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06x20 - I Would for You

Posted: 05/04/09 01:50
by bunniefuu
Previously On One Tree Hill

Bobby : This league is their NBA, and they know it's not yours.

Lucas : If continuing this pregnancy means I lose you, then we end it.

Peyton : I'm having this baby.

Lucas : We're having this baby.

Mouth : I'm here because I can't live without you, Millicent Huxtable.

Deb : I think we should end this. You deserve more than this.

Brooke : I'm calling the lawyers tomorrow, and I'm divesting my interest in clothes over bros. Now you have a company and no daughter.

Jack : Sam.

Julian : Maybe it's time we write our own epic love story. This time tomorrow, we could be walking on a beach in Malibu.

Brooke : But what about Sam ?

Sam : He loves you. He's a great guy. He wants us all to try it out together. God, you have to go. You have to.

Julian : You're not coming.

Brooke : I have a life here, and...

Julian : Goodbye, Brooke Davis.

One Tree Hill - Season 6 Episode 20


Brooke : Sam, cut it out!

Victoria : Well, well.

Brooke : Oh, my eyes!

Victoria : It's called sunlight. And it's not that bright.

Brooke : It is not the sun. It's your face. Wha ... what the hell are you doing here? Last time we talked was the last time I wanted us to talk ever!

Victoria : We need to discuss the business.

Brooke : I'm not part of the business anymore, which is exactly what you wanted. You got a company. You lost a daughter. Now get out!

Victoria : Whatever. You pull yourself together. I'll be back.

Brooke : Why?! Oh, no, Sam. Hey. Are you okay?

Sam : She frightens me.

Brooke : Yeah. Me too.


Players : Let's go. Let's go, baby. Let's go. Look out. Look out. Look out. Come on, block that.

Bobby : Good job, guys. Nice work, Nate. Nino, take the point.

Players : Run it again. Let's go, baby. Let's go, baby.

Nino : Oh, oh, here it comes. Here it comes. Ball, ball, ball. Oh, yeah.

Bobby : Great. Great job, guys. Good practice. Hit the showers. Nathan. It seems I've got a problem. My two best players are playing the Same position. If we're gonna have a chance at winning, I need you and Nino on the court together.

Nathan : So, I'm moving back to sh**ting guard.

Bobby : No, no, I'm moving Nino to sh**ting guard, and i'm keeping you at the point. But i need for you to help him with the transition.

Nathan : Yeah, okay. Okay.

Bobby : And, Nathan... it's time for you to step up and be a leader. This is your team now.


Jamie : Hi, miss Lauren.

Lauren : Oh, hey, Jamie. Haley, hey. I have some good news for you. Jamie scored through the roof on his standardized tests.

Haley : Really? Oh, that's great.

Lauren : I know, it is. Have you heard of the Oppenheimer school for the gifted?

Haley : Yeah, I used to dream of going there.

Lauren : Well, they tend to monitor these things, and they're really interested in meeting with Jamie.


Skills : Boop! It's been a long time since we done this, dawg.

Lucas : You got to be kidding me. Bam!

Skills : Look, I'm sorry about the movie, bro.

Lucas : Eh, thanks. I mean, I was reluctant about it at first. But now that it's gone, I miss it.

Skills : Ain't that the way it always is?

Lucas : Yeah. So, what's been going on with you, huh? I mean, besides being insanely lucky at horse.

Skills : Well, you know, coaching Jamie's basketball team, I split up with Deb, and I took mouth on a road trip.

Lucas : Whoa, whoa. Say that again. What was that middle part? You broke up with Deb?

Skills : Okay, actually, she broke up with me. But... I don't know. I'm just trying to get past it.

Lucas : Yeah, I'm sorry about that. But, hey, at least Mouth will have someone to hang out with. And misery loves company.

Skills : Actually, mouth's doing just fine.


Millicent : Morning.

Mouth : Wow, you look so much better in that shirt that I do.

Millicent : Yeah, but you looked so much better in my camisole.

Mouth : Hey, you said you wouldn't tell. Where's your head?

Millicent : Happy. Sorry. I don't know why we ever waited.

Mouth : Hey, as long as we ended up here, it was worth the wait. I have a surprise for you.

Millicent : You are just full of surprises, Marvin McFadden.

Mouth : Broadway tickets to "in the heights."

Millicent : Are you serious? You're amazing.

Mouth : No, you are. And I promised myself, if I ever got you back, I'd do everything I could to make you happy.

Millicent : Well, you didn't have to do that. Just being here with you makes me happy.

Mouth : Okay, good, 'cause I can probably scalp these tickets for twice what I paid for them.

Millicent : I'm not that happy.


Peyton : Hey, where are you? Oh, you are gonna be jealous!

Mia : Try me.

Peyton : Top down, listening to a great Mia Catalano song, very happy to be alive.

Mia : I am jealous. That's a great song.

Peyton : It is. And I'll be in as soon as it ends, okay? Bye.

Mia : Bye.


Brooke : Luke?

Lucas : She's okay. She's gonna be all right. They're running some tests.

Brooke : And the baby? Lucas, what's the face? What is it? Tell me.

Lucas : There were some complications with the pregnancy ... before the accident.

Brooke : What are you talking about? What complications?

Lucas : Peyton has a condition called placenta previa.

Brooke : What is that? What does that mean?

Lucas : Well, it means that she runs the risk of hemorrhaging during pregnancy or during delivery.

Brooke : Okay. But she's gonna be okay ... her and the baby.

Lucas : Yeah, yeah. If everything goes perfectly, yes.

Brooke : Lucas, come on, what if everything doesn't go perfectly?

Lucas : Well, then we could lose her, Brooke. She could die, and... and the baby, too.


Nathan : Coach talk to you about moving to sh**ting guard?

Nino : Maybe. What's it to you?

Nathan : He wants me to help you out.

Nino : He wants you to help me out? That's what he said. Well, considering how I'm better than you, there's nothing you could teach me that I don't already know.

Nathan : You think you're better than me.

Nino : I know I am.

Nathan : Okay. Prove it.

Nino : Just like magic! It's all day, Scott. All day.

Nathan : Make it, take it.

Nino : Can't stop this, baby. Come on.

Nathan : Yeah, but you're a two guard now, so let's see the jump shot. I won't even guard you.

Nino : All right.

Nathan : It's all you. That's what I thought. Game point. Next basket wins.

Nino : What are you gonna teach me now, Scott?

Nathan : Well, if I'm the point guard, I'll drive if I'm the sh**ting guard...I sh**t. Game. Lesson's over. Now, you can either learn how to play sh**ting guard and start or you can be a backup point guard. It's your choice.


Sam : I'm telling you, that woman was like a zombie, a vampire, and Principal Rimkus all rolled into one.

Jack : And she's Brooke's mom?

Sam : Yeah. Totally scary.

Jack : Okay. Name one thing that scares the hell out of you ... other than Brooke's mom.

Sam : Being alone. And you kissing me again. That was gross.

Jack : Totally. You want to know what scares me? You know that burger king guy?

Sam : Mm-hmm.

Jack : Like the king?

Sam : Mm-hmm.

Jack : He scares the hell out of me. So, I've been talking to some possible foster parents.

Sam : Woo! What are they like?

Jack : They actually seem pretty cool. But... they live in charlotte.

Sam : Oh! You should go. You're going, right?

Jack : I don't know.

Sam : Why wouldn't you go?

Jack : Being alone scares the hell out of you.

Victoria : Hello!

Sam : Oh, crap, it's her. Hide.

Victoria : You might as well stand up. I can see your unfortunate split ends. What is this now? A-a homeless shelter?

Sam : Um, I'm Brooke's foster kid, Sam, and this is Jack.

Victoria : So, you're here to sponge off my daughter just like the rest of her so-called friends. Well?! Speak!

Sam : We don't like you.

Victoria : Where's Brooke? I need to speak with her.

Sam : She's, um ... she's actually outside on the patio working on some sketches.

Victoria : Well played. Too bad I have a key.


Brooke : Hi.

Peyton : Hey. Hey, Brooke Davis, you are not crying. I'm okay. It's okay. I'm okay.

Brooke : That's not what Lucas said.

Peyton : He told you?

Brooke : Why didn't you?

Peyton : I was going to, but I wanted you to go to L.A. with Julian. And I knew that you wouldn't go if you knew.

Brooke : You suck for not telling me. And I'm not going anywhere, so ... what are we gonna do, P. Sawyer? How am I gonna help us get through this?

Peyton : I don't know. We just will.

Brooke : You're damn right we will.


Lucas : Home sweet home. Let's get you to bed.

Peyton : Luke, you can stop worrying.

Lucas : I'm gonna worry, and I'm gonna keep worrying for the next few months.

Peyton : Honey, I'm fine. The baby's fine. It's mid-afternoon. I don't need a nap.

Lucas : Wait. What's that? Yeah, the baby says it's definitely time to take a nap. Good call, baby. I agree. Let's go. All right, safe and sound. Here we go.

Peyton : Speaking of safe and sound, how's the comet?

Lucas : Don't worry about the car, okay? I'm sure it'll be okay.


Skills : Damn, that car's dead.

Lucas : How in the world diwalk away from this?

Skills : It's yeah, well, it's gonna take a second miracle to put this thing back together.

Man : Cost more to fix it than what it's worth.

Lucas : It's worth more than you know.


Principal : Oppenheimer has the best curriculum in North Carolina. We even have pre-kindergarten computer courses. And all of our students matriculate to top-tier universities.

Nathan : So, this is where all the kids I beat up came from.

Principal : Why don't we have Jamie take a seat while I show you two the rest of the campus?

Haley : Okay. Just t have fun, okay, buddy?

Nathan : Bye, buddy.


Brooke : What could possibly be so important that you'd bother someone who hates you?

Victoria : I'm here because of the business. It's in trouble.

Brooke : So, it's tanking. Looks like you're not the one who spins the straw into gold after all.

Victoria : It's just a little difficult to find decent straw these days. I need you back.

Brooke : You should have thought of that before you hired the second runner-up from "project runway."

Victoria : I had to hire somebody. I wasn't exactly expecting my daughter to quit on me.

Brooke : To quit on you? You told me you wished I'd never been born.

Victoria : Right after you showed up at my apartment with a g*n and accused me of having you att*cked. Look, we both said things. We both were wrong.

Brooke : It doesn't matter anyway. I'm not gonna help you. You're on your own. Sorry.

Victoria : Fine. You know, it's one thing to refuse to help me. But what about all those other people that used to work for you? Those people who made you who you are ... they'll all be out of work. But you could change that. It's a shame.


Teacher : Jamie, why don't you introduce yourself to the class? Go ahead. It's okay.

Jamie : How's everyone doing? Last week, my mom asked me how I like going to school. I told her, "not as much as I like coming home from it."

Girl : Why wouldn't you want to go to school?

Teacher : Here, why don't you put this on? That way you'll feel more comfortable. Okay, students, it is time for recess. Everyone get your recess books out.


Millicent : It's been so beautiful here this week. I didn't realize how much I missed the city.

Mouth : Yeah, it's nice. Remember when I was telling you that maybe there is this better version of us? I think this is it.

Millicent : Me too. Well, almost.

Mouth : Why almost?

Millicent : You have to go back to tree hill tomorrow.

Mouth : I wish I could stay, but I'm already the world's flakiest employee.

Millicent : I know. Let's just enjoy today ... this ... now.


Nathan : So, what is this?

Teacher : Here at Oppenheimer, we don't offer sports. But we do try to incorporate them into learning exercises. This is called "Math-Ketball."

Nathan : Math-Ketball.

Teacher : We have some of the best "Math-Ketes" in the state.

Boy : That's a three-point "Math-Ket." In ... your ... face!

Nathan : More like "math-holes." There's no way he's going here. Come on, Jamie. You ready?

Jamie : Thanks.


Lucas : What are you doing? You should be in bed. That's why they call it "bed rest."

Peyton : The doctor said take it easy. That doesn't mean I have to spend every waking hour in bed.

Lucas : Um, yes, you do.

Peyton : So, does this mean you're not gonna give me a ride to the studio?

Lucas : Um, you're not going to the studio. Look, and I'm the one with the car, and I'm not driving you anywhere. End of discussion.

Peyton : Speaking of... have you had a chance to go look at the comet yet?

Lucas : Yeah, about that...

Peyton : How bad?

Lucas : Well, I ... we can get another one, okay? It was just a car, Peyton. That's all.

Peyton : It was the comet.


Nathan : They put our son in a cardigan.

Haley : I used to wear cardigans.

Nathan : And that's because you were a nerd.

Haley : See, it's comments like that that make me wish I'd had an opportunity to go to a school like Oppenheimer.

Nathan : Oh, yeah, and then you could have lettered in Math-Ketball. Look, that little Jackass was talking trash to our son.

Haley : Like you've never talked trash before? And when somebody talks trash to you on the court, doesn't it motivate you? You know it does.

Nathan : Well, Jamie's not even gonna see a court, all right? 'cause they don't even have one.

Haley : He would get an excellent education there, and there is more to school than just sports.

Nathan : Well, there's more to school than just school.

Haley : This coming from a "C" student.

Nathan : A "C" plus. And you were my tutor.


Skills : Ah, there's the man. So, how did your visit go at that new school?

Jamie : I haven't told anyone yet.

Skills : Hey, I'm sorry, little man. I didn't realize this whole thing was supposed to be on the D.L.

Jamie : Extreme D.L.

Lauren : Hey. I'm Lauren. I'm Jamie's teacher.

Skills : Hi, I'm... Jamie's basketball coach, skills. Antwon...Taylor ... Antwon "Skills" Taylor.

Lauren : Yes, I know. Jamie talks about you all the time. You know, he says you're not very good at video games.

Skills : Yes, I am. I don't really play that much unless Jamie want to play. I let him win sometimes. You know, got to keep the kid's confidence up.

Lauren : Oh, of course. I'll see you tomorrow, Jamie. Antwon "Skills" Taylor.

Skills : Man! You sure you want to leave this school?


Haley : Well, well. Peyton. So, looks like all that good music we've been working on nearly k*lled you.

Peyton : Yeah, good music and some idiot running a red light.

Haley : Yeah, Brooke told me about the accident... and, uh... about everything else.

Peyton : It's all gonna work out, Haley.

Haley : I know it will. You and Lucas always beat the odds.

Peyton : Hey, I'm gonna need your help with something.

Haley : Anything.

Peyton : Finish producing Mia's album.

Haley : Of course.

Peyton : Because you are the one that discovered her in the first place.

Haley : Well, we both did. We're a team, remember?

Peyton : I'll be there in spirit. Deal?

Haley : Deal. I will take care of Mia, and you will take care of my niece. Or nephew, but I'm hoping for a niece.

Peyton : Thank you.

Haley : You're welcome.


Brooke : Hey. What are you so gloomy about?

Sam : Jack found a foster home. He's leaving today. He's moving to Charlotte.

Brooke : I'm sorry. I know it's hard. Believe me, I know.

Sam : Yeah, if that's your story.

Brooke : Hey, what is that supposed to mean?

Sam : I think you know.

Brooke : Okay, if you want to get into this, we should get into it. You have been moping around the house for the last two weeks, pouting about Julian.

Sam : He wanted us to be together. He wanted you. He wanted me. We could have been a family!

Brooke : Sam, you don't know what you're talking about.

Sam : I know he loves you. I know ... I know to follow my heart instead of locking it away. I know if I could, I would go with Jack.

Brooke : Sam, you're in high school. Your love is totally different, and if you were older, you would understand.

Sam : Do you know who you sound like? Victoria.

Brooke : Okay. That is a cheap shot, and you know it. It is so much more complicated than me just doing whatever I want.

Sam : Why? Because of me?

Brooke : Not because of you. For you. I have to do what is best for you, whether or not you see that.

Sam : Don't use me as your excuse! Please, just stop! Please, just admit that Julian loved you and you were too scared or too stupid to love him back!


Skills : Tell me about miss Lauren.

Jamie : If you let me score, I'll tell you all about her.

Skills : Thank you. Get to talking.

Jamie : She likes flowers.

Skills : Man, every girl likes flowers. I need more than that.

Jamie : If I give up everything, I'll have no bargaining power. It's called "supply and demand."

Skills : Oh, you pretty smart for a 6-year-old.

Jamie : Haven't you heard? I'm a genius.

Nathan : Kid's smarter than both of us, skills.

Skills : Yeah, he definitely gets that from his mama.

Nathan : Can't argue with that.

Haley : Hey. Can we talk?

Nathan : Yeah, sure. You got this, skills?

Skills : I got this. All right, one on four.

Jamie : It's my ball.

Haley : Hey. Um, so, I was thinking ...

Nathan : Me too. Um, I think I was a little harsh about the new school.

Haley : Great, because I was thinking it's probably not such a great idea to send him there.

Nathan : Why the change of heart?

Haley : Because he loves basketball, and he likes his teacher. He's got all his friends there. And would you rather him be a big fish in a little pond or a little fish in a big pond?

Nathan : That's the Same reason Dan gave for not sending me to oak lake academy. We want Jamie to be a big fish in a big pond. Dan never gave me that option. Maybe Jamie deserves to have all the opportunities we didn't have, you know?

Haley : So, basically, we just flip-flopped?

Nathan : Yeah, I guess we did.

Haley : We suck at this.


Jack : Well, it's not like we can't visit. We could meet up somewhere like Coachella during spring break.

Sam : Yeah, and ... and ... and Bonnaroo is the last week of school.

Jack : I don't like finals anyway.

Sam : Yeah, well, you'd have to actually go to school to have finals.

Jack : True.

Sam : Oh, and we can ... we can do reading in august.

Jack : Yeah, going across the pond. Uh, wait, are we gonna be back in time for burning man?

Sam : Oh, burning man's for freaks, so you should definitely go.

Jack : You're the freak. I'm gonna get you a refill.

Sam : Oh. What? Chicken.

Sam : Hi.

Victoria : So, I've been wondering, how exactly did you con my daughter into taking you in?

Sam : I shoplifted from Clothes Over Bros, assaulted her, then she found me sleeping in a car and decided to take me in. But I've made up for that with my sunny disposition.

Victoria : I'm amused on the inside.

Sam : I'm not.

Victoria : Well, you should be. You hit the Jackpot with my daughter. Why so morose?

Sam : I'm not sure you'd understand. You'd have to actually have a soul.

Victoria : Try me.

Sam : My friend Jack is leaving. He's ... moving away.

Victoria : Well, my company is called Clothes Over Bros, so I'm not exactly sympathetic with your cause.

Sam : I should have known you'd be bad at this, considering all the hurtful things you said to Brooke the last time you saw her.

Victoria : What would you know about that?

Sam : You said you never wanted her. Not exactly "mother of the year" material.

Victoria : And what happened to your mother?

Sam : She bailed.

Victoria : So, which would you prefer ... a mother who left you or a mother who stuck around and was bad at it?

Sam : Where's my coffee?

Jack : You're too short anyway. How horrible was she?

Sam : Uh ... I ... I don't know.


Brooke : Hiya, Sawyer, P.E.

Peyton : Hiya back, Davis, B.P.

Brooke : How are you feeling?

Peyton : Oh, pretty good. Lucas keeps hounding me to stay in bed. We're having a little difference of opinion of what "taking it easy" means. Well, now that we know I'm doing fine, what's going on with you?

Brooke : "Bitchtoria" is back in town. She wants me to come back and save the company.

Peyton : Victoria? Seriously?

Brooke : And the thing is, if I don't help her, all those people who work for Clothes Over Bros are gonna lose their jobs. I mean... what do you think I should do?

Peyton : I mean, I don't know what you should do. I know what you will do, though.

Brooke : And that is?

Peyton : You're gonna help "Vic-whoria." And you're gonna help all those people because you always sacrifice to help everybody else. That's why we love you.


Mouth : How I told you lately how much leaving you sucks?

Millicent : I wish you could stay.

Mouth : We'll be the couple that makes the long-distance thing work.

Millicent : We will, won't we? And every time we see each other will be like a reunion.

Mouth : Yeah. I'll see you soon, Millie.

Millicent : Okay.

Mouth : Bye.


Jack : Why? They're here.

Sam : They're ... they're much younger than I expected.

Woman : Hi, Jack.

Jack : Hi, how are you?

Woman : Good.

Man : Hey. Dad.

Jack : Hey.

Man : Yeah.

Sam : Where'd you get the vampire weekend tour shirt? Hot topic?

Woman : No, Bonnaroo. Have you ever been?

Man : It's awesome. Yeah, we go every year.

Sam : Fine. You guys rock. I'm impressed.

Woman : So, you must be Sam that dominates all of Jack's conversations.

Jack : Oh, yeah. We were ...

Woman : We were hoping to meet his girlfriend.

Jack : She's not, uh, my girlfriend.

Sam : Yes, I am. Hi.

Man : Hi.

Woman : Hi. Nice to meet you.

Jack : This is Sam... my girlfriend.

Man : Well, uh, I hate to spoil the goodbye, but, uh, we should probably get going.

Woman : Yeah, yeah. Um, you know what? We'll be in the car, okay? Um, it was really nice meeting you, Sam.

Sam : Yeah.

Jack : So ... I'll come back as soon as I can.

Sam : Coachella's in April.

Jack : Okay. Uh, bye, Sam.

Sam : Bye ... Jack! When you kissed me, it wasn't... it was nice.

Jack : That was, too.


Nathan : I don't want to leave. I like it here.

Haley : You mean, you don't want to leave and go back to your pro-basketball career? You know what happened to the boy that got everything he ever wanted?

Nathan : He lived happily ever after. I know, and I am happy. It's just there's this new guy, Nino, and he's a pain in the ass. And bobby expects me to help him transition to sh**ting guard.

Haley : Well, I'm sure bobby wouldn't have asked you to do it if he didn't think you could handle it.

Nathan : I ... I don't know, hales.

Jamie : Can I talk to you guys?

Haley : Uh, yeah. What's on your genius of a mind, little man?

Jamie : Well, I've been thinking about everything. And I think I should get to pick where I go to school.

Nathan : Is that right?

Haley : Well, if you could pick, where would you go?

Jamie : I want to stay at my school. I like my friends. I like my teacher. And besides, I did good on that test because you guys teach me stuff. And I like it that way. So, can I stay? Please?

Nathan : We'll talk about it.

Haley : I really appreciate you coming to us though, baby.

Jamie : Okay. Good night.

Nathan : Good night.

Haley : Love you.

Nathan : The kid makes a lot of sense.

Haley : Yeah, maybe we should have asked him first since he's the genius. You know, you could learn a thing or two from that kid. Well, he and chuck used to hate each other, and now he doesn't want to leave him.

Nathan : And your point?

Haley : My point is that maybe you should go back to Charleston and play nice.

Nathan : All right.


Brooke : You think third time is gonna be the charm?

Victoria : You know, I did forgive you for falsely accusing me and trying to intimidate me with a firearm.

Brooke : And you think I'm gonna forgive you?

Victoria : I hope so.

Brooke : Okay. Here's the deal ... I'll come back to the company for 51% ownership.

Victoria : 50/50.

Brooke : 52.

Victoria : 51.

Brooke : Fine. But understand, this is business. You still don't have a daughter.


Nathan : Nice shot.

Nino : I know.

Nathan : Why does it always have to be so hard with you?

Nino : Look, you're good, but I can make you better.

Nathan : With me at the point, you're gonna get more chances to score, all right? I'll get you the ball. All you have to do is knock down the sh*ts.

Nino : Oh, I'll knock down the sh*ts.

Nathan : All right. Well, good, 'cause if you can do that, the scouts will come, we'll both get noticed, and, hopefully, we'll never have to play with each other again.

Nino : Okay, point. Teach me something.

Nathan : We'll start with this move I got in the other day. I'm gonna ... i'm gonna plant my foot here. As I drive, like I'm going in for the drive, I'm just gonna spin around you and square up and take a jumper.


Skills : Who's the flowers for?

Jamie : A girl.

Skills : Strong.

Jamie : For you, Miss Lauren.

Skills : Oh, wow. Thank you, Jamie.

Jamie : They're not from me. They're from my uncle skills. He thinks you're cute. I'm staying!


Millicent : Morning, Marvin.

Mouth : Morning, Millie.


Peyton : What are you guys doing here?

Haley : Hey, we're a team. You can't come to the studio, so ... we brought the studio to you. Sorry, but "in spirit" just wouldn't do.

Mia : What do you want to hear?

Peyton : Something great.


Sam : He's gone.

Victoria : Everything's gonna be okay. Come on. Come on.