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04x12 - Running for Honor - June 11, 1964

Posted: 08/28/22 07:01
by bunniefuu
Theorizing that one could time travel
within his own lifetime,

Dr. Sam Beckett stepped
into the Quantum Leap accelerator...

and vanished.

He awoke to find himself
trapped in the past,

facing mirror images
that were not his own...

and driven by an unknown force
to change history for the better.

His only guide on this journey is Al,
an observer from his own time,

who appears in the form of a hologram
that only Sam can see and hear.

And so, Dr. Beckett finds himself
leaping from life to life,

striving to put right
what once went wrong...

and hoping each time
that his next leap...

will be the leap home.

Go! Go!

Oh, boy.


That was just beautiful, ladies.

Two days before the
biggest meet of the year,

and you two are actin'
like the Keystone Cops.

York, do you want to tell me what
the hell you were thinkin' out there!

- Me?
- Yes, you!

I was, uh...
I was a little distracted, that's all.

What's so funny?

- Nothin'.
- Nothin'? Nothin', what?

- Sir. Nothin', sir.
- I can't hear you!

- Sir, nothin', sir!
- You people are pathetic!

And since Lieutenant Chambers
is havin' such a good time,

everybody to the weight room
for some more laughs.

Now, move it, people.
You better move!

Not you, York!

Tommy, you okay?

Yeah. I just... I-I just kind of
bumped my knee a little bit.

That's not what I meant.

You've been distracted
a lot lately.

Is there somethin' you
want to talk about?

No, uh, there's nothin'
to talk about. I-I'm okay.

You know, we're really
countin' on you Saturday.

And I don't have to tell you what it means
to beat those grunts from Hillview, do I?

Twenty years on the short end.
That's long enough, right?

- Right.
- Okay. Go take a shower.


Sometimes when I leap,
it's hard to tell who or what I am.

I still wasn't sure what was going
on this time, but one thing was clear...

I wasn't a hippie.

Stop starin' at your ugly face
and get ready.

I mean, that is if you
still want a ride into town.

Oh. Yeah, sure. Okay.

That was funny out there.

Well, you know, I was just tryin'
to break the tension a little bit.

Yeah, well, I-I don't think
Coach got the joke.

Yeah. Yeah, I noticed.
He seemed to be kind of...


At ease, Commander York.

Did I mention anyone
other than York?

I was going to speak with you privately
so as not to embarrass you,

but I thought it would be better if you
found out in front of your classmates.

I knew this leap
was too good to be true.

Gentlemen, I give you the valedictorian
of Prescott Naval College for 1964,

Cadet Commander Thomas H. York.

I just want you to know...

this has nothing to do with the fact
that my daughter is crazy about you.

Carry on!

Gentlemen, a moment like this
calls for only one thing.

Wet down!

Wet down, wet down, wet down, wet down,
wet down, wet down, wet down, wet down.

Boy, does this
bring back memories.

Don't tell me you
were a valedictorian too.

No. I was in charge of tapping the
kegs at the party after the graduation.

Al, I'm in a military school.

Mmm, yes and no. You're in a naval
college, and there's a big difference.

Boy, this brings me back
to my plebe days.

There was no freedom, there was no
sleep, there were no women.

It was hell.

Tell me about it. Why am I here?

Uh, let's see,
your name is Tommy York,

and you're cadet commander
at Prescott College,

which is a prep school
just outside of Lakeside, Michigan.

You have a... Oh...
4.0 grade average.

You've also got school records
in the 440 and 100-yard dash.

That makes you a B.M.O.C.,
a Big Man On Campus.

I know what it means.
Why am I here?

Mm-mmm. Well, Ziggy doesn't
have that nailed down yet.

Why does Ziggy always come up
with the useless information first?

- Useless? What...
- I mean, just once, wouldn't it be nice...

I mean, I really wish you would
show up with something good,

something that I needed right now,
and have it waiting for me.

Well, if wishes were broken hearts,
everybody would have 'em.

All right. All right, I will go back
and run the program.

You stay cool.

Stay cool. Stay cool.
Everybody's got advice.

Stay cool.
Listen, I'm soaking wet, I'm...

- Practicing your speech?
- Hmm?

Your speech, for graduation.

Yes. Yeah, my graduation speech.

You know what they say...
it's never too soon to start early.

I don't see her. Are you sure she
was supposed to meet you here today?

Yeah. She's probably...
She's probably just running late, you know.

Dating the admiral's daughter.

Buddy, you've either got
a lot of guts or no brains.

Yeah, well, probably,
uh, a little bit of both.

Hey, listen, I didn't get a
chance to thank you for yesterday.


Well, yeah. If you hadn't helped
me cram for that algebra test,

I would've gone ahead
and used crib notes.

You mean... You mean
you would have cheated?

Don't hit me
with the honor code.

"I will not lie, cheat or steal
or tolerate anyone who does."

Unless I need to pass algebra.

I'm glad you didn't need to.

Hey, listen, you can find a ride
back to school, right?

Yeah. Uh, I guess so.
You're not comin' in?

No. Uh, a couple of us are gonna
cruise around and make some noise.


Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

I've been here almost two hours
and still didn't have a clue as to why.

But right now, the immediate
problem was trying to figure out...

which one of these girls
was waiting for me.

Hey, Kemosabe, I didn't think you
were coming. What'd you do, row here?

Yeah, well, uh,
I had to wait for a ride.

On what, on a tricycle?

Yeah. It had cards in the spokes.

You know, we probably should
have met somewhere else.

What's wrong with this place?

Well, it's not quite as public as
Grand Central Station or anything,

but it's pretty close.

Next time, we ought to take out
a billboard or something, huh?

You know, somebody
might see us together.

- Did you see the paper?
- Uh, no.

Happened again last night in Dalton.

Guy was just walking out of a bar
and they jumped him.

You know, that's the third time
this month. Those bastards.

- Who?
- Who?

Our friends with the big shoulders
and the tiny brains... the Chain.

Tommy, you're not having
second thoughts about this, are you?

- I mean, these guys got to be stopped.
- The Chain.

Yeah. Cadets Honoring An Ideal Navy.
Pretty cute, huh?

- So, did you find out who's leading them?
- What can I get you boys?

Oh, uh, what kind of
mineral water do you have?

Uh, I don't feel like that.
Just give me some plain water, and, uh...

- Coke.
- Coke. Water and a coke.

Last of the big-time spenders.

Look, I got to get out of here.
Here's where I'm staying.

Be there at 10:00,
and we'll talk some more.

Use the back door, and make sure
you're not being followed. Okay.

Tommy, if they find out you're helping me,
there's no telling what they're gonna do.

My conversation with Phillip had left me
not only confused, but curious.

He obviously had a secret,
and apparently I was in on it.

Nice neighborhood, huh?

I'm glad you're here.

Does Ziggy know anything about this
address... what's goin' on here?

Oh, this is, uh, some kind of
underground newspaper in here.

But does the name Phillip Ashcroft
mean anything to you?

Phillip Ashcroft. I met him today at
the café. He's a friend of Tommy's.

- Uh, roommate.
- Phillip's a cadet?

Well, he was a cadet commander,

but he got kicked out of
Prescott a couple of months ago.


Well, he was implicated
in some kind of scandal.

A scandal?

Let him go.
Tommy, get out of here.

What the hell is goin' on, Al?

Sam, Phillip was kicked out
of Prescott because he was gay.


- Al, are you tellin' me that I'm gay?
- No.

I'm saying that Ziggy says
there's an 86.3% chance...

that this Tommy York is gay.

- Well, what about Karen?
- Who?

The admiral's daughter.
Tommy's dating her.

Oh, he's dating... Well, that
doesn't make any difference.

Gay men were-were married
and-and had families.

That was the perfect way
to hide the truth.

- So Ziggy can't confirm it?
- Not totally, no.

Okay. I'm gonna need a little bit more
proof than Ziggy's projection, okay?

Okay. Well, then maybe you
better have a look at this.


"I've wrestled with
this decision for weeks,

"and I'm still not sure
I'm doing the right thing.

"I feel the treatment
received by my roommate

"and friend,
Cadet Phillip Ashcroft,

"forces me to expose a small
radical group known as 'The Chain.'

"In doing that,
I risk my future at Prescott,

"but I feel this is my duty as a
class leader and cadet officer."

It's signed Tommy York, and it's
addressed to Admiral Spencer.


Well, what?
This doesn't prove anything.

Well, sure it does. Imagine this-this
kid Tommy... he's got everything.

Why would he risk it all unless he was
havin' a relationship with Phillip?

Have you ever heard of friendship?

- What?
- Oh, nothin'. I just, uh...

I don't ever remember seein' you...
cross your legs that way before.

- What are you saying, Al?
- Uh, oh, nothing.

- Yes, you are.
- No...

You're saying that the way I cross my
legs has something to do with something.

I can't believe you would
even say something like that.

- Well...
- That is so stupid.

Let's just drop it, all right?

Okay, okay. I'll drop it.
I'll drop it.

- Just drop it.
- I'll drop it.

- Al...
- I dropped it.

Look, I am sure that I'm here to
help Phillip get back into Prescott.

- I doubt that.
- Why?

Because in two days,
he's found hanging in his print shop.

- The Chain?
- Ziggy doesn't know yet.

Well, I'm gonna need
some more information, Al.

Uh, see if you can find anything
from the police investigation, all right?

Okay, you got it.

- Um, Sam?
- Hmm?

Maybe... Maybe it's better
if you don't walk around...

with your hands on your hips
like that, you know?

Get out. And don't come back
until you've joined the 20th century.

Go on.

- What the...
- Get his arms!

- What were you doin' in there?
- Doin' where?

At the print shop.

I've been tryin' to figure out a
logical reason for you to be there.

Give me a logical reason, Tommy.

Well, you know, I was out cruisin'
around lookin' to make a little noise.

I heard somethin',
I decided to check it out.

- Very funny.
- I went to help Phillip.

Help a q*eer?

I'd appreciate it if you'd
not use that word again, you...

I talked to the guys.
I told them you're confused,

that you felt sorry for Phillip
because he was your roommate.

That is what happened, isn't it?

Damn it, Tommy,
this is your last chance!

To what, join the Chain so I can
beat up people who are different?

You room with a q*eer,
you become one.

You're through here, Tommy.

On your mark...

get set...

What have you got,
lead in your shoes?


- Look.
- Is that good?

Oh, that's great. If you're
my grandmother, that's great.

You're three seconds
off your worst time.

Tommy, what the hell's
the matter with you?

Oh, I had a little, uh,

trouble... you know, gettin' out
of the blocks down there.

- What happened to your eye?
- Huh?

Oh. I, uh... I slipped in the bathroom,

and I kind of, you know,
banged it on the sink.

- I hope the sink's okay.
- Oh, yeah, it's fine.

Looks like you got company.

Go ahead.
Maybe she can inspire you.

Go on.

You know, you are not
easy to get ahold of.

I must have called your dorm
10 times in the last two days.

Yeah, well, I've been pretty
busy, you know,

with the big track meet
coming up and stuff.

Yeah, tell me about it.

That's all Daddy's been talking
about for the last six months.

He says because of you Prescott has the
best chance in years of beating Hillview.

You think we'll win?


I-I'm sorry.
What were you saying?

Tommy, what's wrong?

You-You don't return my phone calls,
and you don't listen to me when I talk.

Don't you like me?

I mean, I know that you're a senior
and I'm only a freshman, but...

No, no, of course...
of course I like you.

Well, then,
why haven't you, you know...


I don't want you to think
I'm easy or anything,

but we've been going out
for almost three months,

and you haven't even... you know...

Oh, yeah, you know.

I just didn't think that you
wanted me to, you know.

Oh, God, this is worse
than I thought.

I really like you, Tommy. I mean, you're
so different from all the other boys.

You're sensitive, and you're gentle.

And you probably
like show tunes too.

- Cut it out.
- Sorry.

Look, I don't-I don't mean to pressure you.
It's just that...

sometimes I wish you were
a little more... aggressive.

Oh, the times I had this fantasy
when I was a teenager.

Look, I-I'm sorry. I-I forgot.
I got a meeting I got to get to.

- Well, will you call me?
- Sure.

Oh, boo.


I don't think I'll ever figure you out.

Would you mind explaining that?

Al, come on.
She's probably all of 17.

Well, she looks like
she skipped a couple of grades.

In fact, I think she's ready
for graduate school.

How could he pass up a
choice morsel like that?

I don't...

Maybe the kid is shy.
You ever heard of that... shy?

Maybe he's...

What? Change the record, all right?
Just change the record.

- How's your eye?
- Oh, it's fine.

Which I'm sure will be a huge
disappointment to all of my

buddies in the Chain g*ng.

Oh, that's why I'm here.
Uh, Ziggy finally found the court records,

and there was five cadets involved in the
m*rder of Phillip, and all of them got off,

- except the ringleader, whose name was...
- Ronnie Chambers.

- Yeah. How'd you know that?
- He paid a visit to me last night.


And he told me that
I'm all through here.

- He told you that you...
- Sir!

Excuse me, sir. Admiral Spencer would like
to see you in his office on the double.

I hope you understand the seriousness
of your accusations.

I do, sir.

If you'll excuse me, sir. I don't feel
that there's any justification for...

There's no need to defend yourself here.
The matter will be fully investigated.

Has Cadet Commander York
made any lewd advances toward you?

No, Admiral. Not directly.

You allege that he met
a young man in town last night.

Yes, Admiral.
He met ex-Cadet Phillip Ashcroft.

- Is this true?
- Yes, sir. Yes, Admiral.

And did you witness any public display
that would make you assume...

that Cadet Commander York is involved in an
unnatural relationship with this civilian?

- No, Admiral.
- He was too busy beating him up.

What are you talking about?

Lieutenant Commander Chambers is the
leader of a group called the Chain.

They're responsible for at least
one as*ault on a civilian.

You have proof of this attack?

No, Admiral.

And do you have any solid evidence
to substantiate your accusations...

- against Cadet Commander York?
- Yes, Admiral.

- He confessed it to me.
- When?

Last night, outside my quarters.

That's a lie. I wasn't anywhere
near your quarters last night.

I think the Lieutenant Commander should
be reminded of the honor code, sir.

Commander York
should be reminded

that the navy's not a breeding
ground for sexual deviants.

That's enough!

I don't know why you're
doing this, Chambers.

I mean, with the big meet
against Hillview coming up.

But since you lodged
the initial complaint,

I'm going to give you 24 hours
to present some solid evidence.

If you can't,

you will make a formal retraction
in front of the entire college.

- Is that understood?
- Yes, Admiral.

As for you...

since formal charges have been
raised by a fellow senior cadet,

you will have limited
access to all facilities.

Yes, Admiral.

For the sake of this institution,
I hope you're both wrong.

Now get out of my office.

You're a dead man.

Even though I wasn't sure
Tommy was gay,

by the time dinner was over,
the word was out,

and I suddenly knew how Phillip must have
felt during his final days at Prescott.

I told you.
You had your chance.

Look, Ronnie, I'm not...

I don't suppose you have anything to
say before we carry out your punishment?

Cadet Commander Thomas H. York, this
tribunal finds you guilty of perversion...

and sentences you
to death by hanging.

Do you have anything to say?

Do it.

We scuttled the line.
Next time you won't be so lucky.

We want you to go to Admiral Spencer
and admit that you're a q*eer.

- Yeah? And why would I do that?
- Because if you don't, I will.

You tried it once, it didn't work.
You don't have any evidence.

Don't I?

"I've wrestled with this decision for
weeks." I think you know the rest.

- You broke into my room.
- Call a cop.

The letter doesn't prove anything.

Maybe not by itself. But you add it to
everything else and it's close enough.

You will be leaving
Prescott after the meet.


I'm good enough to run but I'm not
good enough to stay, is that it?

You got it.

- You think Ronnie will use that letter?
- Absolutely.

But the question is whether
Spencer will believe it.

- Oh, what's cookin'?
- I'm just makin' a little tea.

- Tea?
- Yeah.

Tea? Not coffee?

- I'm making some tea.
- Tea.

Tea. T-E-A, tea.
Tea, tea, tea.

I don't like coffee, I like tea.

Well, okay. Don't jump
down my throat about it.

What is with you? Everything
I do all of a sudden is wrong.

The way I stand,
the way I sit, what I drink.

Does drinking tea make me any less of
a man than somebody who drinks coffee?

I mean, is every tea drinker in the
entire history of the world gay to you?

Is that it?
What about the Boston Tea Party?

Was that like some kind of a
gay boat festival or something?

Sam, all I'm tryin' to do is
to get you to-to-to save Phillip...

so you can leap out of
here, that's all.

And Tommy stayin' in Prescott.
You got a problem with that, don't you,

because he just might
happen to be gay?

I have a problem.

Oh, well,
thank you for admitting it.

It's not what you think. I'm gonna tell...
You want to know the problem?

- Yeah, please.
- All right.

Please tell me what
the problem is.

The problem is this
is the military.

That is the biggest
cop-out, and you know it.

- It's not a cop-out.
- So what?

I'm talkin' about military as in
armed forces, as in armed g*ns,

as in w*r,
as in fighting to the death.

You've never been in combat.

Well, what about when
I leaped into Vietnam?

- Okay. All right.
- What was that all about?

Then you should know that there's a
lot of times when you're in combat,

when the only thing between you and
violent death is the guy next to you.

And I'm not so sure it's a good idea
for the guy next to you to be, um...

- Go on. Go on, say it. q*eer.
- Um...

One thing has nothing
to do with the other.

In the military, it...
Look at this.

- What?
- Holy mackerel.

What's wrong?

Phillip apparently has
printed up a list of names.

What names? Well, I guess he didn't
want to come out of the closet alone,

so he's printed up a list of names of
every gay cadet in Prescott College.

- Is Tommy on it?
- He's top of the list.


you can't print these names.

Don't worry, Tommy,
we're gonna get through this.

That's not the point. Don't you see that
you're using other people for your fight?

- My fight?
- Yes.

Is anybody home?

We're in this together, right? Tommy,
you're involved in this as much as I am.

- I'm not sure that I am.
- Oh, Tommy.

Do you hear what you're saying?
Look at yourself.

You're 21 years old,
and you're still a virgin.

It's not because you've
had too much homework.

Face it, Tommy, you're just like me.
You just haven't admitted it yet.

Maybe you just want to believe I am
so that you don't feel so alone.

You know, I thought we were
going to make a statement.

At whose expense?

Tommy, all my life I've had to hide
who I am and who I wanted to be.

But these guys,
they're hurting people now

and there's nobody around
doing anything to stop them.

That doesn't give you the right
to print these names.

Don't you think that the people on this
list, that they should have a choice?

Isn't that what you're fighting for...

So choose.

Phillip, Ronnie's going to k*ll you.

- Chambers?
- Yeah.

- He's the head of the Chain, right?
- Right.

Which is all the more reason
for you to listen to me.

All I'm suggesting is that you just
get out of here for a couple of days.

- No way.
- Phillip--

Hey, look, Tommy,
I'm over 21 years old.

I'm a big boy now.
I don't know about you,

but I don't need anybody
telling me what to do.

I'm tired of running.
I'm not gonna do it anymore.

- Did you tell him that he was in danger?
- Yes.

I don't even think he heard me.

Then I told him that Ronnie
was the head of the Chain, right?

And he seemed even more set
on publishing the list.

Well, according to Ziggy,
it doesn't change a thing.

- Meaning what?
- Meaning he still dies.

Where you goin'?

If I can't stop Phillip,
I can stop Ronnie.


Now what?

Dismissed, Chambers.

Sit down, York.

You do understand why the military
looks down on h*m*.

No, sir, I don't.

h*m* are a security risk.

They're easily blackmailed,
and they lack leadership qualities.

If you'll excuse my saying so, sir,

I don't believe that a
person's sexual preference

has anything to do with
their ability to lead,

or anything else for that matter.

I'm sure from where you
stand, that's true.

But I disagree with you,
and so does the navy.

So do I.

When a man is shipped off to w*r,
he wants to know who's beside him.

He wants to know there's someone
there he can depend on.


Phillip Ashcroft was a straight-A student,
a leader, a cadet commander.

And no one,
including yourself, sir,

doubted his leadership
until they found out he was different.

This is not about Mr. Ashcroft!

Now you've shown outstanding leadership
in your time here at Prescott.

But in light of recent facts, I'm afraid
I'm forced to confine you to quarters...

until we convene
a board of inquiry.

Oh, Sam, you can't let him do
that, because if he locks you in,

you won't, be able to stop Ronnie
from k*lling Phillip.

Sir, this letter does nothing more than
prove my desire to stop an injustice.

it's sufficient to cast doubts.

I promise you'll get a fair
hearing when the time comes.


- Sir, please...
- Dismissed.

Well, I don't know
why you're mad at me.

- I didn't lock you in here.
- No, but you agreed with him.

Well, never mind that. You got to
figure out a way to get out of here.

No kidding.

Now, I got two cadets outside the door; I
got a three-story drop outside the window.

I'm open for suggestions.

Mind if I come in?

What are you doin'
here, Coach?

I, uh,
heard about what happened.

Thought I'd come by
to see how you're doin'.

I'm okay.
You sure you want to be seen with me?

I'm not exactly the most
popular guy in college.

I'll take my chances.
Sit down, Tommy.

Why didn't you come
and talk to me?

Well, I, uh... I thought this was
somethin' I could handle by myself.

Hey, he can help
you get out of here.

Is there anything I can do?

Coach, I really need
to get out of here.

Now, now, this isn't going to
make a whole lot of sense,

but bear with me on this.

I have reason to believe that Ronnie
and a couple of his buddies...

- are going to k*ll someone tonight.
- What?

Ronnie is the leader of this group
called the Chain.

Now they've been going around
attacking gays.

They're gonna do it again tonight.
Only this time, they're gonna k*ll him.

- Who?
- Phillip Ashcroft.

Ronnie and the others are
in the locker room right now.

Ronnie and the others are
in the locker room right now.

- I want this little fairy wiped out.
- Yeah! Let's get him!

Does everybody know what
they're going to do?

Let's do it, Ronnie.

Is this a private club, people,

- or can any idiot join?
- I like that one.

Coach. Uh, what-what
are you doin' here?

- We're here to stop you.
- Stop us? From what?

From whatever it is that makes you feel
like you have to wear masks to hide behind.

Coach, will you
excuse us a minute?

I'll be outside.

Sit down, guys.

So, what, you had a little late practice
meeting or something?

- We had some business to discuss.
- Business, huh?

Well, you must be
real proud of your work.

Coach is right.
You guys are pathetic.

Hey, don't come in here
and pass judgment.

At least we're not defending
some little fairy.

What is it that
you are so afraid of?

I'm not afraid of anything.

It sure seems like it to me.

In fact, if I didn't know better,
I'd think you were hidin' something.

What the hell are you talkin' about?

- Nothin'.
- You could be onto something there.

Maybe. It just seems to me that you're
taking a lot of this very personally.

You know,
like it was your problem.

- I'm not a f*g.
- Says who?

I haven't seen you
with any girls lately.

You always seem to be
hangin' around the locker room.

I don't know, maybe it's just me.
It just seems kind of weird, that's all.

You son of a bitch...

All right, now everybody take a good look
at yourselves in the mirror, all right?

A good look.

Because if you do, I don't think
you're gonna like what you see.

Hey, maybe he's right, Ronnie.

I mean, maybe this thing's gone too far.

Well, what about the rest
of you chickens, huh?

You gonna let some q*eer tell you
what you're gonna do?

It's over, man.
Let it go.

- Let it go.
- Let's go.

Fine. To hell with you!

You want a bunch of fruits
runnin' this school,

it's on your head.

Look, I'll, uh, I'll talk to Spencer in
the morning. I'll explain what happened.

But until then,
I still need to be locked up?

Those are his orders. I...

Good night, Tommy.

We did it, Al.
We saved Phillip's life.

Yeah, and-and you kept Ronnie
from goin' to jail.

- What happens to him?
- I don't know, this thing is...

- Phillip. Phillip.
- It-It... It can't be right.

What? What do you mean,
it can't be right?

Well, according to Ziggy,
he still dies.

Well, when does Ziggy
say that Phillip dies?

Uh, according to
the coroner's report,

he dies sometime
in the next couple of hours.

Couple of hours?
Al, I got to get out of here!

Take it easy, take it easy.
Don't panic.

We got to think of a plan.
I'll think of a plan.

Sir! Would the commander
like his dinner now, sir?

Uh, no, thank you.
I'm not hungry. Yes, sir!

- Perfect. This is perfect!
- What's so funny?

What? What?

This is so easy.
It's like takin' candy from a bambino.

What are you talkin' about?
Come on, what?

I'm talkin' about you
gettin' out of here.

Help! Help me!

- Ohh. Ahh.
- What happened?

Oh, I was tryin' to get
somethin' off the top shelf

and the whole thing came down on me.
I think it broke my ankle.

- Oh, does that hurt!
- Go get the doctor!

Oh, good idea.
Listen, could you get that off my foot?

- There he goes.
- Be careful.

- Be very careful, all right?
- Yeah, yeah.

Very careful.
Okay, easy, easy, easy.

That's it. Good, good.
Oh, great. Great.

Oh, man, does that hurt. I think I got
an ice bag in the top shelf, there.

In the closet?

Yeah. Just reach up on the top
and get that... Oh! Ahh, does this hurt!

No, no, right behind there, in the back
there. Way up high. See it? See it?

I'm goin' to town. Look, you go
check on Phillip, all right?

Okay. Uh, take your hat.
You got to be in uniform.

You're right, Al, it worked.

- Of course it did.
- Sir, I demand you let me out!

- Gooshie, center me on Phillip.
- Hello?

York! What're you doin'
out of your room?

Didn't I tell you I'd talk to
Admiral Spencer in the morning?

I don't have until the
morning, Coach.

- Phillip's gonna die tonight.
- I thought we settled that.

Well, we did,
but it-it's still gonna happen.

How do you know?

It's kind of hard for me to explain.
Look, Coach, you trusted me once.

All I'm askin' is that you trust me
again. For Phillip's sake.

You know, this could mean my job.

This could mean his life.

Phillip? Phillip?

Where are you, Phillip?
Are you here? I...

"Chain." I don't remember
those guys writin' that on there.

Phillip, are you here?

Oh, there you are. How you doin', kid?
You fixin' the light?

Oh, my God!
You're gonna hang yourself!

You're setting this whole
thing up yourself, aren't you?

You painted that so that they'd-they'd...
No, don't do this, kid.

It won't change anything
except maybe the size of your collars.

Uh... Oh. I could be wrong. Maybe... Maybe
he's callin' the su1c1de hotline, and...

- Sheriff.
- Sheriff?

Look, uh, some cadets from
Prescott are gonna be causing

some big trouble tonight
at 22567 Baring Street.

Look, it doesn't matter who this is.
Just be here at 10:00.

Oh. Kid, no, don't...
Hey, don't do this. This is stupid!

Gooshie, center me on Sam!

Right. What? I don't care if it's raining.
I'm a hologram, you nutcase!

We should be there
in a couple of minutes.

That's if you got a couple of minutes.
You got to hurry, Sam.

What's goin'on?

- Transmission. It sounds worse than it is.
- It's Phillip.

He set this whole thing up himself.
Ronnie doesn't k*ll him; he kills himself.

- He kills himself?
- Yes!


- Come on, come on. You got to get there.
- Can this thing go any faster?

Hang on.

Come on.
Just hang in there, kid.

The cavalry's on the way.

Sam? Back here, Sam!

- Oh, my God, Phillip.
- You were right, Tommy.

It is my fight. And this is
the only way I'm gonna win it.

No, it's not.

- Now, listen to me, Phillip.
- Stop, stop! Sam. Sam, back off.

Ziggy says there's an 89% chance he could
jump off of there and break his neck.

This is not the way
to change things, Phillip.

This is not the way
to make people listen.

- Please come down.
- Not until the police get here.

Uh, he tried to call the police,

but they ain't comin' because
they thought it was a prank.

The police aren't comin'.

Phillip, they didn't believe you.

Don't you see?
If you k*ll yourself, Ronnie wins.

Look, I know you're hurting.

You said you wanted to make a statement.
So make one.

Show the whole world
you're not ashamed.

I can't do this alone.

What the hell's goin' on?

- Get down from that ladder.
- I can't, Coach.

- Yes, you can.
- Don't you come any closer!

Coach, maybe you ought to
just back off a little bit.

- You're a coward, Ashcroft.
- No, I'm not.

- No, I, uh... I guess maybe I am.
- What?

You're not alone, Phillip.

I know about the guilt,
the shame, the fear.

I've spent my whole life that way.

Wonderin' why
I had to be different.

Hoping that it'd just pass.

Well, it's okay to be different.

And the only ones we have to
be afraid of are ourselves.

You and Tommy
made me realize that.

You and I? Hey,
we got nothing to be ashamed of.

Now, come on down.

We'll save the cops
a lot of paperwork.


- Are you okay?
- Yeah.

Yeah, I'm okay.

Okay. Let's go.

Oh, that was close, Sam.

- He was really gonna do it.
- Yeah.

But he doesn't try to
commit su1c1de again.

So... So I guess
I can leap now, huh?

Uh, uh, no. Not yet.

Why not?

I can't believe this.

I mean, it's not enough that
I save somebody's life, right?

I got to win the damn race too?

Well, it's not just any old
race, Sam.

This gives Prescott a
chance to beat Hillview.

They haven't beat
'em in five years.

I'm sorry. What could I have
been thinking? I mean...

- I'm just on my way to the track.
- So what?

- You goin' somewhere?
- I'm droppin' out of Prescott.

Where you gonna go?

Somewhere where I don't have to
deal with people like you.

There goes a troubled young guy.

Gosh, it-it's a shame he had to drive
a kid like Phillip out of the service.

Yeah, I know.
Wait a second.

Aren't you the guy who said
the military is no place...

- What's goin' on with you?
- I was... I was wrong.

I was wrong, all right. I was...
You were right. I was wrong.

What made you change your mind?

Uh, you,

the coach,

mostly Phillip.

So I realized that, uh,
I was wrong.

I'm not always right.
I was wrong.

We better get to that track meet,
huh, so I can leap out of here?

- I don't know how to run track, Al.
- Let's go, Tommy!

Oh. Well, you just...
You pump...

Look, you pump your arms
and you pump your legs,

and then you drive
through the tape.

You were a runner too?

No. But it sounds good,
doesn't it?

What happens with Phillip?

Uh, he goes to work at a place
called the Stonewall Bar.

Oh, this was the-the birthplace
of the Gay Liberation movement,

and he helped to get it started.

- Martz?
- Martz? Uh, he quit.

And, uh, he became an athletic
director in a little college out west.


Tommy? He, uh,
graduates in a few weeks...

and gets a commission
in the navy.

Runners, to your marks!

You know, there's one thing that
I-I... It just doesn't figure for me.

- What's that?
- Get set...

Well, was Tommy gay or not?

Does it matter?

Dylan, come on, over here.

Right here. Come on.

- Hey, take the mike. Here.
- Huh?

The mike.

And now we'll be switching
live to Dylan Powell,

who's at the scene of another brutal
strangulation m*rder in Chinatown.

You're on in five, four, three, two...

Oh, boy.