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02x30 - Zorro Takes a Dare

Posted: 08/26/22 05:15
by bunniefuu
( dramatic theme playing)

What is the meaning
of this intrusion?

Is Bernardo here?

Sí, but, uh, why do
you wish to see him?

Where is Bernardo?

Capitán, get the
lancers, search the house.

Señor, I demand an
explanation for this outrage.

You'll have an explanation

when Bernardo tells
us the truth about Zorro.

There he is! Mendoza! Lancers!

Break it down.

You are all under arrest.

( dramatic theme playing)

(announcer reading
on-screen text)

( ominous theme playing)


So you call yourselves
fighting men, do you?

Well, your failure to
capture the common outlaw

who calls himself Zorro

has made this pueblo

the laughingstock
of all California.

However, I am not a
man to accept failure.

Zorro must and will be taken,

dead or alive.

We will hunt him down

and destroy him.

But, until I have
this upstart outlaw

and highwayman in my hands,

this garrison is on
emergency duty.

From this moment on,

all leaves and
privileges are cancelled.

Oh, Excellency?

Well, sergeant?

You cannot cancel
all the leaves.

Corporal Reyes has one due him.

Oh, he has, has he?

GARCIA: Sí, señor. And
some of the other men,

they have weekend passes

and they have not
been paid and...

And you think I should
not cancel all leaves.


Why, you bumbling
mess of incompetence.

No wonder you
haven't caught Zorro.


Yes, Excellency?
Dismiss the men.

Excellency. But Señor Basilio...

That's enough, sergeant.

No further leaves
until I catch Zorro!

Carry on, capitán.

And then bring
Garcia inside to me.

Sí. You have your orders.

Be ready to move
at a moment's notice.


Señor Basilio,

I'd like a word with you.

Let them pass.

Don Diego, I beg
you to be brief.

I have no time to waste
on unimportant matters.

I consider this an
important matter.

I understand that you've
placed Garcia under arrest.

You understand correctly.

But at your trial at the tavern
you agreed he was innocent.

He is now guilty
of other matters.

It's a military problem.

Just what has the sergeant done?

Don Diego,

may I remind you that
civilian interference

in military matters is treason?

Punishable by death.

( ominous theme playing)

Take him inside. Sí.

At ease, capitán, at ease.


how does one catch a fox?

With a trap.

And what is necessary
for the perfect trap?

Irresistible bait.


It's quite simple.

Sergeant Garcia

is going to catch Zorro.

I am?

Remember my first
introduction to Zorro?

This buffoon, Sergeant
Garcia, was in the stocks

and Zorro came to his rescue.

Obviously, Zorro must be
concerned for his well-being.

Oh, no, Excellency,
Zorro doesn't really like me.

We'll see how true that is
when you're back in the stocks.

But, Excellency...
BASILIO: Silence!

I'll post soldiers
all over the plaza,

waiting for Zorro.

And Zorro won't disappoint
us, will he, sergeant?

He must come or lose
face with his many admirers.

And when he does come,

he will lose his life.

But Excellency, I'm
afraid you can't do that.

Oh, yes, I can.

But you ordered the stocks
destroyed, remember?

Sí. Right after Zorro
put you in them.


No stocks, eh?

But we could use the gallows.

BASILIO: No, no, no.

No, the bait must be kept alive.


But, uh,

you have given me
an idea, Mendoza.

We don't need the
gallows or the stocks.

Oh, no. Not now.

( ominous theme playing)


All right, capitán.

Lancers, back.

BASILIO: Now raise his
overstuffed carcass for all to see.


Weaklings! De nuevo.


Pull! Lancers on detail, here.

De nuevo.






All right, make it fast. Here.

All secure, Excellency.

Does everyone
know what to do now?

Sí, our men will be hidden
throughout the plaza,

I will keep watch
from the church.

How many guards
do you have above?

Two, Excellency. Good.

That should be
enough for the cuartel.

All right, I'll be in my office.

Oh, Excellency,

do you think Zorro will show up?

Zorro will come.

And this time, make no mistake.

sh**t to k*ll. Sí.

( ominous theme playing)

( peaceful theme playing)


the sergeant can't be
left just hanging there.

My father and I
have both protested.

Señor Basilio refuses to listen.

If I were a man, I would not
wait for Zorro to rescue him.

Moneta, it's quite difficult
to argue with a fanatic

when he controls every
lancer in the pueblo.

I know he's become fanatical
on the subject of Zorro,

but does that mean we
can do nothing to stop him?

Oh, Diego,

I feel responsible for the
sergeant being punished.

When he defied Basilio
at my father's trial,

he helped save my father's
life and all of our property.

Now I must do
something to help him.


I understand how you feel.

But there's nothing you can do.

Señor Basilio is merely
using Sergeant Garcia

to set a trap for Zorro.

And it's a death trap, isn't it?

Ah. His Excellency
hasn't caught Zorro yet.

But if the trap works this time,

then Zorro will die.

And without Zorro, how
can we fight this oppressor?

Are we to suffer
persecution and tyranny

from now on?

Diego, where will it all end?

( dramatic theme playing)

( suspenseful theme playing)


SOLDIER: Who goes there? Halt.

Halt! After them, Lugo.
Stop them, stop them.

( dramatic theme playing)

(imitates sword)

( suspenseful theme playing)

(knocking on door)

Who's there?

Well, come in.

(knocking on door)

Well, what do you want?

Well, what is it? Speak up.

Oh, I forgot you can't speak.

Well, what is it?

(imitates sword)

You've seen Zorro.

Well, hurry up. Show me.

( suspenseful theme playing)

Help, lancers, help!

Help, lancers! It's Zorro!

Get me down from here!

Help! Mendoza!

He... Help!

Help, Mendoza!

Help! Get me down from here!

Get me down!



Lancers, to the cuartel.


MENDOZA: To the cuartel! Help!

Get me down!

Help! Help!

Get me down, you fools!

(shouting in Spanish)

(Basilio screams)

(Basilio groaning)


( dramatic theme playing)

(knocking on door)

Come in.

There's no sign of Zorro
anywhere, Excellency.

He escaped.

Yes, of course he escaped.

Thanks to your
blundering idiocy.

Well, come in and shut the door.

How are you feeling, Excellency?

I wish I were dead.

I found another rope,

so if you wish to
repeat the experiment...

(shouts in Spanish)

Is Sergeant Garcia
locked up again?

Sí, and Corporal Reyes with him.

You keep those
two where they are.

I'll dispose of them
after I catch Zorro.

But, señor, how?

Who was the last
person to visit Garcia?

Who lured me from this office?

Well, the de la Vega servant,
the deaf-mute Bernardo.


Well, don't you understand?

Excellency, you can't
mean that Bernardo...

Well, why not?

Because we have
both heard Zorro speak.

What better disguise than
the role of a deaf-mute servant?

He... He goes everywhere
with young de la Vega.

People speak freely
in his presence.

Yes, I...

I'm almost beginning
to admire his cleverness.

It is hard to believe
that Bernardo could...

All right, all right!

Perhaps he isn't Zorro,

but he's in league with Zorro.

Have my horse saddled
and call out the lancers.


Oh, I'll show those de la Vegas.


( ominous theme playing)

I'm sorry, Diego's
not here, Cornelio.

I know he would find
your news most amusing.

It has spread like wildfire.

Moneta and I wanted
to share it with you.

Oh, I wish I could have seen it.

Zip! (all laugh)

Oh, Zorro is such
a wonderful rogue.

He is a scoundrel,
a positive scoundrel.

(all chuckle)


Señor Basilio cannot be
laughed out of existence.

That is why I have
called Don Alfredo

and Don Sebastián to come here.

You have a plan
to get rid of Basilio?


While we are waiting,
I can tell you what...

(horses approaching)

That is probably Don Alfredo.

MENDOZA: Lancers,
surround the hacienda.

What is the meaning
of this intrusion?

Is Bernardo here?

Sí, but, uh, why do
you wish to see him?

Oh, Alejandro!

( ominous theme playing)

Where is Bernardo?

You have no right to break
into my house without a warrant.

Capitán, get the
lancers, search the house.

Señor, I demand an
explanation for this outrage.

You'll have an explanation

when Bernardo tells
us the truth about Zorro.

ALEJANDRO: How can you believe
Bernardo has anything to do with Zorro?

Your Excellency, I assure you...

(mouthing words)

There he is!

Mendoza! Lancers! After him.

Break it down.

You are all under arrest.

( dramatic theme playing)

I expected to be back sooner
but the patrols were everywhere.

(imitates sword)

Now, what was all that about?

You have acted most
unwisely, Señorita Esperon.

Why did you help Bernardo?

Where is he now?

Even if I knew, do you
think I would tell you?

There is only one explanation
for his disappearance.


These old houses are honeycombed

with secret passages
and hidden rooms.

Why, at this very
moment, Bernardo may be

behind these walls,
listening to every word.

May I remind Your Excellency

that Bernardo can
neither speak nor hear?

Do you take me
for a fool, señorita?

Must I answer that?

I know Bernardo tricked
me. I know he helped Zorro.

That amuses you,
does it, señorita?

Well, after tonight,

you and your father
and the de la Vegas

will see who is amused.

ZORRO: Your Excellency

finds strange ways
to amuse himself.

How...? How did you get in here?

Please, allow me some
secrets, Excellency.

Excellency, we have s...

( dramatic theme playing)

Lancers, here he is!

BASILIO: Wait, don't rush him.

Now, don't get excited.

Stay where you are, all of you.

Don't rush him.

Stay where you are, all of you.

Don't get excited.


BASILIO: After him!

Get him!

Through the door, all of you!

Father! Father!

Search behind the house.

And remember, sh**t to k*ll.

( dramatic theme playing)

( suspenseful theme playing)

( dramatic theme playing)

(door closes outside)

( ominous theme playing)

De la Vega!

I was right about Bernardo.



Señor Basilio, where are you?


Even I could be Zorro.

Now all will know the truth.

Capitán Mendoza.



( dramatic theme playing)

Excellency, come
quickly, I've shot Zorro!

Excellency, where are you?



Señor Basilio.

I don't understand. What
was he doing up there?

Lancers, search upstairs.

( suspenseful theme playing)

MENDOZA: Lancers!

I didn't mean to k*ll him.

Anybody could have
made the mistake. Anybody.

It was deliberate,
cold-blooded m*rder.

No, no, it was an
accident. I swear it.

Was it, capitán?

Let us hope our
king believes you

when you return to Spain.

( ominous theme playing)

(glass clinking)

And now I propose a
toast to a loyal friend

who has proved himself
every inch a gallant soldier:

Sergeant Garcia.

ALL: To Sergeant Garcia.

There is no reason to
thank me, Señor Esperon.

You helped save Don Cornelio's
life and his hacienda, sergeant.

Sí, that is true, Don Diego,

but it is not the entire truth.

MONETA: I agree
with the sergeant.

Father, let us drink also to
one other who serves the king

and the cause of justice.

Señores, I give you el Zorro.

ALL: El Zorro. To Zorro.

(Garcia sighs)

An excellent toast, señorita.

Oh, if Zorro were
only here right now.

But then,

I would have to
arrest him, wouldn't I?



( dramatic theme playing)

(all laughing)

I'll make you swallow
those words, old man.

( dramatic theme playing)

One moment, señor.

ANNOUNCER: The incident
that brings down the wrath of Zorro.

ZORRO: Señor Avila!

You make a business
of fighting for money.

Now, let's see how
well you fight for sport.

ANNOUNCER: More action,
excitement and suspense.

Next week, "An Affair of Honor."

Don't miss it.

♪ Out of the night ♪

♪ When the full moon Is bright ♪

♪ Comes a horseman
Known as Zorro ♪

♪ This bold renegade ♪

♪ Carves a Z with his blade ♪

♪ A Z that stands for Zorro ♪

♪ Zorro ♪

♪ Who makes the sign of the Z ♪

♪ Zorro, Zorro ♪

♪ Zorro ♪