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03x16 - Marry Me, Marry Me: Part 1

Posted: 08/26/22 14:30
by bunniefuu

♪ Here we are Face to face ♪

♪ A couple of silver spoons ♪

♪ Hoping to find We're two of a kind ♪

♪ Making a go Making it grow ♪

♪ Together We're gonna find our way ♪

♪ Together Taking the time each day ♪

♪ To learn all about ♪

♪ Those things You just can't buy ♪

♪ Two silver spoons Together ♪

♪ You and I ♪ ♪ Together ♪

♪ We're gonna find our way ♪

♪ You and I ♪ ♪ Together ♪

♪ We're gonna find our way ♪

♪ You and I Together ♪


Something wrong, Dex?

Frankly I thought we called this meeting for 8 sharp

so we could get a jump on a rather busy day.

So far, all we've managed to get a jump on this breakfast.

You know, it's not healthy to jump right into work.

Just take time for a leisurely cup of coffee,

some Danish, small talk.

You wanna talk small?

Eddie Toys' profits this quarter have been miniscule.

I think that's enough small talk.

Let's move on to some larger talk.

That's a good idea.

I'm concerned about my relationship with Kate.


I don't know, she's been distant,

very business-like lately.

The other night, she presented me with a detailed plan

for restructuring the wind-up toy division.

Well, I find that admirable.

Not when I'm nibbling her ear.

Maybe you should brush up on your nibbling.

Dad, can I speak to you?

I think we have a serious problem.

Is no one in this house without some kind of personal trauma?

What is it, son?

Dad, remember I had you and Kate take that compatibility test

from Hot Teen Magazine?

Well, you guys did less than great.

Yeah, 31 percent.

And that's less than lousy.

I appreciate your concern, son,

but I think the results of any such test are suspect

when one of the questions is do you like to boogie?

You guys are worrying this relationship to death.

You make a perfect match.

Everyone knows you make a perfect match.

You've been the perfect match for years.

Now, can we do some work here? Thank you.

Well, good morning.


Thirty-one is looking awfully high for these two.

Sorry I'm late. Shall we get down to work?

What, no coffee? No Danish? No small talk?

No, thanks.


I guess we'll just start our meeting then.

Why don't you guys run along to school?

See you later. Bye.


The purpose of this meeting

is to examine our cost overruns

on our rubber ducky line.

Do you have those figures, Kate?

Oh, Kate?


Kate, this is vitally serious business.

Where are the rubber ducky figures?

Something bothering you, honey?

Nothing's wrong. Let's just get down to work.

And "honey" is not what you call a vice president.

That's right. Unless of course your name is actually Honey.

Kate, what is it?

Well, if you must know,

last night I had dinner with Harold Zapkowski.

BOTH: Whoa!

Didn't you guys leave for school yet?

Okay, okay, we're going.

Gee, maybe your dad and Kate would be more compatible

if she didn't go out with other guys.

You had dinner with Harold Zapkowski of Zap Toys?

That's terrible.

He offered me a job.

That's terribler.

At double my salary.

That's terriblest.


I'd love it if you'd keep working for me.

But I understand.

These opportunities come few and far between.

I told him no. I'm not gonna stand--

Thank goodness.

Now that that's all settled, can we get to work?

It's wonderful you're staying.

What is so wonderful about it?

Well, don't just sit there. Pursue her. Get--


Honey-- Kate, you seem upset.

I am not...


Well, you've turn our slogan

"boy, oh, boy, it's an Eddie Toy" into...


Come on, Kate, what is it?

Is it this job offer? Is it this job?

Is it life in general? What is it?

I don't wanna talk about it. Please.

I said I don't wanna talk about it.

Kate, I can handle it. What is it?

All right, I'll tell you.

It's this job, it's the job offer,

it's life in general. It is everything.


I see.

Well, what--? Are you sorry you didn't take the job?




No, yes.

Now we're really getting somewhere.

No one in their right mind

would turn down a great job offer like this.

But I did.

Because of our relationship.

But what is our relationship?

It's loving.

It's caring.

It's drifting, it's coasting.

It's meandering.

It is going nowhere.


Now I think we're here.

Well, it's just that I...


I don't know where I stand.

[CHUCKLES] Is that all that's bothering you?

Come on, you stand great.

Well, I don't feel great.

I have no idea what the future holds for us.

Well, the future holds good things.

What good things?

Great, wonderful, fabulous, good things.

Edward, I, uh...

I know it's hard for you to commit,

but I always thought, well, that someday we'd get married.

Me too.


But someday may be too late for me.

I don't wanna have to think about this,

but, well, my biological clock is ticking away.

Pretty soon it'll be too late for me to have a child.

Kate, I rushed in to one marriage.

And it lasted all of seven days.

I'm scared.

But I love you.

I love you too.

And I know, I know you're scared.

Maybe our timing is off.

Look, uh...


It's my problem, not yours.

I can handle it.

Let's just forget I brought it up.

I guess we're not gonna get much work done today, are we?

Dex, can I ask you a question?

Of course.

Let's say that...

Oh, many years ago, when you were a foolish young man,

you bought a stock.

And you really loved that stock.

And seven days after you bought it,

it collapsed and went out of business.

From that time on, you stayed away from the stock market

because you didn't wanna get burned again.

And now...

15 years later, you...

Another stock catches your eye.

It's a nice stock.

You watched it grow for three years,

and you consider buying it,

but you're afraid.

What would you do?

Oh, for goodness' sake, marry her, you silly twit.

Great, you're here.

Where have you been all day?

Oh, out.

Doing, being, getting.


I can hardly wait.

What's going on, Edward?

Nothing. Nothing at all.

There he is. Hi.

Hi. Hey, where you going?

To my room.

No, no, no.

Come on in here for a minute.

What did I do?

Son, you didn't do anything.

Can't a father and a son hang out together, huh?

You've been gone all day.

Kate. Hmm?

Why don't you come sit over here?

We can all hang out together.



Because, Kate...

I have something very important to say.



Dad? Yeah?

There's a band in our living room!

I know, I know!

They've got Kate!

EDWARD: I know, I know!

Why? You'll see, you'll see!


Yeah, no.


Kate, as you know, I'm basically a plain and simple man.

So I'm gonna say this as plainly and as simply as I can.

Will you marry me?



Is that a yes?




It's a yes. Ha-ha!




Thank you.

Thanks a lot, guys. Bye-bye.

Bye, band.

Edward, this is without a doubt the happiest day of my life.

Well, it isn't over yet.

No, because I've planned an evening of celebration for us.

Beginning with a romantic dinner for two

where I've reserved the entire swan court

at Bernard's by the bay.

Oh, Edward. [CHUCKLES]

He probably had them spelled out "congratulations" on the beach

using live lobsters.

Not quite, but there will be

some surprises involving halibut.


Oh, well, I better hurry up and get ready.

I need time to change.

Oh, my nails and my hair.

Ah-ah-ah. Tut-tut-tut.

Not to worry.

I have a manicurist

and a large selection of evening gowns just upstairs.

And also upstairs, as for your hair,

[IN ACCENT] I have the one, the only Vidal Sassoon.

In person.


Oh, well, if I don't look good, he doesn't look good.

Okay, while you're getting ready,

Rick and I will run the engagement announcement

down to the newspaper's. All right. Oh.

Well, so, huh?

Old man's getting married, what do you think of that?

That's great.

Look, I've got a lot of research to do

for my report on the common market.

I think I'll get to it.

Rick, what's the matter?

It's this whole marriage thing.

I hope you're not still concerned about that lousy score

on the Hot Teen Magazine compatibility test.

I want you to know that even though Kate

doesn't like Cyndi Lauper, I think our marriage will survive.

Dad, it's not the test.

I just wished we could've talked about all this first.

Okay, let's talk about it now.

It's too late.

It's like buckling up your seatbelt after you crash.

Besides, you don't care what I think anyway.

Of course I care.

Oh, yeah? Well, how come everybody in my school band

knew before I did?

Son, I'm sorry I didn't think to consult you first.

I just wanted it to be a surprise.

I thought you loved Kate.

I do.

And I always thought it'd be great if you guys got married.

But then when you got down on one knee,

I found myself hoping you dropped your car keys.

Son, what are you worried about?

Everything's gonna change.

Like what?

For example, when Kate moves in,

she'll probably bring her cat Fluffy.

There goes all the leftover fish and chicken.

Do you how many rubber mice with bells that cat owns?

Son, whatever's troubling you goes a lot deeper than Fluff.

Okay, you want me to say it, I'll say it.

Up till now, it's been you and me.

Now it's gonna be you, me and her.

Kate's been here.

Yeah, she's been here, but she hasn't been here.

Now she's gonna be telling me what to do

like she's my real mom. Which she isn't.

Son, I promise you,

if any problems come up, we'll solve them.

Just like we always have.

It's not gonna be the same.

No, it's not. It's gonna be different.

It's gonna be better different.

For some people.

Rick, son.



What are you doing here?

I thought you went to the newspaper office.

I look awful.

No, you don't look awful.

You're just...

under construction.

Well, this is the way I really look. Ah.

I was waiting until after I got the proposal.


I couldn't bear to be away

from my lovely bouquet of roses a moment longer.

Oh, Rick.

Can you believe this?

We're gonna be one big happy family.


Wait till Fluffy hears the news, huh?

I mean, she'll love moving into this great, big, roomy house.

Oh, and so will Snicklefritz.


Well, that's her new boyfriend. She brought him home last night.

The big happy family keeps getting bigger.

Oh, I better get back up and...

finish construction. [LAUGHS]

Oh, Rick, when I went upstairs

I tripped over your hockey stick.

You left in the hallway.

You should be more careful with your things.

At least it wasn't a rubber mouse with bells.


Excuse me?

You see, Dad? It's happening already.


What's happening already?



Rick is a little concerned

that there might be a few teeny, tiny adjustments

that'll have to be made when we're married, that's all.

Like what, Rick?

Oh, just...


I don't know why you guys have to get married.

Well, because we love each other

and we wanna spend the rest of our lives together.

Why do you have to do that now?

Everything's been so perfect.

Son, Kate had a wonderful job offer,

and it's not really fair to her

to keep her wondering about her future.

Of course that isn't the only reason your father proposed.

Was it, Edward?

Of course not.

Your biological clock is ticking away like crazy.

What's a biological clock?

Oh, well, son, that refers to the number of years

in which a woman can have a baby.

You're gonna have a baby?

No. No. No.


No, no. Not now.


In time.

Way down the road.

How way is way down the road?

Sometime between next Tuesday

and when your biological clock goes boing.

Edward, you're making me feel

like I pressured you into proposing.

No, you didn't.

Now that I see how it's affecting the two of you...

well, I wonder if getting married is right altogether.

Wait a minute, you're the one who wanted to get married.

Along with me.

So look...

why don't I just put away my hockey stick--?

I don't want anybody putting away their hockey stick.

Or doing anything they don't wanna do because of me.

Maybe we should just call this whole thing off.

Happiest day of my life, ha.

Honey, what are you doing?

I think I just need to get away and figure things out.

Wait, Kate, you can't go out--


Just let me go.

♪ Together We're gonna find our way ♪

♪ Together Taking the time each day ♪

♪ To learn all about ♪

♪ Those things You just can't buy ♪

♪ Two silver spoons Together ♪