02x08 - Goldilocks and the Three Barristers

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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02x08 - Goldilocks and the Three Barristers

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
l.a. Law... Bastard!

You went to my captain

And got me
transferred, didn't you?

Miss vasek...

I really thought
you cared about me.

I do care about you.

I care about everybody
in my courtroom.

And what about everyone
in your chambers?

Hell hath no fury.

I just hope you used protection.


Aids, douglas.


She's not sophisticated
in a lot of ways, stuart.

I'm just afraid you're
not gonna like her.

Ann, she's your mom.
I'm gonna love her.

Stuart tried to do
my taxes last year.

Well, aren't you lucky?

You know, your
father used to say,

If only he had had a
jewish bookkeeper,

We'd all be millionaires.

Are you okay?

I was with my divorce
lawyer all morning.


That'll do it, all right?

I'm lauren sevilla.

Victor sifuentes.

How do you do?

Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.

She's great, michael.

And she's smart,
beautiful, funny and...

You're rolling your eyes.

You're rolling your eyes!

Oh, forgive me if it sounds like

Maybe I've heard this
story from you before.

Rohner vs. Gradinger.

Well, the more I go over
this, the more convinced I am

The party's really
want a reconciliation.


Take it easy. Stop it!

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Both
of you, would you stop?

You are the most important
thing in the world to me.

The only way we're gonna
heal this relationship

Is by being together

And fighting for it
as hard as we can.

You're seducing me.

You tried to put a freeze
on our bank account.

Did I tell you that?
You're a kiddo.

You're ready to order, sir?

Uh, just marbled
tea, I waited for my

Other party to order breakfast.

I still can't believe it.

He shacks up with his
administrative assistant

Locks up the bentley and
the jag in the office garage,

And then he cries
to me on the phone

About how I betrayed him.

Have you seen a lawyer?

I saw bailey simes on monday.

Oh, dandruff on
the lapels, tie clip.

I mean, let's get real here.

How about hope
shays or... Alters?

Oh, I'm seeing both
of them already.

And I think alice shankman, too.

Tricky little devil,

Trying to box you out of

All the best divorce
lawyers in town.

Well, I've got an appointment
to see arnold becker.

Forget it!

Well, I thought he's
on everyone's "a" list.

Last year's list, darling.

If I were you, I'd cancel.

You would?

He slept with a
girlfriend of mine.


While he was representing her.

Ooh, that's the lowest.

Oh, yeah.

Well, was he any good at least?

A legend in his own mind.

I heard he was cute.

Not from what I hear.

He dresses like
a vegas pit boss,

Body by pillsbury,

In about two years
away from a hair weave.

Oh, god.

I get the picture.

If I were you, I really
would break the appointment.

I mean, if you were
some housewife in encino,

Looking for a little alimony

Until your real estate
license came through.

I'd say fine.

But for you,

Arnold becker would be
a major embarrassment.

Knock, knock.

Hey, what are you doing here?

Let me take you
away from all of this.

Dim sum breakfast in chinatown?

I can't.

I've got lady godiva
in two minutes.

Excuse me?

A stripper.

She's filing charges
against three lawyers

Who apparently went
too far with the unveiling.


Sounds like a real winner to me.

Well, no. I don't know.

I'll listen to her
chance to say,

But I'm thinking
about kicking it.

Smell good.


Miss van owen?


Hi, I'm jeanie morris.

Hi. Come on in.

I'll call you later, mr. Kuzak.

Miss van owen.

Sit down.

What could that makes
any difference, miss morris?

But just how old are you?


And again, no relevance.

But isn't 18 a little
young to be stripping?

Well, I'm not really a
stripper, miss van owen.

I came out here four months
ago to become an actress.

And I took this job
when I ran out of money.

They promised me that

I wasn't gonna have to
take all my clothes off

Or I could wear a bikini.

Okay, I know that you've
already gone over this

With another
d.a. For the prelim,

But if you wouldn't
mind telling me

What happened that night.

Um, it was my first
assignment, a birthday.

I was really scared.

Took me about a half an hour

Just to get up the
nerve to go in there.

And that's the law
firm in century city?


By the time I got up
there, it was deserted

Except for these two lawyers

Who took me to the
office of the third one.

He was the one who's
having the birthday.


Um, so I put on the tape.

The music, it was a
non... A small tape deck.

And I started to dance.

What were you wearing?

They made me dress
up like goldilocks.

You know, a cape with
a bikini on underneath it.

So I started to dance...

But then I just...

I just felt really
dirty and cheap.

I just couldn't
go through with it.

So what did you do?

So I stopped the tape

And I told them I was sorry.

And I thought they'd
get their money back

And I tried to leave.

And then one of
them locked the door

And said I couldn't.

And then another one grabbed me

And ripped my top off.

In the report, you said
that they touched you.

Another one said,

"If you're not gonna shake 'em,

Then we'll shake 'em for you."

And he grabbed my breasts

And then they all
started grabbing me.

If it wasn't for this janitor

Who heard me screaming
and called the police.

I don't know what
would've happened to me.

I'm gonna be very
honest with you, jeanie.

I think what these
men did to you stinks.

But if we take it to trial,

The jury's gonna
see it as the word of

One teenage stripper
against three lawyers.

It will be a very difficult
conviction to get with this

And very rough on
you in the process.

But I don't understand
what you mean.

They tore my clothes off.

They grabbed my breasts.

They called me dirty names.

They made me feel like a whore.

And you mean that
they should just be able

To get away with that?

No, jeanie, they shouldn't.

And if you're prepared
to go all the way with this,

So am i.

Bullock vs. Kilby
street associates.

Breach of contract
for the delivery of goods

Seeking specific performance,

But there's a good chance
of a cash settlement, I think.

Collins and depaul...

Vs. Azoffski.

Yes, sir.

An action for an accounting

Regarding the
maintenance of trust

And discovery
motions are pending.

Rohner vs. Gradinger.

I've tried to phone mr. Rohner.

Well, don't.

Jonathan, in light of
your estimable success

With gordon bass,

I want you to take
over this case.

That is, in the
unlikely event that

Manny rohner doesn't
fire us altogether.

All right.

Miss perkins, you'll see
that mr. Rollins gets the file.

I believe that
brings us current.

Not quite.

Um, stuart and I
want to announce

That we have finally set a date.


An actual date?

An actual date.

January 10th at stuart's house.

Our house.

Is this b-y-o-b?

No. Not hardly.

Well, congratulations.

Thank you.

I'm very pleased for you both.

Thank you.

Throw me the corsage, okay?

Since when did you
ever wanna get married?

I'm so... I don't know.

I guess I'm kind of
feeling out of it.

Everybody seems to
have somebody, but me.

Someone who loves and
accepts them for themselves,

Someone they feel safe with.

Will the real arnie
becker, please stand up?

This is the real arnie becker.

And I can tell you, victor.

This is no time to be single.

Don't disillusion me, arnie.

You're my idol.

Women, they used to like men.

Today they... They s*ab
at you behind your back.

I... I hope you guys
know how lucky you are

'Cause this is no time
to be alone, fellas.

The hostile years.

The plague years.

This meeting's adjourned.

I want to talk to
you about rohner.

What to talk about?

I'll have the file in
your office before noon.

What's it all about, roxanne?

What's what all about, arnie?

I go into a convenient
store late at night

And I see a fat guy
buying a big bag of

Cheese doodles
and a dirty magazine.

I say to myself, "poor mutt.

There, but for the
grace of god, go i."

Who am I kidding?

Are you still obsessing

Over those two
women at breakfast?

I run 50 miles a week,
I wear italian suits,

I drive a $50,000 car,

And two women
who I don't even know

Can disapprove and
send me careening back

Into being that fat pimply kid

That all the girls in
high school laughed at.

You can't pay attention to
that sort of petty gossip.

They don't even know you, arnie.

They don't know your character.

They got around to my character.

They talked about some affair

I was supposed to
have had with a client.

Which client?

They never said.

That doesn't
narrow it down much.

You, too?

You make it sound
like I'm some sort of

Compulsive womanizer.

Rox, every one of those
women came onto me.

They used me.

Let me fix you a
couple of chamomile.

Forget it!

And by the way, where
the hell are my shirts?

Benny didn't get them.

He's hiding out
in the file room.


He's depressed.


I... I didn't know that
people like benny...

You know, got... Depressed.


He'd probably say the
same thing about you.

The question

You really need to
ask yourself, lynn,

Is whether your spouse's
need for you to come to bed

Dressed as a nurse
as a playful fantasy

Or an attempt at humiliation?

If it makes my wife happy

To see me in white
pantyhose and doctor shows,

I want to make her happy.

It's just her videotaping it.

Learning to love is
learning to trust, lynn.

We'll take our next caller
herman from tujunga.

Go ahead, herman.

Yes, doctor. Am I on?

You're on the air.

Now what's your
question, herman?

It's really not a question.

I really think I'm just
being an alarmist here.

What's your question, herman?

Everyone's talking
about this aids.

Do you suspect you may
have contracted aids, herman?

No, not really.

I'm a complete straight arrow.

No dr*gs, no deviations.

It's just that I haven't
been feeling too well.

It's probably just the flu?

Have you been experiencing
any of the symptoms

Associated with aids
or aids-related complex?

Such things as weight loss,

Fatigue, night sweats,

Soreness or burning
sensations in the mouth,

A persistent dry cough.

Herman, are you familiar
with the sexual history

Of your partners?

Do you know whether
they had partners

Who were iv drug users

Or bisexuals, or hemophiliacs?

If you aren't able to
answer these questions,

You're at risk, herman.

And you should
have yourself tested.

But there's no cure.

What'll I do if I have it?

At least you'd be in a position

To act responsibly
toward your partners.

Herman, if that's
really your name,

What I'm hearing in your
voice is fear and denial.

And now what you need to
do is to confront that fear

And can not be consumed by it.

It's all a part of
relationships radio.

I'm dr. Naomi breslau.
We'll be right back.

Excuse me.

What's the good word, benno?

I don't know, arnie.

Hey, come on, something's wrong.

On the bus coming to work,

Some boys asked me
where I got my clothes.

I told them I didn't know
the name of the store.

They called me names.

Dummy, ret*rd, geek.

Then just before they got
off, one of them took my cap

And threw it out the window.

I got off at the next
stop and went back,

But I couldn't find it.

You know, I got an idea.

I think you and I could both use

A little trip to melrose avenue.

What's over there?


I don't need any clothes, arnie.

Yes, you do. Trust me.

Look, benny, we all
have to retool at times.

We have to keep our eyes
open to what's out there

And we have to go
with what works, right?

You see, this is a part of
acquiring self-knowledge.

Now I never wear a vest.
Have you ever notice that?

My suits are all
double vent or no-vent.

Never singe vent.

I know this about myself.

Occasionally, you have to
make a midcourse correction.

Somebody calls your
attention to chink in the armor,

And you have to
take steps, right?


All right.

Tomorrow morning,
you and me, 10:00.

Maybe I can get another cap.


I'm told you're planning
to take a stripper case

To a jury trial?

Tomorrow morning.

Look, grace, I'm not
excusing what they did,

And they deserve all
the embarrassment

That's coming to them.

But come on, we're
talking to three lawyers,

Families, nice careers.

A felony conviction means
getting hauled before the bar

On moral turpitude.

They could get
suspended or worse.

Gee, I'd hate to see them
lose a week of practicing law

For just molesting
a teenage girl.

What is this?

Some kind of feminist
chip on your shoulder?

What does that supposed to mean?

This is a stupid case.

We shouldn't be
taking this to trial.

I'm gonna ask you to get
off your soapbox here

And dispose of this case.

Forget it, bruce.

These three guys broke the law.

And if we were talking
about ordinary street punks,

We wouldn't be having
this insulting conversation.

And if you don't like it,
stick me back in night court.

Are you sure this is
totally anonymous?


There will be no contact
with my office or home

From this clinic whatsoever?


I call you for the results?


Really, no reason that
should be such shame

Attached to this, is there?

Titan was retreated
as a medical problem

Instead of some plague.

That's right.

Like it or not, it's
mainstream now.

I mean, I don't have a
h*m* bone in my body.

We're very non judgmental here.

Make a fist.

Is this gonna hurt?


Pretty silly to
worry about that now.

I mean, by the time a
person gets in here,

It's a life or death thing.

That's it.

Dr. James abel,

You have a call on extension 26.

So, how long till I know?

About three days.

Look, this can be
between you and me.

But if you can get those
results a little quicker,

You can just name your price.

I don't have any
control over the lab.

I mean, two or three
days may not seem

Like a long time to you,

But I'm sitting here wondering
whether I'm living or dying.

Be sure and keep
pressure on that.


Well, what did I tell you?

I don't know, arnie.

What do you mean you don't know?

I'm telling you, it looks great.

Have you ever gone
this texture before?

I don't know.

As usually, benny's
clothes generally look as

Though they come in
the mail with a free gift.

No offense.

Would you excuse us a minute?

Benny, come here.

Come on, guy, I
was only kidding.

My mom always picked
out my clothes, arnie.

Well, I don't think your
mother would have any problem

With the outfit you have on.

You don't?

No, I don't.


I guess so.

All right.

Look, I want to take a
look at some sweaters,

Why don't you sleeve
down your shoes you like.

Gianfranco ferre?


Benny stulwicz.

I mean the designer.

Oh, missoni.

I was wrong.

These would be fabulous with it.

And what happened
after the police arrived?

They, um...

They took my statement and
they arrested the three men

And then the
officers took me home.

Thank you, miss morris.

Nothing further.

You went there

To take your clothes off, right?

At first.

To do a strip tease,

The operative
word being "tease."

I don't... I don't
understand what you mean.

Wasn't the point of
your little performance

To arouse the men,
to turn them on,

To get them all worked up?

They didn't have any right
to torn my clothes off.

Oh, yes. The clothes.

Exhibit "a."

Exhibit "b."

This is how clothed
you wore, right?


So you accept money to
prance around in a rubber band,

And then one of
your clients removes

What you expressly went
there to take off yourself,

You suddenly
call them criminals.

It's not true.

Objection. Sustained.

They totally humiliated me.

Humiliated you?

How does a woman who makes money

Dancing naked get humiliated?



I'm sorry, judge,
but I'd love to hear

How a 50 buck stripper
gets embarrassed?

This is badgering.

I'm not a stripper.

I never agreed to strip naked!

I told them that I
changed my mind!

I couldn't do it.

I couldn't do and
they att*cked me!

Your honor, may
we request a recess

To allow the witness
to collectors off?

20 Minutes.

So... Not too bad so far, huh?

I'm sorry.


I'm sorry.

He just...

He just made me
so angry in there.

You're doing fine.

Can you just give
me more of this?

I'd be lying if I said no.

They're gonna keep
coming at you, jeanie.

Right at you.

You're gonna be able to take it?

Yeah, I'll be all right.

Abby, I just want you to know...

I didn't ask for
rohner-gradinger case.

You didn't say no, did you?

What was I supposed to do?

I'm sorry, jonathan.

I'm not... I'm not blaming you.

I made my own mess
here, I know that.

Douglas, can I talk to you?

Do you see that?

It's like I don't even exist
around here anymore.

That's not true.

Mckenzie's called me into
his office this afternoon

For a meeting about
rohner vs. Gradinger.

This can only mean one thing.

I'm getting fired.

Oh, come on, you
don't know that.

Actually, it's gonna
be kind of a relief.

You know, there
hasn't been a single day

That I haven't wondered

Whether I really
belong here or not.

At least this way, I won't
have to wonder anymore.


Oh, there you are.

I need this dropped off
over at the courthouse.

Hey, you got a new haircut.

Let me see.

Looks great.

Thank you.

Are these the clothes
you got with arnie?


You look very nice, benny.

This should get over
there before 2 o'clock.


I know mr. Brackman wants
these index tabs repaired.

Could I stand finish them

And take these papers
over there tomorrow?


This has to be delivered today.

What's wrong, benny?

I look different.

Yes, you do look different.

It was nice of arnie
to buy me these,

But I feel funny
dressed like this.

Benny, everyone has
their own way about them.

Everyone has to feel that
their way is right for them.

And that's more important than

The whole rest of
the world's opinion.

And that's something you
can only know for yourself.

You think it'll be all right

If I change back
into my own clothes?

Yes, I do.

And you better get going.


Hey, gracie, come on.


It's steve's birthday.

We got a little
surprise lined up.

No, I better get back to court.

Come on.

Hey... All right, it's showtime!

Let's dance.

Oh, you're on.

I can't dance without
my music, honey.

But the problem is, you're
dancing for the wrong person.

I'm the one this little
show was planned for.

And if your goal was to
drive home the notion...

That an office laugh
is worth pursuing

At the expense of a
colleague's feelings...

You succeeded.

But where you fail, gentlemen,

Is in your attempt to
goad me into a tantrum.

One thing that's not
gonna get stripped here,

Is my dignity.

Yes, maybe a couple of our
states get a little grabby,

But that sort of thing
does happens at a strip show,

Believe it or not.

Did you touch her, mr. Delinsky?

I'm ashamed to
admit it. Yes, I did.

I thought she was teasing,
you know, part of her act.

I had no idea that she
would react the way she did.

And I would like to
apologize to her right now

As I have continually since
the night of the incident.

Did anyone else touch her?

We all do.

Look, truthfully, we
behaved like juveniles

Like, you know, frat boys
at their first stag party.

We just got carried
away, the fun went too far

And we all deeply regret it.

But I'm telling you as a
person and as a lawyer

That we are not guilty
of criminal activity.

Thank you, sir.

Your witness.

I must say, mr. Delinsky,

I'm very impressed
with your sensitivity.

since you're the man

Who ripped off her
bikini top, yelling

And I quote,
"show us your tits!"

Your honor. Object!

The same man whose
thumb and forefinger

Left welts on the
victim's breasts.

Your honor, she's

This is cross-examination,
your honor.

I'm entitled to treat
the witness as hostile.

You understand hostility.

Don't you, mr. Delinsky?

Talk about badgering!

Sit down, mr. Conlin.

I show you, sir, section 2434a
of the california penal code.

Objection. Calling
for legal conclusion!

This witness testified
that their actions

Did not constitute
criminal conduct.

He's also a lawyer.

And since he opened the door
with a legal interpretation,

I'm entitled to cross
him on that front.

I'll allow it.

Sexual battery, mr. Delinsky.

According to the law,
it is a criminal offense

To lock a girl in a room
and grab her breasts

For sexual pleasure
against her will.

True or false?

True, but that's not...

And you admitted that
you three little frat boys

Locked the door and
blocked her exit, didn't you?

Only at first.

And the couple of you front guys

Grabbed her breasts
against her will, didn't you?

I don't know what her will what?

The only question
is still open, sir,

Concerns the purpose
of your little grope?

Was it for sexual gratification

Or were you giving
her a physical?

I object.

She's not even giving
him time to answer.

I'll give him time, judge.

Think this over very
carefully, mr. Delinsky.

Tell me, as a person
and as a lawyer,

How what you did
didn't break that law.

Things just got carried away.

It was all in fun.


Good defense, counselor.

No further questions.

Hey. Hi.

Any messages?

Uh, yes.

Lauren sevilla called to
say she'd meet you at 7:30.

Oh, and these got
served late this morning.

Brackman's handling this.

Oh, sorry. I'll bring it to him.

That's okay. I'll drop it off.



I'm waiting on
some test results.

This morning.

I know, I just thought
they might have.

I have... Out!

Out! Out!

My number's 1483.

That's all right.

I'll hold.

Just so you know,

Manny rohner asked
for this meeting, not me.

And he specifically
requested that you be here.

I assume he is
coming in to fire us.

Are you gonna fire me?

Ah, manny.

Mr. Gradinger?


Leland, marty gradinger.

How do you do?

Glad to meet you.

How are you feeling,
mr. Gradinger?


Nothing like being thrown
through a glass wall

Bring it to your senses.

We want to show you something.

Paper towels?

Marty and I have agreed
to merge and go public.

You're kidding!

On paper towels?

Of all the attorneys we had,

She is only one
who realized that

What we really wanted was
to get back together again.

All the others just wanted
to keep the feud going.

Mine added a complete
second story to his house.

How much do they pay you here?

Oh, manny, that's
hardly appropriate.



That's sl*ve labor.

You come with us after we merge.

In-house counsel.
We'll treat you right.

Now, hold on a minute.

Between the s.e.c.

Prospectus the merger,

The... You'll be
taking in over $400,000

In legal fees a year from
us, leland because of this one.

And you're not gonna
hold her for 52k.

Well, we certainly
don't want to lose her.

You got that right, bud.

Marty and I have
a court reserved,

But we'll call you
tomorrow, abby.

In the meantime,
get that typed up.

Will you, leland.

Well done, miss perkins.

Would you explain
something to me, leland?

If I can.

I'm the same person
that I was 10 minutes ago.

Only 10 minutes ago I was a bum,

And now I'm a hero.

What does that mean?


In the first place, it
means that you were right

In trusting your own
instincts in handling that case.

And in the second
place, it means that

Should you like to
stay with this firm,

You'll be receiving the same
salary as jonathan rollins.

Is that acceptable,
miss perkins?

I have to think about it.

Well, you do that.


Yes. I'm here.

I see.

Oh, god.

All right.

I'll call back tomorrow.

Thank you.


The only one they didn't have
was a revenge of the nerds.


What's with the old clothes?


Arnie, all the stuff
you bought me is really,

Really nice.

It's just that no matter what...

I'll always look like what I am.

What are you?

I'm mentally Ret*rded.

Please, don't be mad, arnie.

Who's mad?

Hey, look.

I went back and found my cap.


It was stuck in the sewer grate.

Lucky, huh?

Arnie, your 4 o'clock
appointment is here.

All right.

Kiki sennheiser.

It's nice to meet you.


Well, I'm afraid my secretary
made a mistake here.

I'm not really taking
any new clients.

She can validate
you on the way out.

Please, mr. Becker.

I was served with
papers this morning,

And I'm feeling a
little frantic just now.

I've been to other lawyers

And I just don't feel
comfortable with them.

Yes, well, that's bound
to happen, mrs. Sennheiser,

When you make superficial
judgments about people.

I just didn't like them.

But you're so different.

The way you dress... My sweater.

It's very nice.

And it brings out
the blue in your eyes.

Does it cover my
body by pillsbury?


Body by pillsbury,
mrs. Sennheiser.

I was in the next booth.

Oh, no.

Uh... That wasn't me.

That was diana.

And obviously, if she had
said those things about you,

She didn't know what
she was talking about.

Yes, well, really I'm
sorry, but I don't have time.

I'll be happy to
refer you elsewhere.

Please, mr. Becker.

I want you.

You're the first
attorney I've met

Who knows who he is.

And I need that strength
to see me through his ordeal.

Please, I'm begging.

$10,000 Retainer
against 350 an hour.

Ooh, them aching feet.

Hey, stranger.

I haven't seen you in a while.

Back-to-back 187s.

Nobody's seen me.

Well, it's nice to see you now.

I could use a friendly face.

So I've heard.

Grace, I've always been
honest with you, right?


Yeah, well, in
keeping with tradition.

And, you know, everybody
in the office is grumbling

That you have become some kind
of humorless radical feminist.

Tell me something I don't know.

Oh, it's hurting all of us.

All of who?

Oh, the women in this office.

Oh, I take a look at the
hierarchy out there.

How often does a woman
crack into one of the top spots?

Not very often.

'Cause we don't get
the good assignments

'Cause it's men handing them out

And they feel more
comfortable mentoring other men.

And all of this is
supposed to be my fault?

Well, you're not helping things

By acting like a tight ass.

God, sarah.

I never thought I'd
hear this from you.

Oh, I'm sorry to be saying it,

But what you're doing only
reinforces their attitude

That the girls can't
be one of the guys,

That they're no
fun to work with,

That they don't get the jokes,

That they don't world
with the punches.

Another words,
it's a men's world

And the best we can
hope for is to fit in.

Sometimes you've got
to go along to get along.

Well, it happens.

I don't believe it has to
be the old boy's network.

And if getting along means
going along with sensibilities

That turn my stomach then
I guess I'll never get along.

Grace, this was just my opinion.

Well, you can take your opinion
and fertilize some other place

Because nothing ever grows here.

I can promise you that, sarah.

Every time I see a headlight...

Or I hear a car slow down...

I think it's my husband.

I picture him, dragging
me across the floor or...

Hitting me in the face.

Oh, god.

Will I ever stop
being frightened?

Lauren, he has no
idea where you are.

And even if he did, nothing's
going to happen to you.

How can you be so sure?

I'll protect you.

The truth is... I
feel safe with you.

You would protect me.

Yes, I would.

And in return?




Would it be all right if
I stayed here tonight?


Look, lauren,
there's no pressure.

You can have the guest bedroom.

There are clean sheets,
as a radio next to the bed,

And you'll have a bodyguard
sleeping in the next room.

What more could you want?


Sleeping in the
same bed next to me...

As close as you possibly can.

You were told at the
beginning of this trial,

You'd hear evidence,

And that based
upon that evidence,

You'd make your decision.

But instead, defense
counsel has bombarded you

For two days with
everything, but evidence.

Rather than direct
your attention

To the events of november 12th.

They've told you that
defendant delinsky

Has a loving wife and
is a good christian,

That defendant roderick
looks after his dying mother

And as pro bono work
for the underprivileged,

And that defending christopher
coaches literally baseball

And likes to sculpt.

And they've repeatedly
reminded you

That the three defendants
are respected lawyers,

Admired by their colleagues,

While the victim is
a two-bit stripper

Who shakes her cakes for money.

None of that has anything
to do with this case, however.

And in theory shouldn't
impact on your verdict.

But what defense counsel knows

And what I have come
to learned myself lately,

Is that in trials and in life,

Outcomes are influenced
by value judgments,

By attitudes, by biases.

That's why they
have tried so hard

To steer you away
from the facts,

While I have been
attempting to keep you

From reducing this case to
those very value judgments.

But you know what?

After sitting and
listening to everything

That's going on in here
for the last few days,

I have suddenly decided.

I don't care how you look at it

Because I'd stack the moral
character of that young woman

Up against those
three professional men

Without any
hesitation whatsoever.

These three men
physically abused her,

And then these three
verbally abused her

For the soul purpose
of convincing you.

She's the bad person and
she sat there and took it.

She stood up to it
because she knew,

As all of you know,
when people break laws,

They're supposed to be punished.

And she felt that no matter
how much they att*cked her,

If she could just keep
clinging to the truth,

The truth would somehow win.

Ladies and
gentlemen of the jury,

Whether you decide
this case based on fact

Or simply on who
you admire the most.

Either way, it isn't even close.

Your verdict has to be guilty.

I think that all
of the problem...

Arnie, this just came
for you by messenger.

Oh, thanks, benny.

Well, kiki sennheiser
has just sent

Over the check for 10,000.

Once again highlighting
the chameleon-like

Nature of arnold
becker and his ability

To portlet into an annual income

In the mid 6-figure range.

I think your abilities
as an attorney

Might enter into it somewhere.

Rox, this woman
wasn't hiring a lawyer,

She was casting one.

I went for the part, I wore
the right sweater and I got it.

I mean, a month from
now someone will come in

And mention that they
like western clothing

And I'll come in
dressed like roy rogers.

Don't you think maybe you're
being a little bit dramatic?

You know who I really envy?


Benny. Benny?

At least he knows
exactly who he is.

Look, rox, do me a favor.

Just, just cancel
my appointments.

I... I got to pull
myself together.

Life's a bitch, isn't it, arnie?

Douglas, are you all right?


I just got test results
back from the aids clinic.

Oh, god.

They were negative.


Well, that's great.

It's the greatest
thing in the world.


Yeah, it is.

I just needed to
be spared this once.

I'll never stray again.

Not from sheila, not
from living a good life.

I intend to make my peace
with those I have wronged.

I intend to make my piece
with the big man as well.

You've been such a
good friend to me, arnie.

Excuse me.

In the matter of the people vs.

Eric delinsky, we the
jury fined the defendant

Guilty as charged.

In the matter of the people vs.

Stephan roderick, we the
jury fined the defendant

Guilty as charged.

In the matter of the people vs.

Milton christopher, we
the jury fined the defendant

Guilty as charged.

Members of the
jury, I thank you.

You are now dismissed.

Sentencing will take
place on the 24th.

This court is adjourned.

You did it.

You did it.

I just wanted to you know that

I'm gonna remember
you the rest of my life.

I don't think I'll be
forgetting you either.

Thank you so much.

Rhonda, I have a bit of news,

I think you'll be
very happy to hear.

And what might that be?

For some time now, I've
carried a heavy burden.

I've been run down
physically and let's face it.

My exposure to you
was also an exposure

To your whole lurid past.

To make a long story
short, I was convinced

That you had given me aids.

You thought I had aids?

I got the results this
morning, a clean bill of health.

But you need to be
more careful, rhonda.

In this day and age,
wantonness can be fatal.

I think you better
get out of here.

I'm going.

I just want you to
know that despite

This entire ordeal,
I've forgiven you.

You've forgiven me?

Yes, I have, for using your
seductive powersto entrap me,

For vilifying me in
front of my colleagues,

For jeopardizing my marriage,

My family, my
entire way of life.

Yeah, I'm coming, coming.



Well, come on in.

Actually, could we
just sit on the steps?

It's nice out.

Okay, steps.

What's with the balloon?

Oh, it's, um... Trying
to change my image.

Mickey, I want to
ask you something

And I want you to give
me an honest answer.

Do you think that I am
grim and humorless?



I mean, we both are, gracie.


You got to admit,
we're sort of...


We've got to have
more fun, mickey.

We... We've got to
learn to laugh more.

You know, when I first
joined the d.a.'S office,

Rogoff kept asking me out.

I wanted responsibility,
he wanted a date.

And I tried so hard and for
so long to be taken seriously

And now that's the
only way people take me.

Nothing wrong with
being serious, grace.

Oh, mickey, I haven't
done that since I was a kid.

Give me.

I seriously love you, mickey.

And I seriously
love you, too, gracie.
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