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02x36 - Long Live the Governor

Posted: 08/26/22 05:21
by bunniefuu
( dramatic theme playing)

The governor's in
the library, asleep.

Come on. Quietly.

LEONAR: Capitán Arrellano.

What's going on down there?

Oh, it's nothing, señorita.

Then why are they armed?
And where are the guards?


Take her.

I'm sorry to involve
you, Leonar, truly I am,

but I want to be governor.

LARIOS: Suppose someone
heard? ARRELLANO: No one is here.

It would take a p*stol
shot to bring the vaqueros.

That is the reason I
said absolutely no pistols.

LARIOS: The governor heard.
ARRELLANO: He's a sound sleeper.

Now, shall we get on with this?

You, keep her here. The
rest of you, come with me.

( dramatic theme playing)

(announcer reading
on-screen text)

I'm going to miss shopping

in your quaint Los
Angeles, Diego.

Miss it? Sí.

We'll be leaving soon.

My father's almost
well enough to travel.

Oh, that's a shame. What?

You know what I mean, Leonar.

I'm glad that His Excellency
is well enough to travel again,

but I'm gonna miss carrying
your packages for you.

That's what I like
about you, Diego.

You know how to flatter a woman.

Tell me more.

Will you also miss
saddling my horse for me

and taking me riding?


I, uh... I think you'd
better go see your father.

Let him know you've
returned. He might be anxious.

Don't worry, Diego.
I'm not trying to trap you.

I'll go see my father.

I didn't mean it that way.

If you will excuse me.

You know, this had
better be important.

Capitán Arrellano?

And another man?
They're in the library?

Diego, I forgot my pack...

(exhales heavily)

What is it, Father?

Another message
from the Rebatos.

Don Manuel Larios
is one of them.

Get your sword. We will go
in there now and settle this.

No, not yet, Father.

But they are plotting
to k*ll the governor.

I know, but they are not alone.

We must wait until
we know all of them.

If we act now, the
governor will not be safe

here, in Monterey,
or anywhere else.

I want you to
understand me, capitán.

My friends and I do
not like this delay.

It smacks of incompetence.

In fact, some of them
are beginning to believe

we have selected the wrong
man to be our next governor.

Your friends had better
reconsider, Señor Larios.

You need me as
much as I need you.

We need a man
who can get results.

There is a fortune to
be made if California

does not stand behind
Spain in this w*r,

and California will stand where
her next governor indicates.

(sword clatters)

California will stand
where I tell her to.

Only, my dear capitán,

if the governor dies before
he can return to Monterey

and remove your name
from the order of succession.

His Excellency will not return
to Monterey, Señor Larios.

We will see to that. We?

You and I and all the
Rebatos. Every last one of them.

We will all act together.

Then your hands will
be just as dirty as mine.

(knocking on door)


( ominous theme playing)

Your pardon, mi capitán.

I did not know
someone was with you.

What do you want, sergeant?

His Excellency, the governor,
has decided to come here

to the library to do some work.

Very well, carry on.

Sí, capitán.

Señor Larios, I will
see you to your horse.

Gracias, capitán.

Ah, all the rats are beginning
to come out of their holes now.

Good. I will get some
of the dons together,

and we will be ready
for them. No, Father.

Some of the very
dons you speak with

may be members of the Rebatos.

We'll just have to continue
to keep our eyes open.


You know, a man can
grow old just waiting.

Where shall I put
this, sergeant?

On the desk, corporal.

Then go and bring
the other things.

All of them, sergeant?

All of them, corporal.

(cries out)

Buenas tardes, sergeant.

Buenas tardes, Don Diego.

Testing the couch? What?

Do you think His Excellency
will find it comfortable?

Oh, sí, Don Diego. I think so.

You know, sergeant,

I think California
owes you a debt

for the splendid manner in which

you are protecting
His Excellency.

Gracias, Don Diego.

It is a great responsibility.

It is.

The governor has many enemies
who would like to find him dead.

I know, but you need not
worry about that, Don Diego.

I have my lancers on guard
all around the hacienda.

Splendid, sergeant. Splendid.

The governor's essentials?

Sí, Don Diego.

Well, sergeant,

if you can think of anything
else he needs, let me know.

Gracias, Don Diego,

but every time I
think of something,

His Excellency thinks
of something else.

A fan in case he
becomes too warm.

A blanket in case
he becomes too cool.

His music box just in
case he wishes to sleep.

He goes to sleep to music?

Sí, Don Diego. Well,
this particular music.

Just the sound of
it, and off like a baby.


(playing mellow music)

Oh, it's very
pleasant, sergeant.

His Excellency seems
to find it quite soothing.

(turns off)

Writing paper with
the official seal on it

in case he wishes to write.

Books in case he wishes to read.

Books, sergeant?
This is our library.

There are hundreds
of books here.

I know, Don Diego,

but I thought it best
not to mention this.

His Excellency prefers to
decide things for himself.

I see.

His, uh, deck of cards.

Uh, His Excellency plays bruja

with Don Alejandro
constantly, you know.

I know.

His chess set in case
he wishes to play chess.

He, uh...

He beats Don
Alejandro at chess too.

And water in case
he becomes thirsty.

And, uh, the wine, sergeant?

That is in case
I become thirsty.

(banging on wall)

Someone gonna help
me down these steps?

Permit me, Your
Excellency. Gracias, Diego.

Well, let go of me.

What do you think I am,
a helpless old invalid?

No, Your Excellency.

Go on, out of here. Out.
Out. Gracias, Your Excellency.

What? I mean, sí,
Your Excellency.

What's all this stuff?

I distinctly remember
telling Sergeant Garcia

to clear this desk.

You also told the sergeant
to put your things here

so that you could get them
when you needed them.

I did? You did.

Now, will you please sit
down and get off that leg?

(both speak in Spanish)

Since you have company,
if you will permit me, Father,

I have some things to do.

What's the matter
with that girl?

We've had a
difference of opinion.

Ah. The girl's too much
like her father, eh, Diego?

(footsteps approach)

Ah, Your Excellency, it's good
to see you back at a desk again.

Señor de la Vega. Capitán.

I was wondering,
Your Excellency,

if you feel well enough
to proceed with the plans

for the meeting
with the rancheros.

Why, of course I do.

Have the invitations
made up and sent out.

At once, Your Excellency.

But if you would
permit a suggestion?

Of course.

If Don Alejandro were to
ride to the various ranchos

and invite the dons personally,

it... It might seem
less like a summons

and more like a friendly chat.

Good idea. Ask
Alejandro if he will do it.

My father will be most
happy to cooperate.

With your permission,

I will ask him,
then, immediately.


(door shuts)

Thinking, Diego?

Yes, Your Excellency.

I was thinking about
Capitán Arrellano.

Oh, yes.

It's regrettable.

When I named him
as my successor,

I had high hopes for him,

but I see now
that he has neither

the temperament nor the humility

that is necessary to be
a good public servant.

By the way, Diego...

(clears throat)

what kind of a
card player are you?

Well, Your Excellency,
I think you'll find

that I play exactly
as my father does.

In that case, get a
chair and sit down.

What is it, my dear?

I'm sorry, Father. I
hoped you were alone.

Now, I don't know
what kind of a game

you two are
playing, but call it off.

I want to play bruja.

We're not playing any game.

I think Diego has grown
bored with my company.

Leonar, I am not bored
with you and you know it.

Do I?

Why, every day I find
you growing more lovely,

more beautiful.

You've never spoken
like that before.

Am I to understand that
you enjoy being with me?


Would you excuse
me for a moment?


Only for a moment.

You are excused,
Señor de la Vega,

and if I never see you again

or speak to you again,
it will be much too soon.

By all the saints.

All right, what is it now?

The soldiers. They're gone?

Sergeant Garcia's gone too?

And Capitán Arrellano just
sent my father away, Bernardo.

Well, that means he's
going to k*ll the governor now.

Hey, we... (door opens)

( suspenseful theme playing)

No, I didn't mean this minute.

First he'll get rid of me,

then he'll call in his
friends, the Rebatos.

That's what we're waiting for.

Now, get in the
passage and be ready.

( suspenseful theme swells)

( dramatic theme playing)

Capitán. Señor.

Well, Your Excellency,
I'm ready for that game.

Do I look sleepy to you,
Diego? I don't think so.

Well, you will be, as soon
as you hear your music.

The doctor said you have to take
a nap every day before supper.

The doctor is an
idiot. Give me the key.

Oh, well, it appears I have
no choice in the matter, Diego.

Cheer up, Your Excellency.

There'll be other opportunities
for playing cards together.

Oh. Eh, capitán?

Yes, of course.


Be sure and wake
me in time for supper.

We're having quail tonight.

If Señor de la Vega will
show me where the lake is,

you shall have some
wild rice to go with them.

Wild ri...? Good, good, good.

All right, all right.

Start up that music box.

Let's get this thing over with.

(music box chiming)


Well, get out of here.

I can go to sleep without
people staring at me.

Of course you can,
Father. Sleep well.


( dramatic theme playing)

What seems to be
the trouble, señor?

Well, I was just
thinking, capitán.

I did not notice any guards
at the hacienda as we left.

Of course you didn't.

I felt they were
getting underfoot.

I told them to
stay out of sight.

Well, they certainly
obey orders, don't they?

One would think
they were all gone.


That is, if one did
not know differently.

But it does bring up
another point, capitán.

This group of dons

who seem to hate the
governor so, the Rebatos...

What about the Rebatos?

Well, if they think as I did,

that the hacienda
was left unguarded,

they might make another
attempt on the governor's life.


You worry too much,
señor. That is my job.

Of course.

You are responsible for those

attempts on the
governor's life, aren't you?


Oh, I mean, it is
your responsibility.

Sí, it is.

But perhaps you may
have a point there.

Maybe I should ride
back to the hacienda

and warn the guards
to stay on the alert.

Why don't you do that
and I'll ride on ahead

and get the rice
for the governor.

I was just going to
suggest that very thing.

Were you, now?
Sí, I will do that, then.

Be sure and get plenty of rice.

The governor has
a hearty appetite.

Oh, rest assured, capitán.

I'll see that he's
well taken care of.

( suspenseful theme playing)

There you are. Has
Capitán Arrellano returned?

Well, he'll be here.

And then we'll learn once
and for all who the Rebatos are.

First, we've got to put Leonar

and the governor
in a safe place.

The governor's in
the library, asleep.

Come on. Quietly.

LEONAR: Capitán Arrellano.

What's going on down there?

Oh, it's nothing, señorita.

Some of the rancheros

They believed the
meeting to be tonight.

Then why are they armed?
And where are the guards?


Take her.

Watch it.

I'm sorry to
involve you, Leonar,

truly I am, but I
want to be governor.

LARIOS: Suppose someone
heard? ARRELLANO: No one is here.

It would take a p*stol
shot to bring the vaqueros.

That is the reason I
said absolutely no pistols.

LARIOS: The governor heard.
ARRELLANO: He's a sound sleeper.

Now, shall we get on with this?

You, keep her here. The
rest of you, come with me.

Señores, I'm about
to become governor.

He's gone.

He was right on that couch.
They must have moved him.

Who moved him?
How should I know?

Well, how in the
world did you do this?

(music box playing mellow music)

Well, you keep that
music box going,

because if he wakes
up and finds himself here,

he'll know all about Zorro.

Wait a minute. He can't
get too far on those crutches.

Search for him.
Search everywhere.

I'll take the upstairs. You
take the rear of the house.

When you get rid of this one,

I'll have another one
for you in the cellar.


There's a little
delay, señorita.

Your father seems
to have grown wings.

But don't worry, we'll find him.

Jose's sword.

Somebody's in this room.

Come on. Nobody
can hide in there.

Quit wasting your time.



What is it?

Manuel is gone and Jose's
sword is stuck in the ceiling.

(cranking music box)

Two swords. I don't like this.

Now, don't lose your head.

Simeon. Simeon.

He must still be upstairs.

Lining his pockets,
probably. Go get him.

Well, you heard me. Go get him.





My friends, I have
gathered you here to speak...

No. No applause, please.

(music box stops)

on a matter of great importance.

But before I do...

(music box playing)

I would like to say...

They're not coming
back. Any of them.

Señor Larios, it seems
we have gambled and lost.

But by the saints,

I'm going to find out who
it was that defeated us.

The señorita would
know. Come on.


wish. Stay here, then.

Capitán, wait for me.

Well, are you coming?

( dramatic theme playing)


I'm sorry you do not
approve of the display.

It would have been a better
balance with one more sword.


You can have it now.

Over here, capitán.


Capitán Arrellano.


Sergeant, quickly, in
the library. My father.

Quick, corporal. Hold
these. I can't. You hold mine.

Oh, sergeant, please hurry.



(music box stops)

Is supper ready? I'm hungry.

Sergeant. Look.


( triumphant theme playing)

Adiós, muchachos.

( triumphant theme swells)

ANNOUNCER: Next week,
the cards hold a sinister warning

for Sergeant Garcia.

GARCIA: The King of Cups.

It is the card of death.

Move. On your feet.

ANNOUNCER: Next week make a
date with your most thrilling adventure

as Zorro defies the
fate of the fortune teller.

♪ Out of the night ♪

♪ When the full moon Is bright ♪

♪ Comes the horseman
Known as Zorro ♪

♪ This bold renegade ♪

♪ Carves a Z with his blade ♪

♪ A Z that stands for Zorro ♪

♪ Zorro ♪

♪ Who makes the sign of the Z ♪

♪ Zorro, Zorro ♪

♪ Zorro ♪