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04x07 - Sanctuary: Part 2

Posted: 08/26/22 05:45
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Previously on

Ladies, gentlemen,

the missing mutant scientists
and I have built
a mutants-only asteroid.

Where any mutant may
live apart from humanity,
free from its cruelty.

My mission is peaceful.

Any intervention
would make it otherwise.

Magneto’s got missiles
up there.

He says they’re defensive.
But how can I take that chance?

If I can speak with him,
I’m certain
we’ll find a peaceful solution.

You thinking about
moseying skyward?

Don’t worry, chere.
Gambit’s got no bags packed.

-You’re coming back, Cajun?
-Promise, chere.

I will not tolerate

-your endangering my asteroid.
-I renounce you!

You renounce me?

You will serve our cause
much better
as a martyr.

Traitors! They have destroyed
our beloved Magneto.

for our lost Lord Magneto!


AMELIA: Assassins!

I believe the proper expression
is, "Feet don’t fail me now!"

GAMBIT: They ain’t even
slowing down!

Quickly. If you value
your lives,
take us to the shuttle!

You go on.
Gambit will hold them off.

We may not be able
to wait for you.

So then Gambit become
the first X-Man in orbit.

Now we’re playing a new game,
and it’s Gambit’s deal.

I’ll take care of him.

Sorry, mon cher,
but you joined the wrong team.


XAVIER: We’ll wait as long
as possible.
But be ready to leave

-the moment I give the signal.

I see something.
It is our pursuers,
but I do not see Gambit.

XAVIER: Go! Now!

CORTEZ: Soon, Xavier,
his X-Men,

and the rest of the
Earth’s tyrants
shall taste our vengeance!


MAGNETO: Charles, I live.


Oh, no! They’re getting ready
to handle a crash!

Come on, little one.
Only a few more kilometers.

I should have skipped lunch.


Man, that’s hot!

ROGUE: Y’all hold on!

Gambit! Where is he?

ROGUE: Gambit.

-Rogue, please.

Let go, Hank! I gotta find him!

XAVIER: Gambit is alive, Rogue.
On Asteroid M.

I should’ve known
he’d sneak out on us!

It is not what you think!

Gambit had no intention
of staying with Magneto.

His sacrifice
allowed us to escape.

-Do not worry.

We shall get him back
as soon as we finish
adapting the Blackbirdengines

and manage an orbital launch.

-Which one of you
is Charles Xavier?
-I am Xavier.

And I am prepared
to speak to the President.

What about Gambit?

I’m afraid
our return to Asteroid M
will have to wait a few hours.

It is imperative that
we inform the world’s

of the danger Cortez presents.


CORTEZ: Behold,
I give you your traitor, X-Man,

follower of the dupe Xavier...


...destroyer of our beloved

Did you really think
you could get away with it?

That we would allow him
to go unavenged?

-He’s a traitor to mutants!
-k*ll him!

-Destroy the X-Man!
-Do away with him!

Silence! He’ll be
more useful alive.

When I’ve convinced him
to join our just cause.

-Mark my words, X-Man!

Before this day is done, you
will beg me to let you join us!


He would not have
wanted a memorial,
so I will keep this brief.

Erik Magnus Lehnsherr was known
to you only as Magneto,

our most intractable opponent.

He was also my friend.

Magnus had a tragic past.

Anger and resentment led him
down a destructive path.

I tried to help him. I failed.

In the end, he wanted only
to spare future generations

the pain he was forced
to endure.
Though I abhorred his methods,

I cannot fault the strength
of his character.

Farewell, Magnus. At last,
you have found your peace.

Now, we have work to do.

I know it’s wrong, Beast.
But it ain’t Magneto
I’m thinking about.

Why you need me
to lie about Magneto?

We both know I didn’t do it.


Oh, but you did.

-Confess your treachery!
-Cortez, that’s enough!

You’re a liar! Say it!

Say it yourself,
you slimy little crawfish.

-Stop it!
-Don’t interfere again,
Miss Voght,

or a court may have
to look into

why you were helping
an enemy of the state!

Hear me, leaders of the Earth.

All mutants held for any reason
must be freed.

And restitution paid
for human crimes against them.

Or we will begin
attacking targets on Earth,

commencing with Genosha.

Let me warn you
that resistance of any kind

will result
in your immediate destruction.

You have four hours.

We can’t sit here
and do nothing, Professor.

That little tinhorn dictator
has enough firepower

to take out half the people
on this planet!

We have to destroy him
while we still can!

Let me go back.
Let my people at least try.

More mutant-loving foolishness!

We listened to him before

and now another madman
is preparing to wipe us out!

Mutants can’t be trusted.
Why should we let this man
try again?

Because I’m your only chance
short of all-out nuclear w*r.

And this time, sir, we won’t
be going up there to talk.

CORTEZ: Now the humans
will fear us!

Destiny has delivered unto you
a new leader!

Reckless fool. The world
would have left us alone.


-Amelia, what’re
you doing here?

I thought you might need
Are you all right?

Gambit have no complaints.

Does Cortez know you’re here?

He’s too busy
trying to get us destroyed.

Why don’t you just confess
and get it over with?

Because we both know
the X-Men are innocent.

But what happened to Magneto?

Ever wonder how Cortez got
to Magneto’s chambers so fast?

When his room is on the other
side of the asteroid?

No, but I can find out.

UNUSCIONE: I tell you,
something’s wrong with Cortez.

He was never like this
in Genosha.

CHROME: You worry too much.

I don’t know
what’s going on around here,
but I don’t like it.

Now, let’s see
who’s telling the truth.


The cloaking worked.

We passed through
the shield undetected.

We shall be docking

I just hope we’re not too late.


BEAST: One down, 249 to go.

Cortez, this is Amelia Voght.

You’re needed in
the control center immediately.

Disrespectful harridan.
She’ll be next.

I knew it!

I ordered you to call me
only in case of an emergency!

There’s no emergency.

Sir, I don’t know
what you’re talking about!

Something’s wrong, very wrong.

-We’ve been invaded!

Sound the alarm!


Got to take out
the control center!

My pleasure.


The little twerp
can dish it out,
but he can’t...

You called, sir?

Yes! These human-loving scum
have dared to attack
your leader!



That is treason.

And I pronounce sentence!

We shall jettison them

into the cold blackness
of space.

I live!

Vengeance shall be ours!
Saith me!

My people demand justice!

Public retribution
broadcast to the world!

You tried
to destroy Magneto’s vision,

to oppress his followers
as millions have done before!

I don’t like your face, punk.

I am their deliverer!

The only thing you’ve
delivered lately
is a pack of lies.

Return! You are unfit to lead!

MAGNETO: Powers. Cortez...

Soon you will fade away
into nothing!

You will serve our cause
much better as a martyr.

It’s a trick!


I lived for him!

Don’t look good, Cortez.

-How could you do it?
-He trusted you.

We trusted you!

I think I’m gonna enjoy this.

-You won’t take me!
-Now hold on!

Our new world shall live!

She’d be a handful on a date.

I don’t think wild boy’s
gonna fire off
any more of these missiles.

But he can!
The secondary controls!

-Mr. Calley.
-Yes, sir?

The asteroid has been
infiltrated by hostile agents!

-Check the missiles!
-Yes, sir!

Someone’s fooling with
them, sir. Sixteen percent
of missiles disabled.

-Two hundred and ten
still operable.
-Fire them!

Beg your pardon, sir?

The missiles! Arm the warheads
and launch them immediately!

But that would wipe out
most of the people on Earth!

Do it, soldier!

Don’t listen to him, Byron.
He’s gone crazy.

He’s one of them!

Stop it, sir! You don’t know
what you’re doing!




This isn’t what
I signed up for.


You can’t stop them!
No one can!


BEAST: Not a good sign.

A saboteur, like a thoughtful
guest, knows when to leave!

Professor, all of the missiles
have been activated!

There are too many!

Hear me!

Magnus, you are alive!

You failed, Cortez!

The Earth’s magnetic field
has healed me,

as a mother nourishes her son.
Now, I will have my vengeance!

Magneto doesn’t sound like
he’s in a very good mood.

-We better find the Cajun fast.
-We don’t find him,
we don’t go!

Gambit! Come in,
you low life swamp rat!

Chere,it almost sound
like you miss me.

ROGUE: Remy, when
I get my hands
on you...


I have come for the one
who betrayed me.

Have mercy!

Look like our cue to go.

I live only for you, my...

-Come on!

Just like you to be running
around with another woman.

What took you so long, chere?

Gambit had to hold this place
on his own.

Just take it easy, hotshot.

And next time you go
gallivanting around some
big old space rock,

why don’t you take
someone along
to look after you.


You’re making me sick.

Make one last pass.

(TELEPATHIC) Magnus, you must
come with us.

Thank you, Charles.
But if my dream must die,

I must see it through
to the end, alone.

In time, the world might have
learned to trust us.

Now that hope has been lost.

Do not concern
yourself. I shall survive it.

Why did you offer to save

He is my friend.
Nothing can change that.

And what is there for him now,
Charles? His dream is gone.

He could help us. As you could,
Amelia, to fulfill my dream.

Working for a better future for
all, mutant and human alike.

A generous offer, Charles
Xavier, given our
past together.

But I just tried
following another man’s dream.

It is time I discovered my own.

-Where am I?
-APOCALYPSE: With your
true savior.

I don’t understand.
Who are you?
What do you want with me?

APOCALYPSE: You were saved
from the asteroid

because your talents will
prove useful to me very soon.

But who are you?