02x24 - Fax or Fiction

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Murphy Brown". Aired: November 14, 1988 – May 18, 1998.*
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Murphy Brown is the star reporter of "FYI," a newsmagazine series.
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02x24 - Fax or Fiction

Post by bunniefuu »

fax machine I have to send something now

it's really important so you can do that

later I have to do this immediately you

don't have to do that don't try to bully

me Frank

there's an entire sixth grade home

economics class in Albuquerque New

Mexico anxiously awaiting a transcript

of my piece on White House table

settings that you're just going to have

to wait your turn

I have an airforce engineer in

California waiting to verify structural

defects in a new fighter jet oh and I

suppose you think that's important well

Frank without this information 17 little

girls in Miss homeys class won't know

where to put a fish fork

not to easy

come on guys I've got legal in New York

waiting to clear my copy I need the feds

and what are we doing huddling around it

for warmth take a number

everyone may I have your attention


there's a very important piece of

business I need to discuss with you it

has to do with the fax machine yeah we

need another one I don't think so not

after checking over these pills seems as

though some of us like to use this

expensive piece of office equipment for

our own personal use for instance on one

given day

Marv's wife fax from a grocery list

Murphy set up a basketball poll in ten

states and everyone fax the new Dan

Quayle joke to Letterman this is a

serious piece of office equipment it is

not repeat not a toy Oh fine

the Xerox is not a toy the paper

shredder is not a toy the mail chute is

not a toy what are we supposed to do for

fun around here anyway I would be happy

if you took the blasted thing back where

it came from what happened to the days

where the reporter had to actually leave

the building to get his story he didn't

need one of these he just grabbed a good

old-fashioned Dixon Ticonderoga and as

far as I'm concerned it's still the best

cheap reliable and you don't electrocute

yourself if you take it into the bathtub


all right I'll say it one more time the

fax machine is for appropriate office

use holy semester

finally miles I'm a little confused

about something our love letters

considered appropriate office use

didn't I just finished telling everyone

don't you text that one from a secret


dear miles you don't know me we work in

the same building and I often see you in

the elevator

I've never done anything like this

before but I wasn't sure how else to

approach you I think you're very

attractive I'd like to know all about

you and see if perhaps we're soul mates

this isn't the place for this oh if

you're interested please fax me back

sincerely Miss X miles got a girlfriend

oh oh I get it

very funny Murphy a fake letter sorry to

disappoint but I didn't believe it for a

second my oh that's definitely not me

look at it there's nothing in there that

says you should meet her up on the roof

wearing only red jockey shorts and high

tops what kind of person would have to

meet someone this way well maybe she's

the woman you've waited your whole life

for but the only way you can answer is

by fax and I guess that wouldn't be

appropriate office use yeah maybe she's

gonna end up thinking you're not

interested I'm not just just the kind of

reaction you come to expect when you

have a highly visible job like mine

besides I hardly think I need to respond

to something like this to meet women now

what is this a paid holiday misters work





thank you

nothing it's just a small technical

glitch I've got it under control no

really it's okay hey what's going on

machine I did not

it's just this letter I'm sending to a

man mr. Sydney Jones from Boise Idaho

this what we have to look forward to in

the 21st century handle these things

I've always been mechanically adept last

year I made a spice rack for Dora's okay

thanks well go on a bunch of business

all of you sure by the way miles did you

remember to tell ms X that you qualify

for the good driver discount what do you

mean this letter reading upside down is

just one of my many skills

lucky man you old Paxson over

say you're owed back to the woman huh

well this is an original approach you're

sending her your resume Hey gimme a

break you guys I've never had to impress

a woman in 50 words or less it's very

simple mouth a woman always appreciates

security tell her you have a diversified

portfolio a decent pension and the money

market fund that way when you drop dead

at 50 because you work like a dog your

whole life she'll know she'll be well

provided for

that's the attractive middle-aged woman

who's easy pickings for any strapping

young pool boy who sodas in looking for

a meal ticket don't listen to him miles

women want a sensitive man

confessed to a few vulnerabilities if

you don't have any makes them up I

usually say that I cried when I read

Anna Karenina and that the best part of

sex is holding each other afterwards

this is a frightening glimpse into the

male brain less than to a woman miles

the most important part is romance

tell her you're still an old-fashioned

guy who still thinks expensive jewelry

is an appropriate gift

forget them if you want to get anywhere

with this woman take lessons from a

problem okay dear miss my dear miss X no

my dearest miss X my heart my soul may I

compliment you on your courage and

taking the first step see she's probably

worried that you think she's too

aggressive so you have to relay that

fear right off I say get right to the

point I Drive a brand new BMW and wear

an unusually large shoe

save it I'm already on the third

sentence I went in a witty / charming

direction another one of you Jesse Helms

jokes that'll really get mild some

action I appreciate what you're trying

to do for me but I think this was a


nothing that's gonna come from this

anyway it's not how people start a


well hey miles at least have a look at

what I've written it's really good I

don't know if you don't mind just like

forget about poor miles hey it's his

life we wasted enough time let's get

back to work

thanks Frank I think that's for me no I

don't think so unless you look

particularly cute yesterday coming out

of the men's room cleaning your glasses

this must be from my secret admirer the

little tiger wrote her back no Frank it

is for me I wrote her back and sign

miles Meggie what Oh Murphy this time

you've gone and done it

you'd better go pick up some number 25

sunblock you're going straight to hell

Frank it was a challenge just sitting

there waiting to be made you know how I

am about a challenge let me ask you

something Murphy are you planning on

telling him about this or is he just

gonna find out at the wedding I good or


this woman is hooked Murphy just screed

your piece on the IRS I think we should

all use fake names on the credits this

week let's go into my office and talk

about that miles and other things

what other things white why are you

being so nice to me Frank if you like

join us bye

so miles have a seat make yourself

comfortable no thank you all standing

okay miles you remember that secret

admirer who wrote to you last week well

there's been an interesting development

in that area let me just preface this

first by saying that I've done something

something people don't usually expect a

Murphy Brown a warm and caring kind of

gesture are reaching out sort of giving

type of thing somewhere between a fairy

godmother and saintliness although I

don't what have you done Murphy I wrote

Miss X back and signed your name what

you wrote her a letter well not a letter

16 letters these are hers and these are

copies of the ones you sent I can't

believe this this is an invasion of

privacy a destruction of trust a moral

and legal injustice and just a little

sick I'm surprised at your reaction I

thought I was doing you a favor likes me

I know she says I'm the best man she

ever had facts with

look at Tuesdays later the third pair of

yeah hey I'm funny I'm philosophical to

people who are afraid to rock the boat

have no business being in the boat in

the first place I like me can I say my

else you have a way with words she's

good too

accidents are a fool's explanation for

destiny deep deep Oh


what did I say when she asked which

three people would I want to be stranded

on a desert island with Albert Einstein

William Shakespeare and Sarah Lee

because if you're stuck on a desert

island with a couple of dead guys you

might as well enjoy yourself a sense of

humor that's very important in me so

when you get around to the next letter

well here's the thing you're past the

pen pal stage this one just arrived she

wants to meet you tonight it fills oh

boy so happening so fast I don't know if

I'm ready for this you better be ready

she's smart and funny and exciting and

I've worked too hard for you to let her

get away you're right I have to meet her

after all I'm the kind of guy who

chooses to embrace life and all its




Murphy hey got your home what are you

doing here

you're supposed to be meeting miss exit

Phil's in 20 minutes I know I was all

ready to go and then I looked in the

mirror and miles Silverberg looked back

a boring guy in boring blue blazer in

gray slacks you gotta help me Murphy

you know what his axe is expected what

do you think my sweater guy no come on

she's closed four times but bakers are

in spasm for Dewey buttons you're a

sweater guy v-neck cardigan crewneck

crew neck brace up slovers running shoes

running shoes okay

it's khaki scooter escheat jeans okay go

with the loafers blokes good do you have

any without tassels oh good

have you plan on moving in I'd better

warn you she can't cook won't clean and

I think I'll ask boyfriends buried under

the porch

miles has a date of these embarrassing

is gender a date all right I all we need

here is the right look something that

says I am your man let's try this it's

putting that back up

at least she knows what I look like I

don't even know that you mean you've

never met the lady a courageous young

lad she could be how should I say it a

dog or not she could carry a knife they

frequently do I remember once and for

did you get back to work before your

paint settles don't worry you're gonna

do fine one last bit of advice if she

invites you back over to a place make

know the nearest exit and never take off

your shoes


why am I worrying about this it doesn't

matter what I wear I can't live up to

those letters quiz B Murphy art-deco yes

bonsai trees no they don't cookie miles

come on you're making yourself miserable

I think this is a good time to remind

you that miss axe was attracted to you

long before she got any of my letters

and if she's smart she should be worried

right now whether she's good enough for

you not your letters but you being

ridiculous aren't I

I mean I'm a Harvard graduate I'm

running a network news magazine I

finished the Capitol Hill 10k guys like

me are hard to find

you're a Murphy got nothing to worry


there you go miles you're gonna have a

terrific evening trust me on this I just

wish you hadn't told her I sang backup

on we are the world


oh god what are you doing here I'm so

conscious and I'll go away go oh well

nice attitude after I Drive all this way

to save you from a shoe mistake here

these are better I'm sorry I guess I'm

still a little nervous oh hey hey you're

right these are much better

okay then Murphy thanks for stopping by

drive carefully I want to watch Myles

I won't say anything I'll sit where he

won't even see me come on you wouldn't

be here if it weren't for me okay okay

you could stay hey there Murphy miles so

tonight's the big day great is it in the

post now oh don't take it so seriously

miles it's not like your whole futures

rested on this one day although this

woman may be the one what tell are you

doing Murphy I'm just trying to give the

guy some encouragement it's not like

he's any good at this nobody came in

here with that Jackie woman issue I

can't take this anymore you're on your

own miles but let me just say you did

the right thing deciding the meter here

if you're looking for romance Phil's is

definitely the place to find it

Oh God well but that's her I know that's

her get real miles you're dreaming hello

miles I'm Madeline Stillwell his ex hi

I'm smiles liver bird miles Silverberg

hi I'm urfi Brown nice to meet you and

Murphy was just about to not be here oh


see you later Murphy drive carefully

okay okay I'm going

why don't we sit down you know usually

first dates are so awkward but I feel

like I know you already you know what I

mean yeah so uh we work in the same

building yeah I work in the claims

department for Blue Cross ah that's very


not really I just listen to people whine

about their health problems all day


divorced no have you sure I like your

hair very much what's that supposed to


nothing it's it's a compliment you're

very pretty

I hate being pretty guys are afraid to

approach you you end up staying home

alone at night eating junk food and

worrying about all that ozone layer

stuff world's a disgusting mess

why bother living

you like to see a menu

look I don't mean to be rude but could

you sit still it's very annoying

Chad's down the street lots of empty

booths knock yourself out

gee I never knew this place had a

bouncer well now you know my fault I

mistook this for a civilized planet hey

accidents happen no accidents are a

fool's explanation for destiny where'd

you hear that I didn't hear it anywhere

it's mine if you want to use it you'll

have to pay me a royalty now would you

mind you know it just occurred to me

people who are afraid to rock the boat

have no business being in the boat in

the first place I read someplace that

chocolate is proof of God's love hate

attitude toward mankind when I die I

want to be buried at sea off the

Martha's Vineyard ferry ever wonder who

you might want to be stranded on a

desert island with Albert Einstein

William Shakespeare and Sarah Lee guys

you might as well enjoy yourself

no you didn't mention in your letters

about your hammer toe problem

you don't have to tell you you're

nothing like your letters yes I am why

wouldn't I be here how about that

Wolfgang Mozart I expected you to be

more assertive but maybe that's good

though to tell you the truth I didn't

get most of what you're talking about

anyway you know if we're gonna make this

work I need you to be more nurturing can

you do that I don't know most men can't

my last boyfriend was like that

very cold dispassionate actually you

didn't say how intimate you expect to

get on the first date oh come on you did

yes I did bad well why didn't you put

that in one of your letters because I

didn't think it was appropriate for

miles to have been in a steam bath with

Phyllis Schlafly in the first place

remember oh right right but I have to

tell you I am so relieved to find out it

isn't someone named Miles Silverberg I

was so attracted to I know exactly what

you mean

you know she fought me every step of the

way and consequently had doubts oh boy

they're gonna be perfect for each other

how would you like to go somewhere for a

dinner of pancakes and bacon

you know those thin kind of pancakes

that are brown at the edges and go for a

drive with the top down to Chesapeake

Bay into a little Club where they play

all the oldies and dance till we drop

and go home and sit by the fire and

watch a tape of fellini's the white

sheik you read my mind

should we tell them what and ruin their

date do you think I should get this



00:00:30,449 --> 00:00:32,089
fax machine I have to send something now

it's really important so you can do that

later I have to do this immediately you

don't have to do that don't try to bully

me Frank

there's an entire sixth grade home

economics class in Albuquerque New

Mexico anxiously awaiting a transcript

of my piece on White House table

settings that you're just going to have

to wait your turn

I have an airforce engineer in

California waiting to verify structural

defects in a new fighter jet oh and I

suppose you think that's important well

Frank without this information 17 little

girls in Miss homeys class won't know

where to put a fish fork

not to easy

come on guys I've got legal in New York

waiting to clear my copy I need the feds

and what are we doing huddling around it

for warmth take a number

everyone may I have your attention


there's a very important piece of

business I need to discuss with you it

has to do with the fax machine yeah we

need another one I don't think so not

after checking over these pills seems as

though some of us like to use this

expensive piece of office equipment for

our own personal use for instance on one

given day

Marv's wife fax from a grocery list

Murphy set up a basketball poll in ten

states and everyone fax the new Dan

Quayle joke to Letterman this is a

serious piece of office equipment it is

not repeat not a toy Oh fine

the Xerox is not a toy the paper

shredder is not a toy the mail chute is

not a toy what are we supposed to do for

fun around here anyway I would be happy

if you took the blasted thing back where

it came from what happened to the days

where the reporter had to actually leave

the building to get his story he didn't

need one of these he just grabbed a good

old-fashioned Dixon Ticonderoga and as

far as I'm concerned it's still the best

cheap reliable and you don't electrocute

yourself if you take it into the bathtub


all right I'll say it one more time the

fax machine is for appropriate office

use holy semester

finally miles I'm a little confused

about something our love letters

considered appropriate office use

didn't I just finished telling everyone

don't you text that one from a secret


dear miles you don't know me we work in

the same building and I often see you in

the elevator

I've never done anything like this

before but I wasn't sure how else to

approach you I think you're very

attractive I'd like to know all about

you and see if perhaps we're soul mates

this isn't the place for this oh if

you're interested please fax me back

sincerely Miss X miles got a girlfriend

oh oh I get it

very funny Murphy a fake letter sorry to

disappoint but I didn't believe it for a

second my oh that's definitely not me

look at it there's nothing in there that

says you should meet her up on the roof

wearing only red jockey shorts and high

tops what kind of person would have to

meet someone this way well maybe she's

the woman you've waited your whole life

for but the only way you can answer is

by fax and I guess that wouldn't be

appropriate office use yeah maybe she's

gonna end up thinking you're not

interested I'm not just just the kind of

reaction you come to expect when you

have a highly visible job like mine

besides I hardly think I need to respond

to something like this to meet women now

what is this a paid holiday misters work





thank you

nothing it's just a small technical

glitch I've got it under control no

really it's okay hey what's going on

machine I did not

it's just this letter I'm sending to a

man mr. Sydney Jones from Boise Idaho

this what we have to look forward to in

the 21st century handle these things

I've always been mechanically adept last

year I made a spice rack for Dora's okay

thanks well go on a bunch of business

all of you sure by the way miles did you

remember to tell ms X that you qualify

for the good driver discount what do you

mean this letter reading upside down is

just one of my many skills

lucky man you old Paxson over

say you're owed back to the woman huh

well this is an original approach you're

sending her your resume Hey gimme a

break you guys I've never had to impress

a woman in 50 words or less it's very

simple mouth a woman always appreciates

security tell her you have a diversified

portfolio a decent pension and the money

market fund that way when you drop dead

at 50 because you work like a dog your

whole life she'll know she'll be well

provided for

that's the attractive middle-aged woman

who's easy pickings for any strapping

young pool boy who sodas in looking for

a meal ticket don't listen to him miles

women want a sensitive man

confessed to a few vulnerabilities if

you don't have any makes them up I

usually say that I cried when I read

Anna Karenina and that the best part of

sex is holding each other afterwards

this is a frightening glimpse into the

male brain less than to a woman miles

the most important part is romance

tell her you're still an old-fashioned

guy who still thinks expensive jewelry

is an appropriate gift

forget them if you want to get anywhere

with this woman take lessons from a

problem okay dear miss my dear miss X no

my dearest miss X my heart my soul may I

compliment you on your courage and

taking the first step see she's probably

worried that you think she's too

aggressive so you have to relay that

fear right off I say get right to the

point I Drive a brand new BMW and wear

an unusually large shoe

save it I'm already on the third

sentence I went in a witty / charming

direction another one of you Jesse Helms

jokes that'll really get mild some

action I appreciate what you're trying

to do for me but I think this was a


nothing that's gonna come from this

anyway it's not how people start a


well hey miles at least have a look at

what I've written it's really good I

don't know if you don't mind just like

forget about poor miles hey it's his

life we wasted enough time let's get

back to work

thanks Frank I think that's for me no I

don't think so unless you look

particularly cute yesterday coming out

of the men's room cleaning your glasses

this must be from my secret admirer the

little tiger wrote her back no Frank it

is for me I wrote her back and sign

miles Meggie what Oh Murphy this time

you've gone and done it

you'd better go pick up some number 25

sunblock you're going straight to hell

Frank it was a challenge just sitting

there waiting to be made you know how I

am about a challenge let me ask you

something Murphy are you planning on

telling him about this or is he just

gonna find out at the wedding I good or


this woman is hooked Murphy just screed

your piece on the IRS I think we should

all use fake names on the credits this

week let's go into my office and talk

about that miles and other things

what other things white why are you

being so nice to me Frank if you like

join us bye

so miles have a seat make yourself

comfortable no thank you all standing

okay miles you remember that secret

admirer who wrote to you last week well

there's been an interesting development

in that area let me just preface this

first by saying that I've done something

something people don't usually expect a

Murphy Brown a warm and caring kind of

gesture are reaching out sort of giving

type of thing somewhere between a fairy

godmother and saintliness although I

don't what have you done Murphy I wrote

Miss X back and signed your name what

you wrote her a letter well not a letter

16 letters these are hers and these are

copies of the ones you sent I can't

believe this this is an invasion of

privacy a destruction of trust a moral

and legal injustice and just a little

sick I'm surprised at your reaction I

thought I was doing you a favor likes me

I know she says I'm the best man she

ever had facts with

look at Tuesdays later the third pair of

yeah hey I'm funny I'm philosophical to

people who are afraid to rock the boat

have no business being in the boat in

the first place I like me can I say my

else you have a way with words she's

good too

accidents are a fool's explanation for

destiny deep deep Oh


what did I say when she asked which

three people would I want to be stranded

on a desert island with Albert Einstein

William Shakespeare and Sarah Lee

because if you're stuck on a desert

island with a couple of dead guys you

might as well enjoy yourself a sense of

humor that's very important in me so

when you get around to the next letter

well here's the thing you're past the

pen pal stage this one just arrived she

wants to meet you tonight it fills oh

boy so happening so fast I don't know if

I'm ready for this you better be ready

she's smart and funny and exciting and

I've worked too hard for you to let her

get away you're right I have to meet her

after all I'm the kind of guy who

chooses to embrace life and all its




Murphy hey got your home what are you

doing here

you're supposed to be meeting miss exit

Phil's in 20 minutes I know I was all

ready to go and then I looked in the

mirror and miles Silverberg looked back

a boring guy in boring blue blazer in

gray slacks you gotta help me Murphy

you know what his axe is expected what

do you think my sweater guy no come on

she's closed four times but bakers are

in spasm for Dewey buttons you're a

sweater guy v-neck cardigan crewneck

crew neck brace up slovers running shoes

running shoes okay

it's khaki scooter escheat jeans okay go

with the loafers blokes good do you have

any without tassels oh good

have you plan on moving in I'd better

warn you she can't cook won't clean and

I think I'll ask boyfriends buried under

the porch

miles has a date of these embarrassing

is gender a date all right I all we need

here is the right look something that

says I am your man let's try this it's

putting that back up

at least she knows what I look like I

don't even know that you mean you've

never met the lady a courageous young

lad she could be how should I say it a

dog or not she could carry a knife they

frequently do I remember once and for

did you get back to work before your

paint settles don't worry you're gonna

do fine one last bit of advice if she

invites you back over to a place make

know the nearest exit and never take off

your shoes


why am I worrying about this it doesn't

matter what I wear I can't live up to

those letters quiz B Murphy art-deco yes

bonsai trees no they don't cookie miles

come on you're making yourself miserable

I think this is a good time to remind

you that miss axe was attracted to you

long before she got any of my letters

and if she's smart she should be worried

right now whether she's good enough for

you not your letters but you being

ridiculous aren't I

I mean I'm a Harvard graduate I'm

running a network news magazine I

finished the Capitol Hill 10k guys like

me are hard to find

you're a Murphy got nothing to worry


there you go miles you're gonna have a

terrific evening trust me on this I just

wish you hadn't told her I sang backup

on we are the world


oh god what are you doing here I'm so

conscious and I'll go away go oh well

nice attitude after I Drive all this way

to save you from a shoe mistake here

these are better I'm sorry I guess I'm

still a little nervous oh hey hey you're

right these are much better

okay then Murphy thanks for stopping by

drive carefully I want to watch Myles

I won't say anything I'll sit where he

won't even see me come on you wouldn't

be here if it weren't for me okay okay

you could stay hey there Murphy miles so

tonight's the big day great is it in the

post now oh don't take it so seriously

miles it's not like your whole futures

rested on this one day although this

woman may be the one what tell are you

doing Murphy I'm just trying to give the

guy some encouragement it's not like

he's any good at this nobody came in

here with that Jackie woman issue I

can't take this anymore you're on your

own miles but let me just say you did

the right thing deciding the meter here

if you're looking for romance Phil's is

definitely the place to find it

Oh God well but that's her I know that's

her get real miles you're dreaming hello

miles I'm Madeline Stillwell his ex hi

I'm smiles liver bird miles Silverberg

hi I'm urfi Brown nice to meet you and

Murphy was just about to not be here oh


see you later Murphy drive carefully

okay okay I'm going

why don't we sit down you know usually

first dates are so awkward but I feel

like I know you already you know what I

mean yeah so uh we work in the same

building yeah I work in the claims

department for Blue Cross ah that's very


not really I just listen to people whine

about their health problems all day


divorced no have you sure I like your

hair very much what's that supposed to


nothing it's it's a compliment you're

very pretty

I hate being pretty guys are afraid to

approach you you end up staying home

alone at night eating junk food and

worrying about all that ozone layer

stuff world's a disgusting mess

why bother living

you like to see a menu

look I don't mean to be rude but could

you sit still it's very annoying

Chad's down the street lots of empty

booths knock yourself out

gee I never knew this place had a

bouncer well now you know my fault I

mistook this for a civilized planet hey

accidents happen no accidents are a

fool's explanation for destiny where'd

you hear that I didn't hear it anywhere

it's mine if you want to use it you'll

have to pay me a royalty now would you

mind you know it just occurred to me

people who are afraid to rock the boat

have no business being in the boat in

the first place I read someplace that

chocolate is proof of God's love hate

attitude toward mankind when I die I

want to be buried at sea off the

Martha's Vineyard ferry ever wonder who

you might want to be stranded on a

desert island with Albert Einstein

William Shakespeare and Sarah Lee guys

you might as well enjoy yourself

no you didn't mention in your letters

about your hammer toe problem

you don't have to tell you you're

nothing like your letters yes I am why

wouldn't I be here how about that

Wolfgang Mozart I expected you to be

more assertive but maybe that's good

though to tell you the truth I didn't

get most of what you're talking about

anyway you know if we're gonna make this

work I need you to be more nurturing can

you do that I don't know most men can't

my last boyfriend was like that

very cold dispassionate actually you

didn't say how intimate you expect to

get on the first date oh come on you did

yes I did bad well why didn't you put

that in one of your letters because I

didn't think it was appropriate for

miles to have been in a steam bath with

Phyllis Schlafly in the first place

remember oh right right but I have to

tell you I am so relieved to find out it

isn't someone named Miles Silverberg I

was so attracted to I know exactly what

you mean

you know she fought me every step of the

way and consequently had doubts oh boy

they're gonna be perfect for each other

how would you like to go somewhere for a

dinner of pancakes and bacon

you know those thin kind of pancakes

that are brown at the edges and go for a

drive with the top down to Chesapeake

Bay into a little Club where they play

all the oldies and dance till we drop

and go home and sit by the fire and

watch a tape of fellini's the white

sheik you read my mind

should we tell them what and ruin their

date do you think I should get this



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