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04x07 - The Wrong Stuff - January 24, 1961

Posted: 08/28/22 06:57
by bunniefuu
Theorizing that one could time travel
within his own lifetime,

Dr. Sam Beckett stepped
into the Quantum Leap accelerator...

and vanished.

He awoke to find himself
trapped in the past,

facing mirror images
that were not his own...

and driven by an unknown force
to change history for the better.

His only guide on this journey is Al,
an observer from his own time,

who appears in the form of a hologram
that only Sam can see and hear.

And so, Dr. Beckett finds himself
leaping from life to life,

striving to put right
what once went wrong...

and hoping each time
that his next leap...

will be the leap home.

T- minus 30.

Blood pressure, heart rate,
respiration all look good.

Huh? Wait a second.

- T- minus 15.
- Oh. Oh.

I can't do this.

- Heart rate seems to be increasing.
- Nine, eight, seven,

- six, five,
- Blood pressure is also rising.

- Four, three,
- No! I can't do this!

One, ignition.




He's not responding
to the lights.

Respiration is 42
and increasing.

His systolic blood pressure
is 200 over 98 and rising.

His pulse rate
is 150 and climbing.

Help! Help!

Abort the mission.
Abort the mission!

Pull the hatch.

Are you all right?

Let's get you out of here.
Come on.

It's okay.

Are you okay?

- Okay?
- Never been better.

Your systolic blood pressure
shot up to 200 over 98.

I thought you were gonna have
a heart attack. Thank you.

So did I.

How do you expect to
beat John Glenn...

if you're gonna panic like that?

- Let's get you out of this.
- John who?


Oh, my God.

Bobo, since when have
you been so modest?

Well, I'm not, usually. I just...


Bobo sounds like the name of a...

Bobo. Bo... bo.

Bo... Oh...

No, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Oh, Bobo, you can admire yourself
after I examine you.

Come on. Now, that's funny.

I've never seen you
stand so erect.

Okay, up we go.

There. Good boy.

Just stay.

Lady, I need to tell you something...

that's probably gonna come
as a terrible, terrible shock to you,

- Bobo, no. Good boy.
- But see, I am not...

I am not a chimp, all ri...

No offense, okay?

- I'm just not a ch...
- Okay, let's do your diaper.

- What? No, no, no.
- Okay. Okay, okay, okay, Bobo.

- No. No, no.
- Okay. Have it your own way. Come on.

- Okay.
- Back. Legs down. Stay.

Nobel prize in physics,
and I'm fighting to keep my diaper on.

What's next?

Cory, stop flirting with Bobo.

I'm sorry I asked.

- Pay no attention to her.
- Bobo. I'm not Bobo, lady.

- I'm not a chimp, okay?
- Open.

- Good boy.
- Can't you hear? I'm speaking English.

Al, I'm a chimp.


You're lucky you didn't
leap in as a bullfrog.

Now you stay there,
and I'll be back.

You be good.

It's gonna be hard to be good
with you around, Doc.

- I gotta get out of here.
- Huh?

- I've gotta get out of here.
- Oh.

You leaped into
the space program, Sam.

I've leaped into a diaper.

Wait a minute.
This is fantastic.

You're a "chimp-a-naut."
Look around you.

See those hairy little fellas?

Within less than a week,
one of these guys is gonna...

be the first American
to go up into outer space.

- You were an astronaut, weren't you?
- Yeah.

- Yeah.
- Yeah, I was on Apollo.

We circled the moon 10 times.
Recited Genesis on Christmas Eve.

Oh, I hope you're lucky enough
to go up there.

I'm not goin' up.
I'm getting out.

Nah, you're not. What are you doing?
What are you doing?

I'm telling them who I am,
so I can get out of here.

- No. No, you can't do that.
- Very simple, see? "My name is Sam."

All you're gonna do
is get your brain dissected,

if they find out
that you can write.

God. What about
the quantum rules?

You have to at least pretend
that you are who you leap into.

That's if I'm a human.
I'm not a human, I'm a chimp.

- We don't have rules for chimps, do we?
- You can't get off on a technicality.

Okay, wise guy,
then what am I here to do?

Join the circus.

This isn't funny, Al.
This is not funny.

Have you looked in
the mirror lately?

Yeah. Yeah, I've looked in the
mirror lately.

- Look. I dare you.
- No, I don't wanna look.

- And if you don't think that's funny...
- Ha, ha, Al.

Ah, Dr. Tucker.

Bobo's been acting funny today.

How you doin' today, Bobo?

- Oh, pretty miserable. Yourself?
- He's a real cutie.

Listen. I wanted
to show you something here.

- Here.
- What's this?

- He's drawn something for you.
- Oh, no, Sam. Don't show him that.

"My name is Sam."

That's a good one, Doctor.

- "My name is Sam."
- He didn't do it. He didn't do it.

- Someone else must've done it.
- No, no, no. I did it.

- Me. Me.
- You had me for a second there.

- Good morning, Dr. Winger.
- Oh! Dr. Winger.

- Hello, Dr. Tucker.
- I'm glad you could make it.

Here, Bobo. Good boy.

Sam, didn't I tell you...

You gotta figure out
how to get me out of here.

Find out what I gotta do here and
get me out of here, right now.

All right. All right.

I will go and get
with Ziggy right now.

All right. Hurry. What am I
supposed to do in the meantime, huh?

Why don't you take the banana
and peel it?

Dr. Ashton, I'd like you
to meet Dr. Winger.

He just transferred here from Edwards
to do research in neurology.

Yeah, you can call me Frank.

Leslie. Welcome aboard.

- Well, thank you very much.
- Dr. Ashton is one of our...

- top vets on Project Mercury.
- Oh, really?

- So is this one of your future astronauts?
- Not if I can help it.

These guys can do almost everything
an astronaut can,

except maybe swim
after splashdown.

You mean, uh, chimps can't swim?

They drown because they have
so little body fat.

As long as the capsule stays afloat,
he'll be fine.

Well, we better get going. Dr. Arden
is waiting to show us his centrifuge.

It was nice talking to you, Doctor.

- Yes, well, maybe we can do this again.
- I'd like that.

- Bye, Bobo.
- I wish.

Come on, Bobo. Come on.

Good boy. Good boy.

Good boy.

Come on, Bobo. Come on.

What's wrong, Bobo?
I've never seen you like this before.

There's nothing wrong with me.
I just never...

- Oh, no, no, no way.
- Here, Bobo. Come on.

- I'm not getting in that cage.
- Bobo. Bobo, please.

Here you go.
Here you go. There's one for you, lady.

- No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no.
- Bobo. Bobo, listen.

I'm gonna get angry. Bobo, I will get
very, very angry.

- No, no. I'm not... No!
- Come here, Bobo.

Even though my memory
was Swiss-cheesed,

I couldn't forget
the early days of the space race.

In our mad dash to beat the Russians,
we quickly put together a space program,

and shot anything and everything
up into the air.

I only hoped I wouldn't be
one of the "anythings."

I'm sorry. I'm hungry, okay?
Sue me.

No. No, thanks.
I'm not in the mood.

I'm sorry.

Well, I think she is, Sam.

I think she likes you.

She can see you, Al.

Of course. All animals can see me...

But she's only got eyes for you.

What am I doing here, Al?
I mean...

- How did I get here like this?
- Well,

we know that chimps are...

our closest relatives,

that genetically they're
99% identical to us.

As a matter of fact,
they're so close that

you could even share
your blood with a chimp.

I'm in the body of a chimp.
That's too close.

And... And we know that
you've leaped into...

I know.
Bobo. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah. Bobo. And we know
that it's January 24, 1961.

And you're in Florida.
Oh, you're at the Cape.

- I gotta get out of here.
- What are you gonna do?

Go to work for an organ grinder?

Hey, sleepy.


- Lemon drop.
- Oh, Sam.

- Look who's coming to tuck you in.
- Good girl.


- Bobo? Lemon drop.
- No, thanks.

Oh, come on.
It's your favorite.

- Come on, Bobo. Please?
- No. No, no. I...

- For me? It's very sweet.
- Aw.

- Good boy.
- You're sweet too.

- So are you...
- Would you cut it out, please?

You're being very vocal today.

Yeah, well,
I got a lot of things on my mind.

Good night.

Boy. Makes me wish
I was an ape.

Well, you're acting like one.
Come on.

Okay, that is Dr. Leslie Ashton.

Twenty-seven years old.
She got her vet doctorate in London.

- And... Oh, this is interesting.
- Hmm?

She grew up in the place that makes
the wrappers for my Chavello cigars.

- A place called Cameroon.
- Night, Kathy.

- In West Africa?
- Good night.

Cameroon, yeah.
Her father set up a field clinic there.

She's been around chimps
all her life.

Good night, everybody.
Night, Bobo.

- Good night.
- Good night, Doctor.

So I'm here to help her
or save her or something?

Not, uh...
No, not her. You.

- Me?
- Yeah, Bobo.

- Bobo?
- Yeah.

Well, you see, tomorrow
they're gonna pick...

the two top chimps
to send up into outer space,

and Ziggy says there's
an 85% chance...

you're here to see that
Bobo is one of the...

No, no, no.

- I can't go up into space.
- Well, you don't have to.

- I can't do that, Al.
- No, you don't have to.

You just have to see to it that
Bobo's one of the two finalists.

- That's all.
- What happens if I get cut?

Well, Ziggy's trying
to declassify that information,

but all we know is, Bobo...
He disappears.

So if I don't keep Bobo in the
space program, he's gonna vanish?

Not just him, Sam,
'cause if you don't leap,

you will too.

Spending the night as an astrochimp
wasn't as bad as it might seem.

My bed was firm,

the food was free,

and the company was...

more than friendly.

The only thing I really needed...

was a shave...

over my entire body.

Hey. Hey, you hungry?

Huh? Huh?

Hey! Leave her alone!

Hey, what are you laughing at.
You little cretin.

- What are you doing?
- Good shot, Cory.

Hey, Doc.

Is, uh, Cory at it again?

Yeah. I don't think
she likes me much.

I hope she's the only one.

Dr. Ashton.

Oh. Hello, Dr. Winger.

- No, no. It's Frank.
- Frank.

So, one of these, uh,

- chimps is gonna go to the moon?
- Not if I can help it.

I don't know about the moon,
but one of these guys...

is definitely going into space.

Or girls. Sorry, Cory.

Do you really think that she understands
what you're saying?

Sure. You'd be amazed
how chimps can communicate.

They understand human speech,

and they have their own language...

pant-hoots and gestures.


I guess they understand
the universal language, huh?

- Cory's having her first crush.
- Great. Great. Great.

Yeah, I know how she feels.

Okay, you guys. Cocktail time.

So you never told me
what you're working on.

Oh, that's top secret.

Oh, I guess your lips are sealed.
Hey, Cory.

Well, maybe after a few drinks
they'll loosen up.

Officers Club, say,
around 6:00?

If I'm finished.

- Okay.
- Hey, Bobo.

It's the raspberry-pineapple.

Come on, Bobo.

What's wrong with you?
Come on.

Good boy.

I even mixed in
your favorite protein...



Bobo, talk to me.
I wish you could.

I wish I could too.

- Dr. Ashton.
- Oh, Dr. Winger, you startled me.

Now does that mean that you're
gonna stand me up tonight?

I'm sorry?
Oh, I'm sorry, Doctor.

With only two days to Project Mercury,
I think my pupils need my attention.

So there's my competition.


Well, yes.
At least until the launch.

So something tells me that that kind
of attention doesn't really stop...

even after Project Mercury
goes up.

No. No, it doesn't.
Not after a lifetime of caring for chimps.

A lifetime? I didn't know
that England had jungles.

It doesn't.

My father packed us off
to the Cameroons when I was three.

My backyard was a jungle,
full of chimpanzees.

What took your father
to the Cameroons?

He was a surgeon.

He gave up a really good
practice to care for people

who had no one
else to help them.

- Thank you.
- Sounds like he was a dedicated man.

He was.

He died five years ago...
But my mother's still there.

She manages the clinic.

I try to get home,

but it's hard when you see your work
making such a difference, to get away.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

Is that why you chose neurology?

Oh, well, I started out as a
flight surgeon, and then I just...

I ended up at Edwards,

but I was never as crazy as Yeager
and the rest of those boys.

- Do you miss it?
- Everything but the funerals.

You know, one day you're
slugging back a beer with a guy,

the next day you're
carrying his coffin.

- I lost a lot of my friends there.
- Is that why you left?

No, I just... I just thought that
I could do more for them here.

Dr. Ashton, if you can't have drinks
with me, how about a late-night dinner?

- After the launch.
- After the launch.

With the launch less than two days away,

I prayed our plan to leap
wouldn't fail...

for Bobo's sake and mine.

- Sam, listen. You gotta be careful.
- Where have you been?

- You gotta really be on your guard.
- What?

Oh, Ziggy found out there's this
stuff that they give the chimps...


They're supposed to be
a health drink or something,

and you won't believe
what they put in it.

- It's full of...
- Caterpillars.

How did you know that?

That's what you bring me,
that kind of information?

That's the gunk there?
I don't see any caterpillars in there.

Well, maybe they squish
'em up real good.

- Al. Al.
- That's not so bad.

Look, I'm tired of these
exams, okay?

Have you found out anything
that can get me out of here?

No, but I'd sure like
to play doctor with this one.

Al, do you have any information?

Helpful information.
Not caterpillar stuff.

No. Ziggy is still trying
to break into the records.

- Just don't drink that stuff.
- Oh, look. Look...

He says that the best
thing you could do

is to make sure that
Bobo goes to outer space.

Look, look, look, look.

Feel this? See?
I don't have a temperature, all right?

I don't need any more tests today.
Please, I'm sick of this...

Oh, all right. All right, go ahead.

Ahh. Sam, I don't think she's
gonna put it in your mouth.

Ahh. Boy.

Al, this is ridiculous.

Come on.
If a chimp can do it, you can do it.

I don't even know what
I'm supposed to do though.

They just strapped me
into this chair here and I...

Look. I used to be an astronaut.

This thing is a piece of cake.

Okay, uh, what does
this mean right here?

Uh, I have no idea.

What do you mean, you have no idea?
You were an astronaut.

- You're supposed...
- Yeah, but I wasn't an astrochimp.

That's a different program entirely.

Okay, okay. All right, Al. Just help
me figure out what to do here, okay?

You know I hate going
around and around like this.

Okay. All right.

Uh, I hate to...

- I hate to spy on my neighbor there...
- Do it.

Apparently you're supposed to flip
the corresponding switch...

to where the colors come
up on the board there.

What, just flip this?

Yeah. Flip that. That's it.

It's the thing.
It just shocked my foot.

- What?
- It just... It... Yes.

That shouldn't happen if
you're doing it right.

It did it again.

Al, you gotta help
me get out of here.

Maybe you didn't beat the time
limit for hitting the switch.

Hit a switch with the lights on. With the
lights on. Hit a switch with the lights.

- Hurry up.
- Yeah.

Bingo, three bars, jackpot.
All right. Now.

- You see that... that little hole there?
- Yeah.

Your food came in there.
That's your little reward.


Yeah, well, stick your hand in there.
Scoop it out.

That's it.

- Okay. Now what?
- Eat it.

Al, this stuff that looks like dog chow...
I'm not gonna eat this stuff.

- Do you want to leap out of here or what?
- No, if it means...

Oh, God. If it means eating this, no.
I'd rather stay in this spin forever.

They're watching you over there.

You gotta make believe you're a chimp.
Put it in your mouth!

I'm a little bit concerned
about his coordination.

Come on, Sam.
You earned it. You eat it.

How does it taste?

You ever eaten a cat box?

Swallow it.

Look. Wash it down with some fluid.

You see this tube right here?
There's fluid in there. Wash it down.

- Hmm.
- What now?

What's the matter?

Caterpillars again?
Oh, no.

Okay, now, this one's easy.
Very easy.

It's designed to test
your equilibrium...

See how well you'll do
in outer space.

I'm not going into space.

- Of course you...
- What do I do, Al, huh?

What do you do?
You grab the joystick.

The idea is to stay horizontal.

No, no, no, no.
Left. Left. Right.

Right. Back a little bit.
Forward. That's too hard.


Right. Right. Right. Left. Left.

11:00. 1:00. 3:00.

- Maybe I'll do better on the next one.
- 6:00. 9:00. 6:00.

I know exactly how you feel, Sam.

One time, I tossed my cookies
on the teacup at Disneyland.

I'm sorry, but Bobo and Cory just don't
have what it takes to be astrochimps.

But they do.

I'm afraid not. I know how hard you've
worked with them over this past year.

He's been feeling funny.
Maybe he's got a bug.

And she just got
distracted watching him.

I'm sorry.

I'm returning them to the chimp colony
for reassignment to another project.

Dr. Tucker, I don't think
this is the time.

Uh, Sam, looks like Ziggy finally...

gained access to the base records.

Yeah? So what happens to Bobo?

Well, there's nothing, uh...

There's nothing in there
with the chimps' nicknames,

but, uh, there's an autopsy report...

for a chimp number 52.

- Fifty-two?
- Yeah, and, uh,

the cause of death
for chimp number 52...

was massive head trauma.

According to Al, all of the chimps
sent into space...

came back alive
and to a hero's welcome,

and the Mercury Program,
in the end,

was a stunning success.

Unfortunately, Bobo wasn't
going to be a part of that.

Bobo was going to die
from massive head trauma...

unless Al and I could find
some way to prevent it.

Does Ziggy have any information about
how I get... How Bobo gets k*lled?

No. That information
is still classified.

Oh, man.

I wish I could help you get
out of that stupid cage.

- Hey, Cory.
- Hey.

I heard you two monkeys
ain't goin' into space.

Too stupid to make the grade.

- Hey, she's a pretty good shot.
- Yeah? So am I.

- No!
- Hey, man, what are you doing?

Cory. Cory.

- Kenny.
- You bastard.

Uh, Sam, that was a tranquilizer dart.
She'll be okay later.

Give me a hand here.

I joined the Air Force to fly jets,
not to clean these damn cages.

You know, I don't mind
cleaning cages so much.

You wouldn't.

- Let her go.
- Knock it off, Bobo.

We'll take you instead.

I thought Winger wanted 61
and 90.

Take 61 and stick him in there.
All right.

Come on, come on.
Let's go. Okay.

- Al, what's gonna happen to Cory?
- Uh...

Well, there's an autopsy report
says that...

chimp number 63 died of massive
head trauma on January 25, 1961.

- That's today.
- What was the cause?

That information
is still classified.

Well, they're taking her
to a Dr. Winger.

- Let's see. Dr. Frank Winger.
- Yeah?

Harvard M.D.,
served as a flight surgeon in Korea...

and a neurologist
at Edwards Air Force Base.

Neurologist? What's a neurologist
doing at Edwards Air Force Base?

Well, if he's a brain surgeon,

he could be working on tests...

of head trauma with chimps.


Kathy, what are you doing
in Cory's cage?

- They took Cory.
- Where's Cory?

They took her.

- Two guys came and they took her.
- Cory?

Sam, you're grunting.
All she hears is grunting.

- Cory?
- Hey.

She doesn't hear your words.

Out that door.

- Someone took her?
- Yes. Yes, uh...

Two... Ah.

See this?

- Doctor?
- Yes.

- Doctor. Yes. Doctor.
- A doctor took her.

Yeah. Dr., uh...


- Dr. Ring.
- Yeah.

- Dr... Dr. Winger?
- Winger. Yes. Yes!

Boy, you two would
be great at a party.

Those are the guys.
Those are the guys that took her.

- Hey, Doc.
- Where's Cory?

- She's right there.
- Yeah.

That's Kathy. You took Cory to
Dr. Winger's lab, didn't you?

- Who told you that?
- Bobo.

Who are you supposed to be,
Dr. Dolittle?

Dr. Who?

What kind of research
is Dr. Winger doing?

We're not at liberty
to discuss that.


- Head impact?
- What the hell...

Dr. Winger is doing
head-impact research on chimps?

- Where's his lab?
- Don't grab at me.

- Where's his lab?
- I'll grab you then, you...

- I don't know where it is.
- Tell me where it is.

- I don't know.
- Hey. Hey, hey.

- What's going on here?
- Why did you take Cory?

- Cory?
- That's Kathy.

Cory was taken to your lab.

We just made a little
mistake, that's all.

Yeah, sir, it was simple mix-up.
We're sorry.

What's the big deal?

She and Bobo got dropped
from the space program.

Dr. Tucker gave us orders to use
'em for the other research projects.

I apologize for the mix-up.

We will return Cory,
and we'll use another chimp.

And bash in its brain?

No. I'm testing helmets.
I'm not bashing in brains.

How many chimps have you k*lled
testing helmets?

Doctor, do you know how many
test pilots we lost at Edwards?

- No.
- One in four.

If there'd been better helmets
and protective equipment,

maybe some of those men
might be alive today.

And besides, what are you getting
on me for? You test chimps.

The chimp research
in Project Mercury is not lethal.

Well, how do you know
they won't die of "G" forces...

or burn up on re-entry?

We don't know for sure, but we're
doing our best to insure their safety.

To insure the safety
of the astronauts.


Well, that's what I'm trying
to do for the pilots.

But bashing chimps and trying
to extrapolate to humans

won't show you anything.

In the Cameroons, I saw chimps
fall from over 50 feet from trees,

land on their heads
and walk away.

A man could die
falling off a six-foot ladder.

The neurological structure
of a chimp's brain...

is just a miniature version
of a human's.

The frontal supraorbital ridges
of his skull...

are two times thicker than ours.

If you want to study human head
trauma, study it in a human.

Well, that would be irresponsible.

And it's not irresponsible
to k*ll a chimp?

You're getting
very emotional here.

No, Doctor, I'm being rational
and scientific.

Doctor, is that an M.D.,
or is that a vet's degree?

I got my degree
from the Royal Veterinary College,

and my Ph.D. in animal behavior
from London University.

Mine is an M.D.
with eight years of training at Harvard,

specializing in neurology.

- I know neurotrauma.
- And I know chimpanzees.

I'm sorry.

See, you have your work
and I have mine.

Bring me another male.

- I'm not letting you use those chimps.
- You don't have the authority.

No, but I can ask Dr. Tucker
to review your experiment.

And who do you think
okayed it in the first place?

He'd never approve an
invalid experiment.


Your research is only valid if you're
designing crash helmets for chimps.

Doctor, if you'd studied neurology, you'd
know that the data from my experiments...

- is easily extrapolated to humans.
- I don't believe it.

Well, you're not a neurologist.

Even if you're right, you're still
k*lling chimps to save humans.

Sometimes chimps die, yes.

What gave you the right to
sacrifice one species over another?

I'm not setting precedent, Doctor.

Every child who isn't
in an iron lung,

every diabetic who doesn't
die before his time...

owes it to primate research.

I'm sorry that we have
to use any of them,

but the contribution
far outweighs the sacrifice.

Not to me.

You know, I understand that,

and quite frankly, I admire it,

but it's not gonna stop me
from doing what I have to do.

Uh-oh. This is where
Bobo disappears, Sam.

What's goin' on?

- Get his cage unlocked.
- I'm not letting you take him.

I've got my orders.

He's strong.

He knows a little karate too.

- Sound the alarm.
- Yeah, right.

Sound it now!

Get out of the way.

- Bobo, get back in the cage.
- Sam, that's a cattle prod. Careful.

You've had this coming
for a long time, Bobo.

Get back in the cage, Bobo.

Get back in the cage!

Look out behind you!

- Get back in the cage.
- You can't do that.


- Doctor...
- Get off of me.

- Calm down.
- Leave me alone.

- They're taking my chimps!
- Dr. Ashton, don't make me do this.


Sam! He's got the dart g*n.


Oh, no, Sam.

- Al.
- Sam, can you hear me?

Al, I can't feel anything.

Get up, Sam.
You gotta get up.

I can't.

If you don't get up,
you're not gonna live.

Are you okay?

Come on, Sam. Wake up.

Wake up, Sam.
Come on, wake up. Wake up!

As you can see,
the test subject is now in position.

- Can you see me?
- The endotracheal tube is in place.

- Sam. Are you all right?
- The test subject...

is being artificially ventilated.

- You gotta wake up, Sam. Wake up!
- His vital signs are...

Pulse, blood pressure,

- and cardiac...
- Sam, wake up!

This will be an impact study
on test helmet...

number 723 Alpha.

Withdraw the piston.

Sam, wake up!

The helmet is an A.B.S.
Plastic-and-steel mesh model...

Sam, we got a problem here.

Sam, wake up, damn it!

Sam! Hey! Hey!

Wake up!

- The test subject is quite calm,
- Sam!

- Hey! Hey!
- With normal motor functioning.

The subject will sustain...

an impact force of 5,000 pounds...

from piston thrust
to the left temporal parietal region...

of the helmet.

1,000 pounds.

Wake up!

Can you see me?

- You all right? You okay?
- Am I dead?

Are you dead?
No, you're not dead,

but you're gonna be dead if
you don't get out of there.

2,000 pounds.

3,000 pounds.

Now come on, unbuckle yourself.

Hurry up, Sam.
Unbuckle and get out of there.

That's it. Yeah, that thing.

Put your hand on...
Flip it up.

- 4,000 pounds.
- Flip it up!

Oh, thank God. All right, Sam.
Get up out of there.

You gotta get out of here
or you're gonna be roadkill.

The doc left his g*n there.
Sam! Hurry up.

Easy. Easy.

Go and grab the g*n.
Grab the tranquilizer g*n, Sam.

Hurry up, get it!

Put that down. Put it down.
Put it down. Put it down.

Easy, boy. That's right.
Just put it down.

Hurry up.

- I can't leave her here, Al.
- Where you goin'?

Hurry up! This way!
Come on. Come on.

All right, come on.
Hurry up.



- Boy, that was close.
- Yeah.

It's not over.
We gotta get out of here.

Yeah, but this place
is crawling with security.

First you gotta get
out of the building.

- How?
- There's a door down here,

but you gotta stay down because there's
three guys here yakking on the phone.

All right, here we go.
Give me your hand.

Okay? Low, now.
Low, low, low, low, low.

You too. Stay down.

How did this happen?

With all due respect, Doctor,
I want to ask you the same question.

- Excuse me?
- You approved Dr. Winger's experiment.

That's right.

So you know what he's doing
to my chimps.

In the first place, Doctor,
they were never really your chimps.

No. They feel more like my family.

Well, however you see them,
those animals are here for research.

Now, I know it's hard
to maintain objectivity,

but you can't get
too attached to these animals.

You want me to forget the fact that I've
been training them for over two years?

No. Just think of how much good
they'll be doing.

That's not gonna take away
their suffering.

This isn't just about
how much they help us.

It's also about the responsibility
we have to help them.

Animal research is critical
to the work we do here.

There is absolutely no value
to Dr. Winger's research.

Look, Doctor,
you're a veterinarian.

Now, how would you feel
if Dr. Winger...

challenged your training
of the chimps on Project Mercury?

I'm training them to survive.
He's just k*lling them.

- I think his experiment is valid.
- I don't agree.

He thinks it's valid
and you don't.

Who's to decide
which of you is right?

Come on. Come on, let's go.
That's it.

Come on.

Sam! Hurry up.

Come on over here and duck down
right behind these barrels.

There's airport police everywhere.

Watch out, Sam. Stay down.

We gotta get out of here.
What are we gonna do?

Uh, I don't know.
I'm working on it.

Maybe we should try
and find Leslie.

Ziggy says she's around somewhere,
looking for you. I just don't see her...

- Where?
- I don't know.

I just gotta figure out a way
to get you off of this base.

What if we go that way?

No, you can't go that way.
There's a runway over there.

Well, what are we gonna do, Al?
We gotta get out of here.

I don't know. I'm working on it.

Listen, I'm gonna go look around.
I'll be right back.

Shh. Hey...

You scared?

Well, I am.


You shouldn't have
to do this, you know.

You and me out here, running around
like this... It's pretty crazy.

But don't you worry.

Al's gonna find us a way out, okay?

Okay, I got it.
You go back the way you came.

Past that hangar there
you're gonna come to a field.

- You cross it, and there's a lake.
- No, no, no, no. She can't swim, Al.

- We can't cross the lake.
- It doesn't matter.

There's a big pipe going across it
You can get across on that.

Then you come to a fence. You climb
the fence, and then you're home free.

All right.
Let's go. Give me your hand.

Come on.
Come on, give me your hand.

That's it.
All right, let's go.

Hurry, Sam.
Hurry, hurry, hurry.

There's the pipe.
You see it?

Sam, come on, come on.
Hurry up.

Come on, Sam.
Come on across the pipe.

Come on, come on, come on.
Faster. Faster.

Here we are. Up we go.
Up the fence.

Come on, go up the fence.
Go on. Go on.

Up the fence. Hurry.
Come on, baby, come on.

Well, he fell in. You're gonna have
to climb over this fence somehow.

I don't know. With this barbed
wire it's gonna be difficult.

- I can't, Al.
- You can't? You've got to.

I can't let him drown.

I thought you said
they can't swim.

They... They can't.
I don't know how he did it.

But he just jumped in
and saved me.

Now do you understand?

Put that g*n down.

Get out of the way.
He's dangerous.

- No, you're dangerous. Gimme that.
- You're making a big mistake.

No, I'm not.
I'm correcting one.

Thank you.

Sam, don't say a word.

They wouldn't understand
me if I said anything.

- Give me the g*n, Cory.
- Hey, Kenny. Kenny.

Kenny. Hey.

They ought to do an
impact study on that ape.

What happens now?


Dr. Winger... He stops his tests
with chimps. Oh, that's good.

And he still goes on,
develops this helmet that's still in use.

- It saves a lot of human lives.
- That's great, Al.

What about Leslie?

Uh, she... Let's see.

She starts her own vet practice
in Santa Fe in 1965,

and she builds this sanctuary
for orphaned and ex-research chimps.

What about Cory?

She and Bobo have a baby.

Well, thank goodness
I won't be around for that.

Yeah, really.


Jack? Is that you?

It's me. It's Roselli.


- Did you hear that?
- Yeah.

- Well?
- Well?

Check it out.

Check it out.

Oh, boy.