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06x06 - Choosing My Own Way of Life

Posted: 10/26/08 23:33
by bunniefuu
Previously on "One Tree Hill"...

Bobby : We could really use a good young coach like you.

Nathan : I thought you wanted me to play.

Bobby : Well Nathan your playing days are over. Come on. You must know that.

Brooke : The magazine the line ... You can have everything.

Lindsey Do you know they didn't even want to do a book tour? What could possibly be more important than Chicago?

Lucas My wedding. It's Peyton.

Peyton : It's Mick. He's my father. He's coming over for dinner.

Mick : Shut up and pour okay?

Carrie : I'm not dead.

Dan : Sure you are.


Peyton : Why do guys insist on packing their bags at the last possible minute?

Lucas : We do it to t*rture you.

Peyton : Big day huh?

Lucas : Yeah. Anyhow the first signing's always the most stressful.

Peyton : Yeah.

Lucas : But I get to see mouth today.

Peyton : That'll be fun. I still don't understand why they're sending you to Omaha to launch the book tour.

Lucas : Well they like to generate a little buzz before the bigger markets you know? Worked for the last book.

Peyton : I wish I could go with you.

Lucas : It's not too late.

Peyton : Oh yeah. 'Cause that wouldn't be awkward. You, your fiancée, your ex-Fiancée.

Lucas : Peyton.

Peyton : I'm sorry. I know Lindsey is your editor. I just ... I'm jealous that she gets you for the next week and I get Mick.

Lucas : Great. Why do you think he's avoiding, admitting that he's your father?

Peyton : I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe he's not. Either way I will be all right. Don't worry about me.

Lucas : You know I will. I'll call you when I land.

Peyton : Yeah.

Lucas : I love you.

Peyton : I love you. Don't forget me when you're a big star Lucas Scott.

Lucas : Mm Hmm


* so many years apart I've missed *

Nathan : You know hales with everything you've been through lately I'm sure principal turner would understand

If you needed a little more time off.

Haley : I think two weeks of replaying that day in my head is enough. It's time for me to get back to my life. Besides it will be nice to have the distraction.

Nathan : If you need me you know I'm here.

Haley : Yeah.

Nathan : You know what? Let's cut through shop.

Haley : You can cut through shop?

Nathan : You were such a nerd in high school.

Haley : I was an honor student!

Nathan : Exactly. Nerd.

Haley Oh what ! "Nerd." You don't know what you'd do without me. Nathan!

Haley : So you want to tell me why you were sleeping in the backseat of a car at school?

Sam : Well it was either there or that smelly couch in the teacher's lounge. I can't believe you sit on that thing.

Haley : For the record I don't go near that thing. So tell me Where you live Because I'm pretty sure it's not in shop class.

Sam : I live in a foster home.

Haley : Okay. Well give me your number. I'm gonna need to speak with your foster parents.

Sam : Hell no. Please. That'll just make it worse. This is none of your business okay?

Haley : Sam if there's a problem at home tell me. I can get you some help.

Sam : There's not a problem. This is one of the better fosteromes I've been in. The others were ... Not so good. So it's just a little crowded. It's okay.

Haley : It's not okay Sam. Is there anybody that was worried That you didn't come home last night?

Sam : You don't get it. Nobody cares. It's kind of like being invisible. Cash their checks I don't get slapped around. That's the deal. And it's a pretty good deal. So don't screw this up for me.

Haley : Sam I can't just pretend like this didn't happen. You're 15 years old. There has to be something better for you.

Sam : You seem nice but I'm not your girl. I'm not anybody's girl. It happens.

Haley : Sam!


Brooke : Millie look who it is

Millicent : The world's best boss.

Brooke : And what are you buttering me up for?

Millicent : Nothing. We just have lots to do.

Brooke : Millie, I love you dearly but you realize we are standing in a clothing store that has no clothes in it, and I am fresh out of ideas.

Millicent : Are you sure about that?

Brooke : What is that?

Millicent : I wrote down a list of ideas.

Brooke : And then you covered them with a sheet?

Millicent : Yeah that was more for effect. I've always wanted to pull a sheet off something and say "voilà"

Brooke : All right well now's your big chance. "Go skydiving"?

Millicent : You didn't let me say "voilà?"

Brooke : I'm sorry. But look. Skydiving sounds really fun and all but how is it gonna help this company?

Millicent : Well maybe before you can heal the company, you have to heal your soul a little first.

Brooke : Ride a motorcycle. Learn to speak French. Get drunk at Oktoberfest. Watch every James Bond movie. Millie why do these all sound so familiar?

Millicent : Because they're all your ideas. You're always talking about stuff you wanted to try and Victoria either said they were stupid or you were too busy.

Brooke : So while she was telling me I couldn't do any of these things ...

Millicent : I was writing them down so someday you could. Welcome to someday Brooke Davis.


* maybe they had it made somehow * * living for there and then * * under a psychedelic spell *

Skills : Thank you. So you gonna show me something?

* still they had so much to tell * * whatever happens to the dreamers *

Skills : Hey man. What the hell was that?

Nathan : That was game.

Skills : We not working on your jumper so why would you pull up like that?

Nathan : You cut off the lane.

Skills : So don't let me cut the lane off then. What if your jumper not falling that day? So what? You too scared to get physical?

Nathan : You want physical?

Skills : Yeah.

* it's only when they close their eyes *

Skills : Hoo, Hoo. That's what I'm talking about baby.

Deb : Whoo! You're doing great honey.

Skills/Nathan : Thanks. Thanks.

Nathan : Just check the ball.


* I love you I do * * nothing's ever been this way before * * a dream is just a dream and nothing more * * nothing's ever been this way before * * a dream is just a dream and nothing more *

Peyton : Were you ever sober for an entire year?

Mick : What part of "rock guitarist" don't you get?

Peyton : That's what I thought.

Mick : If you don't mind I'll have that back.

Peyton : Why? So you can keep lying to yourself?

Mick : You wouldn't understand.

Peyton : You're right. You're right. I don't understand. I don't understand any of this. Honestly I wish you hadn't have come here.

Mick : I would have sucked at being your father! That's why Ellie and I gave you up. There I said it. Are you happy now?

Peyton : After 22 years. That is the best you can give me. There I said it?

Mick : That's all I got.

Peyton : Thanks dad. You can go now.

Mick : This is why I like being on the road.


Jamie : Hey grandpa. Where's Nanny Deb?

Dan : I'm here to pick you up today.

Jamie : Really? Cool.

Dan : So why do you want to do?

Jamie : Well that depends.

Dan : What do you and Nanny Deb usually do after school?

Jamie : Um eat lots of ice cream.

Dan : That doesn't sound like Deb. Are you sure she lets you eat ice cream after school?

Jamie : No. She makes me eat veggies instead because they'll help me grow big and strong.

Dan : You want to know a little secret? Most adults will tell you almost anything to get you to eat your veggies

and most of it's not true.

Jamie : Well carrots really do give you x-Ray vision right?

Dan : No.

Jamie : What?

* so let me in *

Jamie : So grandpa do I really get to make a wish for every Brussels sprout I eat?

Dan : No actually they taste bad for no reason at all. Come on. Hey slow down there buddy. You're gonna give yourself a brain freeze.

Jamie : Mmm. Is that good?

Dan : Well well. What have we here?

Jamie : Oh. Guess what? They kiss a lot.

* Well they said you was long gone *

You want some more?

Skills : Hey little buddy.

Jamie : Hi uncle skills. Hi Nanny Deb.

Deb : Ice cream after school and I thought I was a bad nanny.

Dan : Yeah. Well you know they ran out of all those x-Ray vision carrots.

*... and said all right *

Dan : So granny Deb can I talk to you?

* Baby doll the men who hang like flowers in your hall * * are asking when your love... *

Dan : Is skills out of high school yet?

Deb : Uh yeah Dan. He graduated the day you turned yourself in for m*rder. And if you've come here to criticize me ...

Dan : I haven't. I wanted to thank you for telling the parole board The truth about Carrie.

You did the right thing.

Deb : Did I? Are we done here?

Dan : Yeah that's all I wanted to say.

Deb : Good. Have a nice life Dan.

Dan : What's left of it.

* 'cause I can stay or honey... *

Deb : Let's go Antwon. See you at home sweetie.

* Just to wherever you tell me so * * and find my place there *

Jamie : Oh it hurts. It really hurts.

Dan : Yeah. I know how you feel.

Jamie : Oh my head.


Brooke : Hey. Did you eat all the orange chicken?

Millicent : Sorry. Mouth usually gets a the Mongolian beef and i eat all the orange chicken.

Brooke : Lucky for you I like Mongolian beef. How you doing ... Being away from him?

Millicent : To be honest I wish he'd just come home.

Brooke : If you ever decide you want to leave you just go. No questions asked.

Millicent : Thanks Brooke but you've always been there for me. I think it's my turn to be here for you.

* babydoll *


Lucas : Hi ! Lucas scott.

Lon : Lon. I'm with Putnam and Pratt.

Lucas : It's nice to meet you. So is Lindsey gonna met us at the bookstore?

Lon : No Lindsey's in New-York. I'm gonna be taking her place on the tour.

Lucas : Oh. Well i guess it's just you and me then.

Lon : Yep.

Lucas : So uh what'd you think about the book?

Lon : To be honest I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but hey it's at the top of my to do list. "Comet" right? I love science fiction.


Nathan : Taking a trip down memory lane?

Dan : I was just dropping off Jamie.

Nathan : I know.

Dan : I heard about Quentin fields. I'm sorry. He was a good basketball player.

Nathan : Yeah. You shut you know. It's a tragedy. Makes you wonder how somebody could do something like that.

Dan : It was good to see you son.

Nathan : You saved my wife. You saved my son. But you k*lled my uncle, right here where I'm standing. I don't know where that leaves us. At least my son loves you.

Dan : And my son hates me.

Nathan : Both of them.


Peyton : I thought I said you could go.

Mick : Yeah well I... thought we should talk.

Peyton : Okay. I want to know why you came here pretending not to be my real dad.

Mick : What's a real dad? I mean you got a dad And obviously he did a good job with you. So why do you have to keep pushing it?

Peyton : Because it matters!

Mick : So all this is just because I couldn't tell you the truth?

Peyton : No! No. All of this because you have ... missed my whole life And it really doesn't seem

to bother you.

Mick : You know I think you're right. It's probably a good time for me to just move on.

Peyton : Great. I'm glad we can agree on something.


* good arms versus bad arms... *

Lon : Wow. You know this turnout isn't exactly inspiring me to read your book Lucas.

Lucas : Whose brilliant idea was it to put this signing in the science Fiction section?

Lon : It's a book about space right?

Lucas : No actually um the comet's a metaphor. It's a love story.

Lon : Well you know what? We could have had this thing out in the middle of main street we wouldn't have gotten any more traffic.

Lucas : Thanks for the support.

Lon : Yeah.

Hadley : Will you sign my book?

Lucas : Yeah of course i will. What's your name?

Hadley : Hadley.

Lucas : Hadley. That's a really pretty name. You know my best friend's name is Haley, but uh ... I like "Hadley" better.

Hadley : Thanks.

Lucas : Uh actually this is a "gossip girl" book.

Hadley : I know. My favorite.

*... rest at arm's length * * when they reach out don't touch them *

Lucas : Here you go.

Hadley : Thanks.

Lucas : Mouth. Oh my god. It's good to see you man.

Mouth : Lucas Scott Big-Time writer. Am I the uh last one to arrive?

Lucas : A ... Actually you're the first.

Mouth : Oh?

Lucas : Yeah.

Mouth : Oh.


* I decided this decision some... *

Haley : When did Brooke Davis become all work and no play?

Brooke : I am actually playing right now. I'm gonna take skydiving lessons. You want to come with me?

Haley : Ah thanks but no. No thank you.

Brooke : Come on. I'm looking up the safest places to go.

Haley : Okay well I'm pretty sure they're all equally unsafe. Listen. Would you be interested in fostering a child?

Brooke : Well I guess it would depend on the situation.

Haley : Do you remember Sam? She's um She's the one that stole from your store.

Brooke : It figures she'd get pregnant. She's so young!

Haley : No she's not pregnant. It's her. She's the one that needs fostering.

Brooke : But she's so old.

Haley : Well she's 15. Look I found her sleeping in the backseat of a car in shop class And her current foster parents Didn't even know that she was gone.

Brooke : Well maybe they can foster her in jail 'Cause it's where she's headed.

Haley : I think she's just acting out for attention. It kind of reminds me of somebody else I used to know in high school.

Brooke : Haley I'm sorry but ... I can't take in a teenager right now. Find me a cute little baby in shop class we can talk about it.

Haley : That's okay. I ... I totally understand. It's just ... I think of Jamie and how I would do anything to protect him. And then I look at Sam and I wonder ... who's protecting her.


Lucas : Well this is officially embarrassing.

Mouth : Luke it's not that bad.

Lucas : I've signed exactly two books today one of which was a "gossip girl" book.

Mouth : I hear those are pretty good.

Lucas : That's not helping mouth.

Mouth : I'm sorry. Look maybe it's just Omaha.

Lucas : I doubt it. My first book sold really well here. This can't be good.

Mouth : Well then look on the bright side. You get to hang out with an old friend.

Fan : Can I get a picture?

Lucas : Yeah sure.

Fan : All right sweet. Okay. Right there. Thanks.

Mouth : Sorry Luke.

Fan : Say it.

Mouth : Actually I'd rather not.

Fan : Come on. Just say it.

Mouth : This is Marvin McFadden on sports and you've just heard a mouthful.

Fan : Nice! Thank you.

Mouth : Yeah.

Fan : Thank you.


Nathan : So how'd it go with Brooke?

Haley : She's just not ready to take in A rebellious teenager right now.

Nathan : Well ... she could stay with us.

Haley : No. I thought about that but Jamie's been through so much. It's just not a good time for him.

Yeah. So have you.

Nathan : Hello.

Mike : Nate, Mike Wilson. Listen. I heard you were looking for the opportunity to play ball again.

Nathan : Yes sir?

Mike : Well I have one for you. But it might not be exactly what you're thinking.

* come on * * wow * * wow *

Nathan : Wow. It's scary guffy for my back!

Skills : Man that can't be good for nobody's back.

Jamie : This is the coolest thing I've ever seen. You have to do this daddy.

Nathan : Yeah.


Peyton : Brooke. What is all this?

Brooke : I have to tell you something.

Peyton : Okay.

Brooke : I'm sorry but I lied to you. I didn't fall down the stairs Peyton. I was att*cked.


Nathan : So what are you thinking man?

Skills : For real?

Nathan : Yeah.

Skills : Well I was wondering if your mom would ever get back with your dad.

Nathan : Man I'm not talking about this with you.

Skills : Well you asked me what I was thinking about. That's what i was thinking about.

Nathan : That's not what I meant. And will you stop trying to act Like this situation with my mom is for real?

Skills : What's that supposed to mean?

Nathan : You know exactly what it means. The only people signing off on this are you her and Jamie okay?

Skills : Look at that boy. He's just jumping around having fun. I mean after everything he been through lately. He just keep going. Won't let nothing beat him down. That's a strong kid right there.

Nathan : He gets that from his mom.

Skills : No. He gets it from both of you.

Owen : well well. Guess it's official. They will let anyone play in this league.

Nathan : I see that. How you doing man?

Owen : Good man.

Nathan : You know skills right?

Owen : What's up skills?


Peyton : You really think Victoria could have done something like that to you?

Brooke : No. I mean I don't know. I think I needed somebody to blame.

Peyton : I wish you would have told me.

Brooke : I wanted to but I didn't know how.

Peyton : Honey, I am your best friend. I love you. That is why you have me. And it kills me that I wasn't able to be there for you.

Brooke : It's gonna sound weird but I was just really embarrassed. I felt weak ... and ... You and Luke were so happy and I did not want to ruin that for you.

Peyton : No. Hey. I never want you to think that you can't come to me for anything. I'm here for you forever.

Brooke : Promise?

Peyton : Yeah! Of course I promise. You're stuck with me.

Brooke : I'm really sorry that I've been distant. I'm trying to get back. It's just gonna take a little while.

Peyton : I'm not going anywhere ... ever.


Lon : Lucas. We need to talk.

Lucas : Okay but please when we get to Seattle, don't set me up in the science fiction section.

Lon : There isn't gonna be a Seattle.

Lucas : And what about the best of the tour?

Lon : It's over. I'm sorry.

Lucas : Because of one bad signing?

Lon : Let's face it. If they didn't come out to see you here in Omaha they're not gonna come see you in the bigger markets.

Lucas : I need to talk to Lindsey. She believes in this book.

Lon : It wasn't her decision. And if it makes you feel any better she didn't agree with it.

Lucas : That's why you didn't read the book.

Lon : Lucas

Lucas : You are ... You knew this was gonna happen. They sent you to deliver the bad news. What are you the grim reaper?

Lon : I've been called worse.

Lucas : I'm sure you have.

Lon : I am sorry Lucas. Go home write another book. I promise I'll read the next one.


* guess it ends here *

Brooke : Oh.

Peyton : Dude do you know what this reminds me of? What? Um remember second grade when you found out how much money Martha Stewart made and you started your own cookie business?

Brooke : Oh my god, Brookies.


Peyton : The only thing worse than the name was the actual cookie.

Brooke : They were not that bad

Peyton : They were terrible! And you almost burnt my house down.

Brooke : No. No I didn't.

Peyton : Yes you did!

Brooke : I did not. I set off one smoke detector and your dad acted like i almost burned the house down. He was so mad at me.

Peyton : No he was just worried about us.

Brooke : It felt kind of nice to have somebody worried for a change.

Peyton : Hey speaking of Larry. Uh you're not the only one keeping secrets. I probably should have told you this. I've met my birth dad.

Brooke : What?

Peyton : Yeah it's Mick . The guitarist.

Brooke : Are you serious? What's he like?

Peyton : Ohh. Um... he's a mess. I mean it's cool that he's a musician But he's just really not what i expected him to be.

Brooke : Yeah I'm sorry Peyton. I know how it feels. If only we could pick our parents.

Peyton : Yeah but then you look at Larry and it's pretty cool when they get to pick you.


Mouth : I'm sorry Omaha wasn't everything. You hoped it would be Luke.

Lucas : Oh it isn't that bad. At least, which one book sinning today was mine ? How about you huh? Is Omaha everything you hoped it would be?

Mouth : I like it here. I mean they love their sports. You should see this place during the college world series. The whole city gets into it. I have the job I've always dreamed of.

Lucas : Well it sounds like you're right at home.

Mouth : That's the thing. It's not home. At least not without Millie.

Lucas : Yeah how is that working for you?

Mouth : It hasn't been easy. The truth is I'm kind of lost without her but she knows how important this job is to me, so we'll make it work.

Lucas : I'm sure you will.

Mouth : So you're headed back to tree hill. You gonna be okay?

Lucas : I'll survive. Like my mom always says you know "Whenever you're having a bad day, Someone else out there is having a worse day. So just stop and focus on all the good things." I mean think about it. She's right. Today I got to hang out with one of my best friends and then tonight, I get to go home to Peyton.

Mouth : Sounds like a pretty good day.

Lucas : I mean I'm not gonna lie. I was really looking forward to this book tour. I guess, I just thought that... I'd be on top of the world for a couple weeks.

Mouth : Yeah me too.


Owen : Hey what's up Jamie? How you doing buddy?

Jamie : Sorry Owen. I'm on team Brooke.

Nathan : Did it just get cold in here?

Owen : Yeah I don't blame him. I screwed that up.

Nathan : It's none of my business man.

Owen : So what you think man? You gonna come play for us? We need a scorer.

Nathan : I ... I don't know.

Owen : It's fun out there Nate flying through the air. Nothing like it.

Nathan : I'm just worried my back Can't take something like this right now.

Owen : It's not as bad as it looks. Besides they got springs in the floor. It's gonna be easier on your back than hardwood.

Nathan : Yeah but on a hardwood floor the other players can't knock you out.

Owen : Just remember They can't hit you if they can't catch you.

Nathan : Ohh.

Owen : That won't be you.


Mouth : How do I look?

Millicent : For a guy wearing too much makeup you look pretty cute.

Mouth : Thanks. I miss you. Omaha's just not the same without you.

Millicent : Tree hill's not the same without you. Have a good show. Call me later. Hi. I was just heading home. What do you got there?

Brooke : Cookies. They're mostly burnt but it's the thought that counts. Enjoy.

Millicent : Thanks. Um I added a few more ideas to the list.

Brooke : "Be a mom."

Millicent : It's no fun being alone.


Mouth : Okay before we jump into the day's scores I wanted to follow up on a story we did a couple of weeks ago about Darren rivers. Now for those of you who just landed on earth. He's the Pro-Bowl quarterback who shocked the world last month, when he retired from the NFL. Turning down a $60 million contract extension, so, he could spend more time with his family. Now naturally, I put up a crazy meter With Darren's face in the middle of it. I gave him an out of 10. Well, it turns out he might be the least crazy all of us. !you see he just realized that money isn't everything. I think sometimes we all lose sight of what really matters the most. Darren rivers just figured it out before I did. So Darren please accept my sincere apology, and I'm officially moving you down the crazy meter from an 8 to a 3. Because let's face it you still turned down $60 million. In the American league...

Lucas : Hello?

Peyton : Hi. How's my favorite author?

Lucas : He was just thinking about his fiancée.

Peyton : Oh well should I give you five minutes?

Lucas : No I was just packing.

Peyton : You off to Seattle?

Lucas : Um ... Actually I'm coming home. They canceled my book tour.

Peyton : What are you talking about? Why?

Lucas : It doesn't matter.

Peyton : No, it does matter. You worked so hard for this.

Lucas : Hey it's okay Peyton. I still have you and that's all that really matters. Besides this book brought us back together so ... It's the best thing I've ever written.

Peyton : You come home to me then.

Peyton : I love you.

Lucas : I love you too. I'll be home soon. Bye.

Mouth : Two words Batting practice. Pass it on. This isn't soccer. That's it Omaha. I'm Marvin McFadden on sports and you've just heard a mouthful. We'll be right back after this.


Sam : What are you doing here?

Brooke : It's kind of late to be out alone.

Sam : Well I don't have a curfew.

Brooke : Yeah. Hmm. I didn't have a curfew either. When i was your age it was just me and my parents' credit cards.

Sam : Lucky you.

Brooke : Not really. It would have been nice to have someone to talk to.

Sam : Parents are overrated.

Brooke : Sometimes. Two weeks ago my mom told me she never wanted me.

Sam : Well... my mom gave me up when I was born so in a way she told me she didn't want me. At least she didn't wait 35 years like yours did.

Brooke : I'm not 35! Do Ii look 35 to you?!

Sam : I don't know. Uh look I got to get going. Like you said it's getting late.

Brooke : Listen. Look I know this is ... Totally out of the blue and I'm surprising myself by saying it but ... I have an extra room and it's yours if you want it. You can come and go as you please ... Whatever. So what do you say?

Sam : I don't need this. I can take care of myself.

Brooke : Yeah I know you can. You shouldn't have to right now.

* moon pours through the ceiling tonight *

Brooke : Sam if you're that uncomfortable in my house, you can always sleep in my car.

* shows me we're right for each other *


Peyton : You don't come around for 22 years and now you won't go.

Mick : Well I wanted to leave you with something. This chip is the only truly meaningful thing that I own and um now it's yours. That was Ellie's the year she was pregnant with you. And uh ... to tell the truth you saved her life Peyton. She was hell bent on staying sober during the pregnancy and that was hard for her. But it was so much harder giving you up.

* only the heartaches have given me sight *

Peyton : Then why did she?

Mick : Because we thought there was a better life for you out there. We couldn't raise a kid not in our world. But I don't think Ellie ever really got past it.

Peyton : Why didn't you just tell me that?

Mick : I don't know. Maybe didn't want to mess with the picture you had in your head of what your birth father was really like. Something better than me something more heroic. I guess I just didn't want to disappoint you.

* more than yesterday *

Mick : Anyhow i uh made a few calls. I'm gonna jump on the last leg Of this tour for a few weeks. It's what I do. I'm sorry.

* only the heartaches have given me sight *

Mick : People always leave? Sometimes that's a good thing huh? But for what it's worth you're doing great kid. I'll see ya.

Peyton : Mick. Thank you.

Mick : For what?

Peyton : For giving me up.

* yeah, yeah *


Deb : Oh. Ugh.

Skills : Hey. These are for you. I just figured you deserve to be with somebody who gave you flowers.

Deb : Mmm. They're perfect.


Lucas : Hey! Saw the show.

Mouth : What'd you think?

Lucas : You were great mouth.

Mouth : Thanks. What time's your flight?

Lucas : About an hour.

Mouth : Well I have this crazy idea. What if you didn't get on it?

Lucas : No offense mouth but I can't be your Millie.

Mouth : What do you think about driving back?

Lucas : You're coming home.

Mouth : I guess I never really left.

Lucas : Yeah but what about your dream job?

Mouth : Dream job or dream girl?

Lucas : Dream girl.

Mouth : No contest. Although I'm kind of becoming the flakiest employee ever but I don't care. I miss Millie and I miss my friends. It just took me a little while to realize what was important.

Lucas : All right? let's do it.

Mouth : Yes!

Lucas : But I'm driving. You got a book to read.

Mouth : Are you gonna make me read your book? With you sitting right next to me?

Lucas : Cover to cover. I may even quiz you.

Mouth : Well it's a good thing I like science fiction.

Lucas : Ohh.

* the subject of some new disgrace * * her whole story was so obvious to me *


Haley : Did you make the team?

Nathan : Well that all depends on what my wife thinks. This league is different.

Haley : Different how?

Nathan : Well. It's called slamball.

Haley : It's called slamball?

Nathan : Yeah.

Haley : That sounds physical.

Nathan : It's not... really. It's a lot of dunking and it's kind of... It's called slamball. Uh... Look here's the thing. I'm not ready to give it up yet But no team is gonna give me a tryout Unless I prove that I'm healthy. So I thought this would ... I don't know.

Haley : You really think you can still play?

Nathan : I know I can.

Haley : And no one else will give you a tryout? Make that shot.

Nathan : Okay. Back up now and try it again. One more time.

*... when we got married * * there were things I never said *

Haley : They are crazy not to give you a tryout. Ugh. Go play slamball.

Nathan : Yeah?

Haley : Yeah. And this is officially a comeback Nathan Scott.

* You know when a heart's in pain ** There's nobody... *

Brooke : So this is it. Check it out.

* The only light under the doctor's knife * * is that we're the same * * hearts in hearts in hearts in *

Brooke : This is your room.

Sam : I've never had my own room before.

Brooke : No boys.

Sam : Yeah.

* The battles you fight in the w*r of your life * * are hard to explain * * hearts in hearts in hearts in *

Brooke : I love you too P. Sawyer.

* You know when a heart's in pain *

Peyton : Hi dad. How are you? No no no. Everything's okay. I just uh... I just want to tell you that i love you and thanks for being my dad. I miss you too.

* to make this go away *


Haley : Hey little man. You've been through a lot lately. How you doing?

Jamie : I have nightmares sometimes. I get scared.

Haley : You do? You want to know a secret?

Jamie : Sure.

Haley : So do I. Hey i have an idea. How about I sleep in here tonight Just in case I get scared?

Jamie : Okay. I'll protect you.

Haley : Oh! Okay.

Nathan : What if I get scared?

Jamie : I'll protect you too.

Nathan : My hero.

Jamie : Oh geez.

Nathan : Ohh.

Jamie : I didn't know it was gonna get that crowded!


Lucas : So, what do you think of the book so far?

Mouth : Dude seriously. Quit asking me. I will throw this book out the window.

Lucas : That's the only signed one in the world. It's a collector's item. We'll always have Omaha, Mouth.

Mouth : You just said a Mouthful.

Lucas : Nice.