02x15 - The Bald Ones

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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02x15 - The Bald Ones

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on l.a. Law...

My father kept a mistress
made porno movies?

I was also the
mother of his child.

You're... My mother?

Not yours.

Your brother's.

Who is he?

His name is erroll farell.

And I'm very happy to say

He's a lawyer right
here in los angeles,

Like you and like your father.

Erroll farell?

I'm douglas brackman.

He wants us to
represent his nephew

In a criminal matter.

John vincent is reputed to be

One of the most powerful figures

In organized crime in the
western united states.

I think the key word
there is "reputed."

Charles said you
are little reluctant.

My mind's made up.

Some mistakes are
very hard to live with...

I seriously suggest you
rethink your position.

She's still drinking
the champagne

The guy's dead.

It gives us a chance

To start over
with a clean slate.

You start over,
charlie... Alone.

Please, I wish you'd reconsider.

Not a chance.

All I'm asking
is a little favor.

Which has let me partake

In some of your
primo office space.

When nobody's using
it where's the harm.

The answer's unequivocally no.

Out of curiousity

Does your wife know
you're carrying on

With that nearsighted tootsie?

I'm sick of it, douglas.

I'm sick of you.

I'm sick of your humiliating me

With your sickening
little affairs.

My lawyer will call
your lawyer monday.




How are you feeling?

Like someone who's dying.

What a stupid question.

What are you doing here, anyway?

I wanted to see you.


Afraid I'll disinherit
you before I die?

No, mother.

Maybe I already have.

It's of no interest to
me one way or the other.

You're a
disappointment, douglas.

You always were.

You're like your father.

Emotionally ungiving, humorless.

A petty tyrant,
mean-spirited, penurious...

Those are your
qualities, mother.

I'm not dead yet.

Don't you dare use that tone.

Please. Please, mother.

I don't want to argue.

I love you.

Far too little.

Far too late.

Michael, where are we on
your court-appointed k*ller?

I got a suppression
hearing scheduled

For later this morning.

I don't see how you
can actually go to bat

For this guy, michael?

I got no choice,

The court assigned
this case to me.

I've got to do my best. Yes.

Well, since these
court appointments

Usually don't generate
fees commensurate

With hours put in,

May I submit that a plea bargain
of some sort might be prudent.

Not if I can get
them off altogether.

How are you gonna
do that? He did it.

But the only evidence
they have circumstantial.

If I can have his prior
convictions excluded,

Against them falls apart.

Stokes versus
maygen manufacturing.

We answered the complaint.

Certification hearing is friday.

What is this case?

It's one lone
disgruntled shareholder

Claiming he bought
our client's stock

Due to false statements he
made in their annual report.

He lost $2,000 when
the stocks went down.

2, Ooo?

That's a pimple.

That pimple could
become a cancer.

He's trying to
bring a class action

On behalf of 1,000 shareholders.

Can we stop it, abby?

I think we've a good
chance, but I need help.

There's a ton of documentation

To go through
between now and friday.

Jonathan, help her.

My week's a little
tight, douglas.

Maybe ann...

Loosen it. The stakes
on this are huge.

Moving on.

Wheeler versus redding. Victor?

I'm hoping we can
affect the settlement,

Before we go to
trial, but I don't know.

Aside from my personal distaste
for suing a fellow attorney,

It would seem that the
chances of getting a judgment

Against someone
like august redding

Are slim to none.

Listen, I'm not
doing this for sport.

Jeanette wheeler's
an uneducated woman

Who relied on august redding

To get her compensation
for the death of her husband.

I mean, the settlement
he came back

Wasn't even close.

Nevertheless proving a case

Like this tough against somebody

Who isn't legend.

I don't know.

Last time when I
saw him in court,

He seem to be having a hard time

Remembering his
own client's name.

Well, I'm having lunch
with gus redding today.

Maybe we can still
work something out, hmm?

Well, that concludes our agenda.

We're out of here. I
got to see you in second.

How's mother, douglas?

Not good.

The doctors say
she could go any time.

I'm sorry.

That is the last one, abby.

Great, could you take them
to the conference room for me?

What is all this?

Annual reports and projections.

The rest are printouts
of stock transactions.

And we got to wade
through all this crap?

We have to distinguish
the shareholders.

If we can show that
they're not all the same,

They won't get
certified as class.

But basically they are the same.

They all bought
and sold the stock

And lost money.

Some bought preferred
stock, some bought common.

Some bought and sold directly,

Some went through
brokerage houses.

No, distinctions without
a difference, abby.

Not so.

If we can separate
all the plaintiffs

Into a zillion
different categories,

The judge might not lump
them into a single class.

What you're going
about is the wrong way,

The our defense's focus
already been should be rule 23.

We should be
moving to disqualify

The named plaintiff.

I disagree.

The key is commonality.

Waltzing in with a list
of trivial distinctions...

I don't intend to
argue them as trivial.

Wait a second.

You're not arguing this motion.

I most certainly
am. It's my case.

I'm the litigator here...

I'm as much of a litigator
as you are, jonathan!

Maybe, but I think
one of the reasons

Douglas assigned
me this case because...

He assigned you
to just, to assist me,

Which makes you my assistant.

Now here is a list
of the categories.

Pick a box!

Mr. B., It's
dr. Connelly, line one.

Yes, doctor?

I see.

I'll be there shortly.

Thank you.

Your mother?

She's gone.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

If anyone needs me,

I'll be at the hospital.

The convictions are
relevant, your honor.

They go to modus operandi...

That's crazy, those crimes
have nothing to do with his case.

It will be prejudice...

We're discussing a man's pattern

For committing
late-night armed robberies,

A pattern which is probative...

The model of line
is he's trying to use

Old convictions to
show that my client

Had a propensity
to commit this crime.

He can't do that.

I'm afraid he's
right, mr. Platt.

It would be prejudicial
to allow evidence

Of those prior robberies,

Especially in a m*rder one case.

If the defendant
takes the stand,

You could use those convictions

To impeach his credibility,

But you're not going
to submit that stuff

As independent evidence.

I'm also going to exclude

The prior conviction of
mulaney, the codefendent...

Which brings me

To a different
problem, gentlemen.

Attorney michael greenbaum,

Representing the
codefendant in this matter,

Has apparently taken ill

And can't continue.

So, we're going
to have to suspend

Our trial schedule temporarily

Until we appoint somebody else.

Any ideas?

I want somebody with
m*rder one experience.

Well, I don't know if
she'd be interested,

But I could ask former
deputy d.a. Grace van owen.

She's done plenty
of capital cases.

Well, I know her.
Will she do it?

Don't know, I have to ask her.

I'd like her appearance
file by the end of the week.

Well, are we done, gentlemen?

I've always hated suing
other lawyers, leland.

That didn't stop you.

You could rest assure was
never with the case wobbly

As the one you have against me.

You've got to learn
to be more selective.

You can't let your
associates prick your back.

Gus, I don't relish suing
another lawyer either,

Particularly you,

But I do think
it's a strong case.

Nice to see you, mr. Redding.

How are you? All right.

August... I asked
you to this lunch

Out of respect for
our long friendship.

This case is just
not going to go away.

Jeanette wheeler
has a legitimate

Cause of action against you.

Which is what exactly,

Disappointment that her
settlement wasn't bigger?

That settlement
it was a fraction

Of what it should've been
had you done your job.

I did my job.

Damn it. Gus, listen to wheeler.

You went to sleep
on that woman's case,

And it's not the first time.

Something like this
has happened to you.

I may not be as
sharp as I once was,

But I can forgot more law

Than these young
guys will ever know.

Gus... You've got a
real exposure here.

No one's trying to embarrass you

Or hold you up.

Are your numbers
appreciably different

From what santiago

Communicated to
my office in the past?


Sifuentes. Are they?

We're prepared to accept

The five-year layout
on half million dollars.

All terms to be kept
strictly confidential.

No, sir!

The truth is this is
not a case about m0ney,

Leland, it's about
my reputation,

My ability as an attorney.

"Who steals my
purse steals trash,

"But he who filches
from me my good name

"Robs me of that
which not enriches him

And makes me poor, indeed."

Victor sifuentes is a very
able attorney, august.

You'll do well not
to underestimate him.

Your cautionary is noted.

I look forward to
watching him work.

This woman had a husband,

And his company k*lled him,

Just surely as if
they'd taken a shotgun

And pointed it towards
his chest they k*lled him.

She wanted a good lawyer.

And people told her that

When she hired august redding

She'd have herself
a great lawyer.

Imagine then how
she must have felt

When he told her $20,000

Was all that her
husband's life was worth,

Or at least, all that
he had settled for.

When you have the facts
of this case presented,

Before you I believe
that you'll see

That there are only
two possible explanations

For this... One is
that august redding

Is a painfully bad lawyer.

And no one in his right mind

Would say that.

The other is that
he's a great lawyer

Who can't be a lawyer anymore.

We will present evidence

To show that depositions
were scheduled

But never taken,

That discovery motions
were allowed to expire.

Ladies and gentlemen,

$20,000 Does not
reflect a man's life,

Cut short at the age of 47

With a widow and two
children left behind.

It reflects a lawyer's
failure and neglect.

The evidence will represent

An attorney who invited trust...

But couldn't keep
his end of the bargain.

What you're being asked to do

Is to hold him accountable.

Having august
redding for a client is,

Frankly a little intimidating.

I don't think there is anyone

Who has ever seen him in court

Who hasn't been awed by him.

In a career that
spanned five decades,

He's shown himself
to be a legal scholar

And a man of great compassion

For those whose
cause he has championed.

And one of my
adversary will take pains

To portray that $20,000

As evidence of gus
redding having lost it,

The truth is, there
aren't very many lawyers

Around who could've gotten that.

Jeanette wheeler
wanted a silk purse

From a sow's ear.

Gus redding made her one.

Now she's suing him
because it wasn't big enough.

A disappointed plaintiff

Looks for someone to blame.

Well, that's understandable,
ladies and gentlemen.

But it isn't malpractice.

I'm terribly sorry about
your mother, douglas.

Her heart finally gave out.

But the truth is,

C0nsidering my pending divorce,

It comes at a very good time.

It seems she left
me her entire estate.

Do you need any help
with arrangements?


She left instructions
with her attorney

For a small memorial service

And, uh... A simple cremation.

Would you like to
get some dinner?

Thank you, no.

I'm not very hungry.

Douglas, I know that
you and your mother

Were never that
close, but, still...

I remember when my mother died.

She was the last buffer

Between me and my mortality.

She never loved me, leland.

I always thought
it was my fault,

That if I could be a better son

Or a more successful lawyer,

She'd soften toward me.

She never did.

And now, here I am...
Soon to be single,

Suddenly quite wealthy.

Whole new vistas open before me.

So why is it that I feel so...


That's three down...
And seven to go.

Abby, we're not
going to make it.

Sure we will.

It's taken one fuller day
to get through just three.

So we'll work tonight and
tomorrow night we have to.

What we have to is cut out
some of these categories.

No, no, no the more
categories, the better.

Some of them
aren't even relevant.

Take this one.

"The amount of the
shareholders' loss."

That means nothing for
class certification purposes.

That means a lot.

The named plaintiff lost $2,000.

Some people lost as much as 10
which means you cannot equate.

That's stupid!

And when the judge
sees you wasting his time...

Jonathan, just do it!

I can't take this.

Oh, you're bitching
because you don't like

To second chairing
a case with me!

I'm bitching because
you're using this thing

As a power trip!

Bossing me around gives you
goose bumps. And you know.

And it all goes
back to my salary.

I am bossy because you
refuse to cooperate.

You find it degrading
to work for me.

What's degrading is kow
telling to a legal strategy!

That stinks.

Oh, what the hell do you even
know about legal strategy?

You've never even tried a case.

At least I've got
a good excuse...

Excuse me.

Of never having won one!

Okay, I've I have had enough!

Hey! Hey!

What is going on here?

I'm trying to...

She's just arguing
this motion in a way

Which is a guarantee
we'll lose the case...

Stop it!

Let me remind both of you,

If we don't defeat
this class certification,

Our client faces
potential liability

In excess of $1 million.

In light of that
serious possibility,

I suggest you stop this
unprofessional bickering

And get this job finished.

Mr. B., Your brother's
here to see you.

Get rid of him! He won't leave.

He says he has to
see you right away.

What are you doing here?

I came down the minute
I read the obituaries.

Why didn't you call me, dougie?

I brought you a
basket of dried fruit

To help you through
your bereavement.

I'm deeply touched,
but I'm very busy.

Now if you will excuse me.

At a time like this, dougie

You need family.

A time like this I need
you to leave me alone!

We need to talk.

I have nothing to say to you.

Well, I have something
to say to you



You're not a
beneficiary, so forget it.

A preliminary read
of the situation

Tells me the residuary
of my father...

Our father's estate

Was improperly transferred.

Are you out of your mind?

His will was ex*cuted
according to his terms.

And the statute of limitations

Has long expired, on it, anyway.

See you're jumping
to conclusions

It could take a probate
court years to reach.

What are you
looking for, you slug?

I paid my dues while
the old lady was living.

I played by you people's rules.

But now I want what's right.

I'm going to draw
up a full waiver

Of any and all claims, erroll.

And when you sign
it, I'll pay you $15,000.

15? She left you millions!

If it's not acceptable,

I say just you and your
crack secretary get busy.

I'll be slapping you with papers

It'll take a hand
truck to carry.

You owe me better than this.

You are a jackal

Preying on other
people's misery,

And I owe you nothing!

Now get out!

Before I have you thrown out.

Given you're going through
an emotional bad time,

I'm going to forget the
harsh things were said here.

I'll take the 15.

But don't dawdle
on those papers.

Because I may change my mind.

So what do you
say? Will you do it?

Well, I don't know.

I'm having a lot of
fun doing nothing.

And you can't imagine

How busy I've been doing it.

Aren't you getting little bored?


You know, I went to
the library yesterday

And the museum the day before.

And I spent two hours
this morning shopping

And didn't buy anything.

But it was wonderful.

It was relaxing.

Um... I don't know... Interior.

I like it.

I'm not sure I want
to stop doing it yet.

The things is this is just
a short-term situation.

And you can find
out how you feel

About going back to work

Without actually having to
make a full-time commitment.

As I recall, you never
would have taken this trial

If you'd had the choice.

But your guy's innocent.

All he did was sit in the car.

My guy did the crime.

They all says so.

Come on, gracie,

It would be fun to
work together with it.

Don't you think?

Yes, it would.

So, am I suppose to
take that as a yes?

I'll meet with him, okay?


Did you make a diagnosis
relative to that finding?


Based on the lesions found

In the colon and bowel wall,

We determined he was suffering
from colorectal carcinoma.

Once more in english, doctor.

Mr. Wheeler died
from rectal cancer.

And as an industrial

Did you form an opinion

As to the cause
of this cancer's?

I did.

It resulted from breathing

The carcinogenic powder or dust

In the area at simmons aviation.

Have you known other employees

At simmons aviation to
have been diagnosed...


Other diagnoses have no
relevance to this proceeding.

I intend to show that
there are other plaintiffs

With identical afflictions

That have prosecuted

And won cases against
simmons aviation.

This witness has
no competence...

She was an expert
witness at those trials.

And she has independent
knowledge of their claims.

She's seen
million-dollar verdicts

For similar plaintiffs.

And she's competent
to give an opinion

As to this man's decision

To throw away
mrs. Wheeler's claim

For lousy 20,000 bucks.


Self-serving and false.

Your honor... The
objection is sustained.

Your honor I'd like to state
my objection on the record.

You're represented
here, mr. Redding.

I'm being represented
by my own firm.

And since I personally
filed an appearance,

I'm entitled to
state my objection

To opposing counsel's
irresponsible speechifying.

So noted. Now if you...

I'd also like to point out

That opposing counsel's
inexperience as a trial lawyer

And his ignorance
of negligence law...


Objection! Mr. Redding!

He knows, I did nothing wrong.

You did everything wrong!

Mrs. Wheeler, sit down.

I make a motion to
strike this, your honor.

You're in violation
of 128.5., My friend.

Your honor.

That's enough.

Now that everybody's
made his little speech,

I'm going to instruct the
jury to disregard all of it,

Which I trust
they've already done.

Mr. Sifuentes, proceed
with direct examination.

Mr. Redding, sit down.

And mr. Spitzer,
control your client.

And I just stayed in the
car while andy went inside.

I thought he was
going in to buy beer.

Didn't you hear the g*nsh*t?

I had the radio going.

Do I didn't hear anything.

Till andy gets back the car,

Real quick he
tells me to take off.

Between you and me, tommy

Do you think the
sh**ting was intentional?

Look, andy's no k*ller, I know.

I mean, he can be pretty
wild, in everything,

But he'd never hurt
anybody on purpose.

It had to be an accident.


Since you tell me you're broke,

There's no use moving
for a bail modification.

You could never get o.r.

Well, the first
attorney I had said

That I should plead
to manslaughter.

But that wouldn't
be my strategy.

And I doubt the
state would go for it.

Why not?

Felony m*rder rule.

What's that?

It means as long
as you helped out,

You might as well
have pulled the trigger.

But i...

I didn't know what was going on.

I know but as far as
they're concerned,

You drove the getaway car.

I mean, they're going to give
me the death penalty for that?

Tommy, I know how
frightening this is,

But from what you're telling me

I think your chances are
pretty decent for an acquittal.

Please, mrs... I'm begging you,

Take my case, please. I
didn't do anything. Time's up.

I'm taking your case, tommy.

I'll be in touch.

And in your opinion that, sir.

How did mr. Redding
handle this case?

I renew my objection
as to foundation judge.

This man doesn't know
the facts that we were...

This man has been a
personal injury lawyer

For 15 years.

And I think that
he's quite capable

Of evaluating another
lawyer's performance.

He can answer the question.

In your opinion, mr. Aaronsen.

My opinion is

August redding was
guilty of gross neglect.

He let the discovery
deadline pass

Without bothering to
submit a environmental

Or medical records.

He never deposed anybody.

You can't even begin
to evaluate your case

Until you meet the witnesses

And ascertain their
demeanor and credibility.

Do you have an opinion, sir,

Of mr. Redding's decision
to settle this matter?

I consider that to
be offensively low.

Liability was clear.

The damages were obviously high.

Mr. Wheeler was young.

This case was worth
half a million dollars.


Thank you, mr. Aaronsen.

I have nothing further.

I'm a little confused,
mr. Aaronsen.

That you said

It's impossible to
even evaluate a case

Without meeting the witnesses,

Seeing their
demeanor, and so forth.

Is that correct?


Did you meet the witnesses
in the wheeler case?


And here you are
evaluating its worth

At half a million dollars.

I admit it's a ballpark
estimate, but...

Do you know the amount
of medical expenses

Incurred by
mr. Wheeler the cancer?

It was in the neighborhood of...

No, I'm not interested
in neighborhoods, sir.

Do you know?

Not the exact amount.

What about mr. Wheeler's
pre-existing colitis condition?

How long did he have that?

I believe it was
quite some time.

"Quite some time."

I must say, mr. Aaronsen,

You certainly have a strong
command of the details here.

The point is

A lot of that information
wasn't even in the file

Because your client
failed to collect it.

The point is

You yourself don't have enough
information about this case

To really evaluate
its worth, right?

Of course I need more,
but I can certainly...

Thank you.

Mr. Aaronsen, did you
ever have occasion

To try a case
against mr. Redding

And see him in action firsthand?


What happened?

He won.

Well, in fact, sir,

He beat you for a
$7 million verdict,

The worst pasting you ever took.

I object your honor,
there is no evidence...

The relevance is
this man is bitter.


He's jealous, he's
envious with a big fat chip...

I object your honor!

Mr. Spitzer, that will do.

I'm sorry, judge.

Mr. Aaronsen, one last question

To make sure we all understand

What's going on up here.

You're a lawyer
criticizing another lawyer

Who once soundly whipped you.

And you're passing
judgment on a case

That you don't even
have all the facts on.

Now isn't that exactly right?

In a manner of speaking.

No further questions.

In a manner of speaking.

Let us be honest with death.

Let us not pretend

That death is less than it is.

It is separation.

It is sorrow.

It is grief.

But let us not pretend

That death is more than it is.

It is not annihilation.

As long as memory endures,

The influence of hazel brackman

Will be with us.

It is not an end to
joy or laughter.

Nothing would less
honor this woman

Than to make our lives...

What are you doing here?

Just came to pay my respects.

By the way, did you get around
to cutting my check here?

If you don't stop
keep badgering me,

I'll come down on you
like the wrath of god.

Dougie, lighten up.

It's a funeral.

And like the glory
of an autumn sun

Has lit the world
through its day.

It's so terrible.

I can't believe his wife

Didn't even show up.

They're estranged, roxanne.

What difference does that make?

His mother died.

Her light, we trust,

Still shineth beyond
the distant peaks

Of this world's horizon.

For life goes on...
What are you doing?

Shh, shh, shh.

Who are you?

I'm your brother... Gordon.

Her devotion to loved ones,

Friends, and family.

For hers was a generous...

The fact that our
genetic tidepools

May overlap cuts
no ice with me, mister.

I've gotten rid of one
freeloading brother already.

What'll it take
to get rid of you?

Hey, look, I want
nothing from you.

I was here, I was
attending a conference.

I read your mother's
obituary in the paper.

I wanted to reach out to you.

Under the circumstances,

I perfectly understand
your suspicions.

Bartender, check.

I've never heard of you.

I've never heard from you.

Why should I even
believe you're my brother?

Douglas brackman, sr.

And, little gordon salt.

It's the pony
rides on la cienega.

It's, uh... 1948.

I was 4 years old.


So you're my brother.

It doesn't mean anything.

You're right.

Kinship is earned.
It's not imposed.

I wish you well, douglas.

And if you're ever in seattle

You feel like looking me up,

I'd be honored.


What do you do in seattle?

I'm a psychotherapist.

I should have known

I suppose you have
some probing insights

To bestow on me.
There's nothing to probe.

Really, it's all pretty obvious.

Such as?

Such as, you were the
dutiful and obedient son,

Yet your mother gave
nothing of herself.


You were the strong
and devoted husband,

Father, yet your wife and kids

Didn't even come to the
chapel in your hour of grief.


Erroll farell asks
you to be a brother

While he acts like a parasite.


You're always on the
giving end, douglas.

Isn't it time

You were the one
doing the receiving?

I find it so hard to do that.

This might sound like some
glib psychological homily,

But if you can't allow
yourself to receive,

Then giving is not generosity.

It's manipulation.

You know, that's
interesting you say that.

People have offered
me their kindness,

And I've sent them all away.

The lawyers in my office.

Sounds like you're
in a lot of pain.

My mommy died, gordon.

Now she is dead,

And because she was
an unloving parent,

It's the worst rejection of all.

But what do you
do with the hurt?

You cleanse it with love.

You forgive her.

And you move on.


Where were you when my
marriage was breaking up?

I'm here now.

It's too late.

Oh, is it?

Or are you too
frightened to try?

I have to get back to my office

To check on a couple
of associates right now,

But if I can convince her,

Would you meet with
sheila and me tomorrow?

My morning is jammed,

But I'm free at 1 o'clock.

You can come to my suite
at the beverly hills hotel.

We can order out some lunch.

If I have to drag her
kicking and screaming,

We'll be there.

She has to want it, douglas.

If she doesn't, we
can't force her.

It's that simple?

As simple as...

Brotherly love.




Down to our last box.


We're due in court in 12 hours.

I don't ever want to see

Another computer stock log

For as long as I'm here.

Annual reports.

I can't read any
more of this stuff.

Yes, you can.

We're almost done.

I swear I'm going to die.

I got an idea.

I might just have
something... Ah!

We're saved.

What's that,

One of those
self-motivation tapes?

Better. The temptations.


One of my professors
used to tell us,

"If you just can't
study anymore,

But you got to keep going.


I'm too tired to dance.

You trust me, abby, this works.

You'll be energized
in three minutes.

Yeah, I need three
weeks on a beach.

♪ I know you want to leave me ♪

♪ But I refuse to let you go ♪

♪ If I have to beg and plead ♪

♪ For your sympathy ♪

♪ I don't mind ♪

♪ 'Cause you mean
that much to me ♪

♪ Ain't too proud to beg ♪

♪ Yes, you know it ♪

♪ If you'll believe me, girl ♪

♪ But if I have to
cry to keep you ♪

♪ I don't mind weepin' ♪

♪ If you'll be here by my side ♪

♪ Baby, why did I tell you ♪

♪ See, darlin' ♪

♪ Baby, baby ♪

♪ Please don't leave me, girl ♪

♪ If I have to sleep
on your doorstep ♪

♪ All night, baby ♪

Oh, my god. Whoops.

It's gratifying to see

Both of you've worked
out your differences.

Good night.


Well, what now?

Different plantiffs
will be relying on

Different sets of facts

To prosecute their claims.

Depending on the date
of the transaction date.

To means of purchase.

The amount involved.
The way in which.

Hold it, will you please.

Why does it take two of
you to argue this matter?

I'm speaking as the liability
for the company, your honor.

While mr. Rollins is focusing

On the individual
officers and directors.

Which directors also have

Separate defenses
available to them.

Depending upon the
specific plaintiff involved,

The information
actually known to them.

The circumstances
surrounding the entire...

Time out!

The ping-pong twins
have a point, mr. Mosha.

The common questions
don't predominate here.

Well, I realize that, judge.

But this would be
completely impractical

To litigate on a case by case

Each shareholder only
lost a few thousand dollars?

I mean, the victims are
you going to spend more

On legal fees than they
ever stand to recover.

The ability to finance a lawsuit

Is not relevant to typicality.

And attorney fees are
recoverable in 10b-5 actions.

I mean, not only that...

I'm sorry.

Go ahead.

No, that's all right. You go.

No, I insist.


I'll go.

Mr. Mosha,

The common questions
don't predominate here.

Your motion's denied.

Next case.

You did it. You were great.

So were you.

So... I guess we should
get back to the office,

Let the client know there's
only one plaintiff suing him

Instead of a thousand.

Yeah, better let him know.


I want to clear the
air about last night.

Oh, what about it?

It's no great secret

We're kind of
attracted to each other.

But I just don't want
you to get the wrong idea.

About what?

You know, us.

I'm just not ready for
a heavy office romance.

You really are a jerk.


It's like I forced
you into anything.


Look, if in the course
of k*lling ourselves

For 72 hours, we
got a little crazy...

Maybe even a little curious,

What's wrong with that?


I... I... I just thought...
You just thought

That you were the greatest
thing since pimento loaf.

Look, I think that
we both realize

It's a lot better for us
to be friends for long time

Instead of lovers
for short time.



Now, do we think we can
properly congratulate

One another?


I don't even know
what I'm doing here?

Why are you here?

Because of his hangdog look,

His manipulative begging.

I hate it!

You're free to go.


Then it's all my fault.

Well, isn't it?

All you ever do is take, demand,

Bitch about what
everyone else has,

Without being grateful
for what you've been given.

Oh, please.

You've given me nothing.

You're an absentee husband,

A cold, disinterested,
predictable lover.

What do you expect?

Every time I get to bed, I
have to compete with bjorn

Or roger or my
own brother erroll

Not to mention,
god knows who else.



Who's aurelio?

He's the packaging
supervisor at gelson's.

A box boy for god sakes?

I don't know why I
even brought us here.

What's the point?

What is the point, indeed?

All right, the point is this.

You two have armored yourselves

With so much hostility

That you have
forgotten how to love.

What's to love?

His bald head?

His hairy shoulders?

His knobby knees?

Stop it!

How can you let her
keep saying those things?

Expressing anger is
safer than admitting pain.

Mumbo jumbo.

And your anger is your
excuse for not changing.

More mumbo jumbo.

Oh, is it?

Well, now that you're single,

Are you experiencing
your freedom?

Or are you still
imprisoned by pain,

By rage, by a life of
unmet expectations?


And it's not fair. He
promised me things!

But there are no promises,
there are no guarantees.

It is your life.

You have to take
responsibility for it

Whether you're
with this man or not.

I don't know how.

I think there's a
secret sheila inside you.

A loving, creative,
nurturing sheila,

Just bursting to be free.

You can see that?


You release her,

And you'll never
again look to a man

To give you what you
can only give yourself.

I want to throw pots.

You've already broken
half the dishes in the house.

That's not what she means.

Is it?


I want to be an artist.

I want to sit at the wheel,

My hands in wet clay.

Then do it.

Reach into your dark,
moist well of talent.

Explore it with your heart,
and your hands, and your soul.

Release the anger. Let it go.

You're a sensual, earthy woman,

With an infinite
capacity for giving.

I know it.

But does he?

How could he?

Have you ever given
yourself to him?

Not given in.

But really given.

I want to try.

Me, too.

Mr. Redding,

Jeanette wheeler signed
the settlement papers

With simmons
aviation, is that right?

I witnessed it. Yes.

You recall putting a
g*n to her head at a time?

My arsenal of persuasive devices

Has never included
firearms, mr. Spitzer.

You recommended that she sign?

You bet.

Can you tell us why?

Well, let me start by offering
some objective reasons...

The questionable causality
of tom wheeler's condition,

Contributory negligence

In the form of
his refusal to use

Personal safety
devices on the job,

The fact that jeanette wheeler

Was already making
a living for herself.

All this goes into the hopper.

Now let me add though,
that there's no formula

There's no book you can read

That will tell you
which to settle

And which ones to try.

43 Years of practice
tells you that.

And you can't summarize
what that means

On a witness stand.

Because it would
take another lifetime

To even come close,

But you can rest
assured it's all up here.

Thank you, sir.

I have no further questions.

Good afternoon, mr. Redding.

My name's victor sifuentes.

I believe we've met.

Does the name kate morrison's
mean anything to you, sir?

No, shouldn't.

She is a registered nurse

Who was employed
by simmons aviation

And was prepared to testify

As to the prevalence of
cancer victims of that company.

I'm sure you'll forgive me

If a few obscure names
from two or three years ago

Elude my powers of recall.

Ed popov, cleve dortmunder,

Nelson moon, ron nicolaides...

Any of those names
ring a bell, sir?

Objection. This
isn't a quiz show.

What's the significance
of these names?

They were all coworkers
of tom wheeler,

All diagnosed with varying
forms of malignancy.

I'll allow it.

Mr. Redding, do any of
these names ring a bell?

None of them.

I suppose you never took time

To take their depositions
either, is that right?

I won't waste time

With meaningless discovery
exercises, counselor.

Isn't it true, sir,

That lawyers of simmons aviation

Knew full well

That your failure to carry
out even minimal discovery

Would've resulted
in a summary judgment

Against you if you did try
and take the case of trial.

Not so far as I know.

It wasn't the $20,000 of scrap
they were throwing to you,

A nuisance settlement?


Absolutely not.

And didn't you know
it grab for that scrap

Knowing that it
was that or nothing?

Objection your honor.

This is argumentative badgering.


What's my name, mr. Redding?

Why, was I supposed
to depose you, too?

My name is victor sifuentes.

What cases did you align, sir,

In deciding that $20,000

Was all you could
get for cancer?

They're in my head.

And let me tell you
something, johnny...

If I couldn't get
more than that,

No one could.

Did you stand up

In court, sir, during this trial

And stating objection
for the record.

I think I did.

Was the objection
sustained or overruled?

I'm not sure.

What was the objection, sir?

I don't remember.

What's my name? Objection!

Overruled. What's my name?

I don't remember.

Victor sifuentes. Where
did you have lunch today?


Goes directly to the
witness' short-term memory

And competence
to practice the law.

I ate lunch at jimmy's.

No, sir, you ate lunch
at the regency club.

You're trying to trap me.

Yes, sir that is exactly,
what I'm trying to do

I'm trying to trap you
with your own inability

To remember the simplest
most basic pieces of information.

I've broken the backs
of insurance companies

In six states.

What's my name, sir?

Counsel is badgering
this witness!

This witness has
been a trial lawyer

For 43 years, your honor.

And I'm asking him
a simple question.

You know how many
times I've made law.

Common carrier liability...

Ferguson versus
st. Boniface ski tours,

6 Cal. 2Nd 42.

Indemnification of
agent by principle...

Bullock vs.
Tecowsky, 50 cal. 309.

Look it up! Your honor.

What's my name, mr. Redding?

You want names?

Delia maldonado!
Geisler called me.

Begged me to take her case.

The woman owes her life to me.

Will the court
direct the witness

To either answer the question

Or indicate that he's unable
to answer the question?

Mr. Redding. They all know me...

Percy foreman, ed
williams, gerry spence.

Ask weitzman.

About me he'll tell you
he's seen me in action.

Gus... Mr. Redding.

Can you answer
mr. Sifuentes' question?

What's the question?

What's my name?

I don't know!

I can't remember!

Your honor, I would ask
for a 20-minute recess.

Court to resume at 4:15.

This court is in
recess for 20 minutes.

All interested parties
should return at that time.

Can we find a room
and settle this out?


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