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04x02 - One Man's Worth: Part 2

Posted: 08/26/22 05:40
by bunniefuu
Previously onX-Men...

If we could time travel
without you, mutant, we would.

I do not trust you, Fitzroy,

so Nimrod will join
your trip across time

to make sure
you perform the task.

You must get help
and stop them

before they change time

Let's do it!

What is that?

I have no idea!

Are you okay, darling?

What was that?

We're too late!

While we were traveling,
Fitzroy and Nimrod

already nailed Xavier

and changed everything.

We have to go back,
rescue Xavier,

and keep this from happening.

Who is Charles Xavier?

And what are X-Men?

We must touch base
in our time first

before the portal
can send us further back.

We must hurry.

If the time change
has already hit 2055,

all of our efforts
will be for nothing.

-Ready, Logan?
-Let's go.

Time travel?
Parallel futures?

Mutants and assassins?

You can't expect me
to believe all this!

Moose! Rocco! Get them!

Keep them away
from Xavier!

My pleasure.


-[Shard] He's gone!
-[people screaming]

Spread out!
We've got to find him

before Fitzroy does.

Electronic fuse!

What in the world?

-[shrill beep]

[theme music playing]

We must get Xavier!

Fitzroy planted a b*mb!

Xavier never had a chance.

That's it. It's over.

And it's your fault!

Because of your stupidity,
everyone I know

might no longer exist.

No no-neck redneck
dumps on my wife

-and gets away with it.
-[siren wailing]

There they are!

They're the ones
that wrecked my joint.

Now they're blowing up
the college!

-[cop 1] Let's get those guys.
-[cop 2] Yeah.

Bad time to mess with me.

No! I have a better way.

[lightning cracks]

Whirlwind from the heavens,

engulf these misguided souls.


[thunder cracking]

We have to go back
to my time

and hope that Forge and his
time portal still exist.

Then we can come back
minutes before this time

-and set things right.
-I'm off this merry-go-round.

Take me and Storm back
to where you found us.

Fighting for Magneto
wasn't so bad.

I don't even know
this Xavier guy.

The future
of their world rests

in our hands.

I know you too well to think
we could ever let them down.


Just my luck.

Time to go!


[all muttering]


[electricity crackles]

We made it.

This is our new world?

It's huge! It's nothing like
when we left.

Big deal. The machine
seems to work fine.

Let's dig up that Forge guy
again and get movin'.

If he still exists.


Get away!
You are not authorized!

-[alarm blaring]

What now?

[alarm blaring]

Calm down, man.
Cut that alarm.

We're resistance, like you.

What is that?

What are you
talking about?

The resistance
is people, mutants,

thousands of them
fighting against Master Mold

-and his sentinels.
-You're crazy!

What world
did you come from?

No one fights the Master.

Easy, Bishop. He's not
to blame for any of this.

-Nobody ever is.

You sent us back in time
to prevent a k*lling.

Don't you remember?

No one has traveled yet.

It is not permitted.

I am still testing
the portal.

I have never seen
any of you before.

None of this matters.

We have a job to do.

Don't! They will know!

Come on, old man.

Who could scare you
worse than I can?


Take cover!





Hold on, darling.
I'm here.

No! Please!

I've been loyal
to the Master.


They don't care
about you!

In another time,
you were my friend!

Help us,
and we can save you!


All right.
Tell me what you need.

Come on, our armbands have
the coordinates.

Come on, darling.




-Set it!
-It's damaged.

So fix it!

But they'll send
more Enforcers!

Then you better fix it fast.

Let's go!

The portal was damaged
in the fight.

He's working on it.

He better hurry.

'Cause if we end up stuck here,

he's gonna get to know these
up close and personal.

Everything went smoothly.

Because of what
I've accomplished,

you are now
the undisputed ruler

of your world.


Xavier's followers won't be
bothering me anymore.

If I believe you.

And what of the others?

Others? What others?

The mutants you battled
were time travelers.

Whatever changes were made
to our world by your mission,

those four were untouched.

Like you, they existed

outside of time.


What harm could
four measly mutants do?

[electronic voice]
Alert! Alert!

Transport building
security measures ineffective.

Unregistered mutants
still active.

Obliterate them!

If they should escape,
they will travel back in time

to undo your work.

Make sure
that doesn't happen.

Destroy Forge
and his time machine!

I will take no chances!

If you fail,
do not bother to return.

Come on, stupid!

Wait, Nimrod.

I have one more thing
to discuss.

We're gonna die.

-[Master Mold] I'm weary
of all mutants...
-Shut up, before I...

[Master Mold] ...even those
useful as slaves.

After they've destroyed
the time machine,

eliminate Fitzroy and Bantam.

I told you!

Come on.

What's the hold-up?

[Forge] The machine
was severely damaged.

I'll try.

You'll have to do
better than that.

I just need
a little more time.

Don't take all day.

[loud thudding]



Going down!


take him from us!

We're going to make it!

Tell that to Nimrod!


Back at you, lowlife!

-Where's Forge?

It's that mutant traitor!



This will explain
everything. I just want--


Fitzroy! Fitzroy!

Hurry! It's working!

We must help Fitzroy!

It's too late for him! Jump!

[screams, groans]



I can't make it. Go.

No, I won't!

If your mission
is successful,

I'll be fine.

So will Forge.

It's too late!

Shard, please!

Hit your armband!



Can you hear me?


Did they make it?


Here we go again.

Where's Shard?

-She didn't make it.
-Tough break, pal.

I know she was your friend.

She was my sister.

I am sorry.
We didn't know.

She knew the risks.

But I'm not counting her
out yet.

I plan on seeing her again,
'cause this time,

we're not gonna mess up.

We got a few minutes.
Let's see what Fitzroy gave us.

By the time you see this,
I will no longer exist.

[man] Nobody busts up my place.

Moose! Rocco! Get them!

Keep them away
from Xavier!

My pleasure.




We are not here
to hurt you.

Bad listening.


He's gone!

It's all so unreal.


-Be quiet!

Your life is in danger.

Look, pal,
if we wanted to hurt you,

we would have
done it already.

So, are you coming quietly,

or do you wanna make
some noise.


You did it again, Logan.

I'm sorry, darling.

[Xavier] Time travel?
Parallel futures?

Mutants and assassins?

You can't expect me
to believe all this!

What is happening?

I'm blown up here,
in this lab?

Not if we can help it, bub.

Fitzroy is the man
who assassinated you.

He won't be so lucky
next time.

You can't expect me
to believe all this!

Read our minds
if you doubt us.

You're telling the truth!

But one of you
does not wish

your mission to succeed.


Give me one good reason

why I shouldn't blow
your head off.

I feel the way I feel, bub.

That don't mean
I'd turn traitor!


-Cindy, I'm so sorry.

My, uh, friends scared you.

Who are they?
What do they want?

They're here to help me.


You got a problem?





My turn!

Got you!





[Xavier] Such power
and destruction!

What was that?

[Storm] The future's
most horrible living w*apon.

He will quickly reconstruct.

Let's see what you had
for breakfast!


You're history!

You gonna heal
your way out of this?

Give me a minute.

Is everyone okay?

-[Fitzroy] Guess again, Bishop!


In 60 seconds,
no more Xavier!

Get Xavier out of here!


And ruin the fun?

You must let us go!

And why must I?

If you do not,
you will cease to exist!

Get serious!

I just cashed in, big.

She's dead serious, mutant.

I know this is crazy,
Fitzroy, but I am you.

And I'm begging you,
do not k*ll Xavier!

If you do, Master Mold
will become all powerful,

and he will destroy you
and Bantam!

History will be altered!

Destroy Bantam?
Not a good idea!

Look there.

It is ourselves
on our first trip back,

trying to stop you.

Do you believe
your own warning now?

How do I know
Master Mold will betray me

if Xavier dies?

Wait a few seconds...

-[Wolverine] ...and find out.

Do something, Fritzy!

All right!

Smart move.

[shrill beep]

And if we get out
of here alive,

don't ever pull a stunt
like this again.

[Bantam] Time to go!
Time to go!

Hurry, hurry, hurry.

Time to go home!

It would seem that
we have overstayed

our welcome.

Sorry, pal...

but you'll be fine,
in a day or two.

I hate this!


It's incredible how one kid
could mean so much

to so many people.

What now?

With him alive,

we ain't even supposed
to exist.

I don't know.
Why are we still here?

As long as your armbands
are on you and functioning,

you'll both exist
outside of time.

How long?


The charge only lasts
a couple of days.

It was good, darling.

It was the best,
tough guy.

I love you, Logan.

Don't you leave me.


What was that?

Beats me.

You think we could
just attract ants

like normal people!

Thanks for the tumble, Storm.

We ought to wrestle
more often.

Now, Logan,
some women might think

that you were flirting.


Lucky you know me
better than that.

We will never know.

[theme music playing]