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06x10 - Even Fairy Tale Characters Would Be Jealous

Posted: 11/23/08 23:29
by bunniefuu
Previously on One Tree Hill...

Nathan : Hey, I'm fine, you see ?

Jamie : Don't play slamball anymore, daddy.

Sam : What's your version of grounded ?

Brooke : One week for letting some skeevy fratvestite ruin Peyton's wedding dress. And we're gonna take another week for throwing an underage keg party in your foster parent's upscale boutique.

Peyton : How about we do that USO show ?

Derek : You'd do that ?

Peyton : Sure. That's what family does, right ?

Gigi : Don't.

Mouth : Gigi, I have a girlfriend.

Gigi : And she doesn't have to know.

Julian : You've gotten even more beautiful.

Peyton : What are you doing here, Julian ?

Julian : Haven't you heard I'm optioning your fiance's book.

Peyton : Like hell you are...

Julian : Actually, it's already done. I'm quite charming. But you know that, baby.

Peyton : I need to tell you something...

Lucas : Does it involve this ?

Peyton : We were in love.


At USO show.

Peyton : Hey marines ! How's everybody doing tonight ?

The crowd screams.

Peyton : All right, that's fantastic ! It is so great to be here tonight ! Now, I'm so pumped to introduce our first act tonight. She's a very dear friend of mine, and also an amazing talent ! Please, give it up for Haley James Scott !

Haley enters the stage, but keeps quiet. She finally wakes up in her bed.

Views of Brooke & Sam & Millie, Gigi & Mouth.

Back to Nathan & Haley's house.

Nathan : Haley ?

Haley : Hey, I'm in here. How'd it go at the doctor's ?

She finds Nate in his wheelchair. But he laughs and gets down.

Haley : That is so not funny...

Nathan : Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm fine. I'm supposed to take it easy for a few days, that's all.

Haley : Okay.

Nathan : So you're excited for the USO show ?

Haley : Honestly, no. I had this nightmare last night, that I got un on stage and I forgot the words of my song. I completely forgot. I just stood here. What am I gonna do if that happens tonight ?

Nathan : Do you have any instrumental hits ? It was just a dream, Haley. You're gonna be grat, okay ? And I can't wait to see my sexy girl on stage.

Haley : Not a chance. The doctor said you should stay home and relax, and you need to listen to him.

Nathan : I think I can handle a concert.

Haley : Not gonna happen. Besides, I don't want to overwhelm you with my sexiness...when I'll throw up all over the stage.

Nathan : Come on. Do you remember the first time you sang to me at the cafe ? Well, if you get nervous, just close your eyes, and pretend like you're back there, and it's just you and me, all right ?

Haley : Yeah. I like that. Thank you. I love you, Nathan Scott.

Nathan : I love you.

In Lucas & Peyton's bedroom.

Lucas wakes up and find Peyton's face above his.

Peyton : You said "okay". Last night, when I told you that Julian and I used to be in love, you said "okay".

Lucas : Okay.

Peyton : No, no, you can't just say it's okay, all right ? You're supposed to be jealous, or ask questions...Or get mad.

Lucas : Okay.

Lucas kisses Peyton, gets down and leaves.

Peyton : You can stop with the okays ! It's not okay...

At Brooke's home.

The girls are having breakfast.

Sam : Are they okay ?

Brooke : Delicious. But, you know, my complete guide "Raising a teenager" says that if your teen cooks for you, they're likely to ask for something or confess to something. So let me tell you right now, whatever you did, I'm so impressed. You're not in trouble.

Sam : I just wanted to do something nice for you.

Brooke : Really ?

Sam : Besides, I think that book says "breakfast in bed and doing the dishes after", wich is not happening.

Brooke : I see. So, are you excited to work for Peyton at the concert tonight ? get backstage with Angels & Airwaves ?

Sam : Yeah, I guess it'll be pretty cool.

The phone rings.

Brooke : No, let the machine get it. I want to enjoy this time with you, wich my book says will rarely, if ever, happen.

Brooke's voice on the machine : You're reached Brooke Davis, you know what to do.

A woman voice : Hi Brooke, it's Patricia from the adoption agency. I need to speak with you, regarding placement for a newborn. Please, call me as soon as possible.

Sam : Wow, you're like the new Angelina.

At Mouth's flat.

Mouth is sleeping on the couch. His cell rings and wakes him up.

Millie : Hey, it's me.

Mouth : Millie ? Hi ! How are you ?

Millie : Great. What'd you do last night ?

Mouth : Uh, last night ? I...I just worked again late. I worked late.

Millie: Well, I just wanted to let you know that I'm back, and I'll be home shortly.

Mouth : Oh, great, shortly. T...That's awesome. How long do you think you'll be ?

Millie : Uh, 5, maybe 10 minutes ?

Mouth : Oh, great. I'll...I'll see you then.

Millie : See you then. Oh, and, Marvin, can you do one small thing for me, before I get there ?

Mouth : Yeah, sure, anything.

Millie : Get that slut out of my bed.

At Julian's hotel room.

Lucas is knocking at the door, Julian opens.

Julian : Oh, hey Luke, How you doing ?

Lucas punches Julian.

Lucas : Okay.

Lucas leaves.

At Nathan's.

Lucas is sat on the couch, Nathan brings a ice pocket to him.

Nathan : It's okay for the movie ?

Lucas : Hell, no !

Nathan : Why not ?

Lucas : Why not ? The entire time the guy's been in town, he's been pretending not to know Peyton.

Nathan : I'm sure he has his reasons.

Lucas : Bro', I came over here so that you could compliment me on knocking the guy out.

Nathan : I'm just sayin' sometimes it's better to walk away.

Lucas : Who are you right now ?

Nathan : Hales, tell him !

Haley : What ?

Nathan : I had to have a little talk with her about walking away, too.

Haley : Oh, you're just full of funny today, aren't you ? What happened to you ?

Nathan : He decked Julian.

Haley : Why ?

Nathan : He was dating Peyton in L.A.

Haley : Really ?

Lucas : Yeah, apparently, they were in love...

Haley : Nice ! Sorry. I just really appreciate when the drama's not about us.

Lucas : Yeah, you guys suck right know. You know that ?

Haley : All right, I'm off. Jamie and Orval are at Andre's for the night.

Lucas : Who's Orval ?

Haley : Orval is Jamie's imaginary. Well, he's technically Chester's imaginary friend, but Jamie takes him places.

Nathan : Seriously ?

Haley : Yeah. oh, come on, if Orval's the worst of our worries, I think we're doing pretty good. Okay, wish me luck !

Nathan : Good luck.

They kiss. Haley leaves. Luke came up to Nate to kiss him too.

Lucas : Mmm wish me luck too !

Nathan : Ugh, get out of here !

Lucas : Thanks for the ice, and...No, actuelly, just thank you for the ice.

Haley : Come on, punchy, you can tell me all about it.

Haley and Luke leave.

Nathan : Imaginary friend...I knew my kid would end up weird.

Quentin : Now, why you got to go call having an imaginary friend weird ?

At Mouth's.

Mouth tries to wake up Gigi.

Mouth : Gigi, get up !

Gigi : Mmmh, come back to bed, baby.

Mouth : No. No, no, no. And don't call me baby ! Come on, you got to go !

Gigi : Why ? What's the problem ?

Mouth : The problem is millicent, my girlfriend, who's gonna be here any second !

Gigi : You think she'd like to join us ?

Mouth : I think she wants to k*ll us ! Me...There's no us. Come on, Gigi ! Move your ass. And don't say "You'd like that", and don't say "I will if you watch", and don't say "You first". Please, you're k*lling me !

Gigi : Fine. Man, my head hurts. I can't believe I let you get me drunk and take advantage of me last night.

Mouth : I didn't get you drunk. And I definitely did not take advantage of you.

Gigi : Then, why am I in your t-shirt ?

Mouth : You don't remember ? You puked all over yourself and then passed out. I washed your shirt.

Gigi : Thanks. You're such a good guy.

Mouth : Yeah, well, I'm gonna be a dead guy if I don't get you out of here, seriously. I'll see you at work, but...I'll get your shirt.

Gigi : Mouth...Here's yours...

Mouth : Oh my God...

Gigi is undressing, Mouth quits the room.

At Brooke's.

Millie arrives, she looks angry.

Brooke : No. Whatever it is, I can't deal with anoter store incident.

Millie : There was a girl in my bed.

Brooke : Are you coming-out ?

Millie : No, it was Gigi ! She was in my bed !

Brooke : Wait ! You and Mouth had a three-way with the hot high-school ex ? Really ?

Millie : Actually, Marvin and Gigi had a slumber party last night. I walked in this morning, and found that tramp-faced whore slut bitch in my bed !

Brooke : With Mouth ?

Millie : No, he was on the couch !

Brooke : So, then, what's the problem ?

Millie : Do you think he cheated ?

Brooke : Millie, you and Mouth are like head-over-heels for each other. Why would he want to screw that up ?

Millie : Maybe because I don't sleep with him ?

Brooke : What ?

Millie : I'm a virgin and Mouth isn't. And i'm sure he has needs and what if he fulfilled them ?

Brooke : Back up a second. You're a virgin ? You live together and you share a bed, and you are still...intact ? Well, you do the other stuff, though, right ? like, you know, the j's, h or b ? Nothing at all ? it's like finding a bigfoot, or a unicorn or something !

Millie : Maybe I should just have sex with him...

Brooke : No, no, no. It is not all about sex. Trust me. That boy loves you for exactly who you are. You just need to go home, and you need to talk to him about this, okay ?

Millie : Okay.

Brooke : Okay.

Millie : Thanks, Brooke.

Brooke : So, not even...

Millie : No.

Brooke : Waw...


Man's voice : Test on one. Test on two.

Peyton : Hey ! It is gonna get really chaotic today, so in case I forget to say it later, thank you for helping me.

Sam : Well, I got to pay you back for your wedding dress somehow. This seems like a pretty cool way to do it.

Peyton : Yeah, about that.

Peyton hits Sam's head.

Peyton : Tonight will pay for, like, a sleeve. But as long as you don't ruin anything else, I might let you live.

Sam : So, can I ask you a question without getting slapped ?

Peyton : Depends on what the question is.

Sam : Brooke told me you were adopted. I was just wondering if you ever met your birth parents.

Peyton : Uh yeah, both of them, one pretty recently. That didn't turn out so great, but my other parents are always gonna be my real parents, you know ?

Sam : Seems kind of greedy, though, don't you think ? I mean, you've got like, what, four parents ? I've got none.

Peyton : Well, you have Brooke, and she's pretty great, right ?

Sam : Yeah, but it's not gonna last. I mean, she's getting another baby.

Peyton : A baby ? How ?

Sam : You see, when two people love each other...Some lady from the adoption agency called, said they had a kid for her.

Derek : Hey, little sister.

Peyton : Hi ! Um, Derek, this is Sam. Sam, this is my brother, Derek. It's a long story. We have the same father.

Derek : If you'd call him that, he's an ass.

Peyton : Oooooh ! Derek has issues like you do ! You're gonna have to let it go.

Derek : It's a long story, but I'll explain everything.

At Mouth's.

Mouth and Millie are talking together.

Mouth : We were working late, and Gigi got drunk.

Millie : At work ?

Mouth : Well, yeah, but it was after hours.

Millie : You were drunk with your intern after hours ?

Mouth : It sounds worse than it was. Nothing happened. Gigi couldn't drive, and I didn't want to look like some creepy older guy carrying a drunk coed into the dorms.

Millie : She could have taken a cab, or the couch at least.

Mouth : I was just being respectful.

Millie : I think you're paying too much respect to the wrong girl.

Mouth : I'm sorry. I swear it was innocent, Millie. You know you can trust me.

Millie : It's not you I'm worried about...And I've a new rule. Nobody exept us in our bed. Not ever. And burn the sheets.

At Nathan's.

Nate is playing basketball video game. Q appears next to him.

Quentin : Still here.

Nathan : Why ? How ?

Quentin : Why ? Because you need me right now. How ? Well, maybe I'm in your head. Or maybe I'm still alive. Nope, I'm still dead.

Nathan : What do you want, Q ?

Quentin : What do I want ? What do you want, Nate, huh ? Ain't you got a slamball championship game to be playing in tonight or something ?

Nathan : I quit.

Quentin : You quit. Not much of a comeback.


Haley is waiting for Peyton.

Haley : Oh, Peyton, hey !

Peyton : Ah !

Haley : We just have a small problem. I can't perform tonight.

Peyton : What ? Why ?

Haley : Because, listen, I'm rusty and they're gonna hate me, and I'm gonna ruin the show.

Peyton : No, no, you're not gonna ruin the show. You're gonna be great.

Haley : No, I'm gonna ruin the show because I'm nervous. And I can't even remember the lines to my own song.

Mia : Well, well. Did I just hear what I thought I heard ? Someone's a little nervous ?

Haley : Don't even start with me, you little brat.

Mia : Nice. Is that how you speak to your students ?

Sam : Yeah.

Peyton : Mia, this is Sam. She's gonna be your assistant tonight. So, anything you want, ask her. She has a debt to pay off.

Mia : Hey, Sam, how about we just hang, though ? I don't think I'm a diva enough to have an assistant.

Peyton : Hey, thank you again for being a part of all this, Mia.

Mia : I wouldn't miss it for anything. And, besides, if Haley's gonna suck, I wouldn't miss that for anything, either !

She smiles and put her hand on Haley's shoulder.

Mia : You're gonna be fine, Hales. Besides, if you're not, who's even gonna notice ?

Haley (showing the people) : Them.

Mia : Waw, look at the cry out loud there, they're all waiting for you !

Haley : Yeah, kind of like all the people waiting for your second record, huh ?

Mia : Right. It's gonna be fine.

Peyton enters the stage.

Peyton : Hey, marines ! How's everybody doing tonight ?

The crowd screams.

Peyton : All right, that's good to hear ! I got to tell you, I am so excited to be here tonight, and it's such an honor to be able to do this for my brother and his family ! Thank you guys for having us !

Haley, backstage.

Haley : Mia, I forgot the first line of my song ! Tell me what the first line of my song is !

Mia : "It's gotta be this one, You don't have to fake it." Now, go get them !

Peyton (From the stage) : Please give it up for the one and only Haley James Scott !

Haley enters the stage and starts singing Feel This.


Sam : It's so weird to see my teacher being majorly cheered for.

Mia : Well, get used to it. Your teacher's a badass.

Sam : Yeah, I guess. So, is it fun, being on the road ?

Mia : Oh, dude, it's awesome. But sometimes, it's hard sleeping in a different place every night.

Sam : Yeah, I've done that.

At Nate's.

Nate is playing video game, while Q tries to make him realize some stuffs.

Quentin : You probably feel guilty, huh ? Scaring Haley and J'Luke like that, after they let you play and all ? Yeah, it's probably a good thing that you quit. Got anything to say about that, huh ? Nate !

Nathan : I'm ignoring you.

Quentin : Oh, you're ignoring me ? You're ignoring me ? Oh, well, let me ask you this, Nate, huh ? Did you quit basketball, or did you just quit slamball ?

Nathan : What do you want from me ? Huh ?

Quentin : Now i'm ignoring you.


Peyton is listening to Hales, Julian wants to talk with her.

Julian : Great, you're ignoring me, but you know that'll only work for about a minute, and then you're gonna crack a smile.

Peyton : What do you want from me ? I'm busy.

Julian : I need to talk to Lucas.

Peyton : Okay, you should do that, then.

Brooke is looking at Sam, Lucas arrives.

Lucas : Hey, Brooke. Good show, huh ?

Brooke : Oh, I might just be in heaven : there are hot men in uniform everywhere I look and I am the proud owner of a happy teen.

Lucas : Hey, let me ask you something. Has Peyton ever mentioned this Julian guy ?

Brooke : Here we go. P. Sawyer finally told you.

Lucas : You knew.

Brooke : Only because she didn't know how to tell you. I was just the practice dummy. She knew how excited you were about the movie, and she didn't want to ruin this for you. By the way, you're not allowed to be mad.

Lucas : Really ? I'm not allowed to be mad that she hooked up with this guy right after we broke up ?

Brooke : It was not right after. And seriously ? You tried to hook up with me the night after you guys broke up ! I would never tell Peyton that. But Lucas, you almost married Lindsey ! Julian was just a rebound.

Lucas : Do girls fall in love with rebounds ?

Brooke : Everytime. But it's not real love. Your head tricks you into it to protect you from the crushing pain your heart is putting you through. So go. Kiss it out. It's gonna be fine.

Lucas : I would...If I could squeeze in between her and rebound guy.

On stage.

Haley finishes her song and quit the stage. Peyton enters.

Peyton : All right you guys. I'm a huge fan of the next act we have. She is youg, she is very, very hot.


Mia : Hear that ? YOUNG.

Haley : Hey, I think I saw Jason out there.

Peyton (presenting Mia to the crowd) : She has a huge voice !

On stage.

Peyton : Please, give it up for Mia Catalano !

Mia enters.

Mia : Hey guys ! I just wanted to mention that I'm single ! Just throwing that out there.

She starts singing You Can't Break A Broken Heart.


Derek : You were great.

Haley : Oh my Gosh, it's so good to see you ! Hi !

Derek : Are you going on tour anytime soon ?

Haley : Oh, no, no tour for me, not since I had my baby boy.

Derek : Must have been a tough decision for you.

Haley : No, not really. It's exciting, the cheers from the crowd, but they can't take the place of my family. That's what I want the most.

Derek : Well, your son's lucky to have a mom that chose him over her career. I wasn't so lucky.

Haley : Yeah. I'm sorry. We...We all make different choices, and different things. I think eventually we learn to define happiness for ourselves on our own terms, in spite of the pain other people have caused to us, you know ?

Mouth's office.

Mouth is working when Gigi comes.

Gigi : Thanks for last time, Mouth. I'm really sorry I got so wasted. We could have slept in the same bed, though, I wouldn't have att*cked you or anything.

Mouth : I don't think Millie would have been okay with us sleeping in the same bed.

Gigi : But you would have been okay with it ?

Mouth : That's not what I meant. I wouldn't be okay with it because Millie wouldn't be okay with it.

Gigi : So, if Millie were okay with it, then...

Mouth : Let's just finish the piece, and I think we need to be a little more professional.

Gigi : You're kind of hot, when you're mad !


Brooke : You must be Julian.

Julian : Brooke Davis, I've read all about you.

Brooke : Good. Then you know being the third person in a Lucas/Peyton love triangle usually doesn't end well.

Julian : For who ?

Brooke : I think it's pretty clear in the book. If you're not Lucas or Peyton, you should just forget it. And just so you know, they are two of my best friends. So if you mess with them, I will mess with you.

Julian : That sounds like fun.

Peyton : Don't you have a blackberry coma to fall into ?

Julian : I love feisty Peyton.

Peyton : Do me a favor. Stop flirting with my best friend.

Julian : I think she's jealous.

Peyton : Come on, Brooke. We have to announce a band.

Brooke : We do ? You're right ! We have a band to announce.

Julian : Yes.

At Nate's.

Quentin : Watch this play, right here. He's about to throw an alley-oop to the dude right behind the line. Called it !

Nathan : You know, you're kind of ruining the game !

Quentin : Come on, man, you knew that was gonna happen ! I just said it out loud. Ooh !

Nathan : I'm calling it quits, because I don't want to end up back in that weelchair, all right ? I won't do that to Haley and Jamie again.

Quentin : Oh, okay. So you're quitting for Haley and Jamie...Sure of that, baby, if that's your excuse.

Nathan : Look, I worked hard. And my dream started to come true again, and I started to believe that people just go through things, challenges that make them stronger. And then, you are gone. All right ? I showed up at the River Court, and you never came. And that was it, just like that. And I realized that...That we're not invincible. Dreams die.

Quentin : So what ? What you gonna do, Nate ? Sit here on this couch and watch ball on TV, afraid to live ? That's what you're gonna do ? That really pisses me off, Nate. You know why ? 'Cause you got a second chance, man. You did. I wish I did.


Lucas is looking at Peyton who speaks with soldiers. Julian joins him.

Julian : How's the hand ? I figured if you knew I had a history with Peyton, you wouldn't work with me. Look, I believe in the book. I want to make the movie.

Lucas : I'm not interested.

Julian : Come on, Luke, it's gonna be great.

Lucas : There's not gonna be a movie.

Julian : Well, at the risk of getting punched again, I own the option to the book. So it's happening. With or without you.

On stage.

Peyton & Brooke come to announce AvA.

Peyton : Hey, everybody, this is my friend, Brooke. She was begging me to come out and say "Hi" to you guys.

Brooke : Hi, boys ! It's an honnor to be here.

Peyton : We just want to thank you guys so much for everything. We appreciate all that you do, and we appreciate every single one of you.You guys are the real rock stars. So, thank you very, very much ! So, without further ado, let's give it up for...

Brooke & Peyton : Angels and Airwaves !

Girls leave the stage. AvA starts playing Secret Crowds.


Peyton : So, word is you're gonna have a baby ? She's scared, you know ?

Brooke : What do you mean ?

Peyton : She told me about the phone call from the adoption agency. You should talk to her about it. I'm pretty sure she thinks her days with you are numbered.

At Nate's.

Nathan is watching a slamball game on TV.

TV : Here at slamball, as the Slashers take home the 2008 slamball title by knocking...

Nathan turns off the TV.

Nathan : Guess they didn't need me after all.

Quentin : Yeah, I guess you didn't need them either.

Nathan : You know, there's more in life than basketball.

Quentin : Oh, is that right ?

Nathan : Yeah. Everytime I get to see Jamie laugh, I mean, that's a dream come true. Everytime I get to hold haley, it's a dream come true. They're my life.

Quentin : And you owe it to them. To be the very best version of yourself, man. The version where you fight for what you want. The version where you're not afraid to be great. You're better for them when you're living your dreams, man. And there is nothing...Nothing selfish about that.

At Mouth's office.

Gigi : Hey ! Millie, right ? Mouth's not here right now.

Millie : I know. I'm here to see you.

Gigi : What's up ?

Millie : I know you've had some sort of high-school puppy-love with Marvin, but you need to back off.

Gigi : I don't know what you're talking about.

Millie : I think you do, and I don't trust you or like you. So, how about you stay out of my bed, and stay away from Marvin ?

Backstage of USO.

Mia & Sam are talking, Brooke arrives.

Brooke : Hey ! Awesome. Um, can I borrow you for a second ?

Brooke and Sam walk away from Mia.

Brooke : Look, I want to talk to you about the message from this morning about the baby.

Sam : It's none of my business.

Brooke : It is absolutely your business, Sam.

Sam : Look, I get it, okay ? Everybody wants the puppy, not the mutt. It's happened before. I know what happens next. You get the baby, I go back to the pound.

Brooke : You are not going to the pound. I don't ever want you to feel threatened or afraid that I'm gonna ask you to leave. My home is your home, now, Sam. And it's gonna be that way as long as you want it to be. Okay ?

Sam : Okay...Okay.

They hug, Sam starts crying.

View of AvA, then back to backstage.

Luke is watching the show, Peyton comes and hugs.

Peyton : I'm sorry.

They kiss.

Peyton : Did Julian talk to you ?

Lucas : Yeah.

Peyton : And ?

Lucas : I'm not gonna do the movie.

Peyton : What ?

Lucas : He's gonna make it anyway.

Peyton : No, he can't ! He can't do that without you.

Lucas : I signed the rights over to him. He can do whatever he wants with it.

Peyton : Luke, he can't just take it away from you.

Lucas : Look, Peyton, I don't wanna work with him, okay ? I don't trust the guy. I just want him out of our lives.

Peyton : This is my fault. I should have just told you right away.

Lucas : Look, it's okay. There will be other books, other movies.

Peyton : Yeah, but...

Lucas : It's okay. It's okay.

View of the show, back to backstage.

Peyton : Hey, big brother, what do you think ?

Derek : I think it couldn't have been better. Thank you, Peyton.

Peyton : Oh, my God, it was nothing. I'm happy I could do it.

Derek : It means a lot to the marines...And to me. And it...It made me realize I've wasted to much time being upset about the family I didn't have. I need to spend more time being thankful for the family I do have.

Peyton : Feels kind of good to let it go, doesn't it ?

Peyton and Derek leaves.

Sam : Hey, thank you for letting me hang out with you all night. It was way cool. Um, not to be lame or anything, but, can I get your autograph ?

Mia : Sure ! You know what ? How about I give my number instead ? Call me sometimes, and we'll hang out.

Sam : Really ?

Mia : Yeah. Peyton, Haley and Brooke are really cool, but they're kind of boring.

At Mouth's office.

Mouth works on the computer when Gigi arrives.

Gigi : I thought I'd head home.

Mouth : Sure, that's fine.

Gigi : You think you could walk me to my car ? I'm not hitting on you. It's dark, and they never found out who k*lled Quentin Fields. And it creeps me out.

Mouth : Okay.

They walk on the parking lot.

Gigi : This is me. Sorry to be such a girl.

Mouth : Ah, no problem. Drive safe.

Gigi : Mouth ? I don't wanna cause any trouble with you and your girlfriend. I'll try to be better about it.

Mouth : I appreciate that.

Gigi hugs Mouth.


Peyton gives a thing to a man.

Peyton : Oh, hey, thank you very much.

Julian : Peyton, can I talk to you ?

Peyton : Oh, you have a lot of nerve. You show up in Tree Hill unannounced, you get Lucas to sign his book over, and then you tell him you're gonna make the movie without him ?

Julian : Okay, that's not exactly what happened. I apologized to Lucas and told him I wanted him on the movie. He said he didn't want any part of it, and I even let him punch me.

Peyton : He punched you ?

Julian : Look, the point is, I believe in this book, and I want to make this movie. And yes, I told him that i could do it without him, but the truth is, I need him to help me to tell this story. That's all I want, nothing else.

Peyton : You're lying.

Julian : No, I'm not, and you know I'm not. This is business, Peyton. You need to convince Lucas to do the movie.

Peyton : And you'll make it the movie he wants it to be.

Julian : Absolutely.

Peyton : Cause if I convince him to do this and you're lying, I swear...

Julian : I give you my word.

Peyton : I'll talk to him.

Peyton leaves.

At Haley and Nathan's.

Haley's back home, the room is lit up by candles.

Haley : What is all this ? Oh, my godness...And please, tell me you didn't move the furniture all by yourself.

Nathan : My back is fine. How'd you do today ?

Haley : I loved it. I was so scared at first, and then...It just started to feel right. I felt alive. It was awesome.

Nathan : I'm so bummed that I didn't get to see you.

Haley : I know. Me too, baby.

Nathan : If you're not to tired, I was hopping for an encore.

Haley : I would love that.

Haley takes her guitar.

Nathan : Haley...Let's promise never to be too scared to live our dreams.

Haley : I promise.

Nathan : Me too.

At Brooke's.

Brooke is phoning.

Brooke : Hi, Patricia, it's Brooke Davis. I'm calling regarding your message. Yes, I'm definitely interested, and I just wanted you to know that I'm currently fostering a teenager, and it's going great, so...Uh, no...No, I didn't realize that would complicate things...

At Lucas & Peyton's.

Lucas and Peyton are on their bed.

Peyton : You punched Julian.

Lucas : Yeah. Yhat was me not being jealous.

Peyton : Okay.

Lucas : Okay ?

Peyton : I'm happy you got jealous.

Lucas : Really ?

Peyton : But even though I'm happy, I do think you should do the movie. I think you're gonna regret seeing it made without you, Luke, and it's your story to tell. And Julian doesn't think the movie can get made without you. I agree.

Lucas : You talked to Julian ?

Peyton : Look, you can punch him in the face anytime you want, okay ? But I don't want you to walk away from this for the wrong reasons. I don't want you to have any regrets.

Lucas : You know...It's hard for me to know that you were in love with that guy. But you have been so strong and so good to me when I've strayed from us...So I'm gonna try to let go of it, okay ? besides, who wouldn't fall in love with you, Peyton Sawyer ?

They kiss.

At Nathan & Haley's.

Nathan : I really enjoyed the encore.

Haley : Oh, good. I think you're gonna enjoy the encore to the encore.

Nathan : I'm proud of you, Haley.

Haley quits the room, Nathan extinguishes the candles and Q appears behind him.

Nathan : Oh ! Geeze...You got to stop doing that, Q ! You scared the crap out of me.

Quentin : Dude, you scared the crap out of you. I'm dead.

Nathan : I know you are. I miss you, Q.

Quentin : Nate, that's all right. You just focus on the comeback. And I'll be there every step of the way. Oh, and, Nate...That phone is gonna ring someday. Live the life. Live the dream. No fear.

Nathan : No fear.

Q leaves.