02x04 - Brackman Vasektimized

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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02x04 - Brackman Vasektimized

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on l.a. Law...

What would you be looking
for in the way of compensation?


He's a winner.

I want him to be our one.

Obviously, his salary demands

Are totally out of line.

No, no, pulling right, douglas.

And I guess you buy
yourself a lawyer.

I hope you haven't bought

All of us a giant
headache as well.

I happen to have raised

$5,000 For the
homeless, douglas.

I also happen to have shattered

Last year's record
held by stan cagan,

The beverly hills gynecologist.

I'm not surprised.

You're probably more
experienced in the field.

Sooner or later, we're
gonna have to discuss

The implications of
your pending nuptials.

What implications?

Just that most other firms
around town find that awkward

To have married partners
working together...

Douglas, this is not the time.

I'm only suggesting that perhaps

The more expendable
partner could resign...

That's enough!

Miss kelsey accosted me
in the garage this morning.

She demanded apologies
for my remarks yesterday

Regarding your
hypothetical resignation.

If I have a problem
with douglas brackman,

I'll solve it myself.

Stuart, I was angry with him.

Yeah, but the result was,
you embarrassed me, ann.

You belittled me.

Receptionist now
called the order.

The honorable justice
douglas brackman's residing.

I see that our documents
are quite full and accordingly,

But let's proceed
to our first case.

$200 I paid for talking bird
and all it does is cuss me.

Can you talk for judge brackman?

I won't.

Well, mr. Weedon, it
seems... Oh, not. Hey.

You see? Jackass.

You're in contempt.

So I go to his house,
but the place is lit

With like a thousand
candles, weird, okay?

So I go to the living room
and there's like this box

Like, like this casket

And the $200 is
lying on top of it,

So I go over there
and this old guy

Is lying there totally nude.

So I started freaking out
and screaming and everything,

And all of a sudden he pops out

And he starts mourning like...

Aahhhh, aahhhh.

That was mr. Ludlum.

Sir, if I made...

So I mean, I'm
totally flipped out.

I mean I got right
on out of there.

Later I figured that's probably

What does it for
him, the scream.

Your honor, the absurdity
of this young girl...

I said quiet.

And I'll ask you to refrain
from further commentary

Until miss schiff has
completed her testimony.

Continue please.

Well, that's it.

Except for the next day

When I went back
to get my money,

He gives me some story

About how I didn't do it right

And how he's not
gonna pay me anything.

Now, sir, you
dispute the veracity

Of how you enticed
this innocent girl

To your home for the purpose

Of satisfying your
bisexual desires.

How dare you?

I am an artist.

You know, not in of
a performance art.

The work of the great
crystal, or the korean

Who rolled his naked
body across broken glass

In a lyric orgy
of self mutilation.

I know about masturbating, sir.

How dare you again?

How dare you?

You are a despoiler
of young womanhood,

Not only do I award her
damages in the amount of $200,

But I fully intend
to refer this matter

To the district attorney
for prosecution.

Next case.

The art is in the moment.

I'm not answerable
to your authority

And I defy you.

You what?

You think art is some
rectangular thing

You hang over your burgess sofa?

That's it. You're in contempt.

You're the contemptible one,

That's why you getting
all this... Pervert.

I k*ll you! I k*ll you!

I k*ll you!

You brought yourself
some answers, buddy...

You have no culture!

You're not... Shut up!

You have no culture.

You're primitive.
You're nothing.

Wellman versus chernov?

The perquisites that
partnership implies.

I thought I might turn
this little beauty over

To one of our two
new associates.

A trial? Definitely.

Then I want it. Then I want it.

Listen to the facts first.

Our client bruce wellman, 34,

Was driving his
classic aston martin,

The love of his life.

The only thing he really
want me to try and save

During his rather ugly divorce.

It's raining hard.

It skids off on to
the soft shoulder

Of an isolated road
up in latigo, canyon.

Car sits balanced
precariously on a cliff

While bruce sits in the
car, too scared to move.

Finally, a miracle,
someone drives by.

Even more miraculously,
actually stops to help.

A 23-year-old short order
cook named george chernov.

Well, bruce tells him to go
down to the pacific coast highway,

And call the chp for help,

But by now it's
raining pretty hard

And george thinks it's
a little too dangerous

To leave bruce perched
there on the cliff.

So, george opens the door,

Holding his breath cautiously.

Ever so cautiously,
pulls him to safety.

They both breathe
a huge sigh on relief.

Only unfortunately,
when bruce out,

The car rolls down the cliff.

Our client is suing the
guy that saved his life?


For murdering his car.

What about insurance?

Well, bruce says they
won't value classic cars.

Besides, the real bottom-line,

He wants revenge.

Excuse me, but
with all due respect.

Why have we taken this case?

Bruce wellman is the
son of ross wellman,

One of our biggest
corporate clients.

Miss kleinberg, your call?



Jonathan, you're either
free to take this turkey

Or you can fob it off
on to miss kleinberg.

On to more serious matters.

Franklin versus washington
pure water company.

Miss kelsey, could
you illuminate us?

I mean, that's
what we drink here.

There's nothing actually
wrong with this stuff, is there?

Absolutely nothing.

After months of discovery,
all the plaintiff can come up

With is some half-baked theory

That sense their
own personal well

Had certain chemicals in it.

Those chemicals must
have somehow gotten there

From washington
pure water's plant

Which happened to
be next door to them

And since their visiting
daughter drank water

From the well
during her pregnancy

And gave birth to a
deaf and blind infant,

It must be washington
pure water's fault.

What's the jury looking?

Impartial as I can hope for

When dealing with something
as emotional as a birth defect.

More from personal
experience, lots of luck.

Shall we be recommending
a quick settlement?

I'd advice against
offering them anything.

Not even nuisance value.

In the long run, all that does

Is breathe more nuisance suits.

My way of thinking that's
bad for our whole profession.

Oh, well, I have to flow up.

May I remind you
all of the fundraiser

Of this evening
for the los angeles

Lawyers constitutional
rights association.

Now I realize you all have

Many pools on your
time and your money

And I don't want to
exert any undue influence,

But this cause.

It's dear to me and
you shall support.

That would be appreciated.

Ambassador hotel, 7 o'clock.

We're adjourned.

What do you got there?

Just working on something.

Just as I suspected.

Dreaded typist shoulder.


Feel good?


You know something, arnie?

You are almost irresistible.


Don't you think that may
just be the saddest word

In the english language?

If we weren't working together.

What's that got to
do with anything?

Well, see I'm just the teeniest

That you might not
respect me in the morning.

Oh, come on.

Let's say just for
the sake of argument.

Let's say that I'll let
you have your way with me

And then as men have been
known to do you go tired of me,

So now what I mean

I'm kind of dragged to have
around everyday, right?

You know, I bet you
could even argue

That anyone who is
such a pushover for you

Might compromise
the firm with the client.

Leslie, don't you think

You're giving me too
little credit here?

So you raise the
issue reluctantly,

Of course, at a partners meeting

And the next thing
you know, bang,

I'm out of here.

How can you believe that I
would do something like that.

I don't know.

Call me crazy, call me paranoid.

Call me an old school
mate of last year's clerk.

You might remember
her, lisa weston?

Miss franklin,

Did you drink the water
from the trailer park's well

During your entire pregnancy?

Yes, I did.

Unaware it was contaminated
with toxic chemicals

From defendant's plant?


Leading and assuming
facts is not an evidence.



Did you know the
water was contaminated

With toxic chemicals
from defendant's plant...

I object.


That's a cheap trick.

There was no evidence
where those chemicals

Came from and he knows it.

Objection. Counselor.

But he's gonna make
little speeches, so am i.

No, you're not.

Both of you stop it.

Miss franklin,

Could you describe for the court

The medical condition
of your daughter?

The defense stipulates
that marsha franklin

Was born blind in one
eye and completely deaf

And that this
condition is permanent.

Her client pollutes the
earth with deadly toxic wastes.

And she doesn't have the decency

To let the mother of this
poor child tell her story.

Both of you are out of order.

Please, stop it!

Mrs. Franklin...

My daughter...

She can't see and
she can't hear,

And all of you are jumping up
and down about all the stuff

I don't even understand.

Mrs. Franklin, please.

I must ask you to sit down.

It's my baby.

Once again, here we are.

Leland mckenzie show.

Don't you ever
get fed up playing

Second banana to that man?

He might as well take your
name of the letterhead.

What am I talking
about your name,

Your father's name?

My father was never a judge,

Neither was leland.

Excuse me, but dressing
up in a polyester smock,

For that ridiculous
small claims board.

It doesn't make you a judge.

Sheila, stop.

You're 44 years old, douglas.

When you're ever
gonna accomplish

Something with your life.

So the realtor finally
takes me to his place

At 300,000 maybe little out
of your price range she says.

And then we walk
in and it's incredible.

Fireplace in the bedroom,
panoramic views of the city,

But we honor the first
rule of negotiation.

Played cool, right?

So how cool am i?

I'm crazy about it.

I mean, I just blurred it out.

I'd k*ll the client if they
did anything that stupid.

No, I know what you mean.

For somebody else, I
can be totally eloquent,

For myself, I'm a total dug.

So you're gonna buy it?

On my salary, it's a stretch.

You know, I'm not really sure

That this is any of
my business, jonathan,

But I'm gonna ask anyway,

How much are they paying you?

I'm not real comfortable
with this, abby.

I could easily find out.



It was kind of a
unique situation.

Thank you.

Two white wines please.

Yes, sir.

Well, well, miss kelsey.

Mr. Hatcher.

Your people are
guilty, you know?

I might not be able to prove it,

But washington pure water
company is poisoning that well.

Hey, pal, this is a party.

Yeah, eat, drink and be merry

While the earth is being
infected with deadly poisons.

Now who cares about a
few more deformed babies?

I really don't think
this is the appropriate...

Hey, look, hey, I'm
entitled to my opinion.

Oh, yeah.

Yes, and as host of this fair
I'm entitled to ask you to leave.

Make sure we have a good time

Or exercise our
respective rights.

Now that we've done
our bit for charity,

How about a graceful
end of it, mickey?

I thought that was you.


Oh, god, it's good to see you.

It's been forever,
you look great.

You too.

What are you doing here?

I'll let you know, I'm
practicing law again

If you can call business affairs

And movie studio law.

Excuse me, I'm lynn palmer.

Grace van owen.

How do you do?

I heard you got married,
got a couple of kids?

Yeah, got divorced again, too.


It's all right, happens.

Well, I better be going.


You know what?

I'm gonna call you for lunch.

I'd really like to catch up.


Who was that?

My ex-wife.

Let's go.

What's the rush?

We're about to
have a very big fight

And I think it would be better

If it didn't take place in
the middle of this room.

It is such a betrayal,
how could you not tell me.

Grace, it was over 12 years ago,

That has nothing to do with us.

Michael, you lied to me,
that has a lot to do with us.

I didn't lie to you,
you never asked me.


That is not the kind of
question you should have to ask,

Not when you love someone,

Not when you live
with them for a year.

Please, would you drop this now?

This is a subject that
happens to be very hard for me.

Hard for you, god...

You are the most
selfish egocentric...

All right!

All right.

You remember I told you
before that my father was dead,

But the truth is

That he bailed out
on me and my mother

When I was 10 years old.

He just walked,
no, no no nothing,

If I wanted to, I couldn't
even find this son of a bitch.

He nearly k*lled my mother.

I don't think she
ever got over him.

But I swore to myself
that when I got married

I would never do that
to my wife no matter what.

So isn't that great?

I ended up doing the same thing

To lynn that my
father did to my mother.

So, grace, how could
I explain it to you

When I couldn't
even face it myself?

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to lie to you.

Oh, mickey.

Come in.

I just want to thank you
for the beautiful flowers.

Not at all, miss vasek,
you saved my life.

Am I terrible if
I tell you this?

Ever since I was first
assigned to your courtroom,

I've had these
dreams... About us

Even though I know
they'll never come true

Because a man as
principled and decent as you

Would never betray his
wife for sexual relationship

Even if it meant there
were no strings attached

And no one ever had to find out.

Of course,

Who among us
doesn't have his own

Subterranean pockets of evil.


I believe you're committed
to being a good husband

And an upstanding judge

And that commitment allows
you to overcome temptation,

Where I'm weak, you're strong,

Where I might give into
just drop everything

And let myself be ravaged
right here on this desktop,

That's not what you're about.

So thank you for not suggesting

We slip out to a
motel at lunchtime

For not locking the door

And ripping my clothes off.

Thank you for your strength.

We truck in pure
mountain spring water

From washington state

And then at our own plant,

We filter that water through
clay to remove any impurities.

Would it have been possible

For the dumping of
these clay filters

To in any way have caused
damage to the plaintiff's well?

It would be a
scientific impossibility.


This man is not an
expert, your honor,

He's a ceo of
washington pure water

And he has no
foundation whatsoever

To render scientific opinions.

He has information

Relating to the issue
of safety, your honor.

Your honor, that has
nothing to do with what...

Your complaint asks
for punitive damages

Predicated on the allegation
that he knew of the hazards.

His state of mind therefore
is directly an issue.

I'm going to overrule
the objection.

Mr. Young, you're
aware of the charge

That nickel is leaching
from your field

Into the trailer
park well water.

We perform quarterly
tests on our fields

And we routinely find
nickel to be present

In our own groundwater
at two parts-per-billion,

Two parts, that means
that if any of it at all

Were to find its
way to that well

Which is extremely unlikely
since it's a half mile away,

It would have to be
substantially under two-parts.

And is it your opinion
that two parts-per-billion

Is not a health risk?

It's not just my opinion.

The environmental
protection agency says

That anything under 13.4
parts-per-billion is safe.

I'm really sorry

For what happened
to that little girl

But there's absolutely
no way that my company

Had anything to do with it.

Thank you.

No further questions.

Come in.

Victor. Hi.

I got to talk to you.


Do you know how much
they're paying john rollins?


$72,500 A year.

You're kidding?

12 O'clock I'm kidding,

Victor, he's a year
out of law school.


Now I was thinking maybe
if we make a case together,

You know united front because
I mean if he is making $72,500,

We should each be
making at least that.

Oh, no offense,
abby, but I think

I'm more comfortable
talking to leland alone.


You don't sound thrilled.

You just told me I'm
not in your league.

Oh, come on,
abby, that isn't it i...

No, victor, it's
okay, forget it.

I hope you get your raise.

Hey, are you
supposed to be in court

On that vehicular manslaughter?

Vehicular manslaughter?

You know, the guy
who k*lled the car.

Vehicular manslaughter?

You know, the guy
who k*lled the car.

How the deposition go?

Long, exceedingly long.

Any calls? Yeah.

Selley called,

I told him we'd send those
documents over by messenger

And ross hartman phoned,

He want to see you
on a new matter.

Lynn palmer, she wouldn't
say what it was regarding.

And dave lee...

Did lynn palmer
leave her number?

Mm-hmm, you want
me to get her for you?

No, that's fine.

All right. What
about ross hartman?

You know, try lynn
palmer for me, okay?


Mr. Hatcher, to what
do I owe the pleasure.

This was given to me this
afternoon by an engineer

Who used to work
for your client.

How do I know
this isn't made up?

His declaration is attached

And you're free to
try and shake him

When I call him to
the witness stand.

Now I'm gonna assume the
reason you didn't produce

This document is because
you didn't know about it.

I didn't.


And for $3 million dollars,
nobody else has to hide it.

That's a lot of
money, mr. Hatcher.

Not compared to the cost
to washington pure water

If this information
becomes public.

Do you mind?

"A confidential internal
research presents

Strong new evidence that
levels of nickel and cadmium

As low as one part-per-billion

May cause birth
defects and/or cancer

And further at the presence of
both these chemicals together

Increases the
carcinogenic affects

Of each possibly to
fatal proportions."

Three million
bucks, miss kelsey,

We read that little
note for everybody.


I just heard some news,

It doesn't sit
really well with me.

Are you paying john
rollins $72,500 a year?

Where did you hear that?

I heard it. Is it true?

You're asking me to reveal

Another associate's

I can't do that.

However I can tell you that
whatever we're paying john,

His was a unique negotiation

Which shouldn't affect
you or anyone else.

What is that supposed to mean?

He was a very
attractive candidate.

Number of firms
were in the bidding,

To be competitive,

We felt we had to be
able to match their offers.

In other words a
black from harvard

Is worth $72,500 and a
chicano from glendale

With 4 years in the pd's
office is only worth $60,000,

I hate to leave

But if I'm gonna stay
on, I got to have a raise.

Associate review
will be coming up

In two months time,
you've been doing fine work.

I'm sure the partners

Will give your situation
every consideration.

I need an answer now.

Victor, you're bending
yourself into a corner

That may not be so
easy to get out of.

I am not trying to be
a predominant, leland.

But if I've ever got
to go around here

Feeling short-changed
and resentful,

That's not good
for anybody, is it?

What term...

Would it take to make you happy?


Is that an ultimatum?

Yeah, I think it is.

Hey, wait a minute,
what are you doing?

You can't just...

Miss kelsey.

I'm sorry, she just walked in.

It's okay.

Whatever it is though,

Can you wait till
tomorrow, late dinner?

How do you do it?

You know this stuff is fatal

And you just go on doing it.

The levels are within
environmental standards,

There's nothing...

The epa had access
to this research

That shut you down in a second.

Where did you get this?

An engineer who
used to work here

Gave it to the
plaintiff's counsel.

He gave it to me along with
the demand for $3 million.

Offer to.


Settle a case.

And you'll just go
on dumping chemicals?

It would cost us $15 million
to cleanup that dump site.

You're making a
business decision

That it's cheaper to
k*ll and maim people

Than to clean up that dump?

You can't be so naive to think

That companies don't
place cost to human life.

The automobile manufacturers
could make a perfectly safe car

If they wanted to,

Only it would cost
more than a house

And nobody would buy it.

Oil spill could be
prevented entirely

But gasoline would
cost 3 bucks a gallon,

And who would stand for that.

This is different,
this is people...

It's the exact same equation.

And in our case,

We're balancing $15
million clean-up cost

Against the potential lawsuits

Over 300 people
live in the park,

Factor into it that
most are elderly

And will die before the
chemicals will affect them.

Factor into it that
without this memo,

It'll be a very
difficult claim to prove.

Factor into it, these
random lawsuits

Can probably be disposed
over 200,000-300,000 a path.

The reality is there's only
one business option here.

We go on doing what we're doing

And you settle a case.

Thank you, counselor, that's it.

And have you driven in latigo,
canyon often, mr. Wellman?

Oh, yes.

I used to take the aston martin

Up there as often as I could.

Give her a little exercise.

Of all the canyons,
latigo is our favorite.

Now did anything unusual happen
on this particular occasion?

Well, yes, it was a deer
in the middle of the road.

So naturally you swerved

Over to the shoulder
to avoid hitting it?

Damn straight.

Hit one of those things,
it'll totally destroy

The front alignment of your car.

Anyway I avoid
hitting the animal

But I wind up practically
hanging over the cliff

And add insult to injury

I'm too far on the
boonies from my car phone,

So I just sit there.

And eventually that
man chernov came on,

I told him to go get the chp.

Got to be a big macho
hero and do it himself,

So he jerks me out of the car,

dislocating my shoulder

Ripping off the car
door while he's at it,

And that's when the
car started rolling.

My beautiful aston...

Nothing I can do
but just stand there.

You have any idea
what that's like,

Just standing and
watching as something

You love takes her final
plunge into the abyss!

Where she bursts into
flames and burns to death,

Slowly agonizingly
right before your eyes?

Hey, I'm sorry, man.

I'm really, really sorry.

Sorry, I'm late.

That's all right.

I'm glad you agree to see me.

So tell me everything.

Tell me about your kids.

My kids?

Well, bill is 10,
he loves music.

Carrie is 7, she
wants to be a doctor,

They're both terrific,

Michael, you really want
to talk about my kids?

Well, it seems safe.

Lynn, I got to tell you
this is not easy for me.

As a matter of fact I
feel awkward as hell.

Why? Why?

I'm the jerk who walked
out on you, remember?

It has taken me a long time
to come to terms with that

And sitting here now
looking it your way,

I feel...

Well, this is not but thinks
complicated, I feel guilty.

We were just kids,
mickey, for god sakes.

What's the difference
who walked out first,

I was no bargain, you remember?

I guess you were just too young,

Both had a lot of growing to do.

Mickey, if you
really haven't yet,

You've got to
forgive yourself, I did.

That's it?

That's it.

I thought you wanted to see
me so you can sort of yell at me,

A little, venge your spleen,
tell me how rotten I was.

It would have make
you feel any better

When you get back to the
office I'll give you a call,

I can be extremely abusive.

Boy, I don't know what to say.

Great orange... Yes, roberto.

Mickey, you just have to
try the chinese chicken salad,

And if you don't like it,
owe you another lunch.

Chinese chicken salad.



That concludes the
discussion on the rent increase.

Now, we can move on from here

And as I'm due in court,

We have something pressing

Which is how to deal

With this latest uprising
among the associates.

What uprising?

As I warned, leland,
what happened

Victor sifuentes has gotten
wind of the discrepancy

Between jonathan
rollin's salary and his.

Oh, boy.

Victor has presented
us with an ultimatum,

$13,600 Raise or he will quit.

Well, I don't blame him.

I would have felt the same way,

And furthermore I
think he's worth it.

I agree with mike,

I mean I like victor,
I think we all do.

Personal feelings aside,

I don't think we can
afford to lose him.

And let me ask you
to consider this,

While you're
giving mr. Sifuentes

The keys to the larder,

How do you plan to hold the line

Against miss perkins
and miss kleinberg

When they find out?

Are we gonna give every
one of them $73,000 salaries?

Money which ultimately comes

Out of the pockets of
the partners in this firm.

You know douglas is right,
this is gonna snowball.

Exactly, and kleinberg
shows promise.

I hate to lose her.

What about abby?

Truthfully, I think this is
one we could afford to lose.

Oh, come on, douglas,
abby is good kid.

If we allow ourselves to
get any more attached to her,

We're only asking for
trouble down the line.

I certainly can't envision
her as partnership material

And it does her a
disservice to keep her here

If there's no future.

All right, all right.

We will deal with miss perkins

If and when the
situation arises.

In the meantime
what about victor?

Give it to him.

In favor?


I. I.



Motion carries.

You tell him the good news,

I'm late for court.



I hate to impose
on our friendship

But this is something
I really need to know.

Did victor get his raise?

Abby, you know that's
confidential information.

I love this place.

Anybody will tell you
who they're sleeping with

But god forbid how much
money someone is making.

Yes, victor got his raise.

Isn't that just great?

I've been here over a year

And john rollins comes in
and leap frogs right over me

And now victor goes...

Dammit, I'm gonna go in
there and tell mckenzie

That I want $20,000
more or I'm out of here.

Don't thr*aten to
leave unless you mean it.

What are you telling me?

Just that I'm not sure
this is the right time.

Ann, I have been here
longer than either of them.

Tenure has nothing
to do with it.

The reality is if you
want more money,

You have to work harder.

Work harder?

I get here at 8:30
in the morning,

I don't get home till
7 o'clock at night,

What am I supposed to do
put my son up for adoption?

It's more than
logging hours, abby.

It's about taking
the initiative,

Not just waiting for somebody

To drop an
assignment in your lap.

Is that what you think?

Or do you really think
that because I'm a woman,

You can exploit me financially?

Come on, this has
nothing to do with sexism.

Look at me, I'm a partner.

Right, the only one.

And you know what I think?

I think you like it that
way, the queen bee

Keeping all the other
females in their place.

That is a crock and you know it.


Thanks for all your advice, ann.

Leslie, brackman just told me

You acquittal
totally responsible.

What are you talking about?

Sticking with that
idiot bruce wellman,

Nobody can win that case.

You can't let one loss
in your entire career.

I didn't lose, arnie, I won.

You won?

Yes, opposing counsel
was a complete yes

So all I had to do was object
every time he opened his mouth

And he became totally unglued.

You know I don't think
the jury ever got it

That his client actually
saved my client's life.

Take this.

And then one of the juror's
kept staring at me during the trial,

So I began staring back,

I figured at least
I'll get one vote.

Then during closing arguments,

I began fingering it up from...

I guess what I'm saying, arnie,

Is that once that trial began
I would have done anything,

Anything to win the case
for a client that I hated

And a cause I found
totally repugnant.

Sounds like you got the
makings of a great attorney.

It's exactly what I'm afraid of.

So as now I can finish my novel.

Your novel?

Yep, it's what I've always
really wanted to do,

Law school's for my father.

But I guess I'm a grown up now,

I owe it to me to
take my best shot.

Excuse me.

Well, what's it about?

The law, money,
sex, office, politics.

Do you think it's commercial?

Better be I'm not real big
on starving in garrets...

Any agents or
publishers seen it yet?

It's not really finished
yet, just a rough first draft.

What about movie rights?

You discussed them with anyone?

Movie rights, no.

You know, I got a lot from
the publishing context.

Will you take a look at it,

If it's any good,
may be I can help.

What kind of percentage
you gonna want?

I don't know, standard 10%.


Okay I've got an extra xerox,

You just remember
it's kind of rough.

It's okay.

Rough has never
been a problem for me.

Mr. Hatcher.

It's all there for signature.

Including the agreement

That certain memo
will not be disclosed.

And by the way the
engineer informs me

That he's reached a similar
deal with your client.

So if you can get your
client to execute this,

We'll take the check
and be on our way.

You realize that
by doing it this way

People will go on
drinking that well water.

Some of them may die.

I know.

We don't represent this people.


Don't you mean
barney, barney decker.

Did you read the whole thing?

Yeah, it's about us,
mckenzie brackman.

No, it's not.

It's just a generic law firm.

Besides what did
you expect eskimos?

You hardly even bother
to change my name.

Barney was my sheep
dog's name who died.

And I used to live
in decker, canyon.

It's just a coincidence.

Well, some coincidence

About a blonde 36-year-old
divorce attorney

Who wears italian
suits drives a porsche,

Has sex with
anything with a pulse.

Leslie, when this
thing gets published

I'm gonna be the
joke of this town.


You really think you
can get this published?

Actually there's very strong
commercial possibilities.

But no deckers,
nectars, heckers.

The name is no big deal.

How much do you think you
can get for it, realistically?

Absolutely, you change the name.

It's done.

How much?

Anywhere from
low to mid six figures

With any kind of
luck plus ancillary.

Oh, god.

Arnie, you are irresistible.

You're not just collecting
material for another book, are you?

You can't really think
I'd do something like that.

Besides now that I'm not
working in the firm any more.

Ah, oh, whoo!

Watch the makeup on the shirt.

Ah, what... I... You got a
hanger, I prefer would.

Closets in the bedroom.

Condoms are in the nightstand.

Meet you there in a minute.

Decker, watch the eye
makeup on the collar.

Have you got a
hanger, I prefer would.

The settlement agreement
ready for signature.

I also understand you board off

The engineer to keep them quiet.

Very nice.

You just tell me where
to sign, I'll drop a check.

What's this?

That's another little
agreement between you and me.

What the hell is this?

Just what it looks like.

You agree to clean up that dump

In consideration for which

I don't give that memo
to the los angeles times.

I'll sue your firm blind.

You won't be...

I formally resigned
from the firm,

I'm doing this on my own.

The only one you can sue is me.

Now listen, lady.

And if you do sue me this
will all come out for sure,

Washington pure water
company will be finished.

This is blackmail, I'll have
you disbarred, it's unethical.

Call it whatever you want

But factor into it that
you can't take me down

Without exposing this
information to the world.

Factor into it that
that memo contains

Enough dynamite to blow
this company into bankruptcy.

Factor into it that
your corporation's

Only chance of survival is
you're signing that agreement.

Am I speaking your language?

You're bluffing.

Good day, mr. Young.

Okay, you win.

Was it a bluff that you
really quit your firm.

Come on in.



I heard you got your raise?

It's great.


Look about that,

Are we gonna be okay
about the other day?

Yeah, it's okay.

No really, abby,

Because I didn't mean
it the way you thought.

I know.

You figured out what you
gonna say to mckenzie yet?

When you finish up,

We're gonna for beer
we can plan strategy...

Thanks but i... I think
I must go to home.

Hey, are you okay?

According to ann, I don't have
any right to ask for a raise,

I'm not working hard enough

And I'm not not showing
enough initiative.

That's what
management always says

To keep their workers in line.

Victor, I don't need
a pep talk, okay.

It's just that I'm
working so hard

And what if they fire me.

I don't know, I don't
know what I'm gonna do.

Do you want to explain this?

I threatened to expose
washington pure water company.

I told the ceo I'd go public

With certain
incriminating information

And coerced him into
cleaning up their toxic dump.

Since my actions
were in violation

Of the lawyers code of ethics

And may be illegal,

I decided to resign
from the firm

To insulate you from liability.

I'm at a loss.

There are rules which govern
the conduct of attorneys,

Rules which you
cannot just disregard

Every time you decide
you don't like a client.

I made a decision.

Ann, but there was
no decision to be made.

If all lawyers felt free to
put themselves above the law

Our legal system would
be reduced to anarchy.

With all due respect

If you're looking for a lawyer

Who can just turn
off her conscience

And follow the rules with blind
difference there's the letter.

And if you're
looking to be lawyer

Who lets the law
take a back seat

To her personal
sense of morality.

Then maybe I have to accept it.

Leland, we could probably
argue this all night.

And the truth is in the abstract

I agree with what you're saying

But this wasn't the abstract

This was real people
who were going to die,

If I let that
settlement go through.

I don't know if I was right

And I don't know if I was wrong.

All I know is I couldn't
do it, I just couldn't do it.

Could you have done it, leland?

So mickey.


I promised myself I
wasn't gonna be jealous.

I wasn't gonna
make myself crazy.

But... Have you seen her?

We had lunch.

Why didn't you tell me?

Because I know how you feel.

And under the circumstances
either I'll be asking

For your permission...

Or asking for your forgiveness.

And I don't like the
way that makes me feel.

Very equipped... Counselor.

We got a lot of
history together, grace.

What do you want?

You want to forbid
me from seeing her?

It hurts me, okay?

Is that so hard for
you to understand?

How the hell would you like it

If I started calling
up old boyfriends,

May be inviting
kevin for dinner?

I can't legislate
your feelings, grace.

If that's what you want to
do then I just have to trust,

You know what you're doing.

Or don't you trust me?

I love you... And I'm scared.

You have so many secrets.

So tell me the truth, mickey.

Are you gonna leave me?

Thank you for meeting me.

I couldn't believe it
when you called me.

I was afraid I'd be late.

It's kind of hard to find.

Can I get you something, sir?

Scotch and water.

I like what you've
done to your hair.

It gives you a...
A feral quality.


Untamed, wild I guess.

But it's very becoming.

I love how you talk.

I learned so much from you
just from being around you.

And i, you.

Me? What's there
to learn from me?

I'm so average.

Not at all.

You are so open, so
warm and compassionate.

You mustn't deprecate yourself.

Oh, what am I gonna do, douglas?

Meeting like this,
feeling the way I feel.

I'm sorry, it's an
awful thing to say but...

I think I hate your wife.

You know her?

No. I... I'm just jealous.

She's so lucky to have a
man as amazing as you are.

To her, I'm just
the cash register.

It wasn't always like that.

I remember when we
were first starting out,

This will sound silly.

I used to make popcorn for us.

And we'd lie on
bed till long hours,

Watching old movies on tv.

Now, she says the salt
makes you retain water.

I have a hot air
popper, douglas.

But I've never even
taken it out of the box.

I don't even know if it works.

All you have to
do is plug it in.

I could show you.

Would you, douglas?

Would you show me
how to pop my corn?

When? Now.

Let's go.
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