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06x04 - Bridge Over Troubled Water

Posted: 10/05/08 22:46
by bunniefuu

Quentin : You need to quit that weak-ass fade away. Huh? You want some cuddling?

Is that what you want? Go home. Crawl back in bed with your wife. That's weak, Nate.

The road to the NBA goes through me, boy. Come on!

The hardest part of saying goodbye is having to do it again every single day.

Quentin : Well, well. The prodigal coach returns.

Every day, we face the same truth that life is fleeting.

Quentin : it's cool, coach Taylor. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

That our time here is short ... and to honor the fallen. We must live our own lives well.


Jamie : What does it say, mama?

Haley : "You will soar on wings like eagles. You will run and not grow weary."

Jamie : Do you think there's basketball in heaven?

Haley : I know there is.

Jamie : How long has it been?

Haley : Eight days.

Jamie : I miss him.

Haley : Come on.


Deb : Good morning, honey. At least you're making noise. Maybe next week I'll get a "hello.

Nathan : Mom, you told me you were screwing one of my friends at a funeral. I figured that meant you didn't really want to talk.

Deb : Okay. I should have told you about my relationship with Antwon before, but we've got to find a way to deal with this, honey. How can I live here if you're not gonna talk to me?

Nathan : I was thinking the same thing. I thought I could get used to it. I haven't. And I can't.

Deb : You're kicking me out?

Nathan : Say hi to Antwon for me.


Jamie : Mama! It's grandpa Dan. He's dead!

Haley : No, buddy, he's not. This is not what it looks like.

Jamie : But you and daddy said the people in the cemetery are in heaven, like Quentin.

Haley : Right, but, uh, some people like to buy their headstones before they die ... like way before. Um, like the backpack that we got you the week before school started. It's like that. Grandpa Dan's just. being prepared.

Jamie : To die in a week?

Haley : No. He's ... he's alive. Grandpa Dan is alive, I promise.

Jamie : Then can we go see him?


Peyton : Is that

Man : Yeah. Mick wolf.

Peyton : Are you serious? What is he doing here?

Man : Recording, I guess.

Peyton : Hi.

Mick : Uh, I hope you don't mind. You know, I see an empty studio and a guitar going to waste. It's just an old habit.

Peyton : No, no, it's cool. Um, actually, it's an honor. I'm a huge fan. I even have a couple of albums you played on up on the wall in my office.

Mick : Well, I'm the one who's honored.

Peyton : Mick Wolf. You're not supposed to be in my town, let alone my recording studio. So, why are you here?


Brooke : My store was robbed, and I was att*cked.

The Psy : I see. Victims of v*olence often find it helpful to talk through the experience in therapy. It helps them make sense of a random act.

Brooke : This wasn't random. Nothing my mother does is random.


Carrie : So, which one's yours?

Deb : Uh mine's not here today.

Carrie : Right. I think I've seen you with him before ... the little blond-hair red, blue-eyed cutie.

Deb : Actually, I'm his, uh ... I'm his Nanny. A least I was until I got fired.

Carrie : Been there. Believe me. People don't realize how immensely important it is to be a Nanny. And they never appreciate true devotion. It's enough to drive you crazy.

Deb : Well, in my case, my son didn't appreciate who I was sleeping with.

Carrie : Yeah, they get so touchy about that stuff. The heart wants what it wants.


Carrie : But then again, if it were me. I would do whatever it takes to stay n that little boy's life.


The Psy : Was there a history of abuse in your family? Growing up, I mean.

Brooke : Not unless you consider a high credit-card limit and no supervision abuse.

The Psy : Yet you think your mother att*cked you.

Brooke : I don't think Victoria did it personally. I think she hired some flying monkey to do her dirty work. It must be hard for you to believe.

The Psy : What matters is that you believe it.

Brooke : See, she knew that I had just finished those sketches for my fall line, she knew I was keeping them at the store, and she knew that if I showed up to my board meeting without them, I would look incompetent. And that's all she needs to convince the board to give her control of my company. It sounds Shakespearean. You probably think I'm crazy.

The Psy : No, I don't. I think we have a lot to talk about.

Brooke : How should I start, at the beginning or just from when I fired her?


Lucas : You fired your mom?

Nathan : It'll be fine. I can pick up the slack. Besides, Nanny Deb was awol most of the time, anyway.

Lucas : Yeah. You know, it's funny. All these years, we called him "skills. " I always thought it had something to do with basketball.

Nathan : That's not funny.

Lucas : Kind of funny. Come on, Nate. I ... Andy wasn't much older than me when he started dating my mom, and, I mean, look how well that turned out.

Nathan : Well, Andy wasn't one of your classmates or your supposed friends, and he wasn't seeing Karen behind your back.

Lucas You got to get over this by tomorrow night's game.

Nathan : Oh, I will, but I'll do it for Q Not for skills. I'm really up set with that guy.

Lucas : I know you are, but the team needs you and so will Jamie. And the way I see it, skills will be a better father than Dan ever was.


Jamie : This is where grandpa Dan lives?

Haley : Yeah, not bad, huh?

Jamie : I think you should let him baby-sit. How come grandpa isn't picking up his papers?

Haley : I don't know, buddy.

Jamie : Maybe he doesn't like what's in it.

Haley : Yeah, you're probably right. I don't think he's home, bud. Hey, will you waiting the car for me?

Jamie : But I want to see grandpa Dan.

Haley : I know, buddy. I just need a second.

Jamie : Okay.

Haley : Okay. Okay Dan, please don't be rotting on the floor.


Deb : Hi.

Skills : Hey. There's my baby girl. So, what do you say we go out tonight? I mean, after all the sneaking around, I just want to be able to show my girl off.

Deb : Antwon.

Skills : hmm?

Deb : Nathan kicked me out of the house.

Skills : Wow. I knew Nate was mad, but that's messed up. Look, I'm sorry. Why don't you just stay here for a while? Mouth's gone. Plus, you've been here like every night, anyway.

Deb : It's not that easy. I've worked really hard to get back into my son's life and Jamie's. I can't compromise that now.

Skills : Uh-oh. I don't like where this is heading.

Deb : I think we have to face facts. I mean, even if Nathan somehow got over this, what would your parents say?

Skills : Well, my last serious girlfriend was Bevin. So I'm sure they'll say this is a step up.

Deb : I'm almost 20 years older than you.

Skills : Yeah, but you're only as old as you feel. And you feel just right to me.

Deb : You're so sweet. And I really like you. But I'm sorry. For the sake of my family, I think we have to end this.


Peyton : You ever look back on all of it and just feel really fortunate to have been a part of it?

Mick : Yeah, I suppose so. It's just I don't look back that much.

Peyton : God, you were right there! I mean, you were at the center of everything and making history and giving us something to believe in. Didn't rolling stone call you "the reluctant conscience of rock"?

Mick : Yeah. Rolling stone also called mea cult favorite, which is their way of saying you don't sell any records.

Peyton : Is that why you stopped recording? I mean, your own stuff.

Mick : No. I stopped recording my own stuff 'cause I didn't feel like I had anything left worth saying. You know, session work pays pretty good. You work a couple of weeks out of the month. The rest of the time is your own.

Peyton : Yeah? How about you let me fill up some of that free time with lunch? I know a really good place down by the water, and I kind of have a lot of questions. What's the matter? You look like you've seen a ghost.

Mick : I feel like I have. That's your mom's jacket. You look just like her.

Peyton : Well, Mia told me she met someone on tour who knew Ellie, but how could she not say it was Mick wolf?

Mick : Mia's a good kid. She's a good singer, but she's way too young to know who the hell I am.

Peyton : How'd you know who I was?

Mick : When your mom got sick, it hit all of us hard --everyone who knew her. Somewhere along the line, someone gave me that benefit CD you made, and read what you said about her in the liner notes, which was which was beautiful. So I guess you could say I'm a fan of yours, too.

Peyton : Did you know my dad?

Mick : No. I don't think anyone really knew your dad.


Haley : Hi. I'm looking for Dr.Thornton. It's about Dan Scott, my, uh. My father-in-law. And I was wondering if you could just have the doctor call me. Okay. Thank you. Hey, skills. Are you okay?

Skills : Nate ain't here, is he?

Haley : No, you're safe. But you look, uh, not so great.

Skills : Deb broke up with me.

Haley : Well, I guess you can tussle with a cougar, but you're gonna get bit.

Skills : Why everybody think it's a big joke?

Haley : Deb's just done a lot of wacky things in her life. We never thought you'd be one of them.

Skills : Look, I know it sounds crazy, but I really have feelings for her.

Haley : Really? Well, all right. Well, let's, uh. let's be realistic about this. How many good years do you think Deb has left?

Skills : Fine, laugh all you want. I just thought maybe you could talk to Nate for me.

Haley : Oh, no. I don't want to get in the middle of this. No, thank you.

Skills : Come on, Haley. You know we always had each other's backs.

Haley : I'll see what I can do. Maybe you should just man up and talk to Nathan yourself.


The Psy : I notice you call your mother Victoria.

Brooke : She insisted after we went into business together.

The Psy : Why did you go into business with her?

Brooke : I don't know. Maybe I wanted her to love me.

The Psy : Is that something you still want?

Brooke : I bought a g*n.

The Psy : That's not uncommon for attack victims. It gives them a feeling of control. Unless you're having thoughts of hurting your mother.

Brooke : No. I mean, I'm not crazy. But it occurs to me that. It wouldn't bother me if she were dead. And that can't be healthy, right? To feel like if your mother was dead, you wouldn't miss her, that you might be better for it. And I just don't know how it got to this. The Psy : Maybe you should ask your mother that question.


Haley : Antwon came to see me today, and he said that Deb broke up with him. He's pretty upset.

Nathan : Good. He shouldn't have been sleeping with my mom.

Haley : Said the an who slept with my sister. I remember the first time I saw you. I was sitting at the geek table, and you were sitting over thereat the jock table, and if we had played by the rules of high school, we wouldn't be sitting here at this table.

Nathan : Okay, all right, I get it. You and I weren't the most conventional couple, either. Are you ever gonna stop trying to make me into a better personal

Haley : it's not likely. Speaking of exiled parents, did you know that Dan already has a headstone at the cemetery? It makes Keith's stone look tiny by comparison.

Nathan : Leave it to Dan Scott to get into a pissing contest with Keith even after he's dead.

Haley : Yeah, well, Jamie saw it, and he freaked out and insisted on seeing Dan. I didn't know what else to do. I ... I took him over to the beach house.

Nathan : Haley ...

Haley : I'm sorry. Dan wasn't home, though. In fact, it looked like he hadn't been home in a few days. When was the last time you saw him?

Nathan : I don't know. A few weeks ago? He's playing mind games again. I basically told him to go off and die.

Haley : Well, I'm worried about Jamie. He's ... he's still trying to get over the death of Quentin, and now Dan's disappeared. I know we didn't want him around, but Jamie did. It feels kind of selfish.

Nathan : Well, remember who we're talking about.

Haley : Yeah.


Lucas : Hey, Andre. How have you been?

Andre : So-so.

Lucas : Yeah? Have you been playing basketball?

Andre : A little. Do you think I could be a raven someday? Mama says I'm gonna be as tall as Quentin. At least 9 feet.

Lucas : Well, I bet you will. Why don't you come see me in about 10 years, all right?

Quentin Mum : A little early to be recruiting, isn't it? Hi, coach.


Sam : Why don't you come on in?

Haley : Get off me! Enough! okay? I'm gonna see every one of you in detention. Hold on. Hey, are you okay? Congratulations on your first tree hill catfight. I've had a few in my day.

Sam : Spare me the female bonding, okay? I may be new, but I've heard all about Mrs. James-Scott, a cheerleader who dated the star of the basketball team. That is, when you weren't on a rock tour. Your life must have been really tough. So just don't pretend like you know anything about my problems, okay? See you in detention, Hannah Montana.


Haley : Hey, I found your shoplifter.

Brooke : I knew it. That little street urchin does go to tree hill high.

Haley : Thank you. She's just a messed-up kid.

Brooke : She's a messed-up kid taking growth hormones. She knocked me flat on my ass.

Haley : She just transferred here. I think she was probably just looking for a way to impress kids with some new clothes, you know?

Brooke : I'll give her points for having good taste. Vic Just try and keep her away from my store.

Haley : Hey! James Lucas Scott, step away from the mannequin before I come over there and pluck out your eye alls. Did I just sound like a total bitch?

Brooke : Yes. And you also sounded like a mom ... a good one.

Haley : Oh, he usually makes it so easy.

Brooke : Hmm. And what happens when he doesn't?

Haley : He's still the most loved kid in the world. okay?

Brooke : Yeah. I just wish I had had a family like yours.

Jamie : You do. You're aunt Brooke.


Mick : You okay?

Peyton : Yeah. Yeah. I just -- you know, Ellie never really told me a lot about my father. And I guess she didn't want me to know much. I don't know. And so I was just hoping you could ... I don't know.

Mick : I knew him a little. Um. Ellie loved him. And he loved her right back. And their romance was one of the all-time greats. Which meant it was messy. But, uh. we should all be that lucky, right? To be so passionate about someone.

Peyton : Yeah. Oh, oh, which reminds me. Um, god, my fiancés gonna k*ll me if I let you leave town without meeting him. You don't like basketball by any chance, do you?

Mick : Bobcats?

Peyton : Ravens.


Jamie : Microwave soup?

Nathan : What's the problem?

Jamie : Nanny Deb always makes me sliders on game days.

Nathan : Oh, she does, huh?

Jamie : With two pickles for good luck.

Nathan : Well, daddy Nathan makes you soup.

Jamie : When is she coming back?

Nathan : I don't know, buddy.

Jamie : Is it because she was kissing uncle skills?

Nathan : You knew about that?

Jamie : Yeah. They tried to pretend he was getting something out of her eye, but they were just being all mushy.

Nathan : Yeah. And how does it feel to be scarred for life?

Jamie : Fine. I like Nanny Deb. I like uncle skills. So what if they like each other?

Nathan : It's a little more complicated than that. Your Nanny Deb is also my mom.

Jamie : Yeah. But I let you kiss my mom.

Nathan : Eat your soup.


Haley : As you all know, tonight's basketball game is dedicated to Quentin, and I think it would be great if you could all be there, so no homework. But don't worry. We'll make it up next week, though. I promise. Sam. Stick around. I want to talk to you. Um. I read your paper that you wrote on Quentin. It was very good, and I think you should spend some more time writing and maybe a little less time shoplifting.

Sam : I don't know what you're talking about.

Haley : Relax. One of my best friends, Brooke, owns clothes over bros, and she's not gonna press charges. Actually, she sent you a gift.

Sam : You know, I'm not homeless, okay? Tell your friend I don't need her charity.

Haley : Sam. I don't know what you're going through. I don't know anything about your life. But if you want to talk, I am here to listen. Great.


Lucas : Why don't you guys head to the locker room? Come on. We got a game tonight.

Skills : Hey, Nate, can we talk?

Jamie : Hey, grandpa.

Nathan : Look, I'm here to support the team, skills. I don't really have anything to say to you.

Skills : Then don't. Just listen. I know me and Deb together sounds like some freaky porn thing, and maybe it started that way.

Nathan : This isn't helping.

Skills : But the thing is. Your mom makes me happy. And I think I make her happy, too.

Nathan : I can't believe we're even having this conversation.

Skills : Look, neither one of us wants to do anything that's gonna mess things up for you.

Nathan : It's a little late for that.

Skills : Okay, you're right. I should have told you about everything from the beginning. But I really care for her, Nate. Look, I'll just leave the ball in your court.

Lucas : All right, look, I know you don't feel much like playing basketball tonight. And I get it. When I was in high school, someone close to me was taken away. And I ... I couldn't understand how a game could matter anymore. But my coach was a wise man, and he told me that basketball was more than just a game. That it had the power to heal me if I let it. He was right. Now there's someone else I'd like you to hear from.

Quentin Mum : Hi, guys. This last week has been hard on all of us. But what gets me through is trying to remember the happy times with Quentin. And lord knows that boy was never happier than when he was holding a basketball. Now, coach says that, um, some of you might be feeling a little guilty about playing tonight. Well, let me tell you one thing that I know. Quentin would want you to play tonight. Play your hearts out. And if you don't. Well, Andre here ... I think he's gonna go out and play for you. Right, baby? And one more thing. Don't feel like you're moving on without Quentin because he's gonna be with you on that court. I'm sure of that.

Lucas : So am I. And he's gonna be right here right by your heart. So. Who wants to carry him out on to that court?

Lucas : Every day, we face the same truth, that our time here is short. And to honor the fallen, we must live our own lives well. We must take the high road when we can and allow our common loss to bring us together. I think that's the way Q. Would have wanted it. And while tonight we miss our fallen teammate. Friend. Loved one. We commemorate him for all time. No raven will ever wear the number 44 again. And for as long as this gym stands, Quentin Fields will be here with us. No one can take his place on this team. And no one. Can take his place in our hearts. Moment silence for Number 44, Quentin fields.


Carrie : Hi, Chester. Long time, no see. I just need a few of Jamie's things for our little road trip, just enough to make him comfortable. These people are so lost without me. It's a good thing you can't talk, Chester. Otherwise, you'd be my dinner tonight. Mmm. Tasty.


Brooke : Hello, Victoria.

Victoria : What are you doing in New York?


Quentin Mum : Come on, Ravens! Come on, now!

Skills : This might be the greatest loss I'll ever see.

Lucas : Well, sometimes it's not about winning. Sometimes it's about healing.


Brooke : Now's your chance. The g*n's loaded. Just aim low. I'd like to look good at my funeral.

Victoria : What is the matter with you? What ... what happened to your eyes?

Brooke : As if you don't already know.

Victoria : All I know is that my daughter shows up at my doorstep with a g*n.

Brooke : All I know is my mother had me att*cked in my store.

Victoria : Oh, my god. Brooke.

Brooke : Are you saying it wasn't you?

Victoria : Did you go to the police? Does anyone else know about this?

Brooke : Don't worry. You've trained me very well. I put the company first.

Victoria : It's just the publicity.

Brooke : This from the woman who said she could spin it favorably if I had a drug problem. I want you to answer my question.

Victoria : You want an answer? Here's one. I would never physically harm you.

Brooke : Well, maybe you didn't mean to. It was late. You thought Millicent would be there. You hate her.

Victoria : You are so paranoid --and wrong.

Brooke : Someone died last week. And I wasn't close to him, but my friends were, and yet, in the midst of all their grief, I felt nothing. I just felt cold. And I realized I'm turning into the one person I do not want to become. I'm turning into you.

Victoria : What do you want me to say, Brooke? That I was a failure as a mother? You got everything you wanted.

Brooke : Except your love.

Victoria : When I was your age, I dreamed of having a clothing line ,of having a business. Of all the things you have. But I stupidly fell in love. And one morning, your father and I got a little surprise. I told him I didn't want kids. It was never the plan. But he wanted a son more than anything. And as soon as I got fat, he had an excuse to jump into any bed he wanted. And when we had our little baby girl, I made sure I would never be pregnant again. If I couldn't have my dream, your father couldn't have his, either. I probably took it out on you a little too much along the way, but you know what? You should be thanking me for giving you life. Do you understand that?

Brooke : I do thank you. Because now I know it wasn't my fault. It was never my fault. I'm calling the lawyers tomorrow, and I'm divesting my interests in clothes over bros ... the magazine, the line. You can have everything. Congratulations, victories. Now you have a company and no daughter. You got your dream.


Lucas : Years from now, the record books will show that. The ravens lost to the wildcats on this night. But here's something that those records won't show, something that. No one in that gym will ever forget. That the four-man ravens made the wildcats fight and scratch and claw for every single second of that win. And in doing so, they showed that a team will always be more important than statistics. When your grandkids ask you about this game, you tell them that you played hard for Quentin fields. That you stood tall. And you did it to honor your friend. You should be proud of yourselves, men. I know I'm proud of you.

Player : Coach. We want to play with four the rest of the season.

Lucas : That's gonna be hard on all of you.

Player : We want to do it for Q. He's our fifth.

Lucas : It's been an honor coaching you guys.

Peyton : So, are you sure you don't want to stay and meet Lucas?

Mick : Another time. I think I'm gonna stay around for a little while, do some recording.

Peyton : Oh. It just so happens I have an empty studio.

Mick : Really?

Peyton : I thought you said you didn't have anything left worth saying.

Mick : Maybe one more thing.

Peyton : Okay, Mick. When Mia said that there was somebody asking about me who knew Ellie. I thought maybe. you were my father.

Mick : That would be something, wouldn't it? I'll see you later.


Taxi driver : Where to?

Brooke : The airport. I'm going home to my family.


Carrie : See you soon, baby.


Nathan : Mom. I want you to move back in. Jamie's been through a lot lately. He needs his Nanny deb.

Deb : Thank you.

Nathan : He really makes you happy?

Deb : He does. But you've had to sacrifice so much for me over the years, Nathan.

Nathan : I just don't want to see it. Okay, I don't want to hear about it. But whatever you want.

Deb : Hey.

Haley : Hello? Yeah, this is Haley. Really? Uh, okay. Yeah. Thank you for calling.

You too.

Nathan : What's wrong?

Haley : Uh. That was Dan's doctor. Apparently, they had a heart for him and he never answered their call.

Nathan : Then he really has gone off to die.


Skills : Hey, Nate. I know Q. was working with you to get your game back. What were you working on?

Nathan : He always said I couldn't go left.

Skills : So maybe that's where we start.