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06x15 - We Change, We Wait

Posted: 02/02/09 03:43
by bunniefuu
Previously on "one tree hill"...

Paul : So, about the director ... what do you want?

Lucas : I want a director that understands the characters. That's what this movie's really about.

Team : Let's go! Come on!

Bobby : Scott ... Take a seat.

Devon : Get comfortable,15. Get real comfortable.

Chase : Uh, is Peyton around?

Mia : No.

Chase : You wouldn't by chance know how to make a long island iced tea, would you ?

Sam : So, when's this thing with you and Brooke gonna happen?

Julian : Brooke and I are working together.

Sam : You like her.

Julian : Do not.

Sam : Do too.

Julian : This has to be business, right? I mean, with Peyton and ...

Brooke : This should be business.

Julian : We can't just ... I mean, I kiss you, and then gets ...

Brooke : Definitely. It would be ...

Julian : It would be.

Brooke : Yes.

One Tree Hill - Season 6 Episode 15


Man : Announce Chiefs basketball, and we've got a close one. The Chiefs trail by one with 10 seconds left on the clock.

Bobby : Let's bring it in, let's bring it in. All right, huddle up! Okay, guys, this is it ... last play. We're gonna go four-out swing rattle. Spread the defense and isolate 23 at the top of the key. Devon, you're gonna break down your man. If you get doubled up, you hit Rhodes cutting under the basket.

Devon : I got this.

Bobby : All right. Here we go. Everybody knows where they're supposed to be. Let's get "chiefs" on 3 ... 1, 2, 3.

Team : Chiefs!

Devon : You know where you're supposed to be,12? Let's go! Let's go, baby! I got this!

Jamie : What? Aw, come on!

Nathan : Let's go, guys! Bring it home!

Man : Here we go. 10 seconds left. Chiefs down by one. left They try to get the ball to Devon Fox. He's got 33 points tonight. Chiefs do get the ball inbounds. Fox has it now, dribbling on top. Four seconds it, but fox takes the shot instead ... Seven seconds now on the CCK. And Rhodes breaks free under the basket! ... and it's no good! And the chiefs lose a heartbreaker.

Devon : Yeah, all right. Now, who saw me throw down that windmill in the third quarter, huh? It was sick! Somebody better put that on a poster. That's all I'm saying.

Nathan : You do realize we lost the game.

Devon : No. You lost. I had 33 points.

Nathan : That's funny. Last time I checked, it's a team sport.

Devon : You don't get it. See, the NBA only scouts players who put up big numbers. Tonight I did that, so I won! And your ass is only hereto keep the bench warm.

Nathan : Oh, is that right?

Devon : Yeah. Yeah, that's right.

Bobby : Is there a problem here?

Devon : No problem. Just reminding your boy here whose team this is. Yeah. That's what I thought. Yeah! It's Devon Fox's house!


Peyton : You know, there is this amazing invention called the dishwasher.

Lucas : Yeah. It's called "me". Been doing it since I was, what, Jamie's age? And besides, helps me think.

Peyton : All right. So, besides having a pregnant fiancé, what's going on in that head?

Lucas : Ah, it's the movie. Julian and I have met with five different directors. Turned them all down. Tomorrow we're meeting with the sixth. Oh, yeah. And Julian's dad's coming to town tomorrow. Apparently, he's not happy with how selective I've been.

Peyton : Okay. Well, then, maybe director number six will be the one you've been waiting for.

Lucas : Well, they say he is A ... visionary.

Peyton : That's a good thing, right?

Lucas : Well, yeah. Unless his vision is different than mine.


Nathan : Well, this is the first five-game losing streak of my career. I think I like winning better.

Jamie : You didn't lose, daddy. Those losers did!

Nathan : Somebody's a little fired up.

Haley : Yeah. You should have seen him 20 minutes ago.

Nathan : You know what, Jamie? I wear that uniform just like they do, so doesn't matter if I'm playing or not, it's still my team. We win as a team, and we lose as a team. Remember that, okay?

Jamie : Okay.

Nathan : All right.

Haley : You okay?

Nathan : I am now.

Haley : Good. Let's get you home.


Brooke : This is so wrong ... but it's so right. What am I gonna tell Peyton? I can't be on the couch, kissing you.

Julian : Well, okay, then maybe we should just continue this in your bedroom, preferably without our clothes.

Brooke : We can't. I gave Sam a very strict "no boys in the bedroom" policy, and I can't be one of those hypocrite moms.

Julian : Hasn't Sam already broken that rule like five times?

Brooke : Once.

Julian : Okay, then that means you're allowed to break it once. It's only fair, right?

Brooke : No. That grin should be illegal. This is bad. But it's good.

Sam : Okay. Well, just so I'm clear on these newly amended rules, I'm not allowed to have boys in the bedroom, but it's okay if I fool around with them out here on the couch. Is that correct?

Julian : I think you should repeal the "no boys in the bedroom" rule.

Brooke : You stay out of this.

Sam : I'm with Julian.

Brooke : You're k*lling me, Sam.

Sam : I know. I'll have my headphones on tonight, just in case. Good night.

Brooke : Oh, my god. It's not funny!

Julian : Okay. Okay, maybe we should just continue this ... in your bedroom, preferably ...

Brooke : Without our clothes. Yeah. Right.

Julian : Should I be following you? I'll just let myself out.


Man : Tell me what you see. Where is the soul hidden within this image?

Lucas : I don't know what that means.

Julian : I think he's talking to himself.

Lucas : I'm just curious, but what the hell are we doing in a junkyard?

Man : There. That's Lucas' house. It's perfect.

Lucas : No, no. It's, uh ... I didn't grow up here. You know, I-I actually had a pretty normal house.

Man : Boring! There's no drama in "normal. I'm going for "8 mile" here. I want gritty. I'm thinking the entire movie should be shot with a handheld camera.

Julian : Look, Pete, we want to keep in mind this is a true story. You know, it's okay to have a vision ... we love that. We ... we just don't want to rewrite history here.

Man : This is the only place I can see our climactic scene happening! This is the spot where Lucas' rival g*ng kills his uncle Keith in a drive-by sh**ting!

Lucas : Okay. I'm done here.


Dan : So, doc, tell me the truth. What are the chances of another heart becoming available?

Doctor : Same as they were before ... not great.

Dan : Well, that's comforting.

Doctor : Don't give up hope. Just remember, even with those odds the last time, we were able to find you a heart.

Dan : And it ended up going to someone else.

Doctor : Yes. It saved a man's life.

Dan : Well, we could just ask for it back, tell him we had dibs.

Doctor : I'm afraid not.

Dan : Didn't think so.

Carrie : I said, shut up!

Doctor : Just do yourself a favor. This is me when it goes off, call us.

Dan : Okay. I'll try to avoid being kidnapped by some crazy bitch.

Doctor : All you can do now is wait.


Nathan : Devon makes that pass, we win the game.

Bobby : Maybe. I wanted to talk to you about playing time. Nathan, you've been he five minutes. You're still learning the offense, not to mention a new position.

Nathan : I know. And if the team were winning, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Bobby : You play the same position as the best player on this team. Devon scored 33 points last night.

Nathan : And he had one assist, and that was off of an air ball they called a pass. Look, the job of the point guard is to get the rest of the team involved. So, unless he learns to pass the ball, this team's gonna keep losing. I ... I've seen it before.

Bobby : You know what you sounded like just then? A coach. But you turned down that job, remember? Just gonna have wait your turn, Nate. Here. Take this. That's some of our new offensive sets. We'll see how they sink in, then maybe we'll talk about some playing time. My number's in there if you have any questions.

Nathan : Yeah. Thanks, coach.


Lucas : Is that a new hat?

Julian : Yeah. Why?

Lucas : No reason.

Julian : Am I not pulling it off?

Lucas : Nah, it's fine.

Julian : No. If it was fine, you wouldn't have mentioned it. It would just blend in.

Paul : Okay. Let's hear it. What was wrong with this director? Too short? Too tall?

Lucas : Too idiot.

Paul : This is getting old, Lucas.

Julian : No, dad. Lucas is right. This guy was not a good fit.

Paul : Julian, you've been calling me "Paul" since you were 15,so don't start with the "dad" crap now.

Lucas : All right, look. These directors that you've sent us ... they are all extremely talented, all right? They are. They're just not what we're looking for.

Paul : Well, I'm sorry to hear that. It's time for me to step in. I have sent you six directors. Any one of them could make this movie. So it's real simple. Pick one. I don't care which one it is. Because if you don't, then I'm gonna take that stupid hat off of Julian's head and I'm gonna put all six choices inside of it and I'm gonna reach in and I'm gonna choose your director for you. Now, if you don't like that idea, you have until tomorrow to decide for yourself. Understood?


Nathan : I'll try stilling to figure out how I ended up with such a talented wife.

Haley : You just got lucky.

Nathan : No. Getting lucky's how I got a son.

Haley : So, how'd it go with the coach?

Nathan : It looks like I won't be playing any time soon.

Haley : Aw. Sorry, Nate.

Nathan : It's okay. I think you and Jamie should skip the next few games, though. I don't want to let him down.

Haley : Let him down? You're his hero.

Nathan : Exactly I. It can't be easy to watch your hero sit on the bench.

Haley : Maybe we go to those games to support you, whether you play or not. And besides, I think it's important for our son to see you not giving up.

Nathan : Maybe you're right.

Haley : I am. Besides, we're a team, right? We win together, and we lose together.

Nathan : Right.


Brooke : Where did you disappear to last night? I was waiting for you in my bed.

Julian : That's not funny.

Brooke : Yes, it is. Check it out. For the movie. What do you think?

Julian : Very authentic.

Brooke : Well, not yet. I have to age them down a little and put some patches on them, but I've had some experience with letterman jackets.

Julian : I'm sure you have.

Brooke : Oh, like you didn't have all the girls in your high school just begging to wear yours?

Julian : No, I didn't play sports in high school. I never had a letterman jacket.

Brooke : Really ? Well... Now you do.

Julian : Did you make this for me?

Brooke : Yep. And look at that. You lettered all four years in football. Not bad for someone who never played sports.

Julian : Thanks, Brooke.

Brooke : You're welcome.

Julian : I'll see you later.

Brooke : Okay. Peyton : Hi.

Julian : See ya Peyton.

Peyton : Really, Brooke?

Brooke : What?

Peyton : You two are totally having sex!

Brooke : No, we're not.

Peyton : You so are! I can sense it!

Brooke : Well, then, your senses are off, because we are not having sex. And how much would you hate me if we were?

Peyton : No, I wouldn't hate you. I mean, I know how he is. He's smart, and he's charming, and he gets into a lot of beds with that little scoundrel grin of his.

Brooke : Yeah, I know that grin.

Peyton : All right, well, there's something else you should know. The weekend that he broke up with me, he just jumped into bed with somebody else, okay? He flew off to Sundance, slept with some actress before I could even wipe away the tears, you know? It was all in the tabloids. And that's when I realized what a bad guy he is. You know, I just couldn't figure it out until then. So I want you to be careful, all right? 'Cause the second this movie's over, he's gonna be off on another movie with a new conquest. And before you know it, that charming guy with the sweet grin disappears. That's just who he is.


Haley : Oh come on. What are you doing?

Lucas : Haley, will you marry me?

Haley : That is so creepy on so many levels.

Lucas : Yeah, well, that's how that, uh, crazy director in L.A. wanted to end the movie.

Haley : Seriously?

Lucas : Yeah. Do you think Peyton will like it?

Haley : Oh waouh ... I don't know, Luke. Girls usually hate getting big diamonds. I think she'll love it. It's just, I ... I always pictured you giving her Keith's ring. It meant so much to you.

Lucas : The truth is, is I always hoped she'd wear that ring, too.

Haley : So why did you buy this one?

Lucas : Well, because I gave Keith's ring to Lindsey.

Haley : She gave it back to you.

Lucas : Yeah. I just wasn't sure if she'd want it after that. So I figured, you know, couldn't go wrong with a new ring.

Haley : All right. Oh, Luke, it's stuck. Well, I guess I'll just have to keep it now. Sorry.


Brooke : Did you forget something?

Julian : No. I just couldn't stay away. Is everything okay?

Brooke : Yes. No. I don't know.

Julian : Well, which is it ... "yes," "no," or, "I don't know"?

Brooke : I don't know. Look, the last thing that I want to do is make it awkward between us, but I need to know something. Is this going anywhere?

Julian : This conversation? I have no idea. I'm completely lost.

Brooke : I'm being serious, Julian. This ... you and me ... what are we ... what are we doing?

Julian : I don't know. We're hanging out. We're having fun.

Brooke : Right. Pretty much what I expected your answer to be.

Julian : What's wrong with having fun?

Brooke : Nothing. And in the past, I would have been fine with a fling. And I'm sorry that you missed out on that version of me. But my situation has changed. I'm really trying to set a good example for Sam, and I just don't know how to explain "just having fun" to her.

Julian : So this is about Sam.

Brooke : Sam, me ...

Julian : Peyton?

Brooke : Does it really matter? I mean, we both know you're gonna leave when the movie's over.

Julian : There it is. Okay. Well, maybe we should just slow it down, focus on the movie.

Brooke : And by "slow down," you mean slam on the brakes.

Julian : Brooke, it sounds to me like you slammed on the brakes before I came in here. But you know what? It's okay. Whatever you want it to be.


Jamie : What's that, grandpa?

Dan : That's the thing that makes noise when it's time for me to get better.

Jamie : When is it supposed to make the noise?

Dan : Wish I knew.

Jamie : Me too.

Dan : So, tell me, how's your dad?

Jamie : He finally made the team, but he never gets to play. The team's not very good. They always lose.

Dan : Well, that's okay. He always rises to the top, you know? It's not just about X's and O'S. It's about heart, and your dad has plenty of that. So don't worry.

Jamie : Did you hear that? I think it made a sound.

Dan : Not just yet, buddy. But when it does, you'll be the first to know. Eat your ice cream.

Jamie : Okay.


Mia : I want to play a song for you.

Chase : Cool. Let's hear it.

Mia : But this is good, too. All right. I'm gonna go sit over there ... in a second.

Chase : Go play me your song, goof.

Mia : Okay. So, I'm a little nervous.

Chase : I thought you did this for a living.

Mia : Yeah, but this is different. No one's ever heard this before.

Chase : So I'm gonna be your first.

Mia : We'll see. So, remember when we were talking the other night about flying over a city and how things look

different from a distance? Well, you kind of inspired me to write this. So, promise you'll lie and say you love it if you hate it.

Chase : I can do that. I can be a good liar for you.

Mia : Well, hopefully, you won't have to be.


Peyton : We're stopping. Why are we stopping?

Lucas : Look where we are.

Peyton : Luke, it's our spot. We haven't been here in years!

Lucas : I have. When you were in L.A., I used to come here sometimes. We're using this as a location in the movie. Pretty good moment in our relationship.

Peyton : Yeah. It was the beginning. You were so cute in your little tow truck.

Lucas : Yeah, and you were so mean to me. Remember? First of all, you don't know me.

Peyton : Second of all, you don't know me. And in my defense, you really didn't know me.

Lucas : Oh, yes, I did. I always knew you. I have something for you. Now, we're already engaged, so I don't know if I'm supposed to get down on one knee, but ...

Peyton : Oh, my god. Is that for me?

Lucas : Yes. Do you like it?

Peyton : Are you kidding? It's beautiful. I am so glad you always knew me.


Dan : Waouh. It's a good thing to see you haven't lost your sh**ting touch. So, I heard your team's lost five straight. I know how that feels. Actually, I don't.

Nathan : Did you come here just to rub it in?

Dan : No. I came to tell you that losing has its advantages.

Nathan : Here we go. Some classic Dan Scott advice that doesn't apply to normal people. I'm all ears. What do you got for me?

Dan : Losing always forces change, Nathan. Your time's coming.

Nathan : I don't know about that. Best guy on the team plays in front of me.

Dan : Oh, you know what I call the best player on a losing team.

Nathan : A loser.

Dan : Bingo. A loser. Right now, you're playing on his team, but pretty soon, he's gonna be playing on yours.

Nathan : I'm not so sure about that.

Dan : You're gonna get your chance, Nathan. We both know that. The thing is, when you do, will you be ready? Nathan : Will you make the most of it? See this? This thing's gonna decide whether or not I get a second chance. Dan : And I promise you ... If I do, I'm gonna make the most of it. Right now, all you can do is wait.


Peyton : Can I help you? Paul! Oh, god, I was hoping I was gonna see you while you were in town!

Paul : Your assistant let me in.

Peyton : My assistant?

Paul : Yeah, Mia. Cute little brunette.

Peyton : Oh, god, no. That's not my assistant. That, um ... that is just an overly trusting recording artist. It's a good thing you're not a serial k*ller. We actually have those here in Tree Hill.

Paul : I heard. So, look at you. You've become this big success. And most importantly, you look happy.

Peyton : I'm kind of having a good day.

Paul : Not bad. Lucas has good taste in jewelry and fiancé. His taste in directors, however, is still in question.

Peyton : I am staying way out of that argument.

Paul : That's probably a good idea. It's good to see you, Peyton. How long has it been?

Peyton : I mean ... I mean, it was before Sundance. Um, god, that was hard to forget. I spent that whole weekend crying.

Paul : You know, my son has made a few mistakes in his life, but letting you get away easily tops the list.

Peyton : The breakup was not hard on Julian. He was fine. In fact, I remember reading about him and that little

a-list actress of his that weekend in Sundance.

Paul : Peyton, you can't believe everything you read in Hollywood, you know that.

Peyton : Paul, are you covering for him?

Paul : Actually, no, because I planted that story. I was trying to promote a movie. Julian didn't even go to Sundance. He skipped his own movie premiere, he was so heartbroken. To be honest, I'm not sure he's ever fully recovered. Nice digs you got here.


Lucas : Do you really think one of these guys can make this movie?

Julian : They can all make the movie. The question is, which one of them will screw it up the least.

Lucas : So that's our goal here? Find the best of the worst, huh?

Julian : That is the plan, yes.

Lucas : Fair enough. So, who's your first choice?

Julian : All right, hear me out, 'cause you're gonna think I'm a little crazy, but I got to go with the British director.

Lucas : Really? The guy made an incest movie with sock puppets.

Julian : Yeah, but you got to admit, it had a certain style to it. And tell me you wouldn't want to see a little sock-puppet Lucas. Come on, admit it.


Jamie : Whatcha doing, daddy?

Nathan : Just doing a little homework.

Jamie : There's homework in basketball?

Nathan : Sure, there is. When I g on the court, I want to be ready, right?

Jamie : Do you think you're ever gonna play?

Nathan : I hope so. It's up to the coach, though.

Jamie : Is he mean?

Nathan : No, he's not mean. He's just ... just doing what he thinks is best for the team. You know what? I have an idea. Why don't you help me learn some of these plays? I could really use your help.

Jamie : Really? Okay, I'll help.

Nathan : Awesome. Come here. All right, see this play? That's called a four-out swing rattle, all right? That's when four players ...

Jamie : So, you can't play until the coach wants you to?

Nathan : Yeah. I just have to wait until then. All right. So, this play, I'm just gonna come down here, and I'm going to dribble this way.


Lucas : I want one of those.

Brooke : Well, I will make you one, but you are just gonna have to wait.

Lucas : Julian didn't have to wait.

Brooke : Is that what he told you ... that I didn't make him wait?

Lucas : No, I came to the conclusion when he showed me his new jacket.

Brooke : Right.

Lucas : Brooke, are you and Julian ...

Brooke : No, not at all. Okay, up until today, we were "having fun ..." his words, not mine ... but it ended before it started. He didn't tell you?

Lucas : No. Since I don't really like Julian, we try to keep our conversations strictly about the movie.

Brooke : Right. How is that going?

Lucas : Oh, well, the director I met today wanted to make Lucas a g*ng member and have him living in a junkyard. Yeah.

Brooke : Sounds gritty?

Lucas : Oh, but he did want to put Brooke in a Mansion in Charlotte.

Brooke : Now, that is a movie I would go see. Luke ... you don't have to compromise, not if you don't want to. The worst thing that could happen is for this movie to fail because they went with someone else's vision.

Lucas : What do I do, Brooke?

Brooke : Do whatever it takes. Just make sure they tell the story the way you remember it.


Haley : Come in!

Jamie : Mama, I need to use the phone.

Haley : Well, okay, but who are you calling, little man?

Peyton : Guess what I'm holding!

Haley : It looks like a CD.

Peyton : Oh, it is, but what's on it?

Haley : Barry Manilow.

Peyton : It's Mia's new song.

Haley : Since when does Mia have a new song?

Peyton : Since now. It's great. Give it!

Jamie : Hi, this is Jamie Scott. We need to talk.

Haley : Oh, I see Lucas gave you the ring!

Peyton : What, you knew about it?

Haley : Yeah. He proposed to me with it first, but I just had to turn him down.

Peyton : Lucky me. Well, it's definitely beautiful.

Haley : You don't sound very convincing.

Peyton : No, I love it.

Haley : I do.

Peyton : I just ... I always envisioned wearing Keith's ring.

Haley : Okay, I'm gonna tell you something, and you have to swear that you did not hear it from me.

Peyton : I promise.

Haley : Lucas really wanted to give you Keith's ring. He just thought you wouldn't want it since he already gave it to Lindsey.

Jamie : So, you see, it's not all about X's and O's. It's about heart. I just think you should really think about that.

Bobby : I will. You have a good night, Jamie.


Julian : I thought we agreed on the bride

Lucas : well, I changed my min

Julian : well, Paul wants an answer today.

Lucas : He'll get one.

Julian : Well, what are we gonna tell him?

Lucas : I haven't exactly figured that out yet, okay?

Julian : Oh, okay. Well, when you do figure it out, I'm only the producer of the movie. Who's this?

Lucas : You've got to be kidding me.

Adam Reese : Lucas Scott, you son of a bitch! Thanks, Argyle. Hang tight.

Car driver : My name is Jason.

Adam Reese : Rent "die hard." It'll change your life.

Julian : What are you doing here, Adam?

Adam Reese : My agent tells me you guys are still having some trouble finding a director for this movie. I thought maybe I would come by and give you two dorks another chance.


Chase : I have a surprise for you. Voilà? Think I finally perfected the long island iced tea.

Mia : That took a little longer than it should have. Just saying.

Chase : Promise me one thing? Even if you hate it, you'll lie and say you love it.

Mia : Okay. It's good. Not great. I'm just kidding. I love it. But I'm also underage, and before I get you arrested, I think you should probably get back to the bar ... right after I kiss you again. I think you've perfected that, too.


Adam Reese : Okay. I know what you guys are thinking. You're thinking about fast food, beer, and getting laid.

Lucas : That's pretty much what I was thinking.

Julian : It's like he read my mind.

Adam Reese : I respect that! I do. I respect that. But you guys are also thinking about your movie. And I didn't fly all the way out here just so I could nail some flight attendant on the plane ... even though I did that.

Julian : [Laughs] How'd she look?

Adam Reese : Solid six, but that's not important. What important ... is why I should be directing this film. Now, Lucas, you wrote a good script, but that's not enough. What you two need is a director ... someone who can take your vision and translate it onto the big screen, baby! A director who knows when a scene isn't working, a director who can adapt to any situation. Gentlemen, that's what I do. That's what I know. Bottom line ... the three of us are gonna get more ass than a toilet seat in Yankee stadium.

Lucas : Are you finished?

Adam Reese : Depends if I have the job or not.

Lucas : Okay, um ... let me tell you why you're not gonna direct this movie. Because you can't identify with this world. I mean, I want a director who can re-create the feeling that I get every time I step out onto the river court at night. I want someone who can explain to the audience why one song can instantly change Peyton's mood, someone who can recognize that there are two completely different sides to Brooke Davis, both of which are amazing. I want a director who can make the little things the big things. And you are just not the guy to do that.


Peyton : Hey.

Brooke : Hi.

Peyton : I suck.

True, but why this time?

Peyton : Okay, all that stuff that I told you about Julian ... I just found out that some of my facts were not entirely accurate.

Brooke : Like which facts?

Peyton : Pretty much all of them. He didn't go and sleep with some other girl the weekend we broke up. In fact, he missed his own movie premiere. So it seems there is a possibility that Julian really is the nice guy I thought he was after all.

Brooke : Well, thank you for that, but none of that changes the fact that you and I have been through way too much for me to violate the girl code now.

Peyton : Oh, my god, Brooke."Girl code"? I'm engaged to your ex-boyfriend. You are so exempt from the girl code, it's not even funny.


Nathan : Hey, Devon, you got a second?

Devon : Want an autograph, 12, wait till after the game.

Nathan : You're going heads-up with Alex beck tonight. He's a good defender. Quick NDS.

Devon : I'm gonna eat that fool up.

Nathan : I hope so, but he's leading the league in steals. You usually go right off the dribble. He's gonna be ready for that.

Devon : Are you giving me tips?

Nathan : I'm just trying to give you an advantage.

Devon : I already got an advantage. It's called my god-given talent. So go sit on the bench and enjoy the show.

Nathan : Okay. You do your thing. But after he picks your pocket a few times, you might want to switch to your left.


Paul : So, who's the lucky one, Lucas?

Lucas : Well, first off, I just want you to know that we have given this a lot of thought. That being said, we've decided to choose ... none of them.

Paul : Not the answer that I wanted to hear.

Lucas : I know.

Paul : So you know what I have to do now, right?

Lucas : Look, I just ... I just believe we can do better.

Paul : That's maybe true but times up.


Man : That may be true, but time's up. Well, this feels like devour all over again. We're all tied up. Nine seconds left.

Bobby : Let's bring it in. Let's bring it in. This is it. Time's up. Tie game. Last play. Here's what we're gonna do.

Rhodes, set a high screed for Devon. Hit your spot. Devon, you're gonna find Rhodes cutting across the lane. You get him the ball.

Devon : Wait. You're calling the play for Rhodes?

Bobby : Devon, everybody in the building thinks you're taking the last shot.

Devon : That's because I am! I'm here to put the ball in the basket.

Bobby : You're here to help this team win.

Devon : Whatever. Look, I'm taking the lost shot, or I'm taking a seat. Your call.

Bobby : Okay. Take a seat. Scott, you're in. You know where you're supposed to be?

Nathan : Yes, sir. Know exactly where I'm supposed to be.

Bobby : What I want to ear. Let's run this play let's get "win" on 3 ...

Team : 1, 2, 3 win

Haley : Jamie, look. Daddy's going in!

Jamie : Yeah!


Adam Reese : Paul. Appreciate you meeting me.

Paul : You got two minutes. Tell me why you should direct this movie.

Adam Reese : My movies have made a lot of money for a lot of studios, including yours. But I look at my rum? and there's something missing. I've yet to make that one quality movie, the one I'm proud of. I think this can be that movie. And ... because I identify with this world. I understand the feeling Lucas gets every time he steps on the river court at night. I can show the audience how a song can instantly change Peyton's mood. I recognize that there are two completely different sides to Brooke Davis, both of which are amazing. I want to make the little things the big things, Paul. I'm the guy to do it


Dan : I hope you don't mind me coming. I kind of had a feeling about tonight.

Nathan : Well, I didn't exactly light up the box score.

Dan : Zero points, zero rebounds ... one assist. Best stat of the night. You know, I knew you'd make it. And I know I don't get to be part of it ... but I am so proud of you, son.


Peyton : Can I talk to you?

Lucas : Yeah. Sure. Is everything okay? Come here. What's up?

Peyton : I can't accept this ring. I mean, it's beautiful, and I love it. I just ... it's not the ring that I want to wear. I always dreamed I'd be wearing Keith's ring, and I know how much it means to you, so that's the ring I want to wear for the rest of my life.

Lucas : You sure? Now it's right where it belongs.

Peyton : And it will be forever.


Brooke : Hi.

Julian : I want you to have this.

Brooke : And what is this supposed to mean?

Julian : It means we're going steady.

Brooke : This isn't a game, Julian.

Julian : I know. When I first got here, everyone thought I came for a girl ... the girl in the book. But I only came here to make a movie. But now it turns out everyone was right. I am here for the girl in the book ... the other girl.

Brooke : Maybe we should ... continue this in my bedroom ... preferably ...

Brooke / Julian : Without our clothes.


Reese : You son of a bitch!

Lucas : What do you want, Reese?

Reese : I just wanted to come by and give you the good news myself. I'm directing the movie. Done! I signed on tonight! You and I are gonna have some fun. Oh, I've got a couple thoughts about that last scene. Don't worry about it. We'll talk tomorrow ... partner.