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01x35 - The Sunday Drive

Posted: 08/28/22 07:16
by bunniefuu
I have to work.

Man, oh, man, what a day.

And I have to work.

Not a cloud in the sky.

Hi, Henry!

Beautiful day, huh?

Hello, Steve.

"The hounds of Spring
are on Winter's traces!"

Yeah, they, uh,
they sure are, Henry.

Well, I, uh, I've
gotta go to work.

I'll see you later.

See you later, Steve.

"Hounds of Spring," eh, Robbie?


Never mind.

About finished?

Uh, yes, sir, just about.

Well, it looks good.

Doing a nice job, Robbie.


Sir, is something wrong?


What could be wrong
on a day like this, Robbie?

Why, it's good just to be alive.

Clear sky, warm
sun, good clean air.




Come out of your shell, Robbie.

Come out and meet
your world head-on.

Expose yourself to the, uh,

glorious source of life.

Oh, sir, I couldn't do that.

If I expose myself,
somebody might recognize me.

Somebody driving along in a car.

Somebody like Mary
Lou Miller, maybe.

On a day like this in spring,

you're hiding from a girl?


Tell me, Robbie, in spring,

where does a young man's
fancy turn to these days?


Never mind.

"A lovely apparition
sent... To be...

"To be, to be a
moment's ornament;

"Her eyes" like
stars of twilight fair...

Her eyes like stars
of twilight fair..."

"Like twilight's
to her dusky hair,

"But all things else
about her drawn

from Maytime and
the cheerful dawn."

That's a lovely poem.
One of my favorites.

Daddy, Mike was
supposed to get it.

Oh, I was rather proud of myself

for having remembered
it, after all these years.

It doesn't make any difference
whether you remember it or not.

Mike's the one who's got
the oral exam tomorrow.

Start all over again, Mike.

"She was a phantom of delight

when first she gleamed
upon my sight..."

Mike, where is the
music and the passion?

Where is the music and passion?


Never mind.

Hello, my dear.

You make this cake fall,
and I'll never forgive you.

Ah, it's much too nice
a day to be working.

Oh, it is a nice day.

I've been looking
out the window.

"Spring, the sweet spring,

"the year's pleasant king;

"Then blooms each thing,

"the maids dance in a ring,

"Cold doth not sting,

the pretty birds do sing."

Now, Henry, you just stop that.

That's just awful
to have to listen to.

You know, Florence,
when I was a boy,

I won many contests
reciting poetry aloud.

When I was 16, I thought
I'd reached my peak.

Can you reach
the vanilla extract?

That bottle in back.

I was outside just
now, Florence,

and I had an idea.

No, it's the small brown
bottle, way in back.

Why don't we go
for a Sunday drive

just like we used to.

Oh, that's it. Thank you, dear.

When we were first married,

we'd go for a Sunday
drive nearly every week.

Couldn't afford to
do anything else.

It's a perfect day for a drive.

Oh, excuse me, dear.

The car's clean and shiny.

Let's do it, Florence.

Oh, Henry, I'd like to,

but we just got home
from church and the cake...

That can wait till we get back.

Well, and I have to
fix the asparagus...

Let's get off
schedule, Florence.

Let's live a
little, as they say.

All right, Henry, let's.

We'll drive out of
town, into the country...

Like we used to.

Maybe we'll even park,
and pick wild flowers.


I remember.

Why, Florence, I do
believe you're blushing.

Oh, I am not.

What a perfectly
awful thing to say.

You're still pretty when
you, blush, Florence.

Now, Henry, you're
acting like you're 19 again.

It's in the air, dear.


Yes, Jean, now,
what do you want?

Is there anything cold to drink?

There's some lemonade
in the refrigerator.

"Could but I fly,
I'd fly with thee

"We'd make a joyful wing

"Our annual visit o'er the globe

Companions of the spring."

Is that it? Is that the spirit?

I guess it is, dear.

Oh, I forgot the butter.

I hate poetry.

Oh, don't say hate, dear.

That's such a strong word.

Say dislike.

I dislike poetry... very much.

I don't believe you
mean that, Jean.

Well, I just hate...

Dislike having to memorize it.

Studying on a day
like this is nowhere.

Maybe you should take a break.

Yeah, take a walk,
stretch your legs,

breathe good clean air.

What we'd really like
to do is go to the movies.

There's a great
picture at the Majestic.

That's obviously the best way

to enjoy a glorious
spring afternoon...

Sit in a movie theater.

Why don't you take a drive?

That's what your father
and I are gonna do.

Are you really?

What's so
extraordinary about that?

I think it's a great idea.

Dinner will be a little late.

We could go right on studying,

but it really wouldn't
seem like studying.

I'll ask Mike.

Well, I better get ready.

You're lovely just
as you are, dear.


Now, when the bell
on the stove goes off,

take the cake out of the oven

and put it on the drain board.

"Spring, the sweet spring,

"the year's pleasant king;

"the year's pleasant king;

"Then blooms each thing,

"maids dance in a ring...

"Cold doth not sting

the pretty birds do sing."


I have on my invisible

ray-proof outer suit.

Your weapons are useless.


I'm disintegrating.


The Martians are coming!

The Martians are coming!

The Martians are coming!

That's no fair.

Yeah. It's not.

No, it isn't.

Hey, Mike.

If some girl like
Mary Lou Miller calls

or comes by here,
I'm not home, okay?


Another ninth grade beauty

trapped by your
irresistible charms, huh?

That's right.

She keeps after me for a date.

She's been calling
every ten minutes.

I'm running out of
wrong numbers to be.

Well, all of
history's great lovers

had the same problem.

Yeah, she's a real weirdo.

I mean, it's like she's
got radar or something.

I go to the malt
shop and there she is.

I-I come home and
the phone starts ringing.

Must have left it upstairs.

I mean, I've been
the-the bus depot,

the train station,
the-the pizza parlor...

Well, I'd like to
help you, Robbie,

but I'm going for a
drive with the Pearsons.

Oh, gee, I wish I
could go for a drive.

Maybe if I kept moving,
Mary Lou couldn't track me.

That's for me.


Hello. Hello.


You must have the
wrong number, young lady.

This is the public library.

I know, that's why it's no good.



Why not? CHIP: All
right, I'm coming to get ya.

Come on.

Bub... Come on,
sport, move it, will ya?

Get out of here.

All right, Captain Zoomar,

you'd might as well come out!

I'll give you three seconds,

before I destroy
this entire palace

with my death ray!

That's no fair!

Two seconds, Captain Zoomar.

Dad? Uh, come in, Mike.

Oh, sorry to bother you, but...

Oh, that's all right, I'm
just taking a breather

until after they blow
the palace up. Huh?

One second, Captain Zoomar!

Oh, I see what you mean.

I guess they changed their plan.

Well, there goes the
fifth one I've ruined today.

The first one went when
they landed on the moon.

Uh, what is it, Mike?

Oh, I just wanted to tell you,

I'm going for a drive
with the Pearsons. Oh.

Beautiful day for a drive. Yeah,

we're going out in the country.

I wish I could go with you,

but I've got to
finish this thing.

I was gonna tell Bub,
but I couldn't find him.

Oh, I think he's
out in the garage

painting that bookcase again.

Well, so long, Dad.

Good-bye, Mike.

Uh, Mike.

You know, Mike,
I was just thinking.

I'll bet there's no one who'd
enjoy a ride in the country

more than two young
boys about Chip's age.

Oh, no!

Oh, come on now,
Mike, I'm desperate.

I've just got to get
this done today.

And I can't concentrate
with those two kids around.

They're either
blowing up a palace

or crashing a
spaceship every minute.

Well, can't you send Huey home?

No, no, his-his
mother dropped him off.

She's gone to a
party or something.

Come on.


Well, I'll ask Mr. Pearson.


Henry won't mind. He likes kids.

He does?

Well ask him anyway.

Tell him I'll return
the favor some day.

Okay, so long.

Good-bye, Mike.

Hi, Mr. Pearson.

Car all right?

Oh, oh, yes, Robbie.

Yes, indeed, everything's fine.

Matter of fact, I think I'll give
you a dollar and a quarter,

instead of just a dollar.

Oh, it's on the house.


Oh, no, Robbie, I
couldn't let you do that.

No, I enjoyed it.

Boy, really sharp day, isn't it?

Yes, very sharp.

You going somewhere?

Going for a drive.

That is I'm going for a drive if
Florence will ever get out here.

A drive!

Oh, you know, I was
just saying to myself...

What I wouldn't
give to go for a drive.

Boy, you really are lucky!

Well, uh,

well, why don't
you ask your father?

I'm sure Steve... Dad's working.


Oh, you sure are lucky

to go for a drive
this afternoon.


I'm sorry, Robbie,
but I just can't...

Sorry for keeping
you waiting, Dad.

Mom will be here
in a few minutes.

Excuse me.

See you later, Dad.

Come on, Mike, let's go.

Couldn't find my book.

Get in.

That's great.

Thanks a lot, Mr. Pearson.

Okay, Mr. Pearson, we're ready.

You are?

Oh, Mr. Pearson,
Dad wants to know

if you'd do him a big favor.


He'd really appreciate it.

He's been trying to
get some work done

for two hours, and... Get in.

Come on, Tramp!

Mr. Pearson, I'll get in the
front, and the two little kids

can get in the back. Now,
now, now, wait a minute, Robbie.

Oh, no, you don't,
oh, no, you don't.

I don't want those
kids back here.

Dad, Dad. Now, wait, wait, wait.

Actually, we...

we don't have room
for seven people.

That's right, we don't have room

for seven people and a dog.

Why don't we take
the station wagon?

Hey, yeah, I'll get
the keys from Dad.

Now, wait a minute, Robbie.

Dad won't mind.
That's a great idea.

Now, just a minute.

Excuse me.

No, no, no, wait a
minute, let me out.

Here, Daddy, you put our books

in the station wagon, please.

But, Jean, I... But
Dad won't mind.

You're doing him a big favor.

Here, I'll move your
car into your driveway.

All ready to go, dear?

We're going in
Steve's station wagon.

Our car won't hold
seven people and a dog.

Seven people?

"Love thy neighbor,"
as they say.

All of them?

Well, that's the trouble
with modern psychology.

Children nowadays
always feel wanted.

I'm too old to pick
wild flowers anyway.

That's right, dear.

Roll with the punches.

Quick, we've got to take off

before the magnetic
monster discovers us.

There he is, the monster!

He's horrible... quick!

Hey there, what's going on?

You roughnecks
get out of that car.

I don't like the idea of
driving other people's cars.

Makes me nervous.

Don't be nervous, dear.

With Robbie and
Mike in the back seat,

I'm sure you'll
have lots of help.

All right, now, you two.

Out of that car.

It's the monster,
it's the monster!

Zap, zap, zap!

That will do, little boy.

Now, Chip, you know
your father's orders.

Get out of that car.

It's just us, Mr. O'Casey.

Tell him we're friends,
General Conrad!

Oh, hello, Henry.

Uh, I didn't see you.

We're just going for a drive.

Well, now, that
seems like a nice idea.

If I was cleaned up a little
bit, I'd go along with you.

We wish you could.

Yeah, I do, too, but I've
got too many chores to do.

Now, have a good time.

Enjoy yourself.


Hurrah, hurrah! You saved us!

Congratulations, General Conrad.

You saved us from
the magnetic monster.

Yeah, that's neat.

What's our next stop, General?

You can't have a next stop

until you start
with the first stop.

Yes, sir, roger, okay, sir.

Come on, let's go!

What's wrong now?

I'm ruining my nail polish.

Can you fix this?

"Phantom of delight.

"When first she
gleamed upon my sight.

"A lovely..." lovely
apparition sent...

"A lovely apparition sent..."

I never can
remember that last line.

"To be a moment's ornament."



What's going on, Robbie?

Move it, Robbie.

What is going on?

You're getting in our way.

It's Mary Lou Miller.

She's at the front door.

No, she isn't.

She's walking up the driveway.

Watch out.

Here, let me have
the... No, we need it to...

sit on, dumbhead.

Now sit on it.

Oh, boy, come on, let's go.

This is gonna be neat.

What are you...

May I ask, what in the
world is wrong with...

Mary Lou Miller.


Hello, Mrs. Pearson.

Uh, my, what a
cute dress, Mary Lou.

Thank you.

Uh, how's your mother?

Oh, she's fine.

I was looking for
Robbie Douglas.

Have you seen him?

Well, uh, I saw him a while ago.

He, uh... he was here.

Well... maybe I'll wait
around for a while.


Mine is gonna
make all yours die.

I don't know, but it isn't.

I do.

The coast is clear, Robbie.

Not until we're way the
heck away from here.

She said she was
gonna wait around.

Would somebody please tell me

what's so wrong
with Mary Lou Miller?

I think she's perfectly darling.

She's a vampire.

A what?

Florence, I'm sorry.

I can't fix it.

That's all right,
it's not important.

Gee, Daddy, what
are we waiting for?

Yeah, let's go!

All right, everybody.

Fasten your safety belts.

We're off!

The sooner, the better.

"She was a
phantom of delight..."

You know, it's starting
to get a little cool.

I'll roll up my window.

These spring days
are so unpredictable.

Oh, dear, I left my
sweater in the other car.

What's wrong?

Everyone who needs
or is going to need

or thinks he might
be going to need

a coat, jacket, scarf, sweater,

handkerchief or lipstick,
please raise your hands.

I don't know why you have
to be so military about it.

Two sweaters.

Jean, will you go get sweaters
for yourself and your mother?

Yes, Daddy.

"She was a
phantom of delight..."

Where's Mary Lou?

She's still on the front steps.

"When first she
gleamed upon my sight..."

Hey, will you guys please move?

Don't you want us to
protect you anymore?

Not if I have to get
squashed to death.

"A lovely apparition sent..."

"A lovely apparition sent..."

Uh-uh, I just hit you.

"A lovely apparition sent..."

"To be a moment's ornament"!

Oh, thanks.

I'm hungry.

Me, too.

Well, you ate lunch, didn't you?

I don't care.

I always get hungry
when I go for a ride.

We just moved 30 feet.

Run in and get a piece
of fruit or something.

Hey, Mr. Pearson.

Tell them to bring me a
piece of that blackberry pie.

Come on, let's go.
Come on, Tramp.

Robbie, I don't think

eating gooey blackberry
pie under a blanket

with two little boys
sitting on you...

Oh, that's okay, Mr. Pearson.

Dad doesn't mind if
I eat between meals.

Is the coast clear?

Robbie, it might
surprise you to know

that I am not worried about
your eating between m...

"Like stars of twilight fair

Her eyes like stars
of twilight fair..."

Bring back plenty of... napkins.

Florence, I...

Do you think if I sing
it I could remember it?

I mean, like, uh...

♪ She was a
phantom of delight. ♪

Far, far away.




Florence, what are you doing?

Fixing my nails. ♪ She
was a phantom of delight. ♪


Yes, dear?

Mrs. Dell is on the phone.

Oh, that silly old woman.

She calls me all the time,

and she never
has anything to say.

Don't talk to her then.

Well, it may be
something important.

Uh, Henry, hold this
a minute, will you?

Uh, I... Be right there.

Well, uh, here I am.

Henry Pearson, what in
the Sam Hill are you doing?

I'm sitting here
in a borrowed car

holding my wife's nail polish
while she chats on the phone.


Well, if that invitation
still holds good, I...

Just sit anywhere.


♪ A lovely apparition sent ♪

♪ To be a moment's ornament. ♪

Hey, I got it.

What's the next line?

"All the world am
sad and dreary."

Yeah, hey.

♪ And now I see
with eyes serene ♪

♪ And now I see
with eyes serene ♪

♪ And now I see
with eyes serene ♪

♪ And now I see
with eyes serene. ♪

Somebody change the record.

We never used to
have so much trouble.

When we decided
to go for a drive,

we got in the car, just went.

♪ And now I see
with eyes serene... ♪

I think you're flat.

♪ And now I see
with eyes serene ♪

All right, everybody, let's go!

I'm leaving in one
minute, with or without you!

One minute!

On the double!

Now, are we all here?

Help me, Mike.

One, two, three,
four, five, six,

seven, eight.



Now, we're going for a drive,

and we are going to enjoy it.

Is that clear to everybody?

Oh, Mrs. Pearson,

would you mind
taking me by house?

I can't wait any
longer and... Get in!

Mary Lou... dear.

Hi, Mary Lou.

♪ And now... and now I
see with eyes serene ♪

♪ The very pulse
of the machine ♪

♪ Of being ♪

♪ Breathing, thoughtful breath ♪

♪ A traveler be... ♪

♪ A traveler between... ♪

Hi, Robbie.

It's Barnaby.

What's Barnaby
doing in your jalopy?

He borrowed it for a date.

Boys? Boys.

Move back. It'll all
be over in a minute.

All right, now, every...
Huey, get your feet off...

Ah, you again. Now, Florence,
you take Jean back in the car.

It'll be all right, I'll
take care of everything.

Hey, Henry, what's going on?

You back already?

We haven't left yet, Steve.

You haven't left
yet? What's wrong?

Oh, Dad, it's okay. We
just hooked bumpers.

Yeah, we'll have it
fixed in a minute, Dad.

Barnaby... Oh.

Well, have a nice drive.

Get back. It'll all
be over in a minute.

Ah, I bet it's beautiful
in the country.

buzzing, frogs croaking,

wildflowers blooming.

Yeah, great day for
a drive in the country.

I envy them.

Well... back to work.

All right, everybody,
back in the car now!

We're gonna have a good trip
and we're going to enjoy this!