02x16 - Fetus Completus

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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02x16 - Fetus Completus

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on l.a.
Law... Your mother?

She's gone.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

Beyond the distant peaks
of this world's horizon,

For life goes on...
What are you doing?

Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

Who are you?

I'm your brother... Gordon.

A devotion to loved ones...

Attorney michael greenbaum

Representing the
co-defendant in this matter

Has apparently taken
ill and can't continue.

So we're going
to have to suspend

Our trial schedule temporarily

Until we appoint somebody else.

I want somebody with
m*rder one experience.

Well, I don't know if
she'd be interested,

But I could ask former
deputy d.a. Grace van owen.

She's done plenty
of capital cases.

So, what do you
say? Will you do it?

It'd be fun to work
together, wouldn't it?

Yes. It would.

I wish you well, douglas.

And if you're ever in seattle,
if you like looking me up,

I'd be honored.


What do you do in seattle?

I'm a psychotherapist.

Have you given yourself to him?

Not given in...

But really given.

I want to try.

Me, too.

Please, miss van
owen, I'm begging you.

Take my case, please.
I didn't do anything.

I'm taking your case, tommy.

No positive i.d., No
trace of the g*n,

And the priors are inadmissible?

Oh, except...

So if we don't put
our guys in the stand,

The jury will never know
about the other holdups.

May I start this meeting by
taking a moment to say how,

In the hustle bustle
of our busy lives,

It's so easy for the
intimacy and the sharing

To be lost.

I just want you to know

That you all mean
a great deal to me.

That's it.

Woczak versus city
of industry press.

Copyright infringement.

We just received
their interrogatories.

Michael, how goes
your m*rder case?

It goes.

No significant
differences in strategy

Between you and grace?

Not yet.

Are we looking at
the lengthy trial here?

I don't think so.

Neither of us is letting
our client testify.


Arnold, lieber versus lieber.

He's lost 30 pounds.

Now she's campaigning
for reconciliation.

Stay tuned.

Apropos of which,

I'd like a moment of your time

This morning to discuss
brackman versus brackman.


Finally, in re tracy a.

Dr, lawrence and I'm meeting

With the hospital
administrator this morning.

I'm sorry,

But I can't believe
you've taken this case on.

I've taken it on

Because dr. Lawrence's
medical group is our client.

As a woman how can you justify

Getting a court order to
prematurely deliver this baby

Against her will?

Must we endlessly debate this?

I'd think that you of all
people wouldn't be siding

With the right-to-lifers
on this one.

This is not an
abortion case, arnold.

And I'm surprised at you
for not seeing a difference.

You got a pregnant
woman in the late stages

Of acute terminal leukemia

Who refuses, at
giant risk to her child,

To let the doctor deliver
four weeks early by caesarean.

Ann, it's her body

And she has right
to make that call.

An eight month old
fetus, in utero or out,

Has rights, too.

No, civil rights do not
vest until you're born.

Oh, please,

We're talking about an infant
with a better chance right now

At survival outside
its mother than inside.

At the cost of
the mother's life.

The mother is terminal.

So it's okay for the court

To issue an order which
in effect sentences

This woman to die by c-section?

I think we're adjourned.


I want you to be
the first to know.

Know what?

I'm in love.

Really, who's the lucky woman?

Sheila brackman.

I know what you're
thinking but it's true.

She's been throwing pots.


And we're talking again.

Really communicating.

Really sharing.

Well, what brought all this on?

She's made a major
breakthrough psychology wise.

And we're seriously considering

Recommitting to each
other marriage-wise,

Fidelity-wise, sex-wise.

That's great, douglas, that's...

That's really great.

So, I was thinking

We might want to cancel
our settlement meeting.

This is where I'm going to
have to disagree, douglas.

Look, if the two of you are
getting back on the track,

Now what better forum
than a settlement conference

In which to test your
newfound communication?

I suppose there is
some wisdom in that.

I just don't want an
adversarial proceeding.

Nothing will make me happier

Than to see you happy, douglas.

Thank you, my friend.

Thank you.

I'm sorry, but if we
force a c-section

On a woman against her will,

We're looking at
major litigation.

The court will be
doing the forcing,

Mr. Goodwin, not you.

We just need the
hospital's support...

Our lawyers tell us that

We are not totally
insulated by court order.

We still run the
risk of liability

To the extent that we
helped get that court order...

Is that all you think about...

Legal liability?
Bradley, would you...

Now this is why we have
insurance for god say.

Now this is more than the
matter of insurance, bradley.

Our concern here...
Your only concern

Is exposure, and I find
that reprehensible.

All you can think about
is negative publicity

And higher premiums.

We're talking about
saving a human life.

What we're talking
about here doctor

Is a hospital being asked

To trample the legal
rights of the patient.

Even if the operation
is a complete success,

We're still staring at a
lawsuit with big numbers.

Probably sponsored
by the a.c.l.u.

Now if either the mother
or the fetus should die

During the procedure,

And that's a very
real possibility,

We're going to be faced
with catastrophic damages.

Mr. Goodwin.

On the other hand,

If we do nothing and the
mother dies of leukemia,

Our exposure on
her death is zero.

Now as for the infant's death,

We're told that a fetus
has no cause of action

For wrongful death.

This is no fetus, mister.

This is a viable baby girl

Who is also a patient
in your hospital

And you have a duty of care...

Our attorneys tell us that

A fetus has no legal
rights before he's born.

You're worried about
liability, mr. Goodwin.

How's this for a scare?

According to dr. Lawrence,

The longer that
baby is left in utero,

The more she's being

She could be born alive

With permanent brain damage.

I emphasize the word
"alive", mr. Goodwin,

As in lifelong physical
and mental suffering.

That is the lawsuit that
will shut your doors.

And I'll take the case for free.

We will not support
your position on this,

Miss. Kelsey.

Then I'll get the court
order without you.

Come on, bradley.

We'll be back.

Come on, gracie.

Cop to m*rder two
and take the day off.

Thanks. But no, thanks.

You really want to
risk the death penalty

With a 19 year old kid?

You've got no
eyewitnesses to the crime,

You can't trace the w*apon,

No g*nsh*t residue
on a pair of gloves

You can't prove
belonged to either boy.

I'll take my chances.

Hey, gracie,

How many years
we worked together

Putting scum like this away?

You and I both know they did it.

Let's not waste time.

I'm not the d.a., I'm...

I'm a defense attorney.

And if I were still
in the department,

I probably wouldn't
even prosecute this loser.

Well, it might not
be open-and-shut,

But it is no loser.


Then how come you're squirming

For a last-minute plea?

Don't you
underestimate me, grace.

I'm going to get these guys.

The evidence will show

That the defendant
andrew prescott

Walked into leo madison's
corner convenience store

At midnight, january 7, 1988.

He rested the barrel
of a sawed-off shotgun

Against mr. Madison's
left temple

And then, after cleaning
out the cash register,

Pulled the trigger.

And a 63-year-old grandfather

Was suddenly, brutally dead.

Mr. Prescott then
ran out of the store

Where he was seen by a witness

Jumping into a car
driven by that man,

Thomas mullaney.

You'll be shown the g*n
that was found in the store.

We will present to you
a pair of black gloves

That mr. Prescott was seen
throwing into a storm drain

2 Miles from the scene.

And you will be told

That when the police
arrived at the store,

They found mr. Madison
in a pool of blood,

His brains splattered
against the back wall

With virtually no face left.

I warn you,

The evidence will
sometimes speak graphic.

And I apologize to you if,

During the course of this trial,

I should cause anyo of
you to feel squeamish.

But homicide is sickening,
ladies and gentlemen,

And this trial is
about a cold-blooded,

Brutal m*rder.


I brought you a present.

Oh, it's kind of not a
great time right now.

50 Pounds of wet clay
from westwood potters.

Uh... Douglas,

I'm really in the
middle of something.

I appreciate that

And I have no wish to intrude

On your creative process.

But I'm standing
here getting a hernia.

Go away.

It's okay, sheila. Let him in.

Gordon? Is that gordon?


I'm glad you're here.

I tried calling
you at your hotel.

What is going on here?

We're throwing pots.



You got to give it a try.

Come one.

Jump out of that suit.

Plunge in.

Get out!

Okay. You're threatened.

Let's talk about it.

Out now!

You get out, douglas.
This is my space.

Which I own.

I want him out of here!

I knew it.

I knew he'd try to
destroy everything.

Sheila, sheila, what
did we talk about...

Release. I can't!

I can't! He's a
pig, and I hate him!

Douglas, I think
you're overreacting

To what is really a very loving

And innocent expression
of the creative impulse.

Now, come one, if you
just roll up your sleeves

And throw a pot
or two yourself...

Good idea.

Douglas, don't you dare!

You're right.

I like it. My work!

He's out of control!

Gordon, do something.

Yeah, yeah!

Vent it!

Let it out!



You bastard!


Oh, yes!

I want an injunction!

I don't want him near my house.

Sheila's left. Hold on.

And call ivan...

I'm not paying the mortgage.

I'm turning off electricity.

She's not getting another dime.

Idle threats may make
you feel better, douglas,

But sheila is going
to go into court,

Get a support order,

And we're going to be
right back where we started.

I don't care.

I want to crush them!

Then let's crush
them constructively.


First I'm gonna do a
complete background

Check on this guy.

Plus I'm gonna contact

The american
psychoanalytic association.

We may have grounds for a
fact malpractice suit here.

Good. What else?

It'll be ugly and expensive.

I don't care.

Right, until now I only
talked to... About money.

If you want to drop a b*mb

At the settlement
conference tomorrow,

I see we'll put
the kids into play.

File for custody?

On grounds she's
not fit to be a mother.


I like it.

Do it.


I show you this jacket

Marked people's exhibit three.

And ask you if you recognize it?


It's the jacket
that he was wearing

When he came running
out of the store.

That the record reflect
that the witness has once again,

Indicated the defendant
andrew prescott.

Are you absolutely sure
that this is the same jacket

You saw that night?


I remember that rip on the back.


That's the exact
tear I saw that night.

Thank you.

Nothing further.

Ms. Salter, when the police
questioned you at the scene,

You never said anything
about any rip, did you?

I guess, I forgot,

But as soon as they
show... Thank you, ma'am.

You wear corrective
eyeglasses, do you not?

I have glasses, yes.

Were you wearing
those eyeglasses

At the time you claimed
to have seen my client?

Well, I don't wear
them when I go...

Yes or no.

Were you wearing a
prescriptive lenses

When you saw the man
run from the store?


You never saw his face, did you?

No. I didn't.

Thank you, ms. Salter.
Nothing further.

You say the man jumped
into a car, ms. Salter.

What kind of car?

I don't know. It was a big car.

Brown? Blue?


Two-door? Four-door?

I don't know.

It screeched away very
fast after the man got in.

And you never saw
the driver, did you?


For all you know the
driver could've been me.


In fact, you don't know

That the driver
wasn't me, do you?


No, I don't.

No further questions.

Dr. Lawrence, how
can you do this to her?

To us?

Chris, believe me.

If for one moment I thought
there was any other way,

Any chance at
all for that baby...

This is not about the baby.

This is about you.

Deciding who lives and who dies.

I can't standby and
let them both die.

Who says they were.

Who the hell are you, god?

All I'm is a doctor.

Two patients trying to
figure out what's right.

What's right

Is that you mind your
own damn business.

What's wrong is going
in that courtroom

Looking for a death
sentence for my wife.

Counselor, please.

Come on, chris,

We're not going to
settle it out here.

What you're telling me,

This operation
could k*ll the mother.

The mother is going to die

Before full term
anyway, your honor.

That much is a
medical certainty.

There's no such thing.

It could be today,
or week from today,

But she is terminal.

The only question here

Is whether we're going
to have one death or two.

There's no chance of the baby
getting leukemia, your honor.

The blood supplies are separate.

That's not the
issue, your honor.

The mother's system
is shutting down.

If we don't get
that baby out fast,

It will die. According to who?

The same doctors who told tracy,

She would be dead a month ago?

Ms. Kelsey,

What if the mother doesn't
die before the onset of labor?

According to dr. Lawrence,

It's highly doubtful she could
survive labor, your honor.

And it's virtually certain
she'll not survive a caesarean.

In the last 12 hours alone,

Her condition has
worsened, your honor.

If my client dies,
they can go in then.

But they have no right
to invade her body.

The odds against a successful
postmortem delivery

Are prohibited, your honor.

You call it successful

When a mother dies on
the table? That's enough.

Your honor, I don't mean to
dismiss emotional arguments

Made by mr. O'keefe.

But if you don't issue
that court order,

A viable life, an
innocent baby girl,

Will be dead.

And we're talking about
a death that's avoidable

With one swing of your gavel.

Mr. Arnett, help me
out here, will you?

I have to think
you want this baby.

Of course I want it, judge.

But they're asking...

They're asking me
to give permission

To end tracy's life.

I can't do that.

But according to
the medical evidence,

Mr. Arnett,

Her life is going
to end very soon.


She feels in her heart that
she can hang on, your honor.

She feels, as a mother,

That she can fight
off this disease

Long enough to
take the baby to term.

And these lawyers and
doctors keep telling her

That she doesn't
have the right to try.

And they're trying to rob her

Of the very moment
that is keeping her alive.

The moment when
she gets to give birth.

To give life.

They want to k*ll her

Before she can
ever know that joy.

And I just can't let them.

She doesn't want to
die yet, your honor.

She wants to keep fighting.

I'll take this under advisement

And make my ruling
as quickly as possible.

I'm nervous about
the red jacket, mickey...

It takes more than a jacket i.d.

To get a m*rder conviction.

A red jacket with
a distinctive rip.

It does a good job of
placing them at the scene.

Trouble is grace,

You're still thinking
like a d.a. Remember,

They've got to prove guilt
beyond a reasonable doubt.

I know, it's the word
reasonable that worries me.

And you're sure that
these are the same two men

That you saw sitting in that
car on the night of january 7th.

I'm positive it was
thomas mullaney

In the driver seat,

As for the other fellow,
I could only make out

The red jacket when
he got out of the car.

And what did he do when
he got out of the car?

He threw what looked
like a pair of gloves

Into the storm drain.

Then he got back in the
car and they drove away.

Thank you, sir.

That's all.

Now, you said the man threw
what look like a pair of gloves


You positive they were gloves?

Positive no. But i...

And you didn't see the
man's face, correct?

That's correct.

No further questions.

I have no questions
for this witness.

Your honor, 10-minute recess

To confer with co-counsel?

Very well.

This court ill
convene in 10 minutes.

Why didn't you cross-examine?

I've got nothing
to cross him on.

It doesn't matter.

If you don't ask anything

You're basically
admitting to the jury

That there's
nothing to question.

You use your strategies,

I'll use mine, counselor.

Grace, now, what
is going on here?

I'm thinking of having
my client testify.

Are you crazy?

The first witness clearly
put your guy at the scene.

This witness just as clearly
put my client with your guy.

Yeah, but that doesn't
mean you have to put him...

It means, their
circumstantial evidence

Is suddenly good
circumstantial evidence.

The jury knows thomas
mullaney was there, michael.

He's got to give an explanation,

Otherwise they're going to
assume... So what explanation?

The truth.

That he sat in the car.
That he didn't know...

No, if he says that,
then my guy is dead.

I'm sorry, michael,

But your client
can't be my concern.

I've to do what's
best for mullaney.

For god's sake, grace,

We agreed not to
put them on to stand.

Because we thought
there was no need.

But after what I've seen... No!

You're not going to do this.


You're the one who
roped me into this.

And now that I'm a
defense attorney,

I'm gonna damn well
defend my client.


But let me tell you
what I'm gonna do.

I'm bringing a motion
for separate trials now.

Because as far as
my client concern

You stink as co-counsel.

Do whatever you want.

And I just stayed in the
car while andy got out.

I didn't even turn
the engine off.

Your honor, I
renew my motion to...

I object.

Counsel, approach.

Mr. Kuzak.

Your honor, our
defense strategies

Are so incompatible...

I gave you my ruling
on this yesterday.

It's too late to sever.

Well, I know, judge.

But I'm asking for
a reconsideration.

You're not going to get one.

Your honor.

Your objection is
preserved for appeal.

Now step back and
proceed, everybody.

Mr. Mullaney, what happened

After mr. Prescott
entered the store?

Objection! Assuming
facts not in evidence.


Did mr. Prescott
entered the store?

Objection! Leading.

Where did mr. Prescott go?

Into the store?

Did you know why he
went into the store?

No. I thought... Objection.

Answer he said no.

I'm trying to establish
the witness' state of mind

At the time. But
she didn't ask that.

I am asking it now.

The witness can
answer the question.

I thought he was going
into store to buy beer.

I'd given him money for it.

And what happened next?

Well, the next thing I know,

He hops back in the car,

Kind of... Kind of freaked.

He tells me that...
Objection! Hearsay.

Admission, your honor.
Exception to the hearsay rule.

Objection is overruled.

But this is not...

I said overruled, mr. Kuzak.

What did mr. Prescott say
when he got back into the car?

He told me he'd shot
the store owner

And he thought he was dead.

He's lying!

Sit down, mr. Prescott.

I never said anything like that.

I said sit down.

Mr. Mullaney, what did you do

After mr. Prescott
said this to you?

Well, at first, I
couldn't believe it.

And I mean, I didn't
even know he had a g*n.

I never even saw a g*n.

Then... Then andy
started screaming,

"Take off! Take off!"

So... So I did.

We were... We were
so freaked out.

We had to get a grip, you know.

Thank you.

I have nothing further.

Mr. Mullaney, on july 10, 1987,

You were convicted of breaking

And entering into
burglary... Objection!

Isn't that correct, offered
to impeach, your honor.

A felony conviction
bears directly

Upon the credibility of
the witness. Overruled.

Overruled. Overruled.

I'm gonna allow it
for impeachment.

Members of the
jury you'll consider

This conviction
only as it pertains

To the witness' credibility.

It has nothing to
do with the crime

He is charged with today.

Go ahead, mr. Kuzak.

Since the time of your
arrest, mr. Mullaney

You have steadfastly maintained

That you and mr. Prescott
were innocent,

Is that correct. Yeah, but...

And yet here you're
today suddenly announcing

That mr. Prescott
confessed the crime to you

That very night.

Now, tell us.

Were you lying to the police

Or you simply lying
to the jury here today?


I object, your honor!


Nothing further.


You must be dreaming.

Well, your case
still wobbles, walter.

I'm offering you
guarantee. No, no.

My case does not
wobble, partner,

Not after the concert
that kid just gave them there.

Well, what if we caved
in to m*rder two?

What kind of time
we'll be answering for.

I'm not caving in to
m*rder two, you know.

I love you guys.

I come to you two days
ago, looking to make a deal,

And you point me
to the nearest cliff.

Well, now, you can
take the leap, counselor.

I got your boy on first degree,

And I'm not letting him go.


No deal.

What if I just admit
to the robbery part?

Tell them how the g*n went off.

I mean, if the guy hadn't
grabbed the thing...

I keep telling you,
andy, it doesn't matter.

They can still nail
you with first degree

Even though it was an accident.

That's the whole idea behind
the felony m*rder rule.

I got to do something.

What if I just get up there

And make something up?

That's called perjury.

What do you think they
gonna do, add another 10 years

Onto a death sentence?


Ethically, I can't allow
you to take the stand

If I know you're going to lie.

Yeah. I hear you.

So, uh...

Why don't you just
let me testify anyway?

I promise I'll tell
the whole truth.


I advise against it.

You said it's my
right, didn't you?

Yes, it's your right.

Then do it.


You okay?


Tracy arnett wants to see me.

Just got off the
phone with her lawyer.


That's what I said.

What did you really say?

That I'd think about it.

I'm just going to call him
and tell him I can't do it.

Why not?

What about professional
distance, stuart...

Not getting drawn into this
thing on a personal level?

How can you take
on a case like this

And not get involved
on a personal level?

Stuart, I have a
duty to my client.


Then call dr. Lawrence,

And see if he's got
a problem with it.

It's not dr. Lawrence
I'm worried about.

It's me.

Stuart, I dread going up there.

What if I see you
and I fall apart?

How I'm gonna conduct
the rest of my case?

Look, it's... It's
your decision,

But legals aside...

Ann, she's lying there
in a hospital room,

And she's isolated.

She's terrified.

If you go,

You can humanize a lot
of what's happened to her.

I guess I got to do it, don't i?

I think you do.

Good afternoon, gentlemen.

Afternoon, douglas.

Hi, I'm gordon salt.

Arnold becker.

Would you have a seat, please?

That's my cashmere sweater,

My turnbull and
asser shirt, my slacks...

Ahh... My gucci loafers!

Possessions are the last refuge

Of the insecure, douglas.

What do any of us really... Own?

How about the
clothes you're wearing!

The bed you're sleeping in!

The food you're eating,

You dry piece of snot!

Douglas, sit down!

Thank you.

Now douglas, sheila, mr. Salt...

Uh... That's dr. Salt.

Doctor of exactly what, sir?

I hold a master's in social work

And a ph.d. In
clinical psychology

With a license to practice
in the state of washington.

With all due respect
the only license

You've ever held are the kind
of made in prison workshops.

What's he talking about?

Here's the copy of his resume...

18 Months in attica for bigamy,

A year in state vacaville

For marketing phony gem stones.

As far as we can tell
him, we're still checking.

The only thing he
hasn't misrepresented

Is that he really is

The son of douglas brackman, sr.

Is this true?

We've all been in one
kind of prison or another.

Ironic, isn't?

I had to be locked up

In order to discover
that true liberation lies

In helping others.

More psychobabble double talk!

Did anything I say to
you ever ring false?

Did you not feel better?

Did you not release your anger?

And is your anger now
because you were lied to?


Because you were stolen from?


Because you treat your
wife like your gucci loafers

Instead of a sentient
independent being?


That may float in
a toilet bowl, sir,

But it will not float
in the custody hearing.

What? You heard him.

I'm going for the children.

And no judge is
gonna look favorably

Upon the fact that
you've taken up residence

With a convicted felon.

You got a lot of
rage in you, mr. Becker.

Yeah, you were
overweight as a kid, I bet?

Look, don't you
start with me, mister!

Is that a threat, fat boy?

You want fat, I'll give you fat!


I think we've made our case.

You may want to get
your lawyer back, sheila.

We're gonna tear you to ribbons.

You're laughable, douglas.

You haven't spent 15
minutes with those kids

Since they were 6 years old.

You want them.

You don't have to go to
court, you can have them.

Let's go, gordon.


Get out before I throw you out!

When I went up to
the counter, i, um...

That's when I first saw him.

He was just lying
there on the floor.

Blood everywhere.

And what did you do then?

I, uh...

I panicked.

I first thought,
I'd call the police,

But then, uh...

I mean, how would that look?

And I've a criminal record.

I've robbed stores
just like this.

I'm started thinking,

They are gonna think I did it.

So I just took off.

I ran out.

I jumped in the car.

I told tommy to fly.

I said, the guy had been shot.

And why don't we
just get out of here

Before the cops come.

That's all I said.

I never said, I k*lled the guy.

I mean, he's lying, he
knows I never did it.

Objection as to
what tommy knows.


You got to believe
me, the guy was dead

When I got there.

He was just lying
there in all that blood.

I didn't do it.

God knows, I didn't do it.


Michael, he was lying
through his teeth.

Then why didn't you
cross-examine him?

Because as you damned well know,

The jury bought that
garbage, my guy walks, too.

But that doesn't change the fact

That you suborned perjury.

It's not true.

My client demanded
that I put him on the stand.

I had no choice.

That's pretty shoddy
rationale, counselor.

You want to know
what's shoddy, grace?

Attacking me personally

And taking advantage
of it professionally.

Now, that is shoddy.


I'm ann kelsey.

I didn't think you'd come.


This is a bad time, I
can come back later.

Like when?

Are you married?



No, not yet.

I'm begging you, from
one woman to another,

Please don't let
them to do this to me.

What if it's the only
chance your baby has?

I can live long enough
to have it on my own.

The doctors don't think so.

They're not always right.

No, but...

Do you really want
your baby to bear the risk

That they are?

I don't want to die

Under all those
bright lights, ms. Kelsey.

I'll never get to...

Hold my baby or hear her cry.

Tracy, this
situation is so unfair,

And I don't pretend
to know what's right,

But your baby could die,

And it seems to me in
this whole mess that,

That would be the
wrongest thing of all.

It was my decision to
have this baby, not theirs.

It was my decision not
to have the chemotherapy.

My decision to put
up with the agony,

What so that I can
give birth to my baby.

Is that... So much
to love before I die?

You said you
wanted to talk to me,

Woman to woman.

I want to tell you

That you have a chance...

To bring a healthy
baby girl into this world.

And I think you've
suffered too much agony

For that not to happen.

Go away.

Please, just go away.

You can't find andrew
prescott guilty,

Ladies and gentlemen,

Unless you're
convinced of that guilt

Beyond a reasonable doubt.

That's impossible here

Because all you've got to go on

Is what's been seen,
what's been heard,

What's been found.

Okay, category number one.

What's been seen?

The sum total is that
my client was seen

Walking into a store,
that's it, nothing else.

Certainly not enough
for a m*rder conviction.

Which brings us to
category number two.

What's been heard?

And for that,

All we have is the
say-so of this man

Who claims that my
client admitted the crime.

But what this is,
ladies and gentlemen,

Is a scared and desperate
kid trying to save his own skin.

Now, don't you think
that it's strange

That he never told the police

Or anybody else

About this supposed admission.

And then on the second
to the last day of the trial,

When things are going
very badly for him,

Suddenly all this new
information blurts out.

He panicked.

He figured, "well,
a guy's been k*lled.

The jury is gonna want
to convict somebody."

So he offered up my client.

Now you're free to
believe him if you want,

But remember this.

He's a convicted felon with
a motive to point the finger.

It's not enough to persuade
beyond a reasonable doubt.

Which brings us to
category number three.

What's been found?

And for category
number three, folks,

We have absolutely nothing,

No evidence to trace
my client to the g*n,

No g*nsh*t residue.

As a matter of fact,

No evidence whatsoever
to even suggest

That my client fired a g*n.

No blood,

No tissue on my client's
body or clothing,

Despite the fact
that the victim's head

Allegedly blow up only
3 feet away from him.

The physical evidence
in this case is zero.

Now you add that zero
to the skeletal evidence

In categories one and two.

And you're left with the reality

That they're trying to convict

Andrew prescott of m*rder simply

Because he walked into a
store at the wrong time.

Beyond a reasonable
doubt, no way.

As a matter of law,

You must find andrew
prescott not guilty.

He's right.

You haven't got enough here

To convict andrew
prescott of m*rder.

And if you can't convict him,

You obviously,

Definitely, can't convict him

And even if you somehow choose

To find mr. Prescott guilty,

You still have to
acquit mr. Mullaney,

Because the only evidence
against mr. Mullaney

Is that he sat in the car.

Nothing whatsoever suggests that

He even knew what was happening,

Much less that he participated,

Which means, ladies
and gentlemen,

The only thing left for me to do

Is to waste time
convincing you of something

You already have to know.

I won't.

In re tracy..., Your honor.

I don't remember a case

That's made me
hate being a judge

More than this one is.

To grant the motion now
before me risks hastening

A dying woman's death.

To deny it

Risks the life and
wellbeing of a child.

I can't help but feel
that a human being

Should never be called
upon to make such a decision.


Given that I am,

The plaintiff's motion
is hereby granted.

An order is issued
placing the fetus

In the custody of the court,

Restraining any and all persons

Interfering with the
birth of said fetus

By caesarean section,

To be performed by
dr. Bradley lawrence forthwith.

Mr. Arnett, I can't...
Traitor! Stop it!

Chris, what are you doing?

Who's there?


It's douglas brackman.

I came at a bad time.

Not at all, honey.

Come on in.

Well, come on.

I'm sorry for
barging in like this.

I was driving along sunset.

I, uh...

I think I'm having
some kind of crisis.

Poor baby.

Would you like a sandwich
and a glass of milk?

Yes, please.

I didn't realize
how hungry I was.

I've been so distraught.

I haven't taken the time to eat.

Have the cookie.

Finding out about
you and my father,

Discovering you
bore him a child,

Then my own mother's death.

It seems like some
kind of watershed.

Ever since the funeral,

My life's been like one
long spiraling nightmare.

Oh, honey.

Plus, my marriage
is over irrevocably.

And on top of everything else,

Another half brother shows up.


You know about him?

Your father never
kept secrets from me.

He kept his entire
life secret from me.

It's just so hard to
confront the fact

That I'm 43 years
old and I'm all alone.


Honey, try at 59.

It's just the way life
works out sometimes.

You have to keep
a positive attitude.

Finish the cookies.

It must've been hard for you.

What, honey?

With my father and everything.

He told me he loved me,

That he was gonna
divorce your mother

And marry me.

You would've been my stepmother.

Why didn't you,

If he loved you and
you had a child with him?

People promise you forever,

Then they drop you on your head.

I know exactly what you mean.

People think you get
older, your desire dries up,

You get used to the loneliness,

But you don't.

People look at me,
they see an old woman,

But I don't feel
like an old woman.

I still feel young.

You want to see
what I looked like

When your father knew me?

Oh, my god.

Don't be embarrassed, honey.

These are porno movies.

I had a beautiful body.

I wasn't ashamed to show it.

I was sexy, wasn't i?

God, yes.

Am I sexy now?


It's okay.

It's okay, sweetie.

Mama's going to take
good care of you.

Has the jury
reached its verdict?

Yes, your honor.

What say you?

We the jury,

In the matter of people
versus prescott and mullaney,

Find the defendant
andrew prescott

Guilty of m*rder
in the first degree.

And we further find the
defendant thomas mullaney

Not guilty.

Thank you so much.

Congratulations, tommy.

You were the best.

You're a free man.

Court is adjourned.

I'm sorry.

Let's go.


She died on the table, stuart.

The baby?

The baby's fine.

That's, that's a lot
to be grateful for.

So how come I feel
like a m*rder*r?

Ann, I want to
show you something.

Come on.

Take a good look, ann.

You didn't take a life.

You saved a life.

Look at them, stuart.

They show up one day

And all they can do
is wriggle and cry.

They look up at you
with complete innocence

And they say, "do
everything for me,

If you don't I'll die."

So we do.

And then this baby girl arnett.

Got doctors buzzing
all around her.

She's got all her
fingers and all her toes.

The only thing which
she doesn't have

Is her mommy.
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