Quinn. You made out in my bed.

Brooke : Hey!

Quinn : Hey, so did you.

Julian : Sorry about that.

Alex : Hello. Hot P.A. boy. Hi.

Brooke : Oh, you must be Alex.

Alex : You must be yummy. What'd you get me?

Brooke : You get chocolate, perfect for alleged jet lag. Word's on the street. And the entertainment trades... barely read.

Alex : Mmm. I like him.

Brooke : Yeah, well, you got a little competition on that one.

Alex : Please, you're way too old for him.


Clay : So... grand and she signs a confidentiality agreement. She goes away, and you have nothing to do with the kid.

Nathan : I already have nothing to do with the kid. It's not mine. Why is she doing this to me?

Clay : Because you make a lot of money, and because you're in the middle of a very public contract negotiation with a team that cares about its image and the only team that you want to play for. Which leads me to this. Maybe we pay her.

Nathan : Tell me you did not just say that.

Clay : I did, because I'm your agent, and I wouldn't be a very good one if I didn't least point out the fact that she could do a hell of a lot of damage If she went public with this or filed a paternity suit.

Nathan : It's not true. I'll take a blood test.

Clay : And by that point, the damage could be done. Nate, your next contract could be worth $ 18 million to $ 20 million minimum, Not to mention the endorsement deals that are predicated on the fact that Nathan Scott is a good guy, he's a good father, and he's a family man.

Nathan : She's lying.

Clay : So she's lying. You know the way it works, man. They print the accusation on the front page and the retraction on the back.

Nathan : If I pay her, then I'm saying that I did it.

Clay : I disagree. I think you're paying a little for a lot, and that's all. And all I'm saying is that it's a valid option we should at least consider before she... goes public. Great. Here comes the press.

Mouth : Hey, Nate,

Nathan : Hey.

Mouth : Clay. Hey. Nate, can I talk to you?

Clay : About what?

Nathan : Clay. I'm cool. I'll catch up with you.

Clay : Nate...

Nathan : I just want to talk to an old friend, okay?

Clay : Okay.

Mouth : How you doing?

Nathan : That depends. Are you here as a reporter or as a friend?

Mouth : Well, it depends on what's going on. My station manager had a friend in the restaurant where you had lunch yesterday... said you were upset about something.

Nathan : Yeah.

Mouth : Listen, if you need someone to talk to, I'm here as a friend, off the record.

Nathan : Off the record? There's a girl who's threatening to file a paternity suit against me unless I pay her a couple hundred thousand dollars to keep her quiet.

Mouth : Geez, Nate. I'm sorry.

Nathan : Yeah. I didn't do it. I don't even know her.

Mouth : Good. I'm glad. Does Haley know?

Nathan : Yeah.

Mouth : What are you gonna do about it?

Nathan : I don't know. What are you gonna do about it?

Mouth : Nothing. Look, I should get back, but you let me know if you need anything, okay?

Nathan : Yes. Mouth... Thanks. But, look, if this thing turns into something... she files a paternity suit, whatever... You do what you have to do.

Mouth : I hope it doesn't come to that.

Nathan : Yeah. Me too.


Quinn : Okay, I'm good. Why don't you two step in for a couple of test sh*ts?

Brooke : Sure. Come pose with me.

Quinn : Hold it.

Alex : He is so cute. With big hands. He probably has a really big thingy.

Millicent : You do know that's Brooke's boyfriend, yes? As in "serious boyfriend."

Alex : She dates a P.A.?

Millicent : He's not a P.A. He's a producer ... Yeah, she dates the P.A.

Alex : No, you said he's a producer.

Millicent : Mnhmnh.

Alex : As in movie producer.

Millicent : No, I didn't.

Alex : Julian. Julian. Oh, my God, he's Julian Baker. I heard that they were dating. Damn.

Make-up man : Okay, she's ready.

Alex : How do I look?

Make-up man : Oh, fabulous.

Alex : I didn't ask the help. How do I look, Millie?

Millicent : You want my opinion?

Alex : Of course. You're the only one who tells me the frickin' truth around here.

Millicent : You look amazing.

Alex : I know. I'm such a slut. All right, b*tches. Let's do this.

Make-up man : I hate her.

Millicent : Yeah.


Dan : Let's talk about today's disruption. That man wasn't wrong. We were talking about the truth, and what he said... was true. I am a m*rder*r. But I won't hide from that. I can't hide from that. I step... into the harsh light... of the truth. Because, when you stand in the light...

Public : You get yourself right.

Dan : You find forgiveness. You find happiness. You find love. I found love. You all remember my producer, Rachel, who also happens to be my wife. I remember the night we met. It was so romantic.

Rachel : Incredibly romantic.

Rachel : Dan Scott?

Dan : Nice ass.

Dan : Our courtship was oldfashioned...

Rachel : Whew!

Dan :... chaste.

Rachel : Not bad for a guy with a bad heart.

Dan : Well, spend the night, and we'll see if you can k*ll me.

Rachel : It'll cost you... a lot.

Dan : It's okay. I'm rich, and I'm dying.

Rachel : Works for me.

Rachel : He had all of the things I was interested in.

Dan : So did you, sweetheart.


Skills : Wait, wait, wait. Hold on, man. You sure you don't want to use the net or something? That thing is terrible.

Jamie : I think I'll be okay. So, how come Mouth wants you to move out?

Skills : It's just that he want this place all to himself with Millie.

Jamie : You can move into Miss Lauren's.

Skills : Yeah, I... wait, listen, man. Now, we gonna catch this thing or what?

Jamie : I'm not so sure anymore. I might need a little convincing.

Skills : Forget it.

Jamie : Okay. I guess it'll just have to stay in the bathtub.

Skills : Wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Okay, okay. Uh, here's 10 bucks.

Jamie : Which is just enough to catch a mouse or maybe a guinea pig. Now, that's dragon money. Okay, wait here.

Skills : Okay. Wait, hold on. Be careful. Look out!

Jamie : I named him Percy.

Skills : Aah!


Millicent : You're doing great, Alex. Do you need anything?

Alex : Just some more water, please. Thank you.

Brooke : You're looking at that thing like there's a ghost calling you.

Quinn : There is. Husband troubles.

Brooke : I'm sorry.

Quinn : Yeah, me too. You know, you and Julian seem so happy.

Brooke : Mm, we are. But I think he's bored out of his mind. He just gave up a movie to be with me.

Quinn : And I'm sure he's glad that he did. You know, in our case, I think part of the problem was knowing what to give up for each other and what to hold on to for ourselves.

Brooke : Yeah.


Nathan : Hi.

Haley : Hi.

Nathan : I'm sorry.

Haley : I know. I just wish there was a way to make all this go away.

Nathan : There is.


Haley : You want to pay her?! You know full well this lying whore didn't sleep with Nathan, and you want to pay her $200,000?!

Clay : Whoa, I don't want to. I simply suggest that it was an option.

Haley : It's not an option, Clay. And while we're suggesting things, let me suggest that you are a the reason why this is happening right now.

Clay : Ok.

Haley : You love it... the parties, the women... and you love having Nathan alongside you more than anything else.

Clay : That's not fair.

Haley : No? The picture... the one of that woman draped all over my husband... What party was that at, Clay? Who threw that party? I'm not saying you don't love him, 'cause I know you do, but you love having him at your side more than anything else. You could have protected him from this.

Clay : How, Haley? He's a grown man.

Haley : So are you. Start acting like it.


Jamie : I don't think it's very fair... that Mouth wants you to move out, I mean.

Skills : Man, how could you even look at that thing? Ugh!

Jamie : It's cool.

Skills : It's gross. That's what it is. You sure it ain't gonna get out?

Jamie : I'm sure.

Skills : All right. Anyway, thanks for seeing things my way, man. Good looking out, bro.

Jamie : I just think it's your place, too.

Skills : That's what I'm saying.

Jamie : Well, what did he say?

Skills : What?

Jamie : When you told him this was your place, too, what did he say?

Skills : Oh, well, I didn't exactly get to talk to him about it. Look, I didn't have time. He stripped off his drawer and I had to fight fire with fire.

Jamie : You guys are weird.

Skills : Anyway, he already know that if I move out, Miss Lauren gonna want me to move in with her, or get a place of our own, and I do not need that kind of pressure.

Jamie : Well, don't you like Miss Lauren?

Skills : Of course I do. I love Miss Lauren.

Jamie : Well, if you love her, why wouldn't you want to be with her?

Skills : Dude, I brought you over here to help me catch this little dragony thing, not to give me grief about my commitment issues. Now, come on. Let's get you home.

Jamie : Okay.

Skills : Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. What about the thing?

Jamie : What about it? Its name is Percy, and it eats bugs and stuff.

Skills : No, no, no, no, no. You catch it, you keep it.

Jamie : I already have Chester. Maybe you can trade Percy in at the pet store and get something else. Either way, you should talk to Mouth. He is your friend.


Clay : I'm sorry. Everything you said was true. I love Nate and you and Jamie. And I should have done better by all of you, and I'm sorry.

Haley : We're not paying her.

Clay : And if that's what you decide, then of course we're not. But it's not my dream, and it's not your dream. In part it is, but this is Nathan's dream. He's worked so damn hard for it, and he deserves it, and I just want to protect it. I mean, for him and for you.

Haley : This isn't fair.

Clay : I know it's not, but if paying this woman the money he makes off one commercial protects Jamie from all of this, if it keeps his name safe and his career safe and you both finally get what you've been chasing forever, I think it's something we should consider. It's not fair, Hales. But none of this is.


Dan : Do you believe in redemption?

Rachel : I believe in money. So what's your story, anyway? Just hang out in strip clubs, waiting to die?

Dan : Could be worse.

Rachel : Could be better.

* just a matter of time *

Rachel : Lucas' novel.

Dan : Yeah. Reminds me of who I used to be.

Rachel : You do know you're the villain in this?

Dan : The villain has power.

Rachel : I'm in here. I'm naked on the river court.

Dan : I know. Page 88. It's bookmarked.

* ...might take its own course *

Rachel : So, what's with the self-help books? Best seller. Best seller. People are so lazy. Instead of changing their bad habits, they just buy a book.

Dan : No, people aren't lazy. They're afraid. They're afraid of dying without leaving their mark on the world.

Rachel : 'Cause they're lazy. What about you?

Dan : Hmm. I left my mark on the world. I just can't seem to die. But I do know one thing. If people saw my life, they'd feel a lot better about theirs.

* know that we've tried * * it might scatter and fade * * with time * * all things must change * * the road... *

Rachel : You want to get out of here?

* ...might take its own course *

Dan : I can't.

Rachel : Sure you can. We both can.

* mama, we're still your boys *

Rachel : Hey. Don't drink that. I need you.

* and you gave it all back to us *


Alex : Hi. Thanks for the trades. I was going crazy without news from the real world.

Julian : This is the real world, Alex.

Alex : Not for us.

Julian : Well, it's too bad about your last movie falling apart, you were good in it.

Alex : Oh, my God. Those wigs made your head so itchy. After every take, I was like, "uhh!" Oh, crap. I'm stuck in my extensions. A little help? So, how come you're not doing that movie in New Zealand? Ow. I slept with a couple actors on it. And a few crew guys. Maybe at the same time. Anyway, how me you're not doing it?

Julian : I'm... just looking for something else.

Alex : Well... I have something else you might like. Thanks. P.S. You're totally cute.


Haley : Hey.

Brooke : Hi.

Haley : How's she doing?

Brooke : Your sister? She's amazing. And believe it or not, this knucklehead actress might actually be worth it.

Haley : Oh, great.

Brooke : How you doing?

Haley : Good.

Brooke : Haley?

Haley : Not good.

Haley : It’s really sucks you know. Everything was going so great for us, and this woman comes along and just turns our whole world upside down.

Brooke : Hales, you know I've been in the tabloids as much as anybody. They lie all the time.

Quinn : And people will give Nathan the benefit of the doubt. You know that, Haley Bob.

Alex : Unless he did it. My best friend Katie accused this guy of getting her pregnant, and it turns out he totally did it. He had to give her like a butt load of money, and then she got an abortion and bought the raddest fur coat. Like way rad.

Brooke : We need a drink.

Alex : Yeah.

Brooke : Not you. Millicent, come get her!


CEO : McFadden. Hey, what's the story with Nathan Scott?

Mouth : Nothing. There is no story.


Haley : Here's my problem with paying her. It's not the money. I mean, it is the money, but what if it comes out that we paid some pregnant lady to buy her silence?

Brooke : She would never be able to talk about it. She'd have to sign a confidentiality agreement.

Haley : What gonna stop her from doing that? I mean, since we’re clearly dealing with such a trustworthy human being.

Brooke : Right.

Quinn : I don't understand. The woman claims that she's pregnant, you know, and that Nathan's the father, but in this day and age, you can prove that kind of thing so easily, you know, with an amniocentesis or eventually a blood test, so...

Haley : He didn't do it. He said he didn't do it, so I believe him.

Quinn : Okay, of course, but then...

Brooke : Look, she's hoping that Nathan caves. She's pregnant, she doesn't have any money, and she knows that Nathan Scott has a lot to lose, so why not take a shot? I say you call her bluff and don't pay the dumb bitch a dime.

Haley : That's what I said, but it's gonna go public, and it's gonna affect Jamie, and Nathan's basketball contract is up for renewal.

Millicent : Hi.

Alls : Hi.

Millicent : I'll be right back. Alex, you can't drink those.

Alex : Fine! But love tequila. Used to. Here. You drink them, and I'll just have the lime.

Millicent : No.

Alex : Please? Pretty, pretty, pretty please?

Millicent : Mmm.

* now the ocean tides come up with the moon * * I'm afraid we're all living... *

Millicent : Ugh!

Alex : Nice! Are we drunk yet?

Millicent : We're buzzed.

Alex : Oh, I miss being buzzed. Okay, don't tell any of the boys that I'm sober. That way, if I do anything slutty, I can still blame the booze. Thanks, Millie. See ya.

Haley : So, the photo sh**t went well?

Brooke : It went great, actually. This one's kind of good at her job for being a James.

Quinn : Former James. Possibly future James. But thank you. You know, I used to make Haley Bob pose for me all the time. Remember, Hales?

Haley : Sorry. I'm sorry, you guys. I really appreciate this, but I'm gonna go talk to Nathan. I'll catch up with you later.

Brooke : Hey. I'm here for anything.

Haley : I know. Thank you.

Quinn : I'll see you at home.

Haley : Ok.

Brooke : You know what? I should probably go get some work done. Do you want to go?

Quinn : No, I think I'm gonna stay here.

Brooke : Do you want to talk about it?

Quinn : Truthfully, I want to drink about it.

Brooke : Okay. You did great work today, Quinn.

Quinn : Thank you so much, Brooke.

Brooke : Yeah.

* till the family relents and you get yourself pissed * * and suddenly everyone has got some advice * * you sell their suggestions without thinking twice *


Skills : Mouth. Yeah, ha ha, very funny. You got me good, too, man. No, I did not scream like a little girl. No, I did not. Yeah, well, you would scream like a little girl, too, if a reptile ambushed you like that. Look, anyway, I want to call a truce. So, we need to talk when you get home later, all right? No, it was just something Jamie said. So, I guess I'll see you later, and I guess I'll try and explain it to you. All right, bro. All right. Later.

* ...was born in the spring * * born in the spring * * born in the spring * * born in the spring * * 'cause everyone's gone * * we all die, don't you know? * * are you so disappointed that it all was a show? * * and the first love you had was the only thing real *


Nathan : How am I gonna explain this to him?

Haley : Maybe you won't have to.

* and we're brought here together... * * still I wish that I... *

Haley : I... I hate that somebody can do this to you and get away with it, Nathan... I do. But... you're the one who fought as hard as you did to get where you are now, And you're the one who never gave up yourself, so... if you want to make this whole thing go away, then you do that, and I won't speak of it again.


Clay : Let me get a Dixie and a shot of tequila, chilled.

Alex : I love tequila. Used to.

Clay : Doesn't go too well with rehab. Alex Dupre, right?

Alex : Right. And you're that boy who owns the big house on the beach.

Clay : I'm the boy that rents that big house on the beach. Clay.

Alex : Hi.

Clay : Uh...

Alex : Go ahead. Just do it quick.

* ...with a degree pushing buttons * * he really played to win, man * * yeah, he'd never give up nothing * * something in his eyes said, "why are you all laughing?" *

Alex : I miss that.

Clay : The kissing or the drinking?

Alex : Yes.

Quinn : Wow. You're a piece of work. My sister's in tears, my brother in law's unemployed, and you're sucking face with dumb girls at the bar.

Clay : Wow, your husband must be so happy right now. I'm sorry. That was unfair. Yeah, it has been one of those days. How you holding up?

Quinn : If I was one of your clients, I'd be listed as "day to day’’

Clay : Aren't we all? Lauren. Okay. I'll take care of it.

Quinn : Hey, Clay? I hope you know what you're doing.

Clay : You too.

Alex : I can be in your bed in 20 minutes.

Clay : Maybe 30 .

Quinn : Really? You're that guy?

Clay : I am tonight.


Rachel : What's on your mind, baby?

Dan : Oh. I'm sorry what happened today with that man in the crowd you work so hard for me and... and the show, and I just... I'm sorry.

Rachel : I'm not. I hired him to do it.

Dan : Why?

Rachel : Because you can't hide from what you did, Dan. And because whenever we shine a light on your mistakes, you fight back, and that inspires people. Besides, it makes for good TV.


Alex : Hi.

Julian : Alex. What can I do for you?

Alex : You said you were looking for something different.

Julian : Look, Alex, I...

Alex : I know what you're thinking. You're thinking I'm hot, and you're also thinking the dumb actress just gave you a stupid script, but it's not stupid, and I'm not dumb. Okay, well, I'm a little dumb, but I know a good script when I read it.

Julian : Okay. I'll take a look.

Alex : Hey, when I said I had something different for you. You thought I meant me, huh? Um... no. Some other boy gets me tonight. But we can totally meet up after if you want.

Julian : That's okay. I'm good.

Alex : Yeah. I'll bet you are.

* suddenly * * we decompose *


David : Answer it, Quinn. You're gonna have to talk to me sometime.


Mouth : Well, at least you're wearing pants.

Skills : Look, if I move out, Lauren gonna want me to move in with her.

Mouth : So what? You love Lauren.

Skills : I know, but, look, first we move in together, and then she gonna want to get married. And, man, we even ain't even gotten into that yet. Look, I'm not even sure if I ever want to get married. And I'm not saying that I don't love Lauren, because I do. I'm just not sure what I want to do yet.

Mouth : Well, you should have said that.

Skills : Yeah, well, you should have asked.

Mouth : You're a good roommate, Skills, and a good friend. You stay as long as you want, all right?

Skills : All right.

* came to life * * reaction time * * we're allowed * * so we all * * are growing old *


Millicent : I didn't expect her to be such a mess. I'm sorry about that.

Brooke : No, me too, but I'll tell you what... the camera loves her. She looks healthy and smart... happy.

Millicent : Hmm.

* and don't be afraid of the cold *


Clay : I appreciate you meeting me.

Renee : I just want what's fair.

Clay : Yeah. This is, uh... this is the amount that we're willing to pay to make this go away.

Renee : It's empty.

Clay : That's right. It's empty because you're a lying bitch, and we're not paying you a dime. Go to hell.

* we cry * * cry * * we cry * * we slide * * we slide * * we'll slide into the light *


Nathan : He talked to her. It didn't go well.

Haley : It's gonna get worse.

Nathan : I should talk to Jamie.

* sing, fight * * we'll slide into the light * * maybe we're sealed in silence * * and maybe we feel a guidance * * maybe your own devices * * will keep you afraid of the cold * * afraid of the time * * you've got nowhere to go but here *