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02x34 - The Captain Regrets

Posted: 08/26/22 05:19
by bunniefuu
( dramatic theme playing)

As his daughter, if you
were to sign a paper

stating that he is incompetent
and unable to serve,

then we could say no to him

even though he insisted
on active service again.

Otherwise his is
the final authority.

Are you interested
in my father's health

or in your own
political ambitions?

Merely trying to straighten
it out in my own mind.

What's most important to you?

To have a father who is
governor or a father who's alive?

For your information, Phelipe,

my father will
continue to be both.

Make sure he doesn't
do anything foolish.

And I must make sure that
I don't do anything foolish.

Like signing a paper declaring
him incompetent to serve.

(announcer reading
on-screen text)

( majestic theme playing)

Well, see how many
I got in this time.

Not so many, Your Excellency.

Only seven.

Are you sure?


Maybe you are tired?
We should quit for today.

Oh, nonsense.

I have to get some exercise.

Don Alejandro.

Buenos días,
Excellency. Alejandro.


Don Alejandro, His Excellency,

he's been wanting to play
another game of chess with you.

Won't you sit down, please?

You, uh, sure you want to?

I am flattered.

I thought I'd give you
a chance to get even.

I feel guilty making
you play chess.

Are you sure you
should not be resting?

The sergeant and I
could help you to your bed.

Oh, nonsense.

Although I have no doubt that
I could play chess in my sleep

well enough to defeat you.


(door opens)

Apparently someone to see you.

Oh. Sergeant, see who it
is. Find out what he wants.

Uh, sí, Your Excellency.

You wish to see His Excellency?

Sí. I heard he was here.

His Excellency has been injured.

The doctor has ordered him

to attend to no
official business.

What about his aide,
Capitán Arrellano?

I would like to see him.

Sí, he is the acting governor

until His Excellency gets well.

This way, señor.

(knock on door)

GARCIA: Are you
in there, capitán?

Your Excellency. Please?

Un momento.

You may enter.

It is a man to see
His Excellency.

I mean, His Other
Excellency, Your Excellency.

Get to the point, sergeant.

Capitán Arrellano,
may I present Señor...

What is your name again, please?

Gabriel Luna of La Cañada.

It is His Excellency's cape.

How did it get in here?

I will see that it is returned
to His Excellency's closet.

Well, now, what is the nature
of your business, señor?

I wish to discuss with
you this oath of loyalty

which you ask us to take.

There's really
nothing to discuss.

If you are loyal, you
will take the oath.

Loyalty is sometimes
like a double harness

for a team of horses.

If one has two good horses,

it is sensible to
harness them together.

But it is stupid

to harness one good
horse to a dead horse.

You mean that it is stupid

to keep California
harnessed to Spain?

Not only that.

Sometimes it is
foolish for a young man,

such as yourself,

to remain loyal to an old
man who stands in his way.

It, uh... It could
be very profitable

being the governor
of California.

You speak in
riddles, Don Gabriel.

Permit me to be
a little more frank.

I want no part of you,

your friends or your
political henchmen

if they represent the Rebatos.

And I will see
you all in infierno

before I betray the
man who has trusted me.

Now, get out. Get out!


Sí, Capitán?

Your Excellency.

Sergeant Garcia,

I want you to take
every precaution

to safeguard the governor.

Make sure no one sees
him unless you know who it is.


And see that that stu...


And see that Corporal
Reyes understands this too.

I will explain it
to him personally.

Oh, finished playing
chess so soon?

Ah, that man.

He seems to think I
have nothing else to do

except sit around and
play chess all day with him.

Yeah, it's very strange, Father.

He never asked
me to play anymore,

but, uh, well,

then I beat him the only
two times we played.

Ah, I have other
things on my mind.

It is difficult to concentrate
on a game of chess.

You're right, Father.

We have a great
responsibility, Diego.

We could never forgive ourselves

if anything should
happen to His Excellency

when he is a guest in our home.

Ah, there you are, Phelipe.

You've been to another
meeting. How was it?

Well, I think we're
making progress,

Your Excellency,
but, uh, it's not easy.

Well, there's no need

for you to do it all
by yourself, Phelipe.

I don't care what
the doctor said.

Tomorrow I am going to take
over part of my official duties.

Now, Father...

Your Excellency, uh, I'm
sure I can handle the task.

And the doctor did say

that you were to
have absolute rest.

No responsibility,
nothing hanging over you.


Time for bed, Your Excellency.

Nothing hanging
over me, you say?

Well, this overstuffed musk ox

has been hanging
over me day and night

ever since I got here.

But I am your orderly,
Your Excellency.


Look at you.

Unkempt. Unshaven.


What is there about
you that's orderly?

Why, that uniform looks
like you've slept in it.

Oh, I have, Your
Excellency. I have.

Corporal Reyes.

Will you come in
here now, please?

It will be all right,
Your Excellency.

Corporal Reyes and
Bernardo and Lugo and myself,

we will take you
into your bedroom...

No, no, no, I... I... I'm
not ready to go to bed.

It is His Excellency's
bedtime. No, no...

All together now, men.

Leave me alone. Put
me... Put me down, I say.

I'll have you
court-martialed. I don't want...

Leonar, speak to them.
This is highhanded treason.

I don't want to go to bed.

This way, lancers. That's it.

Steady, lancers, that's it.
This is highhanded treason.

don't you listen to me?

You idiots.

Poor Papa.

He is not accustomed to
having his orders disobeyed.

And yet, for his own good, I...

I do not think he
should take over

his active duties just yet.

We mustn't let him.

You can depend on me, my dear.

Surely, together, we can make
him do what is best for him.

Gracias, Phelipe.

It just happens that I was
reading up on California Law,

well, trying to do my
duty as acting governor.

And there is one
thing you can do.


As his daughter,

if you were to sign a paper
stating that he is incompetent

and unable to serve, then
we could say no to him,

even though he insisted
on active service again.

Otherwise, his is
the final authority.

Are you interested
in my father's health

or in your own
political ambitions?

Merely trying to straighten
it out in my own mind.

What's most important to you?

To have a father who is
governor or a father who's alive?

For your information, Phelipe,

my father will
continue to be both.

You can want that no
more than I do, my dear.

I'd give my life for him.

He's the finest man I know.



We must look after him.

Make sure he doesn't
do anything foolish.

And I must make sure that
I don't do anything foolish.

Like signing a paper declaring
him incompetent to serve.


You'll come crawling back
to me before I'm through.

♪ The moon of Morelia
Shines brightly ♪

♪ But not as
bright As her eyes ♪

♪ The bloom on a
rose Whithers nightly ♪

♪ But her beauty never dies ♪

♪ Her hair is the
wing Of the raven ♪

♪ Her cheeks hold
the blush At the door ♪

♪ I pray every
evening To heaven ♪

♪ That morning
Won't find her gone ♪

♪ Mi curzon She is my heart ♪

♪ I treasure each
touch Of her glove ♪

♪ She is fire, she is
wine She is music ♪

♪ Mi curzon ♪

♪ My love ♪

Bravo, Diego.
That was beautiful.

And I'd love to hear more,

but it's time for my
father's medicine

and if I'm not there, he cheats.

I know.

Buenos días, capitán.

Oh, so this is how to
be a caballero, Diego?

Play the guitar,

sing love songs to
someone else's señorita,

let the peons do the work
and the soldiers fight the wars.

You, uh, are implying
that you are fighting a w*r?

Merely idle conversation, señor.

You, uh, find the señorita
attractive, do you not?

Sí, I find the señorita
attractive and, uh,

I find this conversation
quite unattractive.

You will excuse me, huh?

( tense theme playing)

Who goes there?

Are you blind?

No, Your Excellency.

The sergeant gave
me orders to ask.


It is Capitán Phelipe Arrellano,

acting governor of California.


Who goes there?

I just told you.
Didn't you hear me?

Those are my orders.

To ask three times,
"Who goes there?"

And then sh**t.

Sergeant Garcia.

Sergeant Garcia!

Will you tell
this... This payaso

to let me through that door?

You, uh... You wish to see His
Excellency, Your Excellency?


Your Excellency.

The capitán, His Excellency...

Well, this His Excellency
would like to speak to you,

Your Excellency. (chuckles)

I know it's confusing you,
sergeant, but please be patient.

Now, starting tomorrow,

I will assume the
duties as governor.

And after that, it
would not be proper

for you to address the
capitán as His Excellency.

Gracias, Your Excellency.

Oh, sergeant,

would you mind
waiting in the sala?

Oh, no, Your Excellency. I...

What is it, Phelipe?

Well, Your Excellency,
please, I beg of you.

Do not take over
the duties so soon.

There is no need for it.

You should have complete rest.

But it is my responsibility.

And in spite of any
orders from the doctor

or arguments from you,

I cannot put it aside
and forget about it.

Well, what about
me, Your Excellency?

Do you still feel that
I have failed you?

I told you we would discuss
that more fully later on.

Well, on our return to Monterey,

will I be relieved of my
duty, sent back to Spain?

I don't mean this as a
criticism of you, Phelipe,

but I think I should
designate someone

a little more, uh,
steady to take charge,

in case anything
should happen to me.

But we'll discuss that more
fully when we get back home.

In that case, Your Excellency,
if you will excuse me.

I have several appointments
this afternoon in the pueblo.


So he intends to relieve
me as acting governor.


I was thinking,

if something should happen
to him after he relieved me,

things might be
a little confusing.

California would be without
a permanent governor

until the viceroy arrived
and appointed a new one.

This might not be too good.

And when the viceroy
does make the appointment,

it might not be you.

And that might be
even worse, eh, capitán?

So I thought it's
going to happen to him

sooner or later anyhow,

and there's nothing I
can do to really stop it.

One moment, Your Excellency.

Now you are speaking in
riddles, so let me be frank.

If you wish us to k*ll the
governor tonight, just say so.

Then we must
agree as to the price.

What do you mean, the price?

Uh, what do you
think you can do?

Come here and ask us to
do your dirty work for you

and then tomorrow you order
me out of your office again?

What is it you want?

This time you will
not just go for a walk.

This time you will be
in as deep as we are.

And if we fail,

you will hang with us.

And if you succeed?


if we succeed, you will be
the governor of California,

Your Excellency.


Oh, corporal?

This is excellent wine.

You people of Los Angeles
have every reason to be proud.


Oh, corporal.

See if Sergeant Garcia
would care to join me

in a toast to the king.

Sí, capitán.

Oh, and, corporal,

you will join us too, of course?

Sí. Gracias, capitán.


His Excellency is
asleep on the couch.

Ah, sergeant.

It was nice of you to come.


Sergeant, I've spoken
rather sharply to you at times

but you appreciate
the responsibility

I've had on my shoulders.

I'm sure you understand.

( suspenseful theme playing)

No, they were not poisoned.

More likely just put to sleep.


But later they'll be shot
for sleeping at their posts.

(imitates sword slashing)


Don Alejandro and the
señorita left about an hour ago.

But I could not get
young de la Vega

to leave the premises.

He's in his room reading a book.

It does not matter.

If he tries to interfere,
we can handle him.

Where is the old man now?

In the library. Good.

You go that way. Enter
the hacienda from the rear,

make your way to the library.

Hernandez, you go the other way.

Why do we not just go through
here now and get it over with?

Somewhere in there,

that is where poor Seralta
and the others met Zorro.

Now go.


there is no need for
all of us to be in there.

We will just get in the way.
But where can we watch

to make sure
they finish the job?

Over there.

If they come from the back
of the house to the library,

we can see them
through those windows.

( suspenseful theme playing)

(door opens)

(loud crashes)


( dramatic theme playing)

Drop your sword, Señor Zorro,

or the fat sergeant
pays with his life.

I warn you, capitán.

If you harm him, you'll not
outlive him by 10 seconds.

Drop that sword or you can
blame yourself for his death.

( suspenseful theme playing)

That was a little
too close for comfort.

Next time, don't sit around
twiddling your thumbs.

What happened to you, my friend?

Sergeant, you say
you have no recollection

of hitting this man over
the head with a bottle?

Well, I...

No, Your Excellency.


It is unfortunate, capitán,

that your prisoners
escaped this morning.

It would have been interesting

to learn the answers
to many questions.

Well, it was one of
those things that happen.

My horse stumbled, I was
off balance for a moment,

and they got
away, just like that.

Oh, tut-tut, enough of that.

I propose a toast to those men

who obviously put up a
tremendous battle in my behalf.

Capitán, sergeant, corporal.

Yes, and Zorro.

Wherever he is, I salute you.

This, uh, Zorro,

we all take him so
much for granted.

He seems to be the
friend to everyone

but somewhere
there must be a man

who is a friend to Zorro.

I propose a toast to him.

( triumphant theme playing)

ANNOUNCER: Next week,

a gay masquerade party.

But among the
guests is a k*ller.

Will he take the life of His
Excellency, the governor?

Or that of Don Alejandro?

( suspenseful theme playing)

Look out!

Join Zorro next week
for amazing adventure in

"The Masquerade for m*rder."

♪ Out of the night ♪

♪ When the full moon Is bright ♪

♪ Comes a horseman
Known as Zorro ♪

♪ This bold renegade ♪

♪ Carves a Z with his blade ♪

♪ A Z that stands for Zorro ♪

♪ Zorro, Zorro ♪

♪ Who makes the sign of the Z ♪

♪ Zorro, Zorro ♪

♪ Zorro ♪