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03x13 - The Dark Phoenix: Part 3 - Dark Phoenix

Posted: 08/25/22 09:44
by bunniefuu
Previously onX-Men...

You X-Men were
allowed to enter,

so that I could have
the pleasure of
introducing you

to the Inner Circle's
newest member.

WYNGARDE: To our new queen!

ALL: Our new queen!


We can't
deceive and control
the Phoenix forever.

Some day she'll discover
the truth, and turn against
the Inner Circle.

Your pathetic attempt to
use me has opened my eyes!

No! Please!

You had me do evil
to gain you power.

But through this body,
I felt the thrill of
that evil.

Now I thirst for more!

Jean, it's you.
Talk to me! Help me!

For this new sensation,
the rapture of destruction,

for the
pleasure of the Phoenix!
The unbound joy of evil!

The mortal
Jean Grey is no more.

I am
fire made flesh!
Power incarnate!

I am the Dark Phoenix!


Do not do it.

Oh, dear.


You wish me to
return to the cold
nothingness of space?

You wish me to
give up the body?


There is a power
beyond good and

the power to create
and the power to destroy.

Jean, can you hear me?

Jean Grey
can hear nothing.
Speak only to the Phoenix.

Jean, fight it!
Use the powers
of your mind.

Remember what we
mean to each other.

Jean, please,
don't leave me.

Scott? Scott, help me.

You are of
no use to me.



I hate ducks.

Gambit can't help but notice
you save him, chere,
and not Wolverine.

Must be
my way with women.

Don't flatter yourself,


Little piece of advice,

Never make that
woman mad at you.

Speaking of mood swings,
what's bugging the Phoenix?

She used to
be on our side.

I fear
Xavier's intuition
has proved prescient.

Jean's keen human senses,
the Phoenix has experienced

exhilarating new sensations
and emotions.

I doubt
she wants to
give them up.

Why not ask her?

Better ask her real nice.

Your destiny is
at its end, X-Men.

The Dark Phoenix has
come to destroy you all!

Defend yourselves.

But remember, Jean is up
there with her. Be careful.

I call upon
the power of
the hurricane!


Hang on, sugar.


Do you really think
your puny powers mean
anything to me?

Forgive me, Jean.

This is too easy.

You provide me
only annoyance,

The power of lightning!

Why does the body excite
when I must struggle to
get at them?


Get away from her, you witch!

What in the world?



Why does
the sensation lessen
when the opponent is weak?

Cyclops, now!


ROGUE: Beast!

Fools! Do you think
I need eyes to see,
ears to hear?

Shouldn't have
done that, gal.

Let's see how cocky you are
once I've drained off some
of your power.

Stop it!


Is this all you
can do against me?

This is too easy.

Give her back!

Why do you care
about this body?

I love her.

Love? I do not understand.
Your answer is unacceptable.


Scott? What have I done?

I love you, Scott.

No matter
what the future holds,
I will always love you.

Never forget.



Life readings, Eluke?
As if I didn't already know.

Nothing, Captain.

The D'Bari star system is
as devoid of life
as the others.

It seems such a waste.

An entire
universe out there,
waiting to be discovered,

and we're asked to
map dead star systems.

Who knows?
Maybe one day we
shall find something.


What is it?
What's happening?

I don't know.


What was that? A comet?

No. It is alive!

It just plunged into
the sun.

Surely, it cannot
have survived.

According to my readings,
Captain, the creature is
still alive.

Not only alive, but feeding!

Feeding? On a star?

Engine room!
Full forward, now!

All engines stop!

Why are we stopping?
Get us out of here!


That thing, whatever it is,
just destroyed an entire
star system.

If those planets
had been inhabited,

billions of innocent beings
would have been wiped out.

We must
destroy that creature
before it feeds again.

where is the creature now?

Gone. Just gone!

Connect me
with the Empress.

do not pursue,
return to me now.

-Yes, my Empress!

Assemble the Imperial Guard

and make ready the
Imperial Star Cruiser!

What has happened,
my Empress?

Our worst nightmare.

I'm afraid Jean Grey
no longer exists.

When she first inhabited
Jean's body,
we were thankful.

Jean helped her
protect us
from the M'Kraan Crystal.

But now, Jean has been
overwhelmed by
the alien force within her.

As long as Jean is alive,
we can't stop trying.

Of course, Scott,
but we must also
be honest with ourselves

about the depth
of the problem.

Unless the Phoenix agrees
to leave Jean's body,

I see no way to
save our friend.


she's coming back.

She's coming back.

How do you know
the Phoenix is returning?

Jean is returning.
Our psychic rapport
is still functioning.

We will do everything in
our power to protect Jean.

But at the same time,
we must do all we can

to defeat
the Phoenix within her or
our world will not survive.

How do you beat something
that can melt you in
a split second?

-That's it!
-What's it?

Why hasn't the Phoenix
melted us?

How should I know?

Because Jean has at least
some control
over the creature.

That means there's
still hope of
reaching her.

Ah, yes, its mind.

The Inner Circle controlled
the Phoenix-Jean entity,
at least for a time,

by attacking its
most vulnerable spot.

But, Beast,
it's Jean's mind!

I do not propose
to harm her mind,
only disable it.

A mnemonic scrambling device
would temporarily prevent her

from forming
coherent thought.

That could cause the creature
to leave her!

My thoughts, exactly.

How could I
have not seen it?

All those weeks we worked
to make Jean whole again,

simply made her
the perfect host.

Phoenix, why do you still
inhabit Jean's body?
Your work is done.

You do her harm by remaining!


One mnemonic scrambler,

Now, to find a suitable
test subject.



-What is it?
-It's Jean.

I feel her presence.

Where? Here?

No, somewhere near.
A place from her past.

A place full of
emotional memories.

Mom, Dad, I'm home.

Mom? Dad?

Mom? Are you here?



Prometheus, it's me.



Daddy? Daddy's home!

Daddy? Is that you?

Daddy? Where are you going?

Forgive me, chere,
this is the only way.


ROGUE: Why ain't that
brain buster working?

Patience, Rogue.
It should take
effect momentarily.

Jean, my friend!
Do not reject our help.

Let your mind...

I have no friends!

ROGUE: What is this,
"Catch the X-Men" day?

Her mind is more powerful
than anything
I could imagine.

She has overloaded
the scrambler's circuitry.

We knew
it could come to this.

We got to end it.


-Do it.

Quickly, while I
still have control.

Stop her now!

I can't!

Please, if you truly
love me, don't let her...

You should
have destroyed me
when you had the chance.

What a pity, Beast.
I've ruined your
little toy.

Now we'll play on my terms!

CYCLOPS: Let them go. Jean.

Jean Grey
no longer exists!

I know
you're there, Jean.
I can still feel you.

You cannot
destroy your friends.

Don't be so sure!

I love you, Jean.

We all love you.
And you love us.

You love me. Nothing
will ever change that.

Scott? Scott, I...



I'm sorry, Scott,
but I had to attack her mind
while she was distracted.

As long as I've got
her back, safe and...

I only stunned her.

The creature inside her
must be destroyed now.

-Now. Before she...

Recovers? You're too late.

And as for you...


You once told Jean Grey
that the greatest joy
a teacher has

is to
be surpassed
by his own pupil.


JEAN: Stop!

I won't allow you
to enter my...


In the b*ttlefield
of the mind,
my will shall prevail!

Do you really think
your puny mind
is a match for mine?

As you once used
the power of the Phoenix
to bind the M'Kraan Crystal,

I now
bind the Phoenix
with the power of...


The conceit of you humans,
the arrogance!

Jean. If you can
hear me, help me.
Help me. Help me.

This can't be. I am Phoenix!

I now bind the Phoenix
with the power of my mind!







will she be all right?


The Phoenix is contained,
for now.

I could never have defeated
the Phoenix if Jean herself
had not helped me.

The strength of her
mind is truly awesome.

Hi, four-eyes.

Hi yourself, tiger.

ROGUE: We got company.

CYCLOPS: The Shi'ar.

Greetings, Charles.

What is the matter?

Why didn't you alert
me telepathically?

Charles Xavier, it is
the decision of the High
Council of the Shi'ar Empire

that the being known both
as the Phoenix and as
Jean Grey,

must be destroyed!

Lilandra, stop this!

For the sake
of all that live,
Jean Grey must perish.