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03x19 - w*apon X, Lies, and Video Tape

Posted: 08/25/22 09:48
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

You slime-sucking dirtbag.

You've got a lot of guts
coming up here, Sabretooth.

That's no way to greet
your old partner, runt,

after all we've been through.

Logan. He's crazy.

What's wrong, punk?

Ah. Can't take care
of your woman?


You're gonna pay
for hurting her, Creed.


The nightmares and delusions
are getting worse!

We've got to do
something for him!

All I have done
to help him has collapsed.

Strange, tortuous memories

pouring out,
as if a dam had burst.

I... [screaming]



You're mine.

[Wolverine] Sabretooth!

Logan, stop. It's Jean! Logan!

-Check on Scott.
-Be careful, Hank.

He doesn't know
what he's doing.

Logan. Logan!

Stop! Logan!

I fear for what you may do.

Hank? I found this
inside an envelope
postmarked two weeks ago.

There was no return address.

I've seen this image
in his mind.

This must be a clue
to his delusions!

Maybe it triggered them.

But what about the back
of the picture?

I'm sure
that's where he's gone.

[Beast] Most intriguing.

These coordinates
are in southern Canada.

Go after him, Hank.

I shall leave at once.

I just pray
Wolverine is better prepared

for whatever
is waiting for him than I.

Somehow, I ain't surprised.


Who's messing with my head?

[Professor] Is he damaged?

[man, on intercom]
Nothing serious.

[Professor] Then begin
the adamantium feed.

[man, on intercom]
Feed initiated. Steady.

Cardiotach higher
than expected.

[muffled screaming]


We hope to make use
of your gift.


Security! Help me!

Wolverine, I... It's Hank!

Wake up! You're having
one of your delusions!


Hank, I don't know what...

Calm yourself! I have come
to take you home.

-Get out of here.
-I will not leave--

I said get out of here!

You shouldn't have followed me.

I'm going nuts!

I cannot let you
face this alone.

You must tell me
what is going on!

I don't know!

I've got to figure this out!

I don't want to hurt
anyone else.

Now, something
is drawing me back.

[Beast] Do you know this place?

I got my bones here.

I got to find out why.

Perhaps not as satisfying,
but effective nonetheless.

No! [groaning]


Subject taking direction well.

Increase programing.

Logan, can you hear me?


Yeah. What's wrong?

You just went
into a dream state again.

What did you see?

Me... being trained
to take people out.

Our Lotus!

The car in the photograph.

Silver Fox.

[tires screeching]


What's wrong, punk?

Ah! Can't take care
of your woman?


I should have known.

Why drag me
all the way here, runt?

I could've
sliced you up stateside!


You're gonna pay
for hurting her, Creed!

-You sent me that photo!
-[Sabretooth] What photo?

You little weasel!


You can't face me man-to-man!

So you get cue ball Xavier
to mess with my head!

I fight my own battles!

You taught me that you can't
count on your friends!

I saved both our lives, you...

[both screaming]

We've got the C-synth!

[Sabretooth] Move it, runt!

[Wolverine] Come on, Fox!
Let's go!

Head for the door!

Come on, Fox! Run for it!

We'll cover you!

Forget it, kid!
They're expendable!



Easy, Logan.

Fox, Maverick.
You left them to die!

So what?


Say good night, Creed!


[Wolverine] Silver Fox,
Maverick, you're alive!

That was only
a level three blast, gentlemen.

Believe me, there's nothing
I'd rather do than finish
both of you right now,

but unfortunately
that's not an option.

You better do
some fast talking!

Save it, Creed!
I'm not in the mood.

The only reason you're still
breathing is so we can
get some answers.

It's good to be needed,
eh, Logan?

[Silver Fox]
I hope you enjoyed the photo.

I assume you've been having
headaches and nightmares
like Maverick and I.

They did something to our minds
when we worked here,

something code-named "Talos."

Our pain's not gonna stop
until we figure all this out.

So let's try to keep
from eviscerating each other

until we get the job done.

Welcome, gentlemen.

Welcome to our past.

What is this, Fox?
Hoser Hollywood?

Take a closer look, Logan.

You remember these places,
don't you?

[Beast] Created memories.

But to what purpose?



That's not how it happened!

I wasn't kidnapped
in a parking lot!


What happened?

Hairy little fireplug
can't take it.

What the...
But... that's... home.


He's no son of mine.
He's some kind of animal.

He's full of wickedness.

That's what it is.

But don't you worry, boy.

Jebediah Creed knows how to get
the wickedness out of you!

No, please!
Please, Pa, not again!

I'll be good!

[crying] I'll be good.


No! Creed! Stop him!

Somebody stop him!

This is nuts.

Why would somebody want us
to remember this

like it was all terrible?

Fox, you OK?

Don't touch me!

The cabin. Was that a lie, too?

Fox, what's going on?

[Beast, on mic] I think
I may have found your answer.

I have located records,
a video journal

of the experiments
carried out here.

Direct your attention
to the overhead screens.

Despite initial setbacks,
all subjects are responding
to the trauma conditioning.

We will be able
to reintegrate them
into society

with no memory
that we conditioned them.

When their covert
services are needed,

they will attack their target
and then remember nothing.

The key is to reach
the subconscious mind.

The subjects must
be repeatedly exposed

to a simulation
of extreme emotional trauma.

While using
psychoactive chemicals,

we flood the subjects' minds
with false memories.

Overwhelming them.
Breaking them down.

Making them controllable.

The process seems to work best
when based on
actual life events.

"A lie which is half a truth

is ever the blackest of lies."

There's your answer, Fox.
It's all a load of garbage!

Our memories are some
chrome dome's science project.

Let's find the jerk and do some
traumatizing of our own!

One moment, Sabretooth.
There's more.

The remarkable tissue
regeneration in the subjects

code named Wolverine
and Sabretooth,
appears to be genetic.

We believe this healing factor
may enable subjects

to survive the adamantium
bonding process

theorized by Professor Oyama.

We will try the process
on Wolverine first,

then if successful,
on Sabretooth.

Well, what do you know.
If the runt hadn't
trashed the place,

I could've had
tin-plated bones, too!

You ought to thank me.

That is the final tape.

I've checked this place out,
but there's one chamber
I can't get into.

That's why I sent for you.



I held a cutting laser on it

for over an hour.

This is all it did.

The thing's got
some sort of DNA lock on it.

This is the only way in.

Four panels, four of us.

The answers have
got to be in there!

Your hypothesis
appears correct, Ms. Fox.

-It is a genetic scanner,
but I fail to--
-Can it, fuzzball!

Let's do it!

Something is wrong here.

If they were trying to hide
the truth from you,

why would they place it
behind a door only
the four of you could open?

This whole deal is rotten,

But whatever's in there,
I got to know.

[Sabretooth] Nothing!
Not a blasted thing!


Welcome. I cannot say
I'm happy you four are here.

Your presence indicates
that you've discovered

the truth about
your memory therapy.

Conditioning has failed.

When you opened the door,
a failsafe program
was activated,

code named "Talos,"

which will see to your capture
and reprogramming.

Uncontrolled with your
true memories returning,

you are a threat
to our operations.

Mmm. Looks like we'll get
a little action this trip
after all.

Hold it, Creed! Let's find out
what we're up against!

Maverick, scan the area!

Blue Boy, get those doors open.

My name is Mr. McCoy, madam.
Not Blue Boy.

I am Talos.
You are to be reprogrammed.

If you resist,
I will terminate you.

Another tin can
with an attitude.

give Sabretooth a blaster.

You got it.

Keep the robot busy

while Wolverine att*cks.

Unit in capture mode!

If you tough guys have a plan,
this would be
a real good time to use it!

Weaponry at stun level.

Stun, huh?
Sorry, pal, I play for keeps!

[Maverick] Power source
is buried pretty deep.

We have to get a thermite
grenade right next to it,
inside the armor.

I'll dig the hole,
you plant the seed.

Unit structurally Zcompromised.


End capture mode.

He's no son of mine.


Thanks, Mr. McCoy.

Now, Maverick! Do it!

Fire in the hole!


Nice suit.

I'll refer you to my tailor.

How's that door coming, Hank?

[Beast] I believe I...


[Sabretooth] Well, looky here!

I got me a new ashtray!

Structural integrity
severely compromised.

Activating mnemonic
trauma triggers.


My word!

[Talos] Primary attack unit
now disabled!

Activating secondary
attack unit.

This could be a problem.

[engine starting]

I am Talos.
You are to be terminated.

[Beast] Catch!

Oh, dear.

These pyrotechnics are bound
to attract unwanted attention.

I suggest we beat
a hasty retreat.

I shall prepare the mini jet.

So long, Logan.
It was good to see you.

Yeah, me, too.

Fox, I... I don't know
what they did to us,
to our memories.

But some of you and me
must have been true.

You remember the cabin.

I carved our names
in that door.

Don't you get it, Logan?

It was all made up!

The fake cabin in there
didn't have any names
on the door.

Ours did. It happened, Fox.

We happened.

But that was another lifetime.

Goodbye, Logan.


Mini jet's ready.
Where's Sabretooth?

Don't know and don't care.

Whatever his reasons were,
he saved my skin back there.

I think we've both
had enough for one day.

What does it all mean, Hank?

I came here to find answers,
and now I know
less than I did before.

I can't even trust
my own memories.

I have no simple solution
for you, Logan.

Professor Xavier
has helped you in the past.

He and the other X-Men
are there for you now.

Those are real memories,
ones I know you can trust.

Come on now. Let's go home.

[theme music playing]