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02x12 - Zorro Fights a Duel

Posted: 08/25/22 16:01
by bunniefuu
( dramatic theme playing)

(thunder crashing)

♪ Out of the night ♪

♪ When the full moon Is bright ♪

♪ Comes the horseman
Known as Zorro ♪

♪ This bold renegade ♪

♪ Carves a Z with his blade ♪

♪ A Z that stands for Zorro ♪

♪ Zorro ♪

♪ The fox so cunning and free ♪

♪ Zorro ♪

♪ Who makes the sign of the Z ♪

♪ Zorro ♪

♪ The fox so cunning and free ♪

♪ Zorro ♪

♪ Who makes the sign of the Z ♪

♪ Zorro, Zorro ♪

♪ Zorro, Zorro ♪

♪ Zorro ♪

( pleasant theme playing)

Well, buenos días, Ricardo.


Anna Maria and I are
going riding this afternoon.

I don't suppose
you'd care to join us.

Didn't you tell me
you were going

with your father to
look over some cattle?

Did I? Oh, yes, I remember now.

Uh, you said something
about going fishing

with your cousin, and I said...

You meant to come
back here all the time.

I notice that you're still
carrying that box of fish bait.

Have a chocolate? No, gracias.

They're very good. Hm?

Ricardo. What a
pleasant surprise.

Buenos días, Anna Maria.

Did you change your
mind about going?

Well, uh, where was
I supposed to go?

Oh, well, Diego said
you intended to visit

your grandmother
in Santa Barbara

and that you would be
gone for several days.

He did?

(scoffs): Well, uh,
obviously I was mistaken.

Mm-hm. Oh, these
are for you, Anna Maria.

Some chocolates.

How nice. Gracias.

I see that Diego has
already brought some.

I only wish I had thought of it.

Uh, these were
here when I arrived.

Dish and all.


Something wrong? Well, look.

( dramatic theme playing)

You know, they're
putting chocolate

in the strangest
forms these days.

Now, that looks
for all the world

like a piece of wood to me.

That Zorro. (chuckles)

Isn't that just like him?

These are my chocolates.

I set them down for one minute,

one minute while
I had breakfast.

It's not funny.
But it is, really.

I've had about
enough of that Zorro.

It is only a joke, Ricardo.
You've done much worse yourself.

Anna Maria, anything I
do, I do to people's faces,

not behind their backs.

And I stand up for what I do.

This Zorro has done
a cowardly thing.

What do you mean?

That's a bit strong.

Look, Zorro has been
called many things,

but never a coward.

Any man who hides behind a
mask cannot be called anything else.

You're taking this
thing too seriously.

Try to forget it.

I am gonna get that Zorro,

and I'm gonna rip his mask off.

( suspenseful theme playing)

Stand aside. Stand aside.
What is going on here?

Oh, Don Ricardo. What is this?

Just what you see, sergeant.

Excuse me.

"Zorro, I call you a coward

"and challenge you to a duel.

Ricardo del Amo."

That's bad, huh, sergeant?

No, corporal. That is good.

For Don Ricardo, huh? No.

Well, then it's
good for Zorro. No.

Zorro. Don Ricardo.

Doesn't it take just two
persons to fight a duel?

That is usually the case.

Well, if it's not good for Zorro

and it's not good
for Don Ricardo,

who is it good for?

Us, stupid.

All we have to do is
to follow Don Ricardo,

and when Zorro shows
up to fight the duel,

we will capture Zorro
and claim the reward.


( suspenseful theme playing)

You know, that fat sergeant
has a very good idea.

We could do the same thing.

Should be easier
than robbing the inn.

We could do that
afterwards. Go tell the others.

We can take turns in
watching Don Ricardo del Amo.

Whoever's watching
when Zorro appears

goes and gets the rest of us.

(soft guitar music playing)

If Zorro is a man of honor...

And I think he is.

He must accept the challenge.

It is the only thing
a caballero can do.

Well, I don't mean
to disagree, Father,

but if I were Zorro,
I'd need a stronger

reason than that before
I'd risk exposure or capture.

Diego, there is
no stronger reason

than to have one's
honor questioned.

Diego, why are
you so against this?

I am doing you a favor.

Well, how could
your fighting a duel

with Zorro be doing me a favor?

Well, unfortunately, in
Anna Maria's affections,

Zorro is first, I am second,
and you are a very poor third.

Well, I resent that.
Do you deny it?

(chuckles): No,
I-I just resent it.

And so eliminating Zorro

automatically moves
you up one notch.

The fact that you
think that you will then

become number one yourself,

uh, this has
nothing to do with it?

Very little.

You're doing all this
for me? Of course.

Well, supposing Zorro does
not accept the challenge.

Well, then Zorro is
not a man of honor.

And Anna Maria cannot love
a man who is without honor.

Your, uh... Your
pardon, Don Ricardo,

but are you planning to
remain here much longer?

Well, I don't know, sergeant.
Maybe ten minutes or so. Why?

Well, Corporal Reyes
and I were just wondering

whether we had time
to order another drink.

( tense theme playing)

Buenos días, Anna Maria.


Anna Maria. Until now, it
has only been a beautiful day,

but you have made it perfect.


Now, what is this about a duel?

How did you know?

If it is supposed
to be a secret,

you should not put up posters.

Diego, was this your idea?

Oh, not mine. Entirely his.

I will just come along
later and identify the body.

Oh, you'll recognize me.
I'll be the one standing up.

Uh, you will still have me.

That would be a great
comfort to you, Anna Maria.

Now, why don't you go and
tack up some more posters?

You might get yourself
k*lled sooner that way.

I will not be the
one who is k*lled.

Just a minute, both of you.

I know better than
to ask you, Ricardo.

But, Diego, will
you tell me the truth?

Of course I will.

This is just another one

of his practical
jokes, isn't it?

believe he's serious.


Well, this is ridiculous.

I've never heard
of such a thing.

You ought to be
ashamed of yourself.

Anna Maria, it is a
question of honor.

Honor? You men are
always using honour

as an excuse to
act like little boys.

Now, please. Don't get so upset.

I'm not upset.

There won't be any duel.

Then Zorro is a coward.

You've done enough
already. You and your posters.

Of course he'll accept.

Zorro has as much honour
as you or anybody else.

I suppose he has.

Then you think he'll
go through with it?

I want him to.

Somebody has to teach
you a lesson, Ricardo.

You had no
business starting this.

She hides her feelings
rather well, don't you think?

Now what are you saying?

Anna Maria, don't worry.

I'll come through
this without a scratch.

Oh... You are really afraid

I'm going to be hurt,
aren't you? I am not.

I hope Zorro cuts your nose off.

In fact, I would like
to be there to see it.

Diego, you pick me up.

I would like to watch.

( tense theme playing)

Do a good job, Bernardo.

Zorro is going
to fight the duel.

Oh, you like the idea, huh?

Well, have you forgotten
that Ricardo is also my friend?

Oh, you want me to
wound him in the finger

and then everyone's
honour will be satisfied, huh?

Well, I forgot to
mention something.

Anna Maria wants
to see the duel.

You don't understand, Bernardo.

She wants me to drive
her to the chosen place

in a carriage where
we'll sit together

and both of us watch
Zorro and Ricardo duel.

(knock at door)

Who is it?

GARCIA: It is Sergeant
Garcia, Don Diego.

May I come in?

Come in, sergeant.
Gracias, Don Diego.

Well, what can I do for you?

Well, I-I was just
thinking, Don Diego,

about the duel between
Zorro and Don Ricardo.

You too, sergeant?

Me too, what?

Oh, nothing. Please continue.

Well, since you are Don
Ricardo's closest friend,

you will undoubtedly
act as his second.

Yes, I... I suppose I will
also be asked to do that.

And since you will already
be at the scene of the duel,

there is something
you could do for me.

Of course, sergeant.
Just name it.

Well, the corporal and I think

that this would be a good
chance to capture Zorro.

Zorro will be busy
fighting Don Ricardo.

And you want me to
help you capture Zorro.

If it is not too much
trouble, Don Diego.

Well, why not?

(both laugh)

Gracias, Don Diego.

( dramatic theme playing)

( somber theme playing)

( tense theme playing)


Quite. What's next?

Oh, a little fencing.

You know, I've heard that Zorro

is quite an expert
with the whips.

I have never heard
of duels with whips.

Well, the choice
of weapons is his.


Oh, well, whips
never occurred to me.

You know, Bernardo's the best
man I've ever seen with a whip.

He'll be happy to give
you some pointers.

Gracias, I'd appreciate that.

I'll get him.

It's about time you
came in out of the sun.

I didn't have all this food
prepared just for myself.

What is it now?

Oh, I just told Bernardo
to get his whips.

Ricardo wants to
work out with those first.

He isn't going
to give up, is he?

Yes, he's going to
be ready for this duel.

Oh, would you excuse me?

I want to make sure
that Bernardo knows

exactly what he must do.

( tense theme playing)

Now, really go for him.

Don't harm him, but show him

how easily he
could be hurt, huh?

Ah, Señorita Verdugo,
gracias for the picnic.

You're welcome, sergeant.

What is it you wish, señorita?

What is the fencing
instructor's name?

Monsieur Gerard.

All the way from
France, he came.

I'd like to speak
to him privately.

Of course, señorita.
I will send him to you.

Monsieur Gerard.

Uh, Señorita Verdugo
would like to speak to you.

(speaks French)

How can I serve
you, mademoiselle?

Monsieur Gerard,
are you a good fencer?

I was instructor to the staff of
Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.

Forgive me. Could you
do something for me?

Anything, mademoiselle.

I do not approve of this duel
between Señor del Amo and Zorro.

I want you to stop it.
Someone could be k*lled.

Señor del Amo is
very determined.

So am I.

I shall cut him on the hand.

It will not be painful,
but it will prevent him

from holding a sword.

Gracias, monsieur.

( pleasant theme playing)

This shouldn't take long.

(whips cracking)

(whips cracking)



You were right.
It didn't take long.

Oh, Monsieur Gerard.

Now it's my turn.

( triumphant theme playing)

Don Ricardo is
good, huh, sergeant?

I have never seen anyone better.

Not even Zorro. I don't think.

( dramatic theme playing)

(speaks French)

I yield, monsieur.

You are one of the finest
swordsmen I have ever met.

(chuckles): Merci, monsieur.

It appears that Zorro has
his work cut out for him.

(soft guitar music playing)

Buenas noches, corporal.

Buenas noches, sergeant.

What are you doing here?

You're supposed to be
watching Don Ricardo.

I am, sergeant. In a way.

In what way?

Well, since Don Diego is certain
to be called to watch the duel,

it's easier to sit here
and watch Don Diego,

who's in his room asleep.

And you thought of
this all by yourself?

No, sergeant. Don Diego did.

He even bought
this bottle of wine.

Don Diego has an
excellent idea, corporal.

You may go now.
I am relieving you.

( suspenseful theme playing)

Did you deliver the
message to Ricardo?

Anyone see you? Good.

Well, it will soon be
daylight. Wish me luck.

What's the matter?

I don't understand
you, Bernardo.

At first, you insist I
accept the challenge.

Now you seem to have
changed your mind.

You think that
Ricardo can beat me?

Well, I don't know either.

That's why I accepted
the challenge.

I want to find out.

( dramatic theme playing)

( tense theme playing)

Impatient, Señor del Amo?


( dramatic theme playing)

Prepare to defend yourself.


Take that.

Well, am I supposed to thank you

for not running
me through, then?

As you wish, señor.

Well, I don't.


We leave the horses here.

They're over at
the ruined mission.

( dramatic theme playing)

Take that.


You are no coward, Señor Zorro.


Now you may k*ll me.

Oh, you disappoint me,
señor. It was a trap after all.

( dramatic theme playing)

What happened? Never mind.

Just stay out of my way.


ZORRO: Sorry I
misjudged you, my friend.

We'll meet again, señor.

( dramatic theme playing)

♪ Zorro, Zorro ♪

♪ Zorro, Zorro ♪

♪ Zorro, Zorro ♪

♪ Zorro, Zorro ♪

week, a cunning plot

to force Zorro to
reveal his identity.

Who are you?

What do you want?

( dramatic theme playing)

It's Don Diego's
most desperate hour.

A shocking surprise awaits you.

Next week brings you
never-ending thrills,

crammed with all
the reckless daring

that marks the
adventurous life of Zorro.

( upbeat theme playing)