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04x13 - The Lotus and the Steel

Posted: 08/26/22 06:01
by bunniefuu

What is it you fear?

WOLVERINE: Myself. It's like
I don't know who I am any

Why now?

I don't know. If I knew,
I'd handle it.

Is it because of Proteus?

Don't make me bust you up.

Hey! Stop it!
Make it stop!

No! No more!



No, I worked through that.

Did the revelation of your
w*apon X brainwashing
distress you?

initial setbacks,

all subjects are responding
to the trauma conditioning.

We will be able to
reintegrate them
into society

with no memory that
we conditioned them.

The key is to reach
the subconscious mind.

When their covert
services are needed,

they will
attack their target
and then remember nothing.

I got a lot
of memories, Doc.

So what if a few
of them ain't real?


What's wrong, punk?

Can't take care of
your woman?

Your woman...
Your woman...

Is it about Jean?

You can't have her!




No, she's happy.

I love
her enough to want
her to stay that way.

When you first came here,
you were wild and confused,

out of control.


You learned to
harness your rage,
as you found a home here.

Yet I sense
you are no happier.

What are you afraid
that you will do?

When I used
to go berserk,
I was an animal.

I had no direction,
no purpose.

You and the others gave me
a reason to fight,
or back off.

It's not there any more.

Consider what
you're saying.

I wanted to
waste a kid

For cutting me
off in traffic!


I even came close
to hurting Jubilee!

And it didn't bother me.
I didn't care, Professor.

Even animals
care about each other.

I don't know
what's missing inside.
I got no idea how I lost it.

But there's one place
I might be able to
get it back.

I'm going to Japan.
I'm leaving the X-Men.


Open your heart, Herr Logan.

Would it hurt so
much to see the world
through different eyes?

Wish I could, pal.


But my eyes
see me too well.

Your taxi's here.

Why do you
have to leave?

Don't you get it?
I didn't care what
happened to that kid!

I didn't care
what happened
to you!

The professor
helped you before.

He'll do it again!
We'll all help!

Thanks, kid. But right now,
I'm not fit to be one of
the X-Men.

There's a place
I was happy once.

A simple world,
where I knew
how to live.

Maybe I can find
what I'm looking
for there.

OKU: Yokoso,Logan-san.

Though many years have passed,
I have been expecting your

Domo,Master Oku.

I see you're not done
with your new temple.

We do what we can.

those tools, you're gonna
be doing it for a long time.

We have nowhere to go.

There is no hurry.

Feels like
I've been in a hurry
ever since I left Japan.

Mind if I pick up
where I left off?

It would be an honor.


Perhaps building the temple
will aid you in rebuilding
your soul.


The workday is over.

I ain't tired.

The villagers
have prepared
a feast tonight.

It would
dishonor them to
keep them waiting.

They don't
seem too friendly.
What, did I step on a duck?

They are curious,

You are different.

This is Logan-san.

He works with us
building the temple.

Logan, this
is Yoshida-san,
the village elder.

We have seen you
working at the temple.

If Master Oku
has welcomed you,
we can do no less.

Kisara! Show
Logan-san to the table.

My name is Kisara.



Who's Evel Knievel?

He is my brother, Soichi.

He has a wild spirit.

My condolences.

You should have been with
the fishing fleet this

I have been training the few
who have the courage to
fight our enemies!

You know this is forbidden!
We will do what we have
always done.

We will pay.
No! This time we...

Show some respect
for your elders, kid.

I only respect
those who earn it!

You're right, kid.
I was wrong to interfere.

Go back to the temple
and hide from the world!

It is often the braver man
who chooses not to fight.

Dear Professor Xavier,

I don't know
why Wolverine left.

But I know
he's unhappy
and he's alone.

I peeked at
his personal file
and it took a while,

but I think I know
where he went in Japan.

I have to try to help him,
or I'd never forgive myself.

I know
you'll understand.


We need more timbers
for the temple roof,

I will get them, Master Oku.

Do you not need a saw?

And spoil the fun?


What are you
doing here?

The name's Logan,
and I'm cutting trees.


I am called
Silver Samurai.

The people of this province
know to fear me.

Perhaps I will learn, too.

Let me give you
some advice, gaijin.

Stay out of matters
that do not concern you.

Not that it's any
of your business,

but that's just
what I had in mind.

An excellent decision.

May you live to
benefit from it.

Somehow I don't
think he's local.


We are here
to remind you

that the tribute you owe
Silver Samurai is due in
three days.

It has been a bad year
for our village.

We can scarcely
feed ourselves.


Silver Samurai
cannot eat your excuses.

Have the tribute
ready in three days!

No! The thieving will stop!
We will not pay your


You will pay
dearly for that!

No, Takaki. We do
not need a martyr.

You disappoint me, Yoshida.

You should have better
control of your villagers.

We return in two days,
and the payment will
be doubled.

Leave them a reminder.

Smoke, coming from the temple!

Master Oku is
trapped inside!

Master Oku!

Master Oku.

I hope you're not upset if
we don't stick around to chat.

Is Master Oku all right?

How did this happen?

Each year the Silver Samurai
demands tribute
from all the villagers.

-If we do not pay...
-I get the picture.

The old protection racket,
samurai style.

This year we have
no money to pay.
We are fishermen.

They will
destroy our village!

It never ends.

you must help.

Soichi is trying to
organize the people
to fight the bandits.

Dameda,Kisara. I'm sorry.

I came to find myself,
not to fight.

But the villagers
are not trained
as fighters.

We have no weapons.

What would Master Oku say,

He would say that no
worldly possession are worth
the risk of one's life.

So tell that
to the villagers.

But Master Oku
would also say that
inner peace is found,

not by avoiding conflict,
but in serving your true

My true nature.

I wish I knew what that was.

Wolverine. You sure
you haven't seen him?

He used to hang out
here with an Oku guy.


And, if the fishmongers dare to
fight back, destroy them!


One small village,
what does it matter?

Each village that fears us

is a link in the chain
that keeps them under
our control.

If one resists,
the chain is broken.

Better to
crush one village,
to set an example,

than let the
chain be broken.

Silver Samurai is evil!
This time, we fight back!

This is foolish, Soichi!

We are farmers and fishermen,
no match for armed fighters!

Better to die
defending ourselves
than to live in fear!

Since I was a child,
I have watched our
people work hard,

only to
have these criminals
take what little we earned!

Our children shall
not suffer as we have!

Go back and hide
with the monks,

I don't hide
from anybody,

I'm fighting my
own battle right now.

But you're right.

Either you stand and fight,
or you'll be kissing their
backsides forever.

-OK! No more tribute!
-We will fight!

Is this how
you repay us?

By helping bring destruction
to our village?

-No more tribute!
-VILLAGER 1: No more tribute!

-VILLAGER 1: No more tribute!
-VILLAGER 2: No more tribute!

You are
trying to decide
how to act tomorrow.

They're gonna be
slaughtered, Master Oku.


I came here to get
away from fighting!

I want to be like you!
I just want to live in peace!

Do you?
Peace comes with purpose.

My faith gives me mine.

Ripping up people
is no purpose!

But protecting
and caring for people is.

Like many, perhaps you see
yourself less well than
others see you.

Try looking at yourself
through new eyes.

Master Oku,
I want to so much, I...


the adamantium feed.

SCIENTIST 2: Adamantium
reservoir is drained, sir.

Absorption process complete.

I am afraid that
you will go, and I will
never see you again.

I promise,
whatever happens,
I'll come back to you.

It doesn't have to
end this way, Yuriko!

Yuriko is gone!
There is only Deathstrike!


We used to be old pals,
even work together.

But we had some
little misunderstandings.

Yeah, right. He wasted
some friends of mine,
for no reason.

And I misunderstood.

Come on, pops.
Let's go! Run for it!

Forget it, kid,
you're expendable!


Open your heart,
Herr Logan.

Would it hurt so
much to see the world
through different eyes?

I am not an animal!

Look deeper, Logan-san.

You are only yourself,
no one else.

They are coming!

Those pig farmers
will pay for this!

That way!



There they are! Get them!

The children will not hurt you.

Perhaps you mighty warriors
wish to attack me instead!

Oku! Don't!

Out of the way, old man!

Don't touch him!



Are you hurt?

No, Logan-san.

What are you doing here?

We all fight
in our own way.

It seems you have
rediscovered yours.

The cowards have fled!
Rip the place apart!

Take everything
you can carry!


There, on the beach!
Get them!




JUBILEE: Leave them alone!

Everybody's fighting!
Logan's got to be here!

If you are his friend
come with us!
He needs our help!

Don't have
to ask me twice!

No matter!
We can still defeat
these ignorant peasants.




Here is the mighty bandit
we have feared!

Even the pigs turn up
their noses at him!

You will laugh
no more, peasant!


Can you
do as well against
the Silver Samurai, boy?

You're fighting the wrong guy,
pretty boy.

You're looking for me.


I will destroy you, gaijin!

Control yourself, Logan.
Use your head for a change.

This guy
likes to come
at me from behind.



Just trying out one of
our tricks, tin man.
Works pretty good.

-Finish him, Logan-san!
-I ought to, he's earned it.

But there's no need
for that now, kid.
You stood up to him.

He won't
bother this village
again, or any other.

-JUBILEE: Hey, Wolverine!

This one helped us. She says
she is your friend, Logan-san.


I heard there
was a former X-Man
in the neighborhood.

Guess I felt
I had something
to do with him going.

My leaving was
never your fault, kid.

It was just something
I had to do.

You see, Logan-san.

The temple will be
completed without you.

I know. Temple-building
ain't my job.

We all fight
in our own way.

No need, kid.


For everything.

No, Kisara.

Thank you.

So, what did I miss?

Who were the biker boys
and the big doofus with
the shiny metal outfit?

And who's the babe?
Sounds like you two
got pretty friendly.

Do you know
what a tough time
I had trying to find you?

Nobody speaks English.

You'd think they'd notice
a guy with big claws.

And, wait, who's
the Oku guy again?