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04x11 - Beyond Good and Evil: Part 4

Posted: 08/26/22 06:00
by bunniefuu
[narrator] Previously on

Here is
the Axis of Time,
where all times cross.

Apocalypse seems bent
on mastering time itself,

and has persuaded some of
the most powerful mutants
on Earth to help him.

[Cable] It's called
the Lazarus Chamber.

It's the secret
to Apocalypse's

I'm going back to when
the pyramid was first built
and get rid of it then.

[Cyclops] Wait a minute.
What about Sinister and
the missing psychics?

I don't care
about missing psychics
and time jolts.

I'm after Apocalypse.

If you want
to help me nail him,
get your team together,

and let's get started.

The Four Horsemen.
Apocalypse has
protected himself.

[Cyclops] Go get Apocalypse.
We can hold these guys here.


Hey, pal, leave a few
of them for us.

The Lazarus Chamber.
It's in there.

Now, let's find Apocalypse
and do what we came to do.

Wait! [sniffing]

I smell two
rats in this barn.

Now, Apocalypse!

[all screaming]

Xavier? Wolverine?

What happened?

[Mystique gasps]

What was that?

The most important move
of all.

The capture of the king.

Professor Charles Xavier.

[theme music playing]

Yoo-hoo! Going my way?

[Bishop] Step aside.

Step aside, step right up,

step on a crack,
break your mama's back.

Step on a dime,
you'll be here
for all time!


He knew!

Apocalypse knew
your stupid plan

before we made
our first move.

Maybe. You got
any other ideas,
I'm listening.

You don't, get out of here,
'cause this little health spa
is history.


Move it.

[Beast] We must assume
Professor Xavier
and Wolverine

have been taken to
the same place, or time,
as the kidnapped psychics.

So, we're back
where we started.

Not entirely.

Professor Xavier knew
there was a danger
of his capture

and wore
a pulse generator,
a sort of homing device.

Cerebro and Graymalkin,
working together,
can help find him.

And, unless I am mistaken,
Graymalkincan take us there.

Let's do it.

[Apocalypse] Fool!
Now that I exist
in the Axis,

I need no resuscitation.

The destruction of
my Lazarus Chamber
can no longer harm me.

A pathetic waste of time.
And time, my friends,

is the greatest
power in existence.

Unfortunately for you
and your universe,
time has run out.

It appears Graymalkin
and Cerebro are having

quite a conversation
about your professor.

All analyzes confirm
partial temporal trajectory.

Partial trajectory?
Does this mean his voyage
was interrupted?

Computer, was Xavier's
time travel path
obstructed in any way?

[Graymalkin] Negative.
Temporal voyager
Charles Xavier reached

his programmed destination.

What destination?

Between time. The Nexus.
The Axis of Time.

Charles Xavier exists
outside of time.

Outside of time?

Cable, respond.

And now it begins.

[Wolverine] Jean!

What are you
doing with her,
you pile of dog puke?

Soon you will wish
you had not leaped through

the portal
after your professor.

I have let you live
to witness the obliteration

of all you hold dear.

Knowing you can do
nothing to save it.

Just when I thought this place
couldn't get any weirder.

[Bender] Ha!
You don't know
the half of it.

It's not nice to fool
with the Axis of Time.

Who else is here?
What aren't you
telling me?

You've got something
on your shirt.

Made you look. [laughs]

Made you look.


He's stealing time.

Stealing time?

All shall soon be in place.

Wait. You said you
would explain.

If you insist, Magneto.

We have a few minutes
before the psychics
are in position.

Follow me.

[Apocalypse] Time is motion,
and motion and thought
are a unity.

Two aspects of
a single power that is
beyond comprehension

to all but myself.

That is why
certain psychics
can see into the future.

The mind can
transcend time.

You still haven't answered
my question, Apocalypse.

What happens next?

Throughout the centuries,

an elemental balance
of power, of good and evil,

has always denied
me final victory.

Until now!

For I have discovered
a way to break that balance.

By simultaneously destroying

the most powerful
psychic beings
in the universe.

Like atoms
being smashed,

their destruction
shall release a force
of psychic energy

powerful enough
to stop the Axis.

To stop time itself.

And so
it shall come to pass
that all existence will end,

except that which
is here within the Axis,
outside time.

Then shall I begin anew,

recreating the universe
in my own image,

a perfect universe,
where I shall rule,

When you sought my help,
you said nothing about
this madness.

You spoke of creating
an alternate future

in which mutants would rule,
as I have always dreamed.

And you were fool enough
to believe me.

Strike him down,
my Horsemen!


[screaming] No!

I never believed you,

I am not a fool.

Traitors. You dare
to attack your master?

I call no one master.

Especially not one who would
destroy the innocent
along with the guilty.

Spare me your
petty judgments.

They spring from
a brain too meager
to comprehend my reality.

Now taste the power
of Apocalypse!

[Magneto] It is poisonous.


[screaming] No!

Tsk, tsk.
You children have
been very naughty.

Hear me, Sinister.

I suspected Apocalypse
was merely using us.

I'd planned to destroy him
once I learned the nature
of his power.

I was going to
use that power

to build the future
I have always dreamed of.

Now, if you wish to live,

show me how to stop
what Apocalypse has started.

I knew of Apocalypse's plan
all along.

Being part of
recreating existence
appealed to me.

And betraying Apocalypse
is truly a fool's game.

Infidels! Defilers!

No one can stop what
I have put into motion.

The psychics
are all in place.

Sinister, destroy them!

With pleasure. Vertigo?


We can't handle all of them.

You are right.
We must try to free

Wolverine and the psychics.

Go. I'll try to
buy us some time.

Apocalypse is going
to obliterate existence.

You must help me stop him.

Are you talking to me?

I thought you two were pals.

Hey, you ain't kidding.

Hold them off. I'm busting
the psychics out of
those chambers.


Magneto, behind you!


[Ruckus screaming]

Ruckus has a way with words,
does he not?

Well, well,
looky who's here.

[Wolverine grunts]

Where am I?

Your final resting place.


Enough of these
petty interruptions.


The end has begun.

[Jean] Professor?
What's happening?

I do not know, Jean.

I feel my psychic energy
being drained.


[people shouting]


[Shard] We're fading away!

[Apocalypse] Behold
what I have wrought.

By harnessing the power
of psychic energy,

the lines of time
have begun to recede.

Time portals disappear.

What once was
now will never be.

What will be,
I shall determine.

Moments in time
lost forever.

The road's
drying up behind us.

It's all unraveling.
Apocalypse tugged
at the string.

Tug, tug, tug! Oh, that guy!

Apocalypse? What does
he have to do with it?

Oh, nothing much.
He's just screwing around

with the whole
space-time continuum.

How's a joker
like you know this?

Because I built
this place, I think.

It was so long ago,
I forgot. [laughs]

Well, it all goes
in one ear and out
the other. [laughing]

Anyhoo, I take care
of things,

you know, a little dusting,
an occasional mop.

You mean
you're the janitor?

Please. I prefer the term
custodial engineer.

You wouldn't believe
the dust that can pile up
in 14 billion years,

not to mention
the waxy build-up.
I could tell you stories.

Just tell me how to keep
this place from unraveling,
or I'll start blasting.

Like this?

Wait a minute.
I haven't seen
that blue ring before.

I bet it's part of all this.

Psylocke! What's going on?

The others,
you must free them.

You got it.

The psychic energy
is ebbing.

The Axis
is returning to normal.

Someone's out there.

Easy. Gotta go
help the others.

How dare you? My work!

A thousand years
of searching.

Annihilate him,
and recapture
the freed psychics.

Four against one, huh?
I like the odds.

One man, small
and alone, remains,

defending the universe.
If only he knew.

Two small men, Sinister.
Now, one of you jerks

is gonna get
Jean and Xavier
out of those cylinders.

Not this time, X-Man!


That orb
controlled the psychics.

You don't know
what you've done.

You ain't seen nothing yet.



What's going on?

No! I will not be denied!

What's the matter, tough guy?

Hard to keep good help?

Let us depart,
while we still can.

They're getting away.

Forget about them.
I'm going after
my people.

-You find Apocalypse.

You have traveled
over 50 centuries
of time to stop me.

When will you learn
it cannot be done?

Guess I'm a slow learner.


[Mystique groaning]

That's some
fancy sh**ting, Cable.

Really brought
the house down.

Look out!

My beautiful fortress!

You shall all be
interred within it.

Incoming. Stay down.

I am going after Apocalypse.

Do what you will,
for I fear no one.



Oh, look who I'm saving.

You'd think I was Xavier.

Come on,
Mr. Change-the-universe.

Let's see if you can
handle just one X-Man.


Look who I'm saving.
You'd think I were
an X-Man.

I'm losing my powers.

[Apocalypse] I have spent
a dozen lifetimes in the Axis,

learning to master
its powers.

I will not be denied.


Somebody needed
to shut that guy up.

[Cable] Good timing, Bishop.

Do you not realize
I am immortal?

[Xavier] Apocalypse,
time and thought are one.

That's why,
now that we are free,

our power here
is greater than yours.

You will exit
the Axis with us.

Outside the protection
of the Axis,

with your
Lazarus Chamber gone,

you will simply
cease to exist.

The end of time for you.

[screaming] No!

Leaving so soon?

[clicking tongue]
And such a mess.


Bishop! You big ox!
You sure know
how to make me worry.

I wish
I'd been there to help.

I don't know why,
but I was concerned about you.

I was afraid
I'd never see you again.

We don't seem
to have much luck
with honeymoons, do we?

We have accomplished
a great victory this day.

Did it feel so odd, Magnus,
working together?

No, Charles.

Perhaps if we could
start the world over,

it would be possible again.

Well, you have destroyed

what you considered
the incarnation of evil.

Do you think the world
has been changed?

Right now, Beast,
I really don't care.

I just want to go home.

[Cable] Thanks, Graymalkin.

Now take me back
to a week before
I left, to my son.

[theme music playing]