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02x33 - Invitation to Death

Posted: 08/26/22 05:17
by bunniefuu
( dramatic theme playing)

I would like to ask you
an interesting question.

Now that you are
the acting governor,

what would happen if the
real governor should die?

I'm not sure I understand.

Well, it's a very
simple question.

Why do you ask it?

Oh, just curious.

If the real governor should die,

would you not, then, go
right on being governor?

Oh, I don't know. I...

I suppose maybe I would.

And, uh,

if you like being
governor, would this, uh,

not be a convenient time
for the old governor to die?

Señor Larios,

I trust you're merely
making idle conversation.

It sounds strangely
like treason.

(announcer reading
on-screen text)

( dramatic theme playing)


(shouting in Spanish)


What is it?

There's been an accident, señor.

What kind of accident?

His Excellency, the governor.

The horses bolted,
his carriage overturned.

Is he badly hurt?

I am not sure, sir.
He may be dead.

Please, they are
bringing him here.

Could you have a bed
made ready for him?

Sí, we can set up a
bed in there temporarily.


You, get blankets and water.

Our servant. He
neither hears nor speaks.

The governor's had an accident.

Fix a bed in the sala

while I get dressed
and get the doctor.

(door opens)

Easy, men.

Take him directly
across into the hacienda.

GARCIA: Be careful, now.

Gentle, gentle. Be careful, men.

You heard the capitán.

Into the hacienda. Quick, quick.

For one thing I am
grateful, my dear:

You were not riding with
your father when it happened.

He will be all right,
won't he? He's not...

Oh, my dear,

I don't want you to worry.

Put him down right here.

Easy there. Don't move him
any more than you have to.

Where is the nearest doctor,

and how long will it
take to get him here?

My son Diego will have him here

as soon as it is
humanly possible.


Are you all right,
Father? How do you feel?

Like an egg

that's just been scrambled.

It is ridiculous to refer
to it as an accident.

I am convinced it was an attempt

at cold-blooded m*rder.

This was my first thought when
I heard what had happened.

Do you suspect
anyone in particular?

There is a group of men
opposed to the governor,

opposed to our
alliance with Spain.

These same men
warned His Excellency

not to come south.

You are speaking of the Rebatos?

You've heard of them?

Sí, we've heard rumors.

I'm afraid His Excellency

has not endeared himself
with some of our people

by demanding the oath
of allegiance to Spain.

I understand this,

but the question is
can you prove anything?

Could you go before
a magistrado and say:

"This was a deliberate
attempt at m*rder

and these are the
men who did it"?

The Rebatos are
not children, Diego.

They are not amateurs.

They do not show up
in the centre of the plaza

and sh**t at His Excellency

and then stand there with
smoking pistols in their hands

so you can have all the
proof against them you need.

There may not be
any actual proof,

but it is perfectly obvious

that the accident
did not just happen.

I do not argue the point.

I merely asked a question.

And even though they
missed k*lling His Excellency

by a narrow margin,
they still stopped him

from holding his
meeting in Los Angeles.

(door opens)

What does the doctor say?

Well, it is too soon
to know for sure.

His leg is broken. There
may be other injuries.

I am afraid, Don Alejandro,

that we may have to impose
upon you for some time.

You choose your
words unwisely, my child.

It is an honor,
not an imposition.

DIEGO: I always wondered

what it would be like to live
in the governor's hacienda.

And now, señores, if you will,

my father would
like to speak to you

and so would the doctor.



If I have to die anyhow,

mercy Dios, let it happen

before I have to take
any more of that stuff.

You won't get
out of it that easily.

The señorita said
you wished to see us.

Sí, señor.

There are some things that
had best be settled right now.

It is a miracle His
Excellency is alive at all.

And if we wish to
preserve that miracle,

it is necessary
to keep him quiet

and to relieve him
of all responsibility.

We will do everything we can.

Of course, he
will stay right here

until he is fully recovered.

Now, there is something
0His Excellency

wishes to say to all of you

and I think that under
the circumstances

he should be allowed to
say it to relieve his mind.


I'm... I'm grateful for your
interest and your concern.

But what happens to
me is not so important

as what happens to California.

Today I was to attend a
meeting in Los Angeles

to induce our people to reaffirm

their allegiance to Spain.

The meeting can be
postponed, Your Excellency.

People will
understand, of course.

No, no, señores.

History does not stand still

simply because an old
man is confined to his bed.

The meeting will be held,

the governor will be there,

and you, capitán,

will be the governor.


But, Your Excellency, I...

Well, I am not
prepared, sir. I...

Well, I mean there
so many things...

are the governor's aide?

Well, sí.

You are more familiar
with his activities and duties

than anyone else
that he could appoint.

You will find many loyal
people willing to help you.

You have but to ask.

You can do it, Phelipe.

I hate to ask you, but
there is no one else.

This... This will
be an opportunity

for you to show
what you are made of,

to vindicate my faith in you.

Gracias, Your Excellency.

Hold the meeting today
as we had planned, Phelipe.

Carry on for me.

Show the Rebatos that
we cannot be stopped.

From now on,

you are the acting
governor of California.

It is a grave responsibility,
Your Excellency. I...

I will do my best.

DOCTOR: And now, señores,
the patient needs his rest.


Our library is in here.

You might find it convenient

to use it as an office,
Your Excellency.

Oh, now, well, it's
really not necessary

for you to address me
as "Your Excellency." I...

I am merely capitán.

ALEJANDRO: I do not agree.

You are the acting governor
of Spanish California,

and you should be
treated accordingly.

It's not a matter of
personal preference,

it's a matter of tradition.


Well, señores,

we want no more accidents
to happen to His Excellency

while he is confined to his bed.

I will have this room kept
under strictest military guard

at all times.

And even I agree with some of
the arguments of the Rebatos.

Spain has done
little for California

in the past ten years.

But may I remind you
that the mother country

has been at w*r,
fighting for her very life?

Is this the time
for us to be asking:

"What have you done for us?"

We should be asking,
"What can we do for you?"

He is right.


As acting governor
of California,

I have no reason
to doubt your loyalty,

your patriotism.

Please do not give me reason

by refusing to take
the oath of allegiance.

Your Excellency.


I would consider it an
honor and a privilege

to be the first one
in Los Angeles

to reaffirm his
loyalty to the crown.

Gracias, Don Alejandro.

(indistinct chatter)



I have had my say.
Now it is up to you.

(indistinct chatter)

WOMAN: I reaffirm herewith...

reaffirm herewith...

My allegiance to my
country, my king and my flag.

My allegiance to my
country, my king and my flag.

Recognizing my
duty to defend each...

Recognizing my
duty to defend each...

WOMAN: Against any and all
enemies at home and abroad.

ALEJANDRO: Against any and
all enemies at home and abroad.

WOMAN: For the honor of Spain...

the honor of Spain...

Your Excellency speaks well.

Permit me. Manuel
Larios from San Luis Rey.

You're quite a distance
from home, Señor Larios.


It's all one California.

You can take the oath here
as well as San Luis Rey.

I would like to ask you
an interesting question.

What is the question?

Now that you are
the acting governor,

what would happen if the
real governor should die?

I'm not sure I understand.

Well, it's a very
simple question.

Why do you ask it?

Oh, just curious.

If the real governor should die,

would you not, then, go
right on being governor?

Oh, I don't know. I...

I suppose maybe I would.

And, uh,

if you like being governor,

would this, uh, not
be a convenient time

for the old governor to die?

Señor Larios,

I trust you're merely
making idle conversation.

It sounds strangely
like treason.

Oh, no, no. Nothing of the kind.

It merely bears out
what I've been saying.

If it is going to
happen and, uh,

you like being governor,

wouldn't this be
a convenient time

for it to happen for you?

It will be so easy.

You just take your guards

and go for a little walk.

It's something to think about.

( dramatic theme playing)

I tell you, it could not be
two hours since I took it.

I haven't got the
taste out of my mouth

from the time before that.

Sergeant, you have been selected
as the governor's orderly, yes?


And you are willing to
do all things necessary

to his recovery?


You ought to be big enough

to make him take his
medicine as prescribed.

And remember,
sergeant, every last drop.

Please, Your Excellency.

You heard what
the doctor ordered.

Pouring that in my stomach,

how will that help my leg?

Look. It would
have to run uphill.

Still, you heard him say it.

Pour it out.

Please, Your Excellency.

It cannot taste that bad.


It smells sort of good.

Sergeant, I have the
whole problem solved.

You take it.

At least it can travel downhill.

What a hill.



It is supposed to
build the appetite.

Gracias, Excellency.

Exactly what I needed.

Shall we, uh, sit over there?

I know that there have been

other attempts
on my father's life,

but he tries to keep
these things from me.


Well, there are definite hazards

in having high ideals
and a high office

both at the same time.

They used to try to bribe him,

and when they found
out they couldn't do that,

they started this
campaign to k*ll him.

This land of ours,

it's just beginning to
show how much wealth

it can really produce,

and men are already
beginning to scramble for it.

But why, Diego?

For so many years, this
was such a peaceful land.

Well, I suppose it's
the price of progress,

the penalty for living
in the 19th century.

And as my father
constantly points out to me,

it's not like the good old days.

WOMAN: Still, it
does not make sense.

DIEGO: Well, it might
make sense to the Rebatos.

I'm sure it'd mean
a great deal to them

if they could get their
own man in as governor.

A man they can control.

Oh, Your Excellency.

Won't you join us?

I do not wish to intrude.

No intrusion at all.


Where have you been, my dear?

I've looked for
you several times.

Well, Diego and I
decided to take a little ride

instead of coming straight back

from the pueblo.

I guess we were gone

longer than we had intended.

Gracias, Diego,
it was so pleasant.


How fortunate some have time

to serve the ladies,

while others serve the king.

Well, I am sure that, uh,

even the king would approve
of such an arrangement.

Your hospitality is
appreciated, de la Vega,

but hereafter you
will discuss with me

before you decide
to usher the señorita

all around the countryside.

Is there something
I do not know?

Are you two betrothed?

There is nothing between
the capitán and me

except his unwillingness
to take no for an answer.

I'm responsible for
your safety, my dear,

and so long as that is true,

I will not have
you traipsing off

with every hacendado who
happens to look your way.

You forget your place, capitán.

But I do not forget
my duty, señorita.

(speaking Spanish)

The capitán has
never learned to control

his little fits of jealousy.

I'm only sorry that you
had to see it, Diego.

If it is any consolation,

he will regret it later.

He will?


He is a brilliant man.

My father thinks he could
be almost a great one

if he could just overcome
a few weaknesses.

He is his own worst enemy.

He's going to have
competition for the title

after a few more
outbursts like that.

His Excellency wishes
to speak with you.

Tell him I'll see
him immediately.

Sí, mi capitán.

One moment, sergeant.

You are aware, are you not,

that I am the acting
governor of California?


Then perhaps it would
be better from now on

if you address me
as "Your Excellency"

rather than "mi capitán."

Sí, mi capi...

Your Excellency.

You see, it is not a matter
of personal preference,

it's simply a
matter of tradition.

You wished to speak
to me, Excellency?


It is a personal matter.

Have them wait outside.

Sergeant, you and the
corporal wait outside.

Sí, Excellency?


do you remember the long
talk we had at Buenaventura?


When you gave me
your solemn promise

there would be no
more of these scenes,

that you would not
embarrass my daughter further.

But, Your Excellency,
there were...

Do not argue with me.

I give you the chance
to govern all of California,

and you cannot even
govern your own emotions.

I'm sorry, Your Excellency.
It will not happen again.

Oh, how many times?

A hundred times
that you've said that?

I give you my word.

Not again, Phelipe.

It's taken a long time,

but I've finally
reached a decision.

Of this I am certain:

No man should be
appointed to govern others

until he has first
learned to govern himself.

Excellency, does this mean

that you're sending
me back to Spain?

I am now concerned with
what is best for California.

After we return to Monterey,

we will discuss
what is best for you.

Sí, Your Excellency.

Sergeant, corporal,

I want you both to come with me.

I have to ride into the pueblo.

Oh, you go, corporal.

I am His Excellency's orderly.

I am supposed to be
with him at all times.

But I am to stand
guard of the room

where the governor
is, at all times,

until I am relieved.

Don't you remember, Excellency?

You gave the orders.

And don't you remember
that I'm still your capitán

and I'm still giving
the orders? Now move!

( dramatic theme playing)

(horse whinnies)

If they're not going
to guard the governor,

then who is?


The governor has many
mysterious enemies.

Well, they might as well learn
he has one mysterious friend.

I can take care of this.

You go downstairs and
see that everything is all right.

Who are you?


Where's my orderly? Sergeant!

Sergeant Garcia...

Sergeant! Sergeant!

(muffled shouts)

(loud crash)

(loud crash)


They almost got him that time.

Let's get him out of
here while we can.

My father's not home yet.

We can go up to his room,
and then you stay with him.

I know it won't be
so good to move him,

but at least the damage
won't be so permanent.

There has been
more than enough time

for him to be back.


(door opens)

(action theme playing)

(loud crashing)

One thing I never will
understand, capitán.

By all the saints,
why did you go off

and leave His Excellency
completely unguarded?

That is one thing I will
never understand myself.

It never occurred to me

that they would make
an attempt on his life

right here within the hacienda.

Then why did you post a guard?

Señores, we cannot
undo what has been done,

and I am sure the capitán
feels badly enough as it is.

It does bring up an interesting
point, Your Excellency.

Had you been k*lled last night,

would the acting governor
become permanent governor?

I do not like the implication
of that remark, señor.

And I say it demands an answer.

Now, now, señores,

I'm afraid we're all a
little too much on edge.

I don't suppose anybody
really knows what happened.

Except that rascal of a Zorro.

I'll bet he knows.

( dramatic theme playing)

ANNOUNCER: Next week,

a cloud of mystery
surrounds Capitán Arrellanos.

If you wish us to k*ll the
governor tonight, just say so.

Then we must
agree as to the price.

Next week, Zorro
forces a showdown

but finds the capitán
holds the trump card.

Drop your sword, Señor Zorro,

or the fat sergeant
pays with his life!

♪ Out of the night ♪

♪ When the full moon Is bright ♪

♪ Comes the horseman
Known as Zorro ♪

♪ This bold renegade ♪

♪ Carves a Z with his blade ♪

♪ A Z that stands for Zorro ♪

♪ Zorro ♪

♪ Who makes the sign of the Z ♪

♪ Zorro, Zorro ♪

♪ Zorro ♪