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04x15 - Secrets, Not Long Buried

Posted: 08/26/22 06:03
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

For the record, Professor,

I still haven't been able
to contact Taylor Prescott

in over two weeks.

My last conversation
with him worried me.

Pretty desolate country
around here.

I should arrive in Skull Mesa
in 15 minutes.

I'll give Dr. Prescott
your regards.

Prescott [echoing]

I'm confident one day
humans and mutants
will live in harmony.

Each of us is blessed
with gifts.

Until that time,

I know I can count on you
and your X-Men, Charles,

to help nurture those
whom society would attack
or abandon.

[Cyclops] His former students,
Andrew and Nicole,

made this for Dr. Prescott.

Our young friends
have come

quite a long way
since they first visited here.

You know Dr. Prescott,

he never wants
to accept recognition

for the work he did
in establishing a community

where mutants
could live in peace.

I'm sure he'll appreciate
something like this,

with the thought
that's gone into it.

A plane's approaching the town.

He seems to have images
of Taylor Prescott in his mind.

Is he human or mutant?

It doesn't matter.

Take him down, Watchdog.

What in blazes!


Scratch one trouble-maker.


It looks like I'm lucky to...

My glasses! My powers are gone.

That weird glow.
Somebody tried to take me out.


I wonder which mountain range
Skull Mesa's behind.

Hey! Hey, wait!

-Didn't you see me?
-Sorry, mister.

I rarely pick up strangers.
I'm Darrell Tanaka.

Scott Summers.

You got business in Skull Mesa?

I do now.

Most folks in Skull Mesa
don't like strangers.

I'm used to that.

[indistinct chatter]

Please, please.

[boy 1] Hey! What's going on?

[boy 2] He did it again!

-Get him!
-I'm sorry! It was an accident!

Mutant freak!
Get out of here!

Whoa, now! Where's the fire?

I'm sorry Dr. Prescott. I...

Hey! Get back here!

Here now! You boys
stop picking on him!

He wrecked our ball!
He's a freak!

You know it's not his fault!
He's like the rest of you.

He doesn't have anybody.

Now get another ball
and get back to your game.

Hate is an awfully
strong word, Scott.

They're just afraid of anyone
who's different.

But they'll learn.
Now come on.

Let's see if Mrs. Feeney has
any ice cream in the kitchen.

[tires screeching]

Now, let's get a look
at that head of yours.

You the only doctor
around here?

Doctor and coroner.

People tend to do double duty.


Now, what else
do you have to do here?

I've got a better question,

What's going on here?

What do you mean?

Who are you calling?

Someone just tried to make me
a permanent part of
your living desert!

And why is everyone
around here acting like
scared prairie dogs?

I'm looking
for Dr. Taylor Prescott!
Know where I might find him?


I... I didn't realize
he still lived here.

He did two weeks ago, Doc.

I'll take a look
around town myself.

-What the...
-[woman squeals]

That's quite a garden
you've got there.

-I'm sorry,
I didn't mean to startle you.

Folks here don't take
too much to strangers.

Oh, is that the town motto?

-I'm Bill Braddock.
-Scott Summers.

Heard your plane had trouble.

-Landing trouble,
wasn't it, Chet?

Where did you hear that?


I know the owner
of the gas station.

He'll fix you up with a rental.

Have you out of here
in no time.

Also heard you got
a nasty smack on the head.

-Isn't that right, Chet?
-Right, Mr. Braddock.

No hospitals around here,
Mr. Summers.

A city boy like you'd be
better off with a city doctor.

-Ain't that right, Chet?

Yeah. That's my advice.
Head back to the city.

For medical attention.

You telling me
to leave, Braddock?

Just being neighborly.

Of course,
those who follow my advice

are usually happier
in the long run.

And healthier.

Tell me, Braddock,

while you're being
so helpful,

maybe you can tell me where
I can find a friend of mine.

I'm looking for
Taylor Prescott.

Prescott? Hmm.

The old fellow that moved
into the Chandler place, Chet?

-And moved out.

Funny way for a man to act
right after inviting me
to visit.

You calling us liars,
Mr. Summers?

No! A helpful man like you?

Now, how about
being real helpful,

and tell me how to get
to the Chandler place.

Just be a waste of time.

I'm on vacation.
I've got all the time
in the world.

Good day, gentlemen.

I think Mr. Summers
just wore out his welcome.

All right, Tanaka!
I want some answers!

What have they done
to Dr. Prescott?

You can't help him,
no one can.

Game's over, Doc!
Who shot my plane down?

What are all the mutants here
hiding from?

He won't tell you,
because I don't want him to.

-[Scott grunting]


You should have left
when you had the chance, boy!

I would hate for you
to travel all this way
and not see your friend.

You're sick, Braddock!
What did he ever do to you?

He was stupid enough
to oppose me!
Oh, he's alive, I assure you.

Toad here is quite versatile.

This particular resin
acts like curare.

Prescott is in a state
of suspended animation.

You, however,
will not be so fortunate.

Tomorrow you will serve
as an example to those
who disobey me.

Take in all our lovely sights
now, Mr. Summers,
while you still can.

I have friends, Braddock.
They'll come after you
when I don't return.

So? Your plane crashed.

We tried to help,
but, well, tragedies happen.

You don't understand.

I'm a mutant!
Like all of you here!

[all laughing]

I don't care whether
you are or not! [chuckles]

It makes no difference.

You got in my way.
He got in my way!

We came here looking
for somewhere to hide.

We kind of took to the place.

Especially when we found out
the dear doctor's
little secret.

Nothing like a gold mine
to make a man wanna
put down roots

and become
part of the community.


-My name is Solarr!

Throw him outside!
Let him try to get help.

Let him beg for it!

Oh, Scott! Come in!

Let me get you something
to eat.

I tried to call for help,
but all the phones are dead.

That's Watchdog's doing.

Solarr doesn't want
any outsiders finding us.

-Because of the mine?

Thank you.

Your friend Dr. Prescott
made sure our community
would be self-sufficient.

The little gold he had us
mine each year was enough
so no one was ever in need.

And Solarr made
someone tell him about it.

We wanted to live
quiet, normal lives.

We thought we could find that
here in Skull Mesa.

When Solarr showed up,
didn't anyone oppose him?

Just Prescott.

Nobody tried to help him?

Look at us!
Do we look like soldiers?

All we want
is to be left in peace!

Solarr and his men
att*cked anyone who so much
as questioned his authority.

Then they would
never be seen again.

Prescott and the others
are alive.

Help me now,
and we can rid the town
of these criminals!

Scott! I can't!

How can you
call yourself a doctor?

How, indeed?

-[Cyclops] Excuse me.
-Evening, Mr. Summers.

I guess there aren't
many secrets in this town.

-I came to ask for your help.

They said you might.
Look, I'd like to help you.

I mean, Doc Prescott
is a nice old man.

He got me
out of a real jam once.
But I'm just one man!

Sometimes it starts
with just one.

Dr. Prescott taught me that.

Are you married?

I am. I got a family...

Tusk, Solarr wants to know
if you fixed
that generator coil yet?

Almost, sir.

Better let that boy
get back to work, Summers.

Oh, Tusk,

how's your wife and kids?

Please, go away.

If I could just
talk to you a moment.

[Toad laughing]

Hey! We got someone
who needs some help here.

Anybody willing to lend a hand?
Or a car?

He could drive
to the next town for help.

Yeah! He's just dying
for some assistance.

[Toad laughing]

Guess nobody's home.

Hey, maybe Prescott
can help him.

I don't need help
to take care of trash like you!

Okay, tough guy.
Let's see what you got.


[both laughing]

[Cyclops] Oh, it's crazy.

All my life
I wanted to get rid
of my powers and be normal.

Now it's gonna be
the end of me.
So much to live for.

So much left undone.

Powers or not,
I'm still an X-Man.

They won't take me
without a fight.

Good morning, Mr. Summers.

Braddock, don't do this.

My friends will hunt you down
to the ends of the Earth!

Let them!
No one can hurt me here.

Soon these pathetic fools
will have dug me enough gold

to fill a palace.

Rich men can buy armies.

Now it's time
to give these cowards
another lesson in obedience.

Lambert! Toad!

Take him to the center of town!



Citizens, come forth.

My friends,

I have long told you
of the efforts of subversives

to destroy
your perfect community.

Now, I give you proof.

An outsider, summoned
by the traitor Prescott,

a spy who wants
to steal your gold!

Do you see this?

It's a transmitter.
He tried to use it last night

to summon his confederates,
to come and destroy you!

That's a lie!

Fortunately, Watchdog,
was able to jam his signal.

And I will soon destroy it
with the power of Solarr.

That crystal was a gift
for Dr. Prescott.

A gift from two mutants
he helped, just as
he helped many of you.

Taylor Prescott
is no mutant hater!

How can you let this madman
destroy his work?

A very pretty speech,
but I'm afraid
they aren't listening.

The time has come for justice!

Farewell, interloper.


Feel my power!

[both screaming]

What are you doing?

What I should have done before,

neutralize Watchdog's
effect on you!




We have traitors among us!
Stop them!

You shall be reduced
to cinders!


They're not afraid anymore,

You just lost your town!


Mr. Summers. I salvaged
a transmitter from your plane.

Some of your friends
are on their way.

Change of heart, Watchdog?

You don't have to be no genius
to see how things were going.

-How are you, Doctor?

When the others get here,
we'll take Solarr

and his friends
to the authorities.

No, Scott.

They committed their crimes
here in Skull Mesa.

We should take care of them.

That okay by you, Mr. X-Man?

Yes, sir, Doctor.
Oh, this is for you.

What is it, Dr. Prescott?

It's kind of a symbol

that humans and mutants
have much to offer each other.


I think this would be
a good place for it.

[all cheering]

So, what shall we do
until your friends arrive?

Well, let's catch up
on old times.

Good idea.

Do you still like ice cream?