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03x01 - The Leap Home: Part 1 - November 25, 1969

Posted: 08/26/22 10:15
by bunniefuu
Theorizing that one could
time-travel within his own lifetime,

Dr. Sam Beckett stepped into
the Quantum Leap Accelerator

and vanished.

He woke to find himself
trapped in the past

facing mirror images
that were not his own

and driven by an unknown force

to change history
for the better.

His only guide
on this journey is Al,

an observer from his own time

who appears
in the form of a hologram

that only Sam can see and hear.

And so Dr. Beckett

finds himself leaping
from life to life,

striving to put right
what once went wrong

and hoping each time
that his next leap

will be the leap home.


No, November.

Seed corn.

And where there's seed corn,

there's pheasants.

Did you get him?


Sibby said you always shortcut
through the corn after practice.


Uh, Lisa wants to know
if you're taking anyone

to the Gobbler Hop
after the game.

Oh, boy.

Oh, look. I knew he was shy,
but that's ridiculous.

Sam, you scared
10 years out of me.


Supper's ready!



Your father's getting deaf from
all those years on the tractor.

I tell him to stuff cotton in his
ears, but does he listen to me? No.

He could give stubborn
lessons to a mule.

What is it?

What's wrong, Sam?

Nothing. I'm...

I'm just really glad to see you.

I'll go get Dad.

There you are.

Why don't you wipe Aggie down
and hook her up?

Yes, sir.

Hello, Aggie.

You stayed after practice
to sh**t baskets, didn't you?

Uh, yeah, I guess I did.

Well, I admire
your dedication, but, uh,

you got chores, Son.

It won't happen again.

The hell it won't.

Sam, you're only 16.

You can't expect to play as good as
your brother did his senior year.

Tom was All-State.

Tom was 18.

You're still growing.

I'm not so sure about that.


you used to do
a whole lot better.

But I guess
we're all getting old.

You're not old, Dad.

You look just
the way I remember you.

What, since you left
for school this mornin'?

I love you, Dad.

Mamma says if you don't
come to supper right now,

she's gonna feed it to the hogs.


Look at you.

- You can't have it.
- What?

Daddy, he wants Tom's bedroom.

Well, Tom said
I could ha-have it.

Mamma says I should have it
because I'm a girl

and girls need
more room than guys.

Why don't you let Sam use it till
he goes to college next fall?


It's okay, Dad.
She... she can have Tom's room.

- I can?
- Of course you can.

You can have anything you want.

You're my little sister.

What happened to
your shirt down there?

Come on!

Katey, you're getting heavy.


It's all very good.

I'm glad you like it.

Talk down at the feed mill is,

Coach Connelly is gonna try
a combination zone this year.

Yeah, he did
and we almost beat Bentleyville.

Last year.

Uh, l-last year,
we almost beat Bentleyville,

playing that man-to-man.

You know, the key is gonna
be stopping No Nose Pruitt.

That boy scored 20 points
against us last season.

He was impossible to stop.

- How tall is he?
- 6'4".


No Nose. He's about


Doesn't the poor boy
have a nose?

The tip was cut off during a reaping
accident. It's not a pretty sight.

You know, I heard Mary Lou
on the phone the other day.

She said No Nose was going
to k*ll you next Friday.

Oh, Katherine. Why would this
"No Nose" want to do that?

Because he's sweet
on Lisa Parson.

And Lisa asked Sam to take her to
the dance after the game on Friday.

And do you know what Sam did?


He ran away.


I gotta do my chores.

I made peach cobbler
for dessert.

- Peach cobbler?
- Oh, that sounds yum-ola.

It is.

What is?

It is

time to do my chores.

Well, you know, Sam, there, uh,
might not be any cobbler left

by the time you get done.

I'll save you a piece.

Thanks, Mom.

I got a funny feeling, John.

Last time you said that, we had a
flood big enough to float the ark.


the year I was born.

I always figured you were God's
way of makin' it up to us.

The mind of a mature man in
the persona of a 16-year-old

at the height
of his sexual powers.

The possibilities
are just mind-boggling.

They would be
if you didn't run away.

Well, what would you do if you ran into
a girl you had a crush on 25 years ago?

Don't answer that.

I mean,

I'm a kid again, Al.

I'm 16,

and I'm home,
and my dad's alive.

I know, kid.
I know.

And you're in
Elk Ridge, Indiana.

- It's 19...
- 69.

Sometime around Thanksgiving.

How did you know that?

Well, um,

'69 was my senior year,

and we always opened
the basketball season

against Bentleyville
the day after Thanksgiving.

Which is why you're here.

- Why I'm here?
- Yeah.

Well, I...

I haven't been thinking much
about why I'm here.

- You're gonna love it, Sam.
- Yeah?

Yeah, well, your team
lost that game, right?

- Well, no.
- No?

No... no, I... I lost
the game.

No Nose, he beat me on offense
and on defense

and when the ref wasn't looking
he just plain beat me.

I can't tell you
how many nights I lay awake

wishing I could play
that game over again.

Ha! Well, you just
got your wish, kid.

- You're kidding?
- I would never kid about basketball.

Ziggy says that game
was a turning point

in the lives of a lot of people.

If you guys
could've beat Bentleyville,

you'd have gone on to win
the state championship.

Elk Ridge, State Champs?

Yeah, and your coach
would have accepted an offer

to the University of Iowa

and eventually
wound up in the NBA.

Yeah, and two of your teammates,

um, Moslick and Lonegro

they got college
basketball scholarships.

They ended up doctors.

Last time I heard,
Sibby was a bank teller at First Farmers

and Herky was a... a... a
mechanic at John Deere.


Al, I mean,
that's... that's wonderful.

All I have to do is
help them win the game?

That's right, kid.

You beat Bentleyville Friday,
you're out of here.


listen, um...

I... I don't want
to be out of here.

- Sam.
- Come on, Al.

My... my dad
dies of a coronary in '72.

That gives me three years
to prevent it.

And... and... and Katey,

she eloped
with Chuck... somebody,

a-a-an abusive alcoholic.

How do you convince
a 12-year-old

that she shouldn't
marry some guy

she hasn't even met yet?

And Tom.

Tom came home...

Tom comes home for Thanksgiving
before shipping out to Vietnam.

Al, I can save Tom.

I don't think so, Sam.

You can't change something
that isn't meant to be changed.

- Look, I can try.
- Like I did with Beth?

Even though we tried,

Beth still married
that stupid lawyer.

And I came home
to an empty house.

It wasn't meant to be.

Yeah, well,

this is different.

What's different?
The only thing that's different

is because this time
it affects you.


Look, Al.

I've been leaping around,
putting right

whatever God or fate or time

or whoever it is that's leaping
me around wants put right.


Well, you got a lot
of Boy Scout in you, Sam.

And, well, because with luck,

one of these leaps
might be your leap home.

I am home.

- No, this is not your home.
- Yes, I am.

Well, it might have been in '69,

but this is not 1969.

It is to me, Al.

I... I think
I'm being rewarded.

Well, that might be true.

- But Ziggy says...
- Oh, I don't give a damn

what that hybrid computer says.

I can save my father
and my brother's lives,

and change
my sister's for the better.

Now, if you were in my shoes,
what would you do?

- Mornin', Sam.
- Morning, Dad.

Sam, you seen my cigarettes?

Uh, no, not lately.

Got an extra pack
of L-Luckies in here.

Where's your mother?

Cleaning the silverware
for Thanksgiving.

Thelma, you seen my cigarettes?

They're in the pantry
where they always are.

- Want any breakfast, Dad?
- Just coffee.

I'll, uh, eat breakfast
after I finish milking.

Oh, milking's done.

Chickens are fed
and the, uh, hogs are slopped.

I finished a half-hour ago.

What time did you get up?

Oh, I don't know, um, early.

I couldn't sleep.

Did you find your cigarettes?

No, I have not
found my cigarettes.

- You must have smoked them all.
- Can't have.

It's only Tuesday.
A carton always lasts me till Friday.

You know that, Thelma.

What is this?


Son, this may be
a lot of things,

but coffee, it isn't.

It's decaffeinated coffee.


Old ladies drink
decaffeinated coffee.

And people who need to lower
their caffeine intake.

I like my caffeine intake.

It gets my heart started.

So do my cigarettes.

I didn't know we had
any decaffeinated coffee.

I found it in a jar
in the back of the pantry.

Oh, Lord.

That was Grandma Nettie's.

It's been in there
since she died.

Tastes like it.

I'll make you a fresh pot.


Regular coffee's
not good for Dad.

Since when?

Too much caffeine
elevates the blood pressure.

- Doesn't he sound like a doctor?
- No doctor I want to have.

Well, since the milking's done,

guess I might as well
eat breakfast.

Right here on the table, Dad.

Fruit, skim milk, some bran cereal.
A healthy well-balanced breakfast.

For a hippie.

For me, breakfast is eggs,

bacon, hash browns...

And a zillion milligrams of
cholesterol to clog your arteries.

and a cigarette
with regular coffee.

Dad, you're going to have
to stop smoking

and cut out foods that are high
in cholesterol and saturated fats.

That's mostly eggs,
milk, and cheese, Dad.

"Make Love Not w*r."
Katherine Beckett,

where did you get that shirt?

- Stop eating what we raise?
- No, not completely, Dad.

Take if off and give it back.

I don't believe this.

- Lots of kids are wearing them.
- Not my daughter.

I don't believe this.

It's Elaine and Mary Lou's
older sister, Karen.

She came home from college...

- Our own son is anti-dairy.
- I'm not anti-dairy, Dad.

I'm just trying to save...

I just want you to be healthy.

I am healthy. I haven't
had a cold in years.

Skimmed milk?

Not since we almost lost Harriet
in the drifts. And that was what?

- Six years ago.
- Six years ago.

Take that shirt off, now.

I'm healthy because I work hard,

I sleep good, and I eat
dairy products.

Did you know a person can thrive

on nothin' but whole milk?

Not survive, but thrive.


all I'm saying is
you've spent your entire life

eating food high in cholesterol.

And that promotes
cardiovascular disease.

Now look, you can reverse
the damage you've done

if you stop smoking
and start on a low-cholesterol,

low-fat diet,
and start exercising.

What the hell do you
think I do all day?

Well, y-y-you work hard.

But that's anaerobic.

I mean, you've got to get on

an aerobic exercise program

that... that will help your
cardiovascular system get back into shape.

He's going to be a doctor.

I know you mean well,
but aside from my cigarettes,

I'm about as healthy
as an American can be,

and that is damn healthy.


you're wrong.

After a lifetime of cigarettes
and saturated fats,

your arteries are as clogged
a-a-as our water pipes.

And if you don't do something about
it, you're going to prematurely...

I'm gonna go into town
for some cigarettes.

You need anything, Mother?

Cranberries, two cans.
The whole kind.

Sam, that was a horrible
thing to say to your father.

I know. I just want to shock
him into taking care of himself,

so he'll live
longer than another...

So that he'll live longer.

What makes you think he won't?

Grandpa Beckett
died when he was 57.

You still haven't
taken off that shirt.

And if you don't get a move on,

you're going to either miss
your breakfast or the bus.

Thanksgiving vacation
starts today.

Then you can help me
clean the silver.

What did you do with them?


Your father's cigarettes.

I burned them with the trash.

It's just a waste of money.

What? My burning them,
or his smoking them?

Mom, he's got to stop.

You're as stubborn
as your father.

I'm his son.

Well, maybe I can cut out
some fat in our meals.

- After Thanksgiving.
- That would be great.

But I don't want to hear any
more about his father dying.

No one knows better than Daddy how
young his father was when he passed on.

Yes, ma'am.


Did you hear?
It's going to work, Al.

I'm going to change
their future.

I hope so, Sam.
I hope so.

But in the meantime, you've got to be
at basketball practice in 30 minutes.

I'm not going
to basketball practice.

Why? Don't you want to see
your old buddies again?

sh**t some hoops with, uh,
Sibby and, uh, Jerky?

- Herky.
- Herky.

That would be great.

It's all like a dream, Al.

Well, you better enjoy it
before you wake up.

Okay. Okay.

But I'm not playing
in that game on Friday.

Why not?

Because I don't want
to leap, that's why not.

Then you don't really believe
you're here to help your family?

Of course I do.

Then why are you worried about
leaping if you win the game?

Stand up, sit down.

- Fight.
- Fight.

Come on. Move.

Cougars, Cougars.
Fight, fight, fight.

Yay, Cougars!

Move the ball around, guys.
Move it around! Move it around!

Don't be afraid
to sh**t that thing.

Slap this, Sibby.


When you girls are done
playing patty cake,

I'd like your butts over here.

Let's go.


Hey, you girls are pretty good.

Against each other.

But come Friday, you're not gonna be
playing against each other, are you?

Friday you're gonna be playing
against Bentleyville and...

No Nose Pruitt.


The most intimidating high
school player I have ever seen.

So, I've got someone
bigger and uglier

for you to scrimmage against.


Kong will be taking
Manja's place.

All right, let's go,
girls. Come on, move.

Red team, this way.

Watch that monkey, Sibby,
watch him. Watch him.

See that? You didn't
protect the ball, Sibby.

Don't let him intimidate you.

Only I am allowed
to intimidate you.

All right, girls, run it again.

Go, Cougars!

Don't tell me, let me guess.

Herky is the guy
with the hairy face.

I know him, Al.
I know him.


I'll bet you Lisa's the one
with the cute pompoms.

They don't have...

Anytime before
Thanksgiving, Beckett.

Cougars, Cougars!
Fight! Fight! Fight!

Go, Cougars!

Take it to him!


Block that shot.

Don't show it to him.

Go! Hustle, hustle!

Who is that guy?

You're good.

I know you, don't I?

At least give me a hint, huh?


Hello, little brother.

The first six weeks
were the worst.

Especially hell week.

We ran through evolutions
24 hours a day.


Training exercises.

If you trained 24 hours a day,
when did you sleep?

We didn't.

I got a total of four hours
sleep that whole week.

Of course, they fed us hot meals
every six hours. That kept you going.

That and learning not to think

beyond the evolution
that I was in.

I know about that.

Oh, do you now, little brother?

Well, sort of, I mean.

I have to take things
one evolution at a time.

And, uh, what evolution
are you in now?

Trying to figure out how to
keep you from going to Vietnam.

Oh, don't tell me,
my little brother's a dove?

Not exactly.

I-I'd hate to think
of you as a hippie.

Burning your
draft card, shoutin':

"Hell no, we won't go."

I'd never do that.

Well, I've got to admit
it's a catchy slogan.

Look, Vietnam
is a losing battle.

It'll drag on for a few more
years, but...

well, it'll take more of us
and more of them with it,

but in the end,
we're gonna get out

and the North will swallow up
the South anyway.

So you're saying it would be
okay to go if we were winnin'?

I just believe that if you're
going to risk your life,

it should mean something.

You don't think I'm
coming back, do you?

That-that's a possibility.

Yeah, I guess it is.

But I didn't join the SEALs
to miss out on the action.

Vietnam is not a...
a basketball game, Tom, it's a w*r.

What's happened to you, Sam?

You used to be for the flag,
apple pie, and the Fourth of July.

I still am. I just don't want to
see my brother die in a lost cause.

Sam, in BUDIS,
they pushed us to the limit

and then beyond
until we collapsed.

They did it to show us
that we have our limits.

Now maybe that's what Vietnam
is doing for America.

Showing us our limits.

That's not a lost cause.

Is it enough to die for?

Well, if it's not,
how about duty?

I took an oath, Sam,

to do my duty
to God and country.

I know that, Tom, but...


I am not going
to get k*lled in Nam.

You can't say that.

But you can say that I will?

The truth is, little brother,

neither of us
can see into the future.

I can.

Can what?

See into the future.

You can, huh?

You're going to flush
two birds up there.

Hit the first one,
and miss the second.

How many times did you, uh,
flush a brace of birds?

Uh, quite a few from that field.

And how many times
did you miss the second bird?

More than I care to admit.

Sam's an extremely sensitive
and imaginative young man

under a great deal of pressure.

Pressure? What... what
kind of pressure?

He's only 16, John.

And with scholarship offers from
how many colleges and universities?

About a dozen.

Has he made a choice?

Well, uh, he's narrowed it
down to MIT and Caltech.


I think he's holdin' out

for a basketball scholarship
from Indiana State.

No. I talked him out of that.


That professor from MIT
told me Sam's got a brain

that comes along
once in a generation.

I mean, uh, maybe even once
in a couple of generations.

I don't want to see him
waste it at Indiana State.

I went to pre-med
at Indiana State.

I'm sorry, Doc.
You know what I mean.

Okay, Tom, I understand.

Being on the Alumni committee,
I had to protest a little.

Sam places a lot of store

in what his big brother
says, doesn't he?

Hmm. I don't think so.

Oh, Tom.

Since Sam could walk,
he's followed Tom around like a puppy.

Maybe if I had
a... a mind like Sam's,

I'd create a fantasy to stop my
big brother from going to Vietnam.

Then what he told Tom,
he just made it all up.

Obviously so.

No one travels in time.

But he may not have
done it consciously.

What are you
sayin', Doc? Uh...

Are... are you saying
that Sam's crazy?


Thelma, what else
can you call it?

He's not crazy, John.

He's troubled, and his mind has
invented a creative way of handling it.

It's a lot better than getting drunk, or...
or joyriding in a stolen car.

So what do we do, Doc?

We go along with him.

At least try to accept that he
may believe what he's telling you.

Then after some
of the pressure's off,

he'll realize that this
traveling through time

was nothing more than a wishful dream
to help him cope with his fears.

I hope this doesn't
affect his, uh,

playing against Bentleyville.

"Bad" is good?

Yeah, for a while,
that was the slang.

Far out.

Nobody says "far out" anymore.
They say...

uh, well, "awesome" for a while,

and then "radical," and...


- Yeah.
- Oh, wow.

That's a lot better
than "far out."


Oh, boy.

So what else can you tell me
about the future?

Well, you're going to meet a boy

in a couple of years
named Chuck.

Yuck! I could never go
with a guy named Chuck.

You're going to elope with him.


Katey, there's a little problem.

Chuck has

a... a drinking problem.

Got it.

Don't go out with Chuck.

When I meet him.

You're just humoring me,
aren't you?

Like Dad and Mom and Tom.

None of you really believe me.

Oh, my God.

If you really are from the
future you know if he's dead.

- Chuck?
- Paul McCartney. The White Album.

If you play
Revolution 9 backwards,

the Beatles are singing
"Paul is dead."

No, Paul's not dead.

- After the Beatles split up...
- The Beatles split up?

Pretty soon, I think.

Oh, God.

Wait till I tell Elaine.

Paul forms this group
called Wings.

And they come out
with some great tunes.

And John?

What's John going to do?
He's my favorite.

Uh, Katey,


Don't tell her.

John is going to write
my favorite song.

Your favorite song,

- in the future?
- Yeah.

Well, sing it to me.

Or are you gonna use that
Swiss-cheese brain excuse you gave me

when I asked you who'd
be my first boyfriend?

Katey, what is it?

I've never heard that before.

Of course not.

Lennon is not going to write it
for another couple of years.



Katey, what is it?

- I don't want to believe you.
- Why?

I don't want to believe
you know the future.

Because if you do,
Tom is gonna die.

Oh, Katey.


I don't want my brother
to die in Vietnam.

Hush, child. Hush.

He's not going to die.

What happened?

Sam told her Tom
is going to die.

- I didn't...
- Sam.

I told you to keep
that to yourself.

Sam, tell them you made it up.

I can't.

Katey, come here.

I'm not going to die, okay?
I'm not going to die.

Sam, you are not
changing anything.

Your father still dies in '72.

Tom still gets k*lled in Vietnam

and Katey still marries Chuck.

You are not changing
their future, Sam.

All you're doing is making
their present miserable.


I made it up.

I made it all up.

I made up everything because I
didn't want Tom to go to Vietnam.

Oh, Sam.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Let him go, Tom.
He needs to be alone.

I know it hurts, Sam.

But you did the right thing.

I always do.

I always do the right thing, Al.

And what does it get me?

Why can I s-save strangers
and not the people I love?

I don't know.

Well, I'm not gonna
do it anymore, Al.

I'm not gonna do it.

You hear that?

Whoever you are,
wherever you are,

I'm not doing it anymore.

I quit.

I quit.


Feel better?


No, I don't feel better.

It's not fair, Al.

I mean, come on, it's not fair.

Well, I think, uh...

I think it's damn fair.


I'd give anything to see my father
and my sister for a few days.

Be able to talk with them again.

Laugh with them.

Tell them how much I love them.

I'd give anything to have
what you have, Sam.


Dear Lord,

please see fit to protect
and watch over our son Tom.




Would you pass me those cranberries, or
are you going to sleep with them tonight?

Are you going to the dance
with Lisa after the game?


Hoo yah!

Hoo yah?
What's hoo yah?

It's a yell we use
in SEAL training.

Uh-uh. No.

That hook won't work
against No Nose.

He's bigger than you are.

Try addin' a jump to it.

Did you have
a good Thanksgiving, Sam?

The best.


- You're the best.
- Thanks.

But, uh, I'm not
eligible to play,

so learn to jump-hook.

It will impress
the hell out of Lisa.

You know he's right, Sam.

A good jump hook
can melt a woman's heart.

Ask Bill Walton.

Lisa's going to marry No Nose.

No Nose?


You're right, Sam.

She marries No Nose
in about a year,

they have a couple of kids,
then, uh, oh, they get a divorce.

Listen, come here.

Stick your left arm in
his face when you jump

to hold him off.

You gotta beat
Bentleyville tomorrow.

You're my revenge,
little brother.


Yeah, don't you remember?

No, not... not really. No.

Come on, in my face.

When I played for Elk Ridge, Bentleyville
was the only team we didn't beat.

Yeah, right.

Give me the ball.

Hey, Tom

how bad do you
want this revenge?


- Would you be willing to trade for it?
- Sam.

You little dork,
don't you want to win?

Just give me one day.

A day?

The eighth of April.

The day Tom is k*lled.

How do I give you a day?

- By doing what I ask.
- Which is?

Find the deepest hole you can,

and crawl into it for 24 hours.

- Oh, Sam.
- Come on.

Don't... don't start
this again.

He's right, Sam.


I'll win the game.
I swear I will.

You just give me

April 8.

Oh, what the hell.

You beat Bentleyville tomorrow,

and on April 8, I will crawl

into the deepest, thickest,
concrete bunker in Vietnam.

All right?


Hoo yah!

Defense! Defense!
Not patty cakes, defense!

Patty Cake? That's high five.
That's called high five.

And why are you
yelling "defense"?

You should put them
into a press.

I feel like Dennis Hopper
in Hoosiers.

Lucky shot, Sam.
Lucky shot.

Go, Cougars, go!

Give him room, Sibby.

Breathe, Sam. Deep

and slow.

You just got the wind
knocked out of you.

I'm gonna k*ll that No Nose.

Just keep your promise.

Okay. He's gonna be all right.

Just win the game, all right?

Attaboy, Sam.

You look a... a little shaky,
Sam, you all right?

He got the wind
knocked out of him, Mom.

Why the hell is he
talking to himself?

I gotta win this game.

The game's over, jerk.

Hey, don't listen
to senza beak there.

You got plenty of time.

Now all you have to do is
remember that free-throw sh**ting

is 80 percent
mental concentration.

You just got to
think positively.

You say to yourself,
"I'm not gonna miss this free throw.

"I can't miss
this free throw."

And all you have to do
is concentrate,

you concentrate on taking
this little bitty tiny ball

and put it in this
great big hoop...

Why don't you
go ahead and sh**t?

Thank you.

All right, that's one.

Go, go, go!

You going to sh**t
or pose, wimp?

Go, Cougars!

So, we win by one.

You gonna freeze the ball, wimp?



Defense! Defense! Defense!

You got 22 seconds, Sam.

sh**t it!

sh**t it!

What are you waiting for?

sh**t! sh**t! sh**t!


Sam, sh**t the ball.

Come on, sh**t.
We're running out of time.

Bye, Dad.


You did it, Sam.
You changed history.

You guys are going on
to be State Champs.

Everything is working out
just the way Ziggy predicted.

My brother! What about
my brother Tom?

He's over there.


Lisa doesn't marry No Nose.

She doesn't marry you either.

But at least
she doesn't marry No Nose

and have a couple of bulldogs.

What about Tom?

Oh, it's coming up.

I'm sorry, Sam.

He's still k*lled in Vietnam.


Hoo yah!

All right, little brother!




How'd you know they were there?

Oh, boy.