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04x03 - Courage

Posted: 08/26/22 05:41
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

You seem to be
over the nightmares, Morph.

And there's not a thing wrong
with you physically.

But I'm worried.

You were in bad shape.

You're talking aboutgoing back
to a hard life.

You know there's more
to being an X-Man

than getting
a good night's sleep.

What? Like blue fur?

Or designer eyewear?


All right.

You know I cannot keep you

if you're determined to go.

Just take it easy at first.

You got all the time
in the world.

[machine whirring]


Finally got another roll
of 80-micron, Bill.

Okay, I'll get right...

Bill? Typical.

Eight hundred million on robots
and the phones don't work.


Target achieved.

What's going on?

We do not know.

However, based upon
the urgency

of Professor Xavier's summons,

it would appear to be
a matter of some importance.

You sure got a windy way
of saying,

"Get the lead out."

[all exclaiming]

Not quite what
you were expecting, is it?

That, Professor,
would be an understatement.

I don't get it.
If it's for Gambit and Rogue,

you're a week early.

isn't a catered ceremony

a tad excessive?

You'll get your answer
in about three seconds.

I... I don't believe it.

Hiya, Wolverine.

You should see your face.

Looks something like this.


It's good to have you back, kid.

To quote the poet Villaquez,

"A return to the fold

is truly one of life's
greatest joys."

Scott, it's been a long time.

-A toast to Morph's
-[Jean] Charles, wait.

A news report on the mutant
activities monitoring circuit.

I'm standing in front
of Zydex Industries,

the target
of a t*rror1st attack
just hours ago.

Details are sketchy,

but sources suspect

mutant involvement.

The army is being sent in

to seal off the area.

The army?


It is rumored that Zydex

has developed
a synthetic polymer

with pervasive combat
arena applications.

You wanna give us
that in English?

They may have invented
a plastic as thin as cloth,

yet 100 times
stronger than steel.

Do you suspect someone,

If this is the next generation
of weapons material,

and it were to fall
into the wrong hands,

whether mutant or human,

the consequences
would be dire indeed.

We must learn more.

Morph and I'll go.

What do you say, kid?

Ready to get back
in the saddle?

[imitating John Wayne]
Reckon I am, pilgrim.

Let's you and me head out

and find us some
poll-ee-mere rustlers.

Did he say wrestlers?

Rustlers, my sweaty
rocket scientist.

As in cattle thieves,
19th-century North American,

here used as a loose metaphor
for the polymer peculators.

You will take it easy?

Sure, Doc.

After we have some cake.


Let's do it.

Relax, soldier.
I'm relieving you.
Report back to base.

But, sir, I was told to...

-That's an order.
-Yes, sir.


Still haven't lost
your touch, I see.

Just like riding a bicycle.

I should've ordered
that solider to unlock
this thing.

No problem.

Looks like you haven't
lost your touch either.


[helicopter whirring]

Feels like old times,
huh, Wolverine?


Just for the record, Morph,

I always knew in my gut

you'd be coming back.

You're not gonna get
all mushy on me, are you?

I don't get mushy.

We're in.

Looks like my place
after a card game.

Make it fast, Wolverine.

The mini jet camera shows

increased security activity.

Keep your shirt on, pretty boy.

I don't need you to...

what is it?

That smell.

Oh, no. Sentinels.

Easy, big guy,
it's just me.

-Find anything?

Come on, let's beat it.

It can't be.


Morph. You knew.

-Don't baby me.

Either I'm on the team
or I'm not!

I thought this one
would be easy.

How awful for Morph,

to be once again confronted
by that

which so nearly
destroyed him.

It is rather Melvillean.

Morph is not unlike Ahab,

facing the great white whale.

Let us hope he has better luck.

The Sentinels are our
worst nightmare come to life.

I prayed we had eliminated
the last of the Sentinels.

They have but one purpose,

to find, control
and destroy mutants.

We cannot reason with them,
only fight.

They are without conscience,
without fear.

But the real question is,

who has brought them back?

our mission remains unfinished.

Mutants still live.

The time has come

for Mastermold to be reborn.

My new body shall be
superior in strength

to my shattered one,

with a skin that is
virtually indestructible.

The same skin

I shall use to create

a new generation of Sentinels,

to replace those
who were taken from me.

But there are those
who must bear witness

to my resurrection.

Bring me Trask and Gyrich.

We are not programmed
to apprehend

non-mutant humans, Mastermold.

You are now.

And bring me the mutant

who destroyed my body.

He shall pay

the greatest price of all.

Don't blame Wolverine
for his concern for you, Morph.

Near-death trauma is difficult

for anyone to put behind him.

You may not be over yours.

-Moira warned me--
-I'm fine! I'm ready.

We'll never know for sure
if all of you hold my hand

every time things get tough.

-I have to try.

But, please,
do not take it badly

if I choose not to send you
against the Sentinels

for your first assignment.

is a delicate thing.

I want yours strong again.

I don't believe it.

-[Jean] What's happening?
-[Storm] Trouble.


Who pulled the plug?

Mansion sensors

detect intruders.


You're right about me

facing the Sentinels, Professor.

I just hate to admit it.

-Yes, Beast.

Defensive systems
indicate multiple intruders.

I sense no extraneous
minds present.


[Sentinels approaching]

Target identified.

Professor, please, answer!



G-Get back!

Capture initiated.


Allow me.



You ain't going nowhere!



Are you all right?

Who cares? They got Xavier.

I... I froze, Logan.

Oh, Morph.

Where have they taken him?

Somewhere to the Southwest.

Cerebro has recently
lost contact.

He must be unconscious,

or shielded from me somehow.

Moira was right.

I should never have
come back so soon.

I could have done something,
but I choked.

No one's accusing
anyone of anything.

You don't have to!
I know what happened.

I had him. I'm useless.

Both of you, shut up.

I don't care who
did what an hour ago.

Right now,
we have to find Xavier.

Those tin cans
exist to wipe us off
the face of the planet.

Any suggestions?

"A shatter'd visage lies,

whose frown and wrinkled lip

and sneer of cold command

tell that its sculptor well
those passions read."

by Percy Bysshe Shelley.

I'd settle for it
telling us who sent it
and where it came from?

The surface memory circuits
are damaged.

But perhaps I can access
the central mnemonic core.

Delicate operation.

Just enough power to stimulate
the electronic cortex,

but not enough to cause a surge
in the damaged circuits.

Hmm. Fascinating.

Two sets of coordinates.

The first is the location
of the mansion.

What about the other set?

Our old nemeses,

Henry Peter Gyrich
and Dr. Bolivar Trask.

If these coordinates
are correct,

you shall be led right to them.

There wouldn't be any Sentinels

if it weren't
for those two dirt bags.

And we're gonna catch them.

All of us? No, Morph.

I... We need you
to stay here.

Somebody has to remain
in the w*r Room

in case the Professor
tries to contact us.

I guess I can't blame you
for not trusting me.

Don't worry, pal.
You'll get your shot.

Let's move it.

I'm not useless.

While you've been
wasting your time, Trask,

look what I've caught.

My notes!

Now clean it
and cook it for lunch.

I'm a scientist,
Gyrich, not a fry cook.

Some scientist.

Because you couldn't
control your creations,

we've got to hide
in this stinking jungle
for the rest of our lives!

You were the one
who wanted to kidnap Kelly.

He's why we're here.
Mastermold was perfect!

Yeah, so perfect
he turned on us,

or have you forgotten?



I created you.
Put us down!

That's an order!

Disregard human orders.

We obey only Mastermold.



Hand him over.

Demon, be gone!



They're both down.

We're going in.

Eliminate all resistance.

Come on, Trask.
Let's get out of here!

Target humans escaping.


Come on.
They're getting away.

They are prisoners
of the Sentinels,
just as the Professor is.

Well, if they didn't
send them, who did?

I believe
we shall soon find out.

Beast was easy on you.

You'll tell me all your secrets,

even I have to
blow them out of you.

Another set of coordinates?

They're looking
for the Professor
in the wrong place.

I've got to tell Scott.

No. I have to do this alone.

What do you want, Mastermold?

Why have you brought us here?

From the two traitors,

I want nothing
but the use of their hands.

But from you, Professor,

I want something infinitely
more personal.

I want your mind.

You want what?

A cybernetic link
with my electronic brain

will increase the unique powers
of your mind

a thousandfold,

and place them at my command.

What you humans
might call high irony,

using the greatest
of all mutant minds

to help eliminate mutantkind
from the planet.

You're mad, Mastermold.

A machine cannot
be mad, Professor.

That is a human failing.

Prepare him for the operation.

Hands off, Mastermold.

Yeah. His brain stays put, pal.

Annihilate all mutant intruders.

[Wolverine screaming in rage]


Help me. Please. Someone!


Foolish mutant.

We exist to destroy you.

You will never stop my children.

That's where you're wrong.

Morph, get out of here.

We do not fear you.

Eliminate him.





Everybody out. Now!


Nice sh**ting, Morph.

Looks like you're back
after all.

Yeah. Kind of seems
like old times.

I appreciate you saying that,

but I can't stay.

What do you mean?

Part of that cave
fall on your head?

I came through today,

but what about tomorrow
or next week?

Moira was right.
I'm not ready yet.

I was just too bull-headed
to admit it.

Goodbye, Logan.

Morph, wait.

Let him go, Wolverine.

Morph knows what's best.

If he can, he'll come back.

He'll always be an X-Man.