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03x10 - Obsession

Posted: 08/25/22 09:42
by bunniefuu

It's him, everywhere the same
since the beginning of time,

the bringer of chaos,

the destroyer of worlds.

This one could be the key!

Just like all the others.

I don't pay you to jabber!
What does it say?

ARCHANGEL: It's him.

Let's see.
"And lo, he leveled our city,

and laid waste our fields,

Lord of destruction,
the Invincible One."

He is not invincible!

I'm sorry, Mr. Worthington,
but we've looked through
all the evidence.

People may have
drawn him differently,

but they all agree
on one thing.

Apocalypse can't be destroyed.

I won't accept it!

It's your dollar,
sir, but we're beat.

We'll check the rest
of the new crates
in the morning.


No one rests until
he is destroyed.

You're late!

I'm sorry, Mr. Worthington,
but I found the scroll
you read about!

Show me!

The scroll was unearthed during
the Ming Dynasty,

though it is far older.

There is a spot, here.

The writing says
that if you pierce it,
Apocalypse will be no more.

Vengeance will be mine.

MAN: Sir! A definite sighting!


New York Harbor.
They say within the last hour.

That's the closest he's--


Looking for me,
my prodigal son?

For the last time!


CEREBRO: New Shi'ar circuitry

has helped me detect
and define
a mysterious vessel.

It is more than a mile long,
and disappears soon after

How do you hide
something a mile long?

Who knows, deep pockets?

CEREBRO: Alert! Mutant incident
on Liberty Island.

Please identify.


GAMBIT: He's fighting
Apocalypse. That's crazy!

Let's go!



Return to me, oh,
sweet Death, my Horseman,
and all shall be forgiven.

Forgiven? You ruined my life!

Ruined? No. I have created
a sl*ve of you, yes,

but a sl*ve of
courage and fire!

I am no sl*ve!

There exists no
freedom from me.

Like lambs to the slaughter.


That ain't playing nice.

My mother always
wanted me to be a surgeon.

Foolish insects!

We must out think him.

Why bother?
We can't even scratch him!


He's not Warren anymore, chere.

Apocalypse machine make

him L'ange de mort,
the Angel of Death,

now and forever.

You're wrong. Before, when
I absorbed his spirit,
I could feel it.

Whatever he's going through,
deep down,

he is still Warren Worthington!

Look closely.
Apocalypse has att*cked
a power station here,

a defense plant here,
an industrial park here.

It appears to be
a deliberate trail.

Or a deliberate trap.

Let's project it out.

CEREBRO: Unusual object
100 miles offshore.

Cloaked from standard scan.

Employing Shi'ar probe.

WOLVERINE: His ship.
That's a heck of a bass boat.

Early Apocalyptic scholars
referred to, and I quote,

"A mighty ship designed
by creatures from
beyond the stars."

For centuries, it was thought
to be a myth,

a living vessel,
open to reason.

That's it! The w*apon
we need against
"He who can never die."

Warren, how could you go
after him like that?

No pain will ever equal
the pain Apocalypse
has caused me.

You should understand that
better than anyone.

It is time to welcome death,

Let's see if I can't
improve your disposition.


You're right. Part of you is
part of me now.

You may have saved me,
but nothing can take away
my desire for revenge.

But Apocalypse, he's immortal.
No one can hurt him.

That what he wants us
to believe.

But I have discovered
his weakness!

You and I can
attack him together.

The others don't
understand. You do.

I don't know...
I want to help, but...

Rogue. We've found
his ship. Come on.
We don't have much time!

Where did he run?

A heading south by southeast.

However, we have chosen
an indirect attack stratagem.

I have no patience for
playing at w*r games!

No one understands
what must be done!

I must see him destroyed!

And I'm coming with you.

GAMBIT: No, chere!Don't.

He can't fight that
monster by himself!

Revenge make him reckless.
He take you down with him.

Gambit's right.

We'll need all the help
we can get if Hank's
plan is gonna work.

Sorry, boys. You don't know
what he's been through.

I do. I got to help him.

I wouldn't mind a little direct
action myself.

We'll move without her.
Gambit, let's go... Gambit?

SHIP: Identify yourselves.

Xavier was right.
It is sentient!

We can speak to it.
We are friends.

You are berthed near our home.

We request permission
to board you.

SHIP: Permission granted.



Ship, you are a work of art.

SHIP: Thank you, Henry McCoy.

You have no idea
what a pleasure it is
to interface with someone

who appreciates the subtleties
of my programming.

Now, where should I start?

If I can just override
Apocalypse's security code,

we can turn it against him,
using his own magnificent
w*apon to entrap him.


SHIP: Sorry, Hank, I was
unaware of that particular
defense mechanism.

Ship! Can you counteract it?

SHIP: Why, yes. It seems I can.

For which we are
exceedingly thankful.

The trap has just
agreed to be set.

Wolverine, quick, help us.
Stand over there
on that platform.

But I ain't saying cheese.

OK, my friend,
now walk toward me,
slowly at first.

Every unit of energy
the c*ptive exerts
works against him.

Apocalypse's own power
will create his prison.

Hank, you've done it!

No, we've done it.

You've made your point!


Ship! What's happening?

SHIP: The a*t*matic
override activated

by the sudden rise
in energy output.

It seems Apocalypse has set
a trap to destroy you,

and there is nothing I can do.


I enjoyed working with you,
Henry McCoy.

I am sorry we will not get
to know each other better.

Please accept my
most sincere regrets.

Any sign of the big man?

Pledge yourself to me, Rogue.

Sure, I...

There can be no hesitation,
no doubt!

Warren, I... Do you pledge me
your heart and soul?


He rises!

Do it! Take him!

Out of my way!

Chere,you can't attack
Apocalypse here!

People down there
could get hurt.

You don't understand!
We have to do this!

You are mine forever!

Begone forever!

Disappointed? And after all
your hard work.



You have great power,
yet you detest your existence.

Serve me, and you will know
oblivion's eternal bliss!

Dream on, bucket-head.

Foolish mutants!

Resist, and you shall
be obliterated, like
your clever friends!

What did he mean,
"our friends"?

Well, kids, any bright ideas?

SHIP: I have an idea.

I'm all ears!

Mr. Summers,
blast the yellow panel
on the north wall.

Mr. Logan,
the ventilation
lock to your right.

Five... four...

three, two, one.

Beast! Wolverine!


Thanks. Didn't feel
much like a swim.

I'll follow him to
the ends of the earth,
through perdition's fire,

until he breathes
blood and rolls over,

split, broken,


Slow down, hon. We're in this
together, remember?

If we can do this,

it will be the achievement of
a lifetime.


Building mousetraps,
while Rogue and bird-boy
get all the action.

Beware of what you ask for,
for it may come to pass.

Beware yourself.

So you are still alive.

All the better that
my servant can witness

what becomes of those
who dare resist Apocalypse!

He approaches.


We have done it!

Great work, Beast!

Yeah. Not bad.

Come to me, demon,
and give me your tender back,

for the time of your
judgment has arrived!


You want me, my Angel of Death?

Here I am.

He's imprisoned
in here forever!
Worthington, it's over.

Do not concern yourself.

Nothing can breach
the force field.

We have done it!
Thank you, ship.

SHIP: My pleasure.

I believe you denote
this new sensation I
feel as "satisfaction."

Archangel, please.

-I won't be denied!

Warren! Don't!



Vengeance is mine
and mine alone!

Ship! Ship! Are you all right?

SHIP: Why, yes. I was unaware
of that particular defense

Beast, how many peoples
have dreamed of my end?

You are no closer
than the Babylonians

with their swords
and fire sticks.


You really believed
I was not invincible?

There is proof!

Ship! Code 8-2-9-3.

Ship! What are you doing?

SHIP: I am sorry, Henry McCoy.

He has preset this
override system.

I will study it,
but I fear I will be
of little help to you.

Behold your proof.


I knew the temptation
would flush you out,

because you, heart,
body, soul, are mine!

I am the rocks of
the eternal shore,

crash against me and be broken!

The name is Gambit!
Remember it!

Fools! You are slow to learn.

SHIP: Henry McCoy,
the emergency controls.




Chere,maybe you
cut down on that
fried chicken, huh?

Ship, help me?

SHIP: I will try.

There exists no
freedom from me.

There is only
freedom through me.

I'll show you what's
"through you."


Thank you, my friend.

Come, cleave unto me!

And know the joy
of eternal darkness.

Ah... little blue man,
so you think you
have outsmarted me?

There shall be naught to help,
but ashes.

Ship! I have not
commanded you to...


Beast, what in the Sam Hill
is going on?

It appears an override
may be overridden.

You defeated Apocalypse's
override code?

No, a friend did.

APOCALYPSE: Traitorous vessel!

SHIP: For so long, I did
only as I was programmed.

I thank you for
this moment, Beast.

You made me understand
I could choose.


You made me feel.

You helped me know
what I had to do.


Ship, I am losing my friends!

SHIP: Apologies, Beast.
I have not much energy left.

Many thanks, mes amis.

CYCLOPS: Everybody out of here!

Apocalypse is eternal!

Apocalypse is indestructible!

Foolish insects!

Impudent vermin!

I shall return.

Ship? Ship, are you all right?

SHIP: It was the best
I could manage, Beast.

He will not be gone forever.

But for now, you and your
people are safe.

When he returns,
I will be here, waiting.

Next time you can wait alone.

Your unthinking vengeance
nearly destroyed all of us.

You don't understand!
Any of you!

Don't you know what
he is? Don't you know
what he'll do?

Easy, sugar. There's
nothing more to be
done right now...

Stay away!
I thought you understood!

I won't rest until
Apocalypse is destroyed!

Or I am.

Beast, it's my fault.
I should have stopped

Gambit warned me,
but I didn't listen to him.

I'm sorry. Beast?

SHIP: Goodbye, my friend.

Farewell, my friend.