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06x09 - Sympathy for the Devil

Posted: 11/16/08 20:40
by bunniefuu
Previously on "one tree hill"...

Owen : You ready for tonight?

Nathan : Bring it on. I got this.

Owen : Kind of different in the game.

Nathan : How different?

Haley : Do I even want to ask?

Nathan : Really, I'm fine.

Brooke : I told you I wanted to be a mom, and you ran away so fast. You left an owen-shaped hole in my front door.

Owen : You're right, and you didn't deserve that. I'm sorry.

Brooke : You're still a jerk.

Mouth : Hot intern?

Gigi : Mouth!

Mouth : Gigi?

Millicent : The nosy guy across the street Called and said he saw someone breaking in.

Brooke : That is Peyton's wedding dress.

Lucas : Someone made an offer for the movie rights to my book.

Peyton : For "the comet"? That's great!

Lucas : Not for the "the comet," but, um, "ravens."21

Julian : You've gotten even more beautiful.

Peyton : What are you doing here, Julian?

Julian : Optioning your fiancés book.

Peyton : Like hell you are.

Julian : Actually, it's already done.

Lucas : I see you two have already met, huh?

Julian : Yes, we have.

Owen : Feels like I've known her for years.


Sam : Oh, my god. You're totally inspired by it.

Brooke : No, I'm not. You are, too. admit it.

Sam : Your entire new line is gonna be based on ...

Brooke : Based on the amazing couture wedding dress I had already spent 72 hours hand-stitching for my best friend? Oh, wait ... That's ruined.

Sam : You're still pissed.

Brooke : And you're still grounded.

Sam : Fine. So, what's your version of grounded?

Brooke : Well, I've been thinking. One week for exposing a 5-year-old to depravity, another week for letting some skeevy fratvestite ruin Peyton's wedding dress, and we're gonna tack on another week for throwing an underage keg party in your foster parent's upscale boutique.

Sam : That's it?

Brooke : You are not supposed to be happy about this!

Sam : No, I just thought that thing my friend Eugene did in the bathroom sink was gonna cost me another week. ou ... haven't been in the bathroom yet, have you?

Brooke : What did Eugene do in the bathroom sink? Sam! ... This is not over, young lady!

Sam : Didn't think it was, old lady.

Brooke : Don't k*ll the child. just don't k*ll the child ... What?!

Owen : Wow. where's nice Brooke?

Brooke : I k*lled her, and I ate her bleeding heart for breakfast, and I'm still hungry.

Owen : Right. Well, if you see her. Tell her I enjoyed. Cleaning up sam-a-palooza with her last night and that I plan on bringing her a gift every day until she's ready to reconsider me.

Brooke : Every day?

Owen : Whether you like it or not.

Brooke : Gold, godiva, Gucci, Gerber. My jewelry, chocolate, purse, and flower preferences. I guess I'll be seeing you tomorrow.

Owen : Wait ... Gerber?

Brooke : Daisies. But sunflowers are very nice, too. Bye, now.


Haley : Hey, You are just in time.

Nathan : For what ... hibernation?

Haley : No. I saw your slamball schedule for the next three weeks, and it looks pretty grueling. So I thought you better stock up.

Nathan : Haley, 90,000 calories a day is not gonna keep me From getting hit on the slamball court.

Haley : No, but it'll give you a little extra padding when you do.

Jamie : I cleared a place for your trophy.

Nathan : You know, I don't think they give you trophies in slamball, buddy.

Jamie : Not even for champions?

Nathan : That's pretty lame, huh?

Jamie : How are you supposed to know you're awesome without a trophy?

Nathan : Well, I guess you're gonna have to keep telling me. Hey Go eat your breakfast in front of the TV. All right, little bear?

Jamie : Okay.

Nathan : Good luck. It's really good.


Lucas : How you feeling? I think you may have had one too many mojitos at Tric last night.

Peyton : Ohh, I know ... headache. Thanks.

Lucas : So, what was your first impression of Julian last night, huh?

[Peyton's flash back]

Lucas : Peyton, I love you. And I want us to be together forever.

Peyton : Luke, wait. it's just not as simple as all of that, okay? I mean, there's a lot we have to talk about.

Lucas : You're saying no.

Peyton : No. I love you so much.

Lucas : Just not enough.

Man : Hey, I need you to go on a coffee run.

Peyton : Okay, in a minute.

Man : I don't have a minute. Hey !

Peyton : I said I need a minute ... God!

Julian : Probably just a jam in the three-hole-punch tray total pain in the ass, but definitely not worth a pretty girl crying over.

Peyton : You know, the last thing I need right now is some ... some shallow, egocentric Hotshot music producer hitting on me.

Julian : Okay, just for the sake of argument. What if I was more of a failed guitarist turned fledging indie-movie-producer type? No. right. You know, the best thing about a paper jam?

Peyton : What?

Julian : It forces you to open up the machine, figure out what went wrong in the first place.

Peyton : He was charismatic. What you doing?

Lucas : If you haven't heard, I'm a big screenwriter now. Screenwriter.

Peyton : Luke, about that

Lucas : I think I really needed this, you know? With everything that happened with "the comet," I just ...

It's nice to know. That your work has merit and relevance, you know?

Peyton : Yeah. Of course.

Lucas : I am nervous, though. I mean, Julian already has a studio interested. And they want a first draft in, like ...

Julian : Three weeks. Did you even sleep?

Lucas : Oh, yeah, a little. Eh, not really. no.

Julian : Well, you wouldn't tell from the script. It's -- it's good, Luke.

Lucas : Yeah, but not great.

Julian : Very close to great. In fact, I'd say one scene away from great. And I think you know exactly which scene I'm talking about ... Keith's m*rder.

Lucas : And I know you wanted me to show it, but I just thought that maybe it'd be more effective if we find out after the fact you know, cinematically?

Julian : Okay, well, I don't want to flaunt my experience, but cinematically, it doesn't get much better than seeing a man k*ll his brother.

Lucas : Well, that man who was m*rder*d ... was my uncle.

Julian : Which is, I think, why you didn't write the scene. You're too close to it but our audience needs to face what happened, Luke ... even if you can't. Just give it a try. Trust me. I'll put off the studio until tomorrow, okay? You can do this.

Lucas : And if I can't?

Julian : To be blunt, Then I'll find a writer who can.


Nathan : I'm broke. You're 5. you're supposed to be broke.

Mouth : Undefeated for the last three weeks, fans expect the slashers to be carried through tonight's semifinal slamball game against the mob on the shoulders of former college standout Nathan Scott. That is, of course, unless Jerome Garret. Hit man for the mob, has anything to say about it.

Jerome : We're not afraid of Nathan Scott. Man, that chump's always been more hype than skill.

Mouth : Well, and there you have it from the hit man himself. Back to you guys.

Jamie : They should just give you the trophy, daddy.

Nathan : I tried to tell you. They don't give you trophies in slamball, buddy.

Nathan : I checked for you and everything.

Jamie : Sorry.


Brooke : Come on, Brooke. If you could fill this place up with anything, What would it be? What did you get me? Peyton !

Peyton : Well, don't act so disappointed. Last time I checked, I was your only customer.

Brooke: Yeah.

Peyton : It's a good thing I like the emperor's new clothes.

Brooke: I'm sorry. It's just that Owen's been coming by every day for the last three weeks to bring me loot.

Peyton : Well, I did not know you were into him again.

Brooke: I'm not totally sure I am yet, but I am into loot.

Peyton : Brooke, what Owen did was uncool, but it is equally uncool to lead him on just because you like getting presents every day.

Brooke : Really? I'm getting relationship advice from the girl who waited three weeks to tell her fiancé. That he's making a movie with her ex-boyfriend.

Peyton : Three weeks and counting.

Brooke : Peyton, you haven't told him yet?

Peyton : Um, no...but, anyway, changing the subject. When do I get to see my wedding dress?

Brooke : You may not need a dress, my friend. Changing the subject back. Lucas is gonna be really upset when he finds out you've been keeping this from him.

Peyton : I know. It's just he's really excited about writing again, and he genuinely likes Julian, and I don't want my stupid past to get in the way of this for him.

Brooke : Well, how serious were you and Julian?

[Flash back. Peyton see the Lindsey and Lucas kiss before the sinning books]

Julian : Oh, sorry. sorry.

Peyton : Excuse me. I'm sorry.

Julian : Oh, hey, if it isn't the saddest girl in the world.

Peyton : I'm not sad.

Julian : Okay, but I've only met you twice, and both times, you were crying.

Peyton : Maybe they're tears of joy.

Julian : True are they?

Peyton : No.

Julian : Okay, good. 'cause I got a favor to ask. How would you like to accompany me to this hideous industry party full of snooty rich people and "shallow, egocentric hotshot producer" types?

Peyton : That sounds awful.

Julian : So, is that a yes?

Peyton : You really want the saddest girl in the world as your date?

Julian : Oh, no. no. no. It's not a date. I just want your tears. One look at the crying girl on my arm, and nobody's gonna wonder why I'm leaving early. Hold on. what'd I say? Because if you start smiling like that, we're gonna be stuck at this thing.

Peyton : Oh, I am totally underdressed.

Julian : No. no. You look great. Besides, this is Hollywood. The worse you dress, the more important people assume you are.

Peyton : Oh, they must assume I'm the pope.

Julian : Oh, wow. thank you. thanks for coming.

Peyton : You didn't tell me it was your bar mitzvah.

Julian : It's a fund-raiser for a script I'm trying to get made. I know -- talk about boring. It's a good thing you brought a book.

Peyton : Um...yeah. I was hoping to get it signed. I used to be close with the author. I feel really dumb for bringing it in.

Julian : Oh, no. don't. What's it about?

Peyton : Me, sort of.

Peyton : Then I completely understand why you wanted it here with you. Now, see, there's that smile again.

Julian : Now we're never gonna get out of here.

Peyton : Oh, I guess we'll have to make the best of it.


Nathan : Oh, you bet. Oh, okay. thank you. That was a scout.263 He's passing through town on his way to Virginia. He's gonna try to stop by and see the slamball semifinal.

Lucas : Well, that's cool, Nate. If anyone deserves a second look, it's you. Hey, speaking of the game, any hard feelings if I can't make it? Julian wants to get the script to the studio tomorrow. So I'm sort of in crisis mode.

Nathan : No worries, man. I'll see you at the championship after we win tonight.

Lucas : Absolutely. Can I ask you a question? What was your best memory of Dan?

Nathan : I don't know. The day he went to prison. Michael Jordan basketball camp. Yeah, I was about 10 years old, and Dan pulled some strings to get me in, and it was the first day, and we were in this, like, meet-and-greet line, and Jordan was gonna pick one of us kids to play one-on-one against. I remember I was so nervous,

My knees were about to buckle. And I think Dan could feel that 'cause he put his hand on my shoulder to steady me, and when Jordan finally came by, "this is my son, Nathan. he's got a great jump shot."

Lucas : And what happened?

Nathan : I played one-on-one against the greatest player in history. It was one of the best days of my life. Why? What's with the question?

Lucas : I have this scene to write, and I'm trying to be objective. I guess I'm just wondering if Dan ever had a soul.

Nathan : Sure, he did. He sold it a long time ago. Bright the man on the way he is evil. That is what he deserves.


Mouth : So, this is how the great Nathan Scott warms up for a semifinal game.

Nathan You, uh, looking for an exclusive?

Mouth : I'm here as a friend. Jerome Garrett was talking about putting you back in your wheelchair during tonight's game. He sounded serious.

Nathan Oh, I'm sure he is. He's a bitter guy. He was only a basket away from the sweet 16 two years ago when I got in the way.

Mouth : I remember, and from the sound of it, so does he.

Nathan : I appreciate the heads-up, Mouth. I'll be fine, though. I can take care of myself. Plus, I got Owen watching my back. He's one of the toughest guys in tree hill.


Owen : Hello, beautiful.

Brooke : Aaah! What the hell are you doing?! Sneaking up on a girl is so not cool!

Owen : What? I thought you'd like it. "what's underneath the clothes," right?

Brooke : I'm a girl. It's sexy. You are a huge, hairy dude on my leather seats!

Owen : ! At least you think I'm huge!

Brooke : Get out!

Owen : All right! All right! all right! hey! all right! Wait ... Brooke. hey. Wait ... You made your point! Stop! You have my clothes!


Jamie : So, pooky wooky bear pretty much finds out he's been a crummy friend and has to say he's sorry.

Haley : All right. Chapter nine tonight, guys. Good job.

Sam : So, don't tell your mom, but that was pretty much the best lecture of the year.

Haley : Uh, I heard that. Hey, you have, uh, study hall next, right? yeah. Would you mind watching Jamie for a little bit? I got to run to the office.

Sam : Sure. Anything to avoid economics homework. Let's go, muchacho.

Jamie : Awesome.

Haley : Sam, no parties, okay?

Jamie : What's economics?

Sam : It's how you make money.

Jamie : I thought that was called an allowance.

Sam : No. An allowance you actually have to work for. Economics is easier. it's just supply and demand.

Jamie : Sounds complicated.

Sam : No. this is your stake. You use it to buy your supply, which is what you just got. All you need to do is create a little demand.

Boy : Come on, man. That's nasty.

Sam : Bummer, huh? good thing we got everything you want right there.

Boy : I'll take some chips.

Sam : 2 bucks.

Jamie : You only paid 50 cents for those.

Sam : That, grasshopper, is called a profit.

Jamie : I don't have 2 bucks.

Sam : It's okay. That's called a kickback. It's free. That is what you get when you're in cahoots.

Jamie : Nice.

Haley : Hey. you okay?

Lucas : Yeah. No. no. Um, I have to write Keith's m*rder scene in the screenplay, and I ... don't know if I can do it. I just can't imagine people sitting in a theater Eating popcorn, watching Keith get shot to death.

Haley : Maybe it could be more than that. Maybe ... like in literature, a violent death can often be a catalyst for change or... a lesson in humanity.

Lucas : I don't want my audience to understand Dan Scott, okay? I don't want to make Dan Scott a more conflicted character for the sake of a more complex plotline. Dan Scott isn't human. He doesn't deserve to be forgiven. Frankly ... Dan Scott doesn't deserve a spot in Jamie's life.

Haley : Luke.

Lucas : I'm sorry, Hales. it's none of my business. My head's just been ... I should go. I'm sorry.


Peyton : Look, I get it, and I love the band, and you know I love you, but this ship is gonna sail without you

If you guys can't cut through all the red tape.

[Flash back. Peyton and Julian prepared their trip]

Julian : Well, if you can't cut through that red tape, then I'll find somebody who can. This may come as a surprise to you, but you're not the only line producer in town.

Peyton : Be nice.

Julian : Look, josh, uh, I know you're trying. Just do me a favor and try a little harder. It's all gonna get done. I think it's a bad idea that I moved in with you.

Peyton Why?

Julian Because if I get any nicer my film's not gonna get to Sundance.

Peyton Oh, but you'll get me, and I am way sexier than sundance.

Julian : I love you.

Peyton : I love you, too.


Jamie : Thanks for picking me up, grandpa.

Dan : Are you kidding me? I'd do anything for you.

Jamie : Can you stake me 10 bucks?

Dan : What for?

Jamie : I ... got some business.

Dan : I don't know. That's a lot of money.

Jamie : Please. I'll totally cut you in.

Dan : Sounds like a solid investment.

Jamie : Sweet. I also have to make a quick stop on the way to school.

Dan : You're the boss.


Lucas : I'm not writing this.

Peyton : I thought Julian said he'd find another writer.

Lucas : I'm hoping he's bluffing.

Peyton : You want to tell me why this is so hard?

Lucas : I don't really know ... what happened in Keith's final moments, and I'm not gonna just make it up so that Julian's movie can be more dramatic, you know? I mean ... I mean, think about it. Did he... did he beg for mercy? Did he ... did he cry? Was he shocked? did he feel betrayed? Or maybe Dan should be ... conflicted and, uh ... Pitiable. I can't write that.

Peyton : Do you know what I love about you Is that you're always protecting everybody? But you don't have to protect Keith, and, I mean, regardless of what the scene becomes. I'm pretty sure he would rather you write his last moments than anybody else.

Lucas : I just wish I knew the truth.

[Flash back. Peyton and Julian prepared their trip]

Julian : Got to go.

Peyton : Okay, but I can't get my bag zipped up.

Julian : It's three days in sundance. How full can your bag possibly be?

Peyton : Like this full.

Julian : You got to be kidding.

Peyton : Oh, maybe my big, strong boyfriend can use his muscles to zip it up for me.

Julian : We are so gonna miss our plane.

Peyton : Thank you.

Julian : Well, I think I found the problem.

Peyton : I was just gonna read it on the plane.

Julian : For what the thousandth time?

Peyton : It's not a big deal.

Julian : No, it is a big deal.

Peyton : It's just a book.

Julian : Come on. You buy copies of this thing every time you see it. You carry one around in your purse half the time. You think it's lost on me that it was written by your ex-boyfriend?

Peyton : So it's important to me. I mean, do you think it's lost on me that you've never bothered to read it? Are you curious at all?

Julian : Yeah, I'm curious. I'm curious as to whether there will ever come a day when I'm not sharing you with Lucas Scott. You know what? I'm tired of this.

Peyton : Where are you going?

Julian : Sundance, alone.

Peyton : What?

Julian : You want to go with the book ... Be my guest. Get a nice suite, go skiing, cozy up by the fire, and talk about your future together. I really hope both of you are very happy.

Peyton : Julian.

Julian : I can't do this anymore, Peyton. I don't want to. Goodbye.


Brooke : Nice Brooke would like to apologize for the way that evil Brooke acted this morning.

Owen : Well, you should've stuck around. I mean, you haven't lived until you've been naked in the back of a squad car that smells like bum piss.

Brooke : How about you just keep whatever gift you were bringing today, and we call this whole mess even?

Owen : I didn't bring a gift, and I'm done bringing them. You know, winning you back is one thing, but being led on, it's ... It's humiliating. I just came by to tell you that. I won't bother you anymore.

Brooke : Owen.

Owen : I'll see you around, Brooke Davis.


Chuck : So, you still got some stuff?

Jamie : Whatever you want ... 2 bucks.

Chuck : 2 bucks?! that's a total rip!

Jamie : Fine. guess you're gonna have to wait till snack time. I hear we're having raisins.

Chuck : That's my whole allowance.

Jamie : Economics pays better!


Peyton : Why are you here?

Julian : Is ... is that a trick question?

Peyton : Okay : If optioning Lucas's screenplay is just part of some grand scheme to get me back. You can forget it, all right? I am done lying to him about us.

Julian : I'm sorry. Do you really think I would blow my reputation and a studio's multimillion-dollar investment to get you back? Peyton, I left you and as far as lying to Lucas, I never asked you to do that. Frankly, I really don't care if he knows about us. I didn't tell him out of respect for your engagement. In fact, I think I've handled the whole situation like a professional. Now, if you don't mind. I think my date should probably be here any minute. Peyton... why did you lie to Lucas? Because if it's a part of some grand scheme to get me back. I'd be curious.


Jamie : It's called supply and demand.

Haley : No, it's called taking advantage, and it's not very nice. Sit down. What is this?

Jamie : A kickback. It's yours to keep if you're in cahoots.

Haley : I most certainly am not in cahoots. Didn't you learn anything from your pooky wooky book? Treating your friends well is more important than extorting them.

Jamie : What's extorting?

Haley : I think you've learned enough economics for one day.

Jamie : I just want to buy daddy a slamball trophy.

Haley : All right. You're a sweet kid, even if you are too smart for your own good sometimes.

Jamie : So we're in cahoots?

Haley : No. no. we're not in cahoots. I'm gonna spank your little cahoots If you don't go out there and give all your friends their money back right now.


Team : One. two. three. Slashers!

Nathan : Let's go.

Owen : Who are you looking for?

Nathan : Nobody. This scout, he was supposed to show up. I guess he couldn't make it.

Owen : This whole time, I thought you were showing off for me.

Nathan : That's funny. I thought you were showing off for Brooke.

Owen : Looks like we were both showing off for people who don't care. What do you say we play these last five minutes. For the people who do?

Nathan : You're on.


Dan : The cemetery called. Apparently, somebody gave my tombstone a makeover. Any idea who'd do something like that?

Lucas : What happened in the hallway?

Dan : I assume you mean...

Lucas : Keith. I've been asked to adapt my novel for a movie. They want me to write what happened. I can't do it. I can't see it and I can't understand it.

Dan : Keith was holding jimmy Edwards in the hallway. He turned, and I shot him dead before he could say a word. Keith was a hero. You want to write the truth, you write it that way. Why'd you do it? Every good story needs a villain, Lucas. I'm sorry, but I'm yours.


Jamie : I'm worried about daddy.

Haley : Yeah, me too, buddy, but the game's almost over, okay?

Brooke : Do you know what I haven't had in my lap lately?

Sam : It's not really a secret.

Brooke : A Jamie Scott.

Sam : Sorry about teaching Jamie how to make money off of his friends. I just wanted him to think I was cool. I ... Didn't mean to get him in trouble.

Haley : You know, Jamie really looks up to you. You've got a great opportunity to be a role model to him. You just have to choose it, and that takes a commitment to making good choices for both of you. Just think about that next time.

Sam : Sorry.

Coach : Time-out! Time-out! Owen, you're out.

Nathan : I'm fine!

Coach : Owen, come on, man. listen, take a seat.

Nathan : Take a seat. I appreciate you being my guardian angel, But I can take it from here, all right? I got this.

Jerome : Me, you, 15 seconds and one basket, Scott. That sound familiar?

Nathan : Yeah, only one tiny difference. Unlike you, I won't choke.

Jamie : Ugh. daddy.

Nathan : Hey. I'm fine, see? I'm all right.

Jamie : Don't play slamball anymore, daddy.


Brooke : Hi.

Owen : I liked it better when you were naked.

Brooke : I liked it better when you were a guy I thought I could count on. I'm sorry. I should've never let you bring me presents if I wasn't totally sure I saw a future with us.

Owen : What do you see now?

Brooke : I see my foster child acting like a total idiot. I have my work cut out for me with that one.

Owen : Brooke. I'm crazy about you.

Brooke : And I think you are a truly great guy. Who has the potential to be a great boyfriend.

Owen : Just not your boyfriend.

Brooke : I didn't say that. It's just that right now, I have the opportunity to be a great role model for Sam. And that means I have to put her first.

Owen : I can respect that. What about down the road?

Brooke : For a guy like you ... I might just come crawling back. I'll see ya.

Owen : Playstation, pizza, pinball, pie. My video game, fast food, arcade, and dessert preferences.

Brooke : I'll keep those in mind.


Lucas : I wrote it.

Julian : Oh, you're not gonna regret it. I'm right about this, Luke. You got to trust me. Hey, come in. Come in. I got to take this. Bobby, yeah. yeah. The script is on its way, and you are going to love it. Yeah, he wrote the scene. Of course it's great. he's a great writer. Yeah, no, you've got nothing to worry about.


Mouth : I think I'm cashing in.

Gigi : Oh, come on. We've got everything we need to pull an all-nighter. Food, coffee. We have beer ... Had beer.

Mouth : Yeah, it sounds like fun, but I should get home.

Gigi : Don't.

Mouth : Gigi, I have a girlfriend.

Gigi : And she doesn't have to know. I'm not trying to be your girlfriend, Mouth. I'm just trying to be the girl you pull a crazy all-nighter that nobody ever has to find out about with.


Brooke : Come on. I'm proud of you for this. You know, it's one thing to admit your mistakes, but it's another to make them right. What... is your grand plan?

Sam : Let's jet.

Brooke : You can't do that! That's stealing! There is a security camera in here.

Sam : It's broken.

Brooke : How do you know?

Sam : Because I broke it.

Brooke : Sam. Damn it. You're a good mom. You're a good mom.


Nathan : Hi, body. I'm in one piece.

Jamie : I was scared that you were gonna be like ... Before.

Nathan : Ah, come here. Listen to me. I'm never gonna be like that again, okay? None of this is worth losing my ability to hold my son when he's afraid ... And my wife when she needs me. It's okay. I'm done with slamball but the championship. I don't care about the championship. If these are the last two trophies I ever get. I will consider myself a lucky man.

Jamie : Good, 'cause I gave all my profit back.

Nathan : What?

Haley : Your son started a business today.

Nathan : Oh, yeah? How'd it go?

Jamie : Well, I broke even, and grandpa Dan lost his shirt.

Nathan : What? grandpa Dan lost his shirt?


Peyton : Luke, it's great. Julian was right. It needed that scene. What made you change your mind about writing it?

Lucas : Just realized it wasn't about a m*rder. It's about how your heart breaks. When your hero dies. I'm okay with the world seeing that.

Peyton : Okay, I need to tell you something, and ...

Lucas : Does it involve this? So you dated ... In L.A.?

Peyton : We were in love.