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03x13 - Future Boy - October 6, 1957

Posted: 08/26/22 10:23
by bunniefuu
Theorizing that one could
time-travel within his own lifetime,

Dr. Sam Beckett stepped into
the Quantum Leap Accelerator

and vanished.

He woke to find himself
trapped in the past,

facing mirror images
that were not his own

and driven by an unknown force

to change history
for the better.

His only guide
on this journey is Al,

an observer from his own time

who appears in
the form of a hologram

that only Sam can see and hear.

And so Dr. Beckett finds himself
leaping from life to life,

striving to put right
what once went wrong

and hoping each time
that his next leap

will be the leap home.

Activate the time machine.

Stand by the time accelerator.

Standing b-b-by.

Activate, now!

Oh, boy.

Hold on, Future Boy.

We seem to be experiencing a
lot of cosmic turbulence today.

You better deploy
the anti-asteroid shields.

- The what?
- The asteroid shields.

They're next to
the thermal reactor switch.

Thermal reactor switch?

The red button on the end.

Disengage time activator.

Disengaging time activator.


Let's take a look at the future.

Future Boy,

your equilibrium must have
been all shook up

because of all that
cosmic turbulence.

Are you okay, Future Boy?

Yeah, yeah, I think so.

Good. Good.

All right.

Now let's activate
our Shields of Invisibility

so we can't be detected
by any futuristic life forms.

Ready? Activate, now!

Psst! Psst!


"Golly, Captain Galaxy,

"where the heck are we?

"This sure doesn't look
like any place

"I've ever seen before."

According to my...

According... according
to my, uh, gyrograph,


we are aboard
a futuristic cruise ship

in the year 1987.


"Leaping lizards!

"That means we've jumped
30 years into the future."

That makes this '57.

That-that-that's right,
Future Boy.

Now let's explore the spaceship,

so that we can give
our Time Cadets

an opportunity
to see what the future

holds in store for them.

Great idea, Captain Galaxy.

I say that if they try to invade

we give them a dose
of their gamma rays

and reduce them to neutrons.

"Holy smokin' retro rockets,
Captain Galaxy!

"Is this the way that things
are going to be in the future?"

This is not the future,
Time Cadets.

Only one man's
distorted view of it.

It's up to each of
you Time Cadets...

Oh, my God, he's doing it again.

Get the commercial
ready. Go.

Captain Galaxy
believes it will be a time

of great social
and technical advancement.

We'll see an end
of disease, w*r, and hunger.

Isn't that right, Future Boy?

Uh, uh, y-yes... yes,
that's right, Captain Galaxy.

And it may be a bumpy flight,

but working together,

mankind will take a giant leap

closer to the things
you're describing.

But there'll always
be more things to do.

Well said, Future Boy.

No problem
is too difficult to solve

as long as we remember

to ask ourselves
the right questions.

And speaking of questions,

let's take a look
at today's space mail

before we time-leap out of here.

There we are, Future Boy.

The letter, Future Boy.

Please hand it
to Captain Galaxy.

Oh, thank you. Thank you.

Now, today's letter is

from little Davey Chase
of Cheyenne, Wyoming.

And Davey writes,

"Dear Captain Galaxy,

"if you and Superman
got into a fight,

who would win?"

Well, Davey,

Captain Galaxy and Superman
would never get into a fight.

First, because
we're good friends.

And second, because v*olence
doesn't solve a thing.

But thank you for your letter

and remember to tune in tomorrow

when Captain Galaxy

And Future Boy.

...blast off for
another adventure in time.

Until then,
I'll see you in the future.

We're clear.

What the hell do you think
you're doing out here?

That was stupid.

Who taught you to do that stunt?
I didn't write that.

Well, I...

Has the whole world gone crazy?

Just because the Russians
put a satellite in space

doesn't mean you two
get to go into orbit, too.

I don't want these kids
growing up thinking

that the future holds
nothing but v*olence.

Don't be ridiculous,
kids love v*olence.

Because we tell them to love it.

We should be teaching
them to dream

to see the future
for its possibilities,

not its limitations.

And you write me a script
like that

and I will shout it
from the rooftops.

I swear, I... I swear,
if the kids didn't love him...

You talk to him.

You tell him, any more
screw-ups, he's gone.

Kids or no kids.

You got it?

Got it.

Hey, Kenny,

I got you some ice
for your ankle.

Oh. Oh. Thanks. Thanks.
I appreciate that.

Yeah, how is it?

It's... it's okay.

All right.
Um, I'll see you later.

All right. Okay. Thanks.

I don't believe this.

"Born to play the role,

"Stein is incandescent
as Macbeth.

"In a towering performance,

"the actor makes all who came
before him pale in comparison."


I thought so, too

a long time ago.

But that's bad luck.

Bad luck?

You mentioned the Scottish play.


But, this is great.

I mean, you've had
an unbelievable career.

I mean, Mac...

The Scottish play.

Uh, Hamlet, Othello...

Captain, uh, Galaxy.

Well, nobody can say
you don't have range, right?

That hurt?

Yeah. It's just
a little sore.

Not as sore as Ben Harris.

I hope you didn't let him
get to you back there.

No. I just don't think he likes
you changing his dialogue.


Shakespeare wrote dialogue.

Ben Harris writes television.

Aren't you afraid
of losing your job?

It doesn't matter.

I won't be here
that much longer, anyway.

Where are you going?

To the door.

- Dad, I just want...
- Irene.

How come you can never find a time
machine around when you need one?

you going to let her in?

Dad, we need to talk.

There's a peculiar grating tone
to her voice, don't you think?


Don't tell me. Let me guess.

You've been invited
to a costume party

and you're going
as a baked potato.

What happened to your leg?

Nothing. I just twisted
my ankle a little. What...

You did?

What... what happened?

Huh? What do you mean?

Somebody die?

Did somebody... Oh, oh,
you mean my suit? Oh, no, no.

I have to make
a court appearance.

My third wife is suing...
No, fourth, fifth,

fourth wife is suing me
for more alimony payments

and the lawyer
says it'd be better

if I appeared a little...

Grown up.

No, boring.

Which nobody could
accuse you of being.

What's the F.B. Stand for?

Future Boy.

Future Boy?
That's good. Future Boy.

You think I'm bad, wait till you
see my partner, Captain Galaxy.

Yeah, I bet he looks like
another small potato.

Where am I, Al?

Where are you?

Uh... Oh, St. Louis,
October 6...


How'd you know that?

I'm Future Boy, remember?

Actually, you are a young act or


young actor, named Kenny Sharp.

October 6,

we just missed
the Sputnik launch.

You should've leaped in
two days ago.

Al, what am I here to do?

Race a speeding b*llet, leap over a
tall building in a single bound? What?

Well, according to Ziggy,
there's a 96.2 percent chance

you're here to save the life

of another actor
named Moe Stein.

Captain Galaxy?

What happens to him?

Well, sometime after
12:00 noon tomorrow,

he apparently gets k*lled

trying to hop
a southbound freight train.

Hop a train?

Oh, come on,
Al, that's ridiculous.

Wait till you see this guy.

I mean, there's no way
he could hop a...

Even if that's what happens,
then this is great,

this is an easy leap. All I gotta do
is keep him away from the train yards.

You've gotta do more than that.

Ziggy says the only way
you can save this Moe

is by having him committed
to a mental institution.

Oh, come on, Al.

I'm not gonna leap in here
to save some guy's life

then turn around and watch him be
thrown into a mental institution.

Now, that is insane.

Well, maybe he's crazy.

Oh, come on.

He's 65 years old.

I mean, who in his right mind is gonna
start ridin' the rails when he's 65?

You would if there
were a cute girl on board.

Oh, uh, yeah, well, I would.

Uh, but according to Ziggy,

his daughter tries
to get him committed,

he runs out on the hearing,

and that's when he gets k*lled.

Well, that proves that he's sane

because only an insane person
would calmly sit by

and watch himself
be committed, right?

Well, maybe he gets committed
for his own protection.

No, Al, come on.

We don't know
that this guy is crazy.

Right? I mean, look at me,
I'm standing here,

I'm dressed like a giant TV
dinner, talking to a hologram.

Now, what does that make me?


And maybe that's what Moe is.

Maybe he's the kind of guy who just
marches to the tune of a different drummer.

We all know people like that.

You and I both do.
It's not a crime.

Dad, I am talking to you.

Will you come back here?

You know, maybe the real problem
is not with him.

Maybe the real problem
is with Irene.

You have to talk
to Dr. Sandler.

No doctors, Irene.

I'm not going to talk
to any doctors.

Look, another 24 hours and
everything would have been okay.

Now, look,
would you take her outside,

buy her a soda, just give me
enough time to get out of here?

And, Kenny, I'll let you read
the space mail tomorrow.

Now, come on, do me this favor.

Just buy her a soda.

Go on, right out there.
Go on, that's it.


Who are you, Kid Comet?

No, no. I'm, uh...

I'm Kenny Sharp.

I play Future Boy
on, uh, your dad's show.

It's Mrs. Kiner.

I don't know what the two of you are up
to, but it's not going to work.

Oh, uh, Mrs... Mrs. Kiner,
I'm sure that your father

would like to
talk to you some more

but right now he's just
feeling a little indisposed.

My father has been indisposed
for over 30 years,

I am not going to put up
with it any longer.

And you think the solution
is to have him committed?

I don't want to.
I just don't have any choice.

You could leave him alone.


My father is a sick man.

He may not look it, but he is.

See, Sam? I told you.

Look, all he did was change
a few words in a script.

Two months ago
he lost control of his car.

It jumped a curb, crashed through a
fence, and nearly ended up in a fountain.

He was daydreaming.

It's lucky nobody was k*lled.

Could've just been an accident.

A couple months before that,
I got a call in the middle of the night

because he'd almost
burned down his house.

I drove 10 hours
from Milwaukee to get here.

Turns out he was distracted.

He had left some soup
on the stove.

Mrs. Kiner, Mrs. Kiner,

if you feel you need someone
to watch your father,

maybe it should be someone
from his own family

instead of an institution.

That's impossible.

I don't have a relationship
with my father. We...

I don't know why
I'm telling you this.

Maybe because I'm listening.

When I was a kid growing up,
it was like I didn't have a father.

He was always out on the road,
doing a play, or a film, or something.

The only contact we had was with penny
postcards or collect phone calls.

Must have been rough.

When I was 17, my mother died.

She loved my dad,

even after all
he put her through.

But before she died,

she made me promise
that I'd take care of him.

By putting him
in an institution?

I have my own family now.

I can't be responsible
for him anymore.

Look, I'm sure
he didn't mean to hurt you.

He didn't even come home
for her funeral.

Gee, that's kind
of low, isn't it?

Look, maybe at the time
it was too painful for him.

I mean, maybe he felt so guilty

about not being there
for so long that...

that to come home then,
for your mom's funeral,

it would have been wrong.

He still should have come.

You're right.
And I know you're angry.

But sometime in your life,

you have to find
a way to let go.

For yourself.

And then maybe sometime,

you can find a way
to start over.

I think you're
getting to her, Sam.

Hey, Kenny,

I've been looking
all over for you.

You've got a live spot to do.

Ben's going crazy.

He said if you aren't back in five
minutes, don't come back at all.

Don't let her go.

Will you just wait here?
I'll be back.

- It'll just take a few minutes.
- Let's go.

I don't think we have
anything else to talk about.

If you could just make sure
that he gets this.

You can give it to him.
Maybe you can catch him.

I don't know why you are concerned about
what's going on between me and my father?

But it's really none
of your business.

So just leave me alone.

Come on, man.

Where the hell
is Mr. Scrub-O?

Here he is.

Come on, hurry up. Hurry up.

I have to do everything
around here.

Come on, come on,
turn him around.

Turn him around!

Give him the box.
Give him the box.

Come on, come on
give him the box!

Boy, if only the guys at MIT
could see you now.

Five, four, three, two, one.

I should have stayed in radio.

And, we're clear.

You know, I think
DeNiro started this way.

Or maybe it was Soupy Sales.

Thought you had an appointment with
an ex-wife who needed some money.

She postponed it a few hours.

Her Mercedes is in the shop.

Does Ziggy have any idea what's
in that letter that Irene gave me?

Well, it's most likely an order
to appear in court tomorrow.

Apparently Moe didn't show up
for a meeting

with a court-appointed doctor

named Dr. Sandler
for an evaluation

and that pretty much settled
the case in his hearing.

Okay, so we just get Moe
to meet with this Dr. Sandler

and we prove
that he's not crazy.

But you can't change
a leopard's spots, Sam.

I'm not talkin'
about changing his spots, Al.

I'm just trying to make him
a little more presentable.

To keep Moe out of trouble,
I was going to have to change his image.

And if his yard was any indication,
I had my work cut out for me.

Looking around, I wasn't sure
changing the spots on a leopard

might not be easier
than making Moe appear normal.


Mr. Stein?

Uh, M-Moe?

Larry? Curly?


Sorry. I... I... I knocked.
I guess you didn't hear me.

I was in the basement.

It's underneath the house.


Did Irene send you,
or is she lurking somewhere outside?

No, no, no, I came alone.

She's worried about you, though.

She told me about
the hearing tomorrow.

I guess this is the summons.

You know, a lot of people
thought Einstein was crazy,

but they didn't
try to lock him up.

Listen, Moe,
I know you're not crazy,

but why don't you just meet

with this Dr. Sandler guy
so he knows it, too?

I don't need to meet a doctor.

All I need is another 24 hours.

Why do you keep saying that?

Don't you understand
I'm here to help you?

Sooner or later you're gonna
have to face this thing.

Time is not
going to stand still.

I want to show you something.

When I was young,
my, uh, passion was trains.

I couldn't get enough of them.

I even memorized
their timetables.

I did the same thing.

And whenever anything
would go bad,

I would just imagine that I
could just jump on a train

and go anywhere I wanted to,

to any time I wanted to.

But now I've got something
better than a train.

I've got a Time-o-nometer.

What is it?

It's a time machine.

You sure
it doesn't make cappuccino?

When I first started
playing Captain Galaxy,

I became fascinated
with the thought

of actually being
able to travel in time,

and I began to read
everything I could about it.

Heisenberg's theory
of indeterminacy,

Planck's hypothesis
of discreet units,

Einstein's theory of relativity.

Yeah, but when
you say time machine,

you mean a time machine

like, like on your show, right?

The show? The show?
No, no, no.

That's fantasy. This is real.


Time is like a piece of string.

One end of the string is birth,

the other is death.

You put them together

and your life is a loop.

Sam, that's your theory.

If I can travel fast enough
along the loop,

I will eventually end up back
at the beginning of my life.

He's almost got it.

Uh, well, let me ask you,
what would happen

if, uh, you would ball
the string, right,

and then each day of your life

would touch another day.

And then you could travel
from one place on the string

to another, thus enabling
you to move back and forth

within your own lifetime, maybe.

That's it. That's it.

Then I could actually...

Quantum leap?

Quantum leap.

I like that.
I like that a lot.

Did everybody get
their Captain Galaxy wings?


How about a big round
of applause for Sid Cranston,

owner and operator
of Cranston's Roller Palace?

Okay. Okay. Okay. How many
of you watch Time Patrol?


All right, then how about
a big Time Cadet cheer

for those two
super time-travelers,

Captain Galaxy and Future Boy?

Greetings, Time Cadets!


Hi, kids.


All right, Time Cadets,

now who has a question for
Captain Galaxy and Future Boy?




How about you?

What kind of things
will there be in the future?

Well, why don't we let
Future Boy answer that question?

Uh, well, there'll be
a lot of kinda things,

new things, in the future.

There'll be cable television,

computers in every home,

uh, microwave ovens,
uh, portable phones,

and uh, oh, men on the moon.
Now, that's a big...

- Men on the moon?
- Yes.

That's good.
That's real good.

Thank you. All right, now,
who has another question?


How about you?

Can you really travel
back in time?

Yes, son, I can.

Could you go back two weeks?

We can go anywhere at any time.

Could you go back
and lock the gate at my house

so my dog won't get out
and get k*lled?

Yes, yes, Captain Galaxy
could do that.

In fact, about a week ago,

we were on
one of our time-travel trips

and we stopped off
in doggie heaven and we...

What is your dog's name?



Tiger. I think we saw...
we saw... We met a Tiger

and Tiger had a message for you,

and the message was

he's very happy

and he misses you,
and it doesn't hurt.

And speaking of happy,

what do you say
for the next two hours,

all the popcorn
and soda is free.

I should have
told him the truth.

I should have told him
I'd close the gate.

But that wouldn't have
been the truth.

It would have been
by this time tomorrow.

Moe, you've got to stop talking

about this Time-o-nometer stuff.

Why, because of
Irene and that doctor?


Now, I want you to meet him.

Just talk to him, okay?
I'll go with you. We can call Irene.

That won't be necessary.

Irene, Moe was just telling me

how much he was looking forward

to meeting with Dr. Scanlon.

- Sandler.
- Sandler.


- Is that true?
- No.

I'd rather have a tooth
drilled without Novocain.

But he's still
willing to give it a shot.

Trust me.

Besides, in a day you'll be
gone, so what do you care?

Okay. All right.


I'll see if he's
available tonight.

We'll meet him in his office.

No office. I'm not going to be
treated like some sort of crackpot.

Okay, all right,

um, what do you say
we get a neutral site?

Um, how about dinner
at some restaurant?

My house.


No problem.

Thank you for this meal
we are about to receive.


Well, this is all very,
very, very nice.

And I think not
everybody realizes

how hard it is to just whip up a
meal like this on such short notice

don't you agree, Dr. Sandler?

Very, very impressive.

and I can hardly wait to see

what Moe's made for us.

It's a chicken.

An upside-down chicken.

It's an old family recipe.

Mr. Stein, at the risk
of offending

my own dear mother,
God rest her soul,

that is the finest
roast chicken I have ever had.

It is so moist and tender.

It's all in, uh,
your bird placement.

Bird placement.
I'll have to remember that.

- Anyone want any coffee?
- I'd love some, yes.

- I'll get it.
- I'll help you.

No, no, let me.

No, no, that-that's all right.

The doctor and I
can manage, thank you.

Let me get your plate.

After you, Doctor.

Thank you.

Moe. Moe.

That was the best chicken...

He's doing pretty good,
don't you...

Nice picture.


We had a few good moments.

Whenever he'd come home from the road,
he'd always bring her calla lilies.

He's doing great,
don't you think?

An upside-down chicken is
not my idea of doing great.

Well, can't you at least
give him credit for trying?

- Is that what you want?
- No.

No, I want you to
hold off on this hearing.

Spend some time with him.

It's not too late
to get to know him.

I already know him.

And I know
I can't keep spending my life

worrying that
every time the phone rings,

it's somebody calling
to tell me he's hurt himself.

He loves you, you know.

Did he tell you that?


no, but he wants to.

What, with postcards?

Irene, your dad loves you.

And I think you love him, too.

You're just too full
of the past to realize it.

You don't know anything
about my past.

I know that if you don't stop
feeling sorry for yourself,

you're never gonna get to know
that man in there.

It's not too late.

...take a look
at your time machine.

Well, it's not real pretty.
You see, I was never much for design.

Well, this could
be very interesting.


Well, where...

where are you going to go
in this Time-o-nometer of yours?

Anywhere, any time.

Backwards, forwards,
long trips or short.

What do you mean, short trips?

Well, let's say
it's Friday at 8:00

and... and you want to go back
to Wednesday at 10:00

because you missed your
favorite television program.


Away you go.

Dad, shut this thing off.

Uh, don't worry, honey,
I'm just charging the capacitors.

Moe. Come on, Moe, turn...

Turn this thing off.

I can't.
It's on internal power.

Moe, get out of...

Leave me alone!


I think I've seen enough.

Well, what have we got here,
a new breed of guard dog?

At least she didn't take
the shirt off your back.

No. No.
She dropped her demands.

How did you manage that?

Well, let's say we examined
each other's briefs

and decided to call it even.

How did it go with the doctor?

Great till he blew up the
basement, nearly taking

Sandler, Irene and me with him.

You see? Maybe it'd be safer
if he was put away.

No. Now, listen to me.

I don't know why I didn't
think of this earlier.

Moe is me.

You mean, "Woe is me."


Back when I started
Project Quantum Leap,

the government
tried to shut me down

because they thought it was too
dangerous, that I was crazy.

But I wouldn't let them.
You wouldn't let them. Why?

Because we believed in our work.

Yeah, but that time machine
of his is loony.

It's a 2,000-pound toaster.

It doesn't matter.

The point is,
Moe believes in his work.

And he's on the right track.
He's just 40 years ahead of his time.

But Ziggy still says he gets
k*lled by the freight train

so you got to put him away, Sam.

I'm not givin' up, Al.
I got a plan.

Hi, Kenny.

Oh, I'm sorry I'm late.

This plan I got to see.

What do you think you're doing?

I was just finishing up
repairs on the machine.

Don't... don't... don't worry! The...
the damage was only superficial.

I'm not talking about that,
I'm talking about that.

Oh, that's a pyramid hat.
It generates positive energy.

Moe, you just
don't get it, do you?

These people,
they want to lock you up.

They want to put you away.

That won't happen.

- How do you know?
- Because I'm not crazy.

Besides, the machine's ready to go and
I'm leaving right after the hearing.

I just wanted to say goodbye.

Should've hired you a lawyer.

I want you to argue my case.


I can't. I mean,

I'm... I'm just an actor.

So, you'll act like a lawyer.


So in conclusion and after
much careful consideration,

it is my professional opinion

that Mr. Stein
would be best served

by his enrollment
at a mental institution.

Enrollment? Sounds like they're
gonna send Moe to college.

Mrs. Kiner, I know this is a
difficult question for you to answer,

but do you believe your
father needs psychiatric care?

Well, he almost burned down
his house two months ago,

and there has been
irrational public behavior.

And he almost
blew himself up last night.

Blew himself up?

He was experimenting with a
time machine in his basement.

Your Honor, what a person builds in
the privacy of their own basement

- has nothing to do...
- Now, Mr. Sharp,

as Future Boy,

I'm sure you've already
seen in your crystal ball

that I am going to give you
an opportunity to speak

so you don't mind
waiting for it, do you?

No, sir.

Crystal ball.
And they think I'm nuts.

Your Honor,
I don't think that my father

is in touch with reality anymore

and I'm afraid
that he's going to get hurt.

Thank you.

Now, Mr. Sharp.

Thank you, Your Honor.

Uh, Mrs. Kiner, the other day you were
telling me that when you were growing up,

your father
was away from home a lot.

How did you feel about that?

Well, I'd have liked for it to be
different, if that's what you mean

but I don't think that...

You promised your mother
when she was dying

that you would take care of your
father, didn't you?

Well, yes, but I don't think
that that's what this is about.

I have a responsibility here.

My God, he almost
k*lled us all last night.

Your Honor, Mr. Stein

was simply conducting
a scientific experiment.

Now, you can't call that crazy.

I mean, I mean,
was Columbus crazy?

Or... or the Wright Brothers?
Neil Diamond...


- Armstrong?
- Who?

The first man to set foot
on the moon, knuckle-nose.

Well, sorry, now you
didn't know about that.

The point is,
Mr. Stein is not insane.

What about that thing
in the basement?

You don't actually believe
he can travel in time, do you?

Well, ahem,

what I'm... what I'm
trying to say there is...

- I got six more out in the car.
- Great. Thanks.

Your Honor,
a man is judged to be insane

if he behaves outside
the norms of society.

But who is society? We are.

Plus the thousands upon thousands
who work and live around us.

Now, these are just simply
some of the fan letters

that Captain Galaxy, Moe Stein,
gets every day.

Everyone who writes one of
these letters believes

that Captain Galaxy, Moe Stein,
can travel in time.

Society believes the same thing
that Moe Stein does.

So either thousands of people
in society are crazy

or Moe Stein is sane.

Now, I do admit

that Mr. Stein did try
to build a time machine

but if you had sat there
12 years ago and told me

that the Russians
would be the first ones

to orbit a satellite
around the Earth,

I would have called you crazy,
but two days ago they did it.

So who's to say
that 12 years from now,

say, in 1969,

maybe men will be walking
on the moon

or maybe Moe Stein
will be traveling in time.

Your Honor,

Moe Stein is a dreamer.

Are we going to
punish people for that?

Because if we are,

you're going to need
a much bigger room than this.

Good, Sam.
That was pretty neat. Good.

Mr. Stein, Mrs. Kiner,

it is a painful moment
in any family

when a division
arises within it.

It's also a painful moment
for the court

when it is invited
to decide such matters.

However, here we are.

And although Mr. Stein
appears to be rational

and in control of his faculties,

there is evidence that he may pose
a threat to himself and others.

Therefore, I'm going to recommend that
he be confined for further evaluation

at Timothy Psychiatric Hospital
for six months.

Term to begin immediately.

You can't do that.

I'm leaving in a few hours.
Don't you understand?

I'm doing this for you.

Dad, you need help.

Dr. Sandler,
would you be so kind

as to escort
Mr. Stein to Timothy?

Certainly, Your Honor.

- Come along, then.
- Don't touch me.

Moe, we can figure
this out, okay?

- I promise.
- I won't let them lock me up.

I've worked hard,
I've too much to do.

Mr. Stein, don't worry.
Everything is going to be all right.

- Moe.
- Mr. Stein, get down from there.

Moe, come on, don't do this.

No, no, I have to.

I'll see you in the future.


What the hell is he doing?

He's going to get k*lled.

No, no, Sam, he's not going to
the train yard, he's going home.

I'll have
the police pick him up.

Listen, he's your father.

You say you want to help him,
now's your chance to prove it.

It's your call,
Mrs. Kiner.

- My car's out front.
- Let's go.

Oh, my God, you were right.

He's going to k*ll himself.

Sam, hurry up,

before he turns himself
into a French fry!

Moe. Moe, get out of there.

Dad, why are you doing this?

It's all right, honey,
I'm gonna fix everything.

Moe, come on,
now get out of there.


I love you!

All that time
and it didn't work.

It didn't work.

All these years

and it didn't work.

I wanted

to... to change things.
I wanted to make it up to you.

I wanted to give your mother
some calla lilies.

What are you talking about?

When this was written,

your mother
was pregnant with you.

I was just about to

give up the business
and settle down.

And then you got that?

And all of a sudden
these offers started pouring in.

National tours and revivals

and the next thing I knew,
30 years had gone by.

Well, I want
those 30 years back.

That's why you built
this machine.

Crazy, huh?

An actor in search of
a bad review.

But I figured if I could
change that one moment,

I could change it all.

I could have been
the father I never was,

the husband I should have been.

We could have been a family.

Oh, Daddy, we are a family.

We've got lots of time
to make up for all those things.

Can I give you these?

Oh, Daddy.

I love you.

I love you, too, Irene.

I love you very, very much.

Well, I see that we're
just about out of time.

But before we sign off today,

I'd like to make
an announcement.

Captain Galaxy is
going away for a while.

He's going back to see
if he can find something

he lost a long time ago.

But before we sign off,
we have time for one last letter.

How come you're not out there?

Oh, I figured that he deserved to
answer the last letter by himself.

I guess I was here
to get them together, huh?

Yeah, well, Ziggy had
a sloppy floppy on this one.

But it all worked out,
right, didn't it?

What happens to him?

Well, he goes to live with Irene
and spends the rest of his life

entertaining the kids in the
neighborhood with tales of the future.

Today's letter is from

little Sam Beckett
in Elk Ridge, Indiana.

Sam writes:

"Dear Captain Galaxy,

"could you please explain

"your theory
of time travel to us?"

Well, Sam, our lifetimes
are like a piece of string

but if you roll

the string up into a ball,

all the days of your life...

Okay, ladies, let's hear it
for that star of Chippendales,

Rod "The Bod"!

Oh, boy.