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04x04 - Proteus: Part 1

Posted: 08/26/22 05:42
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

[Proteus screaming]

All these years.

All the work.

Now he'll be able
to control his powers

and come out into the world!

Thanks to you, Moira.

I just wish the treatment
weren't so hard on him.

-[Proteus grunting]

It's hurting me!

It's the only way, Kevin!

You must both be strong!


[powering down]

Look! Moira!

I can see him!

Kevin, I can see you!

He's so close!

[Banshee and Moira screaming]




What's happening?

I don't know, Kevin.

But the therapy is working.

We'll start again!


Let me see what's outside
these walls!

[Banshee screaming]

Please, Kevin, let Banshee go.


You might hurt him.

I know you don't mean to.

Let's go to the other chamber.

[Banshee screaming]


[Proteus screaming]

[Moira screaming]

Charles!This is Moira!
Please, answer me!

What is wrong
with the signal, Beast?

I am not certain, Professor.

-Charles, please answer me!
-What is it?

Come quickly! I need your help!

[Moira screaming]


Beast, prepare the Blackbird.

Come quickly!

Looks like she saw a ghost!

Big deal. So,

we go stomp a ghost.

It is a big deal, Logan.

I've known Moira 20 years.

I've never heard her like that.

For me?

Do you see any other

beautiful women around?

Oh, Charles!

Yes, of course
I'll be your wife.

Charles, I will always
care forryou.

But I've fallen in love
with someone else.

By the time you receive this,

we will be married.

I'm so very sorry.

This isn't what I signed up for.

Help us to fulfill my dream.

Working for
a better future for all,

mutant and human alike.

So good to see you, Charles.

I'd like you to meet
Sean Cassidy,

my fiance.

Moira's told me a great deal
about you, Mr. Xavier.

How fortunate.

Now if you'll show me
my quarters, Moira,
I need to rest.

Does he not
still love you, Moira?

I dinnae think so.

But he needs me.

Charles has given everything
for his students,

his X-Men.

But friends, aye,
that's different.

Sometimes I think
I'm the only one he has.

There's Muir Island.

Yes. Take us in.

Have a look
for yourself, Charles.

This security tape
was taken during
the sonic therapy.

What is happening here?

He is possessing Banshee's body.

Any lasting effects?

Temporary weakness, exhaustion.

Who whacked the camera?

Not the camera, Rogue,
the whole room.

Proteus can actually
change the physical world
around him

by merely thinking it.

Notice that after he leaves,
the room goes back
to its normal state,

though it does you no good
if you're hurt
while it's happening.

And, Proteus is telepathic.

A spectacular power.

A teenager who can
quite literally

do anything he wishes.

Not a comforting thought.

So he can turn things
upside down.

He don't look
old enough to shave.

Ah, Beast, take Rogue
and Wolverine in theeBlackbird

and see if you can track him.

Muir Island is not that large.

Please, be careful.

He's young and scared.

And he has no idea
how powerful he is.

Xavier's kind of out to lunch.

They were engaged once,
Mr. Sensitive.

-[Wolverine] So?
-[Rogue] So next time

the love of your life's
in trouble,

let me know
how well you function.

Moira, I--

Oh, Charles!

My research began
with this mutant.

I've failed him,

and those he may harm.

We will find him
and bring him back. Don't worry.

Thank you, Charles.

You were always good to me.

I miss seeing you,
being so far away.

What do you hear
from Joe these days?

Joe is a big-time
politician now.

Doing quite well without me.

Do you want to see?

What Scotland has lost

is its dedication
to family values.

As Secretary of State,
I will bring Scotland back

to the values
that made it great.

I've read about
places like this.

All these people!

The smells! The sounds!

What do I do first?

[mutants laughing]

He's been isolated
at my hospital all his life.

He knows nothing
of the outside world.

He's 17, but immature.

There are times
he acts like a child.

He communicates
through his telepathy.

I will try to reach him.

Be careful, Charles!

I am having to push

through unusual psychic static.


A confused, anxious mind.

Barely touching it.

I must try harder!

[Kevin gasping]

-[woman screaming]
-[Kevin]]What's going on?

How did you do that?

Whoever you are,
stay out of my mind!

[Xavier struggling]

He's... gone.


Professor, we found something!

A worker was discovered
severely weakened,

but otherwise unhurt.

Not unlike Banshee.

Did he say anything?

Delirious ravings
about a big evil thing.

Probably talking about Beast.

Professor, it appears
Proteus has left the island.

Charles! There are millions
of people over there!

The last ferry has reached
the mainland by now.

Off the island,
there's no telling
the harm he could do.



Looks like Ian boy

ran out of places to hide.

-What's that?
-Leave him alone!

[men screaming]

Come on!


They scared him.

Why did they want to hurt him?



Are you okay, son?
Who did this to you?

Why does this man
hold him like this?

This man wants to protect him.

He loves him!

He would do anything for him!

Talk to me, son. What's wrong?

He is his... father!

His father, not mine!

Get away from my boy,
you monster!

-Why doeshe call me a monster?
-Help!!Help! Please!

-Somebody help.
-I was just trying
to help his son.

Where is my father?

[men yelling]

Go away!

Don't do that!

Mayday! Mayday!

[men screaming]

Mayday! Mayday!

[Guard screaming]

Sounds like we found our boy.

You cannot hurt me!

Wow, this kid sure knows
how to throw a block party.

If Dr. MacTaggert is correct,
he must still be here,

or his effect on the area
would have been reversed.

What have I allowed to happen?

Moira, please,
this is not your fault.

Pick us up, Beast, right away.

[people screaming]

[Man 1]
Get out of here! Watch out!

Where is my father?

If I may ask,

how do you propose
that we persuade Proteus
to return with us?

I don't know.

But we have to try.

Proteus, you must stop.

[Joe on tv:]
What Scotland has lost

is its dedication
to family values.

Let me help you.

Who are you?

I'm not hurting anyone!

People are trying to harm me!

Please, leave me... alone!




Professor, are you all right?

Oh, Charles.

Rogue! Wolverine!

What in the world?

[people muttering]

Has it gone?

[Man 2]
What's that? What is that?

Wh... What's happening to me?

A lorry!
Now I can go anywhere.

The one who tried to reach me
is with them.

He is the one!

Soccer match
get out of hand?

[Man 3]
A monster did this!

A mutant for sure!

Why does he move about
in a chair?

Is he somebody special?

Hey! What are you doing?

Let go!

I can't control this!

[people screaming]

[Rogue moaning]

I must find my father.

He'll protect me from them!

Got to be careful
picking dancing partners,

The young ones
will wear you out.

He's searching for someone.

Who, Rogue?

A man.

An important man
to him.

You know
this mutant's history, Moira.

Who could this man be?

I have no idea, Charles.

Grab the plane.

I'll track him on the ground.

How hard could it be to find one
testosterone-driven kid?

[lightning striking]

Check that.

[thunder rumbling]

His path, though erratic,
indicates he intends

to go to Edinburgh.

We will find a way
to reason with him.

Or, we take him out.

I know the kid's mixed up,

but it's time
for some tough love.

I... I need to call the lab.



Moira? What on earth?

I wouldn't have called.

But I think you're in danger.

Kevin's out!


Well, put him back.

You know
the election's this week.

I can't have this kind of thing
coming out now.

I worked 16 years
to get this chance!

What do you expect me to do?

You could talk to the boy!

That's all he wants!

He does?

Even after
what I did to him?

Okay, Moira,
but after the election!


X-Men, report.

No sign of him
from the west, Professor.

Nothing here from the east.

Same here.

Stay ready. Xavier out.

This can't go on, Moira.

What haven't you told me
about this mutant?

I don't know how to...


He's here!

Return immediately!

Moira, wait!

Kevin, please, you've got
to come back with me!


There's a million things
to see,

to feel.

There's more than you taught me.

Why did you keep me
from all these feelings?

But people will be
frightened of you!

They'll try to hurt you.

She's right, son.

I'm not your son!

I told you,

stay out of my mind!

Talk to me.

Who are you looking for?

My father!

We can help you find him.

Tell me about him.

Ask her! She keeps him away!

Stop this now!

End of the line, kid.

Don't touch him!

He is my son!

Your son?

Why didn't you...

tell me?

You're the one person
I couldn't tell.

When I left you
to marry Joe MacTaggert

and I had his child,
how could I?

You underestimate
my feelings for you!

But then you always did.

I committed my life

to mutant research
to save my son.

When you helped me,
you helped him.

Such a burden

to bear alone.

We are no danger to you.

Hold on, Kevin.

[Rogue gasps]

Gonna have to do better
than that, Kevin.

[Rogue struggling]

Get them off of me!

[Beast exclaims]


Kevin, no!

Charles, I'm sinking!

Moira, hang on!

Don't struggle.

You'll sink faster.

Day at the zoo's over, kid.

I'm asking you nice, Kevin.
Let them go.

Don't make me bust you up!

Hey! Stop it!

Make it stop!




He's down there somewhere.

They can't stop me.

I'm going to find my father!