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06x05 - You’ve Dug Your Own Grave, Now Lie in It

Posted: 10/13/08 15:50
by bunniefuu
Previously on One Tree Hill

Peyton : Hi Mick Wolf !

Mick : You look just like her.

Haley : One of my best friends Brooke owns clothes over bros and she sent you a gift.

Brooke : My store was robbed and I was att*cked. I'm calling the lawyers tomorrow and I'm divesting my interests in clothes over bros. Now you have a company and no daughter.

Nathan : I'm gonna do this.

Jamie : Hey daddy when you play in the NBA, you should play for the bobcats.

Lindsey : I'm sorry Lucas. I can't marry you.

Lucas : I love you.

Peyton : yes.

Lucas : You didn't let me ask you.

Peyton : yes baby yes.

Jamie : Mama! It's grandpa Dan! he's dead!

Haley : No buddy. he's alive. Grandpa Dan is alive I promise.

Jamie : Then can we go see him?

Carrie : I am going to k*ll you. But first I'm gonna get Jamie back. And you're gonna help me.


Dan : They say we leave this world Just the way we came into it naked and alone.

Lucas : So if we do leave with nothing. What then is the measure of a life? Is it defined by the people we choose to love?

Nathan : Or is life simply measured by our accomplishments?

Brooke : And what if we fail? or are never truly loved? What then? Can we ever measure up?

Dan : Or will the quiet desperation of a life gone wanting drive us mad?


Peyton : Morning. So I heard from the church and we have a date! I marked it on the calendar.

Lucas : That was quick. That's good. that's great.

Is that okay? You do still want to get married right?

Lucas : Yes. Right here right now.

Peyton : Then what?

Lucas : Well you know how I have to take the shuttle today to New York for my book launch meeting?

Peyton : Yeah. so?

Lucas : Well it's just. I haven't exactly told Lindsey about us or the wedding.

Peyton : Luke.

Lucas : I know. I should have told her about it by now but that's just not something I can do over the phone.


Peyton : There you are! Lucas and I set a date this morning So I have to ask you a really big favor.

Brooke : Okay. If it's about money it's probably not the best time.

Peyton : Oh god stop it! I need a dress! And if it helps I promise to pay full price. Is my best friend down?

Brooke : Sure. Do you want the Lindsey Strauss tear away train? It's what all the runaway brides are gonna be wearing this season.

Peyton : So not funny. No I was thinking something like nontraditional you know? Like rocker, glam, chic kind of like Stephanie Seymour dress She wears in the g*ns n' roses video.

Brooke : Swanky. I can do that.

Peyton : Who peed in your cheerios?

Brooke : I just had a thing with Victoria. I don't mean to take it out on you. For the record it is very nice to see you so happy.

Peyton : Thank you. Everything is going really good you know? It just it feels right with Lucas and the label's taking off. I have a music legend in my studio right now.

Brooke : Who?

Peyton : It's Mick wolf!

Brooke : Cool?

Peyton : You are so musically challenged ! I guarantee you ... you have like 30 songs on your Ipod That he's played on. And he knew Ellie, so it's like this window into a world That I've never gotten to see. I mean you cannot imagine what it's like to finally find out what your mother was like when she was young.

Brooke : Maybe a little.

Peyton : Brooke what happened with Victoria?

Brooke : Nothing. It's not important. I'm fine. Let's get to work on the dress huh?


Nathan : Scott residence. Yeah this is him. Yes sir ... Uh yes sir. I could be there today if you want. Absolutely. I'm ... I'm looking forward to it too. thank you.

Haley : Everything okay?

That was the general manager for the fort Wayne dleague team.

Haley : The dleague?

Jamie : Basketball mama!

Nathan : It's just a developmental league team but the G.M. wants to meet with me today. That was the NBA calling.

Jamie : I told you! you're gonna play in the NBA!

Haley : My god baby!

Jamie : Daddy I'm so proud of you!


Carrie : Today is the day Dan Scott dies and I get my Jamie back.


Sam : Need to make some returns.

Brooke : Are you kidding? Those were gifts. You have a lot of nerve even setting foot in this store.

Sam : Last time I checked it's okay to return gift items.

Brooke : Well it's not okay. Just like it's not okay to steal.

Sam : I didn't steal from you. You didn't give me a chance to pay ?

Brooke : I didn't give you a chance to pay? When exactly were you planning on paying me? Was it after you assaulted me and called me a bitch or maybe after you ran your thieving little street urchin ass down the block?

Brooke : Excuse me. Can I help you?

Man : Yeah you can. I got a work order here to box up all your remaining store inventory for shipment to New York.

Brooke : What? says who?

Man : Victoria Davis.

Brooke : Swell. It's your lucky day. Victoria Davis the new president of clothes over bros

Will be happy to give you a full cash refund.

Sam : All rightly.


Peyton : Is that a les Paul?

Mick : close. It's a it's an aristocrat.

Peyton : Imagine if that guitar could talk the stories it would tell.

Mick : Oh I don't know. This baby's been around some pretty crazy stuff. It's probably best that she doesn't speak.

Peyton : Was it around when my dad fell in love with Ellie?

Mick : Yeah. it was.

Peyton : So what was it like love at first sight or what?

Mick : Pretty much. I mean they met on tour and I don't remember which one it was but I remember that she fell for your dad instantly.

Peyton : What about him? Did he like her right away?

Mick : Well ... you know they tried to play it cool like it wasn't a big deal. But it was. I mean everybody knew that they re just meant to be together.

Peyton : Um I should probably let you get back to work huh?

Mick : Yeah. right.

Peyton : I'm just gonna be right out here if you need anything.

Mick : Right. yeah.


Bobby : Nathan Scott. Great to meet you. how was your flight?

Nathan : Oh it was good sir. thanks so much for having me.

Bobby : It's "bobby." Hey I really appreciate you coming up here short notice but I wanted you to have a good look at the facility before we really get into things. As you'll see everything here is state of threat. the owners have spared no expense.

Nathan : I see that sir.

Bobby : It's just "bobby." just "bobby." Come on. let me show you around ... Make no mistake. we want to win here. We've got some good players on our squad some of whom you'll meet today. I know that with the right coaching. We can send some of them to the NBA next season. And all that begins right here. So Nathan how does it feel to be in a real gym again?

Nathan : Good. it feels good.

Bobby : I bet it does. come on.


Jamie : Mom the phone's for you.

Haley : Yes hello? Yes that's my son. Yeah he's very cute. who I ... I'm ... I'm sorry. Can you repeat that? ... Hospice?

Deb : Come here babe.

Haley : Yeah. just a second. Yes. I understand. thank you.

Carrie : And I'm so looking forward to making your acquaintance and of course meeting your charming son ... Looks like my "sucky" plan is going to be a smashing success. So what would it like for its last meal?

Deb : Haley? you okay?

Haley : Nathan was right all along. Dan really has gone off to die.

Deb : What do you mean?

Haley : I just got a phone call from his hospice nurse. She thinks it's only a matter of hours now. I'm so sorry Deb.

Deb : Oh please. It's just. It doesn't sound like Dan.

Haley : What do you mean?

Deb : Well I would have expected a little more grandstanding. That's all.

Haley : Well she says he's asking for Jamie. Thinks I should bring him by.

Deb : Do you think Jamie should see him like that?

Haley : I don't know. After everything he's been through with Quentin and now seeing Dan's gravestone I promised him he could see his grandfather.

Deb : So what are you gonna do?

Haley : I don't know. Oh I wish Nathan were here.


Lindsey : You're here. So how was your flight? You ready for today?

Lucas : Yeah it was fine. Listen there's something I really need to talk to you about. It's important and I probably should have talked to you about it a while ago but ...

Lindsey : Look I don't want this to be awkward for either of us. All right? We have to work together so let's not do the heavy emotional thing. I'll be okay if you're okay.

Lucas : Okay?

Lindsey : Wait till you see what we have planned for you today. It's gonna be great. Starting with this. So what do you think?

Lucas : I think it looks amazing.


Mick : So these are your all time favorites?

Peyton : Um some of them. Some of them just look really cool.

Mick : Okay, five albums. Five that you couldn't live without if you were stranded on a desert island.

Peyton : Really?

Mick : Show me a person's favorite records and I'll tell you everything you need to know about them.

Peyton : Okay. Fine. But you're gonna have to write yours down too.

Mick : Okay. it's a deal.


Brooke : I caught a young girl shoplifting the other day. I was pretty hard on her.

The Psy : Did you feel threatened by her?

Brooke : No. No I actually felt myself feeling jealous.

The Psy : Jealous?

Brooke : I realize I let the company matter too much. You know we spend all this time building something up and then we don't enjoy it. We just sit there terrified that someone's gonna take it away from us. And there was this girl and she didn't answer to anything or anyone. And that made me jealous.

The Psy : What are you going to do about that. With regards to your company?

Brooke : Well it doesn't matter. I don't have to worry about clothes over bros anymore.

The Psy : And why's that?

Brooke : I gave it all away. I signed the company over to Victoria.

The Psy : Do you regret that?


Bobby : So you liking what you're seeing so far?

Nathan : Are you kidding me? it's great. I got to say this came out of nowhere. I'm really really grateful you called.

Bobby : No no. pleasure's all mine. I got to tell you I've had my eye on you for a while. I watched you win those two championships at Gilmore. I saw you play at Maryland.

Nathan : Well thank you but I'm more interested in the future.

Bobby : Good. I'm glad to hear you say that. 'cause we could really use a good young coach like you.

Nathan : You want me to coach? No. I thought you wanted me to play.

Bobby : Well Nathan your playing days are over. Come on. you must know that.


Peyton : All right number three : "Joshua tree."

Mick : Oh that is so predictable "Physical graffiti."

Peyton : Oh Oh that's cheating. That's like two albs really. Okay fine. Number two "Nevermind" and not just because you played on it.

Mick : "Exile on main street" and that "Nevermind" thing is a error.

Peyton : Supposedly.

Mick : Okay so that leaves number one. What do you got?

Peyton : Oh that's easy. It is the first record I ever bought Elvis Costello "My aim is true." What? ... Hey why do you think in all this time my dad has never reached out to me?

Mick : I'm not sure I can answer that at least not in a way that's gonna make you happy.

Peyton : Why'd they give me up?

Mick : Peyton we .. I mean all of us were really screwed up then. You know Ellie never planned for you and you got to understand that it just never would have worked.

Peyton : Hey I was wondering. If maybe you wanted to come by tonight. 'cause hopefully Lucas will get home early and I know he would really like to meet you and I just ... I was hoping you could tell me all about my parents. I want to know about my dad.

Mick : Be careful what you wish for.

Peyton : Please.

Mick : Okay. Be there.


Phone : Hey it's Nate. leave it.

Haley : Nathan. Hi I'm really sorry to bug you up there but it's about Dan. I need to talk to you. I got a phone call from his hospice nurse this morning and it's not good. You should call me. I love you. bye.

Jamie : What's a hospice? Is something wrong with grandpa? You said he was okay.

Haley : I did. I know I did. It turns out grandpa's really sick.

Jamie : But he's gonna get better right?

Haley : Come here. Sometimes people get so sick that they can't get better.

Jamie : Is he gonna die like Quentin ?

Haley : Yeah. Yeah I'm afraid so buddy.

Jamie : I didn't get to say goodbye to Quentin. Do I get to say goodbye to grandpa?

Haley : Yes. Yes let's do that.


Bobby : Look I apologize if we got our lines crossed here. I just thought that you understood

Nathan : I was interested in you for the coaching position and I appreciate it. I'm flattered okay? I really am, but I'm not ready for that yet. I can still play.

Bobby : Nathan that was no small injury you suffered. It was spinal cord right?

Nathan : Yeah. yeah it was lower back.

Bobby : Well most guys wouldn't even be thinking about coming back. They'd just be thinking about walking right.

Nathan : I'm not most guys.

Bobby : And I can appreciate that.

Nathan : Look I've been rehabbing okay? I'm in shape. I can play. You just have to let me show you.

Bobby : I have the utmost respect for you wanting to play again. You're a warrior. you always have been but I'm looking for a coach. Now I've always valued how smart a player you were.

And I know that you've been coaching. Nathan this is where your future is. All right. I hope that you will think about it. I know that you will be a great asset here very popular and great for attendance. I know you'd do a good job.


Lucas : Hello?

Peyton : I know you're in the middle of it. I'm sorry.

Lucas : No it's okay. Kind of a break in the action right now. What's up? Peyton?

Peyton : Um nothing. I just wanted to hear your voice.

Lucas : Peyton what's going on?

Peyton : It's Mick. He's my father.

Lucas : Wait. He said that? I mean he told you?

Peyton : No no not yet. But that's what tonight's about. He's coming over for dinner.

Lucas : But you're sure he's your dad?

Yeah he slipped up and I just ... I know ... I mean I honestly think I've known since the minute we met. But he's my father Luke.

Lucas : It's gonna be okay Peyton.

Peyton : You think so? 'cause I'm kind of nervous.

Lucas : You're gonna do great. I just wish I was there.

Lindsey : Luke they're ready for us.

Lucas : Hey I'm sorry but they need me. I'll call you as soon as I get out okay?

Peyton : Okay. Luke?

Lucas : Yeah?

Peyton : I always feel better when I get to talk to you. I love you. Thanks.

Lucas : Love you too. bye.

Man : So there you have it Lucas. You'll have signings in all the major markets. We're looking at a major ad buy in print and radio. And we're working on all the regional and national talk shows.

Lucas : That sounds great.

Man : All that's left to discuss is the schedule. We want you to start strong so Omaha's up first on the 24th. Your first book sold very well there.

Lucas : Next 24 excuse me. I have a problem with the Chicago date.

Man : The schedule's pretty firm at this point.

Lucas : Yeah I'm ... I'm sorry but I can't.

Lindsey : Lucas Chicago's our second biggest market. A change is gonna cost a lot of money.

Lucas : I understand. but I need to change it okay?

Lindsey : Luke can I see you in my office for a second? ... Lucas what are you doing? This book launch is a really big deal. I know that. I just you know they didn't even want to do a book tour? They didn't. But I made them because I believe in you and I fight for you.

Lucas : I appreciate it.

Lindsey : What could possibly be more important than Chicago?

Lucas : My wedding ... It's Peyton ... We're getting married. And that's why I can't go to Chicago.

Lindsey : I see.

Lucas : I wanted to tell you okay? But

Lindsey : Then why didn't you?

Lucas : I just ...

Lindsey : I'll talk to them about Chicago.

Lucas : Lindsey.

Lindsey : I guess I was right all along about you and Peyton but I wish you could have done this over the phone.


Brooke : So do you think I was foolish to give my company to my mother?

The Psy : Do you think you were foolish?

Brooke : Do you always answer a question with another question?

The Psy : Does it bother you? In my humble opinion. It was never truly going to be your company as long as she was part of it.

Brooke : Yeah. After I did it I felt great. At first I felt liberated but now I just ... I feel kind of empty. Everything that I worked for is gone. I just have this store. And even that's empty now.

The Psy : That freedom you were jealous of can be scary sometimes. Have you talked to anyone else about this?

Brooke : No. I saw my best friend today and I couldn't bring myself to tell her.

The Psy : Why do you think that was?

Brooke : I don't know. I feel a little ...a little bit like I failed. You know? I'm watching all my friends move on with their lives. Haley and her family and Millicent is moving to be with Mouth and Peyton with Lucas and they're all moving forward and it's like I am stuck here standing still and ...

The Psy : Brooke. You're 22 years old and the founder of a multimillion dollar corporation.

I'd hardly call that standing still.

Brooke : But it's gone.

The Psy : You'll do something else. You're intelligent you're creative. You'll figure it out.

Brooke : Right. but what if I don't figure it out?

The Psy : You will. But that's not the real question.

Brooke : Then what is?

The Psy : All you've talked about is your work Brooke. But when you mention your friends being happy you define that happiness strictly in terms of relationships and family. The question is why are you so insistent on going through life alone?


Bobby : So what do you think?

Nathan : I don't know.

Bobby : Listen letting go of playing is hard. It was for all of us. But it doesn't mean you have to let go of basketball.

Nathan : I have to talk to my family about it.

Bobby : You do that. I'll stall for a few days and wait to hear back from you.


Peyton : Okay dad. I'm waiting.


Lucas : I never meant to hurt you. Not then and not now.

Lindsey : I know. The thing is I saw it coming all along. I just tried to wish it away. It wasn't fair to me or to you. Chicago will be fine. I'll make it okay.

Lucas : Thank you. Well I should go. I'm gonna miss my flight.

Lindsey : Okay.

Lucas : All right.

Lindsey : Lucas. You forgot something.

Lucas : Lindsey ...

Lindsey : It's okay. You know the first time we met right here. I told you I was pulling for the couple in the book. Goodbye Lucas.


Dan : It's not too late you know.

Carrie : Too late for what?

Dan : To stop all this.

Carrie : I'm afraid I can't do that.

Dan : Yes you can. Please. I'm begging you.

Carrie : "Please"? Where's the big scary guy from the motel Dan? The guy who was gonna k*ll me? I guess you're not so tough when the shoe's on the other foot.

Dan : You touch one hair on Jamie's head and you'll get to meet him. You crazy bitch! Aaah! no! aah!

Carrie : Looks like someone needs a little something to make sure they're on their best behavior. Sweet dreams.

Dan : No. No. No. No.

Carrie : Well well. look who's here.

Haley : Okay pal. I need you to stay in the car. I'll be right back. I just want to make sure we're in the right place.

Jamie : I want to come with you.

Haley : Just stay in the car. Keep the doors locked. I'll be right back. I promise.

Jamie : Okay.

Haley : Dan? Dan? Oh god Dan. Dan it's Haley! Wake up!

Dan : Haley? Help.

Haley : I have Jamie with me.

Dan : Get jamie.

Haley : Dan what is going on? What happened to you?

Carrie : Hello Mrs. Scott.


Deb : Let's see where are you. There you are.


Jamie : Mama. Where are you mama? ... Aah!

Carrie : Hi Jamie! It's me Nanny Carrie. Open up.

Jamie : No! mama says you're a bad person!

Carrie : Oh that's not true. I love you remember? Now open the door buddy.

Jamie : No! I want my mama!

Carrie : I am your mama now! Now unlock that door this instant!

Jamie : No!

Carrie : Looks like somebody needs to learn some manners. Jamie!

Dan : Haley. Haley you have to get up. Haley. Wake up. Haley. You have to wake up.

Carrie : Jamie! Jamie! I'm sorry I got mad sweetie! Just tell me where you are jimmy-jam. I won't be mad anymore. I promise. I've got something special for you.

Haley : It's mama.

Haley : I'm really sorry to bug you up there Nathan. I just I really need to talk with you.

It's not good. you should call me okay? I love you. bye.

Haley : It's gonna be okay. I promise. We just have to get you out of here okay? Okay.

Phone call ... Run!

Carrie : Jamie! Jamie!

Haley : Run Jamie! Run! run!

Deb : Guess there's more than one crazy nanny in this town. Bitch. Are you okay?

Deb : How's Jamie?

Haley : He's ... he's scared to death. He's gonna be okay. How are you?

Deb : This was a 1995 Dom Perignon! I was saving it for the day I was rid of Dan Scott for good. A girl can dream right?

Haley : You saved us. How did you know? How did you know that we were here?

Deb : I knew something was up when I saw the address. Dan always hated the woods.

Dan : God I hate the woods.


Girl : Are you okay?

Brooke : I'm fine. excuse me. Uh just the check please.

Girl : It's taken care of honey.

Brooke : What do you mean? You didn't have to do that.

Sam : Yeah well I figure it's your money anyway. Besides I owed you for that shirt. Well got to bounce. curfew. My mom worries if I'm out too late.

Brooke : It's not a bad thing to have a mom who worries about you.

Sam : Yeah.


Mick : Just shut up and pour okay?


Millicent : Hi

Brooke : Hi

Millicent : I heard there was a great startup company around here looking for its first employee. Victoria called me today to fire me. I guess she didn't know you already did that.

Brooke : So what do you say?

Millicent : You looking?

Brooke : I might be. It'll be long hours horrible pay and no job security.

Millicent : It sounds perfect.


Carrie : You think you can k*ll me? You can't k*ll me. I'm still here.

Dan : I already called the police. they're on their way.

Carrie : So? what are they gonna do? I'll get out and I'll come back.

Dan : Do you remember what I told you I'd do if you ever came near my family again? I told you I'd k*ll you. But you didn't.

Carrie : I'm not dead.

Dan : Sure you are.