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05x07 - Vance's Lady

Posted: 08/28/22 06:42
by bunniefuu
Now, friends General
Lee is charging down...

the highway of
Hazard County here.

Not because he's being chased.

But because it's a
first-class, uptown,

red-letter, gold-star
day for Vance Duke.

We'd be there already
if we hadn't spent time

polishing the paint
off the General.

You wanted the
General spick and span...

for the introduction, didn't ya?

I just wanna be there
when Jenny gets off that bus.

We'll be there.

Old Vance is all head
up about seeing the lady...

that he was engaged
to be engaged to...

some two or three years back.

In Hazzard, that's
practically being hitched.

I tell you, picnic
in the woods, fun.

We got all sorts
of goodies in here.

Are you ready for some lunch?

Let's see now. I
got a hot dog here.

This is just called a hot dog.
I mean, it's nothing personal.

I mean, it's not a
relative of yours.

Listen, we don't have
to eat it. No, I would...

Wait a minute, I tell
you what I got for you.

I won't eat this
in front of you.

I'll just... We got...

Look at them whizzing by there.

They're probably not speeding,
it's their word against ours.

Come on, Flash.
We're going hot pursuit.

Give me the bone.
Let me have the bone.

Flash, let me have
the bone, darling.

Come on. Let me have it.

How did a big-city girl
like Jenny, meet up with...

the likes of you?

When we got to port a bunch of
us went up to the Y in Savannah.

Jenny worked
there as a volunteer.

I guess we just hit it
off first time we met.

What busted y'all up?

The small-town
life wasn't her style.

And the shirt-and-tie
life sure ain't mine.

She moved to Atlanta. Figurin'
that's were the action was.

I wonder what changed her
mind about wanting to visit

Hazard after three years.


What's he want now?

He probably wants to
find out if she's pretty.

And if she's got a sister.

- Let's just lose him, huh, cuz?
- Alright.

Losing Rosco was comparatively
easy for old Vance and Coy.

Compared to what
was coming, that is.

I thought sailors only
knew how to tie fancy knots.

Flash, don't look. Don't look.

How's Rosco?

What a horrendous
crash. Good grief.

Poor guy just blew his top.

Now, friends, Jenny
Walden is one dynamite lady.

And them two words,
"dynamite" and "lady"

is like fire and gasoline
if you put em' together.

She just got off the bus.

- 'I'm in Hazzard town.'
- Hazzard?

'That's where she
bought a ticket to'

'and that's where I followed.'

What would she be
doing in Hazzard?

Right now it looks like
she's waiting on someone.

I understand, senator.

It'll be taken care
of, and I'll be in touch.

A fella simply picks up his
girl at the bus station and...

any place else, it wouldn't
be anything out of ordinary.

A Duke does it in Hazzard.
And they already got trouble.


Oh, Vance.

- Oh, it's been a long time.
- Too long.

Ain't she as beautiful
as I told you, Coy?

Sure is.

- This is my cousin, Coy.
- Howdy. Nice to meet you.

That's okay, isn't it, Vance?

Us Dukes are supposed
to share everything.

Read the small print,
coz. There are limitations.

Oh, Vance, he's just
like you told me he was.

Have you been talking about
me behind my back again?

Pay him no mind.

He pops off like a
button on an old shirt.

Let's get this show on the road.

- Wait, my bag.
- Here, I'll get it.

Here we go.

- Door's welded.
- Oh.

Vance. You gotta be
three bricks shy of a full load

letting a lady like this get
away from you all these years.

Oh, Coy, if anybody's lacking
in smarts, it's yours truly.

Now, friends, they
ain't got car trouble.

They're showing off
Hazzard's scenic route to Jenny.

What's he going on about?

Looks like he's had one
too many for the road.

What's he trying to do?

He's gonna drive
us off the road.

I figure from that look
on Jenny's pretty face

that she knows
who the driver is.

And the fact that she ain't
saying nothing, ain't good.

That drunk almost ended my

subscription to, Motor
Mechanic magazine.

Not to mention our reunion.

- I'm glad we're still alive.
- So am I.

Coy, we better check the General
before we head back to the farm.

While Coy and Vance
checked out the General.

Dugan stopped and
checked his handiwork.

And he wasn't
too happy about it.

For that matter,
neither was the senator.

Dugan's a good assistant but,
he suffers from a weak stomach.

And a bad case of conscience.

Handle it.

Now, he ain't no
trip to Hollywood.

'At least it's cool.'

What are you looking
at you dipstick?

Happens to us, doesn't it?

Ain't she... Good grief.

Well, we don't have to worry
about air conditioning now.

Come on, darling.

Boy, Boss Hogg is
gonna have a fit, isn't he?

Come on, darling.

Just move on,
everybody. Just move on.

Here we go. Oh, hey.

He's eating.

You better wait outside.

Go on out there and play.

Hello. Boss?

You know, it's just a
beautiful day out there.

It's just a great day to drive
around in a convertable.

If you're thinking of drivin'
around in my convertable.

You got another think coming.

Well, I wasn't thinking of
driving in your convertible.

I'm driving one of my own.

If you'd be so kind as
to look out that window.

- Huh, what?
- Lookie there.


What in tarnation did
you do to that patrol car?

I like it better that way. It
gives sort of a sporty look.

Listen, what I could do is
get one of those canvas tops.

And make it red to sort
of match the gumballs.

What do you think?

I think you ain't had nothing
on top for years anyway.

Pardon me, but I was looking for
the person incharge around here.

Well, that happens to be
my little fat selfish buddy here.

He's the big
muckity-muck around here.

Listen, just speak your
piece quick, stranger.

- I'm on my lunch hour.
- That could take all afternoon.

Well, in that event,
here's my card, sir.

Have you got an
extra one of those?

Deputy assistant
to Senator Maynard.


- State Senator Maynard?
- That's right.

- The state Senator Maynard?
- The state Maynard?

- Pleased to meet you.
- Nice to meet you too.


Well, just don't stand there
with your teeth in your mouth.

Brush off a seat for Mr...?

- Mr. Dugan.
- Mr. Dugan.

Alright, sir. Here you
go. Just park it right there.

Well, well, well and well.

And well.

What brings you to
this neck of the woods?

Dugan needed to know
how to find that orange car.

So he told a story about
tracking down a young woman

wanted for
embezzling state funds.

Oh, Naughty, naughty.

The lady was dippin'
in the public till?

- I'm afraid so.
- Oh, my. Oh, my.

- Is that what some people do?
- Some people.

Such goings on, I never
heard of such a thing.

Of course you have. We
do it all the time. We dip...

Would you hush?

The special assistant of
Senator Maynard has the floor.

The senator wants this handled
by me personally and discreetly

and would be appreciative
of your assistance.

He'd be most appreciative.

Mr. Dugan knows
that we can extend

the... political
plums to each other.

- Plums.
- Ain't that right?

We can help each other ahead
if that's what we wanna do.

Rise up politically,
ain't I right?

Well, I'm sure that the
senator would be most

pleased to help you
in any way he can.

In any way! Yeah.

Alright, here's what
you wanna know.

Them boys you're looking
for is Coy and Vance Duke.

There goes the Duke boys now.

Now what? We're
not doing over .

Since when did a sheriff's
car in Hazzard go by the rules?

You're right, coz.

Don't rightly seem fair that
they shouldn't and we should.

Now, You know the General
could make it alright...

but Enos is in a
little mite of trouble.

Sure is a pretty day up there.

Not a cloud in the sky.

My goodness.

You're just as pretty
as Vance said you'd be.

- A lot prettier.
- Oh, thank you, Mr. Duke.

Now, Jenny, they call me
Uncle Jesse around here.

And don't thank me. We're
glad to have you around.

We got the spare room all
fixed up for you, I'll show you.

We'll be along in a few minutes.
I wanna show her around first.

I wonder if she
does have a sister.

Now, old Boss would turn
mama's picture to the wall any day.

To get in a senator's
good graces.

So he was headed for the Dukes.

To try to nail that
pretty little embezzler.

These political
plums I'm gonna get

could put my seat right
smack into the state capital.

That's good for you,
but what about my seat?

Your seat ought to be kicked
halfway across this county.

For turning this car
into a convertible.

And I'm warning you.

If you blow the top
off my political future.

Your future is gonna
be backup bagboy

at the all-night supermarket
on Frontage Road.

You know the place. Come on.

It's so calm and peaceful.

Still a far cry from those
city lights you're used to.

Mind telling me what changed
your mind after all these years?

It's supposed to be a woman's
prerogative, changing her mind.

Well, how about
a man's curiosity?

Wondering why the lady
he loved three years ago

suddenly shows up
after one phone call.

Something prompted you.

What was it?

Jenny, as you can see,
was having a rough time

wrestling with Vance's question
without telling him the truth.

Well, I suppose I do owe
you some-some answers

but I just don't have
any for you right now.

Except that I still have
very deep feelings for you.

If that matters.

Of course it does.


let's just let time tell
us where we're going.

And what we are
to each other, okay?

Alright, I think
we're here first.

Yeah, we b*at them.
Alright, very good.

What did you do?

Defaced my... You
done stuck my... Idiot!

I'm sorry, sheriff.

Alright, Jesse.

You're harboring a fugitive
here. So where is she?

What are you talking about?

Don't pretend you don't
know, because you do.

It's that fugitive girl
you're hiding out.

You know she's wanted
for embezzling state funds.

- Yes, as if you didn't know.
- Yeah.

Enos, come on, arrest Coy.

- Mr. Hogg, what's Coy done?
- Never you mind, just do it.

Rosco, come on. You and I
will check the house for Vance...

Now, hold on, fellas. Y'all
got proof Jenny done this?

Yeah. Have you got
a search warrant?

You're not going in that
house, J.D. without a warrant.

You want a search warrant?

I'll have one for
you in no time.

- I told you to cuff Coy.
- Yeah, cuff him.

Alright, Rosco, go on
in there, check the house

while I write out this
here search warrant.

'Don't breathe.'

Look, look. Coy's going
away. He's running off.

Forget about me, dipstick!

What are you doing?

Listen, Rosco, Vance must
be off with that girl somewhere.

Coy's gone off to warn them.
We gotta stop him, come on.

Why don't you just come in the
house and get dried up before...

Enos, get out of
our way, will you?

The door. We gotta get the door.

Well, are you telling
me to go first now?

I wish we could turn back the
clock and start all over again.

We'd still be the same people.

Wanting different things,
still wanting each other.

Jump in quick. Boss
and Rosco is after Jenny.

Jenny? For what? You want
to tell me what this is about?

Talk while we're rolling.
We got company coming.

Move this thing, would
you? Come on, move along.

I know we ain't got a door
but sure we got a motor.

Move it.

Alright, Jenny, I'm listening.

It's a long story.

Well, tell it in a
short time, sugar.

Because look.

Alright, block the road,
because we've got them.

Welcome aboard
Hazzard Flight .

Yeah, your takeoffs
are great, captain.

But you ought to brush
up on your landings.

I will before I solo.

Get off the road, let's
go. Get going... No, no!

That's the car that rammed us.

Hang on, it's
ring-around-the-rosey time!

You're about to
see a Hazzard .


That's to turn around.

Another to
confuse the opposition.

Which totals .

Do you mind telling me just
what you people are trying to do?

Hold your horses. Hold
your horses, will you?

Just wait a minute.

I mean what's wrong with
getting a little extra help.

Catching the Dukes
and that lady embezzler.

What are you jumping here
for? Listen, go on, go after them.

Go after them!

Mr. Hogg, the senator just wants
this handled by his own people.

Well, naturally, he does.

But you tell him that J.D.
Hogg has joined his team.

Come on. Move this
thing out of here, will you?

Don't keep your
next governor waiting.

- Come on. Come on.
- Get out of the way, Enos.

Move it!

They ain't gonna give
up looking for us, Vance.

I know. They're gonna be up
and down this road like a yo-yo.

Hey, pull off into
them woods, cuz.

We gotta find out what
we're up against and why.

Now, here comes
the senator's muscle.

sh**t, I didn't figure
that boy could read.

Mobile operator, this is
. Get me mobile .

- Dugan.
- 'This is Wade.'

'You find who we looking for?'

They're in an orange
car with a confederate flag

painted on the roof.
Headed due north.

Well, they can't be
headed to the capital then.

Well, not unless they're
holing up somewhere

figuring to double back.

Trouble is, some
redneck politician

and his cops out
looking for them.

They think they're
trying to help.

If it's one thing we don't
need, it's cops. Call them off.

No way. I tried.

We just have to find Jenny and
those boys before anyone does.

I'll cut across at a place
called Morningside Drive

head in from the north.

We just might get lucky.

Looks like Coy,
Vance and his little lady

are getting boxed in
tighter than a $ coffin.

Alright, Jenny,
what's this all about?

You gotta believe me. I
didn't intend for you and Coy

to get caught up in this thing.

We're in it knee-deep
to our earlobes now.

So you might
as well spill it out.

That accident we had earlier.

The man wasn't drunk
and it wasn't an accident.

- He was trying to k*ll me.
- k*ll you?

- 'For Lord's sake, why?'
- Afraid that I'd talk.

Go to the Senate
Crime Committee.

His name is Dugan, we worked
for State Senator Maynard.

Maynard? He's one big honcho.

I was his secretary.

I discovered that he and
Dugan were embezzling the state.


Bilking the government's
hundreds of thousands dollars.

'They threatened me if
I dare open my mouth.'

'I tried to go to the newspapers
and they found out, so I ran.'

What about the Capitol City
Police or the Crime Committee?

Maynard's got
powerful connections.

Who's gonna believe
a little secretary?

Vance Duke.

Not to mention his cousin, Coy.

You two were the
only ones I could trust.

But I never, never expected
them to follow me here to Hazzard.

We gotta get you and that
Crime Committee together.

Vance, they're just gonna
keep tracking us down.

We don't stand a chance.

We do if we get a phone
and get the committee

to send someone
here on the double.

We'd better make sure Rosco
and the others are gone first.

We're gonna get you out of this.

Now, you just stay put, sugar.

Stop it. Stop it right here.

Just stop here, will you?

Listen here, you dipstick.

You let the Dukes
do it to you again.

Yeah, Enos, you...

You let them slip right
through your fingers.

Right through your fingers.
Can't you hold on to anything?

- Even your job.
- Even your job.

- Yours too.
- Mine too.

- Mine too?
- Yeah.

Well, listen, Boss,
it wasn't my fault.

It was them Dukes, you know?

They pull all those tricks.
They go up, They jump that...

They flew right over
the cuckoo's nest.

You cuckoo.

- And you, Rosco.
- What?

Head back to Hazzard.

I'm gonna call out
the Hazzard Irregulars.

The Irregulars?

Well, listen, Boss,
we only call out...

the irregulars for
a dire emergency.

And what do you think my losing
the governorship would be, huh?

- Oh, that would be a dire...
- Picklebrain.

Are you still standing here?
Go on. Come on, move it!

Don't touch my...
Come on, let's go.

We gotta get going. Come on.

My fender is off!

Let's go get them. My fender!

We better find a phone and fast.

While Vance was figuring
to contact the capital.

A worried Daisy and Uncle
Jesse weren't having much luck...

contacting Vance and Coy.

This is Shepherd to
Lost Sheep, come back.

There's a phone if you want
in the gas station we can..

- Jenny?
- Hey, she's gone.

Look at this.

"Dear Coy and Vance, I
can't let you risk your lives.

Thanks for your help.
I'm sorry. Love, Jenny."

Come on. We better
find her before they do.

I hope that Coy and Vance
find that foxy little lady first.

Because there's an
awful lot of bloodhounds

tracking the hunting sport.

Shepherd to Lost Sheep.

'Come in. Come in.
Can you hear me?

Lost Sheep to Shepherd...

Well, the Dukes
finally touched bases.

And Coy filled Jesse and Daisy

in on what was
happening and why.

And, of course, Daisy and
Jesse were quick to pitch in.

Jenny was a city gal...

which explains why
she thought that...

she could get out
of Hazzard on foot.

Which had everybody
guessing where she was.

First, Coy and Vance.

Then Uncle Jesse and Daisy.

Then Hazzard
Number Two with Enos.

Then, the senator's flunky.

Well, somebody's spotted her.

I wonder who.

Miss Jenny. Now,
hold on right there, lady.

Please, my life's in danger.

I wouldn't hurt you, ma'am.

I ain't a criminal. I'm
a deputy sheriff. See?

I'm not talking about you.

I'm talking about
Senator Maynard.

And the men he's
got working for him.

They're trying to k*ll me.

Well, possum on a
gum bush, ma'am.

I can't hardly believe that.

A state senator trying to k*ll
a nice young lady like you?

Oh, it's true. It's
true. So help me.

Yes, ma'am, I
sure will help you.

You just get right in
there and relax a little bit.

My fellow friends.

I stand before you, as the
newly elected President...

of this here U.S. of A...

'Deputy State calling
Sheriff Rosco. Come in.'

Enos, listen, don't you know
any better than to interrupt...

the future President
of The United States...

while rehearsing his
inaugural address?

I did?

I'm sorry. I didn't even know
there was an election this year.

Listen, Rosco's busy calling
out the Hazzard Irregulars...

to help look for the Dukes
and that there fugitive girl.

Just like you should
be doing. So do it.

I don't have to,
Mr. Hogg. I found her.

You found her? You found
her. Oh, glory be. Glory be.

Alright, alright. Well, listen.

Bring her straight to
my office and listen...

I'll reward you with a
post in my future cabinet.

Secretary of the Inferior.

Secretary of the Inferior?

But I can't even type.

Okay, freeze!

- Put your hands over your head.
- Now pull your g*n out, slowly.

No false moves.
Drop it on the ground.

I don't know who you are, you
better not hurt Ms. Jenny here.

Put your hands behind your back.

Sorry about this, Enos.

- But you lose again.
- Coy, that ain't...

Great gobs of goose grease!
You're not to fool me right now.

Hey, it ain't nothing
personal, Enos.

We're just trying to
catch us the real criminals.

Vance, I'm so sorry I ran.

Vance, I know y'all mean well
but, interfering with the law...

is gonna bend Mr. Hogg
plumb out of shape.

Look at it this way, Enos.

Boss's shape could
stand a little bending.

That's a good one, Coy. Yeah.

Like I said, honey...

you ain't gonna solve
anything running away.

I know.

You gotta stand your
ground and fight back.

Coy. Hey, yall, how
about the keys now?

Sorry about that, Enos.


That little-league
pitching arm of mine

just ain't ready for
the big leagues yet.

Oh, that's alright,
Coy, I can get them.

Oh, oh, wait, wait, wait.

Wait, wait.

Good news. Good news.

Boss, I've got the
Irregulars all lined up.

- Yeah, well, unline them.
- Unline them?

Yeah, because that bright,
efficient Deputy State..

Whom you refer to as a dipstick.

- Yeah.
- Has just caught that girl.

Yeah. And ensured
my political future.

Nearest phone's about
a mile down the road.

We'll call the
capital from there.

Vance's idea sure was the
most logical one to follow.

Trouble was, it
was so logical...

someone else had
to think about it too.

Number, please?

Hi, Bessie Lou. This
here is Vance Duke.

Hi, Vance.

I wanna place an urgent call

to the Senate Crime
Committee in the state capital.

I'm awful sorry, Vance.

But we're experiencing
some kind of trouble.

And none of our
lines is getting through.

You can try
again a little later.

Okay. Thanks anyway, Bessie Lou.

Well, what did she say?

She says all the lines are busy.

Pretty convenient
time to happen, ain't it?

Two minds with the
same conclusion.

What do we do now?

If we can't get that
committee to come to us..

We'll do the next best thing.

- How's that?
- Go to them.

You know, I'm new on the job.

And I sure hope I
did the right thing.

Well, as I said before, this
is official state business.

Vance contacted the
rest of the Duke clan...

to rally at one of their
secret meeting places.

So they could help
him figure a way out.

I'm gone, cousin.

Dugan was nobody's fool,
despite the way he looked.

And after making sure
neither Jenny or the Dukes...

was able to call for help...

well, he came to the same
conclusion that Vance did.

They'd have to
make a run for it.

Don't worry. There's
only two roads

that lead out of
here to the capital.

Between our two cars,
we can cover both of them.

Okay, but look, Wade...

now, you're the expert
at this sort of thing...

'You don't want to get your
hands dirtier than they are.'

Just help corner them, Dugan.

I'll take care of the rest.

Enos let them Duke
boys escape with that gal.

Yeah, I know, I know.
Bessie Lou just told me.

Alright, Bessie Lou. Thank
you very much, honey. Bye.

Bessie Lou also told me, them
dukes tried to call the capital.

But that special assistant..
What's his name?

- Dugan.
- Dugan, yeah.

He told her not to
put the call through.

Between them
Dukes and that Dugan

I'll never make President.

And I've spent all that
money for them signs too.

Bessie Lou said that
Dugan said the Dukes said...

they were gonna get
that gal out of the county.

- We ain't let that happenin'?
- No.

No, siree, Bob!

Take the CB and tell Enos to
set roadblock at Whittling Corners.

And you and I will set up a
roadblock at Old Mill Lane.

- Old Mill Lane.
- Yeah.

I want all them
roads closed up tight.

Listen, don't you
worry about it.

We'll close it as
tight as your wallet.

I don't think we can
close it that tight.

Alright, hurry up.
Do it and follow me.

This is Rosco P.
Coltrane calling, Enos.

Boss has probably got
the whole dang county...

covered top to bottom by now.

That's why we're
gonna swap vehicles.

What do you mean?

Now, everybody out there
is looking for the General.

Okay, we'll let them
see the General.

Chase it all over Hazzard.

Because, Uncle Jesse... you
and Daisy are gonna be in it.

While Coy, me and Jenny
we'll be scooting off to Atlanta..

In the pickup.

- Say, that just might work.
- Yeah.

We better muddy up General's
windows so they don't see us.

Instead of you three.

- Good idea.
- Well, it's all set then.

No. No, it isn't.

I'm not about to let y'all
risk your lives for me.

This ain't the first time we
stuck our neck to help a friend.

There's a water trough
back there. Get some mud.

And listen. This is the only
way we can get you to Atlanta.

Besides that, us Dukes don't
hold with crooked politicians.

We got enough of them
kind right here in Hazzard.

Don't you worry yourself,
hon. We're gonna make it.

All of us.

Hey, this is gonna work great.

Uncle Jesse, Daisy, you
two take care, you hear.

You too.

- Looking pretty good, huh?
- Let's get on the road, honey.

Boss and Rosco set up a
roadblock on Old Oak Road...

while Enos was covering
Whittling Corners.

Mr. Hogg, I got the Dukes in
sight here at Whittling Corners.

Well, just don't keep on
looking at them, you dipstick.

You stop them, you hear me?

You better hunker
down just a little.

Even with this windshield
that we muddied up...

we don't look much
like the boys and Jenny.

Don't you worry
none, Uncle Jesse.

This is as close as
they're gonna get.

Golly, Mr. Hogg...

them Dukes are like a Roman
candle on the Fourth of July.

Can't tell which
direction they're going.

They're headed
y'all's way. I'm gone.

I'm in hot pursuit. I'm out.

Now, unless you forgot
about this here feller.

Or Mr. Dugan here.

They've been listening to
every word over their police radio.

You get that?


Get over to the west side
of Cotton Corners and hold.

'I'll come in from the east
and force them into your lap.'

- Now, Wade...
- I said, just hold them.

I'll take it from there.

Here he comes. They fell for it.

They took to the General
like hounds to the hare.

Should be clear sailing
all the way to Atlanta.

They're headed our way.

Well, never fear. Bring em
back alive Coltrane is here.

Oh, that's a doozy. I'll
use that as my motto.

When I am the future
head of the F.B. and I.

Yeah. You let
them get past us...

- And I ain't got no future.
- You ain't got no future.

- I ain't got no pizza either.
- No!

When you get to Cottonwood
Corners make a right.


And here comes old
Muscles, heading right at them.

Looks like we only got
one other way to go, Jesse.

- What do I do, Uncle Jesse?
- Zigzag.

There's a basic rule
about being a Duke

If you're really, truly
and totally in a mess.

It's fixing get worse.

You alright?


Enos, this is your
superior officer, Rosco.

Listen, they must have
turned off at the junction.

Now, you take the left
fork, and I'll take the right.

Roger. Ten-four.

Vance Duke.

Now, we got your uncle
and your pretty little cousin.

'Unless you bring Jenny
back to your farm in one hour.'

'I can't guarantee
what'll happen.'

Vance, please take me back.

I'd never forgive myself if
anything happens to them.

We appreciate that but I
doubt they'd let any of us go.

On the other hand, that'd depend
on just how many witnesses...

know what's going on and why.

You catch, cuz?

Wait, I don't.

Boss and Rosco may be as
crooked as a barrel of fish hooks.

But they ain't K*llers.

Now, we let them hear
exactly what's coming down.

Them good old boys,
along with Enos...

will change sides faster
than a windshield wiper.

As Coy, Vance and
Jenny headed for the farm.

Vance began to put
their plan into action.

Meantime, Boss was taking
his minor setback like a man.

- Gone, gone, gone!
- We know, the bumper's gone.

No, no, no!

All my political
hopes and dreams...

for the governorship, all gone.

Straight down the tubes.

- Bless your heart.
- Poor little buddy.

Calling Boss Hogg,
this is Vance Duke.

Vance Duke?
No, no, I can't talk.

Rosco take it. Take it.

This is Sheriff
Rosco P. Coltrane.

Now, listen here, Vance Duke.

I want you to
release that prisoner...

to me, and I mean this second.

We'll do better than that if you
and boss drive down to the farm.

Keep your radio
open on this frequency.

'We got a flash that'll make
your name a household word.'

- A household word?
- A household word.

A household word!

- Did you hear that?
- I heard that.

A household word.
What are you waiting for?

A written invitation? Come
on, let's move it. Hallelujah!

I may just get into
that Oval Office yet!

And it would fit your
little chubby figure.

If they built it out a few
inches around the bay windows.

Don't worry, sugar.
We're gonna make it.

My pizza! My fender!

My pizza! My fender!

Come on! Let's go!

All everybody has gotta do
is speak up loud and clear.

And pray a lot.

You send Miss Walden over here.

And I'll send your pretty
cousin and your uncle over there.

'How to trust you?'

'Because you
have my word on it.'

That and a dime buys
you an apple cider.

Why should we take the
word of a couple of crooks

and Senator Maynard?

Stealing state funds,
forging state checks.

Not to mention trying to get
rid of Jenny. She is a witness.

'That could send you
guys to jail, for years.'

If your friend Miss Walden had
been a little more reasonable...

we wouldn't have to go
to extremes, would we?

You mean if she'd
been a crook like you.

But not if she threatened
to blow the whistle on you.

Cut the talk. The senator
said to get rid of the witness.

So that's all we're gonna do.


Hey, what you got there?

Trying to sh**t the whole
works on your little CB radio?

That's real smart.

But you know what?

Without Jenny there,
you got no witness.

All you got is hearsay evidence.

Take her.

Nobody move.

- You drive.
- I got it.

The Dukes knew it was foolhardy
to try and rush them fellas...

with all that a*tillery.

They wasn't about to let them
get away with Jenny neither.

Them fellas is the real K*llers,
just like Miss Jenny said.

Did you hear that, Mr. Hogg?

I sure did hear
it, Enos. Bad idea.

Rosco, come on.
Move it, move it!

I mean, crooked
politics, that's one thing...

but v*olence, that's another.

- Put the heel to the steel.
- That's "pedal to the metal."

Whatever. Come
on, let's get this.

I love it. I love speed.

Did you see that? They
got the girl in the car.

Turn around, turn around.

Hazzard One to Hazzard Two.

'Get them crooks!'

Let's go. Come
on, Rosco, let's go!

What you stopping for?

I said, move it! Please, Rosco.

Lost Sheep to Bo Peep.

They got a big head
start to catch up with.

We'll try to cut across and
nail them at Old Tree Lane.

'You stay on their tails'

I hear you talking, Vance.

Alright, partner.

You get back on the road
with Daisy. I'll join the party.

Some folks don't like people to
drop in on them unannounced.

I hear you.

Uncle Jesse, how
we gonna stop them?

Good question. Good question.

In the glove compartment
there's an oil can. Get it.

Now then, do you think if I
put you up alongside that driver.

You could get a good
sh*t at him with that?

You bet, Uncle Jessie, that's
the smoothest idea I ever heard.

My eyes, I can't see!

Just give me that, Jenny.

- Alright.
- You alright, Jenny?

We made it.

So law and order in Hazzard
County had triumphed again.

With a large assist
from the Dukes.

And the would-be
governor, senator...

and president of the
United States, Boss Hogg.

Saw his dreams of a political
future go right up in smoke.

Right along with former
Senator Maynard's.

Meanwhile, Vance was
going through soul searching.

And, friends, that do hurt.

- I'm sure gonna miss you.
- I'm gonna miss you too.

Who knows..

Someday you'll be ready
to pull out of that fast lane.

Or I might not be so
blinded by city lights.

- You never can tell.
- Nope.

You're not mad at me for
coming here this way, are you?

No. I'm just glad we could help.

What are friends for, right?

Take care.

Now, if I was a betting
man. I'd bet this ain't the last...

we've seen of romance
in Hazzard County.