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04x01 - The Leap Back - June 15, 1945

Posted: 08/28/22 06:51
by bunniefuu
Theorizing that one could time travel
within his own lifetime,

Dr. Sam Beckett stepped
into the Quantum Leap accelerator...

and vanished.

He awoke to find himself
trapped in the past,

facing mirror images
that were not his own...

and driven by an unknown force
to change history for the better.

His only guide on this journey is Al,
an observer from his own time,

who appears in the form of a hologram
that only Sam can see and hear.

And so, Dr. Beckett finds himself
leaping from life to life,

striving to put right
what once went wrong...

and hoping each time
that his next leap...

will be the leap home.

Sam? Sam, you okay?

- Al?
- You okay?

- Huh?
- You must have leaped with me.

Oh, we did it, Sam.

We... Sam?

What the hell am I doing in this uniform?
What's going on, Sam?

I think... Come here.

Sam, what the hell
is happening? Huh?

- Oh, boy.
- Oh, boy.

What the hell is going on?

Al. Al.

Stop that!

Come on, you rotten
pile of Gummi Bears.

You know what this means?

It's my turn to slip into the powder room
like the Invisible Man. It's my turn.

Where the hell are you?

In the future, he's...
He's in the future, and you're in...

Uh, boy, I can't tell what year it is,
but from the looks of your uniform,

it's as far back in time
as I've ever leaped.

Wait a second.
Wait a second.

I've been leaping back and forth
within my own lifetime,

but since we switched places,

that means that this leap
would be within your lifetime.

When were you born?

June, uh, 15, 19... 19...

Gooshie, if you don't answer,
I'm gonna k*ll you!

Oh, my God!
Your brain's Swiss-cheesed.

- My brain is fine.
- No, it's not. The leap Swiss-cheesed it.

- Stop saying that!
- It's nothing to be ashamed of.

Do you remember the first time I leaped?
I couldn't even remember my own name.

Al. My name is Al.

Al what?

Oh, you think I've forgotten
my last name?

I'm about to bet on it.

Well, you'd lose.

It's Beckett. Al Beckett. Ha!

It's Calavicci. Al Calavicci. Ha!

Calavicci? It's not Beckett?


Well, then,
who the hell is Beckett?

- Me. I'm Beckett.
- Gooshie!

He can't hear you. Ziggy's not even
gonna be a gleam in my eye for another...

I don't know...
50 years or so.

- Ziggy?
- The parallel...

The parallel hybrid computer
I designed to run Quantum Leap.

- Then who the hell is Gooshie?
- The head programmer.

- Oh, the little guy with bad breath.
- Yeah.

Yeah, and Ziggy is the computer
with the big ego.

That's right. And installing
that ego was a breakthrough.

Yeah. Without it, Ziggy'd be just
another big number cruncher...

Al, I'm gettin' my memory back.
Do you hear what I'm saying?

you're taking it from me!

No, no! The leap did that.
Don't panic. I'll fill in the gaps.

Oh, boy.

Leaping together must
have merged our minds.

I wonder which part of yours I got.

Gooshie, why don't you answer me?

Because Ziggy doesn't exist
in the year you've leaped into.

Because we switched places,
in order to communicate with Gooshie,

I'd have to have the hand-link,
because I'm the one...

I'm the one
in the imaging chamber.

Imaging chamber?

Oh, my God!

I'm home.

I'm home, Al.

- Where's the door?
- Door?

Yeah, where... Where's the...
Here, let me just take...

Where's the damn door? Where...

- Gooshie! Where's the door?
- Gooshie!

- Gooshie!
- Gooshie!

- Gooshie!
- Gooshie!

Gooshie, where's the door?

You find the door.
I don't know where the door is.


- Tom?
- Gooshie!

- Your name's Tom. Tom.
- Tom!

- Huh?
- I don't believe it.

Your name's Tom.

Your telegram said you
wouldn't be here till Friday.

I... Oh, I, uh...

- He took an earlier flight.
- Why, yeah, I took an earlier flight.

You look terrific... considering.

Considering? Considering what?

What? Tom, you just spent
three years in a P.O.W. camp.

- They didn't feed you much, did they?
- Bowl of rice a day.

- The Germans fed you rice?
- The V.C.

Al, Al.

You're not Admiral
Al Calavicci.

You're Captain Tom somebody,
and you better start acting like him...

until Ziggy tells us
what you're here to change.

- Oh. How?
- How?

- There's nobody home.
- Don't look at me. Look at him.

Everybody's home.
They're all still asleep.

Is that some new kind
of walkie-talkie?

Uh, yeah, yeah. Y-You're testing it
for the government. It's top secret.

Oh, yes, this is top secret,
and I'm evaluating it for the Pentagon.

- That's good. Now put it away.
- Put it away.

Just got liberated from
a P.O.W. camp,

and they've already given
you a new duty assignment.

- It's just like the navy.
- Army.

- Army.
- You okay, Tom?

Uh, ask him how she is.
H-H-How she is?

There's always a she.
Ask him how she is.

How she is?

Suzanne's, uh, fine, Tom.

Suzanne. That must be your girlfriend.
I don't see a wedding ring.

Finding out you were alive
came as quite a shock.

Oh, my God.
She must've thought you were dead.

She thought I was dead?

Hell, the whole country thought
you were dead after Ernie Pyle's column.

Your crew told him how
you kicked 'em out of the t*nk...

and turned back alone
to cover the battalion's retreat.

They saw you take out three panzers
before your t*nk got blown up.

President Roosevelt even read Ernie's
column in one of his fireside chats.

You can't blame Suzanne
for doin' what she did.

What'd she do?

Oh, sh**t. Don't tell me she didn't
tell you. She said she told you...

told you when you called her
from Bethesda.

- She didn't have to. I already knew.
- Careful, Al.

Yeah, I-I guess you would.

You two always knew what the other
one was up to since you were kids.

When'd she marry him?

Oh, she hasn't yet.
The wedding's on the 17th.

Well, today is the...
June 15.

That's my birthday.

Your birthday's in
April, same as mine, Tom.

Are you okay?

Uh, well, I'm just a little
woozy after the lea... uh, flight.

- Good catch.
- Hell, what am I thinking?

You probably took all night
gettin' here.

- When'd you chow down last?
- I don't remember.

Well, you start on this, and I'll get
Kelly to whip you up a hero's breakfast.

Tom, Crown Point is so damn
proud of you it could bust!

Happy milkman.

Why do I have this creepy,
crawly, scary feeling?

Well, uh, it's déjà vu, I think.

You see, Al,

you were M.I.A.
in Vietnam for six years.

And after you'd been gone
for four years,

your wife, Beth...

See, she was really...
She was sure that you were dead,

so sh-she, uh...

- Well...
- She remarried.

I remember.

Well, it's not like
it just happened.

But, you know,
it's weird that I...

I've leaped into a guy
that's sharing the same fate.

Well, you see, maybe...
maybe that's why you leaped into him.

You mean, to get him
and this Suzanne together, maybe?

Yeah. Yeah. Or to keep 'em apart.

See, without Ziggy,

I don't know if Suzanne marries you or...

or the guy that she's supposed
to marry two days from now.

I can't see a damn thing
through this hologram.

What are you talkin' about?
You're the hologram.

To you, yeah.

But here in the imaging chamber,
you and everything around you...

is a holo... a hologram to me.

Don't you remember anything?

Why doesn't Gooshie just open the door?
See, that's what I don't understand.

He should be monitoring the...
the situation, and-and...

- Unless.
- Unless?

I don't think
I'm gonna like this "unless."

To leap together...

we would've had to either
been struck by lightning...

or have been sitting at ground zero
during an atomic detonation.

- Ooh! It was lightning! Lightning!
- Ah.

I remember a big bolt
just as we leaped.

Okay, well, see, the lightning strike
could have been misread by Ziggy...

as a catastrophic collapse of
the radium accelerator ring

surrounding the imaging chamber.

Ziggy would've automatically
sealed the chamber...

to protect the project
from radium radiation.

But when they realize that the ring didn't
collapse, then they're gonna open the door!

Well, see, once the door has been sealed,
it can't be reopened by Ziggy...

until the radiation half-life
of the radium ring has expired.

Why do I feel this
is going to be a big number?

Well, no, no. Not in cosmic terms.
See, it's... it's, uh, 1,600 years.

How could you design a system
without a fail-safe?

Well, I di... I didn't.

I didn't. If the door is sealed in error,
it can be reopened from the inside.

- Oh, well, thank God!
- By using the hand-link.

I was beginning... The hand-link.

Which I can't use...

for another 50 years.


Oh, boy.

My dream had come true.
I was home, back in my own time.

But it was turning into a nightmare.

I was trapped in the Quantum Leap
imaging chamber,

and the only way out was
through the hand-link in Al's pocket,

and Al was back in... 1945.

Yeah. Yeah.
I'm tellin' you he's here.

Steak and eggs,
buckwheat pancakes,

home fries, whole wheat toast
and black coffee.

How long has it been since you had
a breakfast like this, Tom?

Too long.

Do you have any
Sweet 'n Low or Equal?

Sweet 'n Low? Equal?

Oh, no, no, no, no. They didn't have
any artificial sweetener in 1945.


Boy, did they have women
with big kazooms!


Uh, oh, Sweet 'n Low
is a... Sweet 'n Low...

Oh, it's something that
Uncle Sam has developed

just for the military
for rations and...

We sure could use
some of that on the home front.

Even with the café, I'm rationed
a half a pound of sugar a week.

And Mike tries to put
all of it into his cup.

Are you forgetting who slips you an
extra pound of butter every now and then?

Oh, I didn't know
I was swappin' sugar for it.

Well, if a pound of butter is all it takes,
I got me a dairy farm that I...

- Stop that!
- Oh, my God! I am so sorry.

That's a horrible thing to say,
and I don't know what came over me.

Yes, I do. Yes, I do.
This is all your fault.

- My fault?
- Yes!

When I leaped, I must've gotten
part of your lecherous side

in during the leap. Oh, my...

Oh, no. It's tough
coming back from w*r.

Oh, my...
You've got a filthy mind.

- You're the one saying all the dirty things!
- I mean, I always...

Sorry, Tom. I guess we all need to wash
our minds out with soap after this w*r.

- Yeah, especially him.
- Did I say the "F" word again?

I'm sorry. It's a tough habit
to break after Guadalcanal.

Oh, Tommy! Oh!

Oh, I didn't believe
you were alive.

Not even after I talked
to you on the phone.

Not until now.

Al? Al, if she keeps this up,

I'm gonna have to throw a bucket of
cold water on you to separate you.


I knew bringing the two
of you back together...

would but the kibosh
on Suzanne marrying Clifford.

- Clifford?
- Clifford?

He's changed a lot since
you shipped out, Tommy.

She's been two-timing you.

Yeah. His feet got flat
so he could get classified 4F.

- He's always had flat feet.
- Not till after Pearl Harbor.

Clifford feels terrible
about being classified 4F.

He does everything he can
to support the w*r effort.

He organized the biggest
scrap metal drive in the state of Indiana.

- The governor gave him a citation.
- Suzanne!

The Congressional Medal of Honor.
Now there is a citation!

Ah, it doesn't matter now.
Tom's back, and he's the guy she'll marry.

- Right, Suzanne?
- Aha, Al! I think that's why you're here.

You're here to get
Suzanne to sleep with you...

- Marry you.
- Marry me?

Of course I'll marry you, darling.

Okay, Al, get ready to leap.

Suzanne Elsinger!
What are you doing?

Suckin' face, pal, with my buddy here.
It's very big in the '60s, '70s...

- Will you shut up!
- No, I will not shut up.

The woman you're ravaging
is practically my wife.

- Not anymore.
- What do you mean by that?

You're about to find out,
knuckle nose.

Tom here asked Suzanne
to marry him, and she accepted.

You can't be serious.

We're to be
married in two days.

What are my mother and
father gonna say about that?

Cancel the church. Cancel the reception.
Cancel the tux, the cake...

Darling, darling, darling.

Darling, I understand
how confusing this must be for you.

A ghost from the past appears,

and it's only natural that
you have some old yearnings...

- Boy, I'd like to satisfy 'em.
- But see it for what it is, Suzanne.

- What am I saying?
- A connection to the past...

that you've outgrown, like...
like running barefoot through sprinklers.

I like running barefoot
through sprinklers.

Me too.

You know, you have some nerve coming
back two days before our wedding, Jarret.

You flat-footed,
egg-sucking chicken turd!

Oh! Oh!

Why don't you tell him
how you really feel, Mike?

No. No, I may not have given
a leg for my country...

or been in a prisoner-of-w*r camp,

but that doesn't make me
any less of a man.

Those of us who stayed behind
made sacrifices too.

Only we didn't get any of the glory.

- You just got all the women.
- Oh! Boy! Gosh!

You know, if you weren't so weak
from being a P.O.W., I'd just like to...

Yeah, you'd like to
teach me a lesson, huh?

- Al...
- Well, I'll tell you something.

I just had some of
Kelly's breakfast,

and I feel I could take on Mike Tyson.

No, this is not the guy
who married Beth.

- Who the hell is Mike Tyson?
- Never mind!

- No!
- I don't want you fighting over me.

Al. Al, I mean this.

Al, listen to me. Don't do this. I can't
believe you could be thinking about...

Why won't you listen to me?

Al, what is wrong with you?
We don't even know why you're here.

I think I'm here
to kick Clifford's butt.

- No!
- I love it!

Tommy, don't forget.
He boxed at Princeton.

Yale. But I beat the best that Princeton
could put in the ring with me.


You know something?
Your feet don't look very flat right now.

Oh, God!

- Clifford! Are you all right?
- I didn't know you knew how to do that.

I didn't either.

- Here you go, Tom.
- Oh, oh, we're here?

Do you think a one-legged man
could do that move?

Oh, well, sure,
if you could drive this truck.

The worst thing that could happen
is you end up on your butt.

Hey, Tom, I'll break out
the old Cherry Buster...

and, uh, bring it by
this afternoon.

- Cherry Buster?
- Yeah, your convertible.

You stored it in the barn
before you shipped out. Remember?

Oh. Oh, yeah.

Who could forget
the Cherry Buster?

Tom, I would've had this place cleaned up
if I'd have known you were coming sooner.

- Which place?
- Your place.

- Oh, that one!
- You sure you're okay?

Yeah, no, yeah, I'm fine. Uh,
it's good to be home, and... and thanks.

Take care.

This isn't fair. Sam?

A beautiful body like that,
and I'm just thinking pure thoughts?

Damn it!

Huh. Small towns.

Hello, baby!

Don't do that.

Revenge is mine.
Thus sayeth the hologram.

Wah. Wah. Wah. Wah.

- All right, you've made your point.
- I know how to open the chamber door.


I know how to open
the chamber door.

I designed Ziggy
with a backdoor code...

so that I could override any command,

even one dealing
with catastrophic failure.

All we have to do is
get the code to Gooshie.

Oh, well,
that should be easy enough.

- All we have to do is wait half a century.
- Well, in a sense, yes.

But for us it'll be instantaneous.

Now, we've gotta figure out
what the date is where I'm at today.

September 18, 1999.

Your Swiss-cheesed brain
remembers today's date?

My fifth wife is suing me for more
alimony, and that's the court date.

There's some days you don't forget.

Okay. Okay.
We deliver a letter to Gooshie...

on September 18, 1999.

Who's gonna wait 54
years to deliver a letter?

The post office.
And my dad's lawyer, Doc Crosnoff.

We mail Doc Crosnoff a letter, right?
With, say, a hundred bucks.

For the stamp.
No, no, no. It's 1945.

A hundred dollars will do very nicely. We
mail him a letter with a hundred dollars...

and instructions to have the code delivered
to Gooshie on September 18, 1999.

- It could work.
- It's gotta work.

Uh, what if it doesn't?

Look, we're never gonna find out
unless you put the letter into the...

What's the matter?
Sam, you all right?

- I don't know. Oh!
- Are you running out of air?

No, no. There's enough air in the imaging
chamber to sustain me for six months.

I'd die of thirst first. N...

I'm gettin' my memory back, Al.

All of it?

Oh, my God!

- Why didn't you tell me?
- I couldn't.

- What?
- I... I couldn't.

Drop the letter into the mailbox.




Oh, God.

How could I have forgotten you?

It wasn't your fault.

What matters is that
you remember me now.

Of course I remember you.

You're the woman I love.

You're my wife.


- How you doin', Gooshie?
- Welcome back, Dr. Beckett.

Welcome back.
This was brilliant.

Absolutely brilliant.

- When did you get it?
- Post office delivered it today,

54 years, seven months
and six days after it was mailed.

Hi, Verbena.

Gee, he sounds just like Al.


Oh, God! Tina!
God, do you feel good.

You even hug like Al.

Al... What's...
What's happening with Al?

- Uh, Ziggy doesn't know.
- Don't you remember?

The data from the memory banks
was limited to your lifetime.

It was in my lifetime. Right.
And Al's in 1945.

And we didn't know that
till we got your letter.

We've been loading
Ziggy with data from '45

as fast as we can pull it
from the National Archives,

but it could be days before Ziggy projects
a theory on what Al's there to do.

I'll be right back.

Hello, Ziggy.

It's about time you got around to
me, Dr. Beckett.

- I'm sorry.
- No need to apologize.

I don't expect contact
until you need me.

Well, Ziggy, you're looking
very... user-friendly.

I see that simul-leaping with Admiral
Calavicci has had a positive effect on you.

You're in for some pleasant
surprises, Dr. Eleese.

- Ziggy...
- Yes?

Do you have enough...

Data to give you a reasonably
accurate projection...

as to why Admiral
Calavicci has leapt

into Crown Point,
Indiana in the year 1945?

- Yes.
- No.

Do you have any data
on Admiral Calavicci?

He'll kiss the girls
and make them cry.

Oh, ain't that the truth.

- Ziggy...
- Yes, Dr. Beckett?

You've made brilliant
theoretical hypotheses...

with minimal data
over the last four years.

- That's true.
- I'd like you to do one now.

- I don't think so, Doctor.
- Why not?

I'm dealing with too many
data-limiting factors...

the admiral, this
Captain Tom Jarret he's leapt into,

a year no one had the foresight
to preload into my memory banks.

Actually, I was doing quite well
absorbing the year...

until Franklin Delano Roosevelt died.

It depressed me.
Try me in 11.6 hours.

What if the admiral
doesn't have 11.6 hours?

I believe your brain is still
slightly magnafluxed, Dr. Beckett,

or you'd remember
I never experience guilt.

That's a flaw found
only in human computers.

Good night, Doctor.
Have fun, you two.

- Ziggy!
- It won't do any good.

Why did I give him
Barbra Streisand's ego?

No. Wait. Honey, no.

Just a second.
Just one second.

Tom Jarret, how you've changed.

Yeah, oh, boy. You don't...
You don't know the half of it.

You don't know the half of it.

I remember when it was all I could do
to keep you from... you know.

Oh, yes, I do. I do. I do.

But, you see, something's
happened to my mind.

It's the w*r.
It happens to all the boys.

- How do you know that?
- Clifford told me.

- Oh, Clifford. What a nozzle.
- He read it in Reader's Digest.

Oh, Reader's Digest?
Well, then, it's gotta be true.

Even Mike had problems
when he came home,

and you know how he and
Kelly were before the w*r.

- Clifford told you that too?
- No, silly.

Kelly did.

She said it was a long time
before Mike could... you know.

Oh, uh...

It was months before
I saw them up here.

What were you doing up here?

- Well...
- Were you parking in Lover's Lane...

with that draft-dodging nozzle...

when your boyfriend
was risking his life for his country?

I thought you died for your country.

Well, that's all the more reason
you shouldn't have been up here.

Tom Jarret.

I cried my eyes out for you
for two whole years.

And even when everyone, including Mike,
told me to get on with my life,

I still waited another year.

Three years? You mean you...

you didn't... for three years,
you didn't... you know?

And even then,
every time Clifford kissed me,

I'd close my eyes,

and I'd pretend it was you.

Take a hike, Mr. Morals.
Calavicci's taking over.

- Do you remember your stars?
- Try me.


Megrez. Ursa Major.
The faintest one in the bowl.

You have great eyes.

Are you talking about
the way they look or my vision?


Now, what's so special about Megrez?

It's 54 light-years from Earth.

That little sparkle was born in 1945.

Sam, he'll be fine.

Yeah, maybe.

Observing isn't the same
as leaping though.

This may be more
than Al can handle.

- God, I wish he was here.
- I know.

So I could kick his butt.


How could he not tell me
about you after all these years?

The woman I love.
The woman I married.

- Because... I asked him not to.
- Why?

Could you have acted freely
if you knew you were married?

I don't know.

Everything that's happened in the last
four years is fast becoming a blur.

It's kind of like a reverse
Swiss cheese effect.

Was there anything that I did...
that hurt you?

No. No.

I never once felt that
you betrayed our love.

Dr. Beckett? Dr. Beckett?

Dr. Beckett!


Sorry to interrupt your first night
of matrimonial bliss in four years,

but I thought you might like to know that
I can now project with 81.6% accuracy...

the reason Admiral Calavicci
leapt into Crown Point, Indiana.


It appears that Captain Tom
Jarret and Suzanne Elsinger...

committed su1c1de
on June 15, 1945.

It felt as if I had never leaped.

My pre-leap memory had returned,
and the last four years were fading...

as quickly as a bad dream
in the light of a beautiful morning.

Life would be perfect if Al
wasn't in such desperate straits.

Gooshie, is the imaging chamber on line?

- In 3.4 minutes, Doctor.
- Ziggy?

- That was a quickie, Dr. Beckett.
- What do you got on Al?

He's 175.26 centimeters tall,
weighs 70.91...

- Ziggy!
- Yes, Doctor?

- Give me what I want, baby.
- Ooh.

- If you weren't my father.
- Ziggy, what do you know?

Only what I read in the paper.

On June 16, 1945,
the Crown Point Gazette...

Isn't that a parochial name?

Reported that returning w*r hero
Captain Tom Jarret...

and Suzanne Elsinger,
the fiancée of Clifford Whiteside,

drove his convertible off Lover's Leap.

- Why do human beings die for love?
- Check Shakespeare.

- Thank you, Doctor.
- Not now!

Why not? With a million-gigabyte capacity,
I'm quite capable of rubbing my tummy,

patting my head and doing a trillion
floating point operations at once.

Because I don't have time
to get into a philosophical discussion.

I've finished reading Shakespeare.
I see your point.

- Where is Al now?
- I can't project a precise location...

until you lock on to
Admiral Calavicci's neurons

and mesons in the
imaging chamber.

But I can assume with 96.5%
accuracy that he and Suzanne...

are either parked at the top
of Lover's Leap... or dead at the bottom.

- Thank you.
- Mm.

It's beautiful.

Hmm, it's useless.

Tommy, are you okay?

Oh, yeah. It's just...

I really don't smoke.


So it doesn't work?

Uh, well, maybe
in about 50 years.

Maybe it just needs
a little encouragement too.

- Al, you didn't!
- Sam!

- Who?
- Huh?

How could you?
And then, of course, how could you not?

It wasn't like that.

- Like what?
- Uh...

Look, we need to talk
alone, okay?

Where is a men's
room when you need one?

Good idea.

Tommy, you're talking to
someone who isn't there.

- It's frightening me.
- Oh, Suzanne, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. This is a... I have some
delayed stress syndrome from the w*r.

No, no, no.
In '45 it's shell shock.

- I mean shell shock.
- Shell shock.

- I'm shell-shocked. I'm sorry.
- Oh, you poor baby.

Yeah. Oh, boy.

- Al! Al, come on! Would ya?
- Huh?

No. Come on.

I'm okay. I just...
I have to take a... you know. You mind?

Oh. Oh, sure. Sure. Me too.

- Sam!
- What am I doing?

- You dog!
- Well, it's your filthy mind!

Yeah, well, I want my mind back!

These choir boy thoughts
are drivin' me nuts!

Well, they didn't seem to stop you
a few minutes ago.

If you'll excuse my saying
so, what was that all about?

No, wait.
It was a beautiful moment.


I've never experienced
anything quite like that.

And I guess I owe that to you.

Yeah, well, I guess...
I guess I owe you one too.

Just one?

Ziggy has figured out why
you leaped into Crown Point, okay?

Oh, yeah? Why?

In the original history,
it seems that Tom and Suzanne...

drive off of this cliff tonight...

in an apparent double su...
double su...

- What?
- ...icide.

A double su1c1de!

No, no, no.
It couldn't be su1c1de.

su1c1de is the farthest
thing from her mind.

Well, if it wasn't su1c1de...

Could be m*rder.


- Suzanne!
- Suzanne!

- You got a fix on her?
- No. No.

- Damn it, Gooshie! What's wrong?
- Suzanne!

- Suzanne!
- There's not enough data for a lock.

- Suzanne!
- I've gotta find her!

- Suzanne!
- Come on, Gooshie. Where is she?

- I gotta get a lock on her!
- I got her, Sam!

Dr. Beckett, I should warn you
that if Clifford... Too late.

You son of a...

Al, come on! Come on!
You gotta wake up!

He has suffered a blow
from a blunt instrument

to the right lobe
of his cranium,

which has generated
a concussion,

- which induced an unconscious state,
- Put her down, please!

Which will terminate in 8.7 minutes.

Unfortunately, Admiral Calavicci
will terminate in 5.2 minutes...

when he drives a 1941
Olds convertible off Lover's Leap.

How can he drive
when he's unconscious?

Excellent point, Doctor.
Clifford must push the car over.

Brilliant, Ziggy. Brilliant.
Come on, Al. You gotta wake up.

I just explained, Doctor.

Admiral Calavicci cannot regain
consciousness for another 8.7...

Damn it, Ziggy!
Tell me something I don't know!

Tina's having an affair with Gooshie.

A way to save Al and Suzanne.

Stop Clifford from pushing
the car over the cliff.

How? He's in 1945.
I'm in 1999.

I didn't say it was easy.

I'm sorry, Al.

I should be lying there, not you.

Gooshie! Activate
the accelerator chamber.

Set it for June 15, 1945.

- What?
- Do it.

Tina, get me a fermi suit.
Now, Tina!

- Ziggy, how much time before Al dies?
- Set the accelerator chamber...

1.6 minutes. Mm, great legs, Doctor.

- Sam, what are you doing?
- Trying to save Al.

- How?
- By leaping into him.

- What?
- Donna, four years ago,

my first leap was target-less,
subject to a whim of fate.

Since then, I think my subconscious
has been working on the problem...

because I now know
how to hit the bull's-eye.

I can leap into Al.

- Let me know when alignment is in phase.
- Thank you.

He'll leap back into
the imaging chamber

where he was when the lightning
strike simul-leaped us,

and I'll leap into 1945
where I can stop Clifford.

Forty-five is eight years
before you were born.

You can't leap earlier
than your own lifetime.

When we simul-leap, some of our
neurons and mesons obviously merged.

Part of me is Al.

One minute and counting.

How will you get back?

Use the retrieval program.

It didn't work
the first time you leaped.

I've updated it.

Ziggy, what are the odds
of retrieving Dr. Beckett?

9.6 percent.

Donna. Donna.

I can't let him die.

And I can't let you go.
Not when you've just come back to me.

How many times has Al saved my life?


I don't care!

It isn't fair, Sam.
It just isn't fair.

I know.

Please don't leave me again.

I don't think I could stand
it if you left me again.

Thirty seconds.

Twenty-nine, 28, 27...

- Go.
- What?

- Twenty-six...
- Go.

- Twenty-five...
- I'll be back.

- I swear to God I'll be back.
- Twenty-four, 23...

Sam, I love you.

Twenty-two, 21...

I love you too.

Twenty seconds. Nineteen...

Eleven. Ten seconds.

- Nine...
- Synchotron on line.

- Affirmative.
- Stand by to fire!

- Seven...
- Fire!

- Six...
- Fire!

Five, four...

Al, honey. Are you okay?

Am I okay?
I'll tell you about it later.

- When we're in bed.
- Oh, Al.

Ready to retrieve.




Gooshie, come on! This is...

- He leaped.
- When?

Just after that girl Suzanne
regained consciousness.

And where is he now?

Oh, he's a stand-up comic
playing the Catskills in 1956.

Does he remember me?

Oh, no. No. He doesn't even remember
him and me leaping together.

So he doesn't
remember coming home?

No. No.

Why does Ziggy think Sam
leaped into this stand-up comic?

Oh, um, well,
there's a little girl...

that's being torn apart
by a divorce.

So Sam is there to put this comic
and his wife back together?

No, not exactly. He's there
to put the comic with this waitress...

so that the two of them
could raise the little girl.

Can he do it?

Oh, sure. Yeah.
The waitress is...

She's nuts about him.
I mean... Um...

I know exactly what you mean.

Sam couldn't do what he has to do
if he remembered us.

You'll tell him nothing, Al.

He came back to me once.
He'll come back again.

You're an amazing woman.


- Ziggy?
- Yes, Dr. Eleese?

Locate a star
43 light-years from Earth.

Talitha in Ursa Major.

A white star, 1.7 in magnitude.

Right ascension:
Eight hours, 59.2 minutes.

48 degrees, two minutes.

It's there.

I love you, Sam.

I love you, Donna.