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03x14 - Private Dancer - October 6, 1979

Posted: 08/26/22 10:24
by bunniefuu
Theorizing that one could
time-travel within his own lifetime,

Dr. Sam Beckett stepped into
the Quantum Leap Accelerator

and vanished.

He woke to find himself
trapped in the past,

facing mirror images
that were not his own,

and driven by an unknown force

to change history
for the better.

His only guide
on this journey is Al,

an observer from his own time,

who appears in
the form of a hologram

that only Sam can see and hear.

And so Dr. Beckett finds himself
leaping from life to life,

striving to put right
what once went wrong,

and hoping each time
that his next leap

will be the leap home.

Okay, ladies. Let's hear it
for that star of Chippendales,

Rod "The Bod."

Oh, boy.

In ancient Rome, slaves were forced to
fight armed gladiators to the death.

If a sl*ve survived,
he'd be set free.

In this crowd,
he'd be eaten alive.

Don't cover it up, Rod.

Oh, no!

Now, now, ladies. It's time
to say bye-bye to Rod.


I've never been
degraded like that.

I'd give anything
to be degraded like that.

Al, would you look at me?
Don't look at me.

I-I-I'm one of these
Chippendales guys.

Yeah, you're Rod "The Bod."

Your real name's Rod McCarty.

Uh, you used to be
an All-American split

end. Oh, split end for USC.

And your career was sidelined
when your knee got blown out.

Since then you're touring with
the Chippendales Road Company.

Just tell me it's not
the '70s again, okay?

It is. It's October 6, 1979,
New York City, New York.

Oh, this is horrible.

What are you complaining about?

Most guys would k*ll to be
in a room full of screaming

sex-crazed women who want
nothing more than to...

Treat me like a piece of meat.


What am I here to do?

Uh, well, Ziggy's working on it.

Probably something
to do with Rod "The Bod."

We'll know in 24 hours.

24 hours!

What am I supposed to do
in the meantime, huh?

Shake your booty.

You look real nice, honey.

Oh, God, you're so hot.



Excuse me.

Hey, you got
a margarita comin', babe.

Hey, hey, yo,
I'm talkin' to you.

Hey, wait. Hey, Mario.

What's with the new broad?

She's been ignoring me
all night long.

Yo, maybe she's got good taste.

Ha, ha. Just don't schedule
her anymore on weekends, okay?

Don't worry, Otto.

She'll be dancin' bachelor
parties for me after tonight.

She's a stripper, huh?

I prefer to call 'em
exotic dancers.

Right, Rod?

Yeah. I... I guess so.

I prefer to call my car
a Rolls, but it ain't.

I loved that pratfall
off the stage.

It looked real.

Oh, yeah, well, thank you.
It felt real.

Man, I'm making more tonight than
I do off most acts in a week.

Why don't you cancel your
next gig and stick around?

Yes, we could make it
interesting for you.

Yeah, well, you know,

I'm... I'm really looking
forward to my next gig. So...

Thanks, though. Thanks.

Yeah, he's really looking
forward to his next gig. Right.

Baby, how you doin'?

What's the matter,
cat got your tongue?

I'm talking to you.

Let's not get too friendly
with the waitresses, okay?

Why not?

Because I'm asking you not to.

My name is Rod.


Hey, hey, hey.

This ain't Soul Train.
Let's go.

- You're great.
- Thanks.

She'd better be.

This girl only runs the best modern
jazz dance company in the country.

- Really?
- Well, workin' on it.

She's havin' an open call Monday.
Why don't you come by?

Oh, no. I... I don't dance.

Well, honey, I don't know.
I saw you do a couple of good moves

in between those bumps and
grinds you were doin' up there.

- That?
- Yeah.

No. No. No.
That's... that's work.

I'd really like to see you work.

Well, I... I... I gotta
get going.

So... so maybe
I'll see you later.

You can bet on it.

He is so cute.

Take my phone number, honey.

Was that a Gibson or a gimlet?

Hey, yo, doll,
I'm talkin' to you.

Gibson or gimlet?


What the hell
is the matter with you?

She's deaf.

Which is the reason you're here.


Yeah, Dianna Quinna.

She was raised in Wyoming

and she spent 10 years at the
Cheyenne School for the Deaf.

Then she ran away in the
middle of her senior year.

She never graduated
from high school?

No. She came to New York
a year and a half ago.

Since then she hasn't been able
to keep one job that she got.

Well, what about her parents?
Aren't they looking for her?

No, they died in a car crash
when she was seven.

She suffered
a severe head injury.

That's how come
she lost her hearing.

How am I gonna help her?

Well, there's a couple ways.

Next month, she gets arrested
for prostitution.

- What?
- I'm afraid so.

And before it's over,
she gets arrested 26 times.

That's terrible, Al.


Wait... wait a minute.
When you said "before it's over"?

Well, it's over in '86,
when she dies of AIDS.

He's fun, isn't he?

She's not as conservative
as she looks.

No, you're not.

How does a young girl like her
become a prost*tute?

Sam, we're talking
about New York City here.

Forget that she's deaf.

You know how tough it is
for a single girl

without a family
to make it in New York?

Al, I-I've never been
around a deaf person before.

I don't know how to...

Yeah, I had a thing
for a deaf girl once.

Boy, could she read lips.

Al, this is no time for one of
your cheesy kiss-and-tell stories.

She was my lab partner at MIT.

She was one of the brightest
women I've ever known.

And she wouldn't sleep with
you, right?


Why does your Swiss-cheese memory
remember stuff that I wanna forget?

So, I guess I'm here to stop
her from becoming a prost*tute?

Yeah, and, well, to get her
to finish school,

which is my guess.

Mario, the guy
who owns this place

was saying something about her
dancing at some bachelor party...

I think he means stripping.

That's probably how she
gets started into hooking.

Have you been here a lot?

Deaf? She's deaf?

Yeah. I'm... I'm afraid so.

Uh, she had a little accent.

I thought she might have been
French or something.

A deaf stripper.
How about that?

No, she's a deaf


And I'd like to keep it
that way.

You nuts?

A cute little thing like Dianna,
she could pull in $200 a night.

Hey, hirin' her makes me an
equal-opportunity employer.

It also makes you a pimp.

Hey, all my party girls are
strictly "look but don't touch."

What they do after
for tips, they do.

You're just, uh,

singlin' out the virgin wool
before the wolves.


Yeah. Yeah, you're right.

In fact, tell you what.
I'll make you a deal.

Uh, you keep her workin'
as a waitress

and away from your
bachelor parties.

And what does that get me?

I'll cancel my next gig
and dance here.

Call me Monty Hall.

- I said I'm sorry.
- Don't spy on me.

No, no, I didn't mean to.
I just, uh...

- I just...
- Like to peep, huh?

No. I heard the music.

It was kind of hard
not to, you know.

You want me to walk you home?

You want me to...

What's that?

You want me to walk you home?

This means walk.

Oh, oh, like this? Okay.

You know what this means?

- Bye?
- Bye.

Dianna! Oh, like you can
hear me. Listen,

uh, you're not gonna walk
home by yourself, are you?

I'm trying to.

It's too dangerous out there.

You want me to protect you?

Are you always this sarcastic?

Only with people
who won't let me go home.

Stop followin' me.

I'm not following you.
I'm gonna get a hot...

I'm gonna get a hot dog.
You want one?

I don't eat meat.

Hi, Dianna.
You want the usual?

Let me guess: Mustard on a
bun, hold the hot dog?

I'll have one of
her usuals, too.

Coming right up.

Thank you.

Thank you? That's "thank you"?

"You're welcome"?

Anyone who gets to know me
can pick up the easy signs.

Okay. Oh.

- Thank you.
- Good night.

Good night to you, kid.

Good night.

Why don't you tell people
that you're deaf?

Why should I?

When the people know I'm deaf,

they feel sorry for me or treat
me like I have the plague.

Well, maybe... maybe that's because
they don't want to seem stupid.


Not you.

Hearing people.

Like me.

I mean, to tell you the truth,

I really don't know
how to talk to you.

Just talk.

I can read your lips.

I may not get everything.

Maybe half.

Unless you cover your mouth,

turn away, or speak fast.

Well, that's why you
couldn't understand Otto.

Otto. The bartender
with the mustache.

You mean Walrus?


How's he expect me to know

what he's saying with
all this hair over his lips?

Do you...

do you hear anything at all?

White noise.

Vague sounds.

Like when Jailhouse Rock plays.

I feel the rhythm and beat.
But no Elvis.

So that's how you can dance.

When I turn the music up,

it's like I'm hearing.

I feel the vibrations

passing through my body.

When I dance
it feels like a dream.

I can't imagine

what it would be like to live
without ever hearing music.

I know music in a way
that you will never know.

When I look around,

I see music everywhere.

There is the music in the stars,

the way they sparkle.

I feel them.

There's music in the lights

as they dance
on the water at night.

And how the leaves

shake and shudder, laughing,

like children at play.

When I feel the wind on my face,

the wind is my music.

So I came to New York to dance.

Being a waitress is just a way
to survive until I get a break.

If you can call the tips that
I made tonight surviving.


you know there was a
choreographer at the club tonight.

Joanne Chapman.

You know her?

She's incredible.

Well, she's having
open auditions on Monday.

But I already danced for her.

She didn't even notice me.

You mean tonight at the club?

That wasn't an audition.

I mean, she was just having fun.

Monday is the audition.

What if I'm not good enough?

What if you are?

- Good night.
- Good night.

Hey, honey,
you got any spare change?

Honey, can you spare a dime?

Hey, what are you,
deaf or somethin'?

God, these kids.

Rod told me you weren't
interested in dancin' at parties.

Rod told me

you weren't interested
in dancin' at parties.

He had no right
to tell you that.

Well, maybe not.
But I already booked the gig.

Sorry. Look,
You short of a little bread?

I can lend you some.

I don't take handouts.


Well, we could always figure out
another way to pay me back.

You understand what I'm sayin'?

He's a real sweetheart.

I can't make enough on tips
to get through the winter.

Maybe I can book you
into something.

Maybe I can book you
into something.



Till then, you need to
borrow a couple of bucks?

No, no, no.
Just get me a job dancing.

All right, I'll do my best, kid.

Come back tomorrow, huh?

What are you doing?

Sign language. See?

This, this means


Oh, I thought you ran out
of Kleenex or something.

That's "boring."

What do you got
on a Joanne Chapman?

Joanne Chapman.


Look at this.

What do you think that says?

Oh, that's the Eensy-Weensy
Spider, but it goes like this...

No, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no.

Quantum Leap.

- That's "Quantum Leap"?
- Uh-huh. Yeah.

Quantum Leap.

That's neat.

Oh, Joanne Chapman, here we go.

She's a hot-shot choreographer.

She's one of the best
in the country.

I know. I saw her dance
at the club last night.

I think I'm here to get
Dianna into her dance company.

Dianna hasn't even graduated
from high school.

So, she'll do it here,
while she's dancing.

As what? A stripper
at bachelor parties?

No, no, I've taken care...

I took care of that.

Oh, hi. Come on in.

How dare you tell Mario
I wouldn't dance at his parties?

I just didn't want you to...

I didn't want you
to make a mistake.

The only mistake
was letting you walk me home.

So stay away from me,
Rod "The Bod."


Nope, I ain't got
nobody like that here.

Well, I dropped her
off here last night.

You telling me I'm crazy?

No. No. Look, look.

She's... she's pretty.
She's got big eyes.

Kind of blon-blondish hair.

She's deaf.

The deaf girl?
She don't live here.

She's been parkin' back and forth
across the street for the last month.

Last month?

See that blue-and-white van, over there?
That piece of, you know.

I called the City Council,
asked them to come and clear her out.

You think they
did anything? Hell, no.

Not a thing. Not one.
You know, just trash.

Thank you.

This whole neighborhood is
getting to be trash, you know?

It's all trash.

- I told you, stay away.
- I didn't think you meant it.

You're crazy.

I'm crazy? I'm not the one
living in a tow-away zone.

Dianna. Dianna, listen to me.
I'm just trying to help you.

So you tell Mario
I don't want to dance?

Stripping's not the same
as dancing.

- You strip.
- There's a difference.

I don't see it.

Neither do I, but...

You hear, I'm deaf.

That's not what this is about.

Yes, it is. You think
I'm a poor little deaf girl

who needs hearing people
to protect me.

Even if you had perfect hearing,

I still wouldn't want
to see you dancing

at one of Mario's
bachelor parties.

Why? Don't you think
I can dance as good as you?


I think you can dance
better than me.

Good enough to get into Joanne
Chapman's dance company.

I can't dance with Joanne.

- Why not?
- I just can't.

You could try.

What are you saying?

I, I, I don't understand you.

Good. Now you know what
the world feels like to me.

Listen, this is not about being
deaf, this is about being afraid.

I'm not afraid of anything.

You're afraid of failing.

I can't dance her style.

Yes, you can. I've seen you dance.
You're great.

But it's not her style.

If I want to dance
in Joanne's company,

I have to copy her.

You danced with her.
She's strong and sharp and she's tough.

I... I don't dance like that.

I... need more experience
before I audition.

How are you gonna get it?
By stripping at parties?

I'm not a stripper.

Well, you would have been
if I hadn't stopped you.

Listen. Wait, wait, wait.

Hey, get out of the street.

You said that your senses
were sharper.

That you see things
others don't.

Well, I see things, too.

And right now I can see that you're
at a turning point in your life.

You can pick a road that goes up
or a road that goes down.

I don't know what to do.

Dance at that audition tomorrow.

Are you doing this
because I'm deaf?

No, because you're good.

Dianna, it's okay
to let people help you.

You don't have to do
everything alone.



- I can't do it.
- Yes, you can.

I've been trying for six hours.

Okay, well, maybe,

maybe you're trying too hard.

You know, I mean, you said that

Joanne does
everything easy, right?

So, let's just... Come on,
let's just do it easy.

- Show me.
- Me?

You are a terrific dancer.

Oh, no, no, not really.

What's the matter?
Afraid you'll fail?

All right, people, impress me.

Okay. Okay.

All right, everybody.

Take a minute,
catch your breath.

I'm coming right back to you.

All right, look.
3, 21, 14, 15.

She's good.

All right, rewind the tape,
and let's go.

All right. Okay.

If I call out your number,
people, please come forward.

Number 3.






32, 22.


And number 1.

Okay, now.

Line yourselves up,
open up please.

Hang on, hang on.
I got somebody missing. 1, 2, 3, 4...

15. Number 15?

Going once, twice.
Okay, she's not here.

No, no, no, she's here.

Rod "The Bod."

Listen, uh, number 15, she's...
she's back there in the pink.

Are you
auditioning today, honey?

Oh, no, no.
She-she's a friend of mine.


Don't hold that against her.

Can she dance?

Well, sure.

I'll let you know.

Hey, Number 15, come on, honey.

Number 15, you,
come on forward, honey.

All right, everybody here
spread out, find a place.

Everybody else back off.

I only wanna see the people
I'm focusing on.

15, come forward, honey.
Don't be shy.

Come on, darling, there you go.

All right now, we're going to
do the combination one more time

and this next time when you get to
the end I want everyone to improvise.

I'd like to see
if you can really dance.

Got it?
All right. Music, please.

I figured I'd find you here.

I don't think
this is gonna work, Sam.

It is, Al.
She's already made two cuts.

She should be
on a bus to Wyoming.

You haven't seen her dance.

But I've seen
what Ziggy's predicting.

Sometimes Ziggy's wrong.

Yeah. Well, maybe he's wrong but
maybe you're getting too involved

to know what's right for her.

Yeah, well, I hope not, Al.

Very good.
Come on now, work it.

Give me something,
let me see it.

And dance!

Hey, that's it.
Let me see it. Work it.

Hey, come on, honey.

What are you doing?
Hey, hey. What...

Stop. Turn off that music.
Turn it off.

What's wrong?
Why did you stop dancing?

Hey, hey, hey, wait, wait, come here.
Come here. Come here.

It's okay.

What's the matter?
Why did you stop dancing?

Uh, I'm sorry.

No, no, it's okay. It's okay.
What-what's wrong?

Nothing's wrong. She's deaf.


Can she understand anything
I'm saying at all?

Yes, if you speak clearly
and slowly and to her.

You didn't understand
my instructions?

Did you know this was
a professional audition?

Oh, here it comes.

You are such a lovely dancer

and I'd really
like to give you a shot.

But we move very,
very fast here and I just

don't think I have time
to give you

the attention you would need.

I'm sorry.

Look, uh, this is my fault.
I... I should have told you.

I don't think it would
have made much difference.

All right, people, take a few minutes
and think about the combination...

You were right, Al.

Sometimes I hate being right.

I'll get right back to you.

Arthur, bring me those cards.

Where'd she go?

Come on, Charlie, will you get this
thing going? I ain't got all day.

Wait. Wait. Please.
Don't take my home.

Please don't take it.

Are you kiddin'?

Your plates are out of state,
your tags are expired

and you got $120
worth of parking tickets.

It's all my stuff in there.

Well, cough up $120
and it's yours.


You wanna go to jail?

Look, please let me
take my things out.

Now, get it out of here,
Charlie. Let's go.

All right. All right.
I'm movin'.

God, where have you been?
I've been looking everywhere for you.

You found me
a... a dance job?

Well, not exactly.

Um, you see,

a friend of mine who's visiting
town needs a date for tonight.

Now, I promised him
that I'd show him a good time,

but I'm kind of stuck here.

I... I don't need a date,
I need a job.

This is a job.

Look. See, he just wants
to have a little fun.

How much for this...
little fun?

I think he's good
for at least $300.

Maybe more if he likes you.

Come on.
It's just this one time.

Just to tide you over until
you get a dance gig. Okay?

Here's a little loan.

You go and buy yourself a
nice dress and some new shoes.

I don't want it.

You can't go out on a date
dressed like that.

Come on.

Hello, Mario's Hideaway.

Ah, yes, yes,
we do private parties.

- Hi, Rod.
- Have you seen Dianna?

Uh, I'm sorry.

Could you just
hold a minute, please?

Uh, no, why?

Mario doesn't have her working
at one of his parties, does he?

No, look.
You and Mario made a deal,

and you're much more
important to him than she is.

Okay, look, if you see her,
tell her I'm looking for her.

Sure. I'm sorry.
What was that date?


Yo, Rod.

Have you seen Dianna?

Uh, the little
cocktail waitress?

Yeah, she was talking
to Valerie and then she split.


Yeah. A minute ago.

Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

- Yes, I am.
- Am what?

Yes, I am wondering if you know
what Valerie's last name is.


Why? Are you thinking
about hittin' on her, too?

Good. Yes. Goodbye.

Where's Dianna?

You just asked me that.

And you lied to me.

- No, I didn't.
- Yes, you did.

- No!
- You didn't tell the truth.

that's the same thing.

Look, she was upset.

She needed a job. And my guess is
you're probably the last person

she would want to know
about that.

I was trying to help her.

Yeah, right into
the horizontal tango.

You gave her a job?

It was more like a date.

Uh-oh, how about this: In '77,
Irma La Douce here was arrested for...


That's a sleazy word for dating.

The kid was broke and scared.

I was doing her a favor.

I'm not gonna judge how
you live your life, Valerie,

but if Dianna does this,
it will destroy hers.

I'm not ashamed about what I do.

Well, maybe not.

But if you could go back to the first
time, would you do it again?

Ziggy's got a fix on Dianna.

The Park Grove Hotel.
Room 1203.

How come I never get a nice guy?

Yeah, just leave the tray.

What the hell do you want?


She's not here.
She's in the bathroom.

- Yes, she is.
- You want me to call security?

So they can put you
under the jail?

That's a good idea.

I'm sure they'd like to hear about
an unregistered minor in your room.

19 is a legal adult
in New York City.

Breaking and entering
is a felony.

Unless you want me
to call security,

I suggest you dance
yourself out of here.

Call 'em.

Yes, give me security.

Don't do this.

What I do
is none of your business.

You made me go audition.

I failed
and you can't fix my life.

You're right, okay?

But I'm gonna be gone soon.

Maybe tonight or tomorrow,
or the next day.

I'm gonna be out of your life.
But you're not.

One time, okay?

Yeah, until the next time when you
need food or a place to sleep again.

Well, you sell yourself
every night.

I sell an illusion.
It's not me.

This is all I have left.

No, no, that's not true.

You-you've got your talent.

This is the only talent
they want from a deaf girl.

That's a lie.

...reported a disturbance.

That's a lie, and you know it.

This man is
harassing the young lady.

When I asked him
to leave, he refused.

You lying dog.

Is that true?

Come on, Dianna.
Just say no.



No, no, it's not.

My friend and I
were just leaving.


Everything's gonna be okay.
You'll see.

I like it.
I like it.

Keep going.

Very nice. Rod "The Bod."

Sorry to bother you.

I sure didn't expect to see you after
what happened yesterday. I'm so sorry.

Well, listen, everybody
deserves a second chance, right?


Including Dianna.

Look, even if she was
the best dancer there,

I still couldn't have taken her.

Because she's deaf?

I'm running a professional dance
company, not a social service.

Look, you saw her dance.

She couldn't
follow my instructions.

Because she couldn't
see your lips.

If you... if you would be a little more
aware when you were talking to her,

there'd be no problem.

The hardest thing in the world is to
get a dance company off the ground

and being black
didn't make it any easier.

I owe these people my best.

Look, somebody gave you
a chance, didn't they?


That's all Dianna wants.

Just a chance.

Gee, Sam, you weren't kidding.
She's really terrific.

What are you slapping me for?

For almost letting her
get away from me.

I gotta tell you,
I've never been so glad I was wrong.

She makes it?

Oh, yeah, she makes it big.

In three years she becomes
Joanne's lead dancer

and she finishes high school
which is the important part.

You did it, Sam.

No, no, she did it.

I was so wrong to turn you away.

Then you'll teach me?

Maybe we'll teach each other.

Well, Sam.

Uh, I think it's time to, um...

Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you.

It's one of
the favorite songs of mine

and I'm sure
one of yours and that's

Feelings. Feelings. Feelings.

Yes, well, about now would
probably be a good time

to, to take a little pause
for the old cause.

So, uh...

Play Somewhere for me.


Come on, Chuck.

Do it for me.

Oh, boy.