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02x35 - Masquerade for m*rder

Posted: 08/26/22 05:20
by bunniefuu
( dramatic theme playing)

Look out!

(announcer reading
on-screen text)

( dramatic theme playing)

Buenos días, señor.

Buenos días.

De la Vega hacienda? Sí.

I was told in Los Angeles that
the governor was staying here.

He is, while he
recovers from an injury.

I have a message for his
aide, Capitán Arrellano.

I, uh, believe
he's in the library.

Would you come this way?


Gracias, señor.

ARRELLANO: Our mutual friends

seem to have high
regard for your ability.

I'm flattered.

Do not sit on my desk.


I'm not influenced by
letters of introduction, señor.

I understand only results.

You'll get them.

I see no difficulty in k*lling
an old man with a broken leg.

Neither did any of
your predecessors.

And yet he still lives.

Who gives me my money?

They do, of course.

It is as much to their advantage
as mine that I become governor.

And when would you like
the job done, Your Excellency?

There are certain
matters I must take care of.

I will let you know.

Very well.

You may go, señor.

(speaking in Spanish)

Oh, Diego, I just
learned we had a visitor.

I came up to take a look at him.

He's gone.

But he'll be back.
To k*ll the governor.

A Rebato, huh?

No, this one was just an agent.

The Rebatos are
still under cover.

Then it is time we told the
governor about the capitán.

It wouldn't do any good.

They'd just get another man

and we might not know who he is.

There must be
something we can do.

We'll have to go on
guarding His Excellency

until we can force
Capitán Arrellano

and the Rebatos
out into the open.

When is this next
attempt going to be made?

That's just it. I don't know.

We'll just have to be
ready for it when it comes.

Bernardo, you keep
an eye on the capitán.

Watch every move he makes.

And, Father, spend as much
time as you can with the governor.

Get him into another card game.

He does not want to
play any more cards.

He always gets so
mad when he loses.

Well, let him win. What?

Well, it won't k*ll you
and it may save his life.

All right, but this is
against my principles.

That man.

He is so obnoxious when he wins.

What are you gonna be doing?

Now, just a moment.

I had planned to
do something else,

but since you bring
it up, Bernardo,

perhaps Leonar can help us.

After all, she is the
governor's daughter.

Yes, and very pretty.

Yes, she is.


All right, all right.

Wait, halt. Watch my head.

What, Your Excellency?

You heard the governor,
corporal. Look at his head.

I can't see it from
here, Your Excellency.

Corporal, crouch down a bit

so His Excellency
will not hit his head.

You too, Lugo.
There, there, that's fine.

Are you sure?

It will be all right,
Your Excellency.

Bring him out slowly.

Oh, careful.

Sí, Your Excellency.


Careful, corporal.

I'm not a sack of
oats, you know.

Oh, no, Your Excellency.

I'm the governor!

Sí, Your Excellency.

There. There, now put
him down. Slowly. Slowly.

Why are you putting
me down here?

It's very nice here,
Your Excellency.

Right by the table.

I don't like it. Not enough sun.

I came out here for
the sun, you know.

Sí, Your Excellency.

What are you doing?
Wait a minute. Careful.

Sí, Your Excellency. Follow
me, corporal. This way.

Easy, now. Easy.

Don't you ever watch
where you're going?

Around this way. Gently.
Put him down. Put him down.

Ah, there. Here we
are, Your Excellency.

Right in the sun. Heh.

Feel how warm it is?

Ah, yes, it's warm enough.

Every time a horse
goes by on that road,

I'll get covered with dust.

Uh, sergeant,
perhaps His Excellency

will feel more comfortable
further away from the gate.

Sí, Don Alejandro.

Now, how is this,
Your Excellency?

Not too much shade,
not too much sun

and away from the dust.

Right up against that wall
that shuts off all the breeze.

Have you something against
my breathing, sergeant?

Oh, no, Your Excellency.

Be careful.

Lancers, halt.

Ah. That's more like it.

Sergeant. This is exactly where
we put him in the first place.


Are they talking about me?

ALEJANDRO: No, Your Excellency.

Well, don't just stand
there. Go and do something.

Get out.

Sí, Your Excellency.

Where you going?

Into the hacienda,
Your Excellency.

That's in. I said
"out." Get out.

Get out! Out. Out. Out.

Father, are you all right?

Excellency, what's the matter?

I could hear you yelling
down to the stable.

Good. Then maybe somebody

will pay some
attention to my needs.

What is it you wish,
Your Excellency?

Nothing. Everything.

Oh, I'm so sick of
sitting in this chair.

Poor Father. It's been a strain.

It certainly has.

Your Excellency, I think you
need some form of diversion.

Ah, Diego, what
would you suggest?

A romp in the fields?

Oh, not exactly.

Perhaps we could,
uh, give a fiesta.


In your honor.

Since you can't
see the many friends

you have in Los Angeles,

we could have them
come here and see you.


I think that's a wonderful idea.
We could have music and dancing.

Well, what's next?

Oh, lots of things.

I think this is so much
fun, doing it ourselves.

Yes, I agree.
Don't you, capitán?

Oh, yes. Yes, of course.

And my father's spirits are
so much better. Look at him.

(laughing loudly)

That does it.

How many is that?
Five in a row? Ha-ha-ha.

Who ever told you you
could play cards, Alejandro?

Excuse me, señorita.

taught me this particular game.

Enjoying yourselves?

Ah, Diego.

I hope you have a big
herd of cattle to sell this fall,

because at this rate,

your father's going
to need the money.

Well, show him no
mercy, Your Excellency.

He can afford it.

( ominous theme playing)

Will you excuse me, Leonar?
I must talk to the señor.

I'm not much good
at this anyway.

Well, if you must
leave, you must,

but hurry back and
I'll give you a lesson.

That is a promise.

Oh, no, you don't.
You're not leaving.

You don't have
to talk to anybody.

Leonar, there is
something I must do.

Yes, you must. You
must hang these.

There are plenty more
where they came from.

Excuse me a moment,
Your Excellency.

Wait a minute. Wait... I
haven't finished with you yet.

I concede, Your Excellency.
I have lost the hand.

No, no, no, no, no. I
won't let you concede.

I'm gonna make you suffer
through every last card.

Come on back here.

What are we gonna do now?

It's all right. Bernardo's
in the passage.

Well, come on,
come on, hurry up.

Go on.

Well, come on, come
on, hurry up. It's your play.

Giving a party, I see.

Tomorrow night.

That is why I sent for you.

Everyone knows about
it, but I think you and I

can turn it into a
little surprise party.

( suspenseful theme swells)

All you had to do was stand
in the passage and listen.

You could have even sat
in the passage and listened,

but no, you had
to go to sleep, huh?

Uh, Diego, perhaps no
real damage has been done.

That's right. They may have
just spoken about the weather,

but we'll never know
for sure, will we?

No, you don't have
to hang yourself.

(knocking on door)


is Capitán Arrellano.

I have the señorita with me.

I'm supposed to be in my room.

One moment, please.

Leonar, what a
pleasant surprise.

Diego, I have the most
wonderful idea for the party.

Well, let's hear it.

Well, actually, it isn't
my idea, it's Phelipe's.


Merely a suggestion.

A costume ball.

Where everyone can
dress as fancily as he wants.

Well, that sounds interesting.

And everybody wears
a mask to hide his face.

That sounds even
more interesting.

LEONAR: I think so too.

Diego, I'm so glad
you like the idea

because, well,
we've already sent

the notices out to the guests.


Well, what's so amusing?

Nothing. Capitán,
I have a feeling

that your idea will make this
a party we will all remember.

Gracias, señor.

Well, there's a
great deal to do.

I'm going to dress as...

No, I'm not going to tell you.

I'm going to make
you wait and see.

(speaks in Spanish)

You heard?


I suppose I could still find
the Greek senator costume

I wore at the
tertulia last year,

but I did not enjoy
all those remarks

they made about my knees.

I do not consider them
particularly amusing,

do you, Diego?

Of course. Masked ball, masks.

Before the capitán's suggestion,
we knew the face of the k*ller,

but tomorrow night,
he could be anybody.


(shoes clacking)


(all cheering and applauding)

(soft guitar song playing)

(guests chattering indistinctly)

Oh, my dear, we're
having a wonderful time.

I'm glad you're enjoying
yourself, Señora Nunez.

You're looking very
handsome, corporal.

Gracias, señorita.

That is a beautiful costume,
my dear. Who are you?


Really? How daring of
you. And Your Excellency?

Nero, emperor of Rome.

Of course. What
an original idea.

Excuse us.

Well, sergeant, I
must compliment you

on your choice of costume.

Gracias, Your Excellency.

I recognized you
at once, of course,

but had you chosen to
masquerade as a soldier of the king,

you could have fooled anyone.

Sí, Your Excellency.

Father, it isn't the
sergeant's fault.

He had no way of knowing.


Sergeant, would
you be good enough

to get me a glass
of wine, please?

Gracias, señorita... I
mean, of course, señorita.

Thank you, sergeant.

Sergeant, haven't
you yet concluded

that two Emperor Neros
of Rome are one too many?

Sí, Your Excellency.

I will go and change
back into my uniform.

No, no, no, sergeant,

it is not necessary
for you to change.

Only don't stand so close to me.

Go over on the
other side of the patio

and make your own empire.

(cries out)

Well, excuse me.

Of course.

This is rather a
wicked-looking w*apon,

even though it is
only made of wood.


Sí, Your Excellency.

You're a very fierce-looking
executioner, Don Alejandro.

Gracias. But I think this
was my son Diego's idea.

Aren't you sure?

I found this entire costume
on my bed this afternoon.

I had been complaining about
the costume I usually wear.

Diego must have
taken pity on me.

Good for him.

And if Diego's father
will take pity on me

and ask me to dance...

It would be a pleasure.

Uh, would you mind holding
this scimitar, Your Excellency?

Not at all, Alejandro. In
fact, it may come in useful

if a certain fat Nero
keeps moving closer to me.

See any strangers?

Those masks I sent to everyone
are too small to hide behind.

Maybe the capitán
changed his mind.

I don't think so either.
He's not one to give up.

Oh, Diego.

Since you gave me this
costume, you may finish the dance.


Come on, Diego.

I want to speak with you later.

Sergeant Garcia.

Sí, capitán.

Don Diego wishes you to
deliver a message for him.

Of course, capitán.

Tell Don Alejandro
that Don Diego

wishes to speak
to him at the stable.

He is to go there and wait.

Sí, capitán.

Ah, Diego.

Your Excellency. How's the leg?

Leg? What leg?
Well, the way I feel,

I could get up and
dance right now.

Oh, no, you don't.

(speaking inaudibly)

Would you excuse me, please?

Of course, Diego.

There you are, Diego.

Well, I...

I want to dance with the
handsomest man here tonight,

except for His
Excellency, of course.

Please, señora,
right now, I must...

I won't take no for an answer.

(music ends, applause)

Gracias, señora.

Oh, you don't call that a
dance. We hardly started.

(guitar song playing)

All right, sergeant,
if you insist.

It seems I have lost
you to a better man.

Where did my father go?

Tell me upstairs.

( dramatic theme playing)

Look out!

(horse whinnies)

Are you all right, Father?

Just a headache.

Diego, he was wearing a
costume the exact copy of mine.

Apparently, he was
gonna take my place.

Why, he could have gone
right up to the governor and...


Capitán Arrellano
and the Rebatos

think of everything, don't they?

You should not
have let him get away.

He was just a hired k*ller.

It's the Rebatos we want.

The governor will not be safe
until we know who they are.

(door opens)

Oh, there you are.

Buenas noches, sergeant.

Buenas noches.

It is a wonderful
party, is it not?

I'm glad that you're
enjoying it, sergeant.

Oh, sí, I am.

Oh, Don Alejandro, I
was just coming to get you.

His Excellency, the
governor, is asking for you.

By all means, let us
go to him, sergeant.

Just a moment, Don Alejandro.

I-I do not believe I
have met your friend

who is dressed like Zorro.

ALEJANDRO: My friend? Why,
I thought he was your friend.

My friend? He was with you, I...

It couldn't be.

( adventurous theme playing)

♪ Zorro, Zorro ♪

♪ Zorro, Zorro ♪

♪ Zorro ♪

His Excellency will not return
to Monterey, Señor Larios.

We will see to that.

But they are plotting
to k*ll the governor.

I know.

week, the dreaded Rebatos

strike their final blow.

I'm sorry to involve
you, Leonar, truly I am,

but I want to be governor.

Next week, Zorro
scores a triumph.

How he brings the
scheming capitán to justice

is a thrill you
won't want to miss.

♪ Out of the night ♪

♪ When the full moon Is bright ♪

♪ Comes the horseman
Known as Zorro ♪

♪ This bold renegade ♪

♪ Carves a Z with his blade ♪

♪ A Z that stands for Zorro ♪

♪ Zorro ♪

♪ Who makes the sign of the Z ♪

♪ Zorro, Zorro ♪

♪ Zorro ♪