02x12 - The Strike

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Murphy Brown". Aired: November 14, 1988 – May 18, 1998.*
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Murphy Brown is the star reporter of "FYI," a newsmagazine series.
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02x12 - The Strike

Post by bunniefuu »

the one thing that is certain tonight is that 30 years after coming to power

fidel castro remains a charismatic and uncompromising presence in the western


thank you, murphy. this has been another edition of f.y.i.

good night.

and we're clear.

i'd like to thank everyone for your undivided attention.

it's nice to know my colleagues... (phone ringing)

...appreciate my work.

stage... yeah, hold on.

carl, it's the union.

yeah, uh-huh. uh-huh.

you guys on strike, carl?

damn, they put me on hold.

the network wants to break the technicians.

the network doesn't want a strike.

give me a break.

we're david, they're goliath.

whose side are you on?

(loud, heated chattering) all right now.

i was going to stay neutral but darn it, you're my friends.

i belong to the same health club as several network execs.

this afternoon a source told me things look good.

oh, yeah?

i heard from one of the hookers over at the hotel where they're negotiating.

she told me there was a fist fight.

a union guy was carted off to the hospital.

it wasn't one of our guys.

it was one of theirs.

he had a nervous breakdown.

i heard... i heard it was food poisoning.

somebody left the rumaki out all night and the whole room got sick.

(chattering) who's touching me?!

come on, people.

haven't you been through enough negotiations to know

you can't trust rumors?

besides, i know for a fact there won't be a strike.

all: oh, really?

my source is very dependable.

hey, if murphy says no strike that's good enough for me.

she's the best damn newswoman in the business and i'd stake my life on her.

yeah... what?

we're on strike.

just wait till i get my hands on koppel.

i don't know if i can

cross that picket line another day.

it brings back bad memories.

in the miss america pageant, i walked through protesters

who called the pageant a meat market.

oh, go on.

it's true.

someone threw a pork chop at me.

i can still see that woman pulling it out of her purse

peeling off the freezer wrap aiming... now, no one's going to be throwing pork chops


(elevator dings) jim: frank, what happened?

water balloons.

must have been a hundred of them.

come on, seven or eight, tops. you took off at the speed of light and left


i didn't take off.

i saw somebody i knew.

yeah, somebody named "help, help-- it's a cashmere jacket!"

god, i hate this strike.

(elevator dings) morning, troops, silverberg.

mr. kinsella, good morning.

i know this week has been a strain but i want to assure you that we here at the

network are doing everything

we possibly can... to bring this strike to a swift and equitable


the network walked out of the negotiations.

their demands were totally unreasonable.

how can you end a strike when no one's talking? going back to the bargaining table would be

taken as a sign of weakness.

i think i see the real issue here.

why don't you guys just pull down your pants i'll get a ruler, and we'll settle this

once and for all.

now, murphy, murphy, murphy. we all know tensions are running a little


we wouldn't want to say anything we might regret later.

i've got an informant coming on the show tonight.

he's going to blow the whistle on a major defense contractor.

it's taken me months to get this guy to step forward.

brownie, brownie... we've hired the best non-union crew we could

find supplemented with office personnel with extensive

emergency training.

so, i expect you all on the set tonight.


if we all work together, we can end this strike.

jim: as much as i miss our crew doing a live show with an untested support

team does get the old juices flowing.

you can almost feel the electricity, can't you frank?

is this toupee on straight?

i'm not used to putting it on myself.

it feels weird.

oh, i hate this stupid rug! why do they make me wear it?

one of these days i'll show up without it.

does it look okay, corky? you look like my third cousin russell.

his parents were brother and sister.

murphy: and this is our studio.

all the activity you see is perfectly normal.

what can we do to make you feel more comfortable? show me all the exit doors every one of them--

i've got to know.

it's a mental thing.

miles... i'd like you to meet mr.

x-- our defense contract informant.

miles silverberg, executive producer of f.y.i. thank you for coming.

we'll be using the most advanced technologies available

to disguise his identity.

why don't you explain them to him? we're going to blur your face with those little

dot things and then make your voice sound like a munchkin.

thank you, miles.

okay, people, 20 seconds to air.

good luck, murphy.

i'll be up in the booth making sure everything goes smoothly.

stupid thing.

i can't get a picture.

why can't i get a picture? have you tried turning it on?

oh. all right, five seconds to air.

miles: okay, here we go, people.

we can do this if we all pull together.

director: ready graphics... ready theme...

cue graphics.

stage manager: one, two, three... cue theme.

(theme music plays at various speeds) miles: okay, nobody panic!

one mistake-- no big deal.

that's the charm of live television.

this is live? did you know this was live?

all right, cue jim. good evening.

for your information tonight: frank fontana spends 24 harrowing hours

on patrol with the guardian angels while corky sherwood gets a private tap dancing

lesson from broadway star tommy tune.

but first, in an exclusive report murphy brown exposes a major defense contracting

scandal... what's he doing?!

b camera, wake up! murphy: over the last five years

the shark m*ssile has been a lightning rod... hey, that's not the right shot.

miles: get off frank! what are you doing on frank?!

get off frank! switch.

now! now!

i did.

murphy: a man who worked for creighton industries on the shark m*ssile...

miles: get off frank! ...we'll call "mr. x." mr. x, weren't you in the accounting division?


yes, that's true.

murphy: mr. x, i know this is going to be difficult

but just tell our audience exactly what you told me.

director: back it up.

back the dot up.

move the dot. why is the dot moving?

miles: it's going towards murphy. it's going to touch her!

miles: why does murphy have a black dot on her face?!

get the dot off! get it off!

will you shut up?! get the dot off her face!

director: lose the dot! lose the dot!

it's all over her!

get it off! director: pull the dot back off!

oh! give me..!

give it..! ow!

murphy, murphy, the dot's off! murphy!

murphy! murphy: if there's so much at risk... (miles screeching in earphone) ...why come


mr. x: these people are stealing from us.

it looks like we have to wrap it up.

the corruption goes to the highest level-- the chief executive officer

mr. robert geary... we promised him a dot!

i want a dot! mr. x: ...and the senior v.p.

of sales-- mr. alan gould.

that's g-o-u-l-d, gould.

these people are a blight on society.

whoa! that's all the time...

homeless people everywhere hospitals without funding...

no! miles: oh, god!

look at that! look at..!

you said i'd be safe-- that i could trust you.

i'm a dead man! will you repatch it!

i think we fixed it.


back to you, jim. ?? ba-doo ?? ??sha-na-na-na, sha-na-na-na-na??

?? get a job ?? ??sha-na-na-na, sha-na-na-na-na??

?? get a job ?? ??sha-na-na-na??


?? yip-yip-yip-yip- yip-yip-yip-yip ?? ?? moom-moom-moom- moom-moom-moom ??

?? get a job! ?? oh-ho, hey!

great show, guys.

yeah, you guys really stunk up the airwaves tonight.

gee, phil, don't hold anything back.

if you're looking for sympathy, you came to the wrong place.

these guys spend twice the time and half the money.

i'll have to can phyllis's personal fitness trainer

and just when she was beginning to look good in those toreador pants again.

let's hope it doesn't come to that.

now, how about the usual for my team and a round of beers

for my comrades on the picket line.

burgers go real good with beer, miles.

and burgers for everyone.

no dessert?

phil, can i talk to you privately?

not now, miles.

i have $300 worth of burgers to make.

phil's right.

these damn strikes hurt everyone.

i wish there was something we could do.

let's just refuse to cross the picket line.

maybe that will start some action.

yeah--legal action.

you've all got contracts.

i know! we'll give back a little of our salaries so

the union could get a raise.


thanks for the beers, guys.

sorry about the water balloons, frank. we weren't aiming at you.

oh, now hold on a second, guys.

you think just because i wear a suit and tie i automatically side with the network?


do you like ice cream, dwayne?

carl, you're the union rep... it's management.

they won't give an inch.

they say you won't.

somebody's got to move.

we can't move first.

it would be taken as a sign of weakness.

blame management.

come on, our beer's getting warm.

john's under a lot of financial pressure.

his wife just had her teeth bonded. this is ridiculous.

we can't go through another show like that.

i'm going to do something.

oh, geez. i'm scared.

uh-oh. i'll invite both sides to my house and i'll

mediate a settlement.

is a person who tried to run down her mechanic over a billing dispute

the right one for the job? all right, you'll see.

carl, i have an interesting proposition for you.

i'd like you to come to my place tomorrow night.

sweet lord, my prayers have been answered.

i want to talk about the strike.

i'll get gene kinsella to come and maybe we can get a dialogue started.

murphy, the union has a negotiating team.

we could have some cake and coffee.

what's the harm?

please, don't make me choose between my union and you.

i'd never ask you to do that but i will wear those black pumps you like so much

[music] god forgive me i'm putty in your hand

[music] okay the baseboards the library have

have been sanded and primed to perfection

it is now decision time navajo white or eggshell

not now l do know be here any minute you pick a color so you can come to me in

six weeks and go oh elden how i hate my baseboards each time

i look at them i'm reminded of my apathy no this has got to be your decision

because the wrong baseboard can throw up and upset the whole college just show me

the samples all right they're the same color i worry about you

i really do now the navajo has a clear undertone of gray while the eggshell is

too fused with your shell i'll take the eggshell okay okay blood in a long run i

think you'd be happier with the navajo oh god they're here eldon do me a favor

i baked a cake would you put it on a platter while i get the door i don't

know i'm still trying to get over this eggshell thing right

[music] hello, murphy.

hi, carl. john, what are you doing here?

knowing how disoriented carl gets around you we decided he shouldn't try this on his own.

i still say that's ridiculous.

here, murphy, in honor of my first visit to your home--

it's a rose quartz crystal.

it stimulates the love impulse.

(doorbell rings) the door! guys, make yourselves comfortable.

gene, thank you for coming.

okay, so my star reporter's not coming down with the flu, right?

i'm feeling better already.


john, carl, you know gene kinsella.

(mumbling:) we met somewhere.

yeah, i know him.

so, why don't we all sit down?

that's okay. we'll stand.

my back's tight.

i'll stand too.

come on, don't tell me you're going to stand all evening.

isn't that just a little bit silly?




there are plenty of chairs.

just pick one.

pick one and sit.

go on.

okay, this is not a problem.

look over there.

see that?

another chair just like it.

exactly down to the last detail.

uh, i tell you what.

gene, why don't you take this chair.

john, you take that chair and i'll sit on the couch.

great, we've accomplished something already.

maybe if we get to know each other we can get some dialogue started.

that's basically why we're here-- to visit, to talk

to get to know each other a little.

i myself was born in philadelphia in the spring.

may, 1948. and gene, did you know that john has two boys

almost the same age as debbie and elyse?

what are their names, john?

john, jr. and the other one?



there, we're talking because we found something you have in common--


god bless them.

i want a houseful.

what about you, murphy? and christmas is right around the corner.

maybe we could have a little party so the kids could all meet.

with this strike, my kids won't have a christmas.

you'd be back to work if you'd give a little.

there's management's definition of negotiating-- you give, we take.

oh, that old song again.

we're always the bad guys.

do you have any idea how competitive tv is today?

all you do is complain.

hey, now we're communicating.

ooh, doesn't that look good?

why don't we take a five and have some cake?

i baked it myself as a gesture of friendship so that we may all partake of it and rejoice.

eldin, would you pass it around?

i put it on a platter.

i brought it out here.

you want it served, hire somebody named "babette." who was that?

he's my painter.

must be union.

here we go-- more jokes about overpaid, lazy union guys.

gene only meant that some old union rules are a little costly for today's market.


i ate already.

let's cut some of these corporate expense accounts.

i deserve every penny i get.

john only meant you're not under the same financial pressure.

have some cake. i'm not hungry.

if we didn't have to pay three guys to move a cable

we could pay him more.

here's your cake, john. i said i don't want it.

you'd just keep that money as an extra bonus.

doesn't this look good?


let's talk about bonuses.

what's your overtime now - 10,000 an hour?

carl, cake?

murphy, i'm in love, not insane.

okay, i've had it.

who do you think you are playing games with people's lives?

you're putting your own egos before the good of our profession.

i'll tell you something.

i'm locking that door.

you're not leaving here until we can come up with a deal.

and until that cake is gone, and i mean every crumb!

i sweat b*ll*ts over that thing-- no mix, no microwave.

i separated eggs, i pre-sifted. we're talking scratch, baby!

so grab a pencil and grab a fork! you're not leaving here until i let you out.

have i made myself clear?

murphy: ...and as a result of this program the chief executive officer of creighton industries

will appear before a grand jury to answer charges

that creighton willfully defrauded the government.

jim? and our mr.

x has landed on his feet.

yes, he has, jim. all three networks have entered into a bidding

w*r to turn his story into a television movie.

well, i vote for jill eikenberry to play you.

thank you for joining us.

this has been another edition of f.y.i. and we're clear.

congratulations! show #1 of a new three-year contract.

whoa, wait a minute.

does this mean i've got to spend three years with vito?

i want hazard pay.

that's it.

next week i zoom into that weasel on your head.

whoa, come on, come on... great show, everyone.

good to have the old "a" team back.

speaking for myself, the past is the past.

i don't believe in holding a grudge. you feel the same way, right, dwayne?

jim: what do you say we all go across the street

and raise a glass to the federal mediator? that guy comes in for one day and gets all

the credit.

i got them talking in the first place.

you've told us many times.

let's go to phil's.

you treating, miles? you betcha.

hey, do you mind? we haven't even left yet.

the electricians said if we got a better deal they were walking out.

oh, i guess i'd better go home and make another...cake. ha!
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