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04x05 - Proteus: Part 2

Posted: 08/26/22 05:43
by bunniefuu
Previously on X-Men...

[Joe] Look, Moira!

[Moira] I can see him

[Joe] What's happening?

-What is it?
-Come quickly!
I need your help!

He's young and scared.
And he has no idea
how powerful he is.


-Kevin's out!
-Well, put him back!

You could talk to the boy.
That's all he wants.

What haven't you told me
about this mutant?

I don't know how he--

Kevin, please,
you've got to come back
with me!



-Who are you looking for?
-My father!

-Don't touch him! He is my son!
-[Professor X] Your son?

Charles, I'm sinking!

Hey! Stop it!

He's down there somewhere.

They can't stop me.

I am going to find my father.

[theme music playing]


[Rogue] Wolverine!
What did he do to you?

I'm fine.
I don't need your help.


You wanna talk about it?

No. Not now, not ever.

It's just a matter of time
before someone gets hurt.

Moira, don't worry.
We will stop Kevin
before that happens.

Might I suggest
we find Proteus' father,
Joseph MacTaggert,

and prepare
to confront him there.

Yes. And if needed,

we can try to afford
Mr. MacTaggert some protection.

Joe won't accept your help.

He's the least of our worries.

[people chattering]

Who are those children?

You don't understand, Maeve.
I really care.

I'm a lad
on the way up, Maeve.

I think we should save Wales,

even the whole of Britain,
if that's what it takes.

Oh, it's a keen mind
you have, Thomas.

You'll go far in politics.

With me, however,
you'll not get far at all.

Good night to you.


[Xavier] MacTaggert's
campaign office
should be in the next block.

He's here. Over there!

[Professor X] Proteus!

[Thomas screaming]

What is that? What's that?

Kevin! It's time to come home.

Can't you understand, Mother?
I'm going to see him!

Your father can't help you.
He won't help you.

That's not true!
You never gave him a chance.

It'll be okay, Kevin.
Just listen to your mama.

No! No one
can keep me from him!

[people screaming]

Just leave me alone!

I wish I could!

[Rogue grunting]

This kid has some temper.

He won't listen.

And if Kevin does reach Joe,

he's going to find out
that Joe left me
because of him!

Joe didn't want a mutant
for a child.

It's gonna make him crazy.

There'll be no way
to stop him, short of...

Destroying him?
We will find another way.

[birds chirping]

He'll know where my father is.



Moira wanted custody.
Kevin is not
my problem anymore.

What do you want me to do?
Put him on telly?

No, Mr. MacTaggert.
Just talk to the boy.

He doesn't know
why you left him.
Tell him the truth.

Are you nuts?
The vote's tomorrow.

There are cameras
everywhere I go.

I don't want people
to remember I'm divorced,

much less find out
I'm the father
of some sort of...

Son, Joe! He's a boy.
And he needs his father.

Well, tell him
that Xavier's his father.

You always
wanted it that way.

You fool, MacTaggert!

He's coming for you,
whether you like it or not!

Don't you think
I want to help the lad?

Remember, Moira,
he's mine too.

I appreciate your offer
of protection,
but I have my own.

Father. Father!

[doorbell ringing]

[footsteps approaching]

[children laughing]

Where is my father?


[Joe] If the boy shows up,

keep him out of sight
until after the vote.

If you don't, all our work
will be for nothing.

[man] How bad is he?

How should I know? I haven't

seen him
since he was crawling.

[scoffs] Ought to just let
Proteus get a good look
at dear old dad.

How much trouble
can one boy be?

And don't get careless.

we got to change shifts.

I need a shower
after babysitting this slime.

[supporters cheering]

Joe MacTaggert.
Appreciate your support.

Hope you'll be with me
on election day.

MacTaggert, how you doing?
Good man.

It's in the bag, Bill.

I don't go along
with abandoning kids.

[Beast] "Political campaigns
are designedly
made to paralyze

"what slight powers
of cerebration
man can normally muster."

James Harvey Robinson.

Just remember to report

the least sign
of a disturbance.

Is that understood?

Certainly, Professor.

Logan, are you there?

Are you all right?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm here.
No angry boy clouds
in the basement.

Hold it!

All clear.

Are you holding up
okay, Logan?

Worry about that kid
if I find him first!

[supporters screaming]

Thank you! I take that
as support not just for me,

but for my platform

for every family in Scotland,
for our children!

Guess he likes children
if they ain't his.
I've seen that happen before.

My own flesh and blood,
a mutant!

Daddy, please!

You're a disgrace!
I'm ashamed
to be seen with you!

You ain't my daughter!
Not anymore.

Daddy! Daddy, please!

I wonder, Professor, if Proteus
might not wish to avoid so
public a location--

He's here!
Proteus is in the hall!

I know that without
my children,
I would simply cease to exist.

They're my life.
Our children
are more than our future.

They are...

Father, it's Kevin!

[people screaming]

Careful, sugar.

Mr. MacTaggert
may not recognize you.

I told you, stay away!

Moira, stay back!
I'll help them.
Where are you, Logan?

[Professor X] Wolverine!

I can't!

[Rogue grunts]


Blast it!

I paid you to keep this
from happening!

That's no boy!

Talk to me, Kevin.
Stop fighting us
and I'll listen.

Where is my father?

You frightened him, Kevin!
He ran away because...

Shut up!
You kept him from me!




Get them off of me!


[Rogue] You ain't going
anywhere, Beast.

Hold on, Chuck!

Better talk to your boy,

'Cause he ain't
listening to any of us.

[Professor X] Kevin.
Kevin MacTaggert.

[Rogue sighs]
That's more like it.

Kevin, please listen.


I sense that beneath
your anger

there's a yearning,
a reaching out.

I am a doctor.

Let me help you understand
what it is you seek.

What I want is my father.
If you want to help me,
bring him to me!

My father wants me!
Get out of the way!

[X-Men screaming]

[people screaming]

His power seems limited
only by his imagination.

And that temper.

Stopping him
is beyond our power.

We must continue to try
to reason with him.

No, Charles. You've tried.
It is I that must
do something now.

Moira! Wait!

Do you wish me
to bring her back?

If only I had more time
with him.

Even with more time,
Professor, what could
we possibly accomplish?

Proteus att*cks
with the speed of thought.

Though a young man,
he has the immature
emotions of a child.

I say we nail him.

What are you talking about?

-And by the way, when he was
tossing us around,
where were you hiding?

Back off, cornpone.

Your anger serves
no purpose, Rogue.

Wolverine could not
prevent his hesitation.

What's that supposed to mean?

Only that there's no emotion
harder to control
than a paralyzing fear.

We have all experienced it.

But it must be even worse
for you,

who has never felt it before.

You saying I'm a coward,
Blue Boy?

Stop it, both of you!

We cannot afford petty fights
among ourselves!

Moira feels responsible
for Proteus' actions.

And she's gone
to do something.

She may try to destroy
her own son.

Do you know
what that means to her?
To me?

Help me make sure
that it doesn't happen.

...where, earlier
this evening,

MacTaggert was victim
of a vicious physical attack.

An attack he says
was instigated by
his opponent, Bill Wallace.

While the opposition
denies any involvement,

sources close
to the MacTaggert campaign
tell me...

[audience murmuring]

[woman] What is this?
What's going on?

What's happening here?

Good evening. Thank you all
for having me here tonight.

Of course,
after this afternoon,

I'm thankful
to be anywhere tonight.

[everyone laughing]

Now where was I? Oh, yes.

Telling you
what you already know

and pretending
I just thought it up.

Mmm, that boy's
slick as hog fat.

The only real hope
for a solution to all this
is there, behind that podium.

But MacTaggert
decided long ago

that his career
was more important
than his son.

A real prince.

And I have a personal stake
in that future,

my love for my children.

[audience cheering]

[Proteus screaming]

[people exclaiming]

[Kevin] Father! Everybody says

you don't want to see me.

But that's not true!
It can't be true!

Here now. A joke's a joke.

[Wolverine grunting]

You're not real!
You're a trick to ruin me!

[audience screaming]

[man] Let me out of here!


Get away!

Rogue! Beast! Stand aside!

Say what?

Let them talk.

Don't you know me, Father?

Somebody do something!

Does this help?

What on earth...

It's me, Father. It's Kevin.

It can't be!

Father, I need you!

No, no, get away!

But, Father...

Guards! Darnley! Security!

Somebody get him!

No! Don't!

Kevin! Kevin, listen!

[people screaming]

Come on, kid,
your old man's no saint,

but that's no reason
to trash this dump.

If you don't like Xavier,
maybe you can talk to me.

[Wolverine screaming]

Charles, Banshee's brought
the one thing

that seems to affect Kevin.

Used at low power,
it helped control him.

At full power, it might...

If you can't stop him,
I'll have to!

Moira, there's no choice!

Moira, wait!
I have to try one last time.

Charles, no! It's too late!

Kevin! Kevin, listen to me.
My name is Charles Xavier.

You know me now.

I've come to help you
face your rage,

and face it you must!

Possess me
as you have others, Kevin.

Look inside my mind
and see that I know your pain.

it will consume you.

I can get you through this,
if that's what you want.

It is what I want.

Give me your hand, son,
and come here.

I have helped
many like you, Kevin.

With time, you will learn
to master your powers,
and this rage.

But only if you learn to trust

those who love you,
mother and father.

Kevin? Darling.


Son, is that really you?

It is, Father.

Aye, child,
though I've no right
to the name.

Can you forgive me?

Go ahead, Kevin.

[pieces beeping]


His progress is remarkable.

[Banshee] Aye.
Though it's hard-fought,

I feel much better with him
fighting his teacher

than taking on the whole world.

I am sure Mr. MacTaggert
is equally thankful,
and relieved.

Whatever Chuck did
in there, it worked.

I don't know
how he faced that thing.
He never loses his cool.

Forget it, hon.

In our business,
we all get shook up

every now and again.

I don't.