04x05 - The Fugitive

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dukes of Hazzard". Aired: January 26, 1979 – February 8, 1985.*
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Cousins Bo and Luke certainly have a way of finding trouble with the law everywhere they turn.
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04x05 - The Fugitive

Post by bunniefuu »


In Hazzard County, if it's got
something to do with wheels

or something to do with speed

well, you know the Duke
boys are gonna be involved.

This time it's Bo.
And he's working out

for the annual Tri-County
Motocross at the Fairgrounds.

And tomorrow's thebig day.

'Don't you think Bo's taking
those curves too fast, Luke?'

You ain't gonna
win the Tri-County

by hugging' the middle
of the road, honey.

He's doing just fine.

Yes, sir. The Motocross Racing

attracts motorcyclists from
every neck of the woods.

So Boss Hogg puts
up $ first prize

which, in these
parts will keep you

in college and hushpuppies
for quite a while.

But some folks didn't come
for the race or the chance

to win the $ first prize.

They're countin' on 'em scooters

for their own reasons.

Trouble, is you got to be
real careful where you park.

See what I mean?

I wonder who that is.

You have a nice day.

Now, if you're wonderin'

who's behind all them
motorcycles disappearing..

Well, I'll give you one guess.

Uh, make that two
guesses and you'd be right.

Boss Hogg and Sheriff
Rosco P. Coltrane.

You know, if I could have...

Oh! Watch it, will
you! Careful now.

Watch it there, you dipstick!

You're spraying that on boss.

- Good work, good work.
- It's good work.

Let's get out of here

before this sandwich,
here gets contaminated.

Listen, boss. Listen,
speaking of decaminating, let..

Can I have one of them tomatoes?

That's a good looking yum
yum you got there. That's it.

Yeah, get away.

Now, listen.

I figure, if we get our hands
on of them motorcycles

repaint 'em and
ship 'em out of state..

Well, then I should be good
for at least ten-twenty thousand

in extra pocket money.

And out of that,
what am I good for?

You're good for nothin'.

Unless you do what
you're supposed to do.


Help me get them motorcycles
permanently borrowed.

'Excuse me, sir.'

Can I use your telephone?

- Yeah, you can use it...
- No! Wait, wait.

Whoever you are..

How long you've been
standing over there?

Not long, sir. I just
wanna use your telephone.

- Not long?
- You in that building...

- No, no.
- What?

- Arrest her.
- What?

- Arrest her.
- Arrest me? For what?

Go after her! She's gettin'
away! Come on, arrest her!

She heard everything we said!

Freeze! In the name of
the law. And I'm the law.

'I'm not kidding',
now. Come back here!'

Come on, come on.

Alright, get back
here. Alright, freeze!

Hold it right there!

See, I caught you, didn't I?

Listen, what were you doing
back there, nosin' around?

Nothing, Sheriff. Honest.

I just wanted to
use your telephone.

That's a naughty-naughty.
Cause you're telling a lie.

See, I know. You were
gonna tell somebody

on the other end,
what you heard.

Heard what?

Heard that Boss and I
were gonna take those mo..

Oh, no, you don't.
No, you don't.

Alright, get up. I'm
gonna arrest you.

For trespassing.

- Ah!
- Help me up, here.

Without a license, too.

Look out!

Oh! Look out!



- You're alright?
- 'Yeah, I'm fine.'

'Alright, you Dukes..'

what do you think,
you own the road?

You know what I oughta do?

I oughta take you to
hoosegow, cuff you and stuff you.

- You mean, you ain't gonna?
- Oh, heck no.

'I haven't got time for
such measly things'

as arresting you Dukes.

I got more important
things to take care of.

Well, alright then.

Did you see what
you.. You disgust..

Get it out of here!

I tell ya.. Yeah.

Did you see what..

Ooh! Ooh!

'Stop! Stop! That
girl's my prisoner.'

Oh, you're not payin'
no attention. I'm serious.

This is the voice
of the law, idiot!

I wish Rosco'd make up his
mind. He already let us go, once.

I feel he ain't gonna make
that decision twice in one day.

Hang on.

Another day, another lost Rosco.

Woof Doggone it,
Flash. You done lost 'em.

The boys decided to
get home for supper.

Uncle Jesse's
bisque and grit soufflé.

'Looks like we got
us a stowaway.'

We got us a pretty stowaway.

Ease up, fella. She's
scared enough, as it is.

Are you alright, honey?

It's okay.

I'm fine, thanks.
Except for a few bumps.

You always drive like that?

No. Only when he's
being chased by the sheriff.

It was me he was after.

What's Rosco doing
chasing someone like you?

Trespassing, he said.

'Trespassing? That
don't make no sense.'

Everybody in Hazzard trespasses
on everybody else, anyway.

By the way, I'm Luke Duke.

- And I am Bo Duke.
- This is Bo and Daisy.

- Hi.
- Hi. I'm Mindy Lou.

- Mindy Lou.
- Mindy Lou.

'Cletus, this is
your superior officer'

'Rosco P. Coltrane.'

Those Duke boys
just aided and abetted

a criminal girl to escape.

I want you to block every road
in the county. Is that a - ?

I got you, Sheriff.

Every road?

Buzzards on a buzz
saw! How do I do that?

Every road?

'Boss Hogg. Now, this is
Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane.'

Rosco, I've been listening to
both of you, you carrot chip.

Now, you listen to me.

'Sooner or later, that girl
is going to blab everything'

'she heard to the Dukes.'

Now, if you don't get her and
the Dukes and all come up quick

you can kiss your cut of
the take goodbye. Goodbye.

'That's a big affirmative.'

Well, where are you
headed, Mindy Lou?

Macon. I enrolled in
nursing college, down there.

Then what brings you to Hazzard?

Enrollment took every
dime I got in the world.

Now, I gotta raise money to
put me through my first year.

How you planning on doing that?

I'm workin' my way
through the state.

I've done people's laundry
and waited on tables.

Now I'm gonna sell these
t-shirts at Motocross Race.

I got me a whole
duffle bag full of 'em.

But... all I wanna do
is get down to Macon.

If I don't register on time,
I'm gonna lose everything.

We could run her down
across the county line.

That way, Rosco
couldn't get at her.

We can sell 'em
T-shirts for her.

Then we'll send her
the money in Macon.


For now you better ride
back here, like you was.

- We got to load the bike up.
- Here, hold onto this.

- Move that thing around.
- Just, uh.. Got it.

Another $ ? For what, Hogg?

Well, the Motocross, tomorrow.

I had to hire me a man to paint
me some new signs for the race.

And sign painters cost money.


Just send me motorcycles.
Lots of motorcycles.

You'll get 'em,
Leroy. You'll get 'em.

Ol' Cletus wouldn't hurt nobody.

Except maybe himself.

But he sure is gonna
get into people's way

especially the Dukes.


Luke! Look out! It's Cletus!

Is that what they mean
by "keep on truckin'"?


Hey, Cletus!

Hey, Cletus! What's
the good word?

Well, I'm alive.

That's as good a word as any.

Didn't think I'd
hit you, did ya?

No, of course not.

I mean, I know none of you
Dukes got it in you to hurt nobody.

I've some bad news. I got
orders to arrest the three of ya.

'You're not gonna
give me trouble are ya?'

Who us? Give you trouble?

You just doing
your job, ain't ya?

Yeah, but we do have
one question, Cletus.

We ain't do nothing wrong.
How's come you gotta arrest us?

Now, listen, you guys can
sweet talk me all you want to

but, I am gonna
search that there truck.

So, if you don't mind,
excuse me, please.

- Suit yourself.
- Cletus.

Alright. ma'am. I
know you're in there

and you know I gotta g*n, so
come out with your hands up.

- Couldn't we talk about this?
- Come out with your..

- There ain't nobody in there.
- We could have told you that.

Yeah, yeah. Who'd
you expect to find?

John Dillinger or somebody?

He's dead. I know that.

Oh, sh**t! Sheriff told
me y'all tried to help

some desperate
female fugitive escape.

Can you imagine us
doing a thing like that?

Wait a minute! Wait a minute!

Whose duffle bag is that?

- That there is uh..
- It's mine.

It's laundry. It's mainly my
little dainty things, Cletus.

You wanna look?

No. My mama would whoop
me good for looking at that.



I thought you said your
mommy would whoop you.

I'm not looking. Not looking.

Could've fooled me, Cletus.

Say, Cletus. Now
that you've found out

that there ain't no
girl with us, but Daisy.

You got nothing on us. Right?

Oh! I expect that's right.

Y'all just trundle on off.

'Hey, thanks a lot, Cletus.'

Now, what?

We go down the road till
Cletus is gone and double back.

Say, that little lady
must move awful quick.

Didn't see her get out
and move into the bushes.

Me neither.

That's because she didn't.

'She must have been hiding
under the truck all the time.'

Here, take a look.

Ha ha ha. Alright.

We best hightail
it back to the farm

until Rosco and Cletus
call off that search.

When Cletus told Rosco
about letting the Dukes go

because of lack of evidence,
Rosco, of course, understood.

Cletus, you know what
you are? You're a dipstick!

A carat dipstick!

Rosco always did have
an understanding nature.

Cletus, I'll tell you
what to look hard for.

Look hard in your pay
envelope next week

because stupidity is
something to withhold in tax.

You dipstick! You..

Rosco, Rosco. What in
the world is all this yelling

and screaming about, out here?

My, oh, my! Don't you know
that a man who raises his voice

gives clear evidence
that he has lost

complete control of himself?

Ooh. I'm sorry about it,
boss. It's just that it's Cletus.

You know, he had those Duke
boys in the palm of his hands.

He let 'em go 'cause
that girl wasn't with 'em.

He's a lug nut! I'm
surrounded by lug nuts!

Boss, boss, boss. Listen.
You're losing control.

Rosco, you listen.
You just find that girl.

Or else, you start finding
ways of making extra money

to feed an extra mouth.

Extra mouth? Which
extra mouth is that?

My wife, your sister, Lou
Lou's mouth. That's what mouth.

Ooh. That extra mouth.

If girl messes up my deal
with Leroy for them motorcycles

Leroy's gonna get mad at me.

And if Leroy get's
mad at me, I ain't gonna

be around no more, no
place, no how to do nothing

to keep Lou Lou in the
amount of grits she wants.

- 'You hear?'
- Yeah.

So, find that girl! For
the tenth time, find her!

Well, well. It sure is
nice of the three of you

to come by for a visit. Maybe
I can find out what's going on.

Now, don't get your
blood pressure high.

I want my blood pressure up.
Cooter's gotta call me on the CB

to tell me you're all in trouble
with the law. What is going on?

Come on, I'll show ya.

How you managed to get
in trouble with a law that's..

How you manage. Howdy ma'am.

Uncle Jesse, this
here is Mindy Lou.

- Mindy, this is Uncle Jesse.
- Welcome to the Duke farm.

It seems Rosco's been
chasing her all over the county

on a charge of trespassing?


'Don't make no sense.'

Must be for something more
important than trespassing.

That's what we
figured. But what?

While y'all figure it out

I'll take Mindy Lou
inside to freshen up.

Thank you, Daisy.

Here you go.

- Nice to have you here.
- Alrighty.

'Cletus, you got your
ears on? This is Rosco.'

Listen to this, boys.

'...on all the county roads.'

'I'm gonna go check out
the Duke farm. I'm going.'

'Roger, Sheriff.'

Looks like we gotta get
her across county line.

- I know just how to do it.
- How?

I'll explain up at
still site number .

You get the girls. We'll
need all three vehicles.

- Let' s do it.
- I'll get the truck.

Meanwhile, Boss's chop shop

was moving in stolen
motorcycles through

like a Detroit assembly line.

Let's see what
colors you got here.

Oh, Orange. I like
that. That's good.

What's this one?
Blue. That's pretty.

What color you got here?

Oh! Oh!

Red! I hate red!

Look what you did to me!

Hey, boss. Hey, boss.

Listen, boss, I just
come in to report.

Oh oh oh! What a
horrendous g*nsh*t wound!

How come you're still standing?

Alright! Which one
of you cutthroats

done shot the boss
in the gizzard, huh?

Rosco, will you hush
up, you doo doo?

That's just paint. See?

It's just paint.

Woo-hoo! I'm just so
happy, little fat buddy

that you ain't dead. I don't
know what I'd do without you.

- I do.
- What?

- You'd give yourself a raise.
- Oh, yeah.

Now, what about them
Duke boys and that girl?

- Bad news, bad news.
- I knew it.

Listen, boss, I went out
there, to the Duke farm

and they weren't there. In fact,
they weren't anywhere I looked.

Well, have you tried any
place you haven't looked?

- No.
- Why don't you try them?

- That's a good idea.
- I thought you'd like that.

I'll get 'em. I'll get 'em.

Alright alright! Just start
painting, will ya? Paint! Paint!

At still site number ,
Mindy Lou told the Dukes

all about her run in,
with Boss and Rosco.

Where did all this
conversation take place?

I don't know, Mr. Duke. I was
running in so many directions.

I just don't know.

It'll come to ya.

You recollect anything
else, Boss had to say?

No. Oh, except something
about repainting his motorcycle.

His motorcycle?

That was all it took to
figure out Boss's scam

for stealing and
repainting every motorcycle

he could get his hands
on before the Motocross.

So, Mindy Lou, here, is
on the J.D. shenanigans.

'No wonder he wants her
put away for a few days.'

For a few days? Well,
he can't do that to me.

I told you, Daisy. If I'm
not in Macon in two days

I'll lose my enrolment fee.

I know, honey.

Our biggest problem is
trying to get you past Rosco

and Cletus and getting
you across the county line.

We got a few vehicles, here.

It shouldn't be too
hard to make them think

she is where she ain't.

She is where she ain't.

In these parts that
means shuck and jive.

And the Dukes are experts.
Better pay attention'cause

things gonna start moving
fast, from here on in.

- Well, alright.
- Let's go. Come on.

You know who that is, don't
you? That's the Duke boys, right?

You got lost sheep number two.

Listen, number one, you still
got you-know-who with ya?

You know, that's a big - .

I know, the you-know-who
is. It's that girl.

You also know I gotta
get across the county line.

Now, here's the plan.

We're gonna send a
shepherd as a decoy

across the Choctaw
County line on highway .

Whilst you and I take her across

'on Highway .'

They think they're shuckin'
and jivin' me with that

"you-know-who" and "lost
sheep and shepherd" talk.

That's a big - , number one.

But... tell me, what makes you
so sure that them two tin badges

are gonna follow Uncle
Shepherd and not us?

sh**t, you know flash
will catch on before they do.

No, we won't. We got
em' this time, Flash.

Woof woof We got 'em!

You just saw the shuck.
Now, here comes the jive.

The boys and Daisy will run
general, past Rosco and Cletus.

While Uncle Jesse,
drives Mindy Lou

to the county line in Escrow.

Cletus, this is your immediate
superior officer above you

Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane.

'The Duke boys have
you-know-who with them.'

'The girl. And they've
headed across the county line.'

'On map . Is that a copy?'

Yes, Sheriff. I got that, but..

I just saw Uncle Jesse
go by in a pickup, on .

He got a girl with him.

Cletus, you metal muffin!

Don't you know a decoy
when you see one?

Now, get your posterior
over on route .

And I mean right now!

I'm gonna.. Dipstick!

This is my favorite
part, hot pursuit.

Oh! Get it down.

Rosco, this is
J.D. Hogg calling.

What in damnation
is goin' on, out there?

Did you find that
girl yet, or no?

That's an affirmative,
little buddy.

The girl's in the
Duke's car, right now.

'Cletus has cut them off
at Dry Creek Crossroads '

'right this minute. Over.'

'Good good!'

Thanks for the tip, Rosco.

Smooth sailing from here on.

Ooh! Ooh! Eee!

Hey. Hey!

Going down with the ship!

Alright, Mindy Lou,
there's the county line.

Here's a little
something to see you by.

- Oh!
- And just across there and go...

Thank you.

Don't say anything.
Just run, get going.


My old daddy taught me
never to point a dog at someone

unless you meant to use it.

Oh, I got you, didn't I?

Alright, young lady,
you're under arrest

and so are you, Jesse,
for harboring a fugitive.

Rosco. How'd you get here?

Oh, well, uh, see,
I took route

and then I took
it down the ridge..

Jesse, what difference does
that make? It's secret, anyway.

Alright, young lady, I'm
gonna have to arrest you.

In fact, I'm gonna
have to put cuffs on you.

Now now, Rosco.

- What?
- Uh-uh..

Wouldn't you rather
put the cuffs on to me

a dangerous criminal,
before I take your g*n away?

Take my g*n? Oh, dear!

Yeah, that's a good
idea. Now, hold Flash.

Run, Mindy! Run!

- Don't hold me, Jesse.
- Run run, Mindy!

Run, Mindy Lou!

Come back!


What? Jesse, you
can't say "freeze".

Only the sheriff
can say "freeze".

- Rosco?
- What?

You put one foot over that
line, you're outta your jurisdiction.

And there ain't a
judge in this county

that won't take away
your g*n and your badge.

And I'll testify to it.

- You'd testify that?
- 'I'd testify.'

Ooh! Idiot! Ooh!

What's it gonna be, Rosco?

Your badge... or...
arresting an old Duke?

I'm gonna have to settle
for arresting an old Duke.

- Put it right there.
- You know something?

'It seems to me,
once in a while'

'that one of you
Dukes could cooperate.'

- You know that?
- Yes.

You know, that infuriates me.

- 'You're gonna have to drive.'
- 'Yeah, I'll drive.'

Well, Bo, Luke and Daisy

were pretty happy about
the way they thought

things had turned
out for the good.

'Course, they had no idea

that Uncle Jesse
was on his way to jail.

That'll be cents
for a trip, buddy.

That ought to get you
all the way to Yokohama.

Good luck in that race, now.

Alright. Here.

Alright. Alright.

Alright. Come on. Come on.

Breaker one. Breaker one.
Might be crazy, but ain't dumb.

'Crazy Cooter coming at ya.
Any y'all Dukes in Hazzard Net?'

Yeah, Cooter, go ahead. You
got the Dukes. What's going on?

Y'all, If I ain't mistaken

I just saw Rosco taking
Uncle Jesse into the slammer.

'You got any idea
what's going on?'

Happen to notice whether
they had a girl with them?

Negatory, y'all. You want me
to go over and bust him out?

No, thanks Cooter. Much
obliged for the information, though.

Y'all holler if you need me.
I'll hang tight now. I'm gone.

Yeah, we're gone, too.

Rosco, must've
picked Uncle Jesse up

just after he dropped
Mindy Lou off.

Well, Luke, we gotta
get him outta there.

We're gonna need some leverage.

Boss, ain't gonna
open the cell door.

Luke, what kinda
leverage do we have?

We'd have some, if we could find
where them stolen bikes are hid.

Great, all we gotta do now,
is figure out where they are.

- Hey.
- Mindy Lou!

You're supposed to
be in Macon, by now.

I just saw Uncle Jesse arrested.

I couldn't let that happen.

Don't worry. We'll get him out.

I wanna help. It
was all my fault.

Now, I ain't going nowhere,
till ya'll are out of trouble.

- Mindy Lou...
- You've been like family to me.

Family, I ain't never had.

- Look, it ain't...
- 'Now, hush.'

I heard y'all, and I can help
find that barn where I'd seen

'that sheriff and the fat man.'

Barn? You said barn?

You never mentioned
no barn before.

I didn't? Well, it was.

Oh, Luke, I'm sorry. I guess
I got so scared, I forgot.

I guess, I didn't
exactly ask, either.

Remember where it was?

It's not far from where
I got in your truck.

That puts it right off
Mount Vernon highway.

- Wouldn't it?
- Uh-huh.

The only barn up there,
is the old Peabody barn.

- Let's get moving.
- Come, Mindy.

Yeah, you drive.

Meanwhile, them stolen
motorcycles were pouring in

to Boss's spray paint operation.

At the rate they're goin', the
Tri-County'll be a foot race.

J.D., you and Rosco, both know

you got no right
to hold me in here.

That girl was a hitch hiker.

I gave her a ride, that's all.

- Oh, sure you did.
- Oh, sure you did.

Yeah, well. I guess we'll let
the judge be the judge of that.

Yeah, we'll just let the
judge be the judge of that.

- And you're the judge.
- Yeah, I'm the judge.

I just love your way of words!

'I love it, I love it.'

Now, I know what a
laughing Hyena sounds like.

Still, you were the one
to let the girl get away.

Yeah. And she's gonna
cause us trouble. You know that.

Uh, J.D... what kinda
trouble would that be?

This girl is such a nibby nose

she overheard Boss and
I talking about this paint...

Rosco! Rosco!

You come down over here, and
zip up them flapping lips of yours.

Listen, listen. We
don't have to be afraid...

You don't have to
worry about that girl.

She's outta the county,
I saw her leave myself.

There's no way she can tell
anybody about your paint shop.

You just get out and double
check everything's alright.

Flash and I'll get out faster
than you can say Jack Robinson.

Jack Robinson.

You didn't go.

You cheated.

What's wrong with
you? Get going.

Take this walking
flea trap with you.

- What? He's not a flea trap.
- Go on!


Let's get outta here.

- Hey.
- Hi.

Alright, I got me a notion.

Luke's plan needed Cooter
so Daisy went to get him

while Bo and Luke took
Mindy Lou and her t-shirts

back to the old steel site.

Mindy Lou, you'd
better lay low back there.

Wouldn't do me and
Luke's reputation no good

to found with a desperate
female fugitive now, would it?

It's those Duke boys.

Hang on, Flash.

Oh, man. We'll get that whole
Duke clan in one fair swoop.

Damn, I'm gonna try and lose
him through timber top acres.

It's real hard to lose anything
going through timber top acres.

Except your supper.

Just hang on back
here, Mindy Lou.

'Look at that Dukes.'

'You can't go anywhere.'

Alright. We're gonna
have to try Whilton bridge.

Luke! Bo! Look out!

Sometimes it's easier to
drive in Hazzard County.

If you stay off the road.

O-o-h! What a horrendous
crash that was, Flash.

You okay?

Listen. One woof outta you to
my insurance agent about this

and you're going back into the
dog house. I'm not kidding now.

Don't you worry
about uncle Jesse.

The Dukes stick together.

And Luke's plan to get
Jesse out was takin' shape.

You know that
motocross starts tomorrow.

There's still gonna
be folks comin'

from all over the
country on their bikes.

Bo, take Daisy down to
where she can greet em'

with Mindy Lou's T-shirts.

- Gotcha!
- I'm gonna sell a lot of them.

Correction. Not sell
em'. Give em' away.

What? Luke.

Give one to every girl with
hair anything like Mindy Lou's.

What about money for her school?

It's the only way
this will work, alright?

I don't mind, Daisy.
You go ahead, Luke.

Alright. Now, Cooter, you
set on what you gonna do?

Can of corn. You
bait em'. I'll hook em'.

I dunno what
they're using for bait.

If they are gonna catch Boss,
they better get a big hook.

Meanwhile, everybody from
Chalk Town to Milford County

was still coming in for
the big race the next day.

If Boss gets his way, they'll
be walking when it's over.

Come on, girls. Come and
get your free motocross T-shirts.

Don't forget to
wear em' to the race.

Here, size small for you.

Here you go.

Hey, Boss. Look
who is back in town.

Hiya, Mr. Hogg.

You are the girl.

Don't you bring
that girl back here.

'Do you hear me?
She's a fugitive.'

I'll get you. I'll get you.

Oh, come on.

Oh. No-no-no.


Here we go. He-he-he.

Come back here.

Come back here with that
girl now. There they are!

Rosco. Cletus.

'This is your
supreme commander'.

That girl is back in town.

'She is on the motorcycle
with Luke Duke.'

'And, so am I.'

That is, I'm on
another motorcycle.

I'm in hot pursuit
on Highway .

If I lose them, you keep a sharp
eye out and bring them back.

You hear me? You can't miss her.

She's wearing a
Tri-County Motocross T-shirt.

Ah, that's a big
- , little fat buddy.

I got you too, cousin Boss.

Old Boss just took Luke's bait.

Now, come the fun.

Cousin one, call two and three.

'Cousin one, call
two and three.'

Here you go.

Yeah, two here. Go ahead, one.

I got that little fat guy right
behind me. He's on a cycle.

You mean to tell me, Boss
Hogg is riding a motorcycle?

Yeah, that's what I
thought. But he sure can ride.

'Cousin , you've
any T-shirts left?'

No, I'm afraid not.

Seems there's lot of
pretty girls around here

with hair like Mindy Lou's.

Alright, then pack it
in. Everything's a go.


Let's hit it Daisy, we
gotta go pick up Cooter.

Damn! Where are they?

Rosco. Cletus.

This is JD Hogg. Look, I
lost them. I just lost them.

You keep a sharp
eye out for the girl

in the T-shirt, you hear me?

That's a big - , little buddy.

Uh, in..

In fact, I see her right
now. Over and out.

Alright, I got... you..

This a nice day, ain't
it? Have a good time.

Uh, just make yourself at home.


Just you see there. I got..

Uh, you make everyone freeze.

That's a big sucker, ain't it?

I'll bet that thing
will just wheelie.

Uh, you ever see a
pearl handle p*stol?

Would you like to
make a fast draw with it?

It's just, you know uh..


You, hold it right there.
You are under arrest.

Well, did I say arrest?

My mistake.

My mistake, sorry.

Hold on.

Hey, Boss. Looking for us?

Rosco, Cletus. I've found 'em.

Go on.

Hey, fellas. What are you up to?

What are you people doing here?

Nothing. What's
this little thing?



Hey, remind me to
leave this lady a tip

next time I'm at
the Boar's nest.

You take care of all this stuff.
We'll round up these turkeys.

Rosco? Cletus?

They are headed up Tunnel
Creek route. You get right out here.

You hear me?

I'm on my way,
you little fat buddy.

Me too, cousin Boss.

Alright. We are
on our way there.

Hang on, Mindy Lou.

- What's wrong?
- Nothing wrong.

If we are to clear that creek,
we gotta get a good run at it.

Alright, Mindy Lou. Now,
the rest is up to Boss.

If we're lucky.

Oh, what a ride. You, thing you.

Damn, motorcycle.
I'll bring you in.

Alright, Alright, you
men. Men, now listen.

We're gonna move out all these
motorcycles and all that paint.

Oughta a cut 'em
up and transferring

my operations someplace else.

What's wrong with
you? Didn't you hear me?

I said move!

You want them to find
us with all this stuff?

Move! Move! Move!

These motorcycles are evidence
on the charge of Grand larceny.

'It's a one way
ticket to the clink.'

Is that where you all wanna go?

You might have to go, Boss.
Unless we work some kinda deal.

There he is, that's the girl.
Go get em' and tie em' up.

Come on, go on.

Whatcha doin? Wait, I didn't..

Oh! The Dukes! Dukes! Dukes!

And one Davenport.

- Where are all my men?
- Boss, they're over there.

You Dodos! What did you..

Alright, alright, alright.
Don't be so smug.

'You all are going
straight to jail.'

'For, um... for a..'

Trespassing, Boss?

Ain't that what you
charged Mindy Lou with

when she heard you talking
about stealing and selling bikes.

Ah, she can't prove a thing.
It's her word against mine.

I don't hardly think so, Boss.

It's more like your
word against yours.

Go ahead. Show him, Cooter.

Yeah. Boss, see.

You've been confessin'
into this little microphone

ever since you been here.

Microphone, in it?
Give me that damn thing.

Oh-oh, wait a minute.

'Wait a minute, stop!'

- Hey, Boss?
- Huh?

Listen up here, Boss.

'These motorcycles are evidence
on the charge of Grand larceny.'

'It's a one way
ticket to the clink.'

Hold on, Boss. Get on over here.

'We're gonna do this a little
horse trading, Hazzard style.'

What kinda deal are
you talking about?

You can figure what
Boss had to give the Dukes

to get that tape
recording from them.

Jesse, was released
and all the charges

against all the
Dukes was dropped.

And would'nt you know it?

Bo, won the
motocross, blowin' away.

He even got his
picture in the paper.

As for Boss, he had to return
all em' stolen motorcycles

to the rightful owners.

And for the first time.

He was outta the
crooked business

before he ever got into it.

Thanks to the Dukes.

Mindy Lou got to go to
nursing college in Maycomb.

'Cause Bo donated his
racing winnings for her tuition.

All in all, it's been a
pretty nice day in Hazzard.

Expect for Johnny Paycheck.

Who got caught in
Boss's celebrity speed trap.

Alright, alright.

Just a minute, I gotta
talk to you, Johnny.

Listen, I like your
signing a lot you know.

A that's a mighty
pretty tune there, but..

Let me, ask you.

Are those the real
words to that song?

Them's the exact words.
Something wrong with them?

Uh, yeah. Yeah.

I didn't like it none.
Ain't it Un-American?

Un-American? Let me tell you.
You see these guys over there?

I'm like them.

'I've always been
against the establishment.'

Look. I was gonna tear up
your speeding ticket, here.

But now, I think I'm gonna
have the sheriff write you another

'for inciting to riot and
disturbing the status quo.'

You go ahead and do
that. Then I'll sing a song

and tell what you can do
with both of them tickets.

Alright, alright. Please. No-no.
You're a freeman. You can go.
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